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Fear The Walking Dead: Flight 462

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This is your thread to discuss the FTWD companion series - Fear The Walking Dead: Flight 462.


As we were told before, originally AMC was to air a 30 minute episode that showcased what happened on an inflight airplane once the outbreak hits. Instead, AMC is now airing this series online, AND also in one minute increments during commercials of The Walking Dead.


You heard that right folks - the "episodes" will be approximately one minute long promos occurring during commercial breaks of The Walking Dead. Sixteen of these promos will air, eventually making the entire "episode". One of the characters on this series will eventually appear either on Fear or TWD. Here is a link to an article on the AMC website that discusses the series. Weird, eh?


As with all things 'Dead', I know that everyone will want to discuss the little episode snippets that will air for the next 16 weeks! That's what this thread is for. This thread will remain open for discussion on the series.


Please don't discuss anything about Fear the Walking Dead or The Walking Dead itself. This is solely a discussion thread for the promo snippets, that eventually will make a full episode.


Enjoy and have fun discussing this really strange way AMC is presenting this companion series!!

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Seriously?  1 minute increments?  


So, I checked out the first minute (lol) on the website.  It caught my attention (and was more interesting than FoTWD).  But, listen up, lady!  Do not close my motherfucking window.  What the hell?

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1) Why is the kid with the Bieber-hairdo mad dogging the Asian girl that gets on the plane? Weird.

2) Are we going to get a glimpse of what the kid is looking at in the terminal that freaks him out so much, or did production not get enough of a budget to show zombies (much like FTWD)?

3) I hope Bieber isn't going to be the breakout star of this web series that goes on to be a cast member of season two.

Edited by Cthulhudrew
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I liked the webisode more than I enjoyed 5 of the 6 episodes of the first season combined. I skipped episode 5. There was not even one likable character for me, and I felt like this second series was a total cop out on what the premise was marketed as.


Besides, the zombie boat thing has been done, better and 10yrs ago in Dawn of the Dead. Could've saved myself some hours and just rewatched that....showed more of the fall of civilization in the opening credits than 6hrs of this series.

Edited by fliptopbox
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2) Are we going to get a glimpse of what the kid is looking at in the terminal that freaks him out so much, or did production not get enough of a budget to show zombies (much like FTWD)?

3) I hope Bieber isn't going to be the breakout star of this web series that goes on to be a cast member of season two.


He was looking out of the window to see if other flights had been grounded. The guy who briefly stood up when he got an alert on his phone stating that flights were being ground. He asked the stewardess if their flight was going to be grounded.


I think they asian lady will be the cast member going on FTWD. It's just a guess though and I've got nothing to back it up. 

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He was looking out of the window to see if other flights had been grounded. The guy who briefly stood up when he got an alert on his phone stating that flights were being ground. He asked the stewardess if their flight was going to be grounded.


Yeah, but after that, he hears a scream and asks his mom what's going on, and then he seems to be looking at something and arguing with her when she's telling him everything is okay, as if he can see something she can't.

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This was pretty fun. I'm not sure whether I want to go with their whole plan or just wait until it's all wrapped up and watch straight through, though that'd probably be odd if there's a cliffhanger every minute or so to lure people into the next segment.

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Yeah, but after that, he hears a scream and asks his mom what's going on, and then he seems to be looking at something and arguing with her when she's telling him everything is okay, as if he can see something she can't.


He heard the scream on his mom's end. So, I don't know why he'd look out of the airplane window. I just tied it to him being concerned that flights were be grounded. 


I think it'd be more interesting that they are airborne without knowing what is actually happening on the ground.


I can only imagine that the last remaining survivor would kiss the ground for making it out of there alive. Then they find out what they're really screwed.

Edited by jonesingjay
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Yes, I too found this 1 minute video more interesting then the final for FTWD.

Glad it will be a full 30 minutes but boo on them doing it in 1 minute spots. 

My guess is the Asian chick makes it to the show.  Lets see how it pans out.

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He heard the scream on his mom's end. So, I don't know why he'd look out of the airplane window. I just tied it to him being concerned that flights were be grounded. 


I think it'd be more interesting that they are airborne without knowing what is actually happening on the crowd.


I can only imagine that the last remaining survivor would kiss the ground for making it out of there alive. Then they find out what they're really screwed.


I think he looked out the window because he was travelling with another person and they didn't get on the plane.  I think that person was in the airport.

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I think he looked out the window because he was travelling with another person and they didn't get on the plane.  I think that person was in the airport.


That's even more interesting. I know he was speaking to his mother. Something about her catching another flight. Then when that news about flights be grounded came out. He asked her about it and she said she'd fly. So, now I totally get why he'd be looking out of the window after the scream. I hadn't made the connection that the person he was speaking to possibly being at the airport. 

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His mother was in the terminal, she didn't make it onto the plane.  He hears screaming in the background and tries to see what's happening to his mom when the rude woman slams down his windowshade.  Ugh.  I hope she's not the one joining the Fear cast, I don't like her already.

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Yeah, IKMCCALL made me realize what was happening. I still think it's interesting that the people on the plane possibly not knowing what's going on on the ground. And, when the last remaining surviving of the flight makes it out the frying pan and into the fire that'll be interesting. 

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The survivor has to be a pilot right? Because if the world is going to hell in a hand basket, this person is going to have to get out of the air and on the ground okay.

Otherwise they have to survive the crash, which will be crazy too!

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 More than one person can survive.  After getting on the ground the survivors could split up with only one or two crossing paths with Camp Yacht Rock.  Most likely a lot people will survive but will find the tarmac overrun with walkers and take the emergency slide to hell.

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 More than one person can survive.  After getting on the ground the survivors could split up with only one or two crossing paths with Camp Yacht Rock.  Most likely a lot people will survive but will find the tarmac overrun with walkers and take the emergency slide to hell.


We can only hope that the survivor is actually a crazed psychopath and immediately murders everyone in Camp Incompetent Assholes.

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This one-minute thing is really ridiculous.  Every time they show a new clip during the show, I've completely forgotten what happened during the previous weeks.  If they're going to do this, they should just go full-out ridiculous and do a "Previously on Flight 462" before they show the new clip.

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I do remember the clips from week-to-week and nothing has happened yet. In this one, the big event is one of the passengers going to the bathroom to throw up.

As one minute clips once a week, the dread builds up pretty well. I suspect that if I watched them back-to-back, I'd notice more that I won't mind if all the passengers they've shown so far get bit. The FTWD casting agency really is not doing well at finding "likable" actors.

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Two things about this "episode" to date:

  • Where the hell did they get this stewardess? Some local dinner theatre production of Bride of Frankenstein close its run early?
  • That window-shade-slamming bit was the height of rudeness, and a total breach of airplane etiquette. I've been in the circumstances they depict (plane crammed to the gills, everybody stuck in their seat's minuscule bubble of personal space getting hot and sweaty, virtually no ventilation, etc., etc.) too many times to count, and I can virtually guarantee you ANY other passenger reaches over the BACK of THEIR seat and slams MY window shade down...? They and I are going to have a direct and immediate issue with each other. Yes, that shade would certainly be going right the hell back up. Yes, profanity will almost certainly be involved. And yes, if that arm comes over the back of that seat AGAIN, those fingers probably aren't going to return to their owner in exactly the same arrangement they were when they left.

Rant over. We now return you to our regular program of dining and dancing music.

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 I caught up on the episodes after the first.   How boring.   Wifey's getting hammered on vodka, Bieber's trying to text and hubby went to puke.  It was mildly annoying back-to-back.  Dragged out week-to-week?  Watching paint dry would faster and more interesting.  Hubby better join the Dead High Club next episode.  But given he still has to die and reanimate, that probably won't happen until episode 23.  At least we confirmed Bieber's mom was left behind in the airport.

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So, so far we have a nervous kid, a rude bitch who can't mind her own stupid business, and a guy who is sick to his stomach.  Yawn.  At least the bitch got yelled at to stop harassing others by the puking passenger's wife.

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So, so far we have a nervous kid, a rude bitch who can't mind her own stupid business, and a guy who is sick to his stomach.  Yawn.  At least the bitch got yelled at to stop harassing others by the puking passenger's wife.


So... on average, basically the same as one flight out of every five.

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This thing is so weird with the strange acting/over acting and characters. Madame Rocky Horror side eyeing everyone and roving beyotch with the eye rolls. She's glaring at the dude like he's her sworn enemy. Her behavior is so abnormal he should have jumped up a long time ago and asked her what her problem was.

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This thing is so weird with the strange acting/over acting and characters. Madame Rocky Horror side eyeing everyone and roving beyotch with the eye rolls. She's glaring at the dude like he's her sworn enemy. Her behavior is so abnormal he should have jumped up a long time ago and asked her what her problem was.

Bless you. I was watching all the portentous looks getting cast back and forth, and all that kept going through my mind was:


"Dr. Scott!!!"





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They're already landing?  That was a quick flight.  Where did they take off from?  Yes, I'm too lazy to go re-watch.


I guess tonight's installment was a bit more interesting, but I think if you're going to do something like have all the lights in the city go out, there's more impact if more than one character actually sees it happening.


This next bit is just speculation, but I'll spoiler it anyway:


I'm guessing the flight doesn't land in Phoenix because the power is out, and that's the flight we saw spiraling out of control in one episode of FTWD?

Edited by MrHufflepuff
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I reiterate my annoyance at how short these segments are.  Lady complaining that she needs to "tinkle" and "that man" is still in there.  That man's wife knocking on the door constantly.  Seems like the flight attendant long ago would have opened the door to let the wife in to see if he was OK.


Rude girl giving the side eye and unbuckling her seat belt.  Why unbuckle as the plane is landing?  Because she thinks something is "going to happen"?


It's very evident that the man died in the toilet and has zombified.  He's going to kill everyone on board, and I wouldn't mind.


How much longer is this supposed to go on?  There's only 3 more TWD episodes in 2015, then presumably a break.  Are these Flight segments supposed to resume in the spring?  Or can they resolve it all in 3 segments?

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LA to Phoenix is just a hop.  As soon as you get to altitude it's just about time to descend again. 


The plane took off and is coming in for landing at night/predawn.  The wibbly-wobbly plane Nick saw was in broad daylight.  With the lights in Phoenix going out I'm going to guess they don't land in AZ and have to fly around for a while Odyssey of Flight 33-style.

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So last night's "episode" spent half of its allotted time on stuff we've already seen.  Teen freaking out about the lights in Phoenix going out.  Flight attendant banging on toilet door.  Wife pleading with dead husband.  Rude girl standing up and looking backwards.  The only new material was the door opening and dead guy falling out.


So stupid.  It seemed like he'd been in the toilet for quite some time.  Why wouldn't the wife have told them to open the door 15 minutes ago?

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So last night's "episode" spent half of its allotted time on stuff we've already seen.  Teen freaking out about the lights in Phoenix going out.  Flight attendant banging on toilet door.  Wife pleading with dead husband.  Rude girl standing up and looking backwards.  The only new material was the door opening and dead guy falling out.


So stupid.  It seemed like he'd been in the toilet for quite some time.  Why wouldn't the wife have told them to open the door 15 minutes ago?

Considering wifey's own MYOB attitude earlier, I doubt she got involved until Cruella deStew initiated pounding on the door - and probably then only to say "Leave my husband the hell alone".

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I see that AMC has the first 7 installments of the airplane thingie posted, but as 7 separate videos. Well fuck that, no way I am watching 7 itty bitty pieces, and get frustrated with all that clicking. Is the damned thing posted anywhere as one continuous video?


Of course 'anally disjointed and frustrating' could be a synopsis of S1 Fear, so maybe that is how it is meant to be watched.

Edited by Bongo Fury
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I wish they'd just release the whole "series" because right now I'm highly annoyed. We're in the second half of November and all we have is somebody falling out of the toilet. How long is this series supposed to be?

Edited by Iguessnot
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I see that AMC has the first 7 installments of the airplane thingie posted, but as 7 separate videos. Well fuck that, no way I am watching 7 itty bitty pieces, and get frustrated with all that clicking. Is the damned thing posted anywhere as one continuous video?


Of course 'anally disjointed and frustrating' could be a synopsis of S1 Fear, so maybe that is how it is meant to be watched.

The same frustrating way we were subjected to watching two days of TWD spread out for 6 episodes, all frigging season loooooooong.

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