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S01.E06: The Good Man - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat

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Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for your commenting enjoyment! It's the last one of the season, so hopefully we'll see some walkers and get a really good cliffhanger to keep us around!!


This thread will close at 10:00 pm, after which you can head on over to the actual episode thread to continue the discussion....


                                                S01.E06: The Good Man


Please remember -  DO NOT Post Any Walking Dead Spoilers. For any Walking Dead discussion, go HERE.


Enjoy the episode, have fun commenting and as always, please be respectful to your fellow commenters!

Heh, that would be entertaining bosawks. But, I think the title refers to Travis and he's going to have kill something or someone in the episode.

Hopefully Travis will be confronted with a "kill or be killed" situation. To save someone

in the group or his own life. This will cause him to finally SEE that the world has changed.

Edited by MrsRafaelBarba

Tobias, multiple small kitchen knives at his belt, will come riding up on a horse bearing a wagon of giant cans of beans, corn, pudding and potatoes as well as a giant bag of confiscated drugs. He will toss all the canned goods at Stone Face Maddy, toss the drugs at Stoned Face Nicky and then gallop off into the sunset. The people of Mayor Travis Town will weep and say "he was a good man".......aaannnnd SCENE! That's a wrap people! Let us never speak of this again! (whisper whisper) Oh, ok well I guess we'll be back in a few months or something.

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Unless walkers eat most of the WRITERS the show will never improve no matter who the actors are.

Truthfully, I can't really fault the writers; in the context of a television series, they don't create the story. The writers flesh out the story line created by Direction's vision, which is further constrained by Production and the budget it provides.

So in the final analysis - if you want to munch on someone, munch Production. :)

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Truthfully, I can't really fault the writers ... munch Production. 


So production came up with the inane depiction of the military?

Production came up with the asshat dialog for Moyers?

Production had Travia then Travis and Maddie going back to the church, and then saying noting about it, or conducting head scratchingly stupid dialog?

Production determined that they'd leave the sliding glass door open for a walker to get into their house? Or that they'd leave the bullets back at Susan's house just to create DRAMA?

It was Production's idea to have Maddie and Tobias leave all that food back at the school?

Production prevented the writers from letting ANYONE talk to Alicia about what was going on?

etc, etc, etc ...


Question, just what do the writers DO on this show?

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Question, just what do the writers DO on this show?


Hope the viewers are stupid and won't notice all the "discrepancies," or that we will just be able to willingly suspend our disbelief???

Nah....that's probably giving the writers too much credit...jeez......but this show is so dumb and boring....sigh....

Edited by Janimo

Tobias, multiple small kitchen knives at his belt, will come riding up on a horse bearing a wagon of giant cans of beans, corn, pudding and potatoes as well as a giant bag of confiscated drugs. He will toss all the canned goods at Stone Face Maddy, toss the drugs at Stoned Face Nicky and then gallop off into the sunset. The people of Mayor Travis Town will weep and say "he was a good man".......aaannnnd SCENE! That's a wrap people! Let us never speak of this again! (whisper whisper) Oh, ok well I guess we'll be back in a few months or something.

I like it. Maybe he can take Alicia with him, because I would prefer that to her potential relationship with Chris.

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