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Rob: The (Mostly) Invisible Man

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Now he has lounge wear at Macy's, yet everyone in the family is Instagramming to promote it minus Rob who has done nothing. So he basically needs everyone else to pimp his line he wanted so badly. Except Kim, who hasn't posted it to Instagram yet, you go with your tough love Kim! 


The rest of them should just let it flop.

Edited by Artsda

Now he has lounge wear at Macy's, yet everyone in the family is Instagramming to promote it minus Rob who has done nothing. So he basically needs everyone else to pimp his line he wanted so badly. Except Kim, who hasn't posted it to Instagram yet, you go with your tough love Kim!

The rest of them should just let it flop.

Yeah I saw that too, but honestly it seems like everytime Rob posts something on his social media accounts he comes off sounding like an escaped mental patient, then he deletes them hours later. I kinda would buy the lounge wear, I like stuff like that but there's already tons of that stuff out. I'm gonna need to see the numbers to see if this is really selling. Also is he really going to meetings and stuff for this line? Cause he's like a recluse right now, he doesn't go out in public that we know of.

Yeah I saw that too, but honestly it seems like everytime Rob posts something on his social media accounts he comes off sounding like an escaped mental patient, then he deletes them hours later. I kinda would buy the lounge wear, I like stuff like that but there's already tons of that stuff out. I'm gonna need to see the numbers to see if this is really selling. Also is he really going to meetings and stuff for this line? Cause he's like a recluse right now, he doesn't go out in public that we know of.

He designed that shit as much as Kylie and Kendall wrote that book. Kris found someone to design them and gave them a big enough payday to let Rob put his name on it, and buy their silence... With an ironclad contract.

I'd rather see something designed by Scott. He may be over the top at times, but he usually dresses with style. Way more style than any one else in the family, especially those who consider themselves genius designers.

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Where is Rob?! I'm gonna need the paparazi, tabloids, hell even a drone to do a welfare check on Rob. Dude done went all the way MIA, unless he's out of the country or in some rehab or weight loss camp then I need some eyes on him.

Living in Khloe's basement


Last pic I saw of him was a couple of months back ,Hanging out with a few bods on Bruce's deck smoking a joint

I heard on TMZ today that a 3year contract was signed, I am assuming with E!, for $80 million... Reason it was brought up was they were disputing the original announcement that they had signed for $100million. They said this contract did not include Rob, Bruce and Scott.

Rob is busy! It's sock makin' season!

I envision Rob sitting on the sofa, knitting socks!

I heard on TMZ today that a 3year contract was signed, I am assuming with E!, for $80 million... Reason it was brought up was they were disputing the original announcement that they had signed for $100million. They said this contract did not include Rob, Bruce and Scott.

I envision Rob sitting on the sofa, knitting socks!

Wow the Kardashian women really scare guys away

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He speaks! But I think baby needs to get his medications adjusted or go take a nap cause he's doing the let's bitch at Kim post and unfollow my sisters on social media bit again. 



I know this is for attention, but I love him for this....it made me laugh. I can only image what that cow says to him.....I mean look at the way she treat people on TV, you know it's worse behind closed doors.

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Anything that happens on Rob's Twitter or Instagram whether it be quick follow and unfollows followed by deleting pics and/or tweets should not be a shock to anyone.  Rob has been screwing around with his social media accounts for a good 2 years now.  One time he had about 50 tweets from a span of about a month and then just deleted them and unfollowed every single person he was following.  Then he'll pop up again with random tweets that dont make sense then will delete them.  Last month he randomly posted something like "Yeah I'm fat, so what, go suck my dick".  He's clearly not right in the head but so much of what he does is just to get himself attention. Maybe his mother should take a break from vacationing and partying all over and try and get her son a good shrink.

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I think there's going to be something happening with Rob soon, & they're trying to get the focus on him for whatever it is. Out of the blue, Khloe starts talking about how he is suffering from "social anxiety" & how he isn't "at his happiest place that he once was", then Rob does this thing after doing nothing on social media for so long. Maybe he's getting his own show, or he's going to be on Dr Phil, or he's endorsing a rehab place (Scott, are you helping?), but something is in the works.



Anything that happens on Rob's Twitter or Instagram whether it be quick follow and unfollows followed by deleting pics and/or tweets should not be a shock to anyone.  Rob has been screwing around with his social media accounts for a good 2 years now.  One time he had about 50 tweets from a span of about a month and then just deleted them and unfollowed every single person he was following.  Then he'll pop up again with random tweets that dont make sense then will delete them.  Last month he randomly posted something like "Yeah I'm fat, so what, go suck my dick".  He's clearly not right in the head but so much of what he does is just to get himself attention. Maybe his mother should take a break from vacationing and partying all over and try and get her son a good shrink.



Rob, get off social media, go out the front door and get some fresh air and exercise. Typing on your I-phone does not burn calories.  

I think there's going to be something happening with Rob soon, & they're trying to get the focus on him for whatever it is. Out of the blue, Khloe starts talking about how he is suffering from "social anxiety" & how he isn't "at his happiest place that he once was", then Rob does this thing after doing nothing on social media for so long. Maybe he's getting his own show, or he's going to be on Dr Phil, or he's endorsing a rehab place (Scott, are you helping?), but something is in the works.

Nah.  I doubt there would be any interest of someone who has gained a lot of weight, failed at a ridiculous business venture (his stupid sock line) because they are lazy and self-entitled.

Maybe Khloe speaking up about his condition adds fuel to the speculation something is up but other than that this is business as usual.  I dont even know why TMZ is making it sound like hes been off social media for SO long, he was just on Instagram last month posting pictures of himself when he was actually attractive. Then a couple of weeks before that he posted a picture of his view by a pool.  Yesterdays post is getting a lot of attention because of the nasty shot he took at Kim. I'm sure sure we'll be getting his usual delusional posts about his lovechild in Miami.

I think the guy is lost. He has no idea who he is and what he is meant to do in this world. Sock mogul? Dancing With The Stars? TV actor? None of those work for him. And no other skills, talent, or education to fall back on. I say that kindly.


In contrast, all the females in this family thrive off of the attention, being photographed, any and all media attention, TV appearances, the fame, the material goodies, while his own mother leads the charge. For now they all have carved out some kind of "career" niche, or meaning to their lives (except that youngest sister - and we shall see about her). Even if that meaning and career is temporary and fleeting fame whoredom. They are all enjoying the ride...for now.


But for a young guy who has no interest in that? Not so much. Rob has no interests, hobbies, career, love interest, children, or life of his own to speak of so he eats because he his depressed and the very thing that gives him fame and gives the family fame, namely cameras and press, is now a demon for him - the worst thing for him while he is trying to figure his own life out. He does not want or need any camera light shining on him now.


I feel sorry for the guy. He probably could use another male figure, a strong brother, father, or brother in law that he could relate to and get support from  - but alas there is none. Of course Bruce has his own issues right now. And Rob probably does not really connect with narcissistic Scott, who is just like the sisters in that he feeds off the fame and materialism. As for Kanye, no way. 


Going to that wedding in Italy, then backing out, spoke volumes. Cameras are the last thing this guy needs.  I hope he is not in serious psychological trouble. He needs a good therapist.


It also speaks volumes that it was Kim that he chose to target in that bloody photo. Think about it: Kim is really the major camera and media magnet (more so than Kendall or the other sisters)...and outward physical appearance is everything to her. Its her brand, unfortunately. I suspect Rob is wants to tarnish that. She represents everything that is now a demon for him. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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And no other skills, talent, or education to fall back on. I say that kindly.



He graduated from the University of Southern California (I don't know in what) in 2009, so he's got the education, his problem is that he grew up the only boy in a house full of famewhore females. He sees them all making tons of money from nothing but having boobs & giant asses, & he doesn't know what to do.

Edited by GaT
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Kris admitted she didn't know what to do with boys. Pretty obvious that she never connected with Bruce's sons. Her only interaction with them is via flirtation. Look at her behavior in Greece with Brody. Khloe was grossed out by it as were Brandon and Leah, when he recounted it to them.

The girls talked about their fascination with Robs penis as a child and I maybe old fashioned, but living in a house hold of females who strut around with their ass and tits on display and who talk incessantly about vaginas and sex Incessantly must have been uncomfortable for him as a teen.

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More on Rob from Gossip Cop

I'm skeptical of the multiple interventions. If they weren't filmed and aired as entertainment did they even occur?

Would Kris have passed up an opportunity to get all teary over her failure as a mom whilst Kim tries to fake giving 2 shits about Quasimodo missing her wedding?

She's an evil, sociopathic, lying bitch, yeah. But you're right, Kimmy is nowhere near that smart. Nowhere.

Plus Kim likes it from the rear, so all the blood wouldn't ruin her makeup.

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I could believe there have been interventions, even if they have been mainly orchestrated from Khloe who actually seems to care.  I dont believe they HAVE to be aired because I dont think Rob is allowing himself to be seen so no, they arent filming him.  He wont even post a picture of himself.  I know much of what this family does is for camera but I really believe Rob has a serious problem and I wouldnt be shocked if some family members have at least been trying to get him help. No matter how heartless and shallow some of them seem I dont believe for a minute any of them would want to see him take his life or do anything to harm himself. Depression is no joke and its awful to watch anyone go through it. 

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I could believe there have been interventions, even if they have been mainly orchestrated from Khloe who actually seems to care.  I dont believe they HAVE to be aired because I dont think Rob is allowing himself to be seen so no, they arent filming him.  He wont even post a picture of himself.  I know much of what this family does is for camera but I really believe Rob has a serious problem and I wouldnt be shocked if some family members have at least been trying to get him help. No matter how heartless and shallow some of them seem I dont believe for a minute any of them would want to see him take his life or do anything to harm himself. Depression is no joke and its awful to watch anyone go through it. 

According to Kim's own comments about Rob, she feels there's nothing wrong with him except laziness and she's pretty much washed her hands of him. Comments like that don't show a whole lot of compassion or concern for him. Nor did her remark that she wasn't going to shed any tears over him not attending her wedding and ruin her day. If my brother were so depressed or unhappy that he couldn't/wouldn't attend my wedding, there'd be lots of tears on my part.

I do believe that Kourtney and Khloe are concerned for him and have tried to help. Kris and Kim... well its more about how his problems affect them.

Sending out sentimental twitters wishing him a happy birthday doesn't take much effort and IMO Kim's was strictly to make herself look good and not especially sincere.

Real depression is a terrible thing, for the victim of it and for their family. Is Rob truly depressed or is his issue an estrangement  from his family? Or is it a chicken/egg thing? I wish him well. If he wants out of the spotlight then his family should respect his wishes and cease discussing him, on the show or in interviews.  

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I don't know if I believe there's actually real interventions and not the taped for show interventions. Rob has said he didn't believe in therapy and rehab.


I can see Kourtney and Khloe cornering Rob, but the entire family sitting down for an intervention I just can't see all of them being at the same place, at the same time considering their schedules and turning the cameras off. 

I don't know if I believe there's actually real interventions and not the taped for show interventions. Rob has said he didn't believe in therapy and rehab.

I can see Kourtney and Khloe cornering Rob, but the entire family sitting down for an intervention I just can't see all of them being at the same place, at the same time considering their schedules and turning the cameras off.

Turn the cameras on however and Kris and Kompany will be right there, all glammed up!!! Kim would probably post a couple dozen selfies.

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He graduated from the University of Southern California (I don't know in what) in 2009, so he's got the education, his problem is that he grew up the only boy in a house full of famewhore females. He sees them all making tons of money from nothing but having boobs & giant asses, & he doesn't know what to do.

True, and things might have gone very differently if his father hadn't died. Sad. I hope Rob gets the help he needs. Edited by nexxie
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He couldn't have graduated without a work ethic and applying himself, but he after graduating he didn't want to use that education at all. Instead he wanted easy money and go the celebrity route instead of working.

He saw it work for his sisters, why shouldn't it work for him. He could have done the club appearence route like Scott, he just don't have tits and ass to be constantly naked like Kim and Kris don't know what the fuck to do with her own son. Sad really Rob doesn't have a strong male influence in his life.

He couldn't have graduated without a work ethic and applying himself, but he after graduating he didn't want to use that education at all. Instead he wanted easy money and go the celebrity route instead of working.

I can't really blame him, if all my siblings were getting rich doing nothing, especially without a degree & some with only homeschooling, it would piss me off that I had to work hard to make my money.

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Kardashian-Jenner insiders have reportedly revealed what compelled Rob Kardashian to make a confusing statement about his sister Kim on Sunday. In one of just two pictures remaining on his official profile, Rob seemingly wrote, "This is my sister kim , the b*tch from Gone Girl."

The image shows Rosamund Pike covered in blood while portraying Amy Dunne in Gone Girl. Last year's hit psychological thriller, which is based on the book of the same name, tells the story of an alarming murder mystery surrounding Amy and husband Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck).

According to Us Weekly, a source close to the family said Rob made the comparison because he's "in a dark place" as his longtime struggles with depression and weight continue. "His post was about how she seems caring in public, but he feels ignored," a second source reportedly said, adding that he took to social media after filming a segment for Keeping Up With the Kardashians with Kim.

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