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12 minutes ago, nexxie said:

The good ol’ days when Khloe still smiled without striking a giant duck-lipped pose - for her sake and the sake of her daughter, she should search her soul for that lost self. (imo it would help her to get real about her paternity.)

What’s depressing now is there a generation of class and  year books filled with hundreds of tweens and teens posing with over lined duck lips  and sucked in cheeks. I have a friend who does class photos and says it’s even starting in preschool and kindergarten. 

In most  of my class photos I had a whopping case of chapped lips and couldn’t have cracked a duck lipped smile without splitting them open. (We lived in Michigan, very cold and windy!!)

Edited by iwasish
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And Kris is on Ellen talking about how strong and wonderful Khloe is, just chilling with the baby and trying to get the hang of breastfeeding. What a load of bullshit she spews. 

Khloe better watch that eating out, she might blow up and have a harder time getting her revenge body back. 

And does anyone think she didn’t know damn well they’d get a picture of them together. He’s well known around Cleveland and I’m sure every one has been on the lookout for him and or her. 

Its all a publicity ploy. 

I lost any liking I had for her when the family had their sit down with Caitlyn.. the big one with all the girls there and Khloe shows up, in full glam, furry vest and big hat making duck lip grimaces demanding answers and acting as if she really cared, trying to show how accepting and non judgemental she is. 

Shes a phony. 

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Khloe, Khloe, Khloe. My thing is this: if she wants to play the fool and turn a blind eye for the sake of having an NBA boyfriend, then whatever, that's her choice. However I don't want to hear Kris, Kim or any other family member trying to make Khloe out to be some innocent victim taken advantage of by a devil in disguise. She knows full well what she's dealing with. When Tristan gets caught with his next stripper, she'll have no one to blame but herself.

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Khloé and Tristan were at Townhall restaurant- which is a fairly popular place in Cleveland. No private room- so they undoubtedly knew they would be spotted. I couldn’t tell from the video if Khloé was drinking, but she appears to still have her talon claws- so it’s doubtful she is doing much hands on baby care. 

I realize she is a celebrity and has lots of domestic help, but a first time mom that has wanted a baby for a long time and is trying to breastfeed and establish a baby routine would most likely not be going out this quickly. Baby needs to nurse every 2 hours or so, and it’s difficult to pump that early on ( especially for a first time nursing mother). 

Something is SO off about their whole narrative. They lie about everything!! 

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54 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Does HE know they're out together? Looks to me like he still has little to no interest in Khloe.

Maybe they aren't together? Perhaps she just showed up and sat down next to him hoping it would look like togetherness to the paps.

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22 minutes ago, BrainyBlonde said:

Yep, he's probably sexting one of his sidepieces. Khloe, Khloe, Khloe. <shakes head>

“Insiders” say that Khloe has warned Tristan that if he embarrasses her again, she’ll be out the door - because in K-land that’s the part that matters. Embarrassment. Image. Not self-esteem. Not respect. Not actual love.

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1 minute ago, nexxie said:

Insiders” say that Khloe has warned Tristan that if he embarrasses her again, she’ll be out the door - because in K-land that’s the part that matters. Embarrassment. Image. Not self-esteem. Not respect. Not actual love.

Is that really a threat to him?

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1 minute ago, Brooklynista said:

Is that really a threat to him?

Looks like he just did it again in those photos of their first post-cheating outing together, lol.

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Tristan's body language is like: "Damn, is this bish ever going back to L.A.?".

Maybe his goal is to be so obnoxious that Kris offers a big payday to get rid of him. In addition to this sorry display, Tristan has yet to publicly apologize, and to acknowledge True and his baby mama.

Edited by nexxie
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Please, it took her how long to dump Lamar... Tristan will have to knock another woman before she even considers dumping him.


Also those pics are kind of blurry... has it been confirmed that it is Khloe and not a deliberate look a like?

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9 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Does HE know they're out together? Looks to me like he still has little to no interest in Khloe.

Maybe they aren't together? Perhaps she just showed up and sat down next to him hoping it would look like togetherness to the paps.

“I hate you, you hate me, it’s a fucked up family..

With a Knick knack paddy whack 

Life is on my phone

We are objects, Kris does own”

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Kris Jenner told the media Khloé finds breastfeeding tricky. LOL, maybe because she didn’t give birth to a baby. 

Even when Khloé and Tristan were together at the beginning of their relationship there was no chemistry between them. Tristan puts his hand on Khloé like he is touching his sister or something. Their pics are all posed and photoshopped. In photos of Khloé and Lamar there was obvious love between them. It’s probably a mutually beneficial business agreement between them. 

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Not disagreeing, but how does it benefit Tristan at this point? He had a horrible season, he's being trolled on social media, heckled at away games and will likely be traded if he doesn't get it together. I believe anything's possible with this family and the bottom feeders they attract, I'm just trying to figure out what's in it for him?

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Alright Khloe, I don't want you calling my phone when he embarrasses ya ass again. At this point I want you to shut up and let him cheat in peace. And tell your clan to stay off of Ellen's couch whining about how disappointed they are in Tristan. If you like it, I love it.

Edited by Brooklynista
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Oh this will be a great ratings grab... the family outraged and angry and loyal Khloe standing by her man. Think of the possibilities!!!!  Anything to drag out the story to drum up viewers.

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2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Alright Khloe, I don't want you calling my phone when he embarrasses ya ass again. At this point I want you to shut up and let him cheat in peace. And tell your clan to stay off of Ellen's couch whining about how disappointed they are in Tristan. If you like it, I love it.

Wow - no public apology, no public recognition of his new baby and thanks to his baby mama - but there Khloe is, showing HIM support.

Wake the fuck up and grow some self-esteem Khloe!

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3 hours ago, nexxie said:

Wow - no public apology, no public recognition of his new baby and thanks to his baby mama - but there Khloe is, showing HIM support.

Wake the fuck up and grow some self-esteem Khloe!

And I bet anything if this was happening to one of her friends, she would be the first one to tel that friend to dump them.

Khloe (IMO) will put up with almost anything just so that she can say she isnt alone. Look how long she put up with Lamar's nonsense

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58 minutes ago, ravencroft said:

And I bet anything if this was happening to one of her friends, she would be the first one to tel that friend to dump them.

Khloe (IMO) will put up with almost anything just so that she can say she isnt alone. Look how long she put up with Lamar's nonsense

Yes - on Revenge Body she gives very different advice to people who are trying to stop catering to significant others who don’t appreciate them. That show encourages self-esteem, which Khloe doesn’t seem to understand.

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She talked big about not being a doormat because she was “hot”  now and convinced because of that  guys would want her so much they wouldn’t risk cheating. 

She said once that part of her attraction to Lamar was that he liked her as she was, didn’t make her feel like the fat girl. Could be she’s falling into that old mindset, and excusing Tristan because she was pregnant and not sexually attractive  to him. After all Tristan only knew her in her revenge body perhaps he wouldn’t have looked twice at old Khloe. 

We’ll see if she gets her figure back and if he gets caught cheating again. Will  she push him to get married soon? 

Wouldnt be shocked to see if someone out there doesn’t try and set him up. 

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12 minutes ago, GaT said:

I'm surprised that Cleveland is big enough to fit all of her ass in it, she may have surpassed Kim in giant ass competition. How can it be comfortable to sit on that thing? 

I’ve got nothing against people of a certain size, but can’t get my mind around purposely blowing up your ass and distorting your body because you think some guys like it that way. Crazy.

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28 minutes ago, nexxie said:

What a sweet photo opp set up by Kris spontaneous walk in the park.

1. Shes still sporting her 2 inch claws, so how can she care for the baby?

2. How much post partum fat did she inject in her ass? Her ass went up several sizes and is now bigger than Kim’s (this won’t stop Tristan from cheating on you!).

3. What kind of endorsement deal did Kris strike with NUNA? 

Edited by Aw my lahgs
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She just looks so desperate, walking around in a random park with no one to accompany her but the hired help. I'm guessing the Cavs wives aren't tripping over themselves to be her friend.

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3 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

She just looks so desperate, walking around in a random park with no one to accompany her but the hired help. I'm guessing the Cavs wives aren't tripping over themselves to be her friend.

While she has a gorgeous home in California - yep, desperate to pretend she has a good man in her life.

9 minutes ago, Aw my lahgs said:

What a sweet photo opp set up by Kris spontaneous walk in the park.

1. Shes still sporting her 2 inch claws, so how can she care for the baby?

2. How much post partum fat did she inject in her ass? Her ass went up several sizes and is now bigger than Kim’s (this won’t stop Tristan from cheating on you!).

3. What kind of endorsement deal did Kris strike with NUNA? 

Probably a very lucrative deal!

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10 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

She just looks so desperate, walking around in a random park with no one to accompany her but the hired help. I'm guessing the Cavs wives aren't tripping over themselves to be her friend.

My guess is this was a contractual photo opp for NUNA (similar to the one Kylie did).

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It’s huge... like she’s smuggling two basketballs in her pants.

what kind of material stretches that wide to come up over that ass and still fits tightly at the waist?

it reminds me of the pics from Mexico of Kim’s non-photoshopped ass.

OMG I was so focused on her ass I totally forgot she had a kid there!

Loved that pic that caught the ass full on. The photographer didn’t even try to get a snap of the baby, he went right for the money shot! 

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41 minutes ago, iwasish said:

It’s huge... like she’s smuggling two basketballs in her pants.

what kind of material stretches that wide to come up over that ass and still fits tightly at the waist?

it reminds me of the pics from Mexico of Kim’s non-photoshopped ass.

OMG I was so focused on her ass I totally forgot she had a kid there!

Loved that pic that caught the ass full on. The photographer didn’t even try to get a snap of the baby, he went right for the money shot! 

I believe she’s wearing a belt.

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Obviously Khloé had some body modification plastic surgery. 

Obviously Khloe is not the one caring for the baby, nor is she breastfeeding. Simply not possible with nails like that. 

The whole accidental pregnancy and birth in the midst of scandal narrative is looking more and more fake. That is NOT what a woman looks like weeks after giving birth. 

I doubt she can even wipe her own arse with a booty like that and claws that long. 

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3 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Obviously Khloé had some body modification plastic surgery. 

Obviously Khloe is not the one caring for the baby, nor is she breastfeeding. Simply not possible with nails like that. 

The whole accidental pregnancy and birth in the midst of scandal narrative is looking more and more fake. That is NOT what a woman looks like weeks after giving birth. 

I doubt she can even wipe her own arse with a booty like that and claws that long. 

I've seen women give birth and not even a week later you would have never guessed they were ever pregnant and just had a child. Check out Jordin Sparks recent red carpet look just 3 days after giving birth. She looks phenomenal (and natural). Keep in mind that there's a lot that clothing can hide. What you won't find any woman who has recently given birth do (even celebrities) is walking around showcasing their midriff because it's probably still a bit loose and skin still a bit wrinkled. I wouldn't be surprised if Khloe was wearing a waist trainer under her shirt.

Khloe and Kim have some serious body dysmorphia and they actually paid money for it. It boggles my mind that the world applauds them for doing 'their own thing'. They aren't being individuals. They are succumbing to an ideal of what they think men want. That is the opposite of loving yourself and being an individual. I get having small breasts and getting implants that are reasonably sized. I get having a flat butt and wanting to plump it up a bit. But when you become excessive, who knows how unhealthy it is physically but I feel confident in saying that it isn't healthy psychologically. Khloe should be the last person to be giving people advice on knowing their worth and doing things for themselves.

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Sure, there are those women that only gain weight in their belly during pregnancy and a few weeks later barely look like they had a baby. Not usually women that battle with their weight . Breastfeeding can help with pregnancy weight loss. 

Khloe can and does go to extremes to alter her body and looks. She also has worked hard at fitness. Can’t change genetics though. She is not naturally slim. 

It makes me sick to think about women of childbearing years that inject foreign substances into their bodies-  like Botox, fillers, silicone, etc. It is difficult enough to stay healthy, even in the best of circumstances. 

I still think she adopted or used a surrogate and the preterm and postpartum time was spent doing fat grafting and the like. 

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19 hours ago, Aw my lahgs said:

What a sweet photo opp set up by Kris spontaneous walk in the park.

1. Shes still sporting her 2 inch claws, so how can she care for the baby?

2. How much post partum fat did she inject in her ass? Her ass went up several sizes and is now bigger than Kim’s (this won’t stop Tristan from cheating on you!).

3. What kind of endorsement deal did Kris strike with NUNA? 

She can’t take the baby for a walk without the nanny trailing behind, seriously kids are just a photo op for them!

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24 minutes ago, stacyasp said:

She can’t take the baby for a walk without the nanny trailing behind, seriously kids are just a photo op for them!

Sad, but so true. I don’t know how I ever managed to raise my children without a nanny ?‍♀️ or several.

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I’ve been thinking I need a nanny for the new puppies we just got. How, oh, how will I ever survive by myself with two kids, two puppies and an aged dog? *swoons dramatically*

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Many of the media sites are saying Khloé took the baby to the “ park”. I’m fairly sure she is walking that stroller around the loop of driveways outside of Tristan’s house in Bratenahl. 

Heck, we don’t even know IF there was a real baby in that stroller!!

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Oh god.  These pictures.

First of all, I don't know a woman in the world - including Kim and Kourtney - who wore pants THAT tight less than a month after giving birth.  I mean, at the risk of being crude, your vag is still recovering.  I'm all for yoga pants.  But those are about 4 sizes too small for her ass,.  You can see the cellulite though them.   She's such a try hard, it makes her about 15 times more unlikeable than she already is.  

And I hate to make any comments about a woman's postpartum body but that shit is just weird.  Like REALLY weird.  

If you are able to tear your eyes away from her ass, what's up with her arms in that top picture?  They look like they've had hole poked in then?  And has she already had her lips replumped?  Something is going on with her chin and mouth area.  

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9 hours ago, Shangrilala said:

Oh god.  These pictures.

First of all, I don't know a woman in the world - including Kim and Kourtney - who wore pants THAT tight less than a month after giving birth.  I mean, at the risk of being crude, your vag is still recovering.  I'm all for yoga pants.  But those are about 4 sizes too small for her ass,.  You can see the cellulite though them.   She's such a try hard, it makes her about 15 times more unlikeable than she already is.  

And I hate to make any comments about a woman's postpartum body but that shit is just weird.  Like REALLY weird.  

If you are able to tear your eyes away from her ass, what's up with her arms in that top picture?  They look like they've had hole poked in then?  And has she already had her lips replumped?  Something is going on with her chin and mouth area.  

That hole is from a liposuction needle, and it’s fairly fresh.  I’m thinking she had the baby earlier than reported so she could get a jump on getting her post baby body back.

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