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S10.E16: Suspicious Minds

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With or without her, the show is losing LOTS of us.

I would say that is more on the producers and their need for "drama" than anything to do with Vicki. If I were to blame a cast member (which I don't really), it would be Tamra. My viewership of the show slid off drastically the worse and worse Tamra got. At this point, they should just stick a fork in the show. It's done.

  • Love 8

I would say that is more on the producers and their need for "drama" than anything to do with Vicki. If I were to blame a cast member (which I don't really), it would be Tamra. My viewership of the show slid off drastically the worse and worse Tamra got. At this point, they should just stick a fork in the show. It's done.

Cast members like  Brandi and Tamra make a producer's job easier -they will say or do anything to move things along.  Vicki took last season off and when threatened with being axed "brought" it this season.   

  • Love 5

Cast members like  Brandi and Tamra make a producer's job easier -they will say or do anything to move things along.  Vicki took last season off and when threatened with being axed "brought" it this season.

Brandi and Tamra also makes it easier for viewers to stop watching. Brandi's mess with Adrienne stopped me from watching what I thought to be the best show out of the franchise regularly. I'm not looking for perfect (most likely boring) HWs but I also don't want to see made up histrionics. Has Brooks been scamming money from people due to his maybe non-existent cancer? If not, I really don't care all that much. Maybe if one of the ladies pulled a Jill Zarin with a recorded voicemail of Vicki or Brooks stating that the cancer is all a hoax would be interesting. Seeing people question his cancer diagnosis based on "inconsistencies" in conversation is plain ole tacky. Especially the demanding of medical records. These same women would flip their shit if Brooks asked for their medical records to prove that they haven't had plastic surgery but I'm supposed to be outraged that he isn't providing these documents to "prove" that he has cancer? Nope. Not here for that. It's embarrassing.
  • Love 8

Listening to Meghan trying to relay a story is exhausting. It's like, "SPIT IT OUT!" 


Oh and Ryan is an ungrateful shit head. YOUR MOM GOT YOU A HOUSE, YOU BRAT. "I don't like these floors." You're lucky you have a floor you lowlife, good for nothing, lazy ass. 


/end rant. 

Edited by Box305
  • Love 11

Thank you, ScoobieDoobs.  It's always interesting to receive "corrections" here when I voice a similar opinion.  Make a vow to watch "UnrREAL" when it comes back on Lifetime.


Producer intervention doesn't especially bother me -- even when it's pretty obvious.  I don't think about it if I'm entertained.  What I'm bothered by here & now is things making no sense & highlighting people I don't like & don't care about.  OK, Brooks left Vicks, so awesome.  Hopefully, we will never hear that name ever again.  I'm so hoping Satan Andy will boot off Meghan, but he's totally in love with her brother  so I doubt that's gonna happen.  Idk, I think this show sucks so badly now.


Tams using religion as her latest shtick is dumb.  It's too easy & really dull.  I don't believe it for a second & I'm completely uninterested in any of it.  I can't stand watching the scenes of her & rat-face Ryan, who pretty obviously she's still totally financially supporting, when he's 30 years old.  Ugh.  And I can't watch Heather's phony-baloney scenes anymore.  So what's left?  Asshole Jimmy & asshole Meghan?  Nope, not for me.  Shannon & her shit marriage?  I'll pass.


If all these broads have to talk about on cam is Brooks' cancer & forcing him to show his private medical records to the world (cuz that makes soooo much sense), then this show is in trouble.  Big trouble.

  • Love 9

Listening to Meghan trying to relay a story is exhausting. It's like, "SPIT IT OUT!"

Oh and Ryan is an ungrateful shit head. YOUR MOM GOT YOU A HOUSE, YOU BRAT. "I don't like these floors." You're lucky you have a floor you lowlife, good for nothing, lazy ass.

/end rant.

ITA!! Holy cow, how ungrateful there Hans Klopek!!

Who made the comment a few pages back that it was like watching a spoiled House Hunters couple with champagne taste on a beer budget?

What, no stainless, crown moulding and granite counter tops?? I think the hardwood floor bothered Ryan because it wasn't the "in" dark stain of the moment. Good grief.

Edited by IKnowRight
  • Love 5
He may or may not have cancer.  Either way, it's his business - not theirs -  and I can't imagine why they're so invested in this.


 Because they believe in TRUTH and JUSTICE! It will prevail!!!! And because Meghan was told to mind her own business, and when she is told to mind her own business she will make sure to meddle as much as absolutely possible by law to punish you for daring to tell her to mind her own business. 

Ultimately though, it's because the cast are lovers of TRUTH. They love knowledge. This is why they seek the true answers.  

  • Love 4
Producer intervention doesn't especially bother me -- even when it's pretty obvious.



I agree.  It's nearly impossible for it to bother me because I don't believe 85% of the content anyway.  The "actresses," although marginal, have come a long way.  I wonder what Vicki would do to maintain her lifestyle (and that of relatives and "a friend") if she lost her Bravo paycheck.  I hope her financial adviser-self has provided good investments information.

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I was remembering the meeting Tamra had a few episodes back with her brokerage.  They said she was expected to sell three properties in the first six months if she wanted to keep her license with them.  She mumbled something about a possible lead in Crystal Cove, but nothing else more concrete.


OK, so today was a slow day and I didn't have much else to do.  I looked up "Tamra Barney" on my area MLS.  That's the name she uses for her real estate dealings.  I requested results for the last 365 days.  I then requested sales for listing agent as well as selling agent. 


NADA.  Not one sale in the past year under the name Tamra Barney.  lolol


I realize the MLS might allow her broker to list her sales under another name to preserve privacy.  Which is kinda ironic if you think about what attention hogs these reality "stars" are.

  • Love 8

I agree.  It's nearly impossible for it to bother me because I don't believe 85% of the content anyway.  The "actresses," although marginal, have come a long way.  I wonder what Vicki would do to maintain her lifestyle (and that of relatives and "a friend") if she lost her Bravo paycheck.  I hope her financial adviser-self has provided good investments information.

Vicki has a fraud trial coming up.  I am of the belief Vicki has hit the wall.  Her mother died, her daughter moved away, her boyfriend is not supplying her with attention and is in fact taking attention away from her.  Sometimes characters run out of gas.  To me not only is Vicki's love tank empty but her life as far as a reality show.  The only thing she was able to deliver pre-Brooks and the cancer was some pretty vitriolic statements regarding Heather and Meghan's marriages.   Her necessity to make everything about her is just not working this year.  No one cares anymore.


I am not a psychic nor do I play one on TV but I see the word D O W N S I Z I N G in Vicki's very near future.  I hope for Briana's sake she paid cash for Briana's new SUV.

  • Love 13

Vicki has a fraud trial coming up.  I am of the belief Vicki has hit the wall.  Her mother died, her daughter moved away, her boyfriend is not supplying her with attention and is in fact taking attention away from her.  Sometimes characters run out of gas.  To me not only is Vicki's love tank empty but her life as far as a reality show.  The only thing she was able to deliver pre-Brooks and the cancer was some pretty vitriolic statements regarding Heather and Meghan's marriages.   Her necessity to make everything about her is just not working this year.  No one cares anymore.


I am not a psychic nor do I play one on TV but I see the word D O W N S I Z I N G in Vicki's very near future.  I hope for Briana's sake she paid cash for Briana's new SUV.

Hope you are right. If they are going to carry on with this mess, much less of Icky would be ideal. There has to be some other women of interest in OC to join the cast. She has become a giant snore. Lol

  • Love 5

Tamra doesn't seem like she did the best job taking care of her kids needs (didn't Simon complain that his daughter returned in the same underwear that she left in?) 

Not only that, but I remember Tamra specifically being negligent toward her kids when it came to food. In the season where Tamra and Simon began fighting, which was season 5 IIRC, Spencer (Tamra's other male child), who was all of like eight years old, complained that he was hungry, as he hadn't had dinner the night before. Tamra, in her infinite wisdom, just replied wistfully that she hadn't eaten either. She didn't even feed the kid. SMH.
  • Love 5

Thank you, ScoobieDoobs.  It's always interesting to receive "corrections" here when I voice a similar opinion.  Make a vow to watch "UnrREAL" when it comes back on Lifetime.


 I'm responding because I believe one of my posts is being referenced here.  I wasn't attempting to "correct" anyone, and I'm certainly well aware of Alex and what she has said.  However, as I stated in my post, I know several HW's, and my comments were based on what I know from them.  Reality TV (at least the HW's shows) is not completely "real", but they are more real than not, and the women as we see them are pretty much exactly who they are.


I don't expect anyone to believe me and/or change their minds.  But I know what I know, and I'm more than happy to agree to disagree!

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 6

I'm responding because I believe one of my posts is being referenced here.  I wasn't attempting to "correct" anyone, and I'm certainly well aware of Alex and what she has said.  However, as I stated in my post, I know several HW's, and my comments were based on what I know from them.  Reality TV (at least the HW's shows) is not completely "real", but they are more real than not, and the women as we see them are pretty much exactly who they are.


I don't expect anyone to believe me and/or change their minds.  But I know what I know, and I'm more than happy to agree to disagree!

Are the HW you know from OC or another franchise? Any inside dope you can share? It would have to better than what's being shown. :-)
  • Love 2

Ah, Vicki. I completely agree with an earlier post that said Vicki wants to be a rich man's wife. She is so jealous of Heather and Shannon and even Meghan that she can't see straight. Even Tamra just plays at working. (What exactly did she do at Cut Fitness, and her real estate "career" is a bust.)

And so poor Vicki WORKS. But for someone who recommends working so highly, all she does is complain about it. "I work so hard; I have bills to pay; the government takes 58% of my income," ad nauseum.

In fact, most of her income is her RHOC check. She's married to Bravo and if she decides to follow through with keeping salacious details of her life "private", she's headed for a divorce.

  • Love 7

For their paychecks? Because it's production-driven? Because this is "reality TV," but not real life--and sometimes I forget?

One thing I try to remember is that Bravo films about 400 hours of footage for each season and we see like 18 episodes (hours) of the edited product. There is the stuff like when Jill confronted Bethenny about not sending flowers after Bobby's cancer surgery. They were friends who talked "in real life" all the time so chewing Bethenny out about it on camera was manufactured for the show, by Jill. It was Bravo's decision to show it. It's clear sometimes the women go rogue and have a plan amongst each other for drama and camera time but these are so transparent and it's also Bravo's fault if it becomes a storyline. From what I've read in the books written by the Housewives, the "production driven" aspects of the show are say, Housewife "A" is throwing a party so the spotlight is supposed to be on the hostess of said party. All of the other girls show up basically on time but Housewife "B" is very late with a dramatic story about why. Now the spotlight is on B instead of A and A is pissed, for real! Housewife A vents to her producer and the producer says "okay, you're pissed, you should be, now go tell B about it ON CAMERA ! The Lost Footage specials at the end of the seasons piss me off because it's an "in your face" display that there are so many organic, funny an endearing interactions Bravo decided weren't "entertaining" enough but that's exactly what I wish the show had more of!

Edited by freeradical
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I see production like the bad side of a human conscience. Meghan was probably pissed that she was being dismissed as a little girl in a bad marriage by someone with her own share of demons and her hands in at least one scam. Meanwhile, she is resentful that attention is being redirected from herself to her husband's ex-wife's terminal illness, but she can't say it out loud. So, a producer tells her it's one thing to use alternative treatments if you're sick, but imagine if you weren't and went on TV to promote snake oil as an actual cure? Wow, that's so unethical. Imagine if someone like Leeanne stopped her chemo and adopted a juicing regimen? OMG look, Brooks is drinking! Then the same producer goes back to Vicki and says, you know, I think Meghan is really crossing the line with this Brooks thing, especially in light of your mom's death, who does she think she is to bring this drama when you're already in a state of emotional turmoil? Brooks isn't obligated to share the details of his treatment and it's not like he's a spokesman for Resveratrol because he shared one anecdote, and even then he only mentioned it because someone asked.

End result, everyone hates everyone else even more. I imagine Shannon is especially susceptible to this.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 6

How soon will Meghan be thirty-one?  Maybe THEN Vicki and Shannon can stop mentioning her age like it's thirteen!  They're not singling out Meghan's antics...merely a "who does she think she is?  She's thirty!"  I was certainly no ninny at thirty.  Married, full-time GOOD job, two active kids, participating in my community and professional organizations.  You too!

  • Love 5

It was incredibly middle school when Vicki told Meghan she should go back to school and become an oncologist and Meghan said, "Maybe I will" with a smirk. I have twice wanted to slap her face this season and I really do not get that invested in people on reality TV. She is just insufferable.

For me, it was when Meghan called Vicki bitter and older, followed by a "So there!" nod of her head.
  • Love 4
Not only that, but I remember Tamra specifically being negligent toward her kids when it came to food. In the season where Tamra and Simon began fighting, which was season 5 IIRC, Spencer (Tamra's other male child), who was all of like eight years old, complained that he was hungry, as he hadn't had dinner the night before. Tamra, in her infinite wisdom, just replied wistfully that she hadn't eaten either. She didn't even feed the kid. SMH.


Wow. I don't remember that. Not surprising, however. 


Was it during the summer? You know Tamra doesn't eat in summer. And it's only logical not to feed your children if you're not eating either. 


Explains so much about Rapey Ryan's un-step-children not having been fed breakfast. 



As far as people being sorry for Sarah, don't. This is a woman has four kids by four different baby daddies, she's in a hell of her own design.


Agree. 100%. She is clearly not discerning at all when picking fathers of her children. No, the only ones I feel sorry for are those poor kids. 

  • Love 4

Meghan turned 31 on Saturday.


Officially a bitter old hag now.


As far as people being sorry for Sarah, don't. This is a woman has four kids by four different baby daddies, she's in a hell of her own design.


What about letting her children be cared for by rat-face Ryan?  Shuddering at that.  Oh, and a house full of guns.  What a great gal, eh?

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If Cancer!Brooks is a sham that Vicki is in on, then why would she ask Shannon or anybody else for help, thus risk exposing the sham?


My mind finds Brooks' cancer less suspicious than Jim acting like it's a complete chore to be around his newlywed wife.


In a socio-anthropological way, I hope RHOATL has a similar story line next season to see how many people who believe Brooks would flip if certain other factors flipped.

If they flip, then their flipping can only be because of some factors being flipped, but not ones that didn't flip?


The Ryans on this show really are shitstains, huh?

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For me, it was when Meghan called Vicki bitter and older, followed by a "So there!" nod of her head.


For me, it was the scene where she's dressed as a cotton candy pixie stick on the exercise bikes with Tamra.  Tamra mentions that Vicki wants the talk about Brooks faking cancer to stop, and maybe they should stop (bullshit, of course).  Thinking Tamra may be serious, she tilts her head down and raises her eyebrows in that annoying evil Church Lady way, to convey 'Are you serious?  We can't stop, it's too fun!'.  I would have slapped that look off her face with a sweat soaked towel (preferably one from a big hairy guy) from CUT Fitness.

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 2

I'm responding because I believe one of my posts is being referenced here. I wasn't attempting to "correct" anyone, and I'm certainly well aware of Alex and what she has said. However, as I stated in my post, I know several HW's, and my comments were based on what I know from them. Reality TV (at least the HW's shows) is not completely "real", but they are more real than not, and the women as we see them are pretty much exactly who they are.

I don't expect anyone to believe me and/or change their minds. But I know what I know, and I'm more than happy to agree to disagree!

Hey, for the record..I believe you. I really think that these people are filmed so much, that its possible to forget about the camera.

Also, legally and publicly, it would be a mess if Bravo was writing storylines. I dont buy it for a minute. Im sure they make suggestions...but honestly..you CANT write this stuff! Lol

Edited by Christi
  • Love 3

Wow. I don't remember that. Not surprising, however. 


Was it during the summer? You know Tamra doesn't eat in summer. And it's only logical not to feed your children if you're not eating either. 


Explains so much about Rapey Ryan's un-step-children not having been fed breakfast. 

Lol to this post!

I'm not sure if she said it in the summer but don't be surprised that you don't remember it. It was just a couple of throwaway lines from like five years ago. I was just reading all this stuff about kids being refused food around Tamra, and I only recalled this one instance because the recapper on trashtalktv (f/k/a TVgasm) snarked on Tamra big time for it at the time. The recapper recapped the situation I described, and then did a screen grab of Tamra's arm from an unflattering light, and recapper asked rhetorically if Tamra was sure if she'd skipped dinner, or that maybe she should skip dinner more often or something. Super-snark!

So basically I agree with everything you say. And, because, it's never said enough, Tamra may be a horrible person, but she has an awesome body, y'all! I have to give props to someone who manages to lose and keep off about ten pounds of solid body fat in their 40s, when they're not even overweight to begin with. So Slade can suck it for calling her the Michelin man.

How soon will Meghan be thirty-one?  Maybe THEN Vicki and Shannon can stop mentioning her age like it's thirteen!  They're not singling out Meghan's antics...merely a "who does she think she is?  She's thirty!"  I was certainly no ninny at thirty.  Married, full-time GOOD job, two active kids, participating in my community and professional organizations.  You too!

That's the issue! She doesn't act like an adult, but they say 30 when they should just say, she doesn't act 30, she acts like she's 13...Meghan is very immature for her age but they are mistaking that immaturity with her age. Meghan still thinks she's in high school and it shows. Lizzie's not much older but is way beyond Meghan's maturity level.

  • Love 4

Are the HW you know from OC or another franchise? Any inside dope you can share? It would have to better than what's being shown. :-)


No, I don't know anyone from OC, although I did meet Heather a long time ago.


What would you like to know?  I'd rather not reveal who I know, but I'll be happy to answer questions - if I know the answers!   :-)

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