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Unpopular Opinions: "These people aren't dysfunctional at all!"

Sweets McGee

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Derrick received just as much production help as Rachel Reilly during his season. But his win never gets questioned because he's an undercover cop and a father and she was a loud, annoying aspiring reality famewhore with a showmance.

Apparently it's a criminal offense for production to help anyone.


Apparently it's a criminal offense for production to help anyone.



Not overtly, of course, but they know certain twists favor certain contestants or they wouldn't be producers. And I've seen UnREAL -- there's no law against manipulation of people (just not manipulation of outcomes).

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I enjoyed seeing Brenchel, Caleb, and Frankie & Ariana Grande in the past two episodes.

I love seeing past houseguests again, even the ones I hated. I hope there's another All Stars season one of these days.


Also I was never full on board with Frankie hate. He's more like pathetic lulz to me. I was also glad when he won that BoB all by himself.

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I thought Enzo was the most annoying houseguest of season 12, and I'm appalled he made it to final 3. I also hated the Brigade, for the sheer fact that they so quickly turned on their teammate Matt for whatever reason. Matt was the one keeping them safe and if Matt had not won so many comps and, from what I saw on television, had his two side alliances for that long, Hayden probably wouldn't have won that season. Then again, Matt probably would have left fairly early on, so what do I know? But I do want Matt in All Stars because his team screwed him over. 


I didn't see Janelle's original two seasons, but from what I've watched on Youtube, she's a very petty girl who has said some pretty vile things and I don't know how people like her. Is it just because she's won nine competitions? If so, then fine, but she's not a nice person and I even feel I like Rachel better than her.


Speaking of....I hate Brendon more than Rachel. There, I said it. I feel like Rachel is much more toned down when she's not on television, but if I ever come across her and she is like her TV persona, I'll eat my words. 

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I enjoyed seeing Brenchel, Caleb, and Frankie & Ariana Grande in the past two episodes.

I am so glad this topic is on the BB thread! I too, really enjoyed Brenchel, even though I was aware how obnoxious they could be at times with the crying by Rachel and arguing. I was always so upset about how Britney and some of the others on BBAD talked about Rachel and were always so cruel in their remarks and would go on for hours making fun of her. If more people had seen that than I wouldn't think Britney would be such a favorite. 


I also enjoyed Frankie and I think he livened up the show a lot and found him interesting! That is such an unpopular opinion on this board so I'm glad I can admit it here although I did admit it last season.  The house guests from that season still get together a lot so don't think he was hated by the others that much.


I was never fond of Caleb though and NEVER enjoyed Jessie!

I was always so upset about how Britney and some of the others on BBAD talked about Rachel and were always so cruel in their remarks and would go on for hours making fun of her. If more people had seen that than I wouldn't think Britney would be such a favorite. 


This nicely leads me to my UO: I hated Britney. She was a truly vile, viscous person. I never understood why feed watchers were so obsessed with her.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I didn't have the feeds during BB12 so I can only speak from a casual standpoint. I found her DRs genuinely funny which is a complete juxtaposition from the scripted sounding DRs of recent years. With that said, some of her comments regarding Rachel were unnecessary.


I kinda feel the same way about Elissa. Although she was one of the few likable HGs on BB15, but her shaming Amanda about some personal things was not a good look.

Edited by Chrissytd
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I don't like Dan. I cheered when Ian beat him. I don't see him as some grand master of the game. In fact, I despise his manipulations, and find him utterly lacking in charm. His misting is lost on me. He's also my least favorite DR person ever. The combo of yelling, arrogance, and the bizarre need to keep looking over his shoulder grates.

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Me too. It's similar to BB15, in the sense you have to overlook the fact that most of the contestants are probably terrible human beings. But big personalities, fights, strategy, it's got it all. 

Sheila breaking the tie to send Natalie home is still one of my favorite BB moments.


Know THAT! Sheila <3

Like during BB8 or now? Because I honestly don't see how Dick can be seen as nice in BB8. I mean he was threatening to rape Jen on almost a daily basis.

I found him entertaining sometimes. As he brought up a good point that he can't be that horrible or mean or he wouldn't have won. But off the show I find him incredibly nice and down to earth. He also can be pretty insightful about the show, cast members, and football. I think Jun is a breath of fresh air too.

I found him entertaining sometimes. As he brought up a good point that he can't be that horrible or mean or he wouldn't have won. But off the show I find him incredibly nice and down to earth. He also can be pretty insightful about the show, cast members, and football. I think Jun is a breath of fresh air too.


I will never not believe the only reason Dick won was America's Player. And I will never get over him talking about raping Jen. That's just something I can never applaud. But I don't follow him after the show. I've only seen some of his really horrible tweets about women. But lol at 'and football!' I am actually really interested to know what he has to say about football tbh.


I loved Jun in BB4, but I didn't have the feeds. Apparently she was pretty bad on the feeds. Sometimes I like what she has to say on twitter and sometimes she's just way too offensive for me.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I wasn't until she evicted Jeff lol. I still don't like her style of gameplay, it was a bit Vanessa like actually, but looking back on it knowing that she ended up evicting Jeff I do think she played very well. Now if only she wouldn't have went right back to a Jeff/Jordan ass-kisser after she evicted Jeff! Then I could've really liked her.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I will never not believe the only reason Dick won was America's Player. And I will never get over him talking about raping Jen. That's just something I can never applaud. But I don't follow him after the show. I've only seen some of his really horrible tweets about women. But lol at 'and football!' I am actually really interested to know what he has to say about football tbh.


I loved Jun in BB4, but I didn't have the feeds. Apparently she was pretty bad on the feeds. Sometimes I like what she has to say on twitter and sometimes she's just way too offensive for me.


He was on a lame reality show I watched (Couple's Counseling?) and he seemed likable.  It was the show that he revealed his HIV status.  I actually teared up for him.  But I will never forget how absolutely disgusting he was to Jen - even deliberately burning her with a cigarette - and getting away with it.  Never, and the worst part is I think he did it because she was the outcast.  That makes it so much worse, in my opinion.

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I think Eric Stein was one of the best players ever.  The way he rolled with the punches of ridiculous America's Player assignments was impressive.  I'd have liked to see him play a normal game, I bet he would have been a strong contender to win.



I kinda hate Eric Stein, but if anyone deserves a second chance at this game it's definitely him. I think he's probably burned his bridges with the show though. I doubt he'll ever be back.


I am truly on the fence about this'un.  I'm really really hesitant about validating any label referencing "Eric Stein's game" being good or bad, because we never got to see Eric Stein's game - not without being at least significantly tainted by the America's Player's game, if not totally eclipsed.

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He was on a lame reality show I watched (Couple's Counseling?) and he seemed likable.  It was the show that he revealed his HIV status.  I actually teared up for him.  But I will never forget how absolutely disgusting he was to Jen - even deliberately burning her with a cigarette - and getting away with it.  Never, and the worst part is I think he did it because she was the outcast.  That makes it so much worse, in my opinion.

I seem to remember a lot of that was when he was trying to get evicted or nominated, to protect Daniele.


He would've gone the week of Dustin's shock boot if it wasn't for America's Player. His win and Rachel's win will forever be rig wins to me.


Speaking of Donatos, maybe this is an unpopular opinion - I hated Daniele in season 8 but liked her the most in season 13.

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I seem to remember a lot of that was when he was trying to get evicted or nominated, to protect Daniele.


He would've gone the week of Dustin's shock boot if it wasn't for America's Player. His win and Rachel's win will forever be rig wins to me.


Speaking of Donatos, maybe this is an unpopular opinion - I hated Daniele in season 8 but liked her the most in season 13.


I've never liked Daniele - not the fragile trembling blonde version, and not the bold brunette version.  Just can't like her.  I did feel for her when she was tricked onto the show with her father.  His concern for how thin she was and encouraging her to take her vitamins, and her concern in the last HOH contest and concern that he was suffering too much -  It was all genuine.  Yet this was an extremely dysfunctional relationship, and the burden of why it was so bad is on Dick.  I briefly checked in here when Dick acknowledged his HIV status, and word was he was (again) attacking his daughter. Which leads me to believe that he was a dick indeed by his behavior on the show, versus self-sabotaging to protect Daniele.  I'm sure whatever distance she keeps from him is purely self-protection, and good for her for having boundaries.

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I hated Jenelle and all of that Janey doll bullcrap. I don't understand why she's so popular. I know she won a lot of competitions but other than that she sucked.

I'm not surprised a Friendship member won either.


I liked Janelle right off the bat, because she showed genuine curiosity and respect regarding Kaysar's religion - not something that's always seen in the US.  (In fact, has there ever been a Muslim HG other than Kaysar?)  On the other hand, the baby voice, the sitting around the pool poking boobs and comparing implants, the constant self-reference of "Blonde Bombshell" - not so much.  By her last season, I couldn't stand her.


But as with Rachel, I enjoyed the juxtaposition of simpering helpless female, and athletic strength in winning comps.  I saw Rachel face plant hard, both on BB and TAR, and both times she jumped right up and kept going.

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I never liked Rachel or Brendan, or for that matter Elissa.  I think Elissa might be the most artificial person ever cast on this show.  


Here's an UO: I was cheering for Amanda in S14.  Was she a stellar human being? No.  I was rooting for her though.  Oh and I like Ian, even now.  Oh yeah, and to top it all off, I liked Zach last year.  So now you all know, I am awful. 

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I don't think Vanessa is as great of a player.

She is as emotionally stable as Audrey. She basically harassed people into doing what she wanted. Says the same thing 437 times until people get sick of it and do what she demanded (for fear of having her "question" them all week). Did she ever pause to breath in her earlier HOH's? Any sane person would not be able to talk like that without meds.

Surely, she played her game. She certainly deserved to come far, but to automatically be deserving of winning BB? Not so much! 

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Glad I'm not the only one who preferred season 1's format. I would actually like the HOH to nominate two, do the veto, but have American vote. I think it could mess with their heads inside the house a ton if they expect person A to get voted out and B does. They're all so concerned with how people view them it would be hilarious.

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I was a fan of Rachel during her first season but despised her during the season that she won.



This nicely leads me to my UO: I hated Britney. She was a truly vile, viscous person. I never understood why feed watchers were so obsessed with her.


I am in the same boat, it really messed me up because I found her attractive but I hated her personality and I was happy when she got booted during her first season.  I also loved the way it happened during her first season and this is coming from someone who was not a fan of the Brogade either.


Sheila breaking the tie to send Natalie home is still one of my favorite BB moments.


Know THAT! Sheila <3


Shelia was one of the only bright spots during season nine.  I wish they would bring her back but I think that is highly unlikely.


I seem to remember a lot of that was when he was trying to get evicted or nominated, to protect Daniele.


He would've gone the week of Dustin's shock boot if it wasn't for America's Player. His win and Rachel's win will forever be rig wins to me.


Speaking of Donatos, maybe this is an unpopular opinion - I hated Daniele in season 8 but liked her the most in season 13.


Same here, I hated Daniele during her first season and I found myself wanting her to win during her second time around.  Which is the exact opposite of how I felt about Rachel.

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To the best of my recollection, I have only ever posted in two shows - Game of Thrones and The Americans.

The one thing both these shows have in common is they are the cream of the crop. They are just excellent and exquisite TV shows and people who post in those threads seem to behave in a way that is extremely respectful of the excellence of those shows. Big Brother is a completely different experience. It's just my opinion, but I feel very strongly this show is a real piece of crap and all my posts about this show will likely be extremely negative and nasty. I want to give everyone fair warning about this. I hope it will be OK. It sure will be very different from the threads regarding the other two shows - Game of Thrones and The Americans.

I would like to start off by posting some opinions about Nichole. I will put these in a spoiler box because I'm fairly certain most people will be extremely offended and have a strong desire to ban me from this forum. I hope that won't happen because I'm posting in this thread which is about "Unpopular Opinions" and because I'm putting these opinions in a spoiler box. OK. Here goes:


I really don't know whether I can post a stream of curse words and misogynistic insults about Nicole - even though I have taken several precautions. I would like to call her the C word and the T word (4 letter word conveying a big insult similar to the C word.

To quote Davonne, Nicole gets on my last nerve with her stupid stupid stupid expressions (maybe repeating "stupid" 3 times will be kind of like using a much stronger adjective?) that include her use of the word "super". "I'm super stressed now. I'm super confused now." Every time I hear her use that expression and several other similar ones, I am overcome with an intense feeling of hatred and violence. I meant to say I feel the desire to do extreme bodily harm to her face. In fairness, most of these attitudes of mine are based on her verbal drivel and dribble from the previous season. She hasn't gone overboard with that crap just yet but with any luck she will get the boot fairly soon and I won't have to see her face much more.

Oh dear. This post is just not working out in the way I planned. I think I better cut this short and try to compose myself before continuing.

Edited by AliShibaz
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Unlike many others, I'm not particularly down on the returning vets this season.  Granted I'm not particularly UP on them either - but the space they usually have reserved in my cellar has new occupants loudly proclaiming squatter's rights - the RECRUITS.

And simply being a recruit isn't necessarily a bad thing, IMHO - but THIS crop of clueless mothers is straining my levels of incredulity.  How the hell to you volunteer to be locked up in a House for upwards of three months without doing at least SOME baseline research on what you're getting yourself into!?!?  Every time Josea and Paul stress their "expertise" on the subject of BB, I'm constantly reminded of a Martin Short line from "The Big Picture":

I've read through almost all these scripts almost all the way through....

Feh on their asses.

My personal order of preference for a winner is as follows:

  • The Applicants: Zakiyah, Bridgette, or Michelle.
  • The Vets: Nicole, Frank, James, or Da'Vonne.
  • The Recruits: Everybody the f**k else.
5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Zak and Bridgette actually applied? That surprises me.

Me too - but that's according to HamsterWatch's - Day 13 entry:

I think we've got four actual applicants this year and Glenn was one, leaving Bridgette, Michelle, and Zakiyah.. Bridgette maybe hasn't seen or studied as much as the other two.. the comedy this brings to the feeds is off the charts, but it annoys an awful lot of people and the shine might wear off before long for the rest of us.

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