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Season 2 Discussion

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What did NFG stand for?

FNG is fucking new guy. As individual replacements went out on patrol in Vietnam they would make mistakes and endanger the veterans. It was also played in the WWII Lee Marvin movie The Big Red One.

in NCIS they gave "New "while the other characters talked over each other giving a different "F" definition

Edited by Raja

I actually love her new hair :P It was what stood out most about this episode for me.

I was kind of bored with the plot though, and I really hope they don't drag it out for the whole season.

I figure they will treat her like Kate was when she transferred from the Secret Service. Just a little this is the CSI like stuff that you haven't been doing and these are the Navy traditions. Not the probie that McGee was for years.

I figure they will treat her like Kate was when she transferred from the Secret Service. Just a little this is the CSI like stuff that you haven't been doing and these are the Navy traditions. Not the probie that McGee was for years.

I meant I was bored with the terrorism plot with Pride and how now that group is after him. I can easily see them dragging it out for the rest of the season until the entire group is shut down.

Although now that you mention it, I was also annoyed with the whole Sonja initiation thing, especially Brody gluing Sonja's badge shut.

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What I didn't like was with all the FBI and ATF agents reinforcements in the background. It seemed like only the NFG's ex boss was in on the briefings about what was going to be done. And the Marine backups for NCIS with NOPD behind them on civilian streets stopped me for a moment. In all the craziness since NCIS supplanted JAG I can't remember marital law being imposed on this franchise.

I found it weird that they had Pride go undercover, out of the 4 of them isn't he the one in the cast a hell of a lot of people in New Orleans know?  Wouldn't LaSalle be a little more inconspicuous?


Brody and LaSalle... Aside from the simple drama of it why the hell did both of them try to basically waltz up to where they suspected a heavily armed terrorist encampment was without any backup on their tail? Why did they even make for entering by the river in the first place when sneaking in by land would have been safer?


Oh, and can these NCIS agents possibly learn to cover all entrances BEFORE announcing their presence at the house of someone they are trying to question or arrest please?

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I figure they will treat her like Kate was when she transferred from the Secret Service. Just a little this is the CSI like stuff that you haven't been doing and these are the Navy traditions. Not the probie that McGee was for years.

Bishop got the shitty probie jobs as well when she joined the mothership .McGee was then the one getting her to do the same crap they made him do like pick up individual feathers from a pillow used to silence a gun


Both of them were true probies though going from desk work to the field

I really like Brody's new haircut-- very cute and sassy! It's kind of making me want to cut my own hair. Anyway, so she apparently has a stalker now? Or someone who was fixated on her dead sister and has transferred that fixation to Brody? Not really sure how I feel about this plot but we'll see.


Love the addition of Sonja to the NCIS team. I thought the "hazing" was pretty gentle and silly-- they didn't totally treat her like a probie (I mean, she was an ATF undercover agent, ffs), but definitely still got some teasing as the newbie to NCIS. She has a nice rapport with the team, especially La Salle, so I whole-heartedly approve her addition.


Not loving the domestic terrorist storyline, though I guess it's slightly better than doing yet another international terror plot (looking at you, NCIS). We'll see where it goes, though *yawn* now Pride is a target (again).

Bishop got the shitty probie jobs as well when she joined the mothership .McGee was then the one getting her to do the same crap they made him do like pick up individual feathers from a pillow used to silence a gun


Both of them were true probies though going from desk work to the field


and Tony did it to Kate, and Tony and Kate did it to McGee, and McGee and Tony did it to Ziva, all the way back to (Gibbs told one of them, maybe Kate?) when Mike Franks did it to Gibbs. 

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Anyway, so she apparently has a stalker now? Or someone who was fixated on her dead sister and has transferred that fixation to Brody? Not really sure how I feel about this plot but we'll see.

I was going to ask about that but I forgot, so thanks for reminding me:)  I saw the photos but somehow didn't get what was going on with them.  Could someone tell me what was up with the photos?

I like Original Recipe Brody's Hair.


This ongoing terrorist thing + the ongoing terrorist thing over at NCIS Mothership is getting kinda samey.


Can't blame them for jumping at the excuse to include Dr. John.


More Patton and City Mouse means less Sebastian, so that's good.


CCH Pounder is still the best.


I was kind of hoping to see more of Diane Neal.

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Finally got around to watching this. 


Like many of you, am a bit annoyed at seeing another terrorist type plot.  Hopefully they will move away from that after this episode.  The show was OK for what it was, I suppose.  I was shaking my head at few things though.  Like "King" being the one to work undercover and infiltrate that group?  Really?  Having "King" who apparently is well known in New Orleans be the one (with minimum amount of disguise, I might add) person to do that job was a bit strange.  I guess I can fanwank and say that since most of those groups were outsiders, maybe they felt nobody would recognize him.  Still think they should have sent La Salle, though. 


And speaking of which, sending La Salle and Brody just be-bopping down the river with no backup and not even trying to conceal their presence was a bit odd too.  Talk about being sitting ducks.


Then Pride buying a bar?  Really?  I don't see how he could possibly have the time to both fix the place up and run it.  It takes a full time job just to do that.  Maybe even more of a full time job.  Don't see how he could do that and be a NCIS agent at the same time.  Maybe they can do a Bar Rescue crossover and bring in Jon Taffer if things aren't going so well at the bar later on.  ;)


I liked Sonja being made part of the team.  And enjoyed the razzing they gave her as well.  Am not quite sure about Brody's new hairdo.  Jury's still out for me on that one.  Less Sebastian and more CCH Pounder would be good too.   Otherwise, a solid if not fantastic start of the new season.  Hopefully less terror-type plots will be forthcoming now.

Apparently Sonja's purpose is to ask "What's that" to allow for exposition when something technical is mentioned, and to be irritated by random things. Normally I'm thrilled when a character points out issues related to inequality, but her conversation with Brody didn't feel organic. It seemed shoe horned in to be in keeping with our "gee whiz, women are cool" episode theme. Harping on the guys' night out was total nonsense. Sometimes people like to get together in mixed groups, sometimes it's same sex groups.  It doesn't always mean something sinister, just as you getting together with your women friends doesn't. It was especially irritating that she was doing it because she didn't want to participate, she just wanted to be asked. Who does that once she outgrows middle school?


One thing I used to love about Brody was she didn't have to stop and put her hair up before heading out in the field. She still doesn't, but now she has unflattering hair that looks like it has to be fussed with to make it look like she doesn't have to fuss with it. Also, Ms. Equality, when a guy asks you out and you're not happy about the setting, don't stride away grinning and flipping your hair, only to turn around and coyly tell him to call you tomorrow. Just tell him and skip the games.


I did like that the American hero in this episode was a woman and that they didn't gloss over the issues she had to deal with. I also loved SecNav pushing back and getting time for the investigation when Washington was demanding fast answers. Now if only she could get Sebastian and Abbey to stop with the dramatics when delivering test results and simply explain the results.

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I did like that the American hero in this episode was a woman and that they didn't gloss over the issues she had to deal with.

I liked that too.


What was with the egg harvesting?  It seemed such an odd thing to put into an already busy episode.


And why was NCIS and their piddly little lab investigating the crash instead of the Federal Aviation Something Something?

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Sooo, Sonja thinks it's a bad form not to be included in men's recreational activities because it's gender essentiality and stereotyping. But she's totally fine with gender stereotyping of men as "Neanderthals" and jealous of strong women, and slut-shaming LaSalle and being judgmental to him about his love life?


Oh, and she went all "lol nerd" at Sebastian for no reason I could think of. What the hell? They should tone her down because she already comes off as such a try-hard new girl that desperately wants to fit in by making everyone feel bad about themselves.


The central story was amazing, and very poignant at times. And showing struggles women in those positions can face was more effective than any Sonja's weird expositions. I like how everyone was there to protect Lyndsay's honor, and how it was not a misogyny or petty jealousy or abusive boyfriend's fault.


I like how guest star female characters were used as well. I hope we'll see Madam Secretary again!


The Loretta and Danny subplot was very well done, IMO, and I like their interactions.

Edited by CooperTV
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What was with the egg harvesting?  It seemed such an odd thing to put into an already busy episode.

And why was NCIS and their piddly little lab investigating the crash instead of the Federal Aviation Something Something?



That whole egg harvesting piece was odd. I guess it was to add to the suspense-She's good! No she's bad! No, wait, she's good! When it was resolved it was another example of her doing the right thing.

The National Transportation Safety Board is the federal agency that investigates transportation accidents, but they only have jurisdiction over civilian aircraft.


I like how everyone was there to protect Lyndsay's honor, and how it was not a misogyny or petty jealousy or abusive boyfriend's fault.



Good point. It's great that they didn't go there.


I totally agree that they need to tone Sonja down. The "badass chick with an attitude" thing was already old.

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I could see a case for the two woman agents objecting to all of their coworkers going out on a bonding expedition which the women were specifically excluded from.


Unfortunately, this episode needed to be dipped for the NCIS girlbro ticks, where in order to get men to take them seriously the women are more inappropriate, talk about sex more, belittle their coworkers' romantic prowess and generally reinforce the kind of douchey behavior in the workplace women have finally gotten the government to agree isn't appropriate. Which is just awesome if you're the pretty agent in her thirties who knows krav maga, but pretty much screws the cafeteria ladies who don't get to talk back.

  • Love 8

I could see a case for the two woman agents objecting to all of their coworkers going out on a bonding expedition which the women were specifically excluded from.

Yeah, I could see that if it had been something like the show was hinting at with the pilots-men excluding a woman just because she was a woman. I don't think that's what was happening here. I got the sense that it was just three friends who got together sometimes and had been doing it for a while. Brody knew about it and didn't seem to have a problem or feel excluded. It wasn't any different than the night out together that Brody and Sonja were trying to plan.

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Sooo, Sonja thinks it's a bad form not to be included in men's recreational activities because it's gender essentiality and stereotyping. But she's totally fine with gender stereotyping of men as "Neanderthals" and jealous of strong women, and slut-shaming LaSalle and being judgmental to him about his love life?



I could see a case for the two woman agents objecting to all of their coworkers going out on a bonding expedition which the women were specifically excluded from.


Unfortunately, this episode needed to be dipped for the NCIS girlbro ticks, where in order to get men to take them seriously the women are more inappropriate, talk about sex more, belittle their coworkers' romantic prowess and generally reinforce the kind of douchey behavior in the workplace women have finally gotten the government to agree isn't appropriate. Which is just awesome if you're the pretty agent in her thirties who knows krav maga, but pretty much screws the cafeteria ladies who don't get to talk back.



Yeah, I could see that if it had been something like the show was hinting at with the pilots-men excluding a woman just because she was a woman. I don't think that's what was happening here. I got the sense that it was just three friends who got together sometimes and had been doing it for a while. Brody knew about it and didn't seem to have a problem or feel excluded. It wasn't any different than the night out together that Brody and Sonja were trying to plan.

One thing that is constant in fiction and it seems television is particular (and there's a lot of real life truth in this) is that women are allowed to be hypocritical, sexist, and even physically and emotionally abusive to men and even each other and cry foul about things men do while doing the same thing, but men are NEVER allowed to do these same things to women for any reason, must accommodate or even praise a female when they do the same things, and are never allowed to call them on their hypocrisy or it's torches and pitchforks time. The blinding amounts of hypocrisy that these sorts of episodes always have just sabotages the very message of equality they are trying to present every single time.


Aside from Sonja's behavior in this episode I'm glad at how they handled the "female hero pilot" plot. As Cooper said they didn't go with the tired "a misogynist and/or abusive boyfriend did it" and just went with a mechanical failure as the source and that was good. However, I honestly think that TV should stop doing episodes like this, ones that constantly call attention to the difficulties of being a woman as though that was progressive when it's really not. All this does is constantly point out "HEY! THIS WOMAN DID SOMETHING GUYS USUALLY DO!!! IT WAS SO HARD!!!" only succeeding in highlighting the differences between the sexes rather than a similarities. This is even more absurd if there's already plenty of women in the given field also doing these things. If writers would just have a woman in a traditionally male role doing that job competently and not call attention to the fact that a woman is doing this job like it was, you know, NORMAL, it would be far far more progressive and make for better plots besides.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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One thing that is constant in fiction and it seems television is particular (and there's a lot of real life truth in this) is that women are allowed to be hypocritical, sexist, and even physically and emotionally abusive to men and even each other and cry foul about things men do while doing the same thing, but men are NEVER allowed to do these same things to women for any reason, must accommodate or even praise a female when they do the same things, and are never allowed to call them on their hypocrisy or it's torches and pitchforks time. The blinding amounts of hypocrisy that these sorts of episodes always have just sabotages the very message of equality they are trying to present every single time.

Aside from Sonja's behavior in this episode I'm glad at how they handled the "female hero pilot" plot. As Cooper said they didn't go with the tired "a misogynist and/or abusive boyfriend did it" and just went with a mechanical failure as the source and that was good. However, I honestly think that TV should stop doing episodes like this, ones that constantly call attention to the difficulties of being a woman as though that was progressive when it's really not. All this does is constantly point out "HEY! THIS WOMAN DID SOMETHING GUYS USUALLY DO!!! IT WAS SO HARD!!!" only succeeding in highlighting the differences between the sexes rather than a similarities. This is even more absurd if there's already plenty of women in the given field also doing these things. If writers would just have a woman in a traditionally male role doing that job competently and not call attention to the fact that a woman is doing this job like it was, you know, NORMAL, it would be far far more progressive and make for better plots besides.

Actually, I find that women are only 'allowed' to do that in entertainment written by men who prefer to present themselves as the aggrieved party in the social compact, but I agree that you've captured their sense of the situation.

Edited by Julia
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I have to say I thought it was the newlywed wife that ran the girl over.  I like the way they went with that.


I still feel sorry for the boy though.


Christopher LaSalle is very sexy.


I know they like to bother the probie but come on she's been there 4 episodes already.  Stop being mean

Mcgee went through the probie thing for years on the original NCIS.

Percy is suddenly a real character this episode. I appreciate she and Brody had their talk, even though all those talks in NCIS NO come from constant nagging and prodding. (Chris did the same thing with Brody and Percy did the same with Chris early on). Good thing Percy's personal drama doesn't involve any dead siblings or lovers. Because it'd definitely be an overkill. No pun intended.


Wow, so Chris and King finally got their own "serious talk". Bakula and Black work great together, and this one was not an exception.


The main plot was intriguing and very gripping.

Edited by CooperTV
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