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Booger McFarland was explaining how the NFL thinks.  They're trying to quickly figure out how to handle a cancellation and all that goes into it, while the rest of us are just focused on the injured player.  Not that the higher ups aren't thinking about him, but that they're getting things figured out so they can advise the coaches.  That's probably what was taking so long.

Just now, DrSpaceman73 said:

You could tell this wasn't a run of the mill injury when they players on the field, both sides, looked mortified. They see injuries all the time and don't react like that. 

Taking him back out of the ambulance in order to get him to the ground to do CPR would be extremely jarring to see.  I'm glad that his mom was able to ride in the ambulance with him.  My heart goes out to her and the entire family.  Sigh.

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I'm seeing fans leaving the stadium at this moment. I'm guessing that football is done for the night. Hopefully, Demar Hamlin is going to be OK. That was very frightening to watch.


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Fuck the NFL  They chose to expand the regular season and the playoffs.  For money.  Player safety was secondary.  Unless it fit the agenda.  And it was when nobody was at risk.

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Critical condition, and I saw one reporter post he was told that after Hamlin got CPR and AED (the defibrillator) on the field, he had a pulse, but was not breathing on his own and is still not as of the last report.  (So, basically, what was expected based on what we saw.)

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3 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Critical condition, and I saw one reporter post he was told that after Hamlin got CPR and AED (the defibrillator) on the field, he had a pulse, but was not breathing on his own and is still not as of the last report.  (So, basically, what was expected based on what we saw.)

I read the same tweet, but was hesitant to report it as fact, as I'd never heard of the person.

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3 minutes ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

And the original response from the league was 'well you have five minutes to warm up then we are playing again'  WTF?  Seriously. ?

No disrespect to the men on these forums, but I've always had male bosses, and this is exactly how they would handle a situation like that.  I've had many WTF moments over my career with asinine decisions by men.  

9 minutes ago, Carey said:

Fuck the NFL  They chose to expand the regular season and the playoffs.  For money.  Player safety was secondary. 

To be fair, this could've happened in any game along the way. 

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1 minute ago, ChitChat said:

No disrespect to the men on these forums, but I've always had male bosses, and this is exactly how they would handle a situation like that.  I've had many WTF moments over my career with asinine decisions by men.  

To be fair, this could've happened in any game along the way. 

Oh I believe you about bosses. Doesn't make it any less reprehensible. 

I took a Dave Ramsey course on financial management.  They were discussing how horrible collection companies are.  One former emoyee said he was working the morning of 911. His boss told him basically 'back to work we have a job'  like right after it happened. That was his last day in the Industry. 

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This was just posted to YouTube and explains what could've happened to Damar's heart with a hit like this.  Helps to understand it.

1 minute ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

One former emoyee said he was working the morning of 911.

I work in the dental field, and we kept right on working that entire day, when all we wanted to do was go get our kids out of school and take them home.  

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One grasps at whatever one can at this time and I'm hoping the fact that he had immediate medical attention may make a difference.  

3 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

Why am I crying for a kid I never met?

You and me both. 

All the NFL teams are tweeting support for Damar Hamlin and re-tweeting what their players are posting.  

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ESPN did a good job - and continues to do a good job, as they have a feed they haven't shown certain footage from - of not airing what was happening, but of course the players had no reason to trust in that, so I love that both teams made a human wall/shield to obstruct camera coverage while Hamlin was being worked on.

And, of course, kudos to the players and their coaches apparently saying a big Fuck No to the "take five minutes and we'll restart play" initial position.  Holy hell, this wasn't a broken leg, or even a head injury, or even a holy shit, we haven't seen his lower extremities move yet situation with a guy giving thumbs up as he's wheeled off on a cart.  He needed his heart shocked and was whisked off in an ambulance.  In five minutes we'll play again?!

I'll never forget what I saw tonight - it became clear very early on this was something very different, and the announcement nine minutes later they'd been doing CPR was merely horrible confirmation of what I'd long suspected and just a minute before brought myself to type here; as I said, it literally shook me - and they saw so much more, and of someone they have a professional and in many cases personal relationship with.  My heart goes out.

Edited by Bastet
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9 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

This was just posted to YouTube and explains what could've happened to Damar's heart with a hit like this.  Helps to understand it.

I work in the dental field, and we kept right on working that entire day, when all we wanted to do was go get our kids out of school and take them home.  

I realize many people kept working that day you can't old just go home Even though we wanted to. My wife was teaching 5th grade. I was on the psych unit of the hospital in residency. 

But bill collectors.....I think they could take the day off. 

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Just now, emma675 said:

I have a question I probably shouldn't ask, but how do they get his jersey and pads off quickly to do CPR and shock him? 

Just rip and cut down the middle, as fast as you can.

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19 minutes ago, Carey said:

Fuck the NFL  They chose to expand the regular season and the playoffs.  For money.  Player safety was secondary.  Unless it fit the agenda.  And it was when nobody was at risk.

I get this sentiment but this weekend would have been the final week in the football season.  So this didn't happen because they expanded the season. This happened because there's an inherent danger in the sport. It's also a pretty unusual situation. I can't recall ever seeing something like this.

And it's easy to blame the NFL but the NFLPA agreed to the expansion and all of us who watch the sport are complicit.  Does the NFL "care" about player safety?  Not more than money.  Do viewers care about player safety?  Probably not more than they enjoy watching the sport.  And do players care about player safety?  Probably but they're also young and probably don't fear the worst.

It makes me wonder if the NFL has a protocol for something like this. 

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6 minutes ago, emma675 said:

I have a question I probably shouldn't ask, but how do they get his jersey and pads off quickly to do CPR and shock him? 

I'm guessing a razor, something sharp to cut the shirt off, and cut through any straps on the pads. Or someone with strong hands could just tear the jersey.

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40 minutes ago, voiceover said:

Just came in because I’m wandering from podcast to Twitter to the radio, scared to know and scared to not know.  

Game called

Yeah that's how I felt watching the post game. I switched it off for now. 

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God! I’ve literally spent 2022 crying. 2022 fucked me up so bad I had to get on medication. My daughter broke her arm twice in the same place. She has had four surgeries on it from February 2022-December 2022. She’s 6. 
Took my middle child to his yearly check up in March 2022 only to find out he had high blood pressure (he’s 10). After Ct scans, kidney drs, heart drs we found out he was born with a congenital heart defect. He plays hockey and if we didn’t find this when we did he could have been this player on the field. My sons hockey career looks different than we expected as he now has two stents placed on his aorta. The Dr cleared him for goalie on the roller hockey league though. 
 We did preventative Echos on the other two kids and my daughter came up with ASD (Whole in the heart). I know it’s a socioeconomic issue globally but get your kids checked!! Thank god I wasn’t watching tonight’s game. What a sad thing to witness. 

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@Mountainair I’m glad that they caught your son’s coarctation. Those are difficult to find if the elevated blood pressures get missed. 
Ryan Clark’s perspective on ESPN is on point right now. He’s been through an almost death situation himself and knows the risk that players take every day to entertain people.

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I’m hoping calling the game took so long because the front office was working out all the logistics like hotel rooms for the Bills players and who could go to the hospital, etc. but it’s Goddell so I don’t hold out much hope.  It certainly seemed like the Bengels coach took it upon himself to suggest everyone head back to their locker rooms.

Prayers for Damar.


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OK.  I sort of get why ESPN is still doing full coverage on this.  But I don't know why ABC hasn't broken away from this. 

Because now it just feels like they're trying to give every reporter camera time.  They don't have any new information. 

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I watched what happened to Christian Eriksen at EURO 2020 live and I had the same feeling in my stomach then as I have now. I hope and pray this will have the same turnout as with Eriksen, who played in the most recent world cup, but it feels worse somehow.


Major kudos to the Bengals and their fans. So respectful all the way.

Just now, Irlandesa said:

OK.  I sort of get why ESPN is still doing full coverage on this.  But I don't know why ABC hasn't broken away from this. 

Because now it just feels like they're trying to give every reporter camera time.  They don't have any new information. 

I honestly feel they should have cut the broadcast a while ago and put on a repeat of something, NFL game, bowl game, 30for30, anything but those poor sports people trying to talk in circles about this horrible situation. This is not their job, they are sports not news. You could tell they were all upset.

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3 minutes ago, Crs97 said:

I’m hoping calling the game took so long because the front office was working out all the logistics like hotel rooms for the Bills players and who could go to the hospital, etc. but it’s Goddell so I don’t hold out much hope.  It certainly seemed like the Bengels coach took it upon himself to suggest everyone head back to their locker rooms.

Prayers for Damar.


Apparently they consulted the NFLPA too.  So all the phone calls took time.



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I'm sorry, but I can't even be mad at Roger in this case.  And to a lesser extent, Roger's employers.  ChitChat is right.  This could have happened anytime (though there would've been more time to work out stuff).

This isn't a common case.  The lack of player care doesn't help but even so how does anyone predict a long ass season led to this.

People were upset that it took so long to call the game, but I was too focused on the life of another human being to worry about the eventual reactions from TPTB.

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1 minute ago, Irlandesa said:

But I don't know why ABC hasn't broken away from this. 

Probably because they had no other programming scheduled. 

Just now, Carey said:

People were upset that it took so long to call the game, but I was too focused on the life of another human being to worry about the eventual reactions from TPTB.

I give Joe Buck props for mentioning the possible scheduling options -- and then saying, "Who cares?"

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5 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

OK.  I sort of get why ESPN is still doing full coverage on this.  But I don't know why ABC hasn't broken away from this. 

Because now it just feels like they're trying to give every reporter camera time.  They don't have any new information. 

I think ABC would have to find alternate programming to fill the time and it was probably simpler to just run until the 11 PM news.  

I have a friend who had a cardiac arrhythmia (ventricular fibrillation) out of the blue about 20 years ago when she was 32. Luckily for her, she's a nurse and it happened at the nursing station on Labor and Delivery during the change of shift.  She was literally sitting next to the code cart.  She got CPR and defibrillated successfully within minutes.  Anesthesia was hanging around and intubated her and placed IV's.  She recovered completely and has a permanent defibrillator which has never fired since.  It is possible to recover from this.

As far as the pads and jersey;  I've never seen a team trainer who didn't carry a pair of scissors to cut tape.  They can cut a jersey off in seconds as well as the pads.  It is quite possible to do CPR and defibrillate someone without completely removing their shirt and pads.

My local station in Cleveland says they have spoken to someone at their sister station in Cincy where someone close to Hamlin states that his vital signs are now normal.  He has been intubated and sedated which is routine for this circumstance (true).  So, maybe he'll be lucky like my friend was.

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11 minutes ago, twoods said:

@Mountainair I’m glad that they caught your son’s coarctation. Those are difficult to find if the elevated blood pressures get missed. 
Ryan Clark’s perspective on ESPN is on point right now. He’s been through an almost death situation himself and knows the risk that players take every day to entertain people.

I didn’t even mention coarctation but you knew. Unfortunately you must be familiar. 
We go in Thursday to see if we can go off the BP meds. They’ll send him home with a 24 hour cuff. 

Football related: our cardiologist says absolutely no contact sports. I hate to see players taken out like this. 

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16 minutes ago, Crs97 said:

I’m hoping calling the game took so long because the front office was working out all the logistics like hotel rooms for the Bills players and who could go to the hospital, etc. but it’s Goddell so I don’t hold out much hope.  It certainly seemed like the Bengels coach took it upon himself to suggest everyone head back to their locker rooms.

Prayers for Damar.


I'm of the opinion that the players refused to play. 

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I also think the teams knew the game was called well before we did.  One reporter mentioned a player coming out of the locker room in a towel.  Edited to add that you are probably right, Court.

The only remotely similar situation I can think of is the Astros manager having a grand mal seizure in the 8th inning of a baseball game back in the 90’s.  That game was postponed as well, and the manager made a full recovery after a 5 hour brain surgery.

Continued prayers for a similar outcome for Damar.

Edited by Crs97
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I don't have a problem with the nfl taking as long as they did to postpone as I do with the initial report they planned to give teams five minutes uses and then resume. That's ludicrous.  

I bet they try to backtrack that as some 'miscommunication ' but it's consistent with the nfls general attitude and past decisions. 

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The Bills tweeted a picture of the team praying on the field and the picture is surrounded by images of tweets from teams and players throughout the NFL.  

One of the reporters on NBC said there may be an update provided on his condition sometime in the next hour. 

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1 minute ago, Calvada said:

The Bills tweeted a picture of the team praying on the field and the picture is surrounded by images of tweets from teams and players throughout the NFL.  

One of the reporters on NBC said there may be an update provided on his condition sometime in the next hour. 

CNN says there's going to be a news conference at the hospital.

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From the former spokesperson to VP Harris

I agree. I understand how the initial decision for a delay might have been borne of confusion about the situation, the league was way to slow to announce suspension of the game.



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29 minutes ago, Mountainair said:

I didn’t even mention coarctation but you knew. Unfortunately you must be familiar. 
We go in Thursday to see if we can go off the BP meds. They’ll send him home with a 24 hour cuff. 

Football related: our cardiologist says absolutely no contact sports. I hate to see players taken out like this. 

Yes, one of my fears as a pediatrician is missing a possible fatal cardiac condition causing one of my patients to collapse on the field. It is terrifying how fast things can change in the blink of an eye. I’m so glad that Damar was surrounded by top tier medical personnel so was tended to immediately because the first few minutes are the most important. 

Edited by twoods
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Just now, galaxygirl76 said:

This was the feeling I got and what I said above but it is absolutely ludicrous that the players/coaches had to do that. The NFL should have canceled on it's own. Absurd 


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That was shocking and sad to watch play out. Praying for Damar.

Doesn't surprise me players called it, ESPN was showing Bills crew pack up long before it was called. Plus they were coming into the hall not in uniform.

Edited by Artsda
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By all accounts, the Bengals' Higgins was devastated as he was the player who made the contact. I hope they get him some real support. It's not his fault, but he's likely feeling it is. I was happy to hear that he left the stadium with his mom who had her arm wrapped around him.

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1 minute ago, KAOS Agent said:

By all accounts, the Bengals' Higgins was devastated as he was the player who made the contact. I hope they get him some real support. It's not his fault, but he's likely feeling it is. I was happy to hear that he left the stadium with his mom who had her arm wrapped around him.

I was thinking about him and wondering if he was blaming himself.  No doubt he thinks it's his fault, but it isn't, really.

Now they're saying no news conference tonight.

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