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S10.E15: Fire Signs

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I wonder if part of Vicki's push for Brook's to be filmed and for his cancer to be in some way part of their story line was her saying to him that he needed to get an income and help her keep one because she was tired of paying for everything. I haven't kept up much with the tabloid info, but it appears she paid a lot of back child support to keep him out of jail as well as giving him a home, new teeth, etc. I can't figure out if he works or not. Wasn't he in insurance sales as well and that's how he met Vicki? Why didn't he continue in that line? It's all so confusing and murky I can see why he's nicknamed Crooks the Con. 


Is Darren Tamra's first ex and Ryan's father? I was wondering what input (financial and otherwise) he might have after Ryan mentioned his dad. And I may be wrong in my comment above that Ryan's girlfriend (I'm too lazy to look up her name) has three other baby daddies, but I think I read that somewhere here. Is it really true? What a mess of a family! 

Yes, Darren Vieth (or maybe it is Veith), proud father of Ryan Vieth and grandfather to Eva.

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I guess there will be a countdown to see how long before the McMakins respond-looks like the husband (Reed) is part of a family business. http://ppmechanical.com/staff/


I take back what I said earlier about no one talking about Shannon-amazing this information has been out for months but it comes front and center hours before the Reunion.  Pretty much guarantees Shannon being a nervous wreck for the Reunion.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Ya know, I'm not quite sure why she went after Brooks but maybe it was that there were questions off camera about him actually having cancer.  After seeing the last episode, there were probably communications going on between all of them as to whether or not Brooks was being candid.  And maybe if Brooks wasn't being totally truthful, Vicki would probably know.  I'm not saying that's what I 'think' happened but rather that's what was in her mind, as well as Shannon, Tamra and Heather, at the time.


I do think it's probably one of those things where everyone was initially aware of what was being said about Brooks, but, like many things in the Housewives universe, it was tacitly agreed to be left off camera - kind of like Brandi's tampon incident or Lisa Vanderpump's lost law suit - there is generally a kind of code of mutual protection among the cast members. But the psychic opened the door for speculation - whether that was honestly organic, engineered by Tamra, or engineered by production - and Meghan just ran with it. This was her chance to take the unspoken and make it spoken on camera. And I think for people like Tamra and Heather, Meghan's rampage was a free pass to jump into the melee and get into some nice juicy dirt on camera that they would otherwise never bring up. I know I am probably in the minority, but I do love when the show starts becoming about the politics of being on the show. It's so Machiavellic (TM Camille)!

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The thing about what Meghan did is that medical information and conditions are soooo extremely private and personal, and digging into someone's medical condition without permission is such a violation of privacy.  This is on a whole different level from making comments about how Meghan parents Haley, which Meghan brought up in the first place.  And Brooks and Vicki did not ask for Meghan's help, advice or opinion about his condition.  Yes, Vicki does open her big mouth and provide unwanted advice and commentary, as with her comments on Meghan's and Jim's marriage, but that doesn't make what Meghan did right or ok, and it wasn't Brooks who was making the comments about Meghan anyway except for relaying a conversation he had with Jim to Vicki in another private conversation.  Even if Brooks doesn't have cancer, this doesn't give Meghan the right to do what she did.

I don't know, maybe I missed it, but I thought all she did was ask a Dr's office if they treat cancer.   Meghan did not mention Brooks, or anything else. There is no digging into his medical history.  Everything that's being discussed is from him or Vickie.

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Wow, mistress sort of resembles Shannon. And her husband is really cute. What a terrible person she is, putting her daughter on basketball with Shannon and David's girls because David was the coach-and then befriending Shannon. Yikes! Well, now her name and face are out for all to know and for women to steer clear of.


Shannon looks so joyful in her wedding picture. It is sad what their marriage devolved into.


Is it really proven that Sarah's four girls all have different fathers? That is the bottom of the barrel of skeeviness if true. And for her to take up so quickly with Ryan (shudder) while having three impressionable and innocent girls at home, speaks volumes. Especially after meeting the guy on Instagram, woah.

Edited by Sage47
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I don't know, maybe I missed it, but I thought all she did was ask a Dr's office if they treat cancer.   Meghan did not mention Brooks, or anything else. There is no digging into his medical history.  Everything that's being discussed is from him or Vickie.


Why does she even need to call someone's doctor under the guise of having cancer herself?  She wanted to see if that particular doctor treats cancer patients in order to discredit Brooks and his chosen course of treatment (and this could be only part of his entire treatment regime).  It might not be directly coming straight out and asking about Brooks, but she certainly is calling to get some information about the doctor who is treating and be able to look into the type of medical treatment Brooks is getting.  That is digging into his medical history.

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I do think it's probably one of those things where everyone was initially aware of what was being said about Brooks, but, like many things in the Housewives universe, it was tacitly agreed to be left off camera - kind of like Brandi's tampon incident or Lisa Vanderpump's lost law suit - there is generally a kind of code of mutual protection among the cast members. But the psychic opened the door for speculation - whether that was honestly organic, engineered by Tamra, or engineered by production - and Meghan just ran with it. This was her chance to take the unspoken and make it spoken on camera. And I think for people like Tamra and Heather, Meghan's rampage was a free pass to jump into the melee and get into some nice juicy dirt on camera that they would otherwise never bring up. I know I am probably in the minority, but I do love when the show starts becoming about the politics of being on the show. It's so Machiavellic (TM Camille)!

Don't forget that Eddie called Brooks cancer "cough bull shit cough" on the very first or second episode! Then Tamra asked the "psychic" later on in a different episode. I do believe production is behind most of this but I think Eddie got it started for them. LOL

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Vicki has admitted that Brooks answered questions about his cancer at CUT for over an hour. I don't have hour long conversations about something I consider private with strangers. Shit just doesn't add up.

I find it very, very, odd that on the heels of the psychic disclosure Brooks is lured over to the gym with a birthday celebration promise and then subjected to an hour's worth of questioning about his health.  Has anyon ever sat around at a birthday party and quizzed the guest of honor over their treatment protocol?  I mean there isn't anyone in the group that is in the medical field-so what is it they are hoping to establish? 


I think if I am reading Vicki and Brooks correctly they did not want the Q & A period.  There are very different levels of friendship within the group-obviously Shannon has a better feel for what is going on and Meghan would have zero idea.


See I would think we would see more of this intense questioning of say Shannon and her husband's affair.  It would have been nice for Tamra, Vicki, Shannon and Heather to have a discussion and LISTEN to what Shannon had been through.  I bet they all talk like magpies come Reunion time over what is appropriate and what isn't to disclose on TV but would spend an hour questioning Brooks about medical issues.  It is what makes for a good reality star apparently.


The one question I find so rude is when anyone, and especially Satan Andy asks a woman about elective surgery.  The worst of all for talking about procedures was Brandi and the vagiplasty.  Why would you tell the world about that?

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Why does she even need to call someone's doctor under the guise of having cancer herself?  She wanted to see if that particular doctor treats cancer patients in order to discredit Brooks and his chosen course of treatment (and this could be only part of his entire treatment regime).  It might not be directly coming straight out and asking about Brooks, but she certainly is calling to get some information about the doctor who is treating and be able to look into the type of medical treatment Brooks is getting.  That is digging into his medical history.

Well, she could have called and just asked if they treat NHL and really didn't need to say more then that. As for his medical treatment, they only know what he himself told them, which was probably much given that they were chatting for over an hour.  

If I were her, having so many people close to me that are ill and knowing that it runs in my family (like wildfire), if I thought that someone was lying in my face about having the same illness, I would probably feel the same way as she does. But, just being me, I've thought that he was lying since the start of the season.

Too many things don't add up. Too many.  

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I will say this-Meghan claims producers don't ask her to do anything-she does, owns it and fights to the death of it.


So in this season of no boundaries, am I the only one who finds it odd that no one outside of Vicki has even mentioned the Beador situation. Not even Tamra in her bizarre support efforts.  I could have easily seen Tamra saying to Heather, Shannon said you violated girl code and I am telling you this because I am supporting Shannon after David's affair and I think she is very nervous about ex-wives.


The Beador situation should have been great for hours of gossip on the show.  We didn't even get a I knew all about it last year from anyone.  Not even Tamra.  So I am wondering if the others were uncomfortable being around David?  No one seems to want to talk about it.  So odd from this group of women who have all talked about Brooks for the past six episodes-someone we rarely see.


Or they did and the producers had to pick between that and Meghan's crusade agains fake cancer patients and they chose Meghan. 


Considering how much they must film there must be a lot of things we would rather see than what they show us. 

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Well, she could have called and just asked if they treat NHL and really didn't need to say more then that. As for his medical treatment, they only know what he himself told them, which was probably much given that they were chatting for over an hour.  

If I were her, having so many people close to me that are ill and knowing that it runs in my family (like wildfire), if I thought that someone was lying in my face about having the same illness, I would probably feel the same way as she does. But, just being me, I've thought that he was lying since the start of the season.

Too many things don't add up. Too many.  


Well, I have had several family members who have had various types of cancer (colon cancer (3), ovarian cancer, Hodgkins lymphoma, Non-Hodgkins lymphoma, and three of the six died from cancer), and I DON'T FEEL the same way Meghan does and never in a million years would I ever do what she did and invade someone else's privacy.


If Brooks is lying, that's on him and makes him a(n even more) terrible person.  But he hasn't done anything to harm Meghan, or anyone else for that matter, for her to go after him like that.  She's using Brooks' cancer or non-cancer to get back at Vicki; Meghan pretty much admitted that in the last episode.  We don't know what the absolute truth is with Brooks at this point; however, we have the evidence right in front of our eyes what a skeevy person Meghan is.

Edited by Lyra Angelica
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Well, she could have called and just asked if they treat NHL and really didn't need to say more then that. As for his medical treatment, they only know what he himself told them, which was probably much given that they were chatting for over an hour.

If I were her, having so many people close to me that are ill and knowing that it runs in my family (like wildfire), if I thought that someone was lying in my face about having the same illness, I would probably feel the same way as she does. But, just being me, I've thought that he was lying since the start of the season.

Too many things don't add up. Too many.

Let's ask ourselves, if anyone here had a co-worker that we didn't much get along with, or had an acquaintance/friend that we didn't mesh with...would I call her boyfriend's doctor to ask questions, while pretending to have cancer, to see if I could validate my suspicion that the Doc wasn't a Doctor that treats cancer? Would I contact an old friend, that lives hundreds of miles away, to get a phone # of that boyfriend's ex-girlfriend who commented on a blog, to directly text her to get information from that ex on my co-worker/friend/acquaintance's because this ex claims he was faking cancer?

Also, Meghan's husband has told her several times that it was none of her business, yet she ignores his advice, knowing that Jim's livelihood now depends on his reputation as a Sports caster/personality? He has told her that her actions are getting him involved in something he feels is inappropriate and she completely disregards his concern.

I fall into the camp that it's hard to believe Brooks about anything because of his shady past. Time will tell. However, he should not be subject to Meghan's investigation/persecution because her beef is with Vicki, not Brooks. She has admitted that she is trying to get back at Vicki. Meghan's motivation has always been revenge, while claiming she is just seeking the truth and cares about justice. Well, IMO, she's a bitch.

Meghan acts like a spoiled, know it all that thinks she has clout now that she's married to an ex MLB star/personality. This is a woman who was offended by Shannon because she answered a phone call, wasn't glued to the phone call and hung up without Meghan getting the help she was seeking. Big deal! Shannon had nothing to apologize for in this situation. Then Meghan punishes her by not inviting her to a charity party. She also knew Shannon was weary of her at the hoe down and suspected Shannon thought she & David were flirting. Then she brings it up to Shannon multiple times knowing that David cheated on Shannon. Why was she poking at her knowing what Shannon was going thru? She's a bitch.

Edited by IKnowRight
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Don't forget that Eddie called Brooks cancer "cough bull shit cough" on the very first or second episode! Then Tamra asked the "psychic" later on in a different episode. I do believe production is behind most of this but I think Eddie got it started for them. LOL

I wonder if that scene was spliced in from footage taken later.
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A bitch, IKnowRight your much too kind about Meghan, lol!


I liked your Gif of the Evil Queen from Snow White as Meghan. There's also a resemblance to the mean stepmother in Disney's Cinderella. Yup, bitch is kind, she's something else...

Notice Meghan's eyebrow goes up when she thinks she has you cornered and thinks she's right. That's what gives her true intent away. She did it to Shannon when she told her she wasn't a big deal/not that famous (re: the phone call) and she did it when they were talking on the couch with Vicki and Brooks. Her self satisfaction, thinking she's a legend in her own mind, is written all over her face.

Edited by IKnowRight
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I'm SO skeptical about Brooks that I'd believe he lied about having cancer to scare Vicki into continue to support him (financially, televisionally, etc-ally).  He didn't expect "the cancer" to be discussed, let alone become a big storyline.


Yeah, I am curious about this -- I've read the Previously threads like it's my job, and I can write that people here are super nice; we are talking about how whack Meghan is in her Pursuit of the Cancer Truth (and she is), but - does anyone else also think Brooks FKA Crooks is COMPLETELY full of shit here?  I can't even believe I think he's faking a current cancer diagnosis but - eff it.  I think he's faking a current cancer diagnosis, and that walking trashsack Vicki 'I'm a BUSINESS WOMAN [porcine nostrils flaring]' Gunvalson is the oozing ass pimple who encouraged him to do so.


Tamra's mom seems like she should be chain-smoking on a front porch somewhere while monitoring the ins and outs of her neighbors.  She creeps me the fuck on out.  Every single person associated with Tamra is just awful.

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I don't know, maybe I missed it, but I thought all she did was ask a Dr's office if they treat cancer.   Meghan did not mention Brooks, or anything else. There is no digging into his medical history.  Everything that's being discussed is from him or Vickie.

It is what she did with the information.  She surmised based on the fact the doctor's office represented they did not treat over the phone requests for cancer treatments.  Her recital of the information would lead one to believe that Brooks was lying about being a patient or receiving any treatment.  The office could very well treat patients who have cancer.  If this is the office that doles out reservatrol.   So if you start following up on doctors Brooks named  repeating what you learned in response to  a faux health concern you are digging and digging with a big shovel. 

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It is what she did with the information.  She surmised based on the fact the doctor's office represented they did not treat over the phone requests for cancer treatments.  Her recital of the information would lead one to believe that Brooks was lying about being a patient or receiving any treatment.  The office could very well treat patients who have cancer.  If this is the office that doles out reservatrol.   So if you start following up on doctors Brooks named  repeating what you learned in response to  a faux health concern you are digging and digging with a big shovel. 

Well, to be honest, Brooks talked like this Dr. treats patients with NHL because he, the Dr., had cured himself of it by using "resveratrol" years earlier according to what Brooks told them, more so to Heather. He told them that this Dr. tried conventional treatments and found that the cancer kept returning nonetheless and when he stopped all conventional treatments and used Resveratrol (in large doses), his NHL went away and never returned.

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Well, to be honest, Brooks talked like this Dr. treats patients with NHL because he, the Dr., had cured himself of it by using "resveratrol" years earlier according to what Brooks told them, more so to Heather. He told them that this Dr. tried conventional treatments and found that the cancer kept returning nonetheless and when he stopped all conventional treatments and used Resveratrol (in large doses), his NHL went away and never returned.

Physician heal thyself does not mean that he can open up a practice claiming to treat and cure cancer.  The doctor shared anecdotal information.  By law he cannot hold out and claim to treat and cure cancer with Resveratrol.   So if someone called in and said, "I have cancer and friend referred me to this office."  The person did exactly what they were required to do by law, suggested conventional treatment. 


If Brooks wants to follow this doctor it is his call.  My guess is Brooks introduction started with more than a blind phone call.

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HIPAA laws pertain to the provider. Not to a lay person. HIPAA protects people's personal information from being disclosed. Meghan is not a health care provider so she is unable to break HIPAA laws. However, she can call any doctor and inquire about anyone she wants. No HIPAA laws are broken unless the provider released the information. What she did was morally wrong, but not even remotely illegal. Besides, Brooks told her the name of his doctor, and Meghan called and asked if the doctor treated cancer. That's in no way violating any laws, but definitely not HIPAA laws. Meghan does not qualify as a "covered entity."


If an entity  does not meet the definition of a covered entity or business associate, it does not have to comply with the HIPAA Rules.  See definitions of “business associate” and “covered entity” at 45 CFR 160.103.




Edited by bravofan27
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Physician heal thyself does not mean that he can open up a practice claiming to treat and cure cancer.  The doctor shared anecdotal information.  By law he cannot hold out and claim to treat and cure cancer with Resveratrol.   So if someone called in and said, "I have cancer and friend referred me to this office."  The person did exactly what they were required to do by law, suggested conventional treatment. 


If Brooks wants to follow this doctor it is his call.  My guess is Brooks introduction started with more than a blind phone call.

Well, we do not know how Brooks found this Dr. to begin with. Did he read about him, "Google", or did someone recommend him? I am sure that Brooks went to the Dr and spoke with him at some point but who knows what Brooks asked to get the appointment. But, Yes, it is Brooks call about using any Dr for his NHL.  

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Hmmm, I have a few hours to kill today. I think I may send a text to Meghan's ex and make a few inquiries. Because I think I know someone that I knew in high school whose brother's best friend's sister in law was one time married to a friend of Meghan's ex husbands cousin.

 Then, her ex mother in law may have a few stories. Also Allison Edmonds may be willing to enlighten us a little regarding Meghan.

I don't doubt that there are a few juicy anecdotes out there that would be very interesting.

Gahhhhhhhhhhhh...I have one but I can't spill details because I'd be breaking a confidence.  It's been KILLING ME not to share it with you guys, but suffice it to say, Meghan's "devotion" to Jim's kids is completely fakety fake fake fake.

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Gahhhhhhhhhhhh...I have one but I can't spill details because I'd be breaking a confidence.  It's been KILLING ME not to share it with you guys, but suffice it to say, Meghan's "devotion" to Jim's kids is completely fakety fake fake fake.



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Okay - this is the ONLY other thing I can say - there was a "them or me" conversation before they moved to Orange County. Evil.

This was in regard to the younger children, marriage number two?

Edited by mbaywife123
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Gahhhhhhhhhhhh...I have one but I can't spill details because I'd be breaking a confidence.  It's been KILLING ME not to share it with you guys, but suffice it to say, Meghan's "devotion" to Jim's kids is completely fakety fake fake fake.




I don't know if this came up correctly but there is a photo in lte August the 28th or so of two piles of children's clothes and Meghan claims she shops often or something.  Then on August 25th there is a picture of Meghan , Jim and the youngest two and they have on outfits that matched Meghan.  I cannot imagine the ex is too thrilled.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Bravo has really sunk to a new low. To have people (us) talking for pages and pages each week about whether Brooks does or does NOT have cancer...think about how sick that is. If Vicki and Bravo (and Brooks) really didn't want this to turn into the season of "Can't-Sir", then they could have EASILY shut it down by episode two. Brooks could have shown medical records to some of the women or their husbands, told them to show up at his chemo appointment, anything. Yes, of course it's sick that he would even have to do those things! but really, that is the only way this all could have been shut down immediately.


And believe me, if Brooks were pissed off enough that people were doubting him while he fought for his life, he would have done just that. That's not to say I don't believe he has cancer. I do. He looks more pale and thin and his personality is much dimmed-down this season. He seems tired to me. So if he does indeed have cancer this means that he and Vicki were okay with his cancer being a storyline all in the name of $. That in itself is quite disturbing.


As is Bravo's hearty support of this vile storyline and the vile Meghan Edmonds intruding on Brook's business. Satan Andy indeed.


By the way, I find it unconscionable that they would do the cancer storyline the very year that Leann Edmonds was battling terminal cancer that she soon died of. Just beyond tacky and insensitive and gross on a million levels. Do they think cancer is just a fun soap-opera storyline? I could practically see Meghan foaming at the mouth with glee that she KNEW someone battling cancer so she would really be able to put her two cents in regarding Brooks' cancer! She was over the moon! I find her, and to some degree all of them really repugnant.

The fact that they have allowed this to be such a big story is one of the main reasons I believe that it will turn out that he IS lying.  Otherwise, I would hope (silly of me, I know) that they would hold themselves to at least a slightly higher ethical standard than that.   I would think that they would know how tasteless it would make Bravo (who is not known for anything tasteful, of course) look if Brooks is truly a man suffering through a cancer relapse during filming. 


If he's telling the truth, it's definitely a new (and VERY low) low, even for Bravo.    We shall see.  My hope for all involved is that does not have it.  Yes, even though I called him nothing but a douchebag piece of shit on another thread.   Well, he is!


Edited to add.....I also have to wonder how real the threat of litigation might be if he were telling the truth about a relapse at the time.  Even if there appears to have been an airtight contract signed, I would think that they know that there are often loopholes, even with "airtight" contracts.   I guess even if he did sue and won big, he would receive mere pocket change compared to what the franchise rakes in.   It appears that I am may be just grasping at straws here.  ;)

Edited by straightshooter
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Okay - this is the ONLY other thing I can say - there was a "them or me" conversation before they moved to Orange County.  Evil.

Was it: Meghan wanted to be on the HWOC and Jim wanted to stay near his young children and she gave him an ultimatum to either rent a house in OC or she'd leave him? Could that be why he's gone so much...he's with the kids?

Just a little bit more info Magoo

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I have a chronic illness, and one of the biggest pet peeves is unwanted medical advice or information. I can't imagine how enraged I'd be if someone kept interrogating me about why I didn't go to the doctor they suggested, like I have some kind of obligation to do so. Actually, everyone I know would be way too scared to treat me that way. Brooks was *very* calm and reasonable during Megan's latest grilling and rehashing. He doesn't owe her or Shannon or anyone else a damn thing!

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I don't know if this came up correctly but there is a photo in lte August the 28th or so of two piles of children's clothes and Meghan clais she shops often or something.  Then on August 25th there is a picture of Meghan , Jim and the youngest to and they have on outfits that matched Meghan.  I cannot imagine the ex is too thrilled.

Just FYI ZM, it didn't come up for me.... even scrolling down.

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Anything is possible, although I really think Eddie didn't believe Brooks had cancer during filming.

And that's another interesting piece of this puzzle that's been created this season.  Why are people questioning it?  Is it because it was already treated (he finished chemo in January but was still talking about his cancer in March) and was actually ok but Vicki and him were using it as a story line?  I don't know what to think at this point.  All I know is that it's not normal for people to question someone's cancer diagnose.  I've never liked Brooks but I wouldn't think to question him saying he has cancer.  But apparently there's enough for others on the show to question it.

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Was it: Meghan wanted to be on the HWOC and Jim wanted to stay near his young children and she gave him an ultimatum to either rent a house in OC or she'd leave him? Could that be why he's gone so much...he's with the kids?

Just a little bit more info Magoo

I didn't get to delve that deep unfortunately - our conversation got interrupted and we weren't able to finish. But I didn't get the impression it had to do with the show. She is just cold and selfish. I had SO many questions for my source that I didn't get to ask - she's a real insider. If I have another opportunity I will ask her permission to share here.
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I didn't get to delve that deep unfortunately - our conversation got interrupted and we weren't able to finish. But I didn't get the impression it had to do with the show. She is just cold and selfish. I had SO many questions for my source that I didn't get to ask - she's a real insider. If I have another opportunity I will ask her permission to share here.

Thanks for the inside scoop MAGOO.

It will be interesting if/when this info comes to light.

Meghan the TRUTH and JUSTICE seeker, uh not so much.

It is becoming clearer why Jimmy treats Meghan like the petulant child that she is.

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I've never liked Brooks but I wouldn't think to question him saying he has cancer.



If I had dealt with Brooks personally or professionally for a few years (or many!) I would have seen enough to question every word that comes out of his mouth...including any serious medical diagnoses.  Question everything and trust nothing when it comes to Mr. Ayers.

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Don't know where to put this but it appears Tamra is doing a glad handing tour.  Claiming how close she and Vicki are and hanging out with Meghan in St. Louis.  http://www.inquisitr.com/2427863/tamra-judge-hangs-out-with-jim-and-meghan-edmonds-in-kansas-city-starts-preparing-for-rhoc-season-10-reunion-show/


A little nugget in there about how much Jim Edmonds loves his wife.  They started dating in May of 2013.

Very interesting! Why would Tamra go to Kansas City just to visit Meghan when she can see her in the OC when she's there? This is someone with young children so I would think any child free weekend would be something beyond going to see Meghan. I didn't think much of it at first, but Tamra hints that she would like to hang out there more often?!! Remember, there's been rumors that Bravo might try a St. Louis/mid west housewives show. Andy has said no, because that was "too close to home" but who knows.

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The thing about what Meghan did is that medical information and conditions are soooo extremely private and personal, and digging into someone's medical condition without permission is such a violation of privacy.

The other part of this, which I haven't seen mentioned, is that what Meghan did was in violation of the HIPPA laws, the privacy laws,  ..what she did was against the law.

Apologies for a delay in responding to those who called me out for this, that Meghan didn't actually violate any laws--my computer was down.


With respect, you may well be right; it's possible that she didn't violate the letter of the law in her quest for justice. IMO she did, however violate the spirit of the law in her search for proof--pro or con--regarding Brook's medical condition. I worked for a doctor for a while, just one of the people who answered the phone and did billing, made appointments. It was during the time when the HIPPA laws were enacted and we were told that we couldn't tell anyone anything about anything unless they were standing in front of us, were the actual patients (or parents/guardians in the case of minors) and could prove their identity if we didn't know them. We weren't even allowed to give test results over the phone, they had to come in to hear that their PAP tests or whatever were okay (obviously we would have called them ASAP if they weren't). No one could nose around about a patient--period.


Even if she didn't come out and ask about a specific patient's treatment or prognosis, she was out of line. She had no business to waste the doctor's office time with her BS. Lying and healthy or terminal and dying, Brooks' --or anyone's--medical condition doesn't concern her unless that person asks her to involve herself.


Legal violation or not, Meghan is out of line in her quest for a story line and camera time-IMO.

Edited by Beden
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Re: the St. Louis/Midwest Housewives possibility, I have always really wanted that to happen. I actually was hoping for a Chicago/Chicago burbs edition but anywhere in the Midwest would be great! I honestly wish there were a lot more cities represented on Housewives-Denver or Seattle would be cool too for something different. Or what about one set in a resort area like Aspen or Jackson Hole? Would love it!


I 200% believe that Meghan's doting on Jim's kids is mostly fake. She is too cold-hearted and borderline sociopathic to truly love his kids, I'm sorry, it's true. And from the looks of it ol' Jimmy boy is starting to realize the witch he married. I would love to have known Leann Edmond's true thoughts on Meghan. I'm sure they got along just fine but were they besties like Meghan wants us to believe? Highly doubtful. And I totally get why the second wife can't stand Meghan. Imagine having to turn your young kids over to her for weekends, etc... the thought is truly cringe-worthy.


Shannon looked so pretty make-up free when they were blowing out her hair for the Aries party. I like her a lot with softer eyes.. I agree that she seems more Virgo than Aries.

Edited by Sage47
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Re Shannon-- maybe she has a lot of planets in Virgo.


You know, I used to be a certified oncology nurse (now I'm in cardiology) I worked for years on inpatient floors and in an outpatient clinic and cared for many with lymphomas and leukemias (we had a transplant floor). Even I would never ask such invasive questions to a person who was not my patient. Instead, as a person who cares about others who have health challenges, I would be asking other questions like-- How are you feeling? How is your energy? Are you able to keep an appetite and eat regularly? I would ask if they needed me to pick them anything up, give them a ride somewhere if they felt too tired to drive. 

Megan is not concerned and I highly doubt she gave a shit about Leanne other than whine about Hayley not being able to stay at her mothers. Meg is a bunny burner. 


Alex Forrest: [to Dan] Well, what am I supposed to do? You won't answer my calls, you change your number. I mean, I'm not gonna be ignored, Dan!


One of my wishes is that Jim's second wife is reading these boards and laughing her ass off and emailing excerpt to her ex saying "Jimmy! the entire country sees it and you don't-- you dumbass!-- keep that creepy stalker sociopath away from my kids." 

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Re: the St. Louis/Midwest Housewives possibility, I have always really wanted that to happen. I actually was hoping for a Chicago/Chicago burbs edition but anywhere in the Midwest would be great! I honestly wish there were a lot more cities represented on Housewives-Denver or Seattle would be cool too for something different. Or what about one set in a resort area like Aspen or Jackson Hole? Would love it!


I 200% believe that Meghan's doting on Jim's kids is mostly fake. She is too cold-hearted and borderline sociopathic to truly love his kids, I'm sorry, it's true. And from the looks of it ol' Jimmy boy is starting to realize the witch he married. I would love to have known Leann Edmond's true thoughts on Meghan. I'm sure they got along just fine but were they besties like Meghan wants us to believe? Highly doubtful. And I totally get why the second wife can't stand Meghan. And imagine having to turn your young kids over to her for weekends, etc... the thought is truly cringe-worthy.


Shannon looked so pretty make-up free when they were blowing out her hair for the Aries party. I like her a lot with softer eyes.. I agree that she seems more Virgo than Aries.

I think they have had a hard time getting different area to stick-Miami and Washington Dc were a flop.  I believe they have tried many different variations in Dallas and that hasn't happened.  My guess is they are going to try different formats such as Married to Medicine, Blood, Sweat and Heels, Motherfunders.  I am thinking either Chicago or some other Midwest city will come up with some great multiple women format.  Anymore it is less about the city and more about their out of town trips or backyard brawls.  So although Shannon and Dubrows and to a much, much lesser extent Vicki have nice homes the shows just don't seem to grasp the local sights.  Granted I doubt we will ever see the RHOC in Disneyland or Fashion Island even-makes me think they just aren't welcome.

Re Shannon-- maybe she has a lot of planets in Virgo.


You know, I used to be a certified oncology nurse (now I'm in cardiology) I worked for years on inpatient floors and in an outpatient clinic and cared for many with lymphomas and leukemias (we had a transplant floor). Even I would never ask such invasive questions to a person who was not my patient. Instead, as a person who cares about others who have health challenges, I would be asking other questions like-- How are you feeling? How is your energy? Are you able to keep an appetite and eat regularly? I would ask if they needed me to pick them anything up, give them a ride somewhere if they felt too tired to drive. 

Megan is not concerned and I highly doubt she gave a shit about Leanne other than whine about Hayley not being able to stay at her mothers. Meg is a bunny burner. 


Alex Forrest: [to Dan] Well, what am I supposed to do? You won't answer my calls, you change your number. I mean, I'm not gonna be ignored, Dan!


One of my wishes is that Jim's second wife is reading these boards and laughing her ass off and emailing excerpt to her ex saying "Jimmy! the entire country sees it and you don't-- you dumbass!-- keep that creepy stalker sociopath away from my kids." 

Thanks for bringing in your expertise.  I am just floored that these people want details, and doctors' names and chemo frequency from acquaintances.  It just flies in the face of manners within the medical community and outside of it.  I will say it is so easy for patients and their laypeople friends and family to totally screw up what is going on with them.  Adding detractors who weigh every word in context and out of context and you have well, the makings of a reality show.  A tawdry storyline.

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Apologies for a delay in responding to those who called me out for this, that Meghan didn't actually violate any laws--my computer was down.


With respect, you may well be right; it's possible that she didn't violate the letter of the law in her quest for justice. IMO she did, however violate the spirit of the law in her search for proof--pro or con--regarding Brook's medical condition. I worked for a doctor for a while, just one of the people who answered the phone and did billing, made appointments. It was during the time when the HIPPA laws were enacted and we were told that we couldn't tell anyone anything about anything unless they were standing in front of us, were the actual patients (or parents/guardians in the case of minors) and could prove their identity if we didn't know them. We weren't even allowed to give test results over the phone, they had to come in to hear that their PAP tests or whatever were okay (obviously we would have called them ASAP if they weren't). No one could nose around about a patient--period.


Even if she didn't come out and ask about a specific patient's treatment or prognosis, she was out of line. She had no business to waste the doctor's office time with her BS. Lying and healthy or terminal and dying, Brooks' --or anyone's--medical condition doesn't concern her unless that person asks her to involve herself.


Legal violation or not, Meghan is out of line in her quest for a story line and camera time-IMO.


I think you spliced two quotes together.  I wrote that first sentence, but I never commented on the legalilty or illegality of what Meghan did.  For the record, I do think it was morally and ethically reprehenisble.  But even though I don't think it illegal, I don't think I quoted you and I wasn't trying to call you out.

Edited by Lyra Angelica
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Fingers crossed:  http://allthingsrh.com/vicki-gunvalson-quitting-rhoc/  I don't know if this is for attention or Vicki has figured out there is not much left for the viewers to "enjoy" about her life.


Vicki's BFF weighs in with People magazine:  http://allthingsrh.com/tamra-judge-im-not-buying-brooks-cancer-diagnosis/  I don't know if I can buy the dog and pony show that is Vicki and Tamra.  The number of times Tamra has stabbed Vicki in the back makes this friendship seem unfathomable.  So if these two talk "everyday" it comes out as scripting the next big rub.  It seems it may be just in time for the Reunion.

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