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"The View": Week of 09/14/15


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MON: 09/14/15 TV-14
Dr. Phil McGraw (“Dr. Phil”); Missouri transgender teen, Lila Perry, sparking controversy for using the girls’ locker room; Morris Chestnut (“Rosewood”).


TUE: 09/15/15 TV-14
David Oyelowo (“Captive”); performance from Jewel (author, Never Broken)


WED: 09/16/15 TV-14
YouTube sensation Nicole Arbour discusses her controversial fat-shaming video.


THU: 09/17/15 TV-14
Staten Island, NY school kids with a special surprise for their teacher battling cancer; Elijah Wood and Leigh Whannel (“Cooties”).


FRI: 09/18/15 TV-14
“Good Morning America” contributor Tory Johnson (author, Shift For Good).


Edit:  sorry title should be  09/14/15.  Can't find how to amend it.

Edited by buffynut

I really don't think Whoopie is going to walk away from the money. A year is not that long if you have 4 day weeks, vacations during which they run returns and you call in sick occasionally or have a family problem. Voila! The year is over, you got paid and you didn't break the contract! Jeebus! It was looking promising and then blowhard Dr. Phil walks in.

  • Love 7

Maybe it is just me.... there really is nothing to comment about today.... Hot topics was old news.... Kim Davis is going back to work... and made a statement.... another topic... should women date shorter men.... who cares..... Dr Phil was on .. and he was.. well Dr Phil..... he said Ashley Madison was cheating their members because there wasnt real women.... he said it was 4 women with 1000 names..... so the cheaters were being cheated.
I wonder if he knows because of his membership... hmmmm


Then there was a discussion about Josh Dugger........everything was already discussed long ago



  • Love 7

So Michelle and Paula are slobbering all over Morris Chestnut..... it is kinda gross but typical for The View...... Imagine if the guy turned it around and started pawing all over the hosts... there would be outrage


He even got a trophy for being the hottest guest on "hot guy Monday"..... Are they gonna give a trophy for the female guest with the best boobs??.... Im kinda embarrassed for what they are forced to do... and how they do it so easily

Edited by RogerFromOhio
  • Love 11

I missed the first round of hot topics. Happily surprised to see Whoopi absent. Too bad there wasn't anything substantial to talk about. Well, even if there were, Michelle and Raven would have nothing to add to the conversation. Blah.


Dr. Phil... I don't even know what to say after all these years. I haven't kept up with his show to tell, but he seemed extra obnoxious today.


Morris Chesnut is very attractive and he took it all in good fun, but...seriously?

  • Love 4

Today's show - first topic,  Miss America -   Joy and Raven discuss how they don't like pageants, and bathing suit competitions.  


OK - let's not objectify women. 

THEN -  they tackle - are women "size-ist" because they want to date only TALL men?  they compare it to men not wanting to date women who are overweight.

OK - maybe this is a discussion worth having.  men objectify women, women objectify men.   Let's discuss.


No, this is The View.   The discussion about women dating men who are not tall is going to be about penis size.  how you can or can't judge the size of a man's   penis by his height -  no, you have to look at finger-thumb ration, no, foot size, no, hand size, let's make jokes about high-five, low-five,  WTF? 


Don't objectify women, don't dismiss men who aren't tall, but dammit, make sure the guy is well-endowed where it counts, huh, wink,wink, nudge, nudge.   It's all about the penis, amiright?  (at least Whoopi wasn't there to tell us about her bedside friend)


Now, (after a brief commercial for Dr. Phil's show,)   let's have a sensitive conversation with a transgender teen who has been discriminated against.


OK, done -  now let's go back to objectifying men by bringing in a hot guy and telling him how hot he is and how we're all crushing on him, and the audience is screaming for him, and he's HOT.  (I turned it off for fear Michelle was gong to ask HIM about the height/penis size correlation, I pray she didn't go there)


My head is spinning. 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 11

I saw shades of Paula today that make me Wonder how unbearable the show is going to be when it's her and Candace together. Praise Jesus! And, I just can't with Michelle. I just can't stand her.

Yeah I noticed that too Bronzedog..... Joy made a comment about her multiple marriages and Paula scolded her.... Those marriages was before she was born again.... and ok... lets say those dont count.... but that does not change that her selective outrage does not include divorce in her "sanctity of marriage"

Christians should not pick and choose what "sins" they are outraged about and which they should be able to impose on others.

Id really like someone to make a stand on not allowing gun permits based on religious beliefs

  • Love 11

Im not sure if this view is welcomed or not.... but here goes.


I support people who are transgendered. Where I dont understand it personally... I do empathize and believe they should be able to live their life as they wish. I even support them being able to use bathrooms that are being questioned because the function in a bathroom is private.


but honestly... I think a high school locker room goes too far.
Where a person's internal struggle is valid..... imposing that struggle on others is a completely different thing. There is not a lot of privacy in a locker room and in the case of this person on The View the girls in that locker room should not be put in that situation.

One of those cases where your Rights end where another person"s Rights begin.

  • Love 18

I just realized it said a performance by Jewel in the guest listings. Doh! Now I see why Rodger was confused. I also just saw a commercial for Jewel's new music release which made me come back to this thread. I didn't get to see the show past the first 20 min this morning because AT&T had an opening to come out not long after I called them. From reading the posts about today's show it doesn't sound like I missed anything at all. I agree with the comments about Paula. I rolled my eyes when she started commenting about the lady in KY.

  • Love 1

When I saw Dr. Phil was going to be on today, I decided not to watch.  Doesn't sound like I missed too much though.  Who was the 5th co-host.  Or was there only four?

There were only 4. Luckily I had to quit watching right after Dr. Phub made his Duggar and Ashley Madison comments. Honestly I would have changed the channel just to shut him up. His attitude is awful and fame has turned him and his over plastic surgery ridden wife into obnoxious know it alls.

  • Love 7

Im not sure if this view is welcomed or not.... but here goes.


I support people who are transgendered. Where I dont understand it personally... I do empathize and believe they should be able to live their life as they wish. I even support them being able to use bathrooms that are being questioned because the function in a bathroom is private.


but honestly... I think a high school locker room goes too far.

Where a person's internal struggle is valid..... imposing that struggle on others is a completely different thing. There is not a lot of privacy in a locker room and in the case of this person on The View the girls in that locker room should not be put in that situation.

One of those cases where your Rights end where another person"s Rights begin.

What I remember about really hating about gym in jr. High and 10th grade was showering and changing in the locker room. It was immensely uncomfortable, so, I have to agree, Roger. The other girls in the class should not have been put in that position. It's really not that different than the flight attendant we were talking about last week. They're both situations of overcompensation to one individual at the expense of someone else, IMO.

  • Love 11

What I remember about really hating about gym in jr. High and 10th grade was showering and changing in the locker room. It was immensely uncomfortable, so, I have to agree, Roger. The other girls in the class should not have been put in that position. It's really not that different than the flight attendant we were talking about last week. They're both situations of overcompensation to one individual at the expense of someone else, IMO.

At my school, we just changed clothes -- no showering, and our bras/underwear stayed on the whole time. Did the trans teen say they showered together, or just changed clothes?

I didn't see the show, but controversy about this issue always makes me wonder how people feel about homosexuals using the same locker rooms as those they're attracted to. That never seems to be an issue (rightly so), but the trans issue makes people uncomfortable.

Edited by canter
  • Love 5


What I remember about really hating about gym in jr. High and 10th grade was showering and changing in the locker room. It was immensely uncomfortable, so, I have to agree, Roger. The other girls in the class should not have been put in that position. It's really not that different than the flight attendant we were talking about last week. They're both situations of overcompensation to one individual at the expense of someone else, IMO.


Lila said they don't get naked in their locker room.

Why does this show have so many hosts? Are still auditioning these women? Trying to see what works? Because five women should be the limit and they can have a decent conversation with just four. The show use to do fine with four back in the day with Meredith, Joy, Star and Lisa when Barbara wasn't there. Oh who am I kidding, the show just lacks talent and intelligence and they for some reason think that adding more bodies at the table will um, make this less obvious? 


What on earth are they doing?


I don't know, maybe go back and watch the tapes back when you had the four I listed above and before Star Jones became completely off the rails with that farce of a wedding. Yeah, watch those tapes and figure out how to get hosts that will recapture some of "that", because it worked then.

Edited by represent
  • Love 5
I didn't see the show, but controversy about this issue always makes me wonder how people feel about homosexuals using the same locker rooms as those they're attracted to. That never seems to be an issue (rightly so),



For boys (mostly) it often does seem to be an issue.  Kids are beaten up in the boys' locker rooms/bathrooms much too often.

PRODUCERS of THE VIEW!!     Thank you.

  • I hope no one has mentioned it here before, but the chairs...finally the chairs!   There were four co-hosts this morning and each chair was at a different height.  No longer did Joy look like the tiny lady at the table.  Michelle wasn't lording it over everyone.  They were sitting at good heights for conversation and camera angles.


  • Thank you for the new announcer...a female.  What a shock!  A women's show with a woman announcer.  OY VEY!


  • For me personally, I'm glad Michell's "outfit" was changed on their intro video.  She had some odd "cold shoulder" top on.  Somehow either that was colored in with a black crayon...or they actually reshot her part.

NEGATIVE:   Ditch the "Man Crush Monday."

  • Love 6

Apparently Paula Faris's Born-Again Christian belief makes anything/everything bad ever done go away.  Every sin you committed...every abortion you had, man you murdered, children you left in dire circumstances...everything.  Same with Catholics and Confession (when it was a regular sacrament). That might be true in the eyes of Paula's God.  That's not the case with the law, public opinion, gossip, reputation, etc.

Paula's defense of Kim Davis is silly, immature, and grasping at straws.

  • If she bore twins without being married, it was a sin under some scripture.
  • If she was married four times via divorce, that's probably not biblically approved.
  • If she did other "bad acts" before she was Born Again, she still did them--still hurt the people she hurt.  
  • If they were crimes, they can't be forgiven just because she turned over a new leaf.
  • And people remember and aren't always forgiving.
  • Love 8

Again today Paula mentioned the Baptist minister who killed himself over his association with Ashley Madison.  She continues to say that he didn't give his wife a chance to forgive him.  Apparently he left a note mentioning his "demons," and his wife (who did feel that people would forgive him) said she felt it was the shame.  So...he probably didn't wonder if she could ever forgive him...he was too tortured by the shame he brought to himself over Ashley Madison--and maybe much more. 

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 3

I quit watching this years ago mainly because I can't stand Joy Behar, but today I was off schedule and found myself stuck in front of a set with this on.  I still can't stand Joy Behar.  She never argues logically or fairly or with respect for the other person, it's always some sort of personal attack followed by that smug, self-satisfied smirk as she looks at the audience and nearly rolls her eyes over the opposition.  I had never seen the Paula woman before but I thought she was trying to take the conversation into the interesting gray area around this issue.  Nope.  Joy doesn't discuss she just pontificates.


I, personally,  think County Clerk  Davis is wrong because she is required to follow the law as she does her job.  If her conscience can't handle putting her name on a marriage certificate for two people of the same sex,  then she should have quit.  Even though I'm in favor of same sex marriage I would respect her willingness to give up a good job for her beliefs.


I would like to ask Davis why she doesn't feel the same way about issuing marriage certificates for divorced people because a fundamentalist, inerrant  reading of the Bible shows that Jesus thought remarriage after divorce was the same as adultery.


What I wouldn't do is call her a hypocrite for having these beliefs after a past of divorce and unwed babies the way Joy did.  Because that isn't hypocrisy it's changing your mind. She wasn't a Christian then -- she is now.  These things are not crimes they are things commonly done by lots of people and

 if changing your mind about something, or learning something new, makes you a hypocrite then most people are, because most people learn and grow. 


 Maybe Joy  has never experienced this, because I doubt if she has ever changed her mind about anything in her life.  It would require listening to another person and opening her mind.  If Joy did, for instance, tell a joke about gays back in the fifties, I'm sure she wouldn't admit it now. Just like, when the Miss America pageant came up she didn't mention that she was a judge a few years ago and voted for  a seventeen year-old girl with neither talent, nor education, wearing a huge wig to cover her fuzzy hair --  because, to quote Joy, "Her figure was dynamite,"  i.e. really skinny, she was admittedly anorexic.  Way to reward surface over substance, Joy.


  To me, Joy Behar is the Liberal version of Ann Coulter, ready to attack anyone on the other side with personal insults and false assumptions, like Joy's absolute belief that this Davis was lying when she said she didn't like the limelight.


I'm a life long Liberal and I hate having her on my side.

  • Love 5

Have to disagree strongly with this 


Maybe Joy  has never experienced this, because I doubt if she has ever changed her mind about anything in her life.  It would require listening to another person and opening her mind.


Her Monica L jokes may be a little stale, but Joy's one of the most open-minded people on TV these days. In the midst of this crazy political season, there are some truisms out there - Donald Trump is a bad joke and will never be president, Kim Davis is wrong and should resign, Whoopi is all about Whoopi and to hell with the show. Joy is the best thing this show has going for it. 

  • Love 17
Kim Davis was a Baptist then.  Baptists are Christians.


Oh, sorry, my mistake then, I thought sure, I had heard her say that all the divorces, etc, were before she was a Christian.   I still don't see that what she did in the past has anything to do with the fact that now she has a job that she is unwilling to do properly and should resign.  Bringing up things like whether or not she was married when she had her children has nothing to do with her ability to do her job and is just a bit of slut shaming thrown out by Joy, because she doesn't like this woman.  It's that sort of off-topic sling that makes her debate offensive to me even when I'm on her side.


but Joy's one of the most open-minded people on TV these days. In the midst of this crazy political season, there are some truisms out there - Donald Trump is a bad joke and will never be president, Kim Davis is wrong and should resign,

Of course Trump is a joke, I don't see how that's evidence of Joy's open mind.  It's what the large  majority of Liberals believe.  If I had ever, once, seen her agree with Elizabeth or any other conservative view point on any issue, ever,  I might have thought  she was open-minded but it was lockstep Liberal on all points every single day, back when I was watching.  I compare her to the Liberals in the media who I love like Jon Stewart, who was always ready to discuss things respectfully with Conservatives and took their side on occasion.  Joy has had the easy job of sitting on a panel that was always predominately Liberal with light weight Conservatives like Elizabeth in the minority.  Her response was to bully and  smirk like she'd won a debate with George Will.

  • Love 5
Bringing up things like whether or not she was married when she had her children has nothing to do with her ability to do her job and is just a bit of slut shaming thrown out by Joy, because she doesn't like this woman.



I can't think of it as slut-shaming (getting pregnant outside of marriage? getting divorces? it's today's norm).  It's just the double-triple standard used by those who don't know their Bible and/or prefer to simply pick and choose the areas they'll adhere to.  Kim Davis finds the notion of homosexuality abhorrent and believes her Bible condemns homosexuals and forbids them to marry...and maybe it does.  There are hundreds of other things her Bible condemns that she probably does or accepts every day.  I don't know the woman, but I find her hypocrisy both shameful and entertaining.  I think this is Joy's take on it.

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 15

I think it's more likely to hear Joy agree with Paula or even Elisabeth back when than the reverse. I remember her saying she liked Nicolle Wallace when she guested last season.  I believe she did agree with Paula about something this week, but I can't remember it right off.


Either way, she definitely does bring up her own faults. Last Friday, when they were talking about jokes about people's weight, she did bring up the fact that she makes fun of people like Chris Christie for their weight. Unlike Kim Davis, I don't consider Joy a hypocrite. If Davis cared about her religious beliefs, she would quit--because why would she want to work for a government that condones something she considers "sinful/evil"? No, she wants her paycheck more. What if she had been denied her divorces in the past because someone else wanted to impose their religious authority over her?

  • Love 16


I can't think of it as slut-shaming (getting pregnant outside of marriage? getting divorces? it's today's norm).  It's just the double-triple standard used by those who don't know their Bible and/or prefer to simply pick and choose the areas they'll adhere to.  Kim Davis finds the notion of homosexuality abhorrent and believes her Bible condemns homosexuals and forbids them to marry...and maybe it does.  There are hundreds of other things her Bible condemns that she probably does or accepts every day.  I don't know the woman, but I find her hypocrisy both shameful and entertaining.  I think this is Joy's take on it.

Exactly, I didn't have the energy to write what you've written, but this is exactly what it all boils down to for me; Davis and those like her seem like hypocrites. People like Behar only list what to others seems like slut shaming, as a response to her condemnation of homosexuals. She believes her living god is telling her that she mustn't issue marriage licenses because same sex marriage is a sin. Well I surely don't believe that Behar and those like her would be listing this woman's transgressions if she didn't come off like the "almighty" him/herself while standing up for her religious beliefs.  The Behars of our society are calling Davis a hypocrite when we list all the acts/choices she made  in her personal life that we understand the bible to also condemn. It's basically, who the hell is she to cast stones? And worse, to use the authority she's been granted to cast these stones of hypocrisy at the very citizens that help pay her salary as a public official.


Hey there is no great sin in being a hypocrite. I wouldn't even say that I'm without hypocrisy; I'm sure I can find some examples within myself if I'm honest and look close enough.


But hypocrisy is a real fucking problem when you have the authority that this woman holds.  I'm all for local and federal government finding ways to respect their employees' religious freedom, but not at the expense of another group's right to equality.    

  • Love 13

I think it's more likely to hear Joy agree with Paula or even Elisabeth back when than the reverse. I remember her saying she liked Nicolle Wallace when she guested last season.  I believe she did agree with Paula about something this week, but I can't remember it right off.


Either way, she definitely does bring up her own faults. Last Friday, when they were talking about jokes about people's weight, she did bring up the fact that she makes fun of people like Chris Christie for their weight. Unlike Kim Davis, I don't consider Joy a hypocrite. If Davis cared about her religious beliefs, she would quit--because why would she want to work for a government that condones something she considers "sinful/evil"? No, she wants her paycheck more. What if she had been denied her divorces in the past because someone else wanted to impose their religious authority over her?




Funny.  represent and I typed the word "exactly" at exactly the same time  :)

Edited by MatchaLove
  • Love 3

I always figured hot topics were up to the minute news and topics. I figured with social media ring so huge, that perhaps raven could actually surf social media for up to the minute stories to share on hot topics.

Seeing joy back and hearing she liked nicole wallace makes me wonder how the two would have been at the same table. With last week's political view, why nicole wad fired continues to mystify me. I often think meredith Viera would have been fired after a season if she started on the show nowadays.

Also, to the views defense....Kim davis, trump, etc have been talked about non stop for weeks. Wake me when the lifetime movie is set to begin production on kim davis.


  • Love 2

  To me, Joy Behar is the Liberal version of Ann Coulter, ready to attack anyone on the other side with personal insults and false assumptions, like Joy's absolute belief that this Davis was lying when she said she didn't like the limelight.


I'm a life long Liberal and I hate having her on my side.

I found this a bit ironic since from what I have seen.... Joy and Ann are friends... they hit it off when she was a guest on Joy's show

Joy even defended Ann on The View last week

  • Love 3
Well I surely don't believe that Behar and those like her would be listing this woman's transgressions if she didn't come off like the "almighty" him/herself while standing up for her religious beliefs.



This is the crux of the matter, represent...but your entire post is a gem that needs to be read by all of us.   Oh, and do as I say, not as I do!

  • Love 3

My head is exploding with the current national climate of intolerance. Totally my fault for over doing listening and watching television for several weeks dealing with the damage from a plumbing problem and scheduling, waiting for people to come.

If one doesn't believe in gay marriage - don't marry one. Or try and stop it from happening since it is a LAW - especially if a public official. Perhaps this is now a done deal in Kentucky since a licence was issued today and she was there at work? I sure hope so. She is entitled to her opinion, but not entitled to not allow her office to perform it's duty - issue licences to everyone. If an accommodation is made for her - so be it.

This intolerance is out of hand - ie if one does not believe in abortion - don't have one. And on, and on, and on.

And the in depth discussion of religion, in this case, "born-again" on this type of show? Keep it personal and among family, church, friends.

Where are Meredith, Lisa, Joy, and even Star in the old days when it was an interesting show? Why is the show setting up these battles between the religious and those that are or may be religious but believe in abortion and or gay marriage? Lots of shows have real people of different lifestyles (not sure that is the word I'm looking for) that are very successful and non-combative. OMG- just wait for Raven and Candace to butt heads again. I get different views - just not certain set up combinations on this show for sparks from mostly ignorant people, imo.

  • Love 9


I was surprised at your comments that Joy doesn't argue logically or discuss issues! I used to listen to that night time talk show Joy had a couple years ago (I'm spacing out on the channel...HLN?) and thought she did a good job at bringing up both sides of most issues - hope she brings that mindset to moderating this show. Years ago, a friend who is a college-level Debate teacher commented to me that she felt Meridith, Joy and Star had the strongest comment/debate skills.

P.S. Were you related or personally invested in the Miss America show Joy was a judge for? I am impressed you can recall a quote from years ago!

  • Love 7

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