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Green Arrow In Comics


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I think @Orion hit the nail on the head! Also, I think it's Felicity because she doesn't look like she's in combat mode. pretty sure that woman is scared out of her mind. Makes it seem like Felicity to me (not that Felicity is a person who is scared, but because Felicity isn't good when it comes to combat, thus the non-defensive pose)

Yeah they're going to have differences like comics Diggle's brother died of cancer, he wasn't killed by Deadshot.

She's going to have to fit into that universe, which includes Aliens, meta humans, magical beings and power rings.

That being said, if that is Felicity, I think that they are going to tie it to Arrow in one way

I think she might end up being 52 Oracle and Arrow Oracle bit that's a total guess at this point.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I read somewhere that the Birds of Prey comic has been cancelled, so I suppose they could reintroduce Dinah into Green Arrow. I'm not up-to-date on the BoP comics, but I grabbed a few, along with Green Arrow, when I visited my local comics shop while home for Christmas. Depending on how that ends, they could introduce Dinah Drake Lance and Kurt Lance. Would they totally reboot Dinah to match the show's Laurel? I think it's safe to assume no. Even if they reboot to make her Dinah Laurel, having her match up to show Laurel makes no sense. There are a lot of comic fans who don't like Arrow's Laurel. I would expect her to be completely different if she's in the comics. Also, if they had any immediate plans to introduce Dinah/Black Canary, we'd probably have heard about it. Maybe DC has other plans for Dinah? IMO she works better outside the Green Arrow world, anyway. I've always liked her better in Justice League comics or when she's attached to Gotham.

I need to catch up on the comics now....

Edited by poetgirl925

They might have a window of opportunity here. The Birds of Prey comics just ended. Yesterday, actually. And the way they wrapped up the story,

Dinah has no husband [he's got comic book brainwashing amnesia and doesn't remember her] and no team anymore [babs broke up the BoP because she's mad at Dinah for a bunch of reasons]

, so she's basically free to go anywhere. Or any book. 

Whether she's Dinah Drake or Dinah Lance might not matter much? I feel like new52 Dinah is an amalgam of the traits they liked best from all previous versions. Same with her relationships with other characters so far. Kurt Lance was brought from the Dinah Drake canon, but how she relates to the BoP members -- especially Barbara Gordon -- is pretty much a straight continuation of pre-new52 Gail Simone BoP. But I honestly have no idea how Oliver Queen fits into that, really.

Changing subject a bit, I saw this tweet today with info coming out of Boston Comic Con:


@BostonComicCon #comicmarket notes: @DCComics Green Arrow has a TON of new to the art form, female fans. TV has attracted them.

We only have available numbers from print sales, and those have been drastically falling. Lemire's run started on February 2013, when GA was ranked #57 on the top sellers list [selling 36,000 copies], and numbers for July 2014 are #128 rank, and 23,450 copies.

Source: http://www.comichron.com/monthlycomicssales.html

This info about a TON of women buying GA because of Arrow *has got to be* coming from digital sales numbers [which are ~secret for reasons beyond understanding], but this might be one of the reasons -- if not the only one -- of why Felicity is being hyped as coming to the book, and why they're bringing the book closer to the tv show. Because the show is already bringing new fans to the book, and new comic book fans are super duper difficult to attract.

Edited by dancingnancy

Yeah she's definitely a mix of traits from Dinah Drake and Dinah Laurel with a healthy dose of new, so I just assume it would be easier to continue to use her (if that's even their plan.)I did wonder why they changed her husband's name though - it was always Larry in the comics I read. I can't remember Dinah Laurel's husband's name from the earlier BoP run, but I remember she had been married and divorced at an early age.

It's possible that Arrow picked up readers from the show. I picked up a few books during the years Smallville was on air but lost interest after AK's and then Krul's run. I picked up a book the summer of 2012 while I was home visiting, and it was because I had heard about Arrow airing in the fall. I downloaded a few in 2013 - I think it was around the time Lemire started - and I downloaded the Arrow 1.5 tie-in. I usually buy the issues or books when I'm home and download when I'm abroad because it's easier. I've read comics off and on ever since middle school, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't still be reading Green Arrow comics if not for the show because Oliver was never my favorite character. I thought Lemire improved him a lot tbh. It wouldn't surprise me if they noticed an uptick in digital sales because of Arrow as well since that's what pulled me back in.

Edited by poetgirl925

Ok can someone explain this to me because I'm confused. Are there going to be 2 different Arrow comics with two different Felicity's? Because I thought there was going to be a comic which featured as a season 2.5 that explained what happened between s2 and s3 but now there's a picture of Felicity in a costume on the front of the comic and it's not really lining up with what I envisioned happened in those missing 5-6 months. So what's happening? I should point out that I don't know anything about comics at all so I'm new to all this. Thanks in advance! 

The season 2.5 comics are specifically tied into the CW show, but the new 52 comics are the mainline DC Green Arrow comic books, different characters/stories than from the TV show.



@Angel12d -- Yes, there are two different comic books. I posted a detailed explanation on Tumblr, might as well share the link for everyone here, 'cause YES, it can be super confusing:




Thanks so much! I thought I was going crazy. This is awesome though. 

TVGuide's Matt Roush addressed a question about the comics. Nothing really new here though.


Question: I'm not sure if this is exactly in your arena, but I've been reading about how The CW Arrow is expanding into digital comics/comics with Season 2.5,"and now (in some form) into the Green Arrow comics published monthly by DC Comics. I've read that the 2.5 comics tie directly into the TV show, but that Green Arrow is its own separate thing but is now going to include some of the TV show characters but not "really" their TV personalities and ... ack! Help! Which Arrow characters are transitioning to the Green Arrow comics and why? What's going to be different there vs. the TV show, and what's supposed to play out in the Season 2.5 digital that won't on the actual TV show? Are all shows doing stuff like this now to tie all the different formats together? What's the deal? — Julie

Matt Roush: This is so not my area of expertise — I like Arrow quite a bit (and the upcoming The Flash even more), but my interest stops at the TV set — and this is why I value my colleague Rich Sands so much. Here's his story (http://www.tvguide.com/News/DC-Arrow-Comics-1084098.aspx) on the DC Comics offshoots, and here's how he explained the situation to me: The digital Season 2.5 comic, written by show runner Marc Guggenheim, will bridge the gap between seasons, not essential for viewers but providing some extra content for fans until the October premiere. The actual Green Arrow comic is not in continuity with the series, even if they are bringing in some characters from the show, which I guess adds to the confusion here. In the bigger picture, you probably will see more crossovers between comics (digital and otherwise) and TV, so long as classic characters continue getting new shows built around them. Rich also informs me that Marvel will be launching an Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. comic based on the characters in the ABC series, though apparently telling different stories. My advice is to enjoy each for what is it and leave me out of it. For me, the show's the thing, the only thing.

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DC solicits for November are out, here's the cover and description for Arrow: Season 2.5 print issue #2.


[Print issue #2 = digital issues #4, #5 and #6. I promise this gets less confusing once you start reading them, you guys. :)]


Photo cover
On sale NOVEMBER 12 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T • DIGITAL FIRST
A tense hostage situation leads Team Arrow to discover that Brother Blood may still be alive! But how many acolytes does the Church of Blood have? And what is their plan for Starling City?




Source: http://www.newsarama.com/21907-dc-comics-full-november-2014-solicitations.html

Edited by dancingnancy
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I don't remember if this was included in the previous reporting on the new digital comics, but I'm too aggravated to go back through this thread and check.  In the new issue of TV Guide (with Scott Bakula on the cover), there's a short blurb on the new digital comics for Arrow: Season 2.5 and  The Flash: Season Zero, which states:

"A good chunk of the burning questions left over [from May's finale] will get answered in the tie-in comic," says Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim, who also promises that the comics will introduce new characters before they appear on the TV series.

Aargh!  Doesn't this contradict what the EPs said before about the comics not being essential to TV viewers?

Edited by tv echo
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MG had said that back in July (to TV Guide) when they announced the digital comics tie-in for both "Arrow" and "The Flash." I'm thinking it's just going to be things that can be explained fairly easily with throwaway lines in the first episode (like where Oliver is living), but would get more play in the comics. We'll know by Monday ;)

Well, the first booklet of the Arrow S2.5 comics is out. I've read it since, yes, I caved and subscribed, even though the last time I read a comic book was more than 10 years ago. Because I have a mighty need to find out what happened in the 7-8 months after Slade (yeah, I sort of hate myself for crumbling to the obvious ploys of DC to get more of my money--is buying the Blu-ray/DVDs not enough for you, WB/DC/CW???!!!). I was surprised by how short it was. I remember comics being far longer than this one? Is this why it's a digital release and they compile it later on into a physical copy after 3 digital issues?


Anyway, spoilers ahoy!

The story opens with the family of who, I presume, will be the new Brother Blood, Caleb Green. Six years ago, somebody took everything from the Dad causing him to murder his wife and himself in front of his son. We find out that the Dad is an employee of QC, William Green. Fast forward to now with Team Arrow taking down a Spanish-speaking group of thugs in a plane. Oliver uses a version of the boxing glove arrow--which he tells Roy not to name it that. He still calls Roy Speedy. Lots of fighting, lots of cursing in a foreign language. We also find out that Oliver, in fact, did not tell Diggle and Felicity how he knows how to fly a plane. I guess he deflected back at Lian Yu again. So, that explains why he and Felicity are discussing his not-on-the-island escapades in the upcoming S3 premiere. Comic ends with Roy getting shot and seemingly tumbling out of the plane, unconscious, at 30,000 feet.

The artwork is not really that impressive, though. It's... serviceable, I guess. But I was a little amused by the Team Arrow banter, which is close to how the show feels. But nothing kinda happened much? Eh. We'll see how this 2.5 comic goes in the next few weeks, I suppose.

Edited by SleepDeprived
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Well, not only was that disappointing because it (so far) really didn't have anything to do with S2, but because it's so short, that panel they released as a tease is, like, an eighth of the story. Not interesting at all, and really not worth $.99. Also, it's really shitty that Guggenheim

teased dialogue that's from later in the comics to get people (mainly Olicity fans) to buy this edition, since none of the lines he tweeted were in this comic.

That just leaves an extra-bitter taste in my mouth about it. I mean, I was going to buy them anyway because I'm too curious not to, but...money grubbing bastards! ::shakes fist at sky::


I don't think I'll buy the rest.


ETA: and I returned this one. Ugh.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Read the first issue of 2.5. My take on it:


1. Once again I am reminded that I am not a fan of Comixology, but that is a rant for another forum, another day.


2. Comixology says that the next episode launches September 15, so I'm guessing this is an every two week deal?  I agree in general with the comment that this seems very short, more like a half issue, perhaps because it is an every two week sort of thing.


3. Agreed that the art can be basically called serviceable. I can mostly recognize the characters by costume and hair color. Dig doesn't look anything like Dig (and what happened to his arms? That's a character trait, everyone!), and it's a safe bet that if/when this new Brother Blood pops up on the show I won't recognize him from the comic.


4. Liked the Team Arrow banter. So that was fun. Not sure why Oliver is using Thea's nickname for Roy, though?  Also not sure why they had to include a shot showing that Roy's pants are not quite as tight as Oliver's.  But that is a minor point.


5. In general, and I may be misreading it, the entire issue feels like a reassurance that the upcoming season will be bringing Arrow closer to Green Arrow: the jumping on planes, the focus on trick arrows including the boxing glove arrow, the use of "Speedy," and so on. 

Read the first issue of 2.5. My take on it:


1. Once again I am reminded that I am not a fan of Comixology, but that is a rant for another forum, another day.


2. Comixology says that the next episode launches September 15, so I'm guessing this is an every two week deal?  I agree in general with the comment that this seems very short, more like a half issue, perhaps because it is an every two week sort of thing.


3. Agreed that the art can be basically called serviceable. I can mostly recognize the characters by costume and hair color. Dig doesn't look anything like Dig (and what happened to his arms? That's a character trait, everyone!), and it's a safe bet that if/when this new Brother Blood pops up on the show I won't recognize him from the comic.


4. Liked the Team Arrow banter. So that was fun. Not sure why Oliver is using Thea's nickname for Roy, though?  Also not sure why they had to include a shot showing that Roy's pants are not quite as tight as Oliver's.  But that is a minor point.


5. In general, and I may be misreading it, the entire issue feels like a reassurance that the upcoming season will be bringing Arrow closer to Green Arrow: the jumping on planes, the focus on trick arrows including the boxing glove arrow, the use of "Speedy," and so on. 


From what I understand, the Arrow and Flash comics alternate weeks. So, next Monday they're releasing the first issue of the Flash tie-in, and it'll fill in the weeks between the Arrow releases.


And I really don't understand why Oliver is calling Roy by Thea's nickname, either. It makes no sense at all, especially since he made Roy break up with her and she's gone and, you know, has a terrible relationship with Oliver.

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Weren't they calling Roy Speedy in 217? Pretty sure this was a joke tied into the series where they called him Speedy on the show and he didn't like the nickname.

As for the comic, the artwork was generic but I've seen worse. The biggest problem were the Show characters, they looked nothing like the actors.

The title is short but it's bi-weekly not monthly so it obviously wasn't going to be a 32 page issue, especially when you're only paying .99c instead of $2.99 for a 32 page issue...right there you have to know you're getting about 1/3 of a normal print issue every release (especially when the print issues are a collection of 1-3 and 4-6 of the digital releases).

All in all, not a bad start, good field work between Arrow/Speedy, funny interaction between the team. My biggest complaint would be that I never want to see any of this on the TV show because it defies reality and should stay in the comic world.

No boxing glove arrow, no hanging off an airplane going 100 mph, no falling 30k feet from said plane complete with miraculous arrow save in next chapter

Edited by Morrigan2575

Knowing Oliver, it could be he's deliberately doing it to annoy Roy and make sure he's keeping his anger in check.

Given Roy's response it seems that Oliver has been doing it for awhile and I can see him doing it because Roy hates it. It's actually kind of funny, adds a level of humor to Oliver that he's been lacking in the show.

Edited by Morrigan2575

Given Roy's response it seems that Oliver has been doing it for awhile and I can see him doing it because Roy hates it. It's actually kind of funny, adds a level of humor to Oliver that he's been lacking in the show.

Given Roy's response it seems that Oliver has been doing it for awhile and I can see him doing it because Roy hates it. It's actually kind of funny, adds a level of humor to Oliver that he's been lacking in the show.

Good point. I was just so annoyed by the comic after I read it that I was pretty much blind to reason, haha.

Thought this Mtv article would be encouraging for future storylines in 2.5. Spoilerry?




The interviewer made me go: "Wait. What? did we even watch the same episode!"



MTV: How about the whole Olicity angle? Oliver didn’t exactly declare any feelings for Felicity in the finale – quite the opposite, in fact – but in the season three premiere, we know they’re going on a date.

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