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Green Arrow In Comics


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30 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

BC is traditionally blonde in the comics.

Sort of, Dinah Drake was blonde, Dinah Lance used to be brunette with a blonde wig but she started dying her hair in the 90's (or comics just decided to make her blonde).

Given that she doesn't wear a mask, I think the wig would be a good idea. Either the way Arrow did it (wig as BC, even though it was blonde on blonde) or (suprisingly) the smarter Smallville way brunette/red wig as Dinah, short blonde (real) hair as BC.

44 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Sort of, Dinah Drake was blonde, Dinah Lance used to be brunette with a blonde wig but she started dying her hair in the 90's (or comics just decided to make her blonde).

Given that she doesn't wear a mask, I think the wig would be a good idea. Either the way Arrow did it (wig as BC, even though it was blonde on blonde) or (suprisingly) the smarter Smallville way brunette/red wig as Dinah, short blonde (real) hair as BC.

Let me rephrase, BC out fighting is traditionally blonde.

Any chance this is Ben Percy being Passive/Aggressive about some DC Edict? I haven't read any of his writing (I thought Werewolf Ollie was dumb) but, his book gets good reviews so, he can't be as bad as the romance panels suggest. Can he?

I mean, I've read comics, I've read romance in comics (X-Men was littered with it). I don't remember ever reading anything this cheesy, not even Generation X was this bad and, that book was geared towards teens.

5 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Let me rephrase, BC out fighting is traditionally blonde.

Sorry, it was late at night and I hadn't gotten any sleep. Didn't realize you meant in costume.

3 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Sorry, it was late at night and I hadn't gotten any sleep. Didn't realize you meant in costume.

Eh, I wasn't clear.  When I think of a Hero code name, I think of their costumed appearance.  

Plus when I think about it my exposure to the character all happened after the 90's.  

 I did know she wore a blond wig in the past though, which is why Sara wearing it was hilarious .

Oh, the irony - so, after the past two seasons of Arrow have been heavily criticized for focusing too much on romance, the new GA comics, which have fully embraced romance, are doing better than expected, and DiDio's first thought when thinking about the new GA comics is "relationships," while this season's Arrow TV show, which has shied away from romance and doubled down on action/fights, is doing worse than they (probably) expected...

Q & A: Dan DiDio, Co-Publisher of DC Comics
Posted on 8th December 2016 by Sally Campbell


DC has used the word “rebirth” in several series, including Green Lantern: Rebirth and The Flash: Rebirth, both by Geoff Johns. Why bring it back here? What did that signify?

We have a lot of fans who have made a long-term investment and we have a long history and legacy with our characters. There’s a generational aspect of DC that many of our fans identify with and really enjoy in the storytelling. With the word “rebirth,” we’re acknowledging the history of the company and characters. It really gives us a lot more to play with as we move stories forward. Rebirth isn’t about retelling old stories. It’s about finding what worked best in the past and finding a way to incorporate it into future storytelling.
*  *  *
Did any responses to some of these series surprise you?

I think one of the things that surprised me was the success of Green Arrow. We always had a lot of faith in Benjamin Percy as a writer but with the relaunch—with Rebirth and the inclusion of Black Canary in the storytelling of Green Arrow—the book has exceeded our expectations and has really taken off. Here we are looking at the same writer [as before Rebirth] who was really able to grow his fan base dramatically because they like how the story is being told. It wasn’t so much about the writer; it was more about the environment or the situations for the story, and I think the situations are now really connecting with the fans. Because of that, the book is overachieving. 

Give me the first things you think of when I throw these graphic novel titles out at you: 

Green Arrow Vol. 1: The Death and Life of Oliver Queen

Edited by tv echo
1 hour ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

OK, so either that interview was done earlier when the GA Rebirth numbers were higher or that they're seeing other numbers than we are and the GA/BC romance really is grabbing fans' interest. Hmmm ...

I think they're just trying to keep selling what they currently have going for them. The GA Rebirth numbers are dropping, but it's selling more than it was before they rebooted. For now.

So wonder how much backlash there is gonna be for a male Oracle and what looks like Batgirls stalker. The way they were complaining about Felicity.


For the first few issues of Julie Benson, Shawna Benson, Roge Antonio, and Allen Passalaqua’s Batgirl and the Birds of Prey series, Batgirl, Black Canary, and Huntress have been on the trail of a new informant on the scene in Gotham, using Barbara’s old code-name to dish out information to the mob. Their quest to discover the new Oracle and their base came to a conclusion in this week’s Birds of Prey #5, which revealed Oracle as...



A nerdy Batgirl/Birds of Prey fanboy hacker. A really nerdy one. Say hello to Gus Yale, current user of the Oracle identity (much to the team’s chagrin) and absolute doting fan of all things Barbara Gordon.

The Birds of Prey discover Yale’s lair is filled with weird Batgirl/Barbara Gordon memorabilia—everything from Barbara’s old glasses before she got Lasik, to one of her Batarangs, complete with hunks of Velvet Tiger’s hair still attached to it—and that all of the information he’s been releasing has been an attempt to pitch himself as anew Oracle to take Barbara’s place now that she’s back in the field as Batgirl. Suffice to say, considering Gus has been dishing out info to the Mob as part of his “pitch,” the team are initially unimpressed.




Dinah even calls him “Fauxracle” at one point, which is pretty damn good. But Barbara, annoyed as she is with Gus for his someone unorthodox method of trying to get on their good side, slowly warms up to him throughout the issue (especially after it’s revealed Gus has been sending his Mob money to charity instead of spending it on himself). She even lets him watch her work once more as Oracle, guiding Canary and Huntress on their mission like the good old days.

But if Barbara’s going to stay on as Batgirl for the foreseeable future, the Birds of Prey could do with some techy backup. Maybe Gus will get that job he’s always wanted after all... if he can stop freaking out every other second, that is.




2 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Minimal probably. First of all, penis. Second, the words "no way" only seem to apply to Felicity Smoak.

Ugh no. Men joining the team has always caused major backlash from fans of BoP. Even back in the smallville days, people werent here for Chloe becoming an Oracle type character or a Lois type.

Exclusive DC Preview: Green Arrow #13
Russ Burlingame- 12/16/2016


"When I took over Green Arrow with issue #41 [of The New 52 series], one of the things I wanted to do was place Canary in the series eventually. I'm so glad this Rebirth opportunity came up, because I wasn't allowed to put her in there right away, but I'd hoped that this moment would come. So I was cycling Oliver through all of these different relationships so that when Black Canary came into the fray again, the relationship would matter. That the reader could understand this is what he's been pining for," explained writer Ben Percy. "That this person fills a cavity in his life. I can't say too much except that they are at odds with each other in the beginning and then will eventually overcome their differences in a team-up that will hopefully be as adventurous as it is romantically alluring."
*  *  *
“EMERALD OUTLAW” part two! Snow falls on Seattle as its mayoral race heats up with a rash of murders that implicate a deadly archer. As a city wonders what’s become of its Emerald Archer, Green Arrow and Black Canary race to rule out their prime suspect: Emiko Queen.




Edited by tv echo
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How DC Comics Scored Its Biggest Win in Years With ‘Rebirth’
Abraham Rieseman   December 16, 2016


On May 18 of this year, DC Comics invited a handful of journalists to a mysterious conclave in midtown Manhattan. The purpose was to have breakfast with Geoff Johns, a veteran comics writer and the new co-head of DC’s movie operations, who was there to unveil his latest writing effort: DC Universe Rebirth, the year’s most hotly anticipated comic. Rumors had held that it was going to contain a cosmic “reboot” of the DC universe, in which the status quo would be blown up in favor of a new approach. DC had done reboots and quasi-reboots many times before — in 1986, 1994, 2006, and 2011 — and the publisher was in dire financial and critical straits, so industry-watchers braced ourselves for yet another uninspired go-round with the tired trope.
*  *  *
I wasn’t the only one. The comic kicked off a line-wide course correction entitled Rebirth, and it’s been both innovative and profoundly successful. Just 13 months ago, DC only held 27 percent of the comics industry’s market share for units sold. It was a distant second place behind rival Marvel, which clocked in at 40 percent. Astoundingly, DC has flipped the script: In September, it clocked in at nearly 44 percent market share; Marvel could only snag around 31 percent. Rebirth has given the company its first fighting chance in half a decade — and though its future is uncertain, it’s already offered a subtly revolutionary vision of how to manage that trendiest and most unwieldy of entertainment phenomena, the shared universe.
*  *  *
Green Arrow writer Benjamin Percy was summoned in January. “We sat down in a room together, and one wall of windows looks out on Burbank and on the other wall is a big whiteboard,” he recalled. “Geoff's like, 'Alright, what are the greatest Green Arrow stories ever told?’” Percy gave his answers. Then Johns told him to list all the recurring motifs and plot devices that make Green Arrow unique. And all the most important supporting characters. And the villains. The whiteboard filled. “It starts as kind of a spider-web cluster, and we build out from there,” Percy said. “We figure out, ‘Okay, if you have that, what would be the greatest Green Arrow story line we could tell?’”

Some of the elements they came up with directly contradicted Green Arrow’s New 52 status quo — and, indeed, edicts that DC had given Percy in the past as a way of modernizing the character. “When I was writing the New 52, I was told, 'No goatee. No Black Canary,'” Percy says, referring to Green Arrow’s classic facial-hair style and superpowered love interest. “But two of the first things we put up on the board were: ‘goatee,’ ‘Black Canary.’” Percy would be free to bring those things back right away, previous rules be damned.
*  *  *
As often happens with projects of this scale, Rebirth’s rise has slowed down a bit. Marvel squeaked past DC to reclaim the top spot in October, but as industry analyst John Jackson Miller told me, that kind of drop-off shouldn’t cause alarm: “All DC really needs to care about is its sales versus last year, not their sales against Marvel. And that comparison is pretty good.” No matter the future, the rebound has been remarkable, giving the publisher momentum it hasn’t had in years.

Edited by tv echo
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Estimated comics sold to North American comics shops as reported by Diamond Comic Distributors...

August 2016 Comic Book Sales Figures


40    Green Arrow    4*    $2.99    DC    67,577
*  *  *
45    Green Arrow    5*    $2.99    DC    63,209
*  *  *
Items marked with asterisks [*] had their reported orders slightly reduced due to returnability.

September 2016 Comic Book Sales Figures


40    Green Arrow    6    $2.99    DC    55,330
*  *  *
43    Green Arrow    7    $2.99    DC    52,794

October 2016 Comic Book Sales Figures


52    Green Arrow    8    $2.99    DC    48,904
*  *  *
56    Green Arrow    9    $2.99    DC    46,606

November 2016 Comic Book Sales Figures


57    Green Arrow    10    $2.99    DC    43,355
*  *  *
60    Green Arrow    11    $2.99    DC    41,576

(December 2016 Comic Book Sales Figures - not yet posted.)

Edited by tv echo

For whatever reason, episode 5.09 Oliver reminded me of what I'd imagine Ollie from comics would be like -
When Susan apologized for being late, Oliver said something about how the dress she's wearing makes up for it...
When Oliver went to Susan's place, it just seemed like he came for his Susie snuggles...
which I'm hoping is not the direction that they are writing tv-Oliver to be.

Edited by ComicFan777

He did go for Susie snuggles, as well as to be able to say that monologue without Thea or Diggle smacking him upside the head for being an idiot.

Those GA/Pretty Bird scenes are making me cringe.  But the writers' fantasy relationship for Oliver and Dinah does explain a lot, including why fans of the comics hate the more grounded Oliver/Felicity relationship.  And why Felicity is nowhere near that reboot while Diggle is.  Make Oliver Queen great again!

  • Love 4

Apparently the new comics GA (Rebirth) also has Tommy Merlyn and a legacy theme!...

Green Arrow #14 Review
Jim Werner  Jan. 4, 2017


Meanwhile, Chief Westberg is totally convinced with Dinah's disguise and she's off on a ride along with him as Diggle works on figuring out who the real killer is.  While this is going on, Oliver takes things into his own hands and while he thinks it's Tommy Merlin setting him up, it isn't.  Who is it?  I don't spoil shit like Eric Shea, so you are going to have to find that our yourself, but I will tell you that it makes more sense than Tommy.
*  *  *
I will give Ben Percy full props for sticking with the mission statement of Rebirth.  This book has been full of legacy and this issue continues that big time!  This issue wasn't perfect, but it was good enough for me to have fun reading it and like I've said twice already...I can't wait for the next issue.
*  *  *
While this issue had some problems that prevent it from higher marks, Ben Percy keeps the legacy fun train rolling and I have my ticket punched for the ride.  This issue looks really good and fans of Green Arrow will have plenty to look forward to.


Edited by tv echo

This may be pushing it but it wouldn't be surprise me if this guy started this comic up again like This to purposefully leave out Felicity. 

Oh you have everyone else in there but the one character you don't and made it a point to start fights on twitter that you weren't going to put her in there.

I'm actually glad because didn't have to spend money on it and his writing is crap.

Edited by EmilyBettFan

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