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Green Arrow In Comics


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I just want to point out that with Green Arrow #39 they have put Felicity Smoak, who was supposed to be a one-off character in a CW TV show, in the same issue as Batman. Batman.

That's a big deal and I'm feeling an enormous sense of second-hand happiness and pride (it's a thing ssh) for Emily Bett Rickards right now.

She was already in an issue with Batman and Lex Luthor #35. Unless you're saying she's interacting with Batman in #39?

Going back to GA title sales. I'd bet good money at this point that the GA title saw a huge boost in digital sales from Arrow/Felicity/Olicty fans because these scans are floating all over the freaking internet by 7am Wednesday morning. Almost makes me want to stay off my computer until I can actually get to the store since the entire comic is posted online.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Probably not. DC is already dumping Andrew Kreisberg and the other guys and bringing in a new creative team in a few months.

That's hysterical it's like the early days of the re-launch all over again. I wish they kept Lemiere on the title, guy was a great writer.  Good thing no one took me up on the bet...all though in my defense that was mostly me bitching about the fact that 90% of the book is spoiled before I even have my morning tea.

Probably not. DC is already dumping Andrew Kreisberg and the other guys and bringing in a new creative team in a few months.


LOL, that was quick. Hopefully, they will have better luck with the relaunch now that they are allegedly dumping The New 52:


After three and a half years, DC is finally calling it quits on The New 52. Starting June 3rd, 2015, they plan to launch 24 new titles, complete with new writers and new artists to helm them. This will be in addition to 25 titles that are currently running, but will no longer have the iconic New 52 stamp on their covers.


“This heralds in a new era for the DC Universe which will allow us to publish something for everyone, be more expansive and modern in our approach and tell stories that better reflect the society around us,” said DC Entertainment Co-Publisher Dan DiDio in a press release.  “Whether you’ve been a DC fan your whole life, or whether you are new to comics – there will be a book for you beginning in June.”


We’re going to see a tighter focus on what made the Top Three (Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman) great, but we will also see a reinvention of other characters like Cyborg, Black Canary, and Starfire.


We will also get a preview of the new universe to come at this year’s Free Comic Book Day on Saturday, May 2, with DC Comics: Divergence, which will feature three 8-page previews of Snyder and Capullo’s Batman, Johns and Fabok’s Justice League, and newcomer Gene Luen Yang’s partnership with “Amazing” (did you get it?) artist John Romita, Jr. for Superman.


“More than ever before, DC Comics fans are being exposed to our rich portfolio of characters through multiple sources, including an unprecedented number of highly successful TV shows, video games and upcoming major motion pictures. We are looking to extend that experience within publishing to ensure there is a comic book for everyone.  For example, fans of the Arrow television show may want more stories about Black Canary. Now they can find modern, fresh takes on the character in the pages of her standalone series both in stores and digitally.”


Could this new direction mean a possible connection between the live action DC shows across television networks and DC’s comic book library? If so, the DC Universe is about to get a whole lot bigger. With the critical and commercial successes of Arrow, The Flash, and Gotham, and the launch of future television shows Titans on TNT and Supergirl on CBS, being a comic book fan is becoming much more exciting. Some people may not like the rush into the mainstream (or even outright despise it), but change is coming and the universe DC is building is on track to continue growing and thriving across multiple forms of media.


Check out the official list of new and current titles that will make it to store shelves after the Convergence storyline ends, and the gallery of preview art:




Red Hood/Arsenal by writer Scott Lobdell & artist Denis Medri




Batgirl by writers Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher & artist Babs Tarr


Deathstroke by writer Tony Daniel & artist Tony Daniel

Flash by writers Rob Venditti, Van Jensen & artist Brett Booth


Green Arrow by writer Ben Percy & artist Richard Zircher


New Suicide Squad by writer Sean Ryan & artist Carlos D’Anda


Teen Titans by writer Will Pfeifer & artist Kenneth Rodafort




Edited by strikera0

The article I read said they weren't dumping the New 52 Continuity, that this wasn't a reboot.  Just dumping the name New 52.


Starting June 3, the publishing line will feature 24 new comics and 25 ongoing comics. Despite the New 52 coming to an end, DC Comics confirms this is not another reboot, and it is not returning to a pre-New 52 universe.



Edited by Morrigan2575

Why are they dumping Diggle and Felicity in the comics?  The characters have the potential to bring in new readers from the TV show.


I hope they're not going to reinforce the GA/BC duo.  It's already bad enough with the comics Canon! insistent viewers.


Sounds like there's a separate Black Canary comics so not sure if they're pairing them again. But dropping "old" characters is quite common, from what I gather, when a new creative team inherits. AK and the other writers dropped several characters from Lemire's run, right?


I'm curious about how long DC has been planning this creative overhaul (I mean writers/artists, not storylines). Did AK and Co. know theirs was going to be a limited run? Also, could this have played a part in the fast-tracking of TV BC? Anyone on this forum with ties to TV production and/or the comics world?

The writer on twitter said the new GA was going to be more of a continuation of Lemire's run, but darker. I'm not attached to any comic, I read these for the Arrow aspects. I read Lemire's run because of Diggle & AK's because of Diggle/Felicity. My boyfriend, is really bummed though. He was hoping for a less dark Green Arrow & it sounds like it's going to be darker than Lemire. Doesn't sound like he's adding Black Canary, sounds like he's picking up Lemire's team minus Diggle.

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To be honest, as a first time comics buyer, I can't say I was impressed with the storytelling. It seemed that the writers were more interested in throwing guest appearances into the comics than actually writing a Green Arrow story; gee that sounds familiar. One issue was taken up with the Green Lantern and that story went nowhere. Batman and Lex Luther showed up in one and again that story went no where. I'm not even sure who the lion woman was suppose to be in the last issue.  Felicity and DIggle of the comics seem to have the same issue that Felicity and Diggle of the show has - the writers have absolutely no idea what to do with them. 


I was never impressed with the artwork - the goggles were bad.


Despite those problems though I would have continued to buy them and support the Team Arrow dynamic that I love in any form but with them being removed it's an extra latte a week with the money this saves me.

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It is possible that Felicity and Diggle will be dropped, but than again, did Diggle has been part of the GA before AK took over, so there is always a potentional that the new team will decide to keep them around.


Nope, Diggle's gone too, per one of the show writers (and co-writers of this run). I guess there's a chance, but I assume he'd know. 

If every time a new creative team comes on, they can just throw out the previous version and create their own, no wonder comics canon is such a confusing mess.


I think it's a marketing mistake to drop Diggle and Felicity and thus the readers that they could get from viewers of the TV show but what do I know?  (Other than a former job at an ad agency, that is.)

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Nope, Diggle's gone too, per one of the show writers (and co-writers of this run). I guess there's a chance, but I assume he'd know. 

which writer are you referring to, Ben? I believe it was posted online that he is not staying with the new writing team, therefore, it is possible that he has no idea what the new team is planning and they may chose to keep Diggle and Felicity (or one of them) in some capacity, or add them back later on.

which writer are you referring to, Ben? I believe it was posted online that he is not staying with the new writing team, therefore, it is possible that he has no idea what the new team is planning and they may chose to keep Diggle and Felicity (or one of them) in some capacity, or add them back later on.

The new writer said he's taking GA darker, no connection to Arrow TV Show and bringing back Emiko. He writes Detective Comics, sounds like he wants to basically turn GA into what he normally writes instead of a GA title.

Benjamin Percy (@Benjamin_Percy) tweeted at 10:34 AM on Fri, Feb 06, 2015:@civilianreader @hodderscape @PatrickZircher It's a reboot w/ a much darker, more literary aesthetic. True Detective w/ superheroes.(https://twitter.com/Benjamin_Percy/status/563722512794537984?s=02)

I loved Lemire's mythology but JFC why does everyone want to go "darker". True Detective was a great TV Show but that's not really GA at all. Edited by Morrigan2575
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