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S10.E06: Having a Bad Day


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I know everyone has a different opinion of different girls, and I am fully prepared for this to be vastly unpopular:)

This episode sealed the deal for me -- I am totally over Jennifer K.

This is the second year in a row she has described what show group is, and the second year in a row she has just come off stuck up, elitist and annoying about it. For her own sake, I hope they ask someone else to explain it next season.

I am just missing what makes her worthy so many accolades. She's a great dancer, but I think not a glamour girl by any means. I don't find the way she talks to be particularly inspiring enough to be a group leader, especially if she was mine and I wasn't "worthy" of show group. I don't think her off the field look is particularly polished. I just don't get the love.

Edited by Dccfan126
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...you're not alone on the Jennifer K dislike. Her comments of the "elite" show group soured me in her, but as LaurenBrook said, there have been some sweet moments that have made me reconsider my opinion. It's so hard since we only hear sound bytes and see quick moments to know what they are really like. But she will never be one of my favorites.

Jennifer K. isn't one of my favorites by any means, but I don't think she's an elitist at all. I thought the teaching session she did earlier this season was really excellent, and she has a way of communicating without talking down, like when she told Madeline "welcome to my club" about being too sharp and it being something to work on. I think this is why she's a group leader. She knows how to teach very well without being intimidating or condescending. I think they've used her show group sound bite twice now because she's just personable with the camera, and everything she said is pretty much true. Show group IS an elite group with the most technical dancers, and I'm sure while Jen is very proud to be a part of the group, I don't think she's cocky about it personally. If she were I doubt she would be so well-liked by the other girls. I do agree that she's not a glamour girl. I actually remember seeing her cameo the year she made the squad and being like, "Ummm, what?" because I just found her really unattractive and her hair was super wonky. I find her more attractive now, but still not a glamour girl.


I haven't really commented on the episode because I watched it late, but I do have to agree with everyone who has said that Angela being a group leader does not automatically mean show group for her, and I thought she came across as having a bad attitude about the whole debacle. I also agree with the poster who said it was pretty rough to announce the show group right before a rehearsal, but at the same time, that is life. You have to be able to shake stuff off, and shake off Angela did not. I am probably biased because she has never been one of my favorites, looks or personality wise. I thought she looked rough her first year, and I really think she looks rough now. Just not my cup of tea.


I also think the guest choreographer was a raging bitch, and if I were her, I would have left the conversation with Angela to Kelli and Judy. Kelli's comments to Angela in front of the group pretty much covered it, so there was no need to add anything. I also had to kind of laugh because I'm pretty sure Angela is older than said choreographer. Not that a younger person can't give an older person advice, but it was more like a scolding and I was not into it at all.

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I don't dislike Jennifer K, but don't get the absolute adoration from Kelli. Jennifer definitely isn't a 'glamour girl'. I feel the same way about Erica, except Jennifer is a better dancer.

I don't get Erica at all, from a looks perspective. I've seen some of her photos from the swimsuit shoot, and it's just not there.

Granted, she looks way better than I do in a swimsuit! But as far as DCC goes, I don't see it.

  • Love 1

I don't get Erica at all, from a looks perspective. I've seen some of her photos from the swimsuit shoot, and it's just not there.

Granted, she looks way better than I do in a swimsuit! But as far as DCC goes, I don't see it.

I love Erica and think she is gorgeous so I have to disagree on that.  I will say though that the swimsuit pics of Victoria and Rachel that they just posted on DCC cheerleaders IG...WHAT?!  They are terrible!! the facial expressions make them both look awful and I think they are GORGEOUS girls.  Really don't know what's going on with the people styling DCC anymore. 


Sorry for thread high jack, mod! back on track now, i promise lol 


Agree with Ornaiche (and many others) who said choreographer was out of line.  I thought her routine was just meh and calling out Angela was shades of Cassie/Ally vs Taylor.  Stop. Let K&J handle it. Now how is Angela supposed to go back and have good control on her group?  At least she seems totally over it based on her IG...she posted a pic today of her and Erica at a game event so looks like she is keeping up on appearances lol 

  • Love 4

A lot of the cameos this year looked awful to me, and in this episode, when they talked about one blond girl being SOOOOO photogenic,..... and then the photo they flashed up there looked like one her eyes were starting to shut and her mouth was tired of smiling was WEIRD. I agree, beautiful girl, but the photo they showed was terrible.

  • Love 2

I got the impression that Angela's twerking itself wasn't the issue, but that she looked a bit ... "fluffy" in her arms and waist from the back. I know she's not fluffy by normal human standards, but this is DCC and you're not allowed to appear like you're a mere mortal, lol. As for the guest choreographer, I actually thought her dance feedback was much more helpful than what we usually see from K&J.


Although, am I the only one who wonders if the choreographer was encouraged to critique Angela in order to make an example of her to the rookies?  Yes, she was having an off day obviously, and veterans must be an example, but even veterans are human. Angela has 5yrs in with the DCC and however many years in with the Australian team, so she *knows* about focusing during a performance, and has knocked it out of the park for years. Having some reality show stranger who doesn't cut her paycheck talk to her like she was a high school girl on a drill team seemed like a total show for the cameras. If it was for the cameras, what a cheap shot. If it wasn't, well, that's worse. Nothing like letting an outsider do your dirty work for you. 


I had a lot of respect for K&J's management and business sense over the years, but this season just seems off.  Something has changed behind the scenes, IMO,  and it's not good.


Other notes:

- Was that zero written in KaShara's uniform her size?? All that great attitude in that tiny body? Too funny.

-Why do they keep taking in these short girls that they don't like how the boots look, only to cut them? This is the 3rd? 4th? one they've done that to. After 20+ yrs managing the team you would think they'd be able to spot those girls instantly. 

- I liked Melissa Rycroft this episode. She seems to be finding (or they're defining) her purpose on the show better. 

- JACKIE BOB!   Love her and am so glad they have someone with performance experience from this decade involved in selecting show group. 

- I'm afraid her name escapes me right now, but the Door lady(Cheryl?) She seems so sympathetic to those girls she has to call in, she's like the office version of Phil the Security Guard to me. I know she was undergoing chemo this summer; I hope she's doing okay.

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I don't dislike Jennifer K, but don't get the absolute adoration from Kelli. Jennifer definitely isn't a 'glamour girl'. I feel the same way about Erica, except Jennifer is a better dancer. 


I've never seen the DCCs in person, but from the show, I've always gotten the impression that Erica is one of the best technical dancers on the team. I also think she's very pretty, whereas Jennifer is average, and I don't always care for her facials. With that said, Kelli and Judy absolutely love Jennifer, so she must be a very special dancer and/or leader. 


I hope we get to see a segment with the short blonde, redhead, and curly haired brunette rookies. From who I can see in the background, I think they are the only three left who haven't even said their names on screen. 


I went back and watched the finals episode, and Megan B. blanked out on a question during the interview phase. I think she just has a deer in headlights look and doesn't think well on her feet. 

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I FINALLY watched the episode and think that the DCC will NOT ever be a good fit for Megan B.  I think a better strategy for her should have been to go in much earlier, tell Kelly and Judy of her struggles with balancing school and Training Camp, how those struggles are affecting both her dancing and her schoolwork and ask them for help and ideas. That might have allowed her to come back to Training Camp at some point.  The fact that she waited this late in the game to really tell them about her issues hurt her more than they helped her.  I don't think she'll ever be accepted back into Training Camp if she reauditioned so she might as well move on.  Shades of MInchew with that whole scenario.


I really like Shelby's and Karen's looks.  They're very pretty girls, but with Karen, all I could think of at the photoshoot was AWK-ward!  When she was getting her makeup done, she should have been looking in the mirror to see how the light hits her face and to see what her best angle is.  If she was wating around (and if they let other girls watch on photoshoots), she should have been watching the other girls to get posing ideas.  Heck, if she couldn't do any of that, just watch any of the numerous modeling shows on television or Youtube as well as the photo shoot episodes of this show to get posing ideas and practice them at home to see how they feel and look.  She just did NOT look like the pretty girl she is in the photo they picked or when they were actually shooting her.  I didn't see Shelby do her photoshoot so I don't know how she did.


I really love watching Karen dance but, as someone on another reality show once said, "If you're shorter then the other girls, you have to have something that much extra."  I know they've taken shorter girls on the team, but they've been exceptional dancers and performers (McKenzie Lee comes to mind). The ones we've seen lately (Karen and Vivian) just haven't had that extra sparkle and "pop" that makes them so much fun to watch.  If Karen could have kept her power and performance up through Training Camp, I think she would have made it onto the team.  She just lost it somewhere and that photoshoot didn't help.  


Shelbi was another one who just lost it somewhere.  She needs to take as many class and camps as she can where the material is learned in one or two days and performed at the end.  If she can get used to that kind of environment and really bring it the next time around, I think she would be another one they would welcome, not only into Training Camp, but onto the team. 


I like Melissa much better this episode (for the most part).  Most of her comments were spot on and actually SHOWING the girls (which she should have done) really helped them see what was going on.  Unfortunately, Megan B took it from really underperforming to really overperforming.  She needs to learn that middle ground and only experience, taking a variety of classes and performing will correct that.  Unfortunately, I don't think she'll ever come back to the DCC and, if she does, she will never be welcomed into Training Camp again.

Edited by EricaShadows
  • Love 1

I wondered that too about the 0 on KaShara's uniform being her size - that can't be though unless she is ridiculously short cause isn't she one of the ones in trouble for weight? And she clearly is thicker than a lot of the others. A size 0 is pretty darn small for an adult woman unless you are very petite. Of course, maybe DCC sizing is a completely different system than what we see in stores - like maybe they start at 0000, 000, etc., and max out at 2...wirh a 4 being "plus sized" - haha ;).

  • Love 3

The guest choreographer was obnoxious to say the least. I thought the dance itself was okay, but her personality just didn't do anything for me. 


As far as Angela goes, I don't think she should have been guaranteed a spot, but I also feel like she shouldn't have gone on camera and said the only reason she came back was for SG. I think that is on Angela, but I do think it'll be interesting to see if anything happens now that this episode has aired and she sees a small piece of the conversation. 


As for Megan B, I honestly think she has had one of the worst edits in DCC;MTT history...maybe even the worst, if not, definitely Top 3. 

Edited by Loves2Dance
  • Love 1

Re Angela: I'm sure I recall reading here - probably the season 10 spoilers thread - a discussion of returning vets, with a few posters commenting on the loss to the team with so many seasoned vets retiring. Not sure if it was reported as fact or educated guess when someone said that Angela was totally going to retire but was then convinced to stay on by K&J who were desperate not to lose too many good vets. I wonder if they all but promised SG? It didn't seem like Angela believed she was entitled to it - but may explain the confusion and disappointment she seemed to feel.

Also, the producers totally pumped her for those sound bites about coming back for SG and maybe her reaction was pure embarrassment and feeling upset, knowing she had just been made a fool of quite publicly and that it'd be broadcast to boot.

I also wonder whether she has had to meet certain visa requirements in the past that she had to turn down appearances due to working too many hours in total?

The guest coreog should have read that situation better and figured maybe some subtlety and sensitivity would have been appropriate... but she looked like an idiot overall so I suppose those kind of normal responses to a person are beyond her.

  • Love 2

The guest choreographer was obnoxious to say the least. I thought the dance itself was okay, but her personality just didn't do anything for me.

As far as Angela goes, I don't think she should have been guaranteed a spot, but I also feel like she shouldn't have gone on camera and said the only reason she came back was for SG. I think that is on Angela, but I do think it'll be interesting to see if anything happens now that this episode has aired and she sees a small piece of the conversation.

As for Megan B, I honestly think she has had one of the worst edits in DCC;MTT history...maybe even the worst, if not, definitely Top 3.

Agree about Megan B, remember TCU Showgirls is an elite, really competitive team to get into, so she's obviously a great dancer, maybe shy around cameras but that footage was so sliced and diced it didn't even make sense.

Agree about Megan B, remember TCU Showgirls is an elite, really competitive team to get into, so she's obviously a great dancer, maybe shy around cameras but that footage was so sliced and diced it didn't even make sense.

I agree it didn't make sense. But she was clearly not interested in being in training camp once she started struggling. She disagreed with criticism she got from Kitty instead of trying to understand it and improve.

I agree anatomy and physiology is difficult and time consuming and if she took it as a summer class it would be like a full-time job to keep up.

But I didn't believe her reasoning any more than Kelli did. She knew she wasn't doing well or maybe it was just too demanding for her. I agree with Kelli that if she had decided to leave for personal reasons, she would have told them earlier.

At any rate, she's no great loss for the team, and she didn't want it that much anyway. So it worked out for both of them.

Edit to add:

I hope they never have that guest choreographer again. When Ktty yells at someone, she is usually making a point about their dancing and exaggerating to get her point across. This woman berating Angela was just awful. Again, it does nothing to make her a better dancer and it does nothing to make the girls respect her or have more loyalty to the team.

I am no judge of whether Angel should be on show group or not. But I do feel the show is treating her badly just for the sake of making a story. Kelli should have taken control back from that choreographer and not allowed her to usurp the authority of Judy and Kelli. It just made everyone, except Angela, look bad.

I hope Angela isn't too negatively impacted by the show. She's given a lot to the team and deserves to be treated with respect. (All the girls deserve respect.)

Edited by rose711
  • Love 4

I get the concept of a guest choreographer to commission a routine you would actually use -- like Stephanie. But this routine? Come on -- they are never going to do that on a sideline, ever. Maybe show group would, but then what difference does it make if someone who isn't on show group can't do it?

This whole idea of "can they pick up different choreography" is just dumb? Why? They will never have to do it. It's like auditioning for a guitar player, having a room full of great guitar players, and then getting pissed four of them can't play the drums even though they will never have to play the drums anyway.

  • Love 5

Oh the cameos this year are TERRIBLE! I don't know if they used a new photographer or what, but yuck!


The entire set up was completely different, and the shots were just..not what we're used to seeing. I'm pretty sure it's a new photographer.

Just thinking back at the calling out of Angela.. I wonder if this happens to other vets and we don't see it?


Also I thought it was quite funny when the guest choreographer got right up into their faces. I guess if you can carry on when a crazy person is all in your face it bodes well!!


I'm sure it happens alot, it's just sort of embarrassing I'm sure.

If they led Angela to believe she would make show group in order to get her to come back, and then did this to her on this episode, I totally would understand of she quit. The fact that she's still there shows she really must love being a dcc/GL and/or has a very strong level of committment to what she signs up to do. Treating a 5 year vet like that also makes the DCC powers that be look a lot worse than Angela does by far.

  • Love 4

Once again, no off topic posts especially ones making generalizations about certain group of people which can lead to potentially heated discussions and can be considered insulting to your fellow posters. The Golden Rule on the forum is be civil. Think before hitting the reply button, and please remember not everyone will agree with your opinions and being respectful with your fellow posters is the right way to go. Thank you.

I've been watching MTT since the beginning, and keep thinking this more and more: Why is it necessary for them to learn 50+ sideline routines? Really, as has become obvious when different music is subbed in to rebroadcasts, the counts/choreography work with just about anything that's uptempo contemporary. Just have 5 or so basic "sets" (pop, country/pop, hiphop, country, etc.) and use those to anything that's played. I seriously doubt that any stadium fan would know the difference. Teach Thunderstruck, Loud, the entrance and 5 sets; takes a ton of pressure off on "memory" and reduces practice time. 


Really, I have to think that a lot of the late-TC "mistakes" and "fading" are due to them just getting exhausted. There is indeed such a thing as overpractice and overtraining.

Edited by Moxiejan

I wondered that too about the 0 on KaShara's uniform being her size - that can't be though unless she is ridiculously short cause isn't she one of the ones in trouble for weight? And she clearly is thicker than a lot of the others. A size 0 is pretty darn small for an adult woman unless you are very petite. Of course, maybe DCC sizing is a completely different system than what we see in stores - like maybe they start at 0000, 000, etc., and max out at 2...wirh a 4 being "plus sized" - haha ;).

I am a horrible judge at clothing sizes, but KaShara cannot be a 0, even if she is shorter. I'd guess a 4 on top, 6 on bottom at the largest, which I think is a small?. She's built thicker and stockier, IMO, but calling her fat is like calling Shawn Johnson fat. 


I do wonder what their size range is, and if a girl exceeds that, they're just out. Sizes can be so misleading. 100 years ago (okay 15), the girls on either side of me on our college kickline were the exact same height. Girl on the left was built more like Nicole Bulcher - very muscular, but hourglass, I'm built like Meredith Odem (probably why I like her so much LOL) with long legs but never the washboard abs, and girl on the right had a tiny waist, but Beyonce hips and legs. Left girl wore a 6, I was a 10 on top, 8 on bottom, and right girl was a 4 on top, 8 on the bottom. Left girl looked the thickest, but weighed the most and wore a smaller size than me. None of us could interchange uniforms, bc we were shaped so differently, but the uniforms made us look the same size on the kickline.


Just thinking back at the calling out of Angela.. I wonder if this happens to other vets and we don't see it?


Also I thought it was quite funny when the guest choreographer got right up into their faces. I guess if you can carry on when a crazy person is all in your face it bodes well!!

I'd guess they call out a lot more, and harsher, but it isn't shown. Those girls wouldn't be so terrified if it was Susie Sunshine 24/7. The guest choreographer in their faces was trying so hard to be hardcore Kitty Jr, and cement her personal brand. Have I personally seen directors and choreographers get way more rude and aggressive, definitely. This one just looked silly. 


I'm not getting the Amy T love , she's good and all but she is not as captivating as Megan C or Holly M by any means. I didn't find her cameo all that great either. Jelly and Judy raved about her. Just my opinion.

Me neither. She looks the part and is a good performer, but there's something just a little bit snide and off-putting when she speaks, IMO. I thought the cameo of her was terrible. Not her fault that's the shot they chose, but terrible.

The guest coreog should have read that situation better and figured maybe some subtlety and sensitivity would have been appropriate...



Pretty much in agreement with everybody else, but I have to say that Subtlety & Sensitivity are not things any dance teacher or choreographer I've ever run across has . . . . I don't think they see any need for it. 

Edited by JanetLand
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Was the guest choreographer actually selected for the performance episodes of SYTYCD or was she just in the audition/Vegas episodes? Because if it's the latter, claiming that as part of your pedigree in professional work is pretty pathetic. Either way, she had way too much ego without the goods to back it up.

She did not make the top 20, no. So it's the latter. She also probably only got air time on the audition episode because she had her kids there - if you watch the clip I posted upthread you'll see that she mentioned how her kids were in the audience pretty much the first opportunity that she got. She is a good dancer, but think it was disrespectful for her to chew Angelia out like she did. She is a 5 year vet, she obviously knows a thing or two about performing, and it was in practice, not a game, that she screwed up, and Kelli already scolded her for her mistake - and then the guest choreographer took it to an uncesseaey extreme - and Angela may even be older than the guest choreographer too.

  • Love 2

I avoided that scene because I knew I'd be pissed at the guest choreographer.  I hope they never invite her back to work with them ever again.  I can see reprimanding someone over making a mistake in the choreography if they are consistantly doing it wrong, but her attitude, from what I hear, was worse then Chelsea's ever was.  It sounds like that guest choreographer thought she was the most important person in the room and that Angela's attitude and disappointment was a personal affront to her.  Get over yourself, lady!  You're not THAT important and if you have a problem with Angela, let Judy and Kelly take care of it since you don't work with the squad.


I don't know what Angela was promised to get her to come back, if anything, but if she was promised things and didn't get them, I can see being upset.  However, knowing Judy and Kelly, I'd try to get those things in writing, in a legally binding contract with penalties if they renege on those promises.  If they refuse, I'd refuse to come back.  I know how painful it is to have things promised to you that you really, really want and then have those promises pulled out and reneged on for one reason or another.  If it happens too often, then it's time to move on because you know that, at that point, they don't value you enough to follow through with what is promised despite you holding up your end of the bargain.  

 It sounds like that guest choreographer thought she was the most important person in the room and that Angela's attitude and disappointment was a personal affront to her.  Get over yourself, lady!  You're not THAT important and if you have a problem with Angela, let Judy and Kelly take care of it since you don't work with the squad.

That's pretty much most professional choreographers (non-dance studio owners) I've ever met. Dancers are merely the mechanism to translate their work, and they are usually abrasive or over emotional. That woman was definitely putting on a show for the cameras though. Angela WAS off, but honestly not by very much, and she has the talent to correct it right away. I was never drawn to her as a favorite, but she has proven to be a good performer and forget the choreographer, Kelli and Judy were rude. They know her and her reputation. They were rude. Don't act like the show group is the be all, end all, then get upset when a girl who didn't make it shows some mild sadness.

I really doubt Angela was promised show group. There's been a lot of negative talk about Kelli this season in particular. I kind of get it because she has had more of a hard edge this year, but she and Judy both have showed enough compassion in the past to make me think they would never do that to anyone, let alone a fifth year vet. Just because they have been open with their critiques this year and mimicked a few people doesn't mean they're stabbing girls in the back. I think Angela was probably just hoping for it, and thought her chances were good with the number of vets that retired last season. I know it's been said, but if they had no respect for Angela, they wouldn't have made her a group leader, which is an even bigger honor than show group. Just my opinion.

  • Love 8

When I watched the show and not just the clip, I reconsidered Kitty's comment of "intense" about Melissa....I do think it was a compliment. It really could not have been anything else -- that girls is a "fireball". Sorry. Had to done.

. Lol- I really Laughed at your comment- hate that song!

I really would have liked an intro to who that showgroup judge was. I have never seen her before, and they normally do a brief intro for Tina Kalina, the former DCC who helped on kicks one season, etc. The title flashed so quickly I couldn't even read it.

Edited by mardo4
  • Love 1

I really doubt Angela was promised show group. There's been a lot of negative talk about Kelli this season in particular. I kind of get it because she has had more of a hard edge this year, but she and Judy both have showed enough compassion in the past to make me think they would never do that to anyone, let alone a fifth year vet. Just because they have been open with their critiques this year and mimicked a few people doesn't mean they're stabbing girls in the back. I think Angela was probably just hoping for it, and thought her chances were good with the number of vets that retired last season. I know it's been said, but if they had no respect for Angela, they wouldn't have made her a group leader, which is an even bigger honor than show group. Just my opinion.

This to everything!  

  • Love 2

. Lol- I really Laughed at your comment- hate that song!

I really would have liked an intro to who that showgroup judge was. I have never seen her before, and they normally do a brief intro for Tina Kalina, the former DCC who helped on kicks one season, etc. The title flashed so quickly I couldn't even read it.

Shelly Bramhall was the one they showed during the performances. There were some others during deliberations and I don't know who they all are. Shelly works for the organization and is involved with recruiting and auditions. She's also a former cheerleader.

Agree with Ornaiche (and many others) who said choreographer was out of line. ...Stop. Let K&J handle it.

. Ditto. However, perhaps I am in minority but I liked the choreographer overall. I think her advice about square shoulders was spot on and it's nice to have a fresh perspective and mix things up. just wish she had let Kelli handle that one. I can't imagine DJ doing that!
  • Love 1

Agree with ppl thinking Karen needed a shorter hairstyle. I don't think it would change the outcome because short legs are always going to be short and awkward in boots, but I think makeover day missed a huge opportunity with her. I also don't get why Kaleigh did not get a change on makeover day... She should not be coming in with the criticism at cameos that her hair is dated and she needs a spark. That critique should have been caught on makeover day. The salon IMO dropped the ball on these two, and it would have been a way to showcase really current updated looks.

  • Love 6

Agree with ppl thinking Karen needed a shorter hairstyle. I don't think it would change the outcome because short legs are always going to be short and awkward in boots, but I think makeover day missed a huge opportunity with her. I also don't get why Kaleigh did not get a change on makeover day... She should not be coming in with the criticism at cameos that her hair is dated and she needs a spark. That critique should have been caught on makeover day. The salon IMO dropped the ball on these two, and it would have been a way to showcase really current updated looks.

YES! They said that Kaleigh figure is awesome but were so stuck on her hair...like, how is that her fault when you had makeover day already?  I wonder if Kelli just really didn't want her on the team so they didn't even give her options at makeover day. 


Though my two cents is her hair didn't look dated...she had beautiful blonde hair that was styled like many people today wear it lol  Her face just unfortunately is more mature (NOT OLD) and the more I see of her, the more I think she would be too stark of a contrast next to the 18 year olds.

  • Love 2

. Ditto. However, perhaps I am in minority but I liked the choreographer overall. I think her advice about square shoulders was spot on and it's nice to have a fresh perspective and mix things up. just wish she had let Kelli handle that one. I can't imagine DJ doing that!

I didn't mind the choreographer either. I liked her style better than Kitty's. I thought she was more encouraging. She didn't berate them the way Kitty does. It gets on my nerves how Kitty ends all her sentences with "Yeah?", and the choreographer did the same thing. That bugged me. Did they make Kitty tone it down this season? I was expecting her to say very harsh things during show group auditions. I was surprised how mellow and soft her voice was. 

  • Love 1

Kaleigh would look better as a brunette.  I think that when you are blonde (as I was when I was young) that it is everything; it's a label.  Isn't it better to look your best rather than being blonde?  Kaleigh reminds me of Erica Perry...same kind of look.  Kaleigh needs a shorter, edgier hairstyle to downplay her classic looks.  AND LOSE THE BLONDE!!!!!

Being a brunette would give her look a sophistication.

  • Love 3

I wondered that too about the 0 on KaShara's uniform being her size - that can't be though unless she is ridiculously short cause isn't she one of the ones in trouble for weight? And she clearly is thicker than a lot of the others. A size 0 is pretty darn small for an adult woman unless you are very petite. Of course, maybe DCC sizing is a completely different system than what we see in stores - like maybe they start at 0000, 000, etc., and max out at 2...wirh a 4 being "plus sized" - haha ;).

I'm not sure why the uniforms even need sizes, since they're custom-made to fit each girl (as they remind us every season).  


I posted this during last season (I think).....  in a previous season they flashed on what presumably was a size on someone's uniform and it was "C8" or maybe "Y8," and the theory was that it was actually a girl's (child's) size 8.  


I was rewatching some episodes from an earlier season a week or so ago -- season 3, maybe?  And they were dunking the TC candidates under water to get their body fat percentages.  There were candidates that had 11%, 12% body fat.  That's really thin.


When I was a cheerleader in high school, I had to wear red trunks under my uniform and I searched around in my closet and found some red ones from doing gymnastics years before.  They were very stretchy and when I tried them on they still fit.  They were a size 6x.  I was around 5'3" or so and about 107 pounds and I very distinctly remember trying on clothes when my little sister went shopping and I fit into preteen sizes, like 10 and 12, at the time.  And, I wasn't even that thin -- certainly no one looked at me and said anything about me looking overly thin.  (Oh, if only that had lasted.....that was many years, and many pounds, ago.)

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I didn't get what was so "dated" about Kaleigh's hair either. It looked the same as many other girls in terms of styled with loose curls. They are getting very ridiculous on the critiques.

I think Kaleigh looks too much like Holly A's older sister - same exact styling, dancing, body type, etc., but just not as fresh. Like she has premature crows feet in the corner of her eyes and it ages her when she's probably not really older than average. I agree that K&J should be blaming themselves/the makeover salon and NOT the TCC for any styling issues at this point though.

I thought it was kind of funny how they were saying "we need something to be wow from Kaleigh" then the next sentence they say "her figure is a wow, but that's it" - lol - doesn't someones figure qualify as "something", and it's actually a really big thing - I actually think it's a lot easier to pass as a DCC w/ a less than stunning face and a good figure than it is the opposite - good face, bad figure.

IMO how Kayleigh looks a lot like Holly A makes her more replaceable and will hurt her chances of making it compared to someone w/ a unique look.

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