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Rhodes Scholar Reporting the News Show Discussion

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Warning:  Although Ari Melber was the guest host on Thursday, MSNBC announced it is rerunning the Kellyanne/Rachel interview at midnight ET/9:00 PT.  The Melber show was actually quite good this evening, including the new director of the Obama future project for fair redistricting, Kelly Ward.  Ari's long introduction to her interview was a great overview of the redistricting issues that created the significant majority in the House of Representatives, producing Republican house members in states that otherwise went Democratic for the President and even Senators. 

Good news:  Rachel will be back on Monday.  Said Ari.  And tonight was the long reel of credits that show all the staff working on the show, starting with Rachel holding some kind of fisher's bounty (I think, based on the outfit she was wearing).   

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Idk, I tried to watch Ari.  I really did.  Couldn't make it past more than 2 minutes.  I just can't stand him.  I get too bugged by those overly shaped caterpillar eyebrows & his smugness & the constant shoving of what seems like billions of clips of Orange ass & Conway.  Not for me.  I'll be back when Rachel is.  

I did turn on (by accident) the Conway interview & dropped my remote in horror.  I retrieved it quickly & thankfully (for the sake of keeping my sanity) turned it off.  But that was 2 seconds of torture, I don't want to relive.

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I usually don't watch when Ari is on , but the news was so fascinating yesterday, with the closing of the Russian compounds on U.S. soil.  (Closed for now, who knows, next month?)  And the piece on the redistricting really was very well done, and points to the big, big problems Democrats will have in trying to regain any kind of majority again.  I'm not saying it won't happen, but once courts start to support the really extreme gerrymandering, and Trump's judges will be supporting these decisions, how does the country move back in another direction?  The Senate will be key, but as the maps showed, even getting the Senate back will be so uphill.  There has always been a back-and-forth pendulum of majority parties, but this is a new phase of stacking the decks to create sure Republican House victories.  Ari had two segments on this in the middle of Thursday's show.  And I say unto to MSNBC yet again:  the West Coast population really *does* want to see the *news* shows at 8:00 and 9:00 -- and you (MSNBC) keep thinking it is good enough on some days only to give the news to the East Coast at those times.  We are still up and ready to learn about the day's news, not a 9:00 rerun of a week-old Kellyanne interview that we did not want to see the first time.  They did rerun Ari at 1:00 AM. 

2 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Idk, I tried to watch Ari.  I really did.  Couldn't make it past more than 2 minutes.  I just can't stand him.  I get too bugged by those overly shaped caterpillar eyebrows & his smugness & the constant shoving of what seems like billions of clips of Orange ass & Conway.  Not for me.  I'll be back when Rachel is.  

I did turn on (by accident) the Conway interview & dropped my remote in horror.  I retrieved it quickly & thankfully (for the sake of keeping my sanity) turned it off.  But that was 2 seconds of torture, I don't want to relive.

Jeez, Rach was absolutely giddy tonite.  Honestly, it annoyed the hell outta me.  Now that the Trump nightmare is coming closer upon us, I wake up every day terrified of what's to come.  I'm in no mood to watch a woman bursting with giddiness.  I was ready to tune out.  Glad I didn't.  

Rach is 100% right.  Now is def NOT the time to ignore news -- no matter how awful & horrible it gets.  Keep on telling us what's going on, Rach.  I'm not exactly thrilled with the giddy shtick, but I guess it's better than watching someone angry & screaming.  Oh wait, we'll have that in full force in 2 weeks in a cruddy shade of orange.  Shuddering.

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I figured it was part of the snarky thing that's her trademark.  I hope she tones it down.

Tomorrow Rach has Chuck Schumer & Bernie Sanders.  Now we're talkin'. This is who she should be having on her show.  Let Conway broadcast her lies on Fox.  She's not who I wanna hear or see.  I wanna know what the Dems are gonna do to stand against Trump & this horrific Rethug Congress.

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I think the cheerful opening was Rachel's determination to come back and be reassuring.  But I agree that it hit an odd note.  And partway through the show, when she mentioned the outage affecting customs arrivals at airports, she did say that it really concerned her, although she did not elaborate. 

I know reasonable people in elected office who are really pressing the alarm bells about what they think will be happening in D.C. and to all of us, and it is very unsettling to hear.  Rachel is like the flight attendant on a plane that is bouncing up and down -- if she looks as concerned as we know she is, we all get five times more concerned.  Or maybe that is just me. 

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10 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Jeez, Rach was absolutely giddy tonite.  Honestly, it annoyed the hell outta me.  Now that the Trump nightmare is coming closer upon us, I wake up every day terrified of what's to come.  I'm in no mood to watch a woman bursting with giddiness.  I was ready to tune out.  Glad I didn't.  

Rach is 100% right.  Now is def NOT the time to ignore news -- no matter how awful & horrible it gets.  Keep on telling us what's going on, Rach.  I'm not exactly thrilled with the giddy shtick, but I guess it's better than watching someone angry & screaming.  Oh wait, we'll have that in full force in 2 weeks in a cruddy shade of orange.  Shuddering.

Yeah, and I'm not ignoring her, I will continue to tune in for her reporting, because I often learn something new from her. I make sure to watch VICE news as well. 

To me the giddy stuff often seems like it's sarcasm.  Like this shit is so unreal, I can't believe this shit is happening. Oh wait, yes I can, but I have to laugh to keep from crying through reporting this shit.  It's almost like a nervous laugh or a laugh to keep from losing your sanity. Especially when the rest of the programming on her network that airs before 8PM doesn't give a shit and seem like they are living in their own bubble. Or have they gotten better? I've stopped watching all MSNBC programming before 8PM, so maybe it's gotten better, but I doubt it. 

However Rachel, I WILL NOT WATCH YOU WHEN YOU HAVE KAC on, hell to the fuck NO.  I will not watch her, not happening. There may be a republican or two that I will definitely sit through, but not her, no way. I sit through the ones that Joy Reid has on her show, yeah, you have to get the opposing view, but I can't take the bullshit. That woman is fucking evil if she's not just down right insane and there is a thin line between the two, insanity and evil that is.  And while she's sitting there with Rachel, I often think that her evil brain is thinking about how she could send Rachel to one of those conversion camps she's so fond of, bye, just bye. I can't stand watching her sitting in front of Rachel knowing how hateful she is towards those in the LGBTQ community.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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I get Rach's mindset in having Conway on.  I just don't agree with it.  It's a combo of giving viewers a window on who Conway is, on what she (uh, Trump) wants us to believe Trump is about & to let viewers watch Conway lie, deflect, dodge, deny & generally make a fool of herself on cam.  

In the end, by giving Conway precious air time, Rach is giving her (actually Trump) a golden opportunity to promote Trump propaganda.  I beg you, Rach, please don't have this monstrous woman on again to do that.  It's worse than a waste of time.  Much worse.  It's more free publicity for Trump.  Ugh.  Same reason why CNN made such a terrible mistake to ever have on (let alone hire for a regular gig) that wormy Lewandowski a-hole.

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Trumputin and his cohorts have, and continue to get, tons of free publicity and many, many opportunities to spread their lies and propaganda.  It's all over every news site, and news show.  Constantly.  I'd rather Rachel use the time she has to get high ranking Dems on her show and hold them accountable, since the Republicans are clearly happy to let Trumputin and Conway and all of them destroy this country as fast as they can. 

If Rachel doesn't give the Dems a place to speak, who will?  Fox?   Or is the problem that the Dems actually don't want to speak?  Because I'm not seeing them doing a lot of speaking out.

Edited by izabella
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I don't watch Fox news, but do they regularly have Dems on -- to supposedly give viewers the other side's POV?  Rach showed how Rethugs had the enormous majority of Sunday talk show appearances.  Ironic that MSNBC is thought to be the equivalent for Democrats, of Fox, as it is for Rethugs.  Uh, not by a long shot.

Just heard Megyn Kelly is going to NBC.  Will Rach congrat her tonite on joining the NBC "family"?

While I'm still not a fan of the giddy routine, Rach, you are most certainly entitled (and def encouraged) to chuckle over Conway's latest gaff about the idiocy of what this idiotic Rethug Congress tried to pull with the independent ethics office.  Oy.  The woman truly is a fool.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Trumputin and his cohorts have, and continue to get, tons of free publicity and many, many opportunities to spread their lies and propaganda.  It's all over every news site, and news show.  Constantly.  I'd rather Rachel use the time she has to get high ranking Dems on her show and hold them accountable, since the Republicans are clearly happy to let Trumputin and Conway and all of them destroy this country as fast as they can. 

I would love this. Like get a hold of Michael Moore's voice and light into their pretentious, comfortable liberal asses for me Rachel, would you? Please.

Because it seems like the Clinton campaign has given over my info. to the democratic party and now they're using president Obama's picture large as life and are hitting me up for money, sending me emails and shit. And I'm here to put them on blast, they gotta show a me a hell of a lot more fight before they get a cent out of me. It almost looks like her page, but he's now the picture on it.  Well, the democratic party better start bringing their A game and fight and start sounding and acting  like Michael Moore and maybe I'll open up my purse strings. First off, this long time supporter doesn't want to hear shit about the special snowflake voters who whined about being left behind, please. I don't want to hear that bullshit Bernie Sanders, NO MORE, get off my screen with that shit. The same ones who benefit from Obamacare, yeah, they weren't being left behind when Obama and his team thought up the damn plan to make sure they were covered. But of course the ACA and Obamacare are two different things in their bubble right? LOL. I don't want to hear it, I don't want to hear shit about what democrats did wrong, stop the bullshit, republicans never introspect and have therefore been rewarded with control of all three branches of government. And even more importantly for me,  they better stop talking shit although subtly about Hillary's campaign, STFU about which one of you ass wipes would have done better than Hillary, because guess what? You didn't, because you didn't run and the two that did run against her didn't pull it off despite trying to act like the Wasserman -Shult's of the party sabotaged them. Fuck off with that, I don't want to hear if you want my money, no more, I don't want to hear it.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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4 hours ago, Keepitmoving said:

And even more importantly for me,  they better stop talking shit although subtly about Hillary's campaign, STFU about which one of you ass wipes would have done better than Hillary, because guess what? You didn't, because you didn't run and the two that did run against her didn't pull it off despite trying to act like the Wasserman -Shult's of the party sabotaged them. Fuck off with that, I don't want to hear if you want my money, no more, I don't want to hear it.

I don't, either. Rachel does this along with everyone else and it makes me spitting mad. Nobody knows what might have happened if X, Y or Z had been done differently, which makes all the hindsighted postmortems and pompous pronouncements a wheel-spinning waste of time. Especially from that wienie Sanders who isn't even a Democrat. He can shuttie for good.

Rachel has opinions, politicians and pundits have opinions, I have options -- just please stop acting like they're anything more than that.

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Okay, I really liked the Senator Schumer interview.  About Republicans and the Affordable Care Act:  "They're like a dog that caught the bus."  And at the very end, after Rachel went to commercial saying, "next, Senator Sanders of Vermont" -- and Senator Schumer said off-camera and almost off-microphone:  "And Madison High School" (Brooklyn, same high school Schumer also attended).  You could tell from the look on Rachel's face that she was caught by surprise.  And she came back to give a shout-out to having *two* graduates on the same show from James Madison High School:  "This is your Life! This is your night!" 

Also a bonus:  the extended discussion of "putz" and its meanings. 

ETA:  Sen. Schumer also said about Trump ticking off the intelligence agencies that "you don't want to antagonize them -- they have six ways to Sunday to get back at you."  This in response to Trump tweeting that his intelligence briefing on hacking had been moved to Friday "maybe to give them more time to make a case".  Intelligence agencies were having none of this, and said tonight that the meeting had always been scheduled for Friday. 

Edited by jjj
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It was a hopeful show.  And that's vitally important.  So thanks for these interviews, Rach.

Interesting to note that in her signoff with Schumer, Rach informed him how Dems down the line have not been especially available to her.  So glad she said that to him -- cuz that ain't good..  Well, he's exactly the right person to say this to.  Because from now on Rach should devote her show to interviewing Dems & what their plans are to fight Trump & his billionaire cabinet horribles & the Rethug Congress.  

And Conway?  Chris (The Interrupter) Matthews seems in love with her.  I think I watched him tonite for the last time EVER.  He kept playing so many clips of Conway & I had to mute it so much, I finally just turned him off in disgust.  Bad enough he constantly & rudely interrupts his guests -- particularly his female guests.  Blech.  Why does he still have a show on MSNBC?

Oh, Rach, talk about Joey No Socks, will ya?  That story is just too snark-worthy to let go without your commentary on.

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Short show tonight - as soon as Bernie was on I switched to Bob's Burgers.

I always tell people that Schumer won that first Senate race because of a Yiddish word.  But my memory has been wrong - I thought the word was schmuck not putz.

Here's an old DC joke - what's the most dangerous place to be in DC.  Between Chuck Schumer and a microphone.

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I didn't get the impression she was sucking up to Schumer.  I thought she was merely letting him prattle on.  She seemed & looked very skeptical of what he was saying.

Dont count me as a Bernie fan.  He seemed to be saying the same stuff he was saying before.  Sounds good, but I always wondered why Bernie was never able to accomplish much from his decades in politics. It remains to be seen whether Trump & the Rethug Congress casually & easily steamroll over these 2 & Warren & Pelosi.

We'll get a clear pic if Schumer & Bernie were just blowing hot air -- in the next few weeks, with Trump's horrible cabinet picks.  Hopefully Rach will be all over them if they were bullshitting up a storm.

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I was not impressed with Bernie, either.  Same old stuff.  Get some new blood.  That's why I like the guy Ari Melber had on (Chris Hayes Show).  He was the chairman of the SC Democratic Committee and is vying to be chairman of the DNC (Jaime Harrison is his name, I think).  I'm skeptical of Keith Ellison for the very reason that Bernie and Schumer are pushing him.  Harrison is more of a grass roots kind of guy and I like that.  I think Rachel did have him on once and I wish she would again.   

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2 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

It remains to be seen whether Trump & the Rethug Congress casually & easily steamroll over these 2 & Warren & Pelosi.

We'll get a clear pic if Schumer & Bernie were just blowing hot air -- in the next few weeks, with Trump's horrible cabinet picks.  Hopefully Rach will be all over them if they were bullshitting up a storm.

Yes, I'm a bit skeptical that the Dems will show the required spine, but I guess we'll see.  I'd like to think that they've seen that such tactics work, so maybe they'll give it a shot.  I do find it interesting that Bernie is all back to being an Independent.  If one is only going to be a democrat to run for one office, then you can't really complain (nor can your supporters complaint) when the democrat party wasn't particularly happy with him.

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I feel  better about Chuck Schumer after watching his interview with Rachel.

I'd like to see Rachel and Chris Hayes offer the Democratic leadership a weekly interview to help them put the word out about what they're planning or working on going forward.  It feels to me like it is all day GOP every day and I expect even more of it once Trump takes office.   I'd like to see the opposition given a place to get their agenda out to the public.

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36 minutes ago, car54 said:

I feel  better about Chuck Schumer after watching his interview with Rachel.

I'd like to see Rachel and Chris Hayes offer the Democratic leadership a weekly interview to help them put the word out about what they're planning or working on going forward.  It feels to me like it is all day GOP every day and I expect even more of it once Trump takes office.   I'd like to see the opposition given a place to get their agenda out to the public.

^^^^ This, times ten!!! ^^^^

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The guide "Indivisible," featured on Rachel's show in the first half hour (with two segments), is terrific.  I already read it while the show was still on, and as someone who has worked in legislatures, I have to say it is full of great advice:  https://www.indivisibleguide.com/   

Edited by jjj
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6 hours ago, car54 said:

I feel  better about Chuck Schumer after watching his interview with Rachel.

I'd like to see Rachel and Chris Hayes offer the Democratic leadership a weekly interview to help them put the word out about what they're planning or working on going forward.  It feels to me like it is all day GOP every day and I expect even more of it once Trump takes office.   I'd like to see the opposition given a place to get their agenda out to the public.

Well, it's really on Schumer & Bernie to act & act immediately.  And if they are just full of hot air, Rach gave much indication tonite she took what BOTH of them said last nite very, very, very seriously & she is absolutely holding them to their words.  YAY, Rach!

What I'm really curious about is the kind of stuff Megyn Kelly will talk about when she's on NBC.  Was she holding back much of what she really thinks of Trump while she was at Fox?  Is that why she left Fox?  So she can finally go full-on attack mode on Trump & his awfulness & his horribles around him?  If so, why not finally boot the supremely annoying Interrupter Matthews (or move him after Brian Williams' meh show, instead of showing a repeat) & give Kelly that slot?  Maybe Rach should be talking to her.

17 hours ago, slensam said:

Except for the Trump feud, Megyn Kelly was as bad as the rest of the Foxers. Can't say I want to see a whole lot of her.

And that's exactly why I'd like to see Rach interview her.  Is she gonna start peddling that Fox shit on NBC?  If she does, she'll fail quickly & she shoulda stayed where she was & taken the 100 mil they were throwing at her.

If the Fox propaganda bullshit is ingrained & stamped into her brain & she can't help herself from spouting that garbage, I would love to see how Rach could bring it out of her -- and how they'd both react.

Wondered if Rach had the same WTF reaction I did on hearing Greta Van Susteren got a show on MSNBC.  Color me surprised she didn't.  Hopefully her ratings will suck & she'll be gone quick.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
12 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Wondered if Rach had the same WTF reaction I did on hearing Greta Van Susteren got a show on MSNBC.  Color me surprised she didn't.  Hopefully her ratings will suck & she'll be gone quick.

I've read and heard elsewhere that Rachel and Greta are actually close friends in the outside world and it was pretty much confirmed tonight by Rachel's delight (ick) and Greta mentioning that she and her husband had shared plenty of glasses of wine with Rachel (and Susan too I would assume).

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Rachel was on with Andy Cohen. She had things to say about KAC.  This quote that caught my eye about the Fox defectors: 



One of the things that’s interesting is that we’ve got Donald Trump, he’s got this very—all the sexual harassment claims, grab women by the blah-blah-blah, all the concerns that women have about him and in that era—now there’s like no more women in news, in primetime at least,” Maddow said.

“I’m starting to feel a little lonely,” she added. “Because I’m not all that girly, and if I have to hold up all the girl energy, it’s going to be hard.”


I'm feeling you, gurl.

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They must be hoping Greta will bring some Fox viewers with her.  That might be a good thing.  But on another forum where they were discussing this, most of the diehard Fox people said they really like Greta but they'll never watch her on MSNBC. 

I found Rachel's praise of her a little excessive (ok, a lot excessive).

Switching gears a little, I was disgusted at all the obnoxious Hillary stuff on the cover of that supermarket tabloid.  I don't notice the magazines at the checkout and didn't realize all the vile stuff they were printing about Hillary.  It was relentless, week after week.  I'm sure there were people ready to believe there must be some truth to the stuff.  And now I realize Trump did his best to call attention to the magazine as a reliable source by mentioning it in relation to the lie about Ted Cruz's father. Very crafty.  I'm sure he was aware of all the disgusting things they were printing about Hillary.  I'm glad Rachel showed some of those headlines because I had no idea it was that bad.  And we wonder why she lost.  She was attacked from so many fronts.

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Chris Cuomo just gave it to Conway but good when she tried to bullshit her way thru defending Trump's looney defense of Russia's hacking.  How come Rachel just isn't capable of this?  

I get it if Rach can't be aggressive with her (or anyone).  Maybe it's just not in Rach to be that way.  But to sit across from Conway & be all nicey-nice doesn't work.  We've seen that.  It's why Interrupter Matthews' interviews with her are so awful.  He's a lapdog with her & merely lets her spout the Trump propaganda crap.

But what about Rachel?  Is she capable of doing an interview that isn't softball?  Idk, me doubts it.

Her lovefest for Greta was disappointing -- to say the least.  I figured when Fox fired her (and I happily hummed Ding Dong, the witch is dead) we'd never see her hideous mug again on TV.  Well, I still won't cuz I'll never watch her show & I'll tune out of Rach if she has her on.  Real dumb move, MSNBC.

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I hope this is not off-topic but I don't think you can really wash the Fox out of these people enough for me. Maybe if they hired Shepard Smith who seems like a bit of a straight shooter but these other people...no. Rachel being all enthusiastic is not going to do it. Really couldn't watch that and don't care how good friends she is with her.

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Greta I couldn't care less about.  As far as I'm concerned she's a has-been with horrible plastic surgery.  Her remarks about Ailes rendered her opinions (whatever they are) useless, off-the-mark & uninteresting to me.  I'm sure she'll pop up again on Rach's show so she can push her own show.  Meh, whatever.

But Megyn Kelly is who I wanna keep an eye on.  I never saw her on Fox cuz I don't watch Fox.  Even if she is a staunch right-winger & still spouts those views on NBC . . . if she criticizes Trump?  That would make her interesting.  I'd really like to see Megyn with Rach.  And Greta?  Do us all a huge favor, hun & just retire.  Please.

I agree about Greta.  I saw her a few times on Fox and never saw her really challenge anyone.  Megyn, on the other hand, did a better job of talking to Kellyanne Conway than Rachel ever did.  I saw KAC on with Megyn a couple of times (I don't even know why) and when Kellyanne would say something ridiculous, Megyn gave her a skeptical look and said, "come on Kellyanne....".  Maybe she felt she had more latitude because they were both on Fox, but it made Kellyanne shut up, something no one on MSNBC has done.  (And I'm really sick of Chris Matthews fawning over her.) 

Rachel is so smart but she doesn't want to be rude, I guess.  I learn so much from her with her initial segments on how history has influenced the present or how it's being repeated, etc.  Her interviews, not so much.

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That's my frustration with Rach.  Her interviews are so often forgetable & lackluster.  She was so excited about her interview with Loretta Lynch, I thought she was gonna jump up on her desk & do a happy dance.  Setting it at Stonewall meant nothing.  I mean, seriously, that interview was such a waste of time.  Rach asked her nothing probing & she gave boring nothing answers.  She never even referred to speaking to Bill on the tarmac.  Rach could've at least tried to ask her about that disaster.  But no.  Guess interviews are not her thing.

If she does have Bernie & Schumer back & they are as ineffective in Congress as I'm sure they will be, I'd love for Rachel to really grill them about it.  I don't think that will happen.  Nope.  Bernie will just continue to spout his predictable Bernie stuff I've heard a billion times & Schumer will blow his hot air, but would Rach cut thru this crap & really confront them if they're not doing enough?  Doubt it.

Btw, was Rach showing the building of Greta's new set?  I wasn't paying attention cuz anything Greta-related, I tune out.  Something about how tense it is to build it quickly?  I was thinking how quickly they'll tear it apart when the show is cancelled.  And also that Joy Reid should have a nightly show, preferably in Chris Hayes' slot, right before Rachel.  And what would they do with Hayes?  Who cares?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs

Wow.  Rachel was on fire tonight.  I loved it.  Yes, she called Trump a liar.  I was surprised as well.  But maybe she was partly fired up because he now wants NBC investigated.  For talking about a report before he had his full briefing (which I think he could have had at any time) and that he is still basically denying.  We know he wants to muzzle the media.  And he has a beef with NBC.  Didn't they fire him from the Apprentice when he announced his bid for the presidency?  He claims it was a mutual decision.  Probably not.

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Rachel needs to calm the f**k down.  Rachel's unwavering certainty in HRCs inevitability, body and soul it seemed, meant Rachel couldn't hear or didn't believe the warnings that were being sounded by the likes of Michael Moore, Joe Scarborough, and Bill Maher.  Going back over this thread shows her since the election to be hyper, giddy, aggravated, and now back to hyper again, sort of in a reactive stance as if she's having a harder and harder time believing that this is real, her girl impossibly, unbelievably lost, and maybe she, Rachel, bears some responsibility in that.

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