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S01.E11: Eats, Shoots, And Leaves / S01.E12: Wild Things


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This is two episodes back-to-back; #111 and 112


"Eats, Shoots, and Leaves" and "Wild Things" - When Jackson is injured after a run-in with the rebels in Zambia, the team rushes him to a hospital in Zimbabwe and finds it overrun by wild animals. While Jackson undergoes emergency surgery, Mitch and Jamie work to formulate a cure using the Mother Cell and leopard DNA. Victory is within reach until a shocking turn of events jeopardizes everything, on a special two-hour episode of ZOO


Two hours of Zoo? Not sure how I'm going to get through this.
It's almost over... it's almost over....

  • Love 1

So, Frenchy McBugeyes and Agent Brannigan drove from Clearwater, Florida to somewhere in Virginia and never said anything to each other.


And now, Agent Xander Berkeley is dead, and Frenchy is in the custody of the first French dude, Alves, that set the team in motion, and he wants to torture her for info about the team.  WTF ? This makes absolutely no sense at all.


I'm still trying to figure out how Frenchy got out of the car -- her hands were tied and she was restrained by the seatbelt, yet somehow she got loose and exited the car.


And we get the briefest of TV news stating that something is wrong with the animals.


And now the leopards are putting humans in trees.  I guess they were communicating long distance with the lions in Botswana.


Seriously, they know that there are dangerous killer leopards in the area, but they are camping in a tent.  A tent !!!!  They should be sleeping in the car. 


Oh Ray, you are such an idiot.  Smell ya later, we hardly knew you.  That leopard jumping out of nowhere was too funny.  Jackson's plan to track that leopard was just stupid -- let's make a leopard night light.


Alves is trying to get Frenchy McBugeyes to talk by torturing her sister.  Really ?


Was that body in the leopard den supposed to be Ray or just some random body ?  But on the bright side, they picked up a really cute leopard cub.


The leopards took out the bridge by chewing through the ropes -- seriously ?  How did the leopards know to do that ?

This is what amazes me about this show -- driving around the middle of nowhere in Zambia, terrific cell phone coverage.


And the leopards attack the bad guys holding the team, and the team escapes but not before Jackson gets gutshot.


Delavenne shows up to save Chloe but only if she tells him the location of the team, but she won't until he kills Alves and saves her sister -- so he shots Aves and sends the police to her sister's apartment (though we don't know if she lost her left hand or not).  But you know that Delavenne is completely playing her, that's how bad Reiden wants the mother cell.  Only it turns out he is a good guy -- maybe ?


Ms. Tousignant goes to Washington.


At the hospital, I'm curious how the alligators were sneaking up on people.  Or how the leopards and lions were opening doors to get into the 3rd floor once they climbed the stairs ?  Or did they take the elevator ?  Who pressed the floor buttons ?


Did Chloe just say that only 4 weeks ago, she was a simple intelligence agent -- but last episode they said that they had been at this for months.  WTF ?  Of course, almost no one believes her -- except for that one woman in the room that the camera keeps going to.  And where did she get that dress from ?  She wasn't wearing that when she was with Agent Brannigan.


Jackson is all better just like that, but the leopards are menacing the post-op ward and the doctor is bugging out.  Meanwhile Mitch managed to get the leopard cub to remove his own tooth by chewing on a piece of flavored rubber -- is that a thing that actually happens ?


Hallucination Chloe does up Jackson's shirt, but when Jackson wakes up his shirt has been buttoned up -- so who buttoned it up ? 

How did that leopard get through that closed door and get the drop on the nurse ?  Jackson saves the children from the leopard by -- you guessed it -- closing a door, but he forgot one child.  Whoops !!  He's probably leopard chow by now.


Jamie opens the fucking door to the lab without checking to see if a leopard was in the hallway, and she lets the leopard stroll right inside in a very nonthreatening way.  Mitch pulls the fire alarm and some fancy spray emanates from the ceiling that isn't water, and this reacts with the mother cell left behind in the lab because ..... science ??   Why didn't they grab the mother cell on the way out, it was right there on the table in the middle of the room.  I'm really not getting a real sense of urgency from the team, what with leopards and lions all over the hospital.   These are some of the least menacing leopards in the history of television.


Listening to Mitch diagnose why "the cure" didn't work on that dog was just painful.  And once he figures out it was the delivery method that might be the problem it works.  Here's the question -- how are they going to orally administer the cure to all the birds and bats exactly ?


And since the mother cell is still sitting in that hematology lab in Harrare, how are they going to make more of the cure ?


Jackson and those children are basically screwed -- they are in a room with 1 door, connected to a room containing a leopard that has a closed door that the leopard can't open.  Plus, where the hell was the leopard hiding when Jackson was clearing the room to get the other boy that he didn't notice it at all ?  No matter, Abe shows up and the leopard is already gone.


Chloe's speech did impact that one woman in the crowd and after Chloe and Delavenne are seemingly abducted, it turns out that they have friends in the gov't.  And they send a strike team to Harrare to evac the team.  Abe asks the soldier to return the dog to its owner, but he doesn't tell him who the dog belongs to or even where the owner lives so how is he going to return it ?


Please, please, please, just say no to the Mitch and Jamie hookup.  They are on a commercial flight -- how did they get the leopard cub on board in Jamie's bag ?


And just for good measure, either the bats or the birds impact the 747 they are flying on back to D.C., takes out an engine and depressurizes the plane.  Do birds or bats really fly at over 30,000 feet ?


ETA: I'm still trying to figure out how they knew that that dog was mutated by Reiden's mother cell -- what if that dog barked like that normally ?  Did they even check to see if the dog had the defiant pupil ... err ... the delta determinant ?

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 2

I found something better to watch the first hour so I only caught the second.


I'm sorely disappointed that the dog didn't fake them out making it seem like the cure worked when it didn't.


I did do an actual facepalm when Chloe decided that scientists would be more likely to believe her, the louder she got after she started her press conference by answering the first question with 'I don't know what that is.'

Leopard cub better have survived that plane crash.  As far as I'm concerned, he's already better then about half of the human characters.  Maybe he and Indy from Under the Dome can run off together and find a better show.


At least this went back to providing some laughs instead of being dull, but it felt like everyone was hit harder with the stupid stick then normal (and that's saying something.)  Even characters I normally think better of like Abe and Mitch, did things that just made me scratch my head.  The list is too long, but here is what is running through my head now: knowing what they knew, why would they think it was wise to camp out in the middle of the jungle in a mere tent?  When Jaime open the lab door and saw the leopard, why didn't she just quickly shut it back and instead ran to Mitch?  Why didn't Chloe actually give specific examples about her ordeal, instead of ranting about the defiant pupil and just getting louder and more eye-buggier, and coming off like a lunatic?  Should they have kept the dog for more studying, instead of already giving him back to his owner?  Why were the heroes on a regular commercial plane at the end, instead of whatever one the military used?  I could probably go on, but that's all I got at the moment.


Also, are we sure this whole thing isn't under a dome?  Because Jackson seems to have the same healing powers the Chester's Mills folks have.  Dude get shot, and not only survives, but is able to lift kids and push beds around, only a few minutes after waking up from surgery.  That's not natural.  If they figure this problem out with the animals, they really need to study him and figure out where all these abilities are coming from.


So many deaths, that just felt like they were randomly trying to get everyone out of the picture.  Xander Berkeley is unceremoniously shot in the head.  Ray is hilariously taken out by a leopard.  Alves finally returns, only to get offed by a new, "good" Delavenne.


So, of course, Mitch finally gets the cure working, but since something (birds, I'm guessing), brought down the plane, I'm guessing the cure will be destroyed (which, boo!  Because that would be leopard cub is a goner.)  Notice the attack happened right when Jaime planted one on Mitch, so between this and last week, I really think the animals do not like it when the humans hook-up.  I'm with the animals on this.


Season Finale next week, and I really don't know what to expect at this point.  I mean, where else can this show really go?  They clearly don't seem to have the budget or resources to have awesomely bad animal attacks each week, so what can they do, really? I like some of the cast, but it's not like the characters themselves are exactly compelling.

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When the car pulled up behind them, I was really hoping it would be Wolf Manson.  Because it woud have been about as far out of left field as possible...  Alas, no.  The old Caribou made it all the way to Africa and Roy lost his pistol.  The Leopards are on the rampage, because their reception party has been lunched on.  Or more correctly, chewed on but not lunched on.  But the sooner they find the leopards the sooner they save the world!


Oh, please!  If ever I'm kidnapped, please have them zip-tie me to a spindly old chair that will fall apart if I only breathe heavily!  I just knew it would be old Froggy-Face.  Didn't I warn her about going off with a total stranger, way back in Episode #2?  The Merrie Band encounter a truck of peaceful Sunday-school attendees.  Good thing it wasn't a local Warlord with a .50 cal on the back of his HiLux and a need for extra slaves to dig out more blood-diamonds.  They came all the way to Africa to find leopards, but Scoop McClueless thinks they should keep their distance!


OMG!  (Keyboard macro from last week.)  She wants to be left alone in the woods, to pee.  Surrounded by low growling, and the slither of Mambas.  And she still doesn't realize that if these leopards mutated without contact with RG products, it invalidates the theory that the mutation is actually caused by RG products.  (But nobody else has realized, either.) 


"Nothing there!"  Famous Last Words if ever I heard them.   Now that's the sorta animal behaviour I've been waiting for for 10 prior episodes!  And, I never liked Ray anyway.  Oh no!  All the eulogizing almost guarantees that Ray is still alive!  Jackson decides to wait until morning so he can track the glowstick juice in the daytime, after giving it a chance to fade out.  Obviously been spending too much time with Scoop.


Pity Nathalie didn't turn out to be 8th dan black belt.  That would have been a novel twist!


I just knew Ray was alive!  'Tit puss!  Meanwhile, Abe is dealing with a serpent stampeding through the grass.  Wait, so Ray isn't alive after all?  Then why is he there, like Chekov's pistol, but without ammo?


Chloe, remember how Yau-Man opened the box?  Just put all your weight on one leg of the chair for a moment, then use the remains of the chair to pummel Frog-face's ass!  Oh-oh!  Here comes the Warlord.  No HiLux and no .50 cal. though, so no blood-diamonds yet, I'm guessing.  AK-74's vs. Leopards, AK's lose and Jackson Azz stops one but decides to say nothing.  Despite having a Vetinary Pathologist right on hand.  Maybe he knew they didn't have a Bic lighter and a BBQ tongs.


Chloe makes friendly with Delavenne; Frog-face buys the farm.  Aaaaand it's birds again.  I knew we were going to get the full benefit of that CGI code purchase!


"You have one thing that I do not."

"What's that?"


If only they'd let me write the script...


While Mitch and Scoop make mother-lode and leopard-tooth soup, Abe hopes he can find an infected Chihuahua and Jackson gets his guts stitched up, Chloe (surprisingly) bombs in front of a gathering of the world's brainiacs.  But one woman seems to be listening...  Jackson evades a leopard, cleverly takes a couple kids with him in case he needs to feed the beast while making his escape.  Mitch talks a load of crap while the velociraptor does it's thing.  Then Scoop opens the door, and seeing a leopard right outside leaves the frelling door wide open, the stupid bitch!  'Tit Puss will have to save them...  No!  Instead, they flee, leaving the mother-lode to be destroyed by the sulphuric acid spray system all African hospitals are equipped with as a matter of course.  So, even if the vaccsine works, they can't make more anyway.


Men in battledress to the rescue, thanks to Chloe's speech.  Mitch better think twice about getting amorous with Scoop on the plane. The last guy she tried to shag she ended up pumping full of lead!  Thankfully, a flock of geese (or something) have decided to sacrifice themselves so we don't have to watch those two suck face any more than necessary...

  • Love 1
  On 9/9/2015 at 3:04 AM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Seriously, they know that there are dangerous killer leopards in the area, but they are camping in a tent. A tent !!!! They should be sleeping in the car.

Seriously. And peeing in bottles. Women can do it too, trust me.
  On 9/9/2015 at 3:04 AM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Jamie opens the fucking door to the lab without checking to see if a leopard was in the hallway, and she lets the leopard stroll right inside in a very nonthreatening way. Mitch pulls the fire alarm and some fancy spray emanates from the ceiling that isn't water, and this reacts with the mother cell left behind in the lab because ..... science ?? Why didn't they grab the mother cell on the way out, it was right there on the table in the middle of the room.

F'in' Jamie you mean, right? The door is innocent. I yelled at my TV when she did that even though it was so in-character. I had to calm myself down by saying repeatedly: She's just a plot device. She's just a plot device. She's just a plot device
  On 9/9/2015 at 3:04 AM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Chloe's speech did impact that one woman in the crowd

Isn't that the same mature actress who plays a person with similar authority on Extant where her character is letting Son of Hal the Computer from 2001 Space Odyssey tell her what to do--which means creating a robot army that wants to kill humans? 'Cause I'm having trust issues with her here.
  On 9/9/2015 at 3:04 AM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Abe asks the soldier to return the dog to its owner,

Wait. Abe. Think about it. You told the owner you would kill the dog for him if you couldn't heal him and he was okay with that. So he's not going to mind you keeping the only possible source for a vaccine/cure now that Jamie let a leopard into the lab with the Mother cell, which led to its destruction.
  On 9/9/2015 at 3:49 AM, thuganomics85 said:

 Notice the attack happened right when Jaime planted one on Mitch, so between this and last week, I really think the animals do not like it when the humans hook-up.  I'm with the animals on this...

Let's just continue to hope it's because the animals do not want humans mating and thereby increasing their population, rather than that the animals know any offspring will be born with the defiant pupil and rapidly age to young adult with special powers. Edited by shapeshifter
  • Love 3

Somewhere in Zambia,


Mama Serval: What do you mean, some humans stole my baby? Why THE HELL would humans steal my baby?!

Vulture: Look, I'm telling you the truth.  I saw two of 'em stompin' around, talking 'bout needin' to get ahold of a leopard. Then one of 'em spotted your kid in the bushes, got all happy and grabbed him. Then they just took off.

Mama Serval: My baby IS. NOT. A. LEOPARD.

Vulture: Well, you know that.  And I know that.  But I guess small spotted cubs all look the same to humans.  Well, unless the humans are, I dunno, a safari guide or a wildlife conservationist or a veterinary forensic scientist....


Lawd, this silly, silly show. I can't wait to see what fresh nonsense they'll serve up for the finale.

Edited by Bisquit
  • Love 14

Very silly in so many ways. Nice to know that Chloe had time to grab the perfect little gray dress and heels prior to her speech at the scientist symposium. And, of course, the cell phones work everywhere, all the time.


Senior FBI Guy/Dater gets added to the long list of characters introduced for no long-term purpose and then killed off. Same with Dead FBI Guy #12. And Wolf Manson, Ray and the bug-eyed guy in the woods. These characters were presumably added to offer some element of intrigue but none of it amounts to anything. Why did we need to see Senior FBI Guy on a blind date? What happened to Ray's female counterpart that Frenchy pushed out of the plane? 


Carl Lumbly is helping Frenchy Bug-Eyes (and she looks less bug-eyed with her hair not in a ponytail) work with the US govt to stop the pandemic.  Does he just bounce from one organization to another as it fits the plot? What is RG's involvement? Are they still the BIg Bad? What about French intelligence? Why did Frenchy's old boss go to the dark side and want to chop up her sister? Is Jamie still wanted for murder or is all forgiven?


All that aside...now our team is jetting back to the US with the cute little leopard cub thinking that they have solved the world's problems. Amelia Sage - who has a ridiculous new term for the defiant pupil - will help. Knowing this show, she, too, will turn out to be "evil" and our Scooby team will need to look for help elsewhere. That will happen next season (if there is one).  

Edited by Ellaria Sand
  • Love 2

Went back to take a look at what Ray was wearing -- and it appears that the dead guy in the leopard's den was Ray.  How exactly ?  They were miles from where Ray was attacked.  Speaking of the attack on Ray, you can clearly see the leopard's paws landing on a flat yet invisible surface (about chest height) in front of Ray during the attack.


And how exactly did leopards get all those dead bodies up in the trees ?  Because leopards are a lot smaller than lions -- or did the now incredibly smart leopards build a winch system to haul the bodies up ?  


Or how did the leopards know to chew up the ropes of the ferry ? One problem with that scenario -- the ferry was strictly for ferrying people, it wasn't big enough to hold the land rover, so they would have had to drive through the river regardless.  Plus, that river looked pretty shallow since the ferry was barely submerged so why did they have to drive around ?  That makes no sense.


Was I the only person that found it amusing in that scene outside the hospital with the troops that there was a guy standing in the back of a Humvee with an hand-held assault rifle mounted on a tripod and being held with two hands like a .50 caliber machine gun ?


Considering that this show is big on location name cut scenes, there was no mention that Harare was in a completely different country than Zambia, since it's in Zimbabwe.  I'm also surprised we didn't see the peaks of Kilimanjaro in the background of any exterior shots, since Harare is so much closer than Botswana.  </sarcasm>


I'm still curious why only a handful of birds attacked the land rover when you could see massive flocks of birds in the distance -- what were they waiting for ?


While Mitch's cure may fix the mother-cell infected animals (courtesy of your good friends at Reiden Global), I somehow doubt that the cure will have any affect on the naturally evolving animals ... like the leopards.


What this show really needs is some fake TV commercials for Reiden Global, kind of like the ads for Veridian Dynamics in 'Better Off Ted' (I miss that show).  Here's an example:


Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 3
  On 9/9/2015 at 1:00 PM, PreviouslyTV said:

Can the Zoo Croo go to a place to find a thing, then make a thing and save the world? Let's call it a strong maybe! http://previously.tv/zoo/aint-no-cure-for-the-summertime-zoo/


Will someone say something I want to put on a T-shirt sometime during the show?

"Those scientists didn't believe you, but I do." I don't know. Maybe that makes a better greeting card than a T-shirt. Either way, it's definitely an awesome pickup line.

Heh. Worth the price of admission.
  On 9/9/2015 at 1:23 PM, Sandman said:

Is it really possible that the showrunners didn't care that Zimbabwe and Zambia are two different countries? Good heavens!

I'm guessing the Zoo Croo drove on their seemingly endless tank of gas from Zambia to Harare, Zimbabwe, which is not so different than driving from, say, Boston to New York and back in a few hours (Fringe), or from Sacramento to Napa and back in time for supper (The Mentalist).

I assumed that they had to go from Zambia to Harare, Zimbabwe because 1) they needed a hospital and 2) they needed a big city with an airport that could get them back home.


Finally an episode with lots of animal attacks!  Leopard jumping on Ray was beautiful.


I'm confused as to exactly what "The Cure" is.  Mitch drew some stuff out of the mother cell, mixed it up with some other stuff in the velociraptor, then eventually orally put it into that dog?  Then what?  He had a soldier return the dog to the owner.  How did "The Cure" get from the dog to the leopard cub?  Osmosis?  Pheromones?  "They're communicating with each other"???  Does it just emanate in the air?  I'm not exactly sure what it is supposed to do.  Are they trying to bring the leopard back home so they can draw out "The Cure" and mass produce it?  Then what?  How is it supposed to get to all of the world's animals?


Delavenne shows up to save Chloe but only if she tells him the location of the team, but she won't until he kills Alves and saves her sister -- so he shots Aves and sends the police to her sister's apartment (though we don't know if she lost her left hand or not). 
Sister did not lose her hand.  You can see in the video when she is being comforted by someone that she is moving both hands.


Amelia Bedelia is played by Jayne Atkinson, who I know best as the hateful brief head of CTU Karen Hayes on "24".


I am curious to see how this all ends.  No doubt they intend to bring this back next season, after all, it's "summer's highest rated new series" if you believe the commercials.  I would be surprised if they wrap it all up nicely.  In the book, which has absolutely nothing to do with the show,

  Reveal spoiler
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  On 9/9/2015 at 11:54 AM, Ellaria Sand said:

Why did we need to see Senior FBI Guy on a blind date? 

They add the weirdest filler moments to this show. They are probably trying to figure out how to stretch the book's story over two seasons of episodes. 

At least with shows such as Game Of Thrones, where lots of people die, the deaths feel earned. Here, they just feel haphazardly thrown in.

The same goes for Ray's death... 


I thought Frenchie La Bug Eye's ex-fiance was going to turn back up, but on the side of evil. Allowing her cheatin' sister to beaten -- for a short period -- seemed appropriate  .... considering how often we are reminded how her marriage was ruined by her sister. 

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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  On 9/9/2015 at 11:54 AM, Ellaria Sand said:

That will happen next season (if there is one).  


Good Ghodd!  Surely you're not suggesting that there is a second season in this?!??


  On 9/9/2015 at 12:07 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Was I the only person that found it amusing in that scene outside the hospital with the troops that there was a guy standing in the back of a Humvee with an hand-held assault rifle mounted on a tripod and being held with two hands like a .50 caliber machine gun ?


Didn't notice that.  Really wish I had!

I finally gave up on this show.  I need some IQ points to function in the world.


And now, Agent Xander Berkeley is dead, and Frenchy is in the custody of the first French dude, Alves, that set the team in motion, and he wants to torture her for info about the team.  WTF ? This makes absolutely no sense at all.



Here's what I don't get.  Didn't that first French dude tell French lady about the animal attacks?  The dog attack right?  French lady didn't know anything about multiple attacks until he told her about them.  So why does he suddenly want to harm the team that HE told French lady to join?  


See why I've given up on this show?  


  • Love 1
Here's what I don't get.  Didn't that first French dude tell French lady about the animal attacks?  The dog attack right?  French lady didn't know anything about multiple attacks until he told her about them.  So why does he suddenly want to harm the team that HE told French lady to join?
Yes, none of it makes sense.  The only thing that makes sense is that none of it makes sense.  Nobody is on the side of nobody, somebody is on the side of anybody, and anybody is on the side of nobody.


I thought Sinister French Guy worked for Delavanne.  Sinister French Guy teleported the crew from Japan to meet with Delavanne.  Delavanne works for Reiden.  Or he's undercover at Reiden.  Or he works for Reiden and is pretending to be undercover and is actually still working for Reiden.  Or maybe not.  First he assembled the team to find the Mother Cell.  Then he didn't want it found.  Then he wanted it back.  Or does he?  Sinister French Guy was trying to stop the animal attacks.  Now he's trying to stop "The Cure".  Or maybe he's just pretending.  He kidnaps Chloe and tries to force her to reveal where "The Cure" is.  Delavanne shoots him.  Or did he?  Maybe they are all pretending.


There's too many double and triple and quadruple crosses here.  I truly think the writers were making it all up as they go along.  Yes, there's continuity and motive errors, but who cares.  It's all about the (hardly used) animals, right??????

  • Love 3

Maybe Gaspard Alves the French Timelord is really the Master in disguise? Yeah, I got nothin'. Except I think the writers aren't so much making it up as they go along as they are infected with a mysterious virus and/or mutation that makes them forget everything they wrote last week.

Does boredom count as an emotional contagion?

Ah, the stupid is stong with this one, it is. We got more animal attacks, or at least we have extras with fake blood on their clothes, so yay?

I think everyone has mentioned all the dumbness of this episode already, but what I really had a problem with was the leopards opeing doors, how exactly is that dog going to get back to its owner, how did the birds know which plane to attack, and how exactly are they going to make more "cure" without the mother cell?? Not to mention administer it to thousands of animals all over the world.

Also, when Jamie planted one on Mitch in the plane, I was so disgusted I said the plane better go down now, cause I do not want to see any more of that garbage, and guess what! My dreams came true! Except I really didnt want everyone else on the plane to die, just those two. Is it wrong?

Edited by Julie23
  • Love 1

At least with shows such as Game Of Thrones, where lots of people die, the deaths feel earned. Here, they just feel haphazardly thrown in.

The same goes for Ray's death...


The secondary characters are getting killed off right after trying to set up a subplot that goes completely nowhere (the Charles Manson guy, the fake agent, Xander Berkeley, and the new guy I didn't even bother to look up for good reason in last night's episode).

  On 9/9/2015 at 6:23 PM, Free said:

The secondary characters are getting killed off right after trying to set up a subplot that goes completely nowhere (the Charles Manson guy, the fake agent, Xander Berkeley, and the new guy I didn't even bother to look up for good reason in last night's episode).

By "the new guy" are you referring to Ray or Sinister French Guy?  Ray was introduced last episode and I could tell right away that he was going to die as soon as they got to Africa.  Sinister French Guy has been around since the beginning.  He brought the team together for Delavanne, teleported them to a few places, and then disappeared.  I've been wondering what happened to him.  I thought that perhaps he was checking up on the frozen Antarctic Lesbians.

  • Love 1
  On 9/9/2015 at 6:50 PM, blackwing said:

By "the new guy" are you referring to Ray or Sinister French Guy?  Ray was introduced last episode and I could tell right away that he was going to die as soon as they got to Africa.  Sinister French Guy has been around since the beginning.  He brought the team together for Delavanne, teleported them to a few places, and then disappeared.  I've been wondering what happened to him.  I thought that perhaps he was checking up on the frozen Antarctic Lesbians.


Thanks, I couldn't remember names of characters that don't really amount to much.


I didn't really think of sinister French guy, since he was just a background mustache twirling villain fodder.

Oh show - you did the impossible. You finally got rid of James Wolk's shirt (well until dream Chloe showed up) and yet I felt bored. How did this happen???


What an epic mess - I can't even muster the energy to list all the stupid. Thanks to all the valiant souls who made the effort. Zoo, you give summer shows a bad name!


I thought this was the finale, alas I was wrong. Still one episode to go until the season's over. And it looks like we'll get a season 2. Oh joy!

Edited by MissLucas
  • Love 1

In my opinion the producers, show runners, etc., all got it wrong. I don't want them to find a cure as I want the animals to win. My heart sank when the soldier shot the leopard. Leopards for the win. I was so hopeful that Frenchy and Jackson would die this episode as my favorite couple is Mitch and Abraham and I would watch episodes starring the two of them.

So, they are advertising the "final battle" next week. I hope the animals win!

  • Love 3

I've set the bar so low for this shitshow, that I was actually somewhat entertained last night.  It helps that I've stopped trying to make sense of anything. 


It was cool to see Ray become dinner, but I was sad for that nice African doctor.  Wasn't he the one the tiger was eating on the floor in the hospital? 


I was so glad that Mitch and Jamie's kiss was interrupted.  She's been after him since the beginning and I don't want them together.   


I know James Wok is the lead male character but he just doesn't do it for me.  I'd like to see Mitch and Abe get another, much better show together.

  • Love 4
  On 9/9/2015 at 3:24 PM, blackwing said:

I assumed that they had to go from Zambia to Harare, Zimbabwe because 1) they needed a hospital and 2) they needed a big city with an airport that could get them back home.


Finally an episode with lots of animal attacks!  Leopard jumping on Ray was beautiful.


I'm confused as to exactly what "The Cure" is.  Mitch drew some stuff out of the mother cell, mixed it up with some other stuff in the velociraptor, then eventually orally put it into that dog?  Then what?  He had a soldier return the dog to the owner.  How did "The Cure" get from the dog to the leopard cub?  Osmosis?  Pheromones?  "They're communicating with each other"???  Does it just emanate in the air?  I'm not exactly sure what it is supposed to do.  Are they trying to bring the leopard back home so they can draw out "The Cure" and mass produce it?  Then what?  How is it supposed to get to all of the world's animals?


Sister did not lose her hand.  You can see in the video when she is being comforted by someone that she is moving both hands.


Amelia Bedelia is played by Jayne Atkinson, who I know best as the hateful brief head of CTU Karen Hayes on "24".


I am curious to see how this all ends.  No doubt they intend to bring this back next season, after all, it's "summer's highest rated new series" if you believe the commercials.  I would be surprised if they wrap it all up nicely.  In the book, which has absolutely nothing to do with the show,

  Reveal spoiler

Wow that ending is kinda grim



she still doesn't realize that if these leopards mutated without contact with RG products, it invalidates the theory that the mutation is actually caused by RG products.  (But nobody else has realized, either.)

This continues to drive me crazy, and now they've proven that the RG mother cell can cure the mutation that occurred in the leopards and dog.


But I guess they'll just continue with the corporations acting all corporationy story.

I think there was some handwaving that the mutation occured first naturally (as claimed by Oz sen.) but then got accelerated by RG and its awesomely melting mother-cell. Not that this makes much more sense. But let's face it: they cured a mutation by oral vaccination - so what do you expect?


Also: Mitch and Abe are this show's OTP.

I realise they were leaving from Zimbabwe, where maybe it is common to put your pet leopard into a duffle bag and board a plane.  But how on earth were they going to get the leopard into the U.S.?  Did Chloe contact them and tell them Amelia Bedelia was giving them some sort of special "You May Skip Customs" pass?

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  On 9/9/2015 at 8:02 PM, Ohwell said:

I've set the bar so low for this shitshow, that I was actually somewhat entertained last night.  It helps that I've stopped trying to make sense of anything. 



Exactly!  If I find myself questioning the logic of any plot point, I just put it out of my head and sit back & enjoy.  I mean, if they had slept in the car and peed in bottles, what fun would that be?!  I was rolling on the floor at Jamie's "I can't pee!  You're too close!  Go further away!  FURTHER!  What's that growling . . . ?"

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