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Damn. I was really hoping we were getting a good company rivalry story with Eric and Ridge, but my immediate thought reading these spoilers is that the story is going to be Eric having some kind of health issue that he's asking R.J. not to tell anyone else about. 



Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Monday, August 28:

Eric confides in R.J. and then requests a considerable favor.




Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Tuesday, August 29:

Eric asks a reluctant R.J. to keep a secret.



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Saw some spoilers earlier today that have Douglas being eager for Hope and Thomas to get together, and him planning some kind of romantic surprise for the two of them.  Of course, this being B&B, everyone wants to scheme to get their parents together. Personally, I think it would be far more interesting if Douglas was wary of the whole concept, since he's experienced what it's like when Thomas becomes obsessed with Hope. Or even have hin have a normal reaction where he's happy, but not uber focused on it or planning ways to push them together. 

But, this is B&B. I'm sure that, once they age up these kids to teens, we'll start getting fights among Douglas, Kelly, Beth, and Hayes as to who Steffy, Finn, Hope, Liam, and Thomas should be with. 

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I don’t think B&B will be around long enough for Douglas’s generation to age up. If they do I just know Kelly/Beth will be at odds probably fighting over the same guy🙁 . Would be better if they were friends and close sisters. 

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If the show is still going, those two will have pretty much exactly the same relationship that Hope and Steffy have, maybe with Beth being the Steffy and Kelly being the Hope.  And Douglas will probably be a Rick type character, used and discarded in cycles. Because his only romantic options will be non-core characters (since he's related to everyone), and they don't have a ton of interest in writing for that long term. 

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9 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

I don’t think B&B will be around long enough for Douglas’s generation to age up. If they do I just know Kelly/Beth will be at odds probably fighting over the same guy🙁 . Would be better if they were friends and close sisters. 

TBH, I didn't even think the show was going to last long enough for Steffy and Hope to have kids after the glut of shows that got axed between '07 and 2012. I have the sense that if TPTB could replace the 90 minutes that B&B and Y&R occupies with something far cheaper, CBS would've done so already.

Still, given the ongoing strikes, I won't be shocked if the show is cancelled sooner rather than later and much like I felt when ATWT ended, it'll be just as deserved, if not more so.

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On 11/4/2023 at 8:10 AM, Artsda said:

Well they remembered that Eric at least has more than 1 child. 

Thorne and Bridget are returning. 



You'd think if he was dying they'd pull out all the stops and include Kristen, Felicia and Rick too. IIRC, the daughters and Tony did appear in that video tribute when Stephanie died. (Of course, no Ridge back then because they hadn't recast yet.)

I know budgets are not what they used to be but with location shoots in Europe, B&B seems to have access to more funds than the other soaps. So I'd imagine they could spring for Eric's other children and maybe even his nieces? Who's betting they forget all about his adult adoption of Marcus, even though he's the only child Eric shares with his current partner, Donna?

Edited by Aymery
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12 hours ago, Aymery said:

You'd think if he was dying they'd pull out all the stops and include Kristen, Felicia and Rick too. IIRC, the daughters and Tony did appear in that video tribute when Stephanie died. (Of course, no Ridge back then because they hadn't recast yet.)

I was not watching at that point, but damn, how badly must that bridge (no pun intended) have been burned, if RM wouldn't even make a cameo for Stephanie's death/SF's sendoff?  Or if the show was so done with him that they didn't make the attempt, despite how shitty it makes the character look?  Because, even though I wasn't watching then, I knew Ridge hadn't been there at all when his mother died, and it has been lingering in my mind while watching Ridge deal with Eric's impending death. Like I just can't fully buy how devastated Ridge is supposed to be about his father dying when he couldn't be assed to pop home to spend even an hour with his mother when she was dying. Maybe they could give us a scene where he confides in Brooke about how much regret he has about letting his own shit keep him away back then, and that going through this with his father now is almost like a double whammy, because he wasn't there then. 

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On 11/15/2023 at 12:12 PM, Crashcourse said:

Maybe Bridget will figure out that Donna has been slowly trying to kill him by giving him too much honey. 

I do believe that Eric is deathly allergic to nutmeg. I recall someone spiking the lemon bars.

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Helluva time to dip toes into that, but better late than never.

Thope needs more drama than their families throwing shade and if Hope wants to truly be with this guy instead of just punish Liam for waffling, let her find out everything and then decide.

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I'm just glad they're finally addressing it. It's insane to have a legacy character do something like that and then just ignore that it ever happened, and never have him suffer a single consequence for it. 

I swear, though, if this is all so they can rewrite it the way the Thomas stans have, saying that it was all on Emma, because she was the one in the front car, driving recklessly, I will lose it. 

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22 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Well, well, well, Merry Christmas to me. I've been waiting for Emma's death to be revisited for who knows how long. 


18 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Helluva time to dip toes into that, but better late than never.


16 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I'm just glad they're finally addressing it.

Y'all seem to have a lot of faith in the writers.  I don't think they're fixing anything.  Brad Bell seems to be committed to the idea that Thomas is B&B's leading man.  I don't see that changing any time soon.

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8 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:



Y'all seem to have a lot of faith in the writers.  I don't think they're fixing anything.  Brad Bell seems to be committed to the idea that Thomas is B&B's leading man.  I don't see that changing any time soon.

Probably not, but I can't figure out any other reason why Xander would be brought out of mothballs.

Most likely, it'll be what @KerleyQsaid to handwave Emma as just being a reckless driver instead of anything interesting or Thomas facing a consequence. :\

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Huh. I honestly can't remember bc I was only half watching by that point in the arc and I was furious that Emma was the first adult in this story who didn't twist themselves into knots trying to come up with a reason Hope and Liam shouldn't be told.

I do seem to recall Xander involving Charlie about some footage of the car she got into but nothing came of it that I remember .

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So, spoilers have Steffy and Finn at odds over Thomas. I'm going to guess that Finn believes Xander about Emma's death, and Steffy doesn't want to hear it. Hey, Steffy, even if you think he's all better now, you know exactly what kind of depraved, obsessed monster he was at that point in time. 

Also, I'm guessing that means it's going to be full Steam ahead, isn't it?  Not even Finn saving her beloved grandpa's life is going to be enough to prevent that shitty ass "love story." 

We're likely also going to get Hope/Finn not too far down the road, aren't we? Thomas probably goes off the rails and Finn, being one of the only people who sees it coming, saves her? 

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1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

I'm more interested in the spoiler about $Bill and Poppy.

Yeah, that one surprised me just kind of slid in there among all the other spoilers. I'm looking forward to it. 

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11 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

So, spoilers have Steffy and Finn at odds over Thomas. I'm going to guess that Finn believes Xander about Emma's death, and Steffy doesn't want to hear it. Hey, Steffy, even if you think he's all better now, you know exactly what kind of depraved, obsessed monster he was at that point in time.

I forgot that everything has to be about Steffy.

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Looks like back to crazy Sheila. 



Unaware of her secret, R.J. consoles a troubled Luna; Sheila lurks as Hope pleads for Deacon to end things with her.


Thomas and Hope get passionate at work; Luna is blindsided by Zende's pitch for a future together.


Sheila approaches Kelly while she's on a playdate with a friend; Steffy and Liam unite in their concern over Sheila.


Steffy and Sheila's argument gets physical.



Finn and Deacon break up Sheila and Steffy's brawl; Deacon worries about Sheila's current state of mind.

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I swear, if they go back to Finn being wishy-washy about Sheila after she stalks his stepdaughter and then gets into a physical fight with his wife... 

2 hours ago, Artsda said:

Luna is blindsided by Zende's pitch for a future together.


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15 hours ago, Artsda said:

Thomas and Hope get passionate at work

OMG, you've got to be kidding!!! 

Just yesterday I was thinking, I miss Sheila. I am so sick and tired of the hard selling of how great Luna-tictac is, and what a great relationship Luna-tictac and Ploppy have, and how RJ and Luna-tictac are the most romantic couple ever. The more they say it, the less believable and the more opposite it becomes.

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On 2/16/2024 at 5:33 PM, Artsda said:


Thomas and Hope get passionate at work

When do those two ever NOT have sex at work?

They may as well dust off that old Brooke's Bedroom bed that Hope was conceived on and stick that in one of their offices for all that they bone at work.

On 2/16/2024 at 7:48 PM, KerleyQ said:

swear, if they go back to Finn being wishy-washy about Sheila after she stalks his stepdaughter and then gets into a physical fight with his wife... 

I genuinely do not understand Finn's waffling on this. Complicated adoption issues aside, she is a **MURDERER**. She is a stalker, a liar and a manipulator of the highest order. If he has energy to chastise Thomas for his looney ass behavior, he has energy to cut Sheila from his life and keep her away from the kids.

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17 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

When do those two ever NOT have sex at work?

They may as well dust off that old Brooke's Bedroom bed that Hope was conceived on and stick that in one of their offices for all that they bone at work.

These two don't even HAVE their own office.  They just get down wherever the mood strikes them.  How can Hope feel frisky with Thomas in the place where he FINALLY confirmed that her one and only biological child was actually alive? 

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On 2/16/2024 at 8:33 PM, Artsda said:

Thomas and Hope get passionate at work;

sam winchester yawn GIF

Seriously, that's all they do though lol who bts decided that this is a spoiler? 😂 

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9 hours ago, Skarzero said:

Seriously, that's all they do though lol who bts decided that this is a spoiler? 😂 

The people wanting buzz on social media.

From what I can tell, it's working. :\

Granted, the pairing ain't for me and I'm ace and all but I know if all my fave pairings in the past did was fuck in the office, I would have gotten bored of them by week three at the latest.

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Kind of looks that way. (Hey, anyone but Thomas, so, sure, what the hell. Why not?)  Also, is it me, or does it seem like Steffy is going to kill Sheila, probably in self-defense, but her having told her she wants her dead will have Finn and Deacon insisting it was intentional?  

I'm wondering how we get from today's cliffhanger to these spoilers. I'm going to guess that Deacon figures out where Sheila went, and he hustles over there to retrieve her before she can do anything. And maybe Liam is also being a creepy stalker and spots them leaving Steffy's house? And that's what leads to the Deacon/Liam argument on Tuesday? 

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Monday, February 26:

Finn confesses his true feelings about Steffy and Sheila’s altercation to Hope.

Steffy can’t shake her overwhelming, ominous feeling about Sheila.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Tuesday, February 27:

Deacon and Liam argue about Sheila’s unpredictable behavior.

Steffy and Finn encounter an unexpected challenge.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Wednesday, February 28:

Carter delivers unanticipated information to Ridge and Thomas.

Finn reels at Steffy’s news.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Thursday, February 29:

Hope informs Brooke of Steffy and Sheila’s fight.

Ridge and Thomas stand in support of Steffy while Finn supports Sheila.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Friday, March 1:

Ridge makes a request of Deputy Chief Baker.

Hope comforts a distraught Finn at Sheila’s apartment.

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I hope Deputy Chief Baker does his damn job and puts Sheila in jail for stalking Steffy.  Then crazy Sheila has a fight with an inmate who's even crazier who stabs her to death. 

The end. 

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On 2/23/2024 at 2:22 PM, Lilac2000 said:

Based on some spoilers for next week it looks like Hope/Finn may be happening????

Looks that way. I figured as much when they had him white knighting about Emma and Thomas a few weeks back.

It's not Liam again at least, but I'd sure love it if Hope could leave Thomas for someone other than Steffy's leftovers but at this point I'll take what I can get and it's not like Steffy hasn't made Hope's life hell for most of their adult lives so I'm not that sad if she loses Finn.

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20 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Yay! Country Girl is back!

I like what another poster said about doing a "toe count" on "Sheila" at the morgue. Make sure that body is cremated!


I remember at the end of ATWT, James Steinbeck kicked it for good and Barbara unloaded a found pistol into his casket. Great times 

Best to shoot the body, create it, throw the ashes into whatever acid Hope thought she'd shoved Thomas into, and have Brooke use her rusted chemistry knowledge to refer the acid inert to be on the safe side 😂

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This week's spoilers. I honestly forgot about RJ/Luna/Xende until I saw them mentioned on Friday's spoilers. 


Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Monday, March 4:

Oh, how the tables have turned. Deacon confronts Steffy, making serious allegations. Of course she should be able to shut him all the way down by simply asking, “And just what was your psycho girlfriend doing in… my… home?!?”

Finn tells Steffy he needs time to process the enormity of their situation. Buddy, there aren’t gonna be enough bouquets of flowers in the world to make up for this [bleep]

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Tuesday, March 5:

A heartbroken Deacon breaks down over Sheila’s body. Perhaps we’ll even get flashbacks to the couple’s strange, strange love story. If not, there’s always our photo gallery of their twisted romance.

Li and Finn passionately argue about Sheila’s death. We’re gonna guess that Finn’s adoptive mom comes down hard on the side of sanity. “Kid, how many times does she have to shoot you before ya get it through your thick skull — she was bad news!”

Steffy confides in Liam that she is concerned that her marriage may not withstand this latest tragedy. Cue Liam doing the happy dance in three, two…

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Wednesday, March 6:

Liam threatens Finn that he will step up for Steffy if he won’t. Which would be a more compelling argument if Liam hadn’t already let her down so many times.

Hope consoles Deacon and helps him grieve. For someone who hated Sheila with a fiery passion, she’s sure doling out the hugs now, eh? Not only Deacon but Finn.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Thursday, March 7:

#awkward Finn and Steffy come together for the first time since Sheila’s death.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Friday, March 8:

Not knowing when to leave bad enough alone, Poppy and Zende interfere in Luna’s decision to come clean to R.J.

Memories of Sheila haunt Finn.

I'm still thinking we somehow end up with a Zende/Poppy one night stand (or more). 

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Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Monday, March 11:

Finn and Steffy fight their demons over Sheila’s death and try to fix the void between them.

Wracked with guilt over betraying him with Zende, Luna cries at R.J.’s praise and loyalty.


Good God, make it stop. Just tell him already. And if he hears all the details of how it happened and still blames you, dump his ass hard. 


Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Tuesday, March 12:

Ridge asks Brooke to give more grace to Thomas and Hope’s relationship.

Finn hallucinates about Sheila’s death while attempting to connect with Steffy.

Thomas and Hope remember their time in Rome with a romantic Italian dinner.

Ridge becoming this big Thope cheerleader makes me feel like he just wants Hope to stay with Thomas so Thomas will stay sane. 


Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Wednesday, March 13:

Hope worries about Deacon’s emotional well-being, while Thomas is focused on Steffy’s.

Finn freaks out when he cannot stop seeing his dead mother, Sheila.

Is anyone going to try to get the man some help, maybe some grief counseling? Or is it just going to be Li demanding he get over it and Steffy's family all shoving Liam in her path so she doesn't have to deal with her husband's complex emotions over all of this? 


Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Thursday, March 14:

Bill and Luna share an unexpected and comforting conversation about parents and children.

Hope attempts to get through to Brooke about Thomas’ commitment and care.

I was just saying in the episode thread that Bill's side of his relationship with Poppy seems largely about Luna. Either the show is flip-flopping on what they want to do re: who her father is, or they're working on something I can't quite figure out yet with Luna and Bill. 

And, Hope, I'm no Thope fan, but part of what you're doing here is allegedly about you taking the reins in your life. That should include being a big girl and telling mommy that you're not going to keep having this conversation.


Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Friday, March 15:

Ridge encourages Thomas to act boldly in his love for Hope.

Thomas creates a beautiful new gown for Hope.

Bill offers to be a sounding board for Luna when Poppy cannot.

Ridge, dude. You do not need to encourage him to be any more aggressive or intense about Hope. Have you considered the fallout if he gets bolder and it doesn't go as he hopes?  And does anyone not think he's going to take a page from dad's book and that gown is going to be a wedding gown?  Sure, that sounds like a solid way to keep that promise to not push the engagement on her. 

And, seriously, where are they heading with this Bill/Luna thing? 

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3 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Ridge becoming this big Thope cheerleader makes me feel like he just wants Hope to stay with Thomas so Thomas will stay sane. 

That's exactly what it is. He been shown his ass about his opinion on "that one" a long time ago and the minute it falls apart, she'll get all the blame. Again.

3 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

And, Hope, I'm no Thope fan, but part of what you're doing here is allegedly about you taking the reins in your life. That should include being a big girl and telling mommy that you're not going to keep having this conversation.

Seriously. Vegas is a 45 minute flight away, just get married there like she should have done after the 800th wedding to Liam that fell apart from Bill and/or Steffy's meddling and let Brooke sulk afterwards.


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Why do I feel like this could refuel all of the "is Finn Luna's father" talk? 

Also, I usually see spoilers for the next week by Wednesday, and I can't find any for next week. Is something major going to happen that they don't want out ahead of time? 

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12 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Why do I feel like this could refuel all of the "is Finn Luna's father" talk? 

Also, I usually see spoilers for the next week by Wednesday, and I can't find any for next week. Is something major going to happen that they don't want out ahead of time? 

I hope he is, because it is genuinely scandalous instead of what passes for scandal on B&B, and also because it would really justify Li's pure rage towards Poppy. Monday's episode has Poppy make a big request of Finn - keep silent about their fling? Wouldn't that mean Finn knows Luna is his?

I did see spoilers for next week, which is a short week due to March Madness. It revolves around Hope giving her answer to Thomas's proposal, the resurrection of Hope and Steffy's feud, and - most bizarre of all - Carter trying to convince Liam that Thomas is a changed man. Spoiler 2 suggests Hope turns Thomas down, but Spoiler 3 suggests the opposite. I'm actually curious for the first time in a long time.

Edited by Aymery
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27 minutes ago, Aymery said:

Carter trying to convince Liam that Thomas is a changed man.

Do they have no other purpose to use Carter for other than prop duty? Has Carter ever shared a scene with either of those two in the last eleven years?!

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