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S02.E12: Cry Havoc

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What?  Did the helo pilots have the day off?  Were they in town or something?  Well, anyway, that was one tight battle sequence, even if I didn't understand all the jargon.  And in the end; the Wanker, he sank her.  Ahab got his whale.


I can appreciate the doctor's desire to redeem herself, but, geez, get it through your head; it's not the same world as the one you left.  You can't just trust everyone you meet out there and there are some things more important than saving one life.  Group security, for one, even if it did turn out for the good.  And they did find out about the gun.  Speaking of which, do large, electronic weapons of that sort come with a "Big Guns for Dummies" handbook?  Because it sure seemed easy for those

guys to set it up.


So what happens now, other than distributing the cure?  Does the Nathan James have to face off against a new round of crazies every week?

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Fare thee well, Ramseys and Submarine of Bad British Accents!  Well, Sean was actually still alive, but unless the sub as some kind of escape pod or high-tier scuba gear, I don't see him being able to swim back up any time soon.  Pleasantly surprised that they are already taken care of, but then I remember that a similar thing happened with the Russians last season too.  I guess with this show, they sort of the defeat the main baddies in the penultimate episode, and the finale will be a set-up for next season.  I guess that works. The battle sequence was fun, even though I didn't understand half of what was being said.


I thought for sure something bad was going to happen to everyone on land, so good job on that one.  While everything did work out, Scott really was being reckless just barging out like that.  That could have ended up badly on so many levels.  Thankfully for her, instead they not only ended up being friendly, they even gave them info on the nifty big-ass gun the Immunes had, so the trio of Slattery/Green/Tex, were able to save the day.  Well, I do hope Slattery gets that arm looked at.  And Green seems to have already shrugged off the shotgun blast.  I knew his vest got the majority of it, but I would think he would at least be sore.


Speaking of Green, I almost forgot about all his stuff with Foster.  It feels like they barely interacted since the episode where they met her mom.


Val seems to be legit for now, but Gunderson is clearly keeping an eye on her.  I kind of thought something might be brewing between those two.  I remember that Gunderson said she was a lesbian last season, but I have no idea about Val yet.  But I can see them going down a "hate each other, but have the hots for each other" thing.


Probably one of my favorites because it had my favorite things: guns, explosions, naval porn, Adam Baldwin kicking ass, and Rhona Mirta in a tank-top.

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That was predictable -- the HMS Benny Hill turns into complete bedlam once they get a couple of love taps from NJ torpedoes.  Hope that reactor on the sub scrammed and is intact, otherwise the whole Mississippi delta area is going to be glowing in a few years.  Let alone when all the oil from that destroyed oil platform starts drifting on shore -- or once all the underwater pipelines connecting all the other platforms start degrading over time the whole Gulf of Mexico is going to be a huge mess.


Seriously, the torpedoes on this show have to be some of THE most useless weapons -- NJ has been struck twice now and while they caused some damage the NJ was basically still functional (except ALL the weapons are useless because they flooded the magazine).


The CGI of the NJ inside the Mississippi delta was pretty bad -- but wasn't as bad as the fact the fire on the NJ seemed to keep switching sides.  When Chandler orders "buttonhook starboard" the fire suddenly switched to the starboard side when it had been on the port side all along.  And then in the final shot of the ship in the episode, the fire is back to the port side.  Seriously, the smoke was all CGI, how could they not keep that straight ?


I couldn't understand why the Immunes weren't sending boats through all the passes to find where the NJ was ?  Plus the land is pretty flat out there, the NJ would stick out like a sore thumb from miles away to anyone with binoculars.


What was with Lt. Granderson giving Valerie shit when she fell down because the NJ suddenly slammed into reverse. She stands Valerie up and says "Man your station". WTF !!  Her station was to fake out the sub using the bluetooth network -- they were already well past that point.


The NJ showing up right over top of the HMS Benny Hill was just plain bad.  Really bad.


Where the hell did the Immunes on shore find a battery of anti-ship missiles ?  I like how the tracks that Tex found just suddenly start in the woods -- did the Immunes back the battery in there and park it first ?  Why didn't XO, Green and Tex just shoot those immunes in the back of the head ?  There's that one scene where 3 of them are all facing the other way -- what were they waiting for ?   And for their troubles Green gets shot in the body armor, Slattery gets shot in the shoulder, and Tex is pretty much fine. They should have been taking head shots on all the immunes, exigent circumstances demanded it.  Plus I don't understand why they didn't take Wolf with them -- this is right up his alley, probably could have taken them all down by himself.


Why didn't the HMS Benny Hill launch countermeasures when the torpedoes were approaching ?  Did they forget about them ?  Did Sean Ramsey kill the countermeasures guy last week just for kicks ?  Why didn't the HMS Benny Hill fire IMMEDIATELY after they surfaced -- they were pointed right at the stern of the NJ ?  Yet they took the time to speed up so they could get closer  -- I could understand if they had to turn around first, but come on that was just bad.  Torpedoes have a range of thousands of meters, so why would they wait until they were under 300m to fire, only on Sean's order -- WTF ?


I'm curious where NJ is going to go for a refit and spare parts -- cause I'm thinking they might need to drydock at some point.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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That was a great battle sequence and loved the sub and NJ taking hits. 


Is it bad that when Scott told the family they had to shoot her, I wished the dad would shoot her? She just puts everyone at risk and does her own thing all the time she still doesn't get it after she murdered a man.


Still not happy they killed off Ravit. She was such a great addition. 

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What was with Lt. Granderson giving Valerie shit when she fell down because the NJ suddenly slammed into reverse. She stands Valerie up and says "Man your station". WTF !!  Her station was to fake out the sub using the bluetooth network -- they were already well past that point.


I think she is over-compensating for being duped by her mother ... like "If I can't trust my own mom, then I'm going to hold everyone outside this crew to the highest standards possible so I don't let my crew down again."

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These villains ultimately didn't work for me. And it seems like they started a brother vs brother plotline between the two leaders that never had any payoff. Plus being stuck in a sub  and on a ship and trying not to communicate so as not to give away your positions  lessens some of the dramatic tension betrween the opponents. Hoping for better villains next season.


I was kinda hoping it would end with everyone the captain thought needed special protection vanishing at the end, making their victory a little hollow.


Maybe they've left a lot of footage on the cutting room floor, but Tex's comments to Rachel seemed out of the blue. What has he noticed? Why would he assume she's worried about the captain? They kinda dropped the storyline of his crush on her this season, and they've barely spoken.



What was with Lt. Granderson giving Valerie shit when she fell down because the NJ suddenly slammed into reverse.

That whole sequence seems to have been designed as a "early antagonism leading to a hot affair" trope. 

Edited by bentley

Plenty action. Most of it worked for me, except as noted above, the whimpiness of the torpedoes. 


Also, not sure why the XO's attack plan wasn't to snipe the guy aiming the missiles first thing. (OK, I do know why, because TV).


I presume back to Norfolk for repairs. possibly leaving the Pres and/or Rachel behind to begin spreading the cure.


Next season, I presume, will be tackling more of the immunes, either in the US or Europe. It might be interesting to see how terrible Europe has gotten with the immunes running things, but I don't know if they have the budget for that.

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I enjoyed the fight & the sinking of the sub. I always like the military porn moments. Add me to those wishing someone would've head butted the good doc & her stupidly forcing interaction to prove she's redeemable. Lookie! I saved you myself by breathing on you. See I'm not evil. Ugh.

My Wolf crush was horribly disappointed that he didn't get a chance to break out any ninja moves while on the ground. C'mon PTB let him show his stuff. No, I don't mean that stuff. I mean his martial arts stuff. If he was showing his other stuff this would be a completely different show. The Lust Ship

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And it seems like they started a brother vs brother plotline between the two leaders that never had any payoff.


That was my impression too. All along, it felt like the Ramsey's downfall was going to end up being internal because the younger brother with the scar seemed to always argue and question everything Sean wanted to do. Nothing ever came of that. So whatever character buildup they had with these two amounted to nothing. And I hope like hell Sean doesn't manage to escape the sub somehow, I'm done with him. If the brother vs. brother thing ended up being pointless than so is he. 


I did enjoy Slattery, Tex and Green taking control of the grenade launcher and firing on the sub, but that was about it.

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I enjoyed everything about this episode.  Everything that transpired on the ship was exciting even though I didn't understand the navy Jargon.  I thought the action sequences and storyline between the Nathan James and the sub was great.  I knew the NJ was going to win, but I didn't know how much damage it would sustain.  I also loved how Slattery's blast from the shore was a surprise to everyone, including me.  I thought the entire episode was just a great action episode.


Ward (I think that's his name) is still carrying anger and grief over Ravit's death.  He seems to be itching for a fight.  So I'm hoping he doesn't lose control in future episodes.  The episode also seemed to me to cement that feelings do exist between Rachel and Chandler, at least on Rachel's part.  Tex basically told her "You'll get your chance to say what you couldn't to the captain when the fight with the sub is over."  I think Chandler and Rachel make sense to me more so than Rachel and Tex.  Also, I agree with one of the other posters that something seems to be there with Granderson and Val.  I'm okay with these relationships as long as they remain the C story, and that seems to be where they all are with just minor time spent on any of it.


I'm curious to see how the season finale will end.  This was a pretty exciting episode considering it wasn't the season finale.

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Yeah, I was wondering too about the ship and repairs. They already had hull damage the previous episode, now even more. There is not a lot of option to fix up a battleship as a) you need a place and b) you need engineers/mechanics to do it, and most of them are dead.


Dr. Scott "curing" the family threw me off. First, because she was focus on the kid, yet all three of the family members were obviously infected. Second, the typical TV Trope of "I Shall Not Explain My Actions" at all came into play. Rachel want to cure the kid, but all she does is hug and whisper sweet nothings to the kid while the parents watch. Almost everyone will expect a syringe or a vial to consume, not a hug. But of course she doesn't EXPLAIN how she is curing the family - just cryptic words.


Love the XO and how they took out the sub. Seriously, do love the military porn on this show. Even the hard to port/starboard is feasible since apparently these ships test their ability to do these extreme maneouvers. Very cool. One of the best moments? XO going "Ah, what did you do now, Tommy?" Awesome.


This is such a great fun show to watch. On Sunday's, two shows air that I want to watch both at 9:00 pm. This one and Fear the Walking Dead. As someone who loves TWD, I expected Fear to grab me more. Anyway, taped both but watched The Last Ship first. The hour FLEW by. It was over in no time. Then cued up Fear, and watched it after. Man, did the time friggin' drag by. What a difference.

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Yeah, I was wondering too about the ship and repairs. They already had hull damage the previous episode, now even more. There is not a lot of option to fix up a battleship as a) you need a place and b) you need engineers/mechanics to do it, and most of them are dead.


Dr. Scott "curing" the family threw me off. First, because she was focus on the kid, yet all three of the family members were obviously infected. Second, the typical TV Trope of "I Shall Not Explain My Actions" at all came into play. Rachel want to cure the kid, but all she does is hug and whisper sweet nothings to the kid while the parents watch. Almost everyone will expect a syringe or a vial to consume, not a hug. But of course she doesn't EXPLAIN how she is curing the family - just cryptic words.


Love the XO and how they took out the sub. Seriously, do love the military porn on this show. Even the hard to port/starboard is feasible since apparently these ships test their ability to do these extreme maneouvers. Very cool. One of the best moments? XO going "Ah, what did you do now, Tommy?" Awesome.

Her cure was incredibly freaky, given the Jesus/apostle type type of doctoring seeing that Dr. Scott has been given the anti-religious role and the enemy is a religious cult.


Seeing that going forward we have taken out the Russian fleet's best ship and a special ops attack submarine what is next out there needing the full extent of Nathan James' capabilities. Or if Captain Chandler was Captain Hornblower as Kirk started out to be there should be plenty of ships docked at the safe base in Norfolk not to mention other ports which the crew can transfer to. We aren't watching the Walking Dead there should be no reason for Navy One to just move to USS Arleigh Burke or any other stocked and locked vessel.


What Commander Slattery did miss in his just win order was that he had a specialist officer in his command what happened to asking Mr Green, the US Navy SEAL about a recommendation going into a combat raid?

Edited by Raja

I love how bad this show is sometimes. When Rachel hugs the kids and hot breaths all over her, the mom is just supposed to understand that this crazy woman is "curing" her. After all, why wouldn't we turn to hugging and breathing on each other while giving cryptic answers in the post-apocalypse? That seems normal.

Edited by RustbeltWriter
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"Don't shoot on any U.S. citizens/civilians."  Uhm, Mr. President, you ass, they lost any such status by taking up arms against the USN.  End. Of. Story.


TPTB outdid themselves with "feeling" moments in this one.  Just laughable.  And unfortunate.


The military porn was cool.  Of course, the torpedoes on each side would have obliterated the superstructure/hulls of both vessels.


When Val was ordered to man her station, it was not to upbraid her, it was to give her a focus and to prevent her from inadvertently getting in the way.


Adam Baldwin is just this side of a superhero.  But.  No way he wins that fight against that immune with one arm, especially when the immune forcefully poked his arm wound.  Yes, as others pointed out, a first kill shot would have been made on him (the operator) anyway.  XO was not THAT stupid.  Ever.


So.  Now Dr. Scott is guilty of dereliction and causing the president himself to be mortally vulnerable/in peril.  Can we anticipate these new charges being preferred against her when she is brought to the bar of justice?  I'm sure the Secret Service Chief will be able to well testify at trial.  :)


I was so hoping we were going to have a re-enactment of the epic moment shown below.  RAMMING SPEEEEED!:



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It's nice to finally have an end to the submarine but again it feels like the character development is wasted - For ravit (the girl 'seal?') and for Ned (The younger ramsey brother). - That is assuming that everyone in the sub is dead? the last scene wasn't exactly clear on that so the show could resurrect them... but Ned seemed to have the dead look in his eyes. Really really hope the elder brother doesn't survive, he is just insane.


 Anyways after that shower scene that ravit had, I was kinda hoping for more scenes with her (her character is always amusing) so it is a disappointment that she died before her relationship with that guy could develop.


Seems to be a trend with "the Last Ship" to have characters developed briefly before they die, :(

It's nice to finally have an end to the submarine but again it feels like the character development is wasted - For ravit (the girl 'seal?') and for Ned (The younger ramsey brother). - That is assuming that everyone in the sub is dead? the last scene wasn't exactly clear on that so the show could resurrect them... but Ned seemed to have the dead look in his eyes. Really really hope the elder brother doesn't survive, he is just insane.


 Anyways after that shower scene that ravit had, I was kinda hoping for more scenes with her (her character is always amusing) so it is a disappointment that she died before her relationship with that guy could develop.


Seems to be a trend with "the Last Ship" to have characters developed briefly before they die, :(

She was an Israeli Defense Forces soldier in a joint training program with US Navy SEALs. As far as I know not from the Israeli Shayetet 13, their SEAL equivalent as their are no females there but perhaps from one of their support units like US SEALs have boat and helicopter crews which support them almost exclusively.


Senior Chief Wolf Taylor was from the Royal Australian Navy's Clearance Diving Teams, their SEAL equivalent force. Just as underwater demolitions were part of the same path as SEALs depending upon what unit you were assigned to, given the controversy with Governor Ventura.

Although I am a sucker for military porn it is quite obvious at this point that they have no Navy technical adviser or they ignore them completely. Where do I even start? Ok, the sonar operator is a frickin ensign. There is no time, doesnt matter what situation they are in that an ensign would man the Sonar. Along with that, Engineering would have absolutely no reason to try and fix the sonar. This ship has sonar and electronic technicians which fall under Combat Systems so the only officers that might be involved are the Combat Systems Officer, the Electronics Maintenance Officer or even the CICO No Snipe would ever touch electronics. They even called them Snipes in the show. Snipes work on machinery, thats it and dont even get me started on the hotwiring of the depth sounder as a sonar. Secondly, they claimed to have flooded the magazine. Ok, which magazine was it? Yes, shipboard magazines (ammo storage lockers) are equipped with flooding systems, however; there are multiple magazines on board Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers which means that they are not out of all ammo, most likely just one type of ammo and the 5 inch gun would have more than 4 rounds loaded. They hadnt shot it in a while and part of general quarters (which they did set) was to have the loader teams in place, which means the 5 inch was fully loaded with many on stand by. Not in the magazine that was flooded. I know many of you might be bummed by the inaccuracies I have pointed out but I have been watching for 2 seasons myself and I just cant stand by and watch it happen any more. This show portrays every Navy sailor to be an awesome fighter when I know for a fact that most of them are just common, every day people who do their job and go home except when they are deployed, then they do their job then go watch TV or play on their computer. They arent Badasses, they are just regular people who swore an oath. No real tactical training or skill. I have nothing but respect for the US Navy but what they show on this series is not real. Not even close. I will continue to watch because it is a fun show but will have to detach part of my brain to do it.

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