bigskygirl August 21, 2015 Author Share August 21, 2015 Interesting take on last night's episode I also wonder what would happen if one of the girls did not want Melissa to mentor her and wanted to work with one of the vets instead. If I was one of the training camp candidates, I would work with a veteran and try to attend dance classes taught by former DCCs. Link to comment
sleepyjean August 21, 2015 Share August 21, 2015 (edited) Question: Does Judy, the team's official choreographer, ever stand up and teach anything herself? Ever? I would love to know how much of the choreography she actually does, vs how much of the heavy lifting is done by assistants and guest choreographers. Another question: did Holly say her family had moved to Dallas to be with her? They all relocated for the DCC? Re-watching and the wardrobe problem was kind of crazy. Almost like KaShara and Rayleen just didn't even check to see which outfit they should wear. I think they checked with each other, and that was the problem. And she is an expert now because she won Dancing With the Stars, was called into the office a couple of times during her two years on the team, and was shy girl. And now she's not a shy girl. She has been through the training camp and DCC experience, has overcome her shyness and self-defeating thoughts, and became an excellent performer on the national stage. I do believe she is uniquely qualified to mentor these girls. I hate when she tries to act surprised that the girls who get called into her office get emotional or think they are about to get cut. As if Kelli isn't aware that those girls think every single time they're called into the office they might get cut. Even on day one. Kelli is so far out of touch with her days as a DCC. And even though her DCC director was a hardass, I don't think Kelli ever had to go through this training camp experience. It's like she can't relate at all, and doesn't even try. I don't see bow ANY normal person could possibly learn a complete routine per night. Broken down approximately how many TC rehearsals are there? 40? And didn't someone say there's about 50 total routines? Well, that would depend on how long the dances are. If they're as short as the finals routine, it seems like it would be do-able. After all, they had to learn that one in like a hour. I too hate to see Melissa pull girls who are struggling out of practice classes -- they need that a lot more than her platitudes about believing in yourself. Barf. I don't see anything wrong with it. If the reason they are struggling is because they are caught up in their thoughts, and she can help with that, it's all to the good. Maybe it can help them do better in the rest of the rehearsal. Besides, it doesn't look like she pulls them out for very long. Lots of low kicks on the across the floors... So low that I think maybe they do one or two passes across the floor with mid-height kicks to warm up. I think I may have seen that in one season or another. ...not to mention, tears come quickly if you are tired and stressed. and many of these girls are over achievers so they get frustrated and angry with themselves when they don't perform perfectly. And you're a teenager, on your own for the first time, and used to being the very best dancer in practically every situation. That is, until you get to training camp. All of a sudden you're not the star. You're the one struggling, and it sucks. Edited August 22, 2015 by sleepyjean 1 Link to comment
TOL August 21, 2015 Share August 21, 2015 Colby didn't show much of a reaction because her face is frozen. If they know they don't want her, just cut her. Then they can get to the disaster cases, such as Rose. 3 Link to comment
ByTor August 21, 2015 Share August 21, 2015 (edited) Ooh gee thanks , h2o girl, now I'll never be able to look at her without thinking that she's "Ouish"! (Van Houten's nickname given to her by Manson) I so remember that face! I thought Ruth Ann Moorehouse was Ouisch. Edited August 21, 2015 by ByTor 1 Link to comment
MrsEVH August 21, 2015 Share August 21, 2015 Colby didn't show much of a reaction because her face is frozen. If they know they don't want her, just cut her. Then they can get to the disaster cases, such as Rose. Kelli said to Judy that they could live without Colby making the viewers think she was going to be cut. Regarding the comments made to Colby: Was Kelli trying to break her to see how she'd react? Did she want her to cry? Or just get mad, walk out and quit? Or did Kelli just want to remind her that she got a free pass and better bust ass to stay there? It's so obvious Kelli and Judy don't like her. I feel bad for Rose and it seems like she just doesn't have a lot of dance experience. It was probably easy for her when she made the AAIA for the last 2 seasons but the DCC is a whole different world. Link to comment
nancy444 August 21, 2015 Share August 21, 2015 I agree with the poster who suggested that perhaps some of the rookies would, if given the choice, opt NOT to be mentored by Rycroft in favor of one of the former DCC superstars like Kelsi Reich, Whitney Islieb, etc. Let's face it: if it weren't for her notorious stint on the Bachelor, Rycroft would never have even been on the DWTS radar to begin with. Being chosen, then dumped, by Bachelor Jason Mesnick was the best thing that ever happened to Rycroft. I also find it amusing that Kelli and Judy make comments about Colby's facial injections, considering Rycroft CLEARLY had fresh lip fillers in episode 3. (Check her lips when she's comforting Madeline.) As for Colby, she's a pretty woman and all, but she looks too old for the team, period. We've seen older dancers before (like beautiful Sunni Cranfill, for example), but they didn't LOOK old like Colby does. Furthermore, Colby's skinniness and overly-tanned skin make her appear too wrinkly, hence the reason she obviously resorts to Botox and Restalyne injections. If she were an awesome dancer, that's one thing...but she's not. Also, what was Kitty Carter talking about when she made the comment about "so many pretty girls" for this rookie class? Is she going blind, or just senile? If anything, the truly pretty girls are becoming fewer and farther between. For example, consider what the squad looks like today, then compare them to the girls from the 2008-2010 squads :Brittany Schram, Kelsi Reich, Abigail Klein, Kaitlin Ilseng, Brittany Evans, Sunni Cranfill, Mackenzie Lee, Jackie Bob, Ashton Torres, Sydney Durso, Whitney Islieb,Tobie Percival, Megan Sharpe, Jordan Chanley...I'm running out of room here, but I mean, every one of those girls was model-quality beautiful. From a strictly aesthetic standpoint, the girls on the squad today aren't even in the same league. Kitty Carter needs to get her glasses checked. 1 Link to comment
rose711 August 21, 2015 Share August 21, 2015 (edited) I watched the first season when Jasmine and Danielle made the team (it's on reruns) and I was actually surprised that Jasmine made that team. She constantly got corrections and kept fighting for a spot. It didn't seem like she kept improving her dancing. I really think those vets were just not good enough. The reason I'm bringing it up is that I was surprised not to hear anything more about them tonight. It is like they never existed, but the remaining girls and even the rookies must have been surprised they got cut. Like I said, I'm glad they stuck to their decision to not drag the veterans along, but I thought there might be something more said about them. On most tv shows, losing characters who have been around for a couple years would get a little more of a comment then just their shock good bye episode. Edited August 21, 2015 by rose711 1 Link to comment
SopranoKris August 21, 2015 Share August 21, 2015 Like KaShara - she has a cute personality and definitely has a DCC face. I'm not too fond of her roommate though - anyone that brags about being homecoming/prom queen in a backstory segment for a reality show instantly annoys me, and I find it a little odd that she'd miss her high school graduation to be at DCC tryouts/TC. Would the timing/logistics really conflict like that? I still think Madeline is really 14 and she used a fake ID to tryout - haha ;). Her crying and whining to the camera seemed very immature (and annoying) to me. Too much Courtney again - ugh. Not sure what I think about Rose yet. Kyndall seemed nice. Seemed like a lot of "I made DCC TC so I need to quit my job now cause if I can't practice all day during the day I'm not going to make the squad" going on in this episode. Someone who would need to do that must not be very good at picking up and remembering choreography IMO. That stuff Kelli said to Colby was brutal! How she controlled her emotions during all that is pretty unbelievable. She's Botox'd so she can't show the emotions...LOL :) But seriously, they should have just cut her then and there. They obviously don't like her and she's only there due to the fan vote. I don't see how she can improve her face before they make final cuts. I'll have to re-watch the episode to get the names right, but the one who has the full time job and practices in the restroom (yuck!): she really needs to so straight from work to a place close by to practice her routines before heading to rehearsal and then wake up early in the morning to go over it again. I don't see how anyone can be performance-ready in just one night on a routine unless they're a professional dancer. It's hard to remember every step right away. You need time to build muscle memory so you can concentrate on performing. I hope she gets a chance to improve. The girl in the office who hasn't consistently taken dance classes: why did you try out for DCC unprepared???? Wouldn't you think you'd need to do it so you can keep up? I don't understand the ones that think they can just get away with not putting in the effort to prepare. I think Madeleine may be a somewhat sheltered girl. She's only 18 and never been away from home, so she doesn't know how to handle herself when things don't go perfectly well. It's a tough lesson to learn as you grow up. Becoming a poised, confident woman takes time, especially when you put pressure on yourself to be perfect. I sure hope she can continue to improve. She seems like a very sweet girl. I thought KaShara was adorable, although forgetting the right uniform was definitely a strike. I don't see how you could possibly get that wrong. Call a buddy? Double check your notes from orientation? Hopefully this isn't a recurring theme. Holly continues to be my favorite. She could be a DCC right now. What a great performer. More later when I can re-watch... 2 Link to comment
vmcd88 August 21, 2015 Share August 21, 2015 Colby knows damn well she has had more work done than just lip filler. She may very well be 31 but the work she's done to her face makes her look a good 10 years older. Plus her tummy looks weird when she's dancing...what is that? I still don't get what Melissa Rycrodt offers. 3 Link to comment
Oranaiche August 21, 2015 Share August 21, 2015 (edited) I was really put off by Rose when she said, "I wasn't expecting to come in here and hear 'what's your dance background.'" I mean, really? The DCC are still first and foremost a dance team. What DID you expect? And this coming from the one who calls her followers "Rosebuds." Just...shudder. I agree with everyone who has said Kashara is adorable. I just don't understand how the whole wardrobe thing happened. You would think having two people from training camp living together would make it LESS likely for wardrobe mistakes to happen since you'd think they would correct each other, but instead they both showed up in the wrong thing. Madeline is annoying and she can get off my TV. She just needs to go home and grow up a bit. I'm wondering how poised, experienced Elizabeth really felt about living with Madeline. I loved the connection between vet Melissa and rookie Megan. So fun! Megan is awesome and my definite favorite tied with Holly. I don't really get it with Kyndall. Kelli said she didn't remember why they picked her, and then said it was because she's pretty, but she's not that pretty to me honestly. Melissa Rycroft's lip injections looked ratchet, but IMO it's not relevant as Colby's injections since Colby is trying to be on the team now, not ten years ago. They are in totally different places in their lives even if they are in a similar age bracket. The DCC look is young and fresh, and Colby looks like neither of those. Someone made a comment about Courtney still being annoying, but I only saw her talk to the camera once this episode? I don't find her annoying, just maybe a bit overly eager, but charismatic. I'm sure there's lots more than I'm forgetting. Edited August 22, 2015 by Oranaiche 5 Link to comment
Dopeydwarf August 21, 2015 Share August 21, 2015 I thought Ruth Ann Moorehouse was Ouisch. you are right--she is. Link to comment
MrsEVH August 21, 2015 Share August 21, 2015 I really thought the two TCCS who wore the wrong outfits were going to get called in about it. I guess just getting called out in front of the others and on camera is punishment enough. Hopefully they won't do it again. It's ironic that they showed the uniform pictures and schedule at the end of the first meeting. Link to comment
Autumnalisse August 21, 2015 Share August 21, 2015 I don't get the Melissa thing either. Her whole bit is my least favorite part of every episode. Link to comment
ByTor August 21, 2015 Share August 21, 2015 (edited) I was really put off by Rose when she said, "I wasn't expecting to come in here and hear 'what's your dance backgeound.'" I mean, really? The DCC are still first and foremost a dance team. What DID you expect? And this coming from the one who calls her followers "Rosebuds." Just...shudder. I was put off by her saying "I don't want to make it because I'm pretty enough, I want to make it because I'm talented enough." Earth to Rose, your looks are not all that! Edited August 21, 2015 by ByTor 4 Link to comment
Pinknblue August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 And OMG, Taylor's kicks! How on earth did she get voted into training camp by the judges?? Taylor seems to have the full package apart from that, and looks like she has a strong work ethic. I wonder if the show will have a story arc about her grid girl work with Traxxas, surely those racy photo shoots aren't going to wash with Kelli. 2 Link to comment
ElectricBoogaloo August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Madeline is annoying and she can get off my TV. She just needs to go home and grow up a bit. I'm wondering how poised, experienced Elizabeth really felt about living with Madeline. To be honest, I have always wondered how many of the girls who meet at auditions and become roommates end up not getting along. I had three different roommates assigned to me in college (one at a time) and it's usually a luck of the draw thing. Sometimes you click and become BFFs, sometimes you become friendly but don't become joined at the hip, and sometimes you just don't hit it off and rub each other the wrong way. In the case of the TCCs, they see each other constantly which can be great if you get along but if you don't, you can get on each other's nerves. Anyway, I always wondered how many of them started driving each other crazy but were stuck together until their lease was up. 3 Link to comment
Pinknblue August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 To be honest, I have always wondered how many of the girls who meet at auditions and become roommates end up not getting along. Anyway, I always wondered how many of them started driving each other crazy but were stuck together until their lease was up. I wonder about this too! And of course, the issues when one or more get cut... 2 Link to comment
ElectricBoogaloo August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Does the cut girl go home but keep paying rent? Usually apartments start with a six month lease and training camp is a lot shorter than that. 2 Link to comment
scorpio1031 August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Once I saw the "pink" outfit for the first rehearsal, I thought that maybe those two forgot to wear it on purpose. It looked much better in blue. The outfit for the second night..........I'm sorry, but some of those outfits don't look good in that shade of pink. It's like someone dropped glitter in Pepto Bismol. 1 Link to comment
Oranaiche August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 (edited) I was put off by her saying "I don't want to make it because I'm pretty enough, I want to make it because I'm talented enough." Earth to Rose, your looks are not all that! Agree. I also really disliked that. And I don't like to comment on these girls' God given looks too much, but when I look at Rose, pretty isn't my first reaction. She's not bad looking, but she's kind of plain and just not someone who I would think is so gorgeous that she'd make it to TC on looks. Of course I felt the same about Morgan Whitney, but it is what it is. Does the cut girl go home but keep paying rent? Usually apartments start with a six month lease and training camp is a lot shorter than that. My guess is that most of the out-of-towners get set up with a month-to-month lease. A lot of complexes offer this, and you just pay more monthly than you would if you signed a six month or one year lease. But yeah, it's an interesting question when it comes to these couples or groups of girls who move in together without knowing each other. Elizabeth just comes across very mature and wise beyond her years, so I have a hard time imagining her being best buddies with someone like Madeline who is 18 and still has a high school mentality. Who knows though, maybe it's a big sister/little sister vibe and they love each other. Speaking of roommates, I forgot to mention Raylee in my earlier post. Was it just me or was anyone else surprised that she is fresh out of high school? Looking at pictures of her and seeing her fan vote video, I thought she was older. Looking at her tonight I thought maybe it was her hair. Pre-makeover, she has a really weird 90s-esque long mullet, and the color is all wrong. It makes her look like a 90s soccer mom. I dunno, I'm just not feeling her look. She doesn't look like a DCC to me at all. As far as her dancing, I haven't really seen it (other than her fan vote video, which I can't remember), so I have yet to form an opinion. Edited August 22, 2015 by Oranaiche 2 Link to comment
ByTor August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 And OMG, Taylor's kicks! How on earth did she get voted into training camp by the judges?? Kelli even made a comment about it being a red flag (or something to that effect) when someone isn't flexible enough to do the kicks. All I could think is, you already commented on that during auditions, why did you keep her??? Does the cut girl go home but keep paying rent? Usually apartments start with a six month lease and training camp is a lot shorter than that. Good question. Every apartment complex I've lived in had the option of doing a month-to-month lease, but at a higher rent. Hopefully they are able to do that, because I'd hate to see a situation like you described. 1 Link to comment
Aegolius August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Good question. Every apartment complex I've lived in had the option of doing a month-to-month lease, but at a higher rent. Hopefully they are able to do that, because I'd hate to see a situation like you described. Complete guess on my part, but I'd guess that if they're doing month-to-month leases, girls that lose roommates would drop one of the leases and move in together. Could certainly make for a hectic summer though if you had to move a few times. It is an interesting question. Link to comment
Gigi88 August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 I guess I'm in the minority liking Melissa Rycroft and Courtney. 2 Link to comment
Oranaiche August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 I guess I'm in the minority liking Melissa Rycroft and Courtney. I like them both too. :) Even though Melissa's lip injections look horribad. Heh. Link to comment
Shibori August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Colby doesn't have the DCC look, but she could pass as Charlotte Jones Anderson' just-slightly-younger sister. It's that too thin, too rich, too much work look. It ages you. Madeline does seem very young/immature. I think many dance girls who have their moms as teachers will either get a swelled head from years of being treated like a special snowflake or an inferiority complex from thinking you only got where you are from your mom's status, and she seems to be the latter. Unless your last name is Trammel so you know you're in no matter what, leaving mom's studio for your first real professional gig on your own has to be a bit of a mind fuck. Link to comment
rose711 August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 (edited) The best quote I thought was Kelly explaining that they are all over achievers. It's like the beginning of a competitive law school or medical school where the kids who were former straight A student's are all in class together. Your resume doesn't matter. Some kids really crumble when they aren't the top of the class, especially when their entire self image is based on their accomplishments and always being the smartest. By the way, the two girls who had the wrong outfit, aren't they room mates? Edited August 22, 2015 by rose711 2 Link to comment
RhiRhi August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 (edited) Who is Megan the TCC that is sitting directly in front of Taylor with blondish hair and wearing a white dress? The camera had a close up of her right after Kelli comments they need to be 'camera ready' after mentioning the practice attire... I don't remember any discussion about her Edited August 22, 2015 by RhiRhi Link to comment
ThreaLevelMidnight August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 I'm worried for Madeline; her facial expressions are not "pleasant to watch" when she dances. She also seems to be much more natural when it comes to makeup. she reminds me of actress I think.... I thought the same thing and then it hit me all of s sudden: Taylor Swift. If T.Swift dyed her hair black she would be identical to Madeline. and vice versa. Speaking of Doppelgangers, I also think TCC Megan has the exact same face and voice as Kathryn Dunn. (Not body type or hair color though obvi) 1 Link to comment
Teresa August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 (edited) Honestly, Melissa is fine as a mentor. I think she's far more relatable to these girls than say one of the superstars they've had before who could do no wrong and was probably never called into the office. She can relate to them and make them feel more comfortable because she's been that insecure girl who wasn't a shoo in and perfect from the get go. I would much rather have someone like her mentoring me than someone who can't relate to being less than perfect. I also think there's a bit of copycat complex going on this year. They see last year's Courtney quit her job and look, she made the team! Now all these other girls want to quit too so they can make it. They also know that the more you cry, the more camera time you're likely to get, so why not turn on the water works! I am not a Rose fan, but when I rewatched it and Kelli was critiquing her in front of everyone, Kelli did say to Rose that she was pretty before telling her that her dancing was not good, so that may be why Rose said she didn't want to make on just being pretty. Otherwise everything else about her I do not like. Edited August 22, 2015 by Teresa 3 Link to comment
Elizabeth9 August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 I don't have a problem with someone mentioning high school things like prom queen if the person just graduated from high school. If she was Colby's mystery age and still talking about it, that would be another thing. Madeline is so emotional. I want to see the Madeline Meets Kitty Carter episode, if she lasts that long. Calling BS on Colby only having lip injections! They seem to be introducing us to a variety of girls this year. Like Kyndall and like the fact that she won't leave her job for DCC. Also like her curly hair. Melissa is annoying me less this year, but it's still early. 2 Link to comment
Oranaiche August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 I thought the same thing and then it hit me all of s sudden: Taylor Swift. If T.Swift dyed her hair black she would be identical to Madeline. and vice versa. Speaking of Doppelgangers, I also think TCC Megan has the exact same face and voice as Kathryn Dunn. (Not body type or hair color though obvi) I see the Madeline/Taylor Swift thing kind of. Granted a younger T. Swift, but still. But Megan and Kathryn Dunn? Is there another Megan I don't know about or are you referring to Megan C.? I don't see or hear a resemblance at all, personally. Link to comment
RhiRhi August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 I see the Madeline/Taylor Swift thing kind of. Granted a younger T. Swift, but still. But Megan and Kathryn Dunn? Is there another Megan I don't know about or are you referring to Megan C.? I don't see or hear a resemblance at all, personally. I think she means Megan C but there are 2 Megans in training camp. Link to comment
Oranaiche August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 (edited) I think she means Megan C but there are 2 Megans in training camp.Who is the other Megan? I've completely missed something evidently.ETA I looked at the fan vote videos and saw Megan B., but didn't realize she was in camp. Edited August 22, 2015 by Oranaiche Link to comment
EricaShadows August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 (edited) Just watched the episode and thought that, while Colby did take the news about the fan vote well, it still looked like it hit her hard especially since Kelly had prefaced it with the news that, in the past, the fans had picked people who were already going to get into Training Camp anyway, but that Colby wouldn't have made it in without the fan vote. That has GOT to hurt. Me being me, however, I wouldn't want to win the fan vote because it seems to be more of a popularity thing. I would rather want to know that I would have made it in without the fan vote because then I would know I'd made it in on my own terms and not because I won a so-called "contest". I am glad they are giving her more time to show that she deserves to be there because of what she can do. I don't think she's going to last however, unless she can relax into the dance and actually perform it. Like Melissa told another girl, you dance like you're scared (paraphrasing here). If Colby can't get her dancing together, she's gone. The squinting thing can be worked around if she really knocks everything else out of the ballpark, but I don't think she can do it. Rose (and Madeleine) seem to be too used to being the best in their respective worlds. If they're the "special snowflakes" who can do no wrong, always get the solo or feature parts, etc. then to come into this world of overachievers who are just as good, if not better, that's got to be a blow. Some of the girls who go in there will step up to the challenge and say "I'm going to show them why they should pick me" and really do well and there's others who are so shocked by the whole thing that they psych themselves out of the whole thing and off the team. I know I don't have the body, flexibility, or the dance to actually try out, but I'd like to think that, if I did have all the requirements at this point in life, that I would have the confidence to audition, knowing that I'm here to perform, to have fun, and to be what they need me to be. Then, I would have to wake up because I would be dreaming. I also have had a lot of time to get used to interviews and the like, knowing that I'm not always going to know what criteria is going to be used to pick one person over another. It could be that someone on the "interview committee" was having a bad day or didn't like the shirt I was wearing or I could have had a bad day, etc. There's too many variables to REALLY know what happened behind the scenes. We still see girls get worked up over Judy and Kelly. It's not that big a deal. Yes, they can decide your future, but we also see girls who work themselves into a frenzy for no reason. I wonder how many of these girls have gone on auditions or to competitions before. It seems like the ones who have have done invariably better than the girls who have come to Training Camp straight from school or straight from the studio without said experience. There will always be exceptions and, as always, YMMV. Edited August 22, 2015 by EricaShadows 1 Link to comment
Elizabeth9 August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Way to mention like 35 times, both in words and signage, that the DCC are "World Class" Link to comment
TobyBelle August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 I didn't mind Melissa R as mentor last season, but I don't care for it this season. As a viewer, I thought her pulling out the girls was disruptive to the flow of the scene. I'd rather watch them dance and listen to Jennifer's corrections of the girls. However, I appreciated how Melissa dismissed Shelbi's excuse of being a 9-5 working girl so she might quit her job by saying she herself was a 9-5 working girl when she tried out. Correct me if I'm wrong---is Colby the only girl to ever blow a kiss to a TCC waiting her turn to be called into be office on her way out? I know she might've been wishing Rose well, but I thought it could come off all wrong. To me, she was gloating she got to stay another day, and obviously Rose was stressed out, and I don't blame her if she was thinking she might be cut that night. I wouldn't appreciate having the girl before me come out of the office with a huge smirk on her face blowing me a kiss. The look on Rose's face right before she was called in was so sad. Link to comment
Aegolius August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Correct me if I'm wrong---is Colby the only girl to ever blow a kiss to a TCC waiting her turn to be called into be office on her way out? I know she might've been wishing Rose well, but I thought it could come off all wrong. To me, she was gloating she got to stay another day, and obviously Rose was stressed out, and I don't blame her if she was thinking she might be cut that night. I wouldn't appreciate having the girl before me come out of the office with a huge smirk on her face blowing me a kiss. The look on Rose's face right before she was called in was so sad. I don't think that was the case. The girls huddle up there before going in for who knows how long, and I think that was just her way of saying "it's ok" 1 Link to comment
RhiRhi August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Who is the other Megan? I've completely missed something evidently. ETA I looked at the fan vote videos and saw Megan B., but didn't realize she was in camp. I feel like they are deliberately ignoring her, wonder if she'll be one of those TCCs that just disappear without explanation. She looks really pretty. 1 Link to comment
TobyBelle August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 (edited) I don't think that was the case. The girls huddle up there before going in for who knows how long, and I think that was just her way of saying "it's ok" Your reply reminded me that I forgot to add that some girls come out of the office after getting cut telling the other girls waiting their turn what happened (and I don't mean the ones waiting outside the building). I don't think I've ever seen a girl who has been given another chance acknowledge those sitting on the floor. Maybe because of that, I thought Colby's kiss was odd. I wonder if there is an unwritten courtesy rule of how you exit the office whether you've been cut or not. Edited August 22, 2015 by TobyBelle 1 Link to comment
Aegolius August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Your reply reminded me that I forgot to add that some girls come out of the office after getting cut telling the other girls waiting their turn what happened (and I don't mean the ones waiting outside the building). I don't think I've ever seen a girl who has been given another chance acknowledge those sitting on the floor. Maybe because of that, I thought Colby's kiss was odd. I wonder if there is an unwritten courtesy rule of how you exit the office whether you've been cut or not. I'm not sure the 'kiss' has been done before, but I'm certain lots of other girls have come out of the meeting and made a gesture to those waiting. Girls like Mackenzie Lee jump immediately to mind. 1 Link to comment
Oranaiche August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 (edited) I feel like they are deliberately ignoring her, wonder if she'll be one of those TCCs that just disappear without explanation. She looks really pretty. It's strange. There are other girls whose names I've heard but I don't remember who they are (Emily, Claire), but Megan B. is a complete blank for me. And I'm completely spoiled so I thought I knew the names of all the TCCs, lol. I wonder if it's because Megan C. is getting so much attention, so no one remembers Megan B. Edited August 22, 2015 by Oranaiche Link to comment
mardo4 August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Re-watching and the wardrobe problem was kind of crazy. Almost like KaShara and Rayleen just didn't even check to see which outfit they should wear.. My daughter pointed out they were roommates... My guess is one asked the other rather than checking the sheet. They won't make that mistake again! My guess is they filmed the "sharing apt" scene later so it would make sense why TWO girls would make such an error. Anyhow, I really like Kashara so I hope this is the last of her mistakes. Link to comment
mardo4 August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 (edited) I also felt Kelli let the girls know about cuts more than in previous years....normally she speaks about building a squad, not looking for the 10 weakest to cut. THANK YOU! I always thought Kelli was a little more "Welcome to training camp. you all worked hard to get here and you should congratulate yourselves for that...but let's get to work" (paraphrasing) week one and this year she came across mean and intimidating. if she seemed surprised that the candidates were "on edge" Or emotional week one I think a lot of it has to do with the tone she set in the meeting! I wonder if it is because she has a lot more rookie season counts this year and she just doesn't want to mess around because it is a "build" year or she misses the threat and intimidation of "they are only taking 6" so she feels she has to impose her own? Edited August 22, 2015 by mardo4 1 Link to comment
mardo4 August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 I was really put off by Rose when she said, "I wasn't expecting to come in here and hear 'what's your dance background.'" I mean, really? The DCC are still first and foremost a dance team.. Agree, didn't get that at all. IMO good dance teachers critique and always find something to improve. so the majority of the time in a dancers life they are told they are "wrong". So, if asking a basic question like "what is your dance background?" Is going to throw her, she just may not be cut out for this. 1 Link to comment
mardo4 August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 (edited) Unless your last name is Trammel so you know you're in no matter what, leaving mom's studio for your first real professional gig on your own has to be a bit of a mind fuck.. I hope she can pull it together, but I think it takes maturity and she just might not be ready. ironically, I think Judy was kind in her corrections. Edited August 22, 2015 by mardo4 2 Link to comment
mardo4 August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 Madeline is so emotional. I want to see the Madeline Meets Kitty Carter episode, if she lasts that long.. LOL!Sorry for so many posts.. finally had time to catch up! 1 Link to comment
pasdetrois August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 I don't like that they confronted Colby about plastic surgery while the cameras were rolling. That's a mean thing to do and deliberately humiliating. Colby held her ground with dignity. Kelli can never resist trying to take down certain candidates a notch or two; she seems to resent the fan favorites squeaking in to camp over her own preferences. It's very unprofessional behavior. Too bad someone can't ask her about how many pairs of Spanx she is wearing under those ridiculous bandage dresses. If they think Colby is too old, they can just release her from camp. No need to draw attention to her face work. There's a line between realistic, constructive critiques and mean girl cattiness. 2 Link to comment
woodscommaelle August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 "Why are you still crying?" That SO would have been me! Not Kelli asking but the girl, still crying, after being somewhat reassured she could relax. Not the hugest fan of Kelli but her almost incredulous reaction to the lingering tears made me laugh, rewind, and laugh again. 1 Link to comment
LadyMsJay August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 I don't like that they confronted Colby about plastic surgery while the cameras were rolling. That's a mean thing to do and deliberately humiliating. Colby held her ground with dignity. Kelli can never resist trying to take down certain candidates a notch or two; she seems to resent the fan favorites squeaking in to camp over her own preferences. It's very unprofessional behavior. Too bad someone can't ask her about how many pairs of Spanx she is wearing under those ridiculous bandage dresses. If they think Colby is too old, they can just release her from camp. No need to draw attention to her face work. There's a line between realistic, constructive critiques and mean girl cattiness. I don't get how it's was a general question. She was curious, so she asked. Additionally, they will make the right decision (despite her age) whether to keep her or not. If she doesn't have the look, which seems to be the general consensus, then they won't. As far as fan favorites "squeaking in to camp," this is the only instance where the fan favorite wasn't chosen by the judges. Link to comment
cherryblossom August 22, 2015 Share August 22, 2015 And you're a teenager, on your own for the first time, and used to being the very best dancer in practically every situation. That is, until you get to training camp. All of a sudden you're not the star. You're the one struggling, and it sucks. This is much like freshman find at a rigorous college. I used to teach for one and most were valedictorians etc and now they were in with others at their same level. I am not sure why they bring someone in with terribly low kicks nor why someone tries out without the kicks being what they need to be, Perhaps this board needs to mentor people who are considering auditioning. We could have episodes as homework etc! LOL 3 Link to comment
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