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S09.E05: The Semifinals - Part 1

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I'm okay with all of the top five except for Francisco. His voice is so damn annoying and I didn't think his jokes were very original. I can't stand his smile and I don't find him sexy at all.

I'm so happy that Brain Kellen didn't make it. I almost feel mean for saying that because he seems like such a nice guy but I really hate that type of corny physical comedy.

I'm also glad that Ms Pat didn't make it. I'm so tired of racism jokes.

I really like Shang and Taylor so far. I appreciate their more intellectual type of comedy. I also liked Clayton better tonight than I did the first time he was on. Again, I just wish he didn't have to rely on making fun of white people jokes.

I can't help it but I really like Andy. Yes she is annoying and her jokes are sometimes silly but there's something about her that I find interesting. She might get old after awhile though.

Norm was somewhat less of an asshole tonight but I still think he's a condescending douche bag. Rosanne looks great. She looks better now than she did twenty years ago. It's amazing what money can buy.

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I can't stand Andy, her humor or her voice, but I will live with the choice with no complaints because they didn't also put Brian Kellen through. One annoying comic per season, that's my quota. I wish the Indian? guy had gotten in, and I don't quite love Francisco as much as the judges, but otherwise I was okay with the choices. I find Clayton light years better than his kiosk friend who made it through last year. If he has enough material, he could be a contender to win it all.


The most interesting part of the episode to me was Wanda Sikes' critique of their acts, and then how they changed their jokes in subtle ways based on her advice. I wish they had actually shown more of that.

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I can't stand Andi.....act gets old in about 5 minutes.  Ditto Brian Kellen.  An act completely centered around physical comedy with contriving his body, don't care for it.


Not a big fan of Francisco either.  Mainly because he was mimicking it seems George Lopez with his one joke about "this is how white moms wake up kids and this is how Hispanic moms do it" joke.  In fact that is half of George Lopez's act and I think he is one of the most overrated comics out there.  I swear George Lopez uses almost the exact same voice and I believe even uses the same name (Tyler) often times when he does those jokes.  Its just not funny or original. 


I think Shang, Taylor and Clayton are my favorites as well so far.  But none of them just blew me away. 

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Andi is like a less funny and less genuine Joe Machi. Both have characters but Joe's material is so much better. Andi just tells corny jokes in a stupid voice. Sorry about it.


Add me to the list of people glad that Bryan didn't make it through. So thoroughly unfunny. When he said he was a great lover and did that quick pelvic thrust, I cringed so hard. He reminds me of South Park's portrayal of Bob Saget on America's Funniest Home Videos.


Clayton English was way better this time. Reminded me of Monroe Martin. He needs to stay away from constant weed jokes and he'll be just fine.


Taylor Tomlinson will probably end up winning the whole thing, and I'm okay with that. She has great delivery. She might actually make a good sitcom star.

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Not a big fan of Francisco either.  Mainly because he was mimicking it seems George Lopez with his one joke about "this is how white moms wake up kids and this is how Hispanic moms do it" joke.

You know, I completely forgot about that joke.  I liked his stuff about having an accent and I thought the callback ("Oh my God, it's the deaf guy") was very funny. So I was happy when he got in.  But you're right, that part was definitely weaker.


Most of what we saw tonight was decent. Clayton was better than his first round. Ms. Pat was better - at least we saw of it. (The judges gave the impression weaker stuff was cut.)  I'd guess that most of the comics who were glossed over were done a favor. At least they have "semifinalist" on their resume.

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I loved Ms. Pat's racism clearance shopping.  My friend went to town buying the Paula Deen cookware collection at WM on the cheap after her downfall.  I think we all got complete cookware sets for Christmas.

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I was very disappointed in Brian Kellen because I thought he would have more material than just doing physical comedy.  He had me cracking up the first time I saw him but last night was just bad.


Clayton English had much better material this time and he had me laughing the way he said "Scott!"


I missed the 21 year old woman but apparently she was pretty good.


I still like Sheng.

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The most interesting part of the episode to me was Wanda Sikes' critique of their acts, and then how they changed their jokes in subtle ways based on her advice. I wish they had actually shown more of that.

Oh, I so agree.  The process of honing the material was the best part.  The only thing I can recognize right off the bat is when they spend too much time setting up the situation before the funny portion starts.  Wanda Sykes was so interesting, being able to laser beam in on the shaky elements--delivery, attitude, material.  She probably gave them advice on body language and breath control and wardrobe, too.  Show that stuff!


I was very surprised the Latin lover guy made it because Norm's comment was "You didn't really have much material" and when I thought about it, I agreed.


Sheng Wang's far and away my favorite.  He's the only one whose material I remembered from last week and now, about 15 minutes later, his material is still the main stuff that's stuck in my memory bank.


(Sheesh, I gotta get a bottle of Focus Factor.)

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I was very disappointed in Brian Kellen because I thought he would have more material than just doing physical comedy.  He had me cracking up the first time I saw him but last night was just bad.

I was thinking that his bits about the "sex legs" and falling down drunk would have worked a lot better had we not immediately started thinking "Oh, right. The physical comedian."  Had he just been a normal stand up and done this, I would have given him points for elevating the routine with an act out.


However, because I remembered him from last time I thought "uch, more of this?" And in terms of physical comedy it didn't exceed the bigger act of the prior round.  So I was tired of it while also finding him short. Which I guess is the problem with being niche.


I have to say that I really miss the original format of the show. I miss them all living together and having to do comedy in different situations. 

The house was great, but it will never be back. It was a product of much lower criteria for comics. I believe the last season they tried any such sequestering we had Jim Norton have to bail out because he couldn't commit to that much time, and Gabriel Iglesias who was DQ'd for a phone call.  It was just a mess.  Plus it's hard to match the Vos/Mordal/May/Kahaney vibe.  Not every group of people would offer up that kind of goofing around anyway.


What they did last year that I suspect we'll see again are challenges without the house.  Talk show guest, roast, improv tour guide, etc. And I'm very glad to have that over some of the preceding seasons which were just set after set.  Those were too hard on the comic's material, needed lots of filler, and felt like they weren't giving the truly funny people enough chance to shine.

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I am sad that Mehran and Ms. Pat did not advance, but I am glad that Andi, Taylor and  Sheng did.  I felt Clayton was a lock when I honestly did not laugh as much with other comics. Being first is hard, but Mr. English was indeed very good.


I did not envy the judges their culling. The acts we saw, or mostly saw, were pretty good.

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What they did last year that I suspect we'll see again are challenges without the house.  Talk show guest, roast, improv tour guide, etc.


When Taken 3 came out, I couldn't help but remember Lachlan Patterson's tour guide joke with his suggested name for the next Taken movie...Taken 3: Why Won't you Stop Taking Me?  It still makes me laugh. I haven't kept up with him, but I hope he's capitalizing on his success last season.


I'd love to have an over the shoulder camera view of the judges poring over everyone's profiles as they sit at the table and make final deliberations with snippy little comments like "Not him. He was terrible". 


Glad someone in this thread explained who Taylor was. I like her too but her name doesn't stick with me. I seem to only remember them if they stand out for reasons other than their great comedy e.g. memorable names like Sheng Weng or their dufus-y acts a la Brian Kellen.

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I was a little disappointed in the top 5 from this week for the most part. We love Klayton (K, not C, correct?)! Sheng and Taylor were funny, although, truthfully, Taylor greatly benefits from only being 21, because her obvious potential shows through. I wasn't impressed with Fransisco, and I downright loathed Andy every time they've shown her. However, Andy was a shoe-in, because they always pick a societally-different person every season (sort of socially awkward, like Joe Machi last season and that guy from maybe the 2nd season, who I just remember was really hairy, wore overalls and basically gave one-liners/puns - couldn't stand him). I liked Ms. Pat and was sad that she didn't get through. That Paula Deen stuff was a riot!


At this point last season, I thought it was obvious that Rod-Man was the far superior comic to everyone else, and it was obvious that he was going to win it. I feel like Klayton is at that place this season.

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I was disappointed that Taylor went through. I didn't think she was funny last time or this time. I'm just thinking they can't cut the head of the Harvard Lampoon for "not being funny enough."


I thought Ms. Pat was better than her, and I'm not a Ms. Pat fan. But her buying racist things on sale ... who woulda thought! Good material IMO.


Clayton was the best of the night IMO, the only one who made me laugh.

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I was disappointed that Taylor went through. I didn't think she was funny last time or this time. I'm just thinking they can't cut the head of the Harvard Lampoon for "not being funny enough."

Wasn't it the young Asian woman (Sierra Katow) who was from Harvard Lampoon?


I was really surprised Ms. Pat didn't go through. I wish they'd picked her instead of Francisco.

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Wasn't it the young Asian woman (Sierra Katow) who was from Harvard Lampoon?



My mistake. I did not remember her name, just that the Harvard woman was young so "assumed" it was Taylor. Thanks for correcting me!


I don't mind Andy, but when Norm compared her to Emo and she replied she LOVED Emo, I went ... yuck. I can't stand anything about him, so I hope Andy doesn't turn into him.

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On rewatching it I didn't like Taylor's set as well the second time. She is still among my top five from last night, but that had more to do with a rather lackluster overall group.

I did like Ms Pat's set this time better than the qualifying round. Thats a good bit about liking the racist comments so you can get cheap stuff.

I was a little disappointed in the top 5 from this week for the most part. We love Klayton (K, not C, correct?)! Sheng and Taylor were funny, although, truthfully, Taylor greatly benefits from only being 21, because her obvious potential shows through. I wasn't impressed with Fransisco, and I downright loathed Andy every time they've shown her. However, Andy was a shoe-in, because they always pick a societally-different person every season (sort of socially awkward, like Joe Machi last season and that guy from maybe the 2nd season, who I just remember was really hairy, wore overalls and basically gave one-liners/puns - couldn't stand him). I liked Ms. Pat and was sad that she didn't get through. That Paula Deen stuff was a riot!


At this point last season, I thought it was obvious that Rod-Man was the far superior comic to everyone else, and it was obvious that he was going to win it. I feel like Klayton is at that place this season.

I like Klayton and feel he could certainly win, but I don't think he is a clear favorite or running away with it.

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Clayton was a little hacky on racial issues. I get a little sick of "laugh at how poor black people are" jokes. (e.g. black people X-treme sports being driving without a license). That's partly why Chappelle quit: he realized that white people were laughing AT black people, not with them. Clayton's other jokes about how rednecks pronounce things had solid execution. I'm not sure he was better than Ms. Pat though.


Andy Erickson is one of the most cringe-inducing comics I've ever seen. It's already weird that she's acting that way at this age. Can you imagine her having the same act at 40? I can tell she's been rewarded for being cutesy and silly from the day she was born, but seriously, no one buys that she still has the sense of humor of a 7 year old. She needs to figure out another schtick fast.


I was rooting for Ms. Pat, Sheng Wang, or Joe List to win it all so I'm happy Sheng got through. His jokes are really well-crafted, and he's not trying to be a cartoon character with his delivery. Bryan Kellen is pretty much the epitome of that and it was a relief that his silly movements didn't destroy with this audience.

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Taylor was really determined to get a Hitler joke in there, wasn't she? I guess she felt it was her best shot at being "edgy". She's been good so far and I could definitely see her winning the whole thing because Amy Schumer didn't win her season and they don't want to miss out on the next possible Amy.


The fact that so much of Keenan's judging/opinions relies on stereotypes freaks me out. I thought it was gross when he talked to Sheng about his "Asian intelligence" and last season when he told Aida she needed to look less attractive in order to be seen as funny. Ugh.


And yet, even considering that, he is still a better judge than Norm. Norm is the worst.

Edited by wudpixie
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None of them are great judges. Roseanne just seems to toss random stuff out. Keenan as has been said, seems to be something of a chucklehead who thinks in random cliches. As for Norm?  He's a great witty often brave comedian, a genius in fact, but he seems to be at a total loss on this show. His judging has been too much about what HE'D do to make a joke work (or not do), and while that's lovely, it's hardly fair. As a result he's definitely come off as pissy,and while I don't expect anyone judging on a reality show to be a saint, pissy is not the right vibe either.  Norm needs to go back to what he's good at after this season--resigning from the show and instead sitting on the sidelines and being sarcastic about OTHER people rather than trying to do so in the brighter light of a so-called "judgeship". He's just a puzzling bad fit for this show (then again Keenan is a total waste of space and they still are employing HIM).

The most on-keel judgments on talent on this show actually seem to come from Wanda Sykes. Who as Exec. Producer made the odd decision to not be an on-screen judge but instead this vague mentor role.  But really she's judging there--we can see it. And from her critiques doing a decent job of judging (better than these other three).

Her bad judgment?  Was employing these OTHER three, now wasn't it?

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The most on-keel judgments on talent on this show actually seem to come from Wanda Sykes. Who as Exec. Producer made the odd decision to not be an on-screen judge but instead this vague mentor role.  But really she's judging there--we can see it. And from her critiques doing a decent job of judging (better than these other three).

I never understood why Wanda Sykes didn't want to be a judge herself. Possibly it's because she felt like she already had too much input, which I respect.  But she did a great job making over the show last year from the sad state of earlier seasons. And we haven't seen the end of this one yet so I'll give benefit of the doubt for a while more.


Now as for Norm, I noticed some of the early promotion was premising him as the "Simon Cowell" judge. But I don't know if that was intentional from the start, or if he gave that famous "It might have been the best set of the night, but I didn't like it" and they realized how best to play him.

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