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Episode v. Feeds: To Tell the Truth

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4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don’t think it’s a bad read per se. Xmas and Tyler have done better than the other pairs of hiding their closeness and it’s not like there’s any way the others could really know they were set up pre-game. I mean if they thought a bit more about the Josh/Kaycee connection they could figure it out but I don’t really blame them for not seeing it immediately.

That's fair. I think people have started to connect the dots this week. I think gamewise they have given Day a good edit since she was a mess the first two weeks. Remember when she thought Janelle had a secret alliance with Tyler and Cody? To be fair to Day none of her bad reads have mattered that much in the overall scheme of things. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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Bumping this thread on the hopes someone can shed some light on a tweet I saw from Jessica, who was in the watermelon guys season (his name has totally left my brain, and he sucks so I'm not going to give him the grace to look it up) where she said that BB is giving Tiffany a terrible edit and that’s why the casuals don’t like her.

I mean, what they showed on tonight’s show are things she said, right?  There wasn’t really a fuckton of nuance of her saying “I wanted it, and I won, and I don’t want Claire to leave”.

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I don't know if I'd say that Tiff is getting a terrible edit--especially based on the events of this week--but it certainly seems like a very unbalanced edit.  They focus on all the questionable things she says or does, without showing her being kind, caring or funny, all of which I've seen on the feeds.  Until this week, I'd say Kyland was much more aggressive about playing for his own best interest, but they haven't shown that.   

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I’m not sure if we were all watching the same episode, because after tonight I halfway-expect Jesus Christ was looking over at Tiffany and saying, “dammmmn gurrrrl – and I thought I got crucified….“  

Heck, just go back and re-check the DR clips - in a nutshell:

  • Azah: I’ve been putting the CO cause before my own personal game all season, but I’m not sure how I feel about the game Tiffany’s playing.
  • Ky: Tiffany seems to be consistently putting her own personal game before the plans of the CO.
  • X: The CO plan was for Claire to go to Jury this week, but Tiffany’s selfish gameplay means I have to sit on the Block for the third week in a row to preserve the CO’s agenda.
  • Hannah: I don’t mind if Tiffany’s actions create friction in the CO, so long as it keeps everybody’s focus off me.
  • Tiffany: I wanted HoH so I won HoH and it’s my HoH and the CO wanted Claire gone this week but I don’t - so Xavier can just suck it up, and Ky can kiss my ass.

Production’s edit tonight was severely slanted towards portraying Tiff as (a) having a RAGING case of HoH-itis, and (b) on the verge of betraying the CO - and its cause - in service to her own personal game.

IMHO that is not really anywhere near an accurate depiction of Tiff’s gameplay to date - and I don’t even particularly like Tiff, but I found the exaggerated slant of tonight’s presentation more than a little distorted and disturbing.  I’m already halfway cringing, thinking of what Production is going to do with Tiff in Wednesday’s episode and the pre-eviction portion of Thursday’s episode - especially after Tiff’s repeated vehement proclamations tonight about how Claire wasn’t going out of the House on Tiff’s HoH.  Tiff is going to be eaten alive.

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Thanks for the clarification @Nashville.  I really do like Tiff, so I was trying not to let my bias influence my opinion on her edit.  I do think she's ramped up the push on her personal game this week, but both Ky and (to a lesser extent) X have been doing it all along.  I also think DerF is the most selfish person in the house, but since he can't win anything he hasn't been in a position to use power to his benefit.  

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One thing the episodes haven't shown AT ALL is how much Ky loves to talk. You would never know one of his main defining characteristics if you didn't watch or read about the feeds.

You would also not be able to grasp how much time Deref spends sleeping, although to be fair they've shown a bit of this. 

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I think Xavier and Derek F have spent a lot of time complaining and claiming that the women in the cookout contribute very little to the alliance, when I’d argue that Tiffany and even Hannah contribute more to it than them. 

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that is not really anywhere near an accurate depiction of Tiff’s gameplay to date - and I don’t even particularly like Tiff, but I found the exaggerated slant of tonight’s presentation more than a little distorted and disturbing.

Conversely X was portrayed as the hero and savior of the CO sacrificing EVERTHING abou this personal game to the *cause* y'all. What a load of garbage on both counts. All I can think is they suspect a X win and are giving him that edit accordingly. 

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On 9/6/2021 at 6:48 AM, Melina22 said:

One thing the episodes haven't shown AT ALL is how much Ky loves to talk. You would never know one of his main defining characteristics if you didn't watch or read about the feeds.

To be fair, if they tried to show the true Ky, the episodes would have to be 3 hours long.

12 hours ago, blixie said:

All I can think is they suspect a X win and are giving him that edit accordingly. 

Oh, I think that’s EXACTLY what’s going on.

It will be hilarious if Hannah pulls out a win, and all the casuals are like, “Who? Was she on this season?” I personally love her game, but I guess it’s too subtle for the broadcast episodes.

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Hmmm… he has talked about his dad, and his circumstances growing up, but I don’t remember him ever specifically identifying his father. My first thought would have been yes, they know, but Melina is probably right!

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I'd respect Xavier, Kyland and DF if they were to say that they thought that Tiffany and Hannah were playing good games or were jury threats, but I genuinely think they want those two in particular women out because they can't stand the idea of losing to a woman. Kyland at least has put in a lot of work in the house, but what have Xavier and DF done this season? Xavier and DF (and likely Azah) would have been out long ago were it not for the Cookout, and Xavier lost a battle of wills and arguments to Sarah Beth of all people during the week that Whitney was evicted. Hannah had to put in work with Christian and Alyssa to save herself. 

I don't understand why the show is protecting DF in particular so much. For as annoying as Tiffany might be, I think she did want to try to squash whatever beef she may have had with him, but he wasn't interested in doing that. And he has had this "these women must gooo" mentality since pre-jury. 


Edited by jsm1125
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This is from an episode thread: 


Wasn't Chaddah not even in the original Cookout discussion?  She only found out about it because of Tiffany's big mouth.

Correct, Hannah was not in the original CO alliance. Initially, Tiffany did not want to actually include her, and the rest agreed, because of her age. Gradually though, she did become an actual part of the alliance.

The alliance that Tiffany accidentally told Hannah about was Royal Flush, which was the Kings and Queens + Derex.

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

This is from an episode thread: 

Correct, Hannah was not in the original CO alliance. Initially, Tiffany did not want to actually include her, and the rest agreed, because of her age. Gradually though, she did become an actual part of the alliance.

The alliance that Tiffany accidentally told Hannah about was Royal Flush, which was the Kings and Queens + Derex.

Thank you for the clarification.

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12 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Was Taylor wearing a nicotine patch in the DR? Or was that just some weird big square bandage? 

17 minutes ago, Welshman in Ca said:

My household (the wife & I) think it might be covering up a tattoo, reasons for this are that it's a bit big and that is a weird place to get any sort of cut or scrape requiring said covering,

It's a band aid. She got a burn. I'm not sure how exactly.

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53 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

It's a band aid. She got a burn. I'm not sure how exactly.

I get that it's a band aid but that is a really weird place for a burn of any size never mind that big but you seem to know so 🤷‍♂️

Edited by Welshman in Ca
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Dropping this here, although the last clip is a potential spoiler for the next episode (the Monte bit at the very end happened after a house meeting about the events of tonight's episode):


There's more that's been reported but I think it wasn't on the feeds and the only source so far is Michael because he was the only one in the conversation where Kyle told him (verbatim, according to Michael) that Kyle said to him "As a straight, white male," before continuing to talk about the possibility of all the BIPOC (and Indy) forming a Cookout 2.0. Indy seems to be included because she's not a natural born American and she has an accent.

It's not so much the theory that there's a Cookout 2.0 in the game this season. It's the fact that Kyle put them all together despite every bit of evidence pointing to the opposite happening and the language he used when talking about them - the "big personalities", being loud, being articulate, etc.

Edited by Callaphera
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This is shaping up to be a really boring season.  I'd like to know what the ratio of actual feeds content from the house vs screensavers (puppies, kittens, bunnies, BB colonoscopy) because even this thread is quiet, and usually it is hopping at this point in the season--especially with an incident like what Luke said.

From the broadcast show: I call total bullshit on Hisam claiming he didn't hear what Luke said.  His was the biggest "WTF did you actually say out loud?!?" face I've ever seen.  I also didn't like that he left Corey hanging there like that, when Corey was making his awkward and tippy-toeing description of what happened.  Jared could have chimed in too, but he didn't.  I think Jared just wants to leave that turd of an incident alone until it stops steaming and everyone can pretend it didn't happen.

Jared totally had Luke's number, and wisely declined to engage.  It was a total "I see who you are.  You just showed me who you are.  It's cool.  I'm proceeding with that intel.  ::smile::smile::" moment. 

I'm a little surprised we didn't get Cirie's or Felicia's reactions to that announcement, but I believe CBS would also prefer to leave that turd alone until it stops steaming and dried out so they can sweep it under the rug.

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So, watching last night's episode, that Jared tells Blue his secret segment was edited EXTREMELY poorly. What they presented is NOT what really happened, and even Blue's DR confirms that.

Jared never told Blue that his mother was Felicia; that was HER coming to that conclusion during that conversation and Jared never confirming nor denying.

We even see in Blue's DR that she's trying to figure it out. So, if Jared said Mama Felicia like they made it seem in the edit, why would she be trying to figure out who he's related to still? They could have had a REALLY funny segment with Jared saying he's related to someone in the house, Blue saying Mama Felicia, and then insert that noise they use when someone's being dumb. 

They had a great opportunity and they missed out on the mark for an extremely poorly edited segment.

Not to mention them missing out on the funniest moment of Condom Gate, which was them finding the condoms and Izzy placing them in the Have Not room on the ground where Cory/America were cuddling, and then giggling down the hall. 

Last night's episode was so frustrating because it was so poorly done. 

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Jared never told Blue that his mother was Felicia; that was HER coming to that conclusion during that conversation and Jared never confirming nor denying.

He actually did say that, but he said a bunch of other stuff, too. (I think he also claimed to have some siblings in the house, and that Cirie might also be his mom.) It was just all said in such a rambling bullshit way that it was impossible to tell which, if any,  of it was true.

Where the show really deviated from the truth was in portraying Jared as someone who was conflicted about lying to his sweetheart, rather than a jerk who wanted attention. He wasn’t leaking the truth, he was showing off that he had a special secret and trying to make her beg for it. Over and over, for like an hour.

What was interesting about that whole segment was that Blue actually sifted through the verbal diarrhea and solved the puzzle. It seems “your girl” actually has a brain; it’s too bad she buries it beneath all that shallow posturing.

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15 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

He actually did say that, but he said a bunch of other stuff, too. (I think he also claimed to have some siblings in the house, and that Cirie might also be his mom.) It was just all said in such a rambling bullshit way that it was impossible to tell which, if any,  of it was true.

I think I remember him keeping it more vague, hence the half truth stuff. The issue is that, without that Mama Felicia part in the episode, it MOSTLY would have been accurate. But editing that part in isn't a half truth; it's a full out lie, so it contradicts what Jared says before in the DR AND contradicting Blue's DR about who the relative is.

And also, yeah, making Jared seem like a good guy is an even WORSE edit of him.

17 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

What was interesting about that whole segment was that Blue actually sifted through the verbal diarrhea and solved the puzzle. It seems “your girl” actually has a brain; it’s too bad she buries it beneath all that shallow posturing.

That was the most interesting part, her DR showing that she's not as game brain dead as she appears in the house. She apparently just chooses to not play outside of small moments.

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Not surprising that they chose the most simplistic edit possible: Crazy Lady vs Misunderstood Golden Boy. It may have provided the most entertainment value, but it’s going to leave many viewers perplexed when/if Matt is voted out tonight.

I also feel cheated by not getting to see Matt’s apology demands, damn it.

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Question for the live feeders (I follow them, but haven't been watching this season):  The show tonight made it look like Cedric blindsided Tucker with the replacement nominee, but I could swear I read that Cedric flat out told Tucker he didn't want to go through with that plan prior to the meeting.  What's the true story?  

If he really did just wimp out on the spot, I can understand the annoyance, but if Tucker was told no and just decided to go ahead on his own, then that's all on him.

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20 hours ago, leocadia said:

Question for the live feeders (I follow them, but haven't been watching this season):  The show tonight made it look like Cedric blindsided Tucker with the replacement nominee, but I could swear I read that Cedric flat out told Tucker he didn't want to go through with that plan prior to the meeting.  What's the true story?  

If he really did just wimp out on the spot, I can understand the annoyance, but if Tucker was told no and just decided to go ahead on his own, then that's all on him.

What I read was Cedric put it in kind of a weird way where it was up for interpretation.

And Tucker was right.  This was the time to do it  Cedric is a complete wuss.  And an idiot besides since he put up the one person he knows would take herself off yet thought he somehow had her convinced not to use her power.

I liked Cedric at first but now he is just too wimpy to bear.

Edited by Skooma
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2 hours ago, leocadia said:

What's the true story?  

It's unclear. Cedric swears he told Tucker, Tucker swears he didn't. The truth is probably somewhere in between, where Cedric hedged a bit because he didn't really like the plan but he also really hates confrontation, and Tucker didn't really listen because Tucker doesn't listen to much of anything that doesn't come out of his own mouth.

I hope we get to see the actual conversation tomorrow.

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