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"The View": Week of 8/3/15


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Huzzah, Jeanius, H U Z Z A H ! ! !     I hope their next hires don't feel the need to announce their political or religious affiliations EVERY. FUCKING. DAY!!!

So the show appeases Whoopi with a bowl of potato chips for 2 weeks within her reach.



And speaking of effing...Whoopi goes out of her way to push food into her mouth just before she has to make some announcements.  It's just plain stupid.

  • Love 13

 So the show appeases Whoopi with a bowl of potato chips for 2 weeks within her reach.


Is that what Whoopi has always got a mouthful of lately?  Chips?  Whatever the hell she is eating during commercial breaks lately, it is grossing me out.  I can't stand it when anyone talks with food in their mouth. For heaven's sake, you are on TV an hour a day. Can't you wait to snack until the show is over? 




And speaking of effing...Whoopi goes out of her way to push food into her mouth just before she has to make some announcements.  It's just plain stupid.


It is almost like she is doing it on purpose, like she thinks it's cute ... Oh, that Whoopie!  she just can't help herself, she has to have her a little chip!  She's just such a rascal!  Hee hee!  Blech.  It reminds me of the little way she tiptoes into a food segment to snatch herself a bite.  She thinks that it's so darn funny.  Well, it's not. 


It occurred to me that it might be kind of funny if Whoopi choked on one of those mouthfuls of chips, heh.  Not die, of course. But just .... choke a little.  Who at the table would rush to give her the Heimlich maneuver? Anyone? 

  • Love 14

Damn this show. Pulls me right in. Another thing that bugged. Raven's comment that the Miss Piggy/Kermit relationship reminded her of Hugh Hefner and ??? (Dolly Parton Madison??) WTF. First off, I thought the premise was that Kermit didn't even WANT Miss Piggy - SHE'S the pushy broad, er, boar. They got married? The whole thing is moronic (for grown-ups to be discussing it - gross commercial plug - hate it.) Don't destroy a child's love for a sweet frog. I'm realizing that I HATE Miss Piggy, never found her BROAD humor funny, and she RUINED Kermit the frog's storyline. Phew. I feel better.

  • Love 5

AND ANOTHER THING. Raven's mask? I THINK she said that she wore it to hide her ... something? (Methinks, her "celebrity" snerk) Like, she wanted "everyone" to focus on the One D fellow that was being interviewed, even though everyone "knew it was her" ... kind of like Performance Art. Too bad Michelle "My Eggs Are More Fertile Than Sherri Shepherd's" Collins made it all about Her Uterus (Already competing with Sherri??) Did they REALLY hire her - either one, LOL - for next year? Why? And why do they keep changing the height of her seat? I'm not sure where they stashed her legs when they managed to find a small chair for her to fit in with the other dainty ladies at the Coffee Table. Later, when she was at the end of the sofa, she looked like a gargoyle. No offense.


Why does the fact that Raven and Kelly Oz-Born are Besties mean that Kelly cannot possibly have certain views concerning Latin folks? Or blacks for that matter. (I thought Raven didn't want to be labeled???) Raven looked at Us and said, "If we are best friends, doesn't that mean she is not Racist?" If that is her litmus test for racism in all its myriad forms... well, it must be nice living in such a simplistic world. Like Whoopi's foolproof "Cotton-Pickin'" Test.


I really enjoyed Big Sean as a person. Maybe Raven being a bit over-the-top, and the emotional material, his mother/ grandmother stuff, and his two failed romances (poor kid probably had his heart stomped by ladies more interested in stepping to the top) gave him a case of the nerves. I SO wanted to like his performance, but ........ he IS a talented poet/lyricist and a stand up guy. Grandmother sounded like a force to be reckoned with. I'll leave this post on that positive note.

  • Love 7

Hit the nail on the head, LoveisJoy.  This is the oddest hire yet.  First I'll mention her recent lame (and archaic) joke about the rhythm system.  What comic performing after the 80s would even mention it these days?  Did someone explain the rhythm system and she thought it would make a good joke?


Did she get the job because she's easy to let go?  She does an excellent job of taking us into or out of segments.  She just isn't funny.  Sherri's lines could be heard because she was so damned pushy and loud.  Michelle doesn't have what it takes.  She seems like a nice person with a certain amount of talent.  This is not the job for her.  Maybe she could be a "host" like Cat Deeley, but then she'd feel the need to provide some stoooopid one-liner and there would be groans.

Chris Christy was giving a speech where he said he is a bad Catholic because they use birth control and not just the rhythm method..... I think they played the video



Oh. Nicolle drove me nuts with her "wish everyone would treat the Other Side with as much compassion as you all treated Kelly Osbourne." I have no idea if Kelly is Red, Blue, or Purple (and certainly don't want to know), but Nicolle DIDN'T have to throw in that reference to "be nice to the Republicans" crap. How about just, Why can't we be more forgiving of people's faux pas in general?



That's the thing I hated about Bitsy, and ended up hating about Nicolle.   That political affiliation defines everything. When she says "the other side",  that speaks to how she sees EVERY issue in this country.   It's the mindset that if someone does or says something questionable, I need to find out what their political affiliation is so I can respond to it.   If a Democrat/liberal does something questionable, I can declare them stupid and mock them.  If the person doing it turns out to be republican, I MUST explain and defend them. 

Whether it be political/racial/religious/sexual orientation,  I HATE the Us vs. Them way of thinking. 

  people and issues are so much more complex than that, and that way of thinking is ruining this country. 

  • Love 9

Nichole: I've fallen in love at first sight 3 times- with my husband, my son and Whoopie Goldberg.


Nichole: I never dreamt. I'd be sitting here beside you.


Nichole: I am so grateful for this experience and the chance to get to know you better.


Nichole: because I love you!


Nichole: thank you! I love you!


  • Love 11

DL Hughly is complaining about the criticism that he gets for sharing his views. Where it is true he is allowed to share his views... if people dont like them they have the same Right to let him know


I get so tired of people whining because they are being criticized.... the way to fight against someone's views is to use your own freedom of speech.


We dont all have to agree.... if you dont feel like defending your view... dont share it

  • Love 4
Whoopi said.... Hamilton was not born here.... he was in immigrant.



Even a broken clock is right two times a day.


George Washington for example was born in England



All US presidents were born in America, GW, more specifically in VA.


DL Hughly is complaining about the criticism that he gets for sharing his views. Where it is true he is allowed to share his views... if people dont like them they have the same Right to let him know



Someone should remind DL that free speech applies to everyone including his critics.

Edited by sugarbaker design
  • Love 7

Huzzah, Jeanius, H U Z Z A H ! ! !     I hope their next hires don't feel the need to announce their political or religious affiliations EVERY. FUCKING DAY.


Fat chance of that with Candace Cameron joining the panel.

Whoopi said.... Hamilton was not born here.... he was in immigrant.

What she said was Hamilton was not born in the United States. Well, duh! There was no United States!
  • Love 6

Isn't it great that Nicolle thinks George W. Bush is just adorable, and his paintings are so lovely? His post presidency is really full of sweetness and puppy dogs. It's too bad he damaged our country and the Middle East so badly and can enjoy the rest of his life with little repercussion. Oh, how I will miss Nicolle and her defense of her precious Republicans. 


Did Michelle really diss Eleanor Roosevelt's looks?  What an idiot. I dislike her more and more each day.


The average life expectancy of a man born in the US  in 2012 is around 78, not 72, D.L. Hughly. Actually, a man who lives until 65 has a good chance of living another 19 years. ( I guess this is due to the fact that quite a few young men die early.)

Edited by Kenz
  • Love 7

Whoopie was definitely letting us know today that her bosses are uncomfortable with her..I guess the backlash about her strident defense of Cosby must have been fierce and out of this world...Whoopie  seems to be bitter about having to change her stance...Whoopie is not a fan of criticisms, she loves to bask in adoration and compliments about how great and awesome she is....

  • Love 12

Definitely throwing shade...clues for me was using words like "exquisite, hilarious and wisdom." Followed by "ask them."

WG must have felt left out because evidently TPTB said that she (Whoopi) is making them feel uneasy.

And...no cake?

And no Rosie....I'm thinking she said screw the last week. I'm out of there.

Makes me respect her even more

  • Love 10


Sounds like she's throwing a little shade their way, don't you think?

Nicole has every right to be bitter...Her dismissal from the show is nonsensical...Why do they want the view to be the royal rumble..Women can discuss issues without becoming assholes..It wasn't like that when the show debuted....Now they want catfights, arguments and just unpleasantness..I love Rosie O, but I have to point the finger at her on that..Had she not tried to engage that twit Elizabeth in discussion, we would not be in this mess..You ignore people like Elizabeth...Rosie made her relevant..Meredith and the others used to ignore her like the petulant idiot that she is.....

  • Love 5
Whoopie was definitely letting us know today that her bosses are uncomfortable with her..I guess the backlash about her strident defense of Cosby must have been fierce and out of this world...Whoopie  seems to be bitter about having to change her stance...Whoopie is not a fan of criticisms, she loves to bask in adoration and compliments about how great and awesome she is....



This week's TVGuide gave Whoopi a JEER for her stance/backpedaling on Cosby.   Is ABC/Disney finally tired of the "publicity"?

  • Love 5

Apprentice: "I love Rosie O, but I have to point the finger at her on that..Had she not tried to engage that twit Elizabeth in discussion, we would not be in this mess."


My beef is actually more with Geddie. Had it not been Bitsy, Geddie would've gotten another surrogate. He was determined to get the Faux talking points aired on The View. RO resisted. 

Edited by merriebreeze
  • Love 7

I think they've made a mistake letting Nichole go, but, I'm pretty sure if they do a turn around and want her back, she won't be like Sherri and go back. I didn't understand DL Hughly's point that Caitlyn may only have 7 more years to live. So? What's that have to do with anything? Anyone can die at anytime so should we not bother to do anything ? Why go to college? You might die soon after graduation. Why do anything?

  • Love 6
I didn't understand DL Hughly's point that Caitlyn may only have 7 more years to live.



He could start with some statistics.  If Caitlyn can be included in the life expectancy numbers of women in California, he gets 82.12 years.

For men it's a mere 77.53.  I think Bruce's many years may deduct a bit from Caitlyn's...but in any case the statistics equal more than seven.


..I love Rosie O, but I have to point the finger at her on that..Had she not tried to engage that twit Elizabeth in discussion, we would not be in this mess..You ignore people like Elizabeth...Rosie made her relevant..Meredith and the others used to ignore her like the petulant idiot that she is.....


I agree the split screen fight is what made Elisabeth famous but when Meredith and Star were on the show Elisabeth really didn't talk a lot about politics.  Probably because she would have been swatted down (albeit nicely) by Meredith and Star if she had.  Geddie knew which of Rosie's buttons to push and he had Elisabeth do it.  After that particular show and all the media attention it received there was no turning back.  The people in charge decided that was what was needed to stay in the headlines and here we are all these years later and they are still trying to stay in headlines.

  • Love 9

Nicole has every right to be bitter...Her dismissal from the show is nonsensical...Why do they want the view to be the royal rumble..Women can discuss issues without becoming assholes..It wasn't like that when the show debuted....Now they want catfights, arguments and just unpleasantness..I love Rosie O, but I have to point the finger at her on that..Had she not tried to engage that twit Elizabeth in discussion, we would not be in this mess..You ignore people like Elizabeth...Rosie made her relevant..Meredith and the others used to ignore her like the petulant idiot that she is.....

I completely disagree.... when someone speaks misinformation..... it must be called out.... when lies are being told.... it must be called out..... when bigoted comments are made they must be spoken against...... I have heard many times and hold it to heart.... silence is compliance.

Dont allow wrong things to be uttered without challenge.

My 2 cents

______________________ edit


It should be mentioned.... Rosie and  Elisabeth had a friendship..... and not just in Rosie's mind..... they did things together and spoke away from the show..... but Hannity and Geddie convinced her to betray her friend.... and she never looked back.


I still think Hannity is the father if her youngest child

Edited by RogerFromOhio
  • Love 10

I think they've made a mistake letting Nichole go, but, I'm pretty sure if they do a turn around and want her back, she won't be like Sherri and go back.


They have made a big mistake and I hope she goes on and does great without The View. She doesn't belong with half shaven purple head Raven and rotating Sherri.


She belongs with smart people.

  • Love 4

He could start with some statistics.  If Caitlyn can be included in the life expectancy numbers of women in California, he gets 82.12 years.

For men it's a mere 77.53.  I think Bruce's many years may deduct a bit from Caitlyn's...but in any case the statistics equal more than seven.

I did n't see the show, but life expectancies based on statistics and averages are not as meaningful as people think.  You can compute your own individual life expectancy, which is based on risk factors, including smoking, drinking, weight, exercise, and get a much more accurate picture.

 And even then, some people will outlive that expectancy by 10 -  20 years.  My 90 year old dad should have died before age 60, for example. 

Edited by backformore

I often wonder if meredith or even starr could have made it long term on The view if they were selected now.

I think nicole would have fit in during that era..maybe after lisa Ling left instead of replacing her with Elizabeth (who I disliked during her season on survivor..who proved to be a back stabbed to some of her tribemates).

I think Rosie P refused to come back after Kelly's ignorant comment. Can't say I blame her if true.

  • Love 3
I think Rosie P refused to come back after Kelly's ignorant comment. Can't say I blame her if true.

You mean the one she kept telling Kelly she was sorry for being offended by? LOL     Frankly,  I thought she should have left after giving that two and half hour goodbye to her time on this shitshow.  It would be awkward to repeat it.  I wish her well but she never really fit in on a talk show - not that being good at co-hosting is any kind of qualification on this show; you don't even have to be able to moderate to be the moderator - just say, "How about this______________?"  and "Speaking of___________" 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 6

So was that Hughley guy serious about saying Caitlyn Jenner shouldn't have bothered with a sex change operation because she won't live long enough to enjoy it?  Because once again, I heard a comment so stupid I just assumed it had to be some kind of attempt at humor.  He was pretty persistent with it, though, I guess.   


What a stupid man.  I can't even list all the reasons why his comment was ridiculous.  No one makes a decision like Jenner made  based on their life expectancy.  When you've lived for over sixty years in a body that doesn't match your mind and you are finally in a position to do something so that you don't have to feel like that for one more day ... sheesh, how insensitive and ignorant.  Suppose Caitlyn lives to be 100 ... she may get 40 years of new life from what Hughley seems to think is a wasted effort. Jenner won a freaking decathlon gold medal and I would guess she is cut from some pretty tough cloth physically and she may well outlive us all (but she should stop the damn smoking!).  


Ughh I could go on but I need to save up some of my wrath and disgust for the debate that is about to come on. 


I just want to add that I have a sneaking suspicion that Hughley doesn't think anybody's gender reassignment surgery is a worthwhile effort, regardless of their age.  If ya know what I mean .... 

  • Love 9

I completely disagree.... when someone speaks misinformation..... it must be called out.... when lies are being told.... it must be called out..... when bigoted comments are made they must be spoken against...... I have heard many times and hold it to heart.... silence is compliance.

Dont allow wrong things to be uttered without challenge.

My 2 cents

______________________ edit


It should be mentioned.... Rosie and  Elisabeth had a friendship..... and not just in Rosie's mind..... they did things together and spoke away from the show..... but Hannity and Geddie convinced her to betray her friend.... and she never looked back.


I still think Hannity is the father if her youngest child

You are absolutely right..The reason why I said that Rosie should have ignored her, is because she was too emotional and she played right into their hands..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 3

I just finished watching today's show & the thing that jumped out at me, through the whole show, was that Whoopi might as well have had a sign hung around her neck saying:  "Go ahead ABC, your bunch of assholes, fire me!  Just try it!!"  I couldn't believe how ignorant she was reaching across the table while people were talking, taking one bite out of a piece of cheese & then waving it around, stuffing her face with chips, diverting attention to herself by laughing out of control at DL Hughley, together with many pointed comments about ABC.  Those people need to buy a pair!! 

  • Love 12

I have not seen todays show but I was thinking the other day while watching about Whoopi's crisp white shirts that she insists she has a closet full of and must always wear.  What she wears looks like a lab coat of a mad scientist.


They also look slightly gray like they have been washed with something dark. NOT crisp white at all.

Todays lead in mentions hosts Rosie Perez. Hmmm.


Oh my gosh that dress is AWFUL and Raven loves the designer and the outfit, she is kissing ass now too. WTF people over 34 had thirteen babies. I can't with her today. 

Edited by athousandclowns
  • Love 5

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