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"The View": Week of 8/3/15


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Somewhere Babs was sitting, feet up, gin and tonic in hand, choking out a BWAHAHAHAHA. Geez, how many calls did she get today?!


Kelly's a mess. A racist mess, from the sound of it all (including her "apology"--which contained the dreaded "I take full responsibility...but" trope. Maybe she'll appear tomorrow to try that one again? This episode belongs in a university classroom--21st Century Shit Culture 101.

  • Love 3

I surfed in and out because I am upset about the Cecil the Lion story and heard they were going to discuss it today.

So they have Nancy Grace come on and try to educate us? After this has been a huge issue for quite a while in the news? Have they discussed it before.

And then we get jokes about another hunter that is a gynecologist oncologist?

Last night I read that the Empire State Bldg had a 3 hour spectacular light show of endangered animals....including Cecil. IIRC there were 40 species shown. Not a mention from the show. Very easy to google.

Has this show decided their viewers are so stupid to not be "current" with news stories and they have to get someone on to explain it to us....now that BW is no longer there to do so? And WG can't? And they choose Nancy Grace?

Nor discuss the real issues of this horrendous problem and the good that can come out of it - or even that some airlines have/are no longer allowing trophies such as pelts and stuffed heads from hunters as freight. And other examples of the good that can come from this story?

About 15 years ago I was soooo fortunate to visit South Africa and several adjoining countries; and go on safaris. But even in my mid 50's I was so ignorant and niave because at the Atlanta airport where we checked in for our flight to Johannesburg there were dozens of metal suitcases. I mentioned perhaps they were being used for musical instruments but that didn't seem right because they were quite similar in size. Turns out they were rifles etc, as we learned from one Great White Hunter on the flight sitting next to us. And it is true - it costs a fortune to hunt there.

Edited by maggiemae
  • Love 3

Making sparks:




Did you see where Sherri tweeted?


"cutting @KellyOsbourne a little slack, bc I've done it myself ... sometimes isht comes out of your mouth live that you didn't mean to say"

Did you see Sherri's first post... it was listed on that link

Sherri Shepherd


oooh Lawd @KellyOsbourne latinos can only clean toilets... what are blacks good for?  breastfeeding dem babies! Girl what did you just say!

12:52 PM - 4 Aug 2015

  • Love 3

Speaking as a Latino, while what Kelly Osbourne said was incredibly ignorant, I don't think she is a racist. I think she has a narrow world view, no doubt molded by the life of privilege she has led. I imagine for her Latinos probably only come in two varieties: celebrities and the help.


The best case scenario is that she simply isn't good at expressing her thoughts, which is frightening considering what is ostensibly her chosen (ie her mom got her the job) profession. 


But that "apology", such as it was. was pathetic. It was far more a case of her covering her ass than it was an expression of regret or an attempt to make amends. It is very telling that there was more swearing (those Osbournes keeping it classy as always) than there was any expression of just how exactly she views Latinos and our place in society.


But in terms of foot-in-mouth scandals, this one rates very low.


Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work. The Donald's gold plated crapper isn't going to clean itself. ;) 

  • Love 17

Oh, karma, you haven't let me down yet. You got Kelly good! I hated the way she did not support Giuliana Rancic during that whole Zendaya-uproar and now its happening to her. I only hope it becomes viral(?) like the whole Giuliana thing.


And, Rosie, you had no reason to apologize over and over and over. it was sickening. She even apologized in the closing of the show! I think Kelly was like "Enough already, let people forget!"

Oh, karma, you haven't let me down yet. You got Kelly good! I hated the way she did not support Giuliana Rancic during that whole Zendaya-uproar and now its happening to her. I only hope it becomes viral(?) like the whole Giuliana thing.


And, Rosie, you had no reason to apologize over and over and over. it was sickening. She even apologized in the closing of the show! I think Kelly was like "Enough already, let people forget!"

TMZ has at least picked it up. I don't expect much to come out of it. Like someone upthread said, Sharon Osborne seems to have pics of every important person in Hollywood doing lines of coke off of midgets asses.


  • Love 8

I think the biggest reason I love this site so much is because there are so many posters that really care about so many injustices and heart-wrenching issues here in the USA and the whole world. And bring them to our attention.

I was reading an article a few weeks ago about an issue and a poster said something about (whatever) is more important than this issue.

A wonderful poster then said...we CAN multitask about lots of issues at the same time. And be heartbroken about so many at the same time.

  • Love 11

When Kelly made her toilet comment, I actually thought she was trying to take a shot at Trump, as in suggesting he has a shamefully biased view of Latinos and he believes they are only good enough for jobs like being a maid.  And she was trying to point out that his intention to kick so many Latinos out of the USA is going to bite him in his entitled ass when he has no one left here to clean his 24 karat gold crapper.  I thought she was trying to be ... sarcastically clever? Facetiously witty?  Yeah.  Fail.  On several counts.  The first is pretty obvious - her comment lends itself to being construed as hella offensive and saying much more about her views of Latinos than about Donald Trump's.  Also, she was not funny, even if you took her to be referencing Trump's views on Latinos - she was way too deadpan, serious, even sanctimonious (oh, whadda surprise, Kelly Osbourne being sanctimonious!).  Nonetheless, I was surprised she didn't explain her intentions better after her co-hosts turned on her ... I thought later, surely ... she would explain what she meant better, and it would be as I thought.  


Alas, no.


I guess I was letting my Trump hate blind me by taking her comment as a dig at his racial views, because Kelly's Twitterpology mentions none of the intentions I read into her comment and it seems pretty clear she really did just ... say that shit.  Good God.  I always knew Kelly Osbourne was a superior, spoiled little twerp who preaches and lectures and criticizes and judges, all while trying to present herself as the picture of tolerance.  But I admit, I am surprised.  Surprised she thinks the way she does. Surprised she is dumb enough to say it on TV.  Just ... surprised.


That being said, YAY!  It couldn't have happened to a more rotten, stuck up brat and I am positively tickled she outed herself as the hypocritical little snot she is!  Somewhere, Giuliana Rancic is drinking champagne and dancing the cha-cha, lmao!   Oh, Karma, thank you!  Thank you so much!  Cheers Giuliana! 


On a side note, I didn't catch the whole conversation - maybe I missed something.  But why was Whoopi lauding the marriage of Sharon and Ozzy?  They have had a notoriously choppy relationship, riddled with serious substance abuse and punctuated by domestic violence (Ozzy once tried to kill Sharon).  Sharon, I believe, walked out on Ozzy as recently as a year or two ago and threatened to divorce him after he relapsed again.  Theirs is hardly a marriage that I expect to hear anyone praising, even if it has lasted 32 years.  Sounds like 32 years of rocky ass road to me.  

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 14

You're exactly right, Celia. The old Osbourne family show was so full of dysfunction that it was hard to believe. Ozzie and Sharon also let their teen age children run wild and they both had drug problems as I remember. Whoopi acted as if Sharon and Ozzie were the epitome of a solid, loving, celebrity married couple. Gag. She really piles it on with celebrities. And by the way, I have no sewing ability, but I could have designed that black and white number that Raven modeled designed by Kelly Osbourne. Kelly always looks so stylish, doesn't she, so that makes her a natural to be a clothing designer. Does Raven have a clothing line too? I'm sure it's coming soon.

Edited by Kenz
  • Love 5

Kelly O's comment was tone deaf and bordering on inflammatory.  You'd think she'd know better. It's unfortunate that it detracts from Rosie's  point that delusional Trump maintains he has Latino support when the polls clearly show otherwise by large margins. "The blacks, the hispanics love me." Yeah, right. In your dreams, jerk. 



Reminded me of this:  jump to 2:29 (love The President's laughter after the joke)…although it's three minutes of seething Trump :)


  • Love 8

Ummm...the Osbornes are the only reality TV couple still married?  How about the Duggars, as grotesque as they are?  What about the Duck Dynasty people?  Guiliana and Bill?  I'm sure I could name a million others.  Sharon has made reference several times to the volatility of their relationship.  They're still married, but it hasn't always been sunlight and roses.


Sadly, Kelly was also on The Talk the day before so I got her two days in a row.  She's a moron and frequently off topic.  I started fast forwarding through the Latinos comment because it was just too embarrassing and awful.  At first I thought she was implying Trump only saw Latinos as the help, but then I realized that was actually her view.  Oy vey.

  • Love 5

They started the show by defending Kelly..... everyone was on board...... Kelly isnt a racist because she is Raven's friend..... Whoopi said you know a racist when you talk to them..... Rosie isnt here


It is possible to be bigoted without being a racist........ Kelly just showed us how she values people who are not like her

  • Love 8

What the hell was that interview between Michelle and One Direction? Telling them she was fertile? No respect for personal space? Like what the hell woman. Raven sort of tried to save it but it was a train wreck from the beginning. Like everything Michelle asked was sexual and didn't ask one thing about their tour or anything pertaining to their actual careers. They looked so uncomfortable and weirded out. An absolute waste if you ask me. They probably didn't put it in the actual show because of how bad it was. 

  • Love 4

The heavy handed defence of Kelly Osbourne was lame.  While I don't think she is any sort of hard-core racist, she's a spoiled brat and definitely meant what she said.  That is her view.


I can't wait to see Chris Christie on the debates tomorrow.  Not because I like him…..because he's like a self-loathing kid trying to convince everyone he's Danny Zuko.  How can Nicolle like and support him?  Even though people will take it as fat-shaming, I agree with Michelle re:  the photo they flashed.  He's has a really cartoonish body type and should minimize the distraction.  No little uniforms, high waisted trousers that come up to your chin….and always wear a jacket.  And NEVER tell me about you and the rhythm method.   Especially over breakfast.  What an a**hole.  Okay, I'm done :)

  • Love 6

I bet the producers got mad they didn't offer Kelly a co-hosting job since her comment got so much backlash online.  I didn't watch that segment, but I can see myself accidentally saying something dumb like that without realizing what I was saying.  I give people the benefit of the doubt all the time and I don't really like any of the Osbournes, but I certainly don't with Huckabee or Ted Cruz, because they constantly say hateful shit!  When the entire Republican party is losing their damn minds, no, I don't give them the benefit of the doubt anymore.

  • Love 4

The real question is why is everybody so deathly afraid of Sharon Osbourne...Don't let her British accent fool you..A British accent is not synonymous with intelligence, culture and good breeding..We tend to value British accents here across the pond..Sharon has always been in the gutter, her children are no better, given the ignorant comment that  Kelly said yesterday...What an idiot! I hope they go after her on tweeter.. She was very nasty about her Colleague's faux pas on the Fashion police...


Why does Whoopie feel she is the authority on Racism, while I don't think Kelly is a racist, she is ignorant and vile just like her mama..The apple does not fall far from the tree...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 14

It was my understanding that the line Giuiana Rancic read on the Fashion Police, which gave the fragile Kelly Osbourne the vapors, was written for Giuliana to say. Not something off the top of her head. She was basically following the script. Big difference between that and what Kelly said yesterday. Wish Giuliana would make a statement about the hypocrisy. And, what exactly is Kelly's talent? Why is her funky ass on my TV? Damn! Sharon Osborne and 2 big guys just got out of a car in front of my office and is walking towards me. Uh oh...

  • Love 14

The real question is why is everybody so deathly afraid of Sharon Osbourne...


Regardless of the fact that people think very little of Sharon Osbourne as a person, she is a formidable and successful presence on the business end of the entertainment industry, and has been for years.


She grew up in it. Her father was one of England's most successful, and notorious, managers. He managed a bevy of British rock groups, most notably Black Sabbath. And more significantly, he was the type of manager who made good on the reputation the music industry has for employing unsavory gangster types. Her father may not have been an actual gangster, but he certainly had the qualities to have been one. This is a man who, legend has it, sicced his dogs on the manager who took over Ozzy Osbourne's career after Ozzy left Black Sabbath. That new manager was Sharon. She was reportedly pregnant at the time, and lost the baby. Or so the legend goes.


And though she was estranged from her father for years because of things like that, the apple did not fall too far from the tree. She may not have the penchant for inflicting violence like her father, but Sharon is no shrinking violet and you best come prepared for a fight if you are going to take her on. So yeah, people in the industry do give her a lot of leeway. If the price is letting her goony daughter have a career, so be it.


She may come off as simply Ozzy's embattled loudmouth of a wife, but don't let that fool you. She is not to be underestimated.

Edited by reggiejax
  • Love 7

It was my understanding that the line Giuiana Rancic read on the Fashion Police, which gave the fragile Kelly Osbourne the vapors, was written for Giuliana to say. Not something off the top of her head. She was basically following the script. Big difference between that and what Kelly said yesterday. Wish Giuliana would make a statement about the hypocrisy. And, what exactly is Kelly's talent? Why is her funky ass on my TV? Damn! Sharon Osborne and 2 big guys just got out of a car in front of my office and is walking towards me. Uh oh...

Haven't heard the phrase "gave the vapors" in a long time….love that.  Because I've had too much time on my hands the last few days, I turned on E! News at exactly the time they were reporting on the Kelly story.  Three hosts, including Giuliana, sitting on set…they stated the story, ran the View clip, then were pretty direct an said to camera that people want to hear Giuliana's reaction and opinions because of the shit-storm Kelly put onto Giuliana.  G said that she is going to take the high road and refrain from saying one word.  The thought-bubble over her head was screaming "eat it biotch."

Edited by MatchaLove
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I know what Kelly was trying to say.  Whenever the question comes up regarding sending illegal aliens back to Mexico (for example), the oft quoted reply is "who will pick the produce?"  I think she just went off script and blundered into some very offensive territory.


Totally agree, especially with "blundered".

  • Love 2

Regardless of the fact that people think very little of Sharon Osbourne as a person, she is a formidable and successful presence on the business end of the entertainment industry, and has been for years.


She grew up in it. Her father was one of England's most successful, and notorious, managers. He managed a bevy of British rock groups, most notably Black Sabbath. And more significantly, he was the type of manager who made good on the reputation the music industry has for employing unsavory gangster types. Her father may not have been an actual gangster, but he certainly had the qualities to have been one. This is a man who, legend has it, sicced his dogs on the manager who took over Ozzy Osbourne's career after Ozzy left Black Sabbath. That new manager was Sharon. She was reportedly pregnant at the time, and lost the baby. Or so the legend goes.


And though she was estranged from her father for years because of things like that, the apple did not fall too far from the tree. She may not have the penchant for inflicting violence like her father, but Sharon is no shrinking violet and you best come prepared for a fight if you are going to take her on. So yeah, people in the industry do give her a lot of leeway. If the price is letting her goony daughter have a career, so be it.


She may come off as simply Ozzy's embattled loudmouth of a wife, but don't let that fool you. She is not to be underestimated.

Even Julie Chen who is her co-worker at the talk, who is the wife of the President of CBS defers to her..She got Holly Robinson Peete fired for not being Black enough and Leah Reminy for being Ghetto. So yes, she does have alot of powers and she is as dangerous as a viper....They are always kissing up to her over there at the Talk..She used to have a palpable hate for Aisha Tyler..I was so sure that Aisha was her next target for a pink slip....

  • Love 8

What the hell was that interview between Michelle and One Direction? Telling them she was fertile? No respect for personal space? Like what the hell woman. Raven sort of tried to save it but it was a train wreck from the beginning. Like everything Michelle asked was sexual and didn't ask one thing about their tour or anything pertaining to their actual careers. They looked so uncomfortable and weirded out. An absolute waste if you ask me. They probably didn't put it in the actual show because of how bad it was. 

I don't get what TPTB saw in Michelle that made them want to hire her.  Half of the time I never know what she's saying because she talks too damn fast and then mumbles the end of the sentence (containing the punchline, I assume) which gets lost in the din of the other co-hosts.  Then Michelle looks around for approval with an "amirite?"  or "I'm just saying," while Whoopi lays herself out and laughs uproariously.  That's my clue that a joke was made but I have no idea what it was and even when I do hear it, it just doesn't strike me as knee-slappingly funny.  Between Michelle's incoherent and inappropriate interview and Raven's helmet (maybe she was trying to disguise herself so she wouldn't have to sign a million autographs...heh), they should both be embarrassed by that performance.

  • Love 10

Who was that guy singing/rapping on the show today? He absolutely SUCKED. Maybe I was just in a super bad mood because at the point he came on I was in the THIRD hour of searching the house for my one pair of glasses, without which I can't see my hand in front of my face.  But he sounded simply awful to me, like booed off the stage at the Apollo awful, Simon claps his hands over his ears and won't let you finish your song at the American Idol audition awful


So was I judging him out of frustration, or was that guy completely bad?  I have a personal policy that calls for never criticizing singers and musicians because I can't carry a tune in a bucket so who am I to throw stones ... but, well ... I thought he was just crummy.  At least crummy sounding.  He may have been absolutely gorgeous, but of course I wouldn't know that because I couldn't SEE him (lol).  


Did you people think his performance was all that? I realize he is "somebody" in the music world or he wouldn't have a record contract and be on the teevee, but I am interested in people's personal opinions of his performance.  Was this just an off day for the guy or something? 

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Did you people think his performance was all that? I realize he is "somebody" in the music world or he wouldn't have a record contract and be on the teevee, but I am interested in people's personal opinions of his performance.  Was this just an off day for the guy or something?

I'm not into that kind of music, but some of it does appeal to me .... however, I thought it was a crappy song & performance, but that's just me!!!

  • Love 2
Who was that guy singing/rapping on the show today? He absolutely SUCKED. Maybe I was just in a super bad mood because at the point he came on I was in the THIRD hour of searching the house for my one pair of glasses, without which I can't see my hand in front of my face.  But he sounded simply awful to me, like booed off the stage at the Apollo awful, Simon claps his hands over his ears and won't let you finish your song at the American Idol audition awful



No he was horrible but Whoopie thought he was amazing. I thought he simply talked fast and sucked at it.

Edited by CuriousParker
Added Quote Box
  • Love 3

I'm still sensing that Nicolle's pretty fed up with Whoopi. Today during the family leave discussion, Nicolle was talking about how time-consuming and difficult dealing with a newborn can be - no sleep, breastfeeding, fatigue and that fathers can be very helpful during that time. Whoopi gave her a crappy look and Nicolle called her on it. "What's that look for?" or something like that. I get the feeling that Whoopi was not a very nurturing mother - probably didn't breastfeed and turned over most of the caregiving to her mother. Just the sort to be handing out motherly advice. 

I didn't care for the musical performance either. 

  • Love 8

I came on here to see if I was the only one who thought he was terrible! Celia hit the nail on the head with just how bad it was. I've heard his name before, but I've never seen him or heard him perform. He actually was a very nice guy during the interview, and I was expecting him to be decent. Of course Whoopie loved him - he's a protege of the genius Kanye, who must certainly know talent, right? Raven continues to grate on my last nerve, as does Michelle. I don't know why I even bother to watch anymore LOL.

  • Love 7

I did notice a couple of interesting lines in the guy's song, too, Little Spoon.  I thought to meself, this is a guy who should be writing songs for other people. Singing them himself really took away from his lyrics.  


Okay, I am done picking on the guy. I got kids to go chase off my lawn now.  I am just such an old crank today! 

  • Love 7
I don't get what TPTB saw in Michelle that made them want to hire her.  Half of the time I never know what she's saying because she talks too damn fast and then mumbles the end of the sentence (containing the punchline, I assume) which gets lost in the din of the other co-hosts.  Then Michelle looks around for approval with an "amirite?"  or "I'm just saying," while Whoopi lays herself out and laughs uproariously.  That's my clue that a joke was made but I have no idea what it was and even when I do hear it, it just doesn't strike me as knee-slappingly funny.



Hit the nail on the head, LoveisJoy.  This is the oddest hire yet.  First I'll mention her recent lame (and archaic) joke about the rhythm system.  What comic performing after the 80s would even mention it these days?  Did someone explain the rhythm system and she thought it would make a good joke?


Did she get the job because she's easy to let go?  She does an excellent job of taking us into or out of segments.  She just isn't funny.  Sherri's lines could be heard because she was so damned pushy and loud.  Michelle doesn't have what it takes.  She seems like a nice person with a certain amount of talent.  This is not the job for her.  Maybe she could be a "host" like Cat Deeley, but then she'd feel the need to provide some stoooopid one-liner and there would be groans.

  • Love 6

I agree, Former Nun. Whoopi always says you'll know a racist when you meet one. That isn't true at all.


merriebreeze said:

The thing I like about Raven though is that she's not intimidated by Whoopi.

Lately I've been getting the impression that Whoopi is getting irritated with Raven's non sensical observations. It will be interesting to see how that evolves this coming season, that is, if we anyone can bear to watch the show.

Edited by Kenz
  • Love 7

I just want somebody on that panel to call Whoopi on her BS when she shuts down the conversation with "here's the thing." She's not an authority on most of the stuff she expresses an opinion on. They don't need to defer to her. If it's cray cray Mohawk Raven that challenges her, then I'm all for it. Sherri cowered. Joy wouldn't do it because, "so what, who cares?" (but I think she still made her point mostly). Rosie O wouldn't as a matter of principle. Nicolle saw attaching herself to Whoopi as job security. How'd that work out for you? Rosie P, bless her heart, means well but can't articulate concisely. Her arguments are good. She just needs to get to the point without all the extraneous stuff. This show suffers with Whoopi at the helm.

  • Love 12

I don't get Whoopi repeating her "wisdom" that "you know a racist when you see one," like it's, um, wise? It has to be one of the dumbest things I've heard concerning racism lately. Worse than, "I don't see color." I thought that a main part of the problem in Post-Racial America is that there IS racism not only built-in to many "institutions," but "hiding" in people to various degrees. I thought that "white people" were supposed to reflect upon their White Privilege, and Do Better at Not Being Racist. I got REAMED on FB for not supporting the destructive rioters in Baltimore. I was told it was Not My Fight, and to Butt Out. I have had time to think, and be horrified by the continued events happening, such as the shootings in Black Churches, the mistreatment of Sandra Bland (and countless others) and I "get" the anger directed at some of my comments. I'm learning to listen more and speak a bit less. And think about race in America today, and realize that MY sadness pales compared to what black folks deal with on a frequent basis.


The way Whoopi glosses over the subject makes me, yet again, frustrated and puzzled. And wondering who this woman is.


I made a decision to watch the last few shows with Nicole and Rosie just for the sheer trainwreckiness of it (And have something to add to the fun here). Today was ..... well it didn't disappoint. So many little stupid comments. I suppose Rosie had a breakdown from yesterday and said, "Duck this Shit. I'll wait for the pepitas on the last day." Ya know what? I'll not waste any more time on this Ish either (tho I'm afraid the idea of SHERRI will lure me back like a siren: jaw-dropping stupidity in action). I had my fun for the day (side note: I kinda liked Raven's purple curls, but not the dark goop up in her roots - looked like hair dye or something. And Raven is a special kind of Delusional.)


Oh. Nicolle drove me nuts with her "wish everyone would treat the Other Side with as much compassion as you all treated Kelly Osbourne." I have no idea if Kelly is Red, Blue, or Purple (and certainly don't want to know), but Nicolle DIDN'T have to throw in that reference to "be nice to the Republicans" crap. How about just, Why can't we be more forgiving of people's faux pas in general?



  • Love 9

Oh. Nicolle drove me nuts with her "wish everyone would treat the Other Side with as much compassion as you all treated Kelly Osbourne." I have noidea if Kelly is Red, Blue, or Purple (and certainly don't want to know), but Nicolle DIDN'T have to throw in that reference to "be nice to the Republicans" crap. How about just, Why can't we be more forgiving of people's faux pas in general?




Uh, WTF is Nicholle talking about; did she not SEE how Whoopi and Raven bent over backwards to defend Hasselbeck? Ya know, because Hasselbeck cant possibly be a racist because she never asked Whoopi to pick cotton. Because that's how you can tell.


And about Whoopi and race: you have to consider Whoopi's position in life. She is not "a regular" Black person. She's a star. She's priviledged. Many people don't see her as "one of them", she's "one of the good ones" so to speak. She has money and can be protected from certain things. She probably has a lot of friends with different backgrounds so she does not see the same things a lot of us do. Her worldview is slightly skewed from, say, a person from Ferguson. Which is, I think, normal. You get to be in a certain position in life so you're a little more removed from certain realities. What gets me is how she claims to speak for all Blacks, in all situations. She can't say you can tell a racist by looking at them, that is SO ridiculous. It shows how out of touch she can be.


And finally, Big Sean. I happen to really like him. I loved his older song "My Last"  (Like I, like I never had it at all all all all, all all all all. ) And his recent "I Don't F*ck With You." Lyrics seem to allude to his ex relationship with Naya. Not a huge fan of "One Man Can Change The World", but it has grown on me. But I like him. Can't believe he dated that donut licker. Kinda hope he writes a song about that one too.

  • Love 8

Poor widdle Elisabeth.....she can cry over not being able to day the N-word....but at least she never asked WG to pick cotton. Sigh

Seems to me this show has really gone into damage control what with all the apologies, explanations, clarifications, defending former/current co-hosts and defending other celebrities. Plus Whoopi's outrage with Nicolle being fired....not so much Rosie. So the show appeases Whoopi with a bowl of potato chips for 2 weeks within her reach.

  • Love 8

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