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Continuity Errors: Starts With the House Layout and Just Gets Worse

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Here we can pick apart the numerous continuity errors over the course of the series.  The house used for the exterior establishing shots bears no resemblance to the layout of the interior sets, Dorothy married Stan because she got knocked up 38 years ago, yet neither of their kids is anywhere close to 38 years old ... the list goes on and on.

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Not to mention at some point everyone had their own bathroom, although they also had shared bathrooms. And the garage apparently was entered through some dimensional gate, because otherwise it would be in their bedrooms.

My favorite continuity issues are the children of Rose and Blanche. I guess it's not so much continuity as it is just amazing that they both had at least 5 kids: Rose had Adam, Ginella, Kirsten, Bridget and Charlie and Blanche had Janet, Rebecca, Biff, Skippy, Matthew and Doug. Blanche especially since she wasn't a big fan of kids. And having them all raised in that house...oh wait, maybe they weren't cause Rebecca didn't recognize it...here comes the headache!

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That's actually a pretty good possible floor plan aquarian1!  It only makes sense for the pilot episode though, as that's the only time it seemed that Blanche's bedroom was to the left of the living room.  Thanks for the link!

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In the Mother's Day episode where they're all waiting for calls from their children, Rose is waiting to hear from Charlie Jr. and I could swear they referred to him as a he.  So she must have had both a son and a granddaughter named Charlie.

While we're on the subject, it always weirds me out to hear the girls refer to Charlie as "Charles" in the early episodes.

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Charlie the granddaughter was (greedy) Kirsten's daughter. Charlie Jr. was the son on the phone from the Valentine's epsiode. I agree about Charles - it never sounded right. Charlie was a much better fit.

Another continuity error: Blanche's name. Her married name is Blanche Elizabeth Devereaux ("your initials are bed?") but the awful Mammy Watkins calls her Blanche Marie Hollingsworth. I guess I fanwank that she changed her middle name when she got married to have those initials on purpose.

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It's been a slow morning so I've been pondering this topic.  How about all of Sophia's engagements/marriages?  Guido Spirelli, Augustine Bagatelli, Giuseppe Mangiacavallo, the brother she was briefly engaged to when they slept 8 to a bed, etc.  I always assumed she married Sal kind of young so I don't know how she would have crammed in all these other relationships unless it was a "The slut is dead, long live the slut," kind of situation. 

Rose's education is another one.  (Insert snarky comment here.)  It's mentioned at least once that she went to college, however she had to take Dorothy's GED class because she never finished high school.

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Sophia's past is murky. Sometimes she met Sal in her village and other times she met him when she got to America.

And don't get me started on Sophia's family. Angela was her only living sibling and then suddenly Angelo appeared (I assume this was due to Nancy Walker's lack of availability).

Edited by xander874
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Sal and Sophia's apartment in Brooklyn. Is it just me, or when Dorothy and Sophia went back from Florida one time to visit the old neighbourhood, didn't the apartment door open into a layout that was inconsistent with the flashbacks of the old living room? I know it's nitpicky. 

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Sal and Sophia's apartment in Brooklyn. Is it just me, or when Dorothy and Sophia went back from Florida one time to visit the old neighbourhood, didn't the apartment door open into a layout that was inconsistent with the flashbacks of the old living room? I know it's nitpicky. 

Yep. The flashbacks to the Brooklyn apartment were super inconsistent. Sometimes the front door was situated to the left of the audience (the flashback to Sophia's 50th birthday party), and sometimes it was to the right (the flashback to Dorothy telling Sophia that Stan had knocked her up). When Dorothy and Sophia visit the apartment to jog Sophia's memory, the entrance is to the right of the audience, and the kitchen is to the left. 

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I don't remember it changing size so much as in the first episode and maybe the first couple, it was the way Blanche went to get to her bedroom... Out of the living room towards what became the way out to the lanai.

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Typically the show had issues with maintaining continuity between seasons. However, in the Mr. Terrific episode, the show fails to maintain continuity in the same episode. Throughout the episode, Mr. Terrific is portrayed by Bob Dishy. But, during the scene in which Mr. Terrific jumps off the building (while carrying Rose), there's a close up of Mr. Terrific swinging back and forth on cables and, if you look close, it's no longer Bob Dishy. The guy doesn't even look a little like Dishy, but is clearly much older. 

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Are we limited to continuity errors? How about bad editing? Through the years the episodes have been sliced and diced by different networks and each one makes their own cuts and sometimes they take out funny or relevant scenes.

My least favorite: During Moonlight Madness they cut the dialogue between Dorothy and Sophia in the kitchen discussing Dorothy's participation in scientific studies. Sophia mentions how no one -- no one -- can find the cheese in a maze faster than Dorothy. But the networks leave in the part with Rose entering the kitchen and asking "where's the cheese?" and Dorothy goes into a trance "right turn, left turn, must find the cheese..."

Why leave in the last bit without the set-up? Cut the whole thing or leave the whole thing in!

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Are we limited to continuity errors? How about bad editing? Through the years the episodes have been sliced and diced by different networks and each one makes their own cuts and sometimes they take out funny or relevant scenes.


I created a Syndication Edits thread here.

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How about all of Sophia's engagements/marriages?  Guido Spirelli, Augustine Bagatelli, Giuseppe Mangiacavallo, the brother she was briefly engaged to when they slept 8 to a bed, etc.  I always assumed she married Sal kind of young so I don't know how she would have crammed in all these other relationships unless it was a "The slut is dead, long live the slut," kind of situation.

In all of Sophia's histories, she seems to have come to the U.S. as a young adult. Yet in one of the flashback episodes, they gave her a plot line where she finds out at 48 that her age had been changed when she arrived in the country. She's upset because she is really 50. Couldn't that only happen to a child, and a young one at that? I know it's just a flashback, but couldn't the writers have come up with another reason for Sophia to be upset?


Also, in one episode, Sophia says that she married Sal in Sicily (they were matched up because they lined everyone up by height), but in the Guido Spirelli story line, they imply that she married Sal for love in the U.S. I believe Dorothy says this into the tape recorder--that Sophia left Guido, left Italy, and came to the U.S. alone, where she married Sal.

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Anyone else wonder why everything about Dorothy's background [age, ages of kids, how long she'd lived in Miami,etc.] changed EXCEPT that she'd been married to Stan for 38 years before he dumped her?

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This is a tiny, nitpicky thing, but that's probably why I noticed it because I live for minute details. Last night on Hallmark,. the episode where Al Beatty dies in Rose's bed was on, and I noticed something for the first time.Rose tells Dorothy and Blanche that she's going to give up men because she's afraid she'll kill someone else, and she says, "There are many women who live happily without men!" Blanche asks her to name one, and Rose says, "Olga Lundquist." Blanche says, "Who was that, some Swedish lesbian?" And yet in the episode where Dorothy's friend Jean comes to visit, Blanche (hilariously) acts as if she's never heard the word and has no idea what it means. "Well, I've never known any personally, but isn't Danny Thomas one?"

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Although she initially conflates it with Lebanese, Blanche knows what lesbian means in the Jean episode ("isn't that where one woman and another woman ...").


But, yeah, she's rather slow on the uptake there for someone who in an earlier episode had been quick with a lesbian joke.

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Dorothy's character seems to be the only one that has any consistency whatsoever. Her 38-year marriage to Stan and her two children (even though their ages don't make any sense) and her siblings, Phil and Gloria, never change throughout the series. Everyone else's children, grandchildren, parents and siblings are all over the place.

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Dorothy's character seems to be the only one that has any consistency whatsoever. Her 38-year marriage to Stan and her two children (even though their ages don't make any sense) and her siblings, Phil and Gloria, never change throughout the series. Everyone else's children, grandchildren, parents and siblings are all over the place.

That's assuming that you can ignore the fact that Dorothy's kids are about ten years too young for the ages they're supposed to be (Michael should be at least 38, since the reason Dorothy married Stan in the first place was that she was pregnant with Michael, and Kate should be around 36 or so).  


It's the one area where Casting really screwed up by hiring actors who were too young to play Michael and Kate, but my theory has always been that the reason they went with younger actors was that having a 38-year-old Michael with Peter Pan Syndrome would make him just another pathetic clone of Stan, so they made him about 28 instead, and Kate at 36 wouldn't be so quick to take her cheating husband back -- after all, she should have learned something from her parents' disaster of a marriage in order to avoid making the same mistake herself.  At 26, it would make sense (sort of) for her to keep the blinders on -- at 36, not so much.

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In the flashback episode where Blanche is considering selling the house, Rose mentioned how Blanche got her butt "whooped" the night of the dance marathon. Blanche was surprised and began, "how did you know..." implying that she and her gentleman friend (who she named but I can't remember) had engaged in some light BDSM.

Except Blanche's date that night had to run out when his wife showed up. Maybe she called someone from her B list?

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Rose had some errors in her past. When Blanche and Sophia were both seeing Fidel Santiago, Rose attended night class because she never graduated from high school, but then in another episode she said she was valedictorian of her high school, so she had to have graduated. Also she said she was in college cause she was part of the sorority the Alpha Yams, but she couldn't have possibly gotten into college if she never received her diploma.


Another thing was them always saying they're hard up for money, but yet had on them expensive clothes and jewelry.


Another thing stuck out to me is that they never found out Blanche's age, yet Blanche's relatives Clayton, Charmaine, and Virginia all showed up for a visit, they could have easily asked one of them, cause they would have known her accurate age.

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Another thing was them always saying they're hard up for money, but yet had on them expensive clothes and jewelry.


This one I let slide.  We know those tailor-made costumes cost the wardrobe department a pretty penny (thus Rue negotiating owernship of Blanche's in her contract), but they could pass for reasonably-priced daily clothing with the occasional splurge for a special occasion.  Similarly, much of the jewelry either was or could pass for costume, and they made a point of identifying special objects; it would make sense for each of them to have received a few more expensive pieces over the years from their husbands, children or treats to themselves.

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It's not only the clothes, when they had that leaky roof and either shell out a couple hundred for a patch job or $10K, yet they buy tickets for galas, they take a red eye flight to be on "Grab That Dough", all got on a flight so they can see Rose give a eulogy, Blanche & Sophia traveling from Miami all the way to Sicily and we even see Dorothy shell out $75 to stay in the lobby of the hotel. So I can't believe they're that hard up for money. Blanche even used her bonus at work to put Lillian in a new home instead of getting her breasts done. Blanche also grew up in a wealthy family since Big Daddy owned a really nice home and Blanche had nannies watch her children so she has had to have had some bucks in the bank but she had to rent out her home. Either she was a big spender or ran through her money pretty quickly on petty things, her attempted boob job being one and she was also ready to spend big bucks on getting her face lifted, tummy tucked, eyebrows raised, butt lifted, so WTF. Dorothy I can understand since she was a substitute teacher and Stan was just up and down with their finances throughout their marriage.


That episode with Frida Claxton, she was saying how she could see in both Blanche and Dorothy's rooms but with the layout of the house, I find that to be impossible since Frida lived across the street from them and the tree they wanted to save, they could see it right outside their front door.


In one of the episodes with Aunt Angela, Sophia said that she and Angela were the only ones left of the original family. Then what was their brother Angelo who came by for frequent visits?


Also when Blanche & Rose were part of the "Be a Pal" program for those two girls, Blanche told them to go to her room so they can see her apply her makeup but the two girls never asked which room it is. They didn't know which room was Blanche's. 


There was a mistake in how Blanche's husband died, at one point it was said that Blanche was getting a pedicure when he died and then in another episode Blanche said that she tripped over George's shoes and that's when she received a phone call that he died in an accident.

Also inconsistency in how she met George, in one episode she said they met at Christmas Eve and then in another episode they met at a high school dance.


Why didn't they ever explain Becky's rapid weight loss? She was a plus size woman with a verbally abusive boyfriend and then the next she's skinny. I'm wondering why they didn't just hire a plus size woman for the role if the original wasn't available.


It was amazing how Dorothy and Blanche got over their medical issues, Blanche with her pacemaker and Dorothy with her chronic fatigue syndrome. 


If Holly was a world renowned flautist and was there for a "business" reasons then why wasn't it mentioned that she was having a concert there. Since the girls do listen to that type of music, then why haven't they ever heard of Holly. You think one of them would say they know her music and all that.


Another bothersome thing was that Rose was upset with Holly for giving her the wrong directions to a restaurant where she was suppose to meet Holly, Blanche, and Dorothy. Rose has been living in Miami for years at this point, so I don't think that Rose would have a problem finding the location of whatever place they were eating at. Also when Blanche and Dorothy said that they only have 10 minutes to meet Holly at the movie theater, yet Holly was in the living room making out with Blanche's boyfriend Gary. So Holly had to be obviously late to meeting them and the girls didn't say anything about it. Also odd for Holly to be making out with Gary in the living room where any of the girls could have walked in on and seen it. Another thing was when Holly was caught with Gary, why was Holly shocked to see that Blanche was home, since Gary cancelled his plans with Blanche. Where else would she be. Holly was rather stupid.


That one episode where Dorothy came in the house and said it's raining cats and dogs, yet her raincoat was completely dry.


When Sophia tricked Dorothy into drinking orange juice that spilled on her, there was no wet spot on Dorothy's blouse. You can see that she was barely wiping her blouse with that paper towel.


Rose said that her and Charlie without fail throughout their entire marriage had sex, yet in another episode she said that she spent some nights alone because Charlie was a traveling salesman. Now either she and Charlie had sex every night or she was having an affair on him.


Blanche's middle name changed, in the episode where a photo of Charlie & Blanche in bed together, she had a journal that said B.E.D. which was her initials and stood for Blanche Elizabeth Deveraux but in the episode where Blanche's nanny came for the music box she called her Blanche Marie Hollingsworth.

For someone that felt so bad for not being a part of Rose's life, her father sure as hell never visited her after his stay in the hospital.


Why didn't Blanche's other children visited besides Becky, she had six in total - Janet, Biff, Doug, Skippy, & Matthew. Not all of Rose's either besides Kirsten & Bridget, we didn't see Gunilla, Adam, & Charlie Jr. We never got to meet Phil for Sophia, but we met all of Dorothy's children Michael and Kate.

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I can understand Dorothy not having a ton of money, having been married to Stan and hs get-rich quick schemes.   It was explained that Rose was tight on money due to Charlie's not saving, etc.  I'm not sure why Sophia was completely penniless, what did Sal do for a living?  Blanche owned the house and we are lead to beleive she came from a well-to-do family.  Other than Big Daddy wasting it all on the music career, I'm not sure why she had serious money issues either. 

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Another bothersome thing was that Rose was upset with Holly for giving her the wrong directions to a restaurant where she was suppose to meet Holly, Blanche, and Dorothy. Rose has been living in Miami for years at this point, so I don't think that Rose would have a problem finding the location of whatever place they were eating at.


Well, just because you've lived in a certain city for several years doesn't mean you know where everything is. I've lived in the same metropolitan area since I was five years old (except for the years I was away at college) and I don't know where anything is.


Why didn't Blanche's other children visited besides Becky, she had six in total - Janet, Biff, Doug, Skippy, & Matthew.


At least there was an in-story reason for why none of her kids ever seemed to visit: they didn't really like her. :) We did finally meet Matthew in an episode of The Golden Palace, though, and he was actually a CPA like Blanche mentioned he was in an earlier Girls episode. They should have had that bit of continuity bronzed and put in a museum.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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In one of the episodes with Aunt Angela, Sophia said that she and Angela were the only ones left of the original family. Then what was their brother Angelo who came by for frequent visits?


ShadowSixx, this isn't so much a continuity error as it is a cast change. Nancy Walker, who played Angela, had to leave the role due to ill health, and so the character was changed into Angelo, who was portrayed by Bill Dana. Ironically enough, Dana also played Sophia's father in the Valentine's day flashback episode, where she and Sal are taking a car trip with her dad.

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It's not only the clothes, when they had that leaky roof and either shell out a couple hundred for a patch job or $10K, yet they buy tickets for galas, they take a red eye flight to be on "Grab That Dough", all got on a flight so they can see Rose give a eulogy, Blanche & Sophia traveling from Miami all the way to Sicily and we even see Dorothy shell out $75 to stay in the lobby of the hotel.


Gotcha, but I only meant that I don't think the specific example of their clothing and jewelry is inconsistent with the recurring storylines about them being hard up for money.

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ShadowSixx, this isn't so much a continuity error as it is a cast change. Nancy Walker, who played Angela, had to leave the role due to ill health, and so the character was changed into Angelo, who was portrayed by Bill Dana. Ironically enough, Dana also played Sophia's father in the Valentine's day flashback episode, where she and Sal are taking a car trip with her dad.


That's even worse, if true, because it makes even less sense.  Sure, recast the role if necessary, but change the character's gender and backstory?  Even Bewitched didn't go that far when it recast Darrin after Dick York left due to health issues!

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Another odd thing was, why wasn't Gloria, Kate, Michael, or Stan at Phil's funeral? You think they would be there since it's their family member. Neither did Gloria, Kate, Michael, or Angelo appeared at Dorothy's marriage to Lucas nor did any of Blanche's family members, I think at least Clayton would be there.

At Big Daddy's funeral Charmaine or Clayton weren't there either. I tell ya their relatives really stink lol.


You know how Dorothy kept threatening to take Sophia back to Shady Pines, yet it burned down so did they ever rebuild it or why didn't Sophia counter with you can't take me there it's burned down. Would Dorothy let Sophia live in the ruins?


Rose says weddings make her hot, yet when Blanche was gonna get married in the pilot, Dorothy's wedding to Lucas, Dorothy's almost marriage to Stan, Sophia's marriage to Max, & Kate's marriage to Dennis she didn't get "hot" at all.


That episode where Dorothy is seeing Eddie who is "irresistible to women", how could that be when the girls met him in the beginning of the episode and didn't move a muscle and nonchalant towards him and it wasn't until the end of the episode where they all wanted to be with him.


Rose shot Blanche's vase, and we seen it in other episodes. Did Blanche buy a new one or did they glue it back together and if she did, did she find the piece Sophia hidden?


On Grab That Dough, Sophia said they "won zippo on the game show" but Blanche and Dorothy got an electric skillet and lifetime supply of soup and Rose and Sophia won $400 for their team which is $100 a piece, unless they just refused the gifts and prizes.


Also in that same episode Blanche says she's gonna soak in the tub and Rose says she is too and Blanche says they only have one tub. Doesn't Blanche have her own bathroom in her room?


Dorothy sent Sophia to go get a hearing aid, but found out that she needed one instead, but it was sort of always implied that Sophia already had a hearing aid, since when she turns it up she can hear a canary break wind in Ft. Lauderdale.


In the episode where "Trudy" died, she passed out on the court and went to the hospital. So Dorothy didn't go to the hospital to see if Trudy is really dead? A doctor can't tell her that Trudy is dead only for her not to be as a joke or prank.


When Blanche wanted to have all that plastic surgery Rose frowned upon it saying it's unnatural, yet when they were shipwrecked on that island Dorothy blurted out that Rose had a nose job. Also Dorothy didn't like hospitals as she didn't want her foot operated on, yet she mentioned she got her eyes done.


Another error is Dorothy and Stan's story, now according to her the most romantic thing that Stan did for her was when he proposed and he took her to an expensive restaurant and she swallowed her engagement ring, but other stories Dorothy said she was pregnant and her and Stan had a shotgun wedding as a result. If he took her to a restaurant, then she was drinking while she was pregnant.


That episode that starred George Clooney when Al yelled at Bobby that the exchange was going down, all the ladies came out at the same time fully awake, none of them looked sleepy. It was always amazing when they just got out of bed their hair and make up was perfectly intact. 


In the episode where they were talking about how they were making money and they started their own catering business. When they were prepping the food and singing the song, why were they putting the chickens in separately, they're not all gonna cook at the same time and each will take longer to cook.


When Rose was seeing Ernie and he was impotent but after their restaurant discussion and they have sex she tells the girls that it was wonderful then when he dumps her she says he was the worst lover she's ever had. Which one is it? Either it was wonderful or bad.


In the episode where Virginia needed a kidney, Blanche and Virginia were able to somewhat mend their relationship but when Big Daddy died and Blanche comes to visit Virginia is just very cold with her and says that Blanche is just a selfish person, but Blanche wasn't too selfish when Blanche was gonna give Virginia one of her kidneys.


Also I need help cause don't know much about farm life or chickens/roosters but when Dorothy said she was teaching a class and Rose said something about the 3 R's being Reading, Writing, and Rooster Insemination. I thought you can't inseminate a rooster because they're males and you can only inseminate chickens.


When Blanche and Rose danced in front of Dorothy in her hospital room going by the name "The Two Merry Widows" where did the music come from? Was the music for our benefit and Rose and Blanche were just dancing in front of Dorothy and Sophia with no music or what?


When Blanche's niece Lucy walks out on Blanche and goes to Ed's house, how did the girls know where Ed lived since Lucy just met him at the airport? Ed mentioned which complex he stayed at but not which apartment he lived in.


In 'Larceny & Old Lace' Blanche said she found Rose's diary on the dining room table. What dining room table? The girls don't have a dining room..


When Blanche and Sophia are conned with the "Pigeon Drop" scam, Sophia said that they should go to Dorothy's bank since Dorothy lets her draw out of the account all the time. I find that a little hard to believe since Dorothy is always giving Sophia an allowance and very strict with her money to let Sophia just go to the bank by herself and draw out money, Dorothy would be flat out broke.


When they're robbed and Blanche goes to look for her jewelry in the flour and Dorothy asks her why she hides it there and that burglars check the flour and freezer, so wondering why Blanche didn't go check the freezer and also it seems that a couple of days or weeks pass since they were robbed and you mean to tell me that not at least once none of them opened the freezer to cook meat for dinner or get something to eat like ice cream.


When the girls have that cold snap and they all huddle in Sophia's bed, Blanche said her bed is not cold on a Saturday night. Dorothy gets frustrated and tells everyone to be quiet because she has work early in the morning which would be on Sunday and her being a substitute teacher, don't think she would be working on a Sunday.


When Dorothy fainted after hearing Max and Sophia were gonna get married, Rose says that she never fainted before, but she fainted when she heard that Blanche was possibly pregnant.


In the episode "The Operation" Blanche was telling Dorothy that she had a fear of flying but how can that be when she was on Richard's private plane and told a story about having sex on a 747


When Rose has to give a eulogy and Rose and Dorothy reminisce about admitting to each other about how Charlie and Stan were the only men they slept with. Don't see how that could be when Dorothy slept with that married guy Glen and other previous relationships.


In 'Charlie's Buddy' Buddy said that Charlie always looked at a photo of Rose and he looked at it to, yet when he first arrived at the house he thought Sophia was Rose.


Sophia was in an arranged marriage with Guido that she walked in on before meeting Salvador before coming to America but she also said that her marriage to Salvador was arranged and she had to stand on a rock to get him since Sicily arranged marriage by height.


Also in that episode where the roof was leaking, why did Rose and Dorothy felt the need to chip in since they were paying Blanche rent. It was really up to Blanche to get it fixed since she was their landlord.


I need to stop now lol

Edited by ShadowSixx
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When Blanche and Rose danced in front of Dorothy in her hospital room going by the name "The Two Merry Widows" where did the music come from? Was the music for our benefit and Rose and Blanche were just dancing in front of Dorothy and Sophia with no music or what?

Ooh, I can possibly answer one!  I think Blanche had a small radio/tape player on the empty bed next to Dorothy's, but I'm not positive.


The rest is all just a mystery worthy of the Maltese Falcon Club.

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I think (but may be remembering wrong) another story about how Sophia married Sal was that the most beautiful girl in the village left town and all the boys followed her and that's how Sophia got stuck with Sal.

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A lot of discrepancies were raised in that "airing of secrets" on the stranded island.

Blanche mentions that she overhead Dorothy gossiping about Blanche getting her tubes tied. So why did Blanche immediately assume she was pregnant when she was late?

Over 50 and she had her tubes tied? No wonder Rose fainted at the supposed pregnancy.

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If he took her to a restaurant, then she was drinking while she was pregnant.

I gather that you're young. Mothers drank and smoke during their pregnancies, probably into at least the 1980s.



Doesn't Blanche have her own bathroom in her room?

She probably does; she just doesn't have a bathtub.


I applaud you for all that you've noticed. I watched the show from the very beginning and hardly noticed any inconsistencies. One thing I always noticed was the exclamation point in the wood on the inside of the front door. I always wondered if there was some meaning to it.

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. One thing I always noticed was the exclamation point in the wood on the inside of the front door. I always wondered if there was some meaning to it.

I read something somewhere taht said Bea Authur did the exclaimation point for good luck and that there were others on the set.  I'm not sure how true this is.

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I also noticed the "exclamation point" as a kid and was convinced it held some meaning. As I grew up, I kind of just chalked it up to just the nature of the wood the door was made out of. For some reason, I can't see Bea Arthur standing there chiseling something out of a door on set. 

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