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S07.E15: Don't Be All, Like, Uncool

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Don't forget to mention that you are a victim of that shaming, then pull your best Eileen Davidson "How dare you!"

I am a victim!  (working up the tears right after my best Eileen impression)

Onions, I need onions, dammit!


How DARE you!  ....one lonely teardrop trickles down my unBotoxed cheeks and lands squarely on my unRamoanered bewbies (then in my fantasy, Daniel Craig or Andy Garcia or Denzel comes and licks it off)

  • Love 4

When Luann was putting the feathers on her pair of jeans, I was hoping she'd say, "I'm using feathers because I'm an Indian" and look directly at Carole.

Didn't Sonja use the feathers? LuAnn did a crown with her logo in it.


That's because Dorinda has done her little meltdown routine more than once.  I think Bethany was there to witness at least one of them.

In her blog, Bethenny calls out Dorinda not only on her swearing but also on her drinking and crazy drunk behavior, she uses words like "paranoid" to describe how Dorinda gets and YES, she said she has witnessed it and that despite Dorinda's claim that she stops drinking before the other HWs do, Bethenny says that is NOT true! LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 5

LOL. I enjoyed every minute of the show, from Heather and Carole's accosting of Dorinda in the hall, to Heather's over the top crying about what could of happened, to Ramona's passing the baton to Lu, to the barging in Luann's room and Luann's TH about she could of been swinging on a chandelier, to the separate little arguments at the jeans party and finally the look on Kristin's face when Beth finished telling her about her quote to the papers. Loved it all.


I laughed too...I was confused by the scene though.

Here is Dorinda in that Esther Williams outfit that was giving her a constant wedgie...was this her sleepwear or her bathing suit?

She starts talking about how her contacts aren't even in....and then she is on the floor unzpping and rezipping a piece of luggage....what the heck was she doing without her contacts in? Is she packing, taking new clothes for the day out?

  • Love 4

I laughed too...I was confused by the scene though.

Here is Dorinda in that Esther Williams outfit that was giving her a constant wedgie...was this her sleepwear or her bathing suit?

She starts talking about how her contacts aren't even in....and then she is on the floor unzpping and rezipping a piece of luggage....what the heck was she doing without her contacts in? Is she packing, taking new clothes for the day out?

It was their last day there, so maybe she was going for an early-morning swim after putting her luggage out. I don't remember seeing much of her after that.

  • Love 2

Sonja missed the point. If one of Avery's friends or one of Victoria's friends had done this, Ramona and LuAnn would have been more concerned.



I totally agree!  I think they would be livid and would read those friends the riot act.  At the point where LuAnn said that she wouldn't be bothered by a naked man in the next room to Heather, I think she was just so pissed off at Heather that she wanted to piss Heather off more.  I don't think LuAnn would truly disagree that Romona was wrong for letting the sleeping dick have access to the whole house, but she wasn't about to agree with Heather at that moment and let her off the hook.  A lot of egos were at play at that moment in my opinion.  Nobody wanted to be the first to back down.

Edited by swankie
  • Love 7

I wonder how the producer knew? My guess is the guys wouldn't sign a release and maybe gave that as the reason they didn't want to be filmed. But I also don't think Lu would care one way or the other. I love the contradiction of the Countess and wild Luanne. She's like a schoolteacher who is secretly a dominatrix at night. It's incredible.


I'm thinking they were filmed...but then wouldn't sign the release and legally Bravo could not use the footage.


I am not understanding why both parties can't be wrong.  Wrong to bring the guys aboard without a heads up and wrong to overreact.   



This is exactly how I feel and was also said in the Vulture recap - there was enough both right and wrong to go around. Except for Ramona, who was just straight out wrong. But, I guess that doesn't matter. Just because I had a problem with the way Heather handled things, doesn't mean that I don't understand why she was upset or scared in the first place.

  • Love 7

I think Bethy and Heather are more alike in so many ways.  It seems to me no coincidence that both of them have Carole as a very close friend.  Both somewhat bossy and know-it-all.  Ifr Carole is Heather's puppet, maybe she acts as puppet for Bethy, also.

When Bethy told Kristen not to talk about her in the press.  I would have stepped back and asked her to hand me the court order or get the heck off of my 1st Amendment right to tak with whom I please.  If she wants me to do something, she can ask, not tell.  When she told Kristen that was what she needed to do in order to be a friend, I would have told her, OK, now here is my list of things you need to do.   Bethy bulldozes.  A trait many say applies to Heather, also. As it is, it was nice to see a picture of Kristen and Bethy at Bryns lemonade stand, I assume in the Hamptons over July 4th.

Kristen holds no interest to me but I think Bethy treating her like an employee shows her bossy/dominant side in a bad light.

Heather might want to learn to not have to be the solution to everyone's problems.  Let them stew, get in trouble, leave the boozy hags alone, for goodness' sakes.  Save your caring for women you truly like.

  • Love 5

Tearing around the house.  Barging into rooms. Crying. Throwing back curtains.  Interrogation before 10a.m.  Wild, wild gesticulation. More crying.  "I come down here on a nice trip with my friends and you bring a stranger that you don't even know and you've been drinking and your judgment's impaired and you let them sleep right across from me and Carole...and...and...." More crying = hysterics.


I had to watch that scene again to see if Carole was asking most of the questions.  Not so much.  Heather is totally leading the charge.  And Carole is following (per usual).  By the time they hit Lu's room, they might as well be synchronized swimming for as much as Carole is repeating and gesticulating exactly like Heather.  Hilarious. That part, in Lu's room is now my all time favorite example of how far Carole is up Heather's butt.

What I don't understand is Carole & Heather's logic...that if they found Ramona in bed with the dude...then that would have been okay. No it doesn't, if the guy was up to no good and banged Ramona...he could have waited till she fell asleep to roam around. He could wander into the Jack & Jill bathroom to take a leak...and see some valuables, such as a watch or jewelry Carole and Heather may have taken off and left in the bathroom, seizing an opportunity to swipe some stuff. What if Carole or Heather walked into the bathroom and caught him red handed? He could have beat the crap out of either one and tied them up. Let's say they didn't catch him in the act, he stuffed the valuables in his clothing and got back into bed with Ramona. Heather and Carole walk in to see Ramona and naked dude in bed. Does this mean since it is okay, they wouldn't have checked then and there to see if any of their belongings were missing?

  • Love 5


What I don't understand is Carole & Heather's logic...that if they found Ramona in bed with the dude...then that would have been okay.

Perhaps they were using horror movie logic.  If Ramona is in bed with him, then clearly he would attack her first since she had sex leaving Heather and Carol enough time to scream, run into the room where the danger is, trip trying to run out and barely have enough time to barricade themselves in a room with no exit until the house manager arrives with a machete to save them because he secretly knows that the estate has bad juju.

  • Love 9

Heather was tweeted a question about production staying at the house after filming/at night.

Her reply tweet was this......

"Heather Thomson ‏@iamHeatherT  · 11h11 hours ago 
@harrietdavid68 nor do they stay in the house with us - we were alone - just the cast oh & a total stranger they couldn't even name. #lame"


So the production/film crew did not stay at the house. The HWs were alone.

  • Love 8

Perhaps they were using horror movie logic.  If Ramona is in bed with him, then clearly he would attack her first since she had sex leaving Heather and Carol enough time to scream, run into the room where the danger is, trip trying to run out and barely have enough time to barricade themselves in a room with no exit until the house manager arrives with a machete to save them because he secretly knows that the estate has bad juju.

Make it a chainsaw and I will make the popcorn lol

  • Love 4

Years ago I shared a house with another woman and three men.  The woman was very sweet and somewhat naïve.  She had only recently moved to SF from Kauai.  She went out to a club.  She did not have enough money left to get a cab home.  There was no late night bus service to our home on top of Mt. Sutro – a heck of a climb in or out of heels.  So she asked a guy she had been dancing with to give her a ride.  He drove her home.  He asked to use the bathroom, so she invited him in.  They talked for a while and he tried to get her to sleep with him.  She chose not to.  However, he claimed he was too drunk to drive home. She let him sleep on the couch.  At about 4:00 in the morning I awoke to find him in my bed with me.  He was wearing only underwear, and he was trying to spoon me.  He was also erect.  I kicked him out.  He was surprised; he had entered the wrong bedroom.  The discussion with my roommate the next day included the following:  it’s okay to bring someone home but they are your responsibility; if he was too drunk to drive home, he was too drunk to drive you home – don’t accept rides from drunks; if anyone is ever trying to force you into something and I’m here, come get me or call for me – I got your back; do not let strangers sleep on the couch (for her this had been common at home; however, they always at least had friends in common; she lived in a small community); always have an exit strategy/money to get home on your own. I know this did not happen to Heather, but I can understand her concerns and why she was mad.  She had no reason to believe Ramona would bring someone upstairs.  Simple honesty, accountability and a sincere apology could have alleviated much of this.  Of course, this is RHONY; these people couldn’t take the sane choice.  Where’s the fun in that?  Any of the ruckus days after the fact comes down to the various housewives either trying to put a better spin on things or, as always, amp up their camera time. 


Going way back in the thread, if Luann’s number is 69 and Ramona’s is 666, then, according to the pirate, Sonja’s is 71.

  • Love 12
LuLu was nicer than I would have been because I would have cussed Heather all of the way out.  In fact, the other HWs should have had a meeting and told Heather and Carole that they didn't feel safe with them in the house because they can't respect anybody's privacy and asked them to leave


This is a fabulous point. I would feel much safer around any man, naked or clothed, than around Heather. She would pick me apart in seconds if I don't meet her standards. Does she talk to her husband like that? I remember a long time ago seeing a scene with her and her family at at restaurant, and it seemed like she had no control over her kids and did not seem to enjoy one second of the dinner. She was beyond frustrated. It seemed as though she spent very little time with them, probably because she can't stand not having people do what she wants immediately. Maybe she will be a better mom when the kids are older. 

  • Love 4


I would still be pretty pissed off if someone barged into my room without permission, waking me up from sleep and started accusing me of something I didn't do.  LuLu was nicer than I would have been because I would have cussed Heather all of the way out.


Heather was ridiculous.


Do I think Luann and Ramona should perhaps not drag guys to a house all the wives are sharing? Well sure that wasn't a great move, but things happen on vacation and when people are drinking and having a good time.


The rest of Heather, Carole and Kristen judging Luann because she didn't know the guys name or that he was married? Shut up. None of their business at all. Besides, Luann sent her 'date' home. She didn't let the guy stay over - Ramona did! Why does Luann have to be attacked by Heather and put up with that stuff when she didn't let someone stay?


Plus, Heather kept saying the naked guy was in her room. Ummm no he wasn't. Grow up.


I don't believe a one night stand is that shocking to any of these women. And really if the guy was in bed with Ramona then it would have been different? How exactly?

  • Love 9

I  continue to have several problems with the Heather/Carole tirade-- yeah, that horse just got a shot of epi to the heart....  


The last beach vacation these women took together included the Night of the Pirate-- in fact, since he nailed both Lu and Sonya, it was Two Nights of the Pirate.  He was in their house at night--no telling where he went or what he did. No way to know if he was escorted to the door or wandered around and left at the break of day, as Pirates do (I'm guessing....). No way to know if he took a peek at the loveliness that is Heather while she slept. All of those dirty-minded acts that Heather imagines and possible thefts of her property-- the Pirate could have done it all. Twice.


No question that he was a hook up-- I'm not sure anyone knew his full name or his story.


Kinda like Naked Guy...


So, where was all of the terror and horror over the Pirate?   I don't recall any discussion whatsoever about the danger posed to the other women by the Pirate's visits to the home, and no accusations made against the two housemates who entertained him.   If anything, the women-- Carole, especially-- were all snicker-y and snarky about it. Where was all the fear and anger when they learned the Pirate was in the house while they were asleep?  I am not buying the idea that they were safe as long as the Pirate was occupied (ahem) with Lu or Sonja.  Lots of alcohol involved, the hosts may fall asleep, and you know a Pirate is always going to be in search of treasure....


Have to admit, Heather and Carol's reaction to the Pirate was not fearful in the least.  


But if we choose to believe a random guy in the house is a terrifying event for Heather and Carole, why didn't they settle on some house rules about hook-ups before the trip?  After all, they had to know Lu was gonna get some if the opportunity presented itself (and I LOVE that about her).  


Here's why--  Naked Guy  was really nothing more than chance for camera- hog Heather to get attention and plant her flag on that Higher Ground of Superior Morals and Values where she alone lives. Carole-- just a flunky- follower.


I hope Naked Guy DID do something in Heather and Carol's bathroom.  I hope he used Carole's Lady Schick to man-scape his nether regions, peed in their toilet and left the seat up, and blew his nose in Heather's towel.

  • Love 9

Maybe it's me, I was raised in a sheltered conservative environment.....

I don't see how there is any defense for the sheer irresponsibility of what LuAnn and Ramona did, by bringing guys they didn't know back to the house. PERIOD.

If they want to sleep with a guy they don't know -- that they just pick up somewhere, fine (although I do have opinions about that) --BUT don't bring him back to the house where the other women are...putting THEM in danger as well -- is soo beyond not OK. They can put their lives at risk all they want -- NOT someone else's. Heather and Carole were absolutely correct. And I'd also wake Ramona and LuAnn up -- with a "get the fuck up right now." Ohhhh I'd have some words for them alright.  And just because the men didn't get in the wrong bed or try something with the other women...that makes it OK? Wow.

  • Love 14



I am not understanding why both parties can't be wrong.  Wrong to bring the guys aboard without a heads up and wrong to overreact.   


I agree both parties can be wrong.

I felt that way with KimR and LisaR.  Kim was 100% wrong to be vile and Lisa was 100% wrong smashing a glass and reaching for Kim.

I think I tend to understand one side and not the other.

For Kim she was just plain mean, for Lisa she was reacting to meanness (albeit in a very bad way)


For Ramoaner, she was 200% wrong to allow a stranger in the house with sleeping, vulnerable women.  Loo was 100% wrong in dismissing another HW's fear.  Heather went OTT 100%, yeah. 

I just understand a 100% OTT reaction rather than a 100% wrong action.

I would prefer to have someone go OTT than deal with the situation had it ended very badly.  One is over in a short time period, the other, maybe never. 

I guess, for me, an OTT reaction is miniscule in comparison to a possible horrific ending.

If after the flight, a passenger on a plane found out that the pilot had been drunk, I would understand if that passenger had an OTT reaction.  It ends.  Crashes are forever most times.

We don't always agree but I like that we can have a calm, respectful debate.  Thanks!

Edited by Crikey
  • Love 6

Loo said her T&C man kept his marriage vows.

Like  Clinton, maybe Loo "....did not have sexual relations with that....." man.

I believe ya, Loo, just like with Clinton.

If LuAnn didn't have sex with her guy, IMO, she would have said so during the episode in T&C or at Kristen's bedazzle party and not wait until she wrote her blog! IMO, she is doing some spin/damage control! LOL

  • Love 7

OK. We're unlocking the topic, but you all need to remember that you should treat this forum (and the whole site) as if you are all guests to a dinner party (and not a RH dinner party! PLEASE) and remember that it's totally "cool" to disagree but it's totally "uncool" to be a dick about it. So please be cool. It's what the Countess would want, and more importantly if you can't we will have to lock this bad boy up again. Nobody wants that! 

  • Love 2

I always get to locked threads late wondering what the heck I missed. Bill Cosby? Damn me for looking away for a moment!


You see me defibrillating my horse?  Damn yall.


Speaks to my core.  So my clutch your pearls story isn't nearly as traumatizing as what has already been shared.  But here goes.  ...    I'd gone 10 years without a break in.  Four days after installing a new (and better) system, I came face to face with my home intruder.  Probabilities are for gamblers, possibilities are everything.

Kristin "O" face through the entire thing. Wooowww. *shivers*


In case you missed it, here's the Previously.TV post on the episode!


Turds And Chaos, Part Quatre: Nude Dudes Are Cool With The Countess / When Heather freaks out over the presence of a naked gentleman caller, LuAnn rises to the occasion and gives us all a lesson in being a boss.


This made the review a skip, not miss. The lesson?  " 'Class with the Countess' " Part Deux: Forget everything I ever said in Part I."


So disappointed to see disdain for one's friends/co-workers personal safety given a virtual high five and applauded as cool. I worry younger girls who aren't secure in their right to say "um, NO. Take that trade elsewhere," won't speak up now in the face of some dangerous liaisons lest they appear "uncool."

Yes, and naked shaming is wrong.


Honestly, I've been catching up with the posts and increasingly think that this cannot all be serious. I've read where the U.S. and world is safe and Heather is wrong to be so insecure about her safety as to not want a random naked guy that she has never met in her suite. I wonder if she would be paranoid if he was sleeping like this in her home? In a different part of her house entirely, not connected by a bathroom but still unaware of to her. I guess she would be silly to give two shits since crime has all but been eradicated and anyone who looks over their shoulder must be a loon. God to know.

I've learned that it would be wrong to put any kind of judgement on Ramona or Lu for fucking a guy they just met. And by any kind of judgement I mean asking if they knew the guys name. It is not ok to say that this means anything at all about them, but it is fine to say that Heather is strange/wrong/crazy for sleeping naked with Carole.

I've learned that Heather's reaction was an overreaction, and that it might have been delayed more than would be appropriate (whatever that means). Lu's reaction, which was days later, way after anyone barged into her room, was to end her friendship with Carole and Heather, tweet mean things about them, accuse them on WWHL of taking things from her Hamptons home without asking, and just generally questioning their ethics. Seems like Lu overreacted much more than Heather and Carole did.

It is just all so strange to me.



Can't even add to this.


On a more uplifting note ... Kristin kind of got overlooked in the face of Sonja's quips but she was giving Ramona the business at the jeans party - "Why aren't you in there? Doesn't this all have to do with you?" Hahahaha...

  • Love 13

I feel like the girl at Thanksgiving who just let everybody have it.  I'm scared to move a muscle.  lol!


I did that once, not during Thanksgiving, just a normal dysfunctional family dinner.  I spent the morning cooking then all the in-laws came over, and as usual, started yelling at each other and I yelled and told them to take their crap to their own homes and leave me and mine in peace.  I walked out the door and took 10 minutes to myself.  When I came back in my house, they were falling all over themselves being kind and respectful to each other.  It was priceless.  I had never gone OTT before.  Makes me smile, remembering it. 

BTW they are now my ex in laws lol  Maybe that is why I give Heather a pass for her OTT reaction,  Ramoaner has a lot in common with my ex MIL.

Edited by Crikey
  • Love 4

I always get to locked threads late wondering what the heck I missed. Bill Cosby? Damn me for looking away for a moment!

Kristin "O" face through the entire thing. Wooowww. *shivers*

This made the review a skip, not miss. The lesson? " 'Class with the Countess' " Part Deux: Forget everything I ever said in Part I."

So disappointed to see disdain for one's friends/co-workers personal safety given a virtual high five and applauded as cool. I worry younger girls who aren't secure in their right to say "um, NO. Take that trade elsewhere," won't speak up now in the face of some dangerous liaisons lest they appear "uncool."

Can't even add to this.

On a more uplifting note ... Kristin kind of got overlooked in the face of Sonja's quips but she was giving Ramona the business at the jeans party - "Why aren't you in there? Doesn't this all have to do with you?" Hahahaha...

Spot on!

Definitely a skip for me.

Kristen was right absolutely correct lol that twitchy turtle was the to blame for the whole thing.

I loved Kristen and Sonja calling out Ramona.

  • Love 7

I feel like the girl at Thanksgiving who just let everybody have it.  I'm scared to move a muscle.  lol!


That's what family's all about, girl. It's all good, pass the potatoes.


On a more uplifting note ... Kristin kind of got overlooked in the face of Sonja's quips but she was giving Ramona the business at the jeans party - "Why aren't you in there? Doesn't this all have to do with you?" Hahahaha...


You're right, I forgot about that! Good moment for her.

  • Love 4

So on to important matters, judging people by their looks!:

I may find Heather to be extremely annoying, but damn does that girl have a body. A love a muscular, long swimmers body like she has. I'm short and curvy myself so I always envy that surfer girl figure. I also generally like her clothes. She is pretty good at tweeking her personal taste to fit the occasion. She looked good wandering around T&C in her hippie island gear and then once we're back in NYC it's back to tailored city girl stuff. She good at hitting the mark without looking costume-y (which IMO is a life skill every adult should learn) Ramona and Sonjia just looked silly to be at a beach bar in tight shiny cocktail dresses. And Carole always manages to look silly. Home girl can not wear clothes, they always wear her. Luanne is ever a goddess. Bethanny looked good. I honestly don't think she loves clothes like I think Heather does so she generally keeps it on-trend and pretty simple. Usually works for her and the Miami girl in her has a tropical vacation thing down pat. Kristen looks good, but the giant necklaces looked weird at the beach.

  • Love 8


I did that once, not during Thanksgiving, just a normal dysfunctional family dinner.  I spent the morning cooking then all the in-laws came over, and as usual, started yelling at each other and I yelled and told them to take their crap to their own homes and leave me and mine in peace.  I walked out the door and took 10 minutes to myself.  When I came back in my house, they were falling all over themselves being kind and respectful to each other.  It was priceless.  I had never gone OTT before.  Makes me smile, remembering it. 

BTW they are now my ex in laws lol  Maybe that is why I give Heather a pass for her OTT reaction,  Ramoaner has a lot in common with my ex MIL.


This phrase makes me smile on the inside.    Lol! I want to lightweight give them retroactive credit for the quick recovery. When the quiet one loses her shit, it's about to be a problem.


That's what family's all about, girl. It's all good, pass the potatoes.


Lol. Well since we're kin, I'm gonna need you to change your screenname to TheOnlyKate.  :D


'kitty, actually, everybody, can you please visit the nyc meetups thread, we're trying (in the most raggedy manner possible) to put together a brunch in new york damn city on a weekend.  It doesn't sound hard, right?

  • Love 1

On a more uplifting note ... Kristin kind of got overlooked in the face of Sonja's quips but she was giving Ramona the business at the jeans party - "Why aren't you in there? Doesn't this all have to do with you?" Hahahaha...

If Kristen could bring it a little more...between that and her background artistry (everything is shocking!) she'd probably be my favorite.  Girl was zeroed in on Ramona as the source, and it was amazing.  


I think all the HW's look pretty fabulous.  Except for when Ramona does that weird thing with her butt...and when she walks, because she's utterly lacking in grace, in my opinion.


Is it weird that I'm over "don't be uncool?"  It just landed (formally) and I'm ready for the next catchphrase.

  • Love 4

'kitty, actually, everybody, can you please visit the nyc meetups thread, we're trying (in the most raggedy manner possible) to put together a brunch in new york damn city on a weekend.  It doesn't sound hard, right?


Headed over!


All snark aside, I kind of feel like the NYC Ho'Ws here - we can go at it with vigor, but still come out able to work together and even share an LOL when all is said and done. And even if I don't love any (or most) of them individually, I think as a group, they all work. I would really want to see everyone come back. (Okay I don't care if they dump Dorinda, 'cause she was just one Housewife too many.) Just balance it out a little more.

Edited by SnarkKitty
  • Love 3


So disappointed to see disdain for one's friends/co-workers personal safety given a virtual high five and applauded as cool. I worry younger girls who aren't secure in their right to say "um, NO. Take that trade elsewhere," won't speak up now in the face of some dangerous liaisons lest they appear "uncool."



SK, the way you just threw something so perfect out there was everything.

  • Love 8

Heather was tweeted a question about production staying at the house after filming/at night.

Her reply tweet was this......

"Heather Thomson ‏@iamHeatherT · 11h11 hours ago

@harrietdavid68 nor do they stay in the house with us - we were alone - just the cast oh & a total stranger they couldn't even name. #lame"

So the production/film crew did not stay at the house. The HWs were alone.

Alistier the House Manager was there to witness the make out session on the deck, and Ramona escorting the (not yet) naked guy upstairs to sleep, and he was there when the ladies woke up in the morning.

"We were alone" with a total stranger.

Mmmmmhmmmm. Sure thing, Heather "I just saw a naked man in my BED!" Thomson.

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 6

Alistier the House Manager was there to witness the make out session on the deck, and Ramona escorting the (not yet) naked guy upstairs to sleep, and he was there when the ladies woke up in the morning.

"We were alone" with a total stranger.

Mmmmmhmmmm. Sure thing, Heather "I just saw a naked man in my BED!" Thomson.

To me that doesn't prove Alister was there all night.  What time did Ro bring the man up to the room?  According to the house website, there is no live in staff.  Plenty of people sometimes have to work very late and then be expected to be back in the morning. 

  • Love 9

I feel like the girl at Thanksgiving who just let everybody have it.  I'm scared to move a muscle.  lol!


Bwahaha! Girl...


So on to important matters, judging people by their looks!:

I may find Heather to be extremely annoying, but damn does that girl have a body. A love a muscular, long swimmers body like she has. I'm short and curvy myself so I always envy that surfer girl figure. I also generally like her clothes. She is pretty good at tweeking her personal taste to fit the occasion. She looked good wandering around T&C in her hippie island gear and then once we're back in NYC it's back to tailored city girl stuff. She good at hitting the mark without looking costume-y (which IMO is a life skill every adult should learn) Ramona and Sonjia just looked silly to be at a beach bar in tight shiny cocktail dresses. And Carole always manages to look silly. Home girl can not wear clothes, they always wear her. Luanne is ever a goddess. Bethanny looked good. I honestly don't think she loves clothes like I think Heather does so she generally keeps it on-trend and pretty simple. Usually works for her and the Miami girl in her has a tropical vacation thing down pat. Kristen looks good, but the giant necklaces looked weird at the beach.


I saw some pictures from when she was on WWHL this week, and I'm envious of her legs. I don't know how tall she is (LuAnn seemed a smidge taller when they were standing side by side in the kitchen), but she's got legs for days. I'm 5'6" (I was about to say "only" but I read somewhere that the average American woman is 5'4", so I shouldn't complain too much) and I've been working dilligently on my legs for years (barre class and other dance. Plus I take public transportation to work, so I'm walking five days a week), but what I wouldn't give for just two more inches of height. 

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 3

Alistier the House Manager was there to witness the make out session on the deck, and Ramona escorting the (not yet) naked guy upstairs to sleep, and he was there when the ladies woke up in the morning.

"We were alone" with a total stranger.

Mmmmmhmmmm. Sure thing, Heather "I just saw a naked man in my BED!" Thomson.

I'm not so sure. The Villa site mentions "nearby concierge service" not on site nor do they mention 24 hour on site staff. I do think there was enough time for the house manager to go home and sleep before returning to the house when filming began once again.


As for Heathers "my room" and 'my bed" comment, I am embarrassed to say, I have been guilty of the same thing when I am that upset. I shake, stutter and get facts and or words confused/mixed up. It is not that I am lying but more to the fact that I am not thinking before I say things because I am not being heard and my emotions take over, so I give her a pass just as I would others in the same circumstances! LOL Now LuAnn doing a 180 days after returning to NY, NO pass because my gut tells me she did this only to secure her apple for next season and nothing more and I think Dorinda tagged along with LuAnn to secure hers. LOL 

  • Love 5

I will never forget the camera shot of the naked man's juice. Priceless.


There was an unattended glass of NekkidManJuice?!?!?!?!


Quelle horreur!


Left to its own devices, it could have attracted every fruit fly in T&C, causing an infestation in the villa.

Dorinda Magoo without her contacts in would have been swarmed. Of course, they would all converge on the worms on her lip.


Did it leave a ring of water on the wooden table in the living room?

Where was the butler/houseboy/hair dryer and shoe put awayer Ramona had to take this away?

  • Love 3

To me that doesn't prove Alister was there all night. What time did Ro bring the man up to the room? According to the house website, there is no live in staff. Plenty of people sometimes have to work very late and then be expected to be back in the morning.

Heather has demonstrated a willingness to stretch the truth at best "a bunch of guys" and lie at worst "I just saw a naked man in my bed" to portray the events in a more dramatic and over the top fashion, I'm assuming to justify her dramatic and over the top reaction.

Given what was shown in the episode, I'm giving her dramatic "we were alone" with a total stranger the cyanide. Huge grains of salt. Epic.

As for Heathers "my room" and 'my bed" comment, I am embarrassed to say, I have been guilty of the same thing when I am that upset. I shake, stutter and get facts and or words confused/mixed up. It is not that I am lying but more to the fact that I am not thinking before I say things because I am not being heard and my emotions take over, so I give her a pass just as I would others in the same circumstances! LOL Now LuAnn doing a 180 days after returning to NY, NO pass because my gut tells me she did this only to secure her apple for next season and nothing more and I think Dorinda tagged along with LuAnn to secure hers. LOL

The naked man "in my my bed" comment was to LuAnn at the jeans decorating party. No shaking, not upset, and the same amount of time that LuAnn had to get her story straight. Edited by shoegal
  • Love 5

Heather has demonstrated a willingness to stretch the truth at best "a bunch of guys" and lie at worst "I just saw a naked man in my bed" to portray the events in a more dramatic and over the top fashion, I'm assuming to justify her dramatic and over the top reaction.

Given what was shown in the episode, I'm giving her dramatic "we were alone" with a total stranger the huge cyanide. Huge grains of salt. Epic.

The naked man "in my my bed" comment was to LuAnn at the jeans decorating party. No shaking, not upset, and the same amount of time that LuAnn had to get her story straight.

Just like LuAnn's 180* change after talking things over with Dorinda.............Stories are ever changing with these women. IMO, Heather's was not premeditated and was based on something that scared her her, LuAnn's came about after getting advice from the "pure one". LOL

Edited by WireWrap
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I did some research and found the guy's name  Jock McCock.  He was in T&C for the McCock clan reunion.  Apparently there was plenty of McCock to go around.  He woke to find a blue ribbon tied around his prized possession (anyone know the song?).  The last line is "Lad, I don't know where ya've been but I see you won first prize!"



Aha...Sherlock Crikey...we are close to solving the case of who the Nekkid dude hooked up with


Was it a Ramona Blue ribbon? If yes, he hooked up with the Noodle


Was it a blue curtain with chandelier pendants attached? If yes, then Luanne left a statement necklace behind as her calling card



  • Love 2

I think LuAnn is on vacation in Greece (?)....she's probably to busy getting laid to monitor Heather's Twitter.


She was in Spain but is back in NYC. No doubt that she was looking in all the bars and alley's for her next conquest though! BUT, that said, I also think she monitors Heather's/Carole's tweets and or has Dorinda do it for her. Dorinda does respond to tweets Heather makes even though they were not made to her, while Heather, on the other had doesn't seem to watch theirs unless someone following her sends/retweets something they tweeted to her. LOL Got to love/hate twitter battles between HWs! LOL

  • Love 4

To me that doesn't prove Alister was there all night.  What time did Ro bring the man up to the room?  According to the house website, there is no live in staff.  Plenty of people sometimes have to work very late and then be expected to be back in the morning.

Now that I think about it, what is Alisteir's "job" exactly? To watch the housewives? But only while they are awake? He goes home when they go to bed and comes back when they wake up? Is it like a newborn, you sleep when they sleep?

So many questions...

  • Love 1

I continue to have several problems with the Heather/Carole tirade-- yeah, that horse just got a shot of epi to the heart....

The last beach vacation these women took together included the Night of the Pirate-- in fact, since he nailed both Lu and Sonya, it was Two Nights of the Pirate. He was in their house at night--no telling where he went or what he did. No way to know if he was escorted to the door or wandered around and left at the break of day, as Pirates do (I'm guessing....). No way to know if he took a peek at the loveliness that is Heather while she slept................

So, where was all of the terror and horror over the Pirate? I don't recall any discussion whatsoever about the danger posed to the other women by the Pirate's visits to the home, and no accusations made against the two housemates who entertained him. If anything, the women-- Carole, especially-- were all snicker-y and snarky about it. Where was all the fear and anger when they learned the Pirate was in the house while they were asleep?

I often get these scenarios mixed up but didn't Heather and Carole stay in a separate bungalow by themselves on this vacation? If that's true, it could explain why they didn't express concern over PirateGate in the main house.

Just like LuAnn's 180* change after talking things over with Dorinda.............Stories are ever changing with these women. IMO, Heather's was not premeditated and was based on something that scared her her, LuAnn's came about after getting advice from the "pure one". LOL

I was typing a post about this last night when the thread was locked so I couldn't save and post it. It's too bad PTV doesn't have the "show who's online" feature turned on. It's a neat feature of this software and shows you who is logged on and if they're currently posting at the bottom of the screen. Anyway, back to LuAnn....

Didn't Heather take LuAnn up to the room where she found naked man, explain her concerns and leave with peace restored between the two of them? On WWHL, Heather said she and LuAnn had made up several times both on and off camera long before LuAnn dredged it all up again on Twitter. IMHO LuAnn did that to bring Bravo's sought after drama so she could keep her apple.

Edited by AnnA
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