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I've used spoiler tags for anything spoilerish (or potentially spoilerish), although there are no outright spoilers...

Katherine McNamara Instagram Live - March 18
Published on Mar 18, 2019, by Golden Warrior


-- On whether there's an answer to what happened to Oliver, KM: "I don't actually even know the answer to that yet, so there you go."

-- On funniest Arrow cast member, KM: "See, this is a very interesting question, because they all make me laugh, but in different ways. Like, Ben comes out with the one-liners, left, right and center, and always makes me laugh. Um, and Colton's just always doing something hysterical. But Juliana's very clever as well. And so is Rick. Emily and I crack up about all sorts of things. And, of course, Jo Jo always makes me laugh, too."


-- On whether Mia will embrace being a vigilante, because it seems like she's starting to come to terms with it, KM: "This is the thing with Mia, is she - she's a fighter and she always has been. And because of who raised her, uh, she always has a very strong sense of justice. But she is, above anything else, a survivor. So I think, at least at this point, she will fight with the vigilantes if she feels as though it's the right thing to do and the right thing for her survival, and the preservation of the ones she loves. But we'll see."

-- On funniest moments with the Arrow cast, KM: "I don't know if this is funny particularly, but it's kinda cool. So at the very end of the fight in the office with Kevin Dale, uh, Mia throws her cape around and walks out the door. I'd been practicing with that cape all night, in between shots for the fight, and - I don't know how much cape experience you'all have, but they're cumbersome, they're slippery, they're amorphous pieces of fabric, and they're hard as hell to work with. Just gonna throw it out there, no offense to capes of the world. Capes and cloaks, if you will. Um, but I'd been practicing and trying to figure out, and I kinda had a way that I thought it would work. And then when it came time for the shot, for some reason, something was off and it wasn't working. It wasn't working. The hood was off, or something landed on my head wrong, or I missed the arm, or it fell and it wouldn't flare out properly. And also it's 4 in the morning, we've all been working all day, we're so tired. It's the last shot we have to get before we go home for the night. And on the last take, they said, 'alright, I guess we don't really need it, we'll just move on, but let's do it one more time.' Did it one more time, went through the whole thing, and the cape landed perfectly. I don't know what happened. I don't know what changed. But it swooped around and then perfectly on my head, and I walked off camera, and the entire crew cheered, because we all worked so hard and this was the button on the day. And, uh, that's the shot they used."

-- On how it was training with Katrina Law, KM: "Um, she's amazing. She's a legend. I love that woman. I wish I got to work with her more. I had the absolute best time. And I think it really adds a lot to Mia's character to - to see that, not only was she trained from a young age, but she was trained by the best of the best, and trained by someone who was very close to her father."

-- KM: "I did watch the previous seasons of Arrow. I had - after I was cast, um, I wasn't announced yet, but I had a few months before I started shooting. So I was able to watch all of the seasons of Arrow whilst prepping, and it worked out quite well."

-- When asked to describe Mia Smoak in one word, KM: "Ferocious. Survivor. Hyphenated. ... Yes, Luke, I know 'ferocious' and 'survivor' are two words, but if you hyphenate them and put them together with an adjective and it describes the other one, so there."

-- KM: "I love working with Emily. I can finally talk about it. Um, we had so much fun. And we - we still do. And she's kickass. It's - it's really great. We're very silly. We make - we both make too many musical theater references and then have sing-a-longs, and it's great."

-- On how old is Mia, KM: "Mia, I think, is about between 20 and 21, if my math is correct, and understanding."

-- On whether she can really do handstands, KM: "I can do handstands on a wall. I can't do handstands by myself, let alone in the middle of a room. That was, um - that was a little bit of wire work, but it was a lot of fun, I'll tell you that."

-- On whether she prefers Mia or Clary, KM: "It's not a matter of preference, really. It's just an absolutely different experience, you know. Each character, I just pour so much into each one... It would be as though I was trying to choose a favorite child."

-- On the elevator scene, KM: "That was such a fun scene to shoot... I think that was the first fight I did for this episode... It was a cool, kickass fight, and it was fun to be able to fight with this new team as well."


--  On what happened to Oliver in the future, KM: "I don't know at this point... I have not been given that information directly, so we'll find out together."


-- When asked her favorite line from Arrow, KM: "It's coming in an episode next week or the week after. I can't remember when it comes in."

-- On how she feels about shooting two TV shows at the same time, KM: "Thank goodness I didn't have to actually shoot them at the same time. Shadowhunters wrapped before Arrow started shooting. The live tweeting two has been absolutely insane, but thank you guys for being so, A, understanding, B, supportive, and, C, enthusiastic about all of the above."


-- KM: "Yes, I want Oliver and Mia to reunite. I would love nothing more. But we got to figure out what's going on with Oliver in the future."

-- On her favorite Olicity moment, KM: "Ooh. One that always sticks out to me is when she did the salmon ladder for the first time - or tried. One of the first moments where I went, 'gah.'"


-- On whether we'll see more Smoak and Hawke, KM: "Yes."


-- On her favorite

Arrow character, KM: "I miss Sin. I actually met Bex the other day and she's killer. I love her, but, um, yeah, I miss Sin."

-- KM: "I have seen all seasons of Arrow. I do my research. I'm a super Type A student like that."

-- On whether Mia is a better fighter than Clary, KM: "Probably, only for the sake of - the fact that she's had more real world experience. But Clary has magic, so... neither here nor there."

-- KM: "Clary and Mia share in common many things, but I think - entirely what they share, for the most part, is the fact that they are both fierce fighters, but from a place of what they love and what they believe in and what they want to protect. And that shines through and, I think, ultimately that's what makes both of them heroes."

-- KM: "And yes, let's talk again soon. Enjoy. Good night, Angels and Archers."

Edited by tv echo
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From C2E2 in Chicago yesterday (Saturday)...

Colin Donnell On Arrow Ending | C2E2 2019 | SYFY WIRE
Published on Mar 23, 2019, by SYFY WIRE

-- On whether he's been keeping up with Arrow, CD: "I've been keeping up with the people. Uh, but, you know, I catch the shows every once and awhile and, uh, it's been awesome to see, especially since, uh, Beth Schwartz took over as showrunner. I think she's done an amazing job. And, um, I think it's the end of an era, really. And I'm sad to see it go, but I think they're going to end it with a bang, like they always do."

-- On how he would spin it, if he could bring Tommy back in any way, CD: "Let's see, so far, he's come back as a hallucination, a ghost, somebody impersonating him who is impersonating the Arrow, an alternate universe Prometheus, which he died again, and then, uh, I don't know what else there is to bring him back as... Um, he could be a long-lost twin brother? I like this. You know what, we're going to go with that one."

-- On whether there was a storyline (after Tommy died) that he heard about or saw where he wished it could have been him, CD: "Um, you know, I think during Season 5 when Prometheus was, uh, hanging around, and played by Josh Segarra, who is a good friend and just one of the biggest badasses there is, uh, there was a lot of fan theories running around that Prometheus was actually Tommy. And that was one I was actually kinda like, 'Uhnn! Dang it! Missed it!' But not really. It was never me in the first place."

-- On which show he would pick if he could be back in the Arrowverse, CD: "I'd be back on Arrow again. It's nothing against the other shows. I think they're amazing. But, um, yeah, I'd want to be back on Arrow. I'd want to be back with Stephen. I'd want to be hanging out with everyone there." When mod said that she thought Tommy would be really awesome on the new Batwoman show, CD: "Okay, well, you got me there." CD mentioned that the last Arrowverse crossover, including Batwoman, was actually shooting in Chicago, where his show, Chicago Med, shoots.

-- On how his colleagues would react if superheroes suddenly dropped into the hospital in an Arrowverse/Chicago Med mashup, CD: "I think Dr. Rhodes would be the only person who wasn't surprised. He'd be like, 'No, no, I get that. That's the Arrow, guys. Don't you guys know? And that's Supergirl over there. And, oh, by the way, the Flash is going to run back and forth and take care of people and, like, bring patients in really quick... Why not?" He then asked for a fanfic to be written, but someone in the audience responded that it had already been done.

-- CD then answered some Chicago Med questions.

-- Mod then asked him about his audition processes for Arrow and for Chicago Med. CD: "You know, they were pretty two unique circumstances, actually. I was doing a Broadway show at the time that I got Arrow - the Arrow pilot. And I was - it was called Anything Goes back in 2011. And I sent in a tape from New York, and they cast me from that tape, which is not that common of an occurrence, and especially if you're a person who hasn't done a lot of TV, which I had not done at the time. Uh, and then - so that's how that came about... For Chicago Med, I actually did a pilot for NBC with Brian Tee, which did not end up getting picked up to series. And so, uh, from that I learned that Dick Wolf and the whole company had - were actually thinking about me for a role on their new medical drama that was going to be a part of their Chicago series. And I met with Dick in New York and we talked about it. And he made very clear that I was still being, uh - that it was still under debate whether or not I was going to get the role. It wasn't like he was like, 'No, you got it.' It was like, 'If this happens, would you enjoy Chicago?' ... But it was wonderful, and I think I made a decent impression because I ended up here. ... I've never experience like that. I don't think I ever will again... But it was very cool, and I'm very happy."

-- CD then talked about playing a doctor on TV.

-- On his character prep process, CD: "Read script, say words? (Laughs) ... I don't know that I have a process. I have a lot of thoughts about things. Um, but I'm not one to usually spend a lot of time discussing, um, which is very different for a lot of people. Uh, and it doesn't mean that I'm not thinking all the things that other people are saying out loud, but I'm - I just like to get on my feet and do it. Uh, and I think part of that comes from being in a theatre background. It's funny because in TV, you have zero time to rehearse anything, and in theatre, you have all the time in the world to rehearse everything. So, um, if I don't get all that time, then I don't want any of the time. I'm just going to make a decision and go."

-- If he could adapt one TV show or movie into either a stage musical or a play that he could star in, what would he pick? CD: "Omigosh, this is a tough question... So they are adapting a movie into a musical coming up. It's in the works. They're - you guys know the movie Almost Famous? Yeah, Cameron Crowe. Awesome. So they're making a musical of it. Uh, and I think that would be wonderful."

-- On how he got into acting, CD said that he broke his ankle playing football and his mother suggested that he get out of the house. He had the ability to juggle and his school was putting on the musical Barnum. The choir director asked if he could sing, he said "no", she asked him to sing "Happy Birthday", he did, and she told him that he could sing. And that's how his "whole career in musical theater was born."

-- CD joked about how the walls in New York apartments were so thin that, once he started to "Sandy" (from Grease) in the shower and he heard someone else in another apartment sing the rest of the lyrics. So he no longer sings in the shower.

-- CD said that he would love to play a "true comedy" or a sit-com. He said that, for some reason, he's played a lot of "very brooding characters," which surprises him because he considers himself a "pretty happy-go-lucky guy, but apparently the TV people don't." CD: "Something dark about me, I guess. My wife always says that."

-- CD's fave movie is Princess Bride. He said that he and his wife, Patti Murin, have been petitioning for Princess Bride: The Musical, starring Colin Donnell and Patti Murin. However, he said that it has to happen soon because he's "getting a little too old to play Wesley," while his wife "will forever be a Buttercup because she somehow manages to stay so young."

-- Now that Arrow is ending, can we see any of his former co-stars come on over to Chicago Med? CD: "I would love that."  Who in particular would he want to see? CD: "It'd be great to get Stephen over there. I mean, come on, like - uh, but - any of them... Just to have any of those guys play in my world for a little bit would be a lovely treat."

-- CD said that he loves to play videogames, but he wouldn't consider himself a gamer because he's not that good at them. He just loves to play them.

-- Where would he build his secret base (but he can't use a cave, high-rise building or crystal fortress)? CD: "A deserted island, yeah, but like in the Caribbean, so that you got good access to all over the world."

-- CD said that he has a good short-term memory but a "terrible" long-term memory for anything longer than a week.

-- CD's fave musical is Frozen, but he also mentioned Hamilton ("Lin is a friend of mine") and Anything Goes. He said that he's a "classical musical theatre fan" so he loves musicals like West Side Story and the Rodgers & Hammerstein musicals.

-- If he could pick only one Infinity Stone, CD would pic the Time Stone because there are moments in his life that he would like to live over and over again. He doesn't like the idea of speeding through time, but he'd like the ability to go back and relive some moments. He's not sure that he would want to visit past time periods because he doesn't think he'd last long ("I'm kinda fragile").

-- CD then teased what's coming up for his character, Dr. Rhodes, on Chicago Med.

Edited by tv echo
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John Barrowman Spotlight | C2E2 2019 | SYFY WIRE
Published on Mar 23, 2019, by SYFY WIRE

-- Near the end of this panel, Colin Donnell surprised JB by coming onto the stage and they hugged. The mod asked: "If you could pick one favorite TV son of yours, who would it be?" JB gave CD a pair of high heels, and CD put them on his feet. CD said that this was "the first time I ever put on heels." Then a Madonna song, Vogue, was played and they both danced on stage. JB asked that a video be sent to CD's wife. JB joked that, even though CD could walk in his heels, "he still walks like a guy."


-- When asked if anyone has been "hitting up his phone" for the last season of Arrow, JB: "Nope. Start hitting up your keyboards... If they asked me to go back, of course I'd love to go back. Yeah. I would definitely love to go back. But who knows where that story's going to go and that journey's going to go. So we just have to wait and see."

-- JB: "Would you like to see Malcolm back? (Fan: "Of course.") ... He's in an alternate reality - that's what I like to think - and he's trying to get out. And he's going to kill somebody to get out, and then he's going to be like, 'I am here to f**k it all up... You're welcome."

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, tv echo said:

JB: "Would you like to see Malcolm back?? (Fan: "Of course.") ... He's in an alternate reality - that's what I like to think - and he's trying to get out. And he's going to kill somebody to get out, and then he's going to be like, 'I am here to f**k it all up... You're welcome."

I think we’ve had enough Malcolm (but I do love JB). 

That being said, this would’ve been better than Diaz. 

  • Love 5

Summer Glau Spotlight | C2E2 2019 | SYFY WIRE
Published on Mar 24, 2019, by SYFY WIRE

-- Angel (1999-2004): SG explained how she auditioned for Joss Whedon, how she got that first acting role (even though she was only a dancer at that time), how Joss asked her to read with an accent and she just adopted a British accent (although she later asked to do a Russian accent for the ballerina role), and how she was so ignorant of acting things, like, she didn't know there was a makeup trailer and arrived on set with her makeup already done, and she didn't know actors would be brought to set from their trailers, so she would just wait by the set next to Joss. (Watch video clip of SG as the Russian ballerina on Angel.)

-- Firefly (2002-2003): SG gave a funny, heartfelt and pretty good explanation of what Firefly was all about, in response to a child fan who asked. Another fan asked about that show's cancellation and about her being on a lot of shows that got cancelled "too soon." SG said that. at one point she thought her acting career was over. She also said that she would love to get a role on "a show that lasted three or four years" because she likes the cast/crew camaraderie and going to the same set every day. Later in the panel, SG talked affectionately about the late, great Ron Glass. Later in the panel, SG said that she's "very torn" about bringing Firefly back: "I think part of the reason that we all love Firefly is because it's an underdog story. And also there's a sense of - there's also a magical element in the fact that it didn't last and it was misunderstood and it was mismanaged, and yet we refused to let it die. We keep coming back and celebrating it and connecting over it... and connecting with each other over it. And I'm concerned if we - if we try to recreate it at this point, would it mean the same thing, would it feel the same? ... In the end, if - if everybody was there, of course, I would have to be there. I would want to be there. I would just be crushed if I wasn't there. So I would - I would want to be involved in any reincarnation." Ultimately, she said that it's up to the fans and what they want, although she joked that she hoped fans wanted River to have a boyfriend. When asked for her fave River line, SG said it was a toss-up between "No power in the 'verse can stop me" and "also, I can kill you with my brain."

-- The Cape (2011) (a fan basically dissed Arrow and Felicity as copycats): Male Fan: "Believe it or not, I actually did a photoshoot based off of one of your characters, uh, Deathstroke's apprentice - what was her name? - uh, Ravager... Anyway, my question - two questions, actually, is from an old deep cut of yours, The Cape... Um, I always thought that The Cape was, uh, ahead of its time, given that it had all the tropes that are now in the modern day, specifically, the DC superhero shows. I even call Orwell proto-Felicity... because basically they're the same character: a tech genius who falls in love with the main superhero... It cancelled before it even finished out its season finale, and I was wondering, were there any notes on what would have happened if it was allowed the 13 episodes it was supposed to do, because it was cancelled at 10? And do you feel your role as Orwell or The Cape at all had a legacy that affected the DC shows? ... Specifically, Arrow, because there are so many tropes that go on from The Cape to Arrow. I kinda feel like Arrow is a spiritual sequel to The Cape." SG: "Well, thank you, that's so king. I - I appreciate you bringing up The Cape. I was very happy on that show. I loved the cast. I loved the story. Um, I don't know a lot about what was going to happen next. I just know that my character was going to have an alter ego as well, we were starting to develop, and I was really excited about that. Um, I do think the show was a little ahead of its time and it is kind of funny to me - this has happened to me a few times now where I've been on a show that, uh, people didn't really get or weren't expecting, and then a few years later you see a very similar storyline really take off and put down roots. So, um, it was really hard. I was really happy on that series. And, uh, I felt like it was a great place for me to start trying to develop some more, uh, mature qualities, a little more sophisticated, but still similar to what I've done before... I loved the idea of getting to play dual characters, which I sort of touched on in Terminator. That is so fun as an actor, I mean, to get to play two different characters on the same show. But I, uh - I've sort of made peace with it, I've made peace with it." Same fan then said: "If I may say something before I leave, uh, there's a scene where Ravager in full costume is beating the crap out of Diggle and she says she wants to know where Felicity is. I figured that was actually Orwell saying, like, Felicity stole her thunder." SG: "Yes, yes, I should come back again and reveal that I'm really Orwell. Wouldn't that be awesome?" Mod: "Yeah, super meta, super meta. That would be amazing." SG also related a story from a previous comic con where one fan came up and said he loved The Cape, but then another fan came up and said that The Cape was not very good. (Watch video clip of The Cape featurette including Orwell.)

-- Upcoming Projects? SG will be in Wu Assassins (she plays "a girl who can throw down").  (For more info, go here.)

-- Arrow: Male Fan: "I really liked your character on Arrow. Uh, I thought Isabel had a good arc and, uh, I was hoping she would stay long term, and I was sad to see her go. But I was just curious if you could talk about your time on Arrow and where - because you seem very happy and bubbly - where your inspiration comes to be kind of a B.A., dominating, uh, boss woman and putting Stephen Amell in his place at times."  SG: "Oh, thank you. I - I was surprised that they cast me in that role. I had never, you know - I think it was really good for me, because it pushed me and stretched me. I didn't - I couldn't hide behind any - any of the usual places that I feel expressing, the physicality, the vulnerability, the - the, uh, maybe the quirkiness. You know, she was an elegant woman, powerful, in charge, aggressive, and, um, she was more of a grownup. And so, I had to push myself and it did take me awhile to get my footing. And once I did, it got addicting. I loved, you know, finding those parts of myself and also playing someone on the spectrum - you know, the other side of the spectrum where I'm a dark force. That was interesting for me to explore. And I really enjoyed working with Stephen. I thought he was an inspiration, bringing so much energy every day to the set and, you know, being there super long hours. And what also struck me about him is that he really, uh - much like Nathan [Fillion] is - he sets the tone for the set and, uh, the way that the actors work together. And he knew the mythology inside and out. He remembers every episode very well. He remembers details. I really respected that and admired that about him, that he - all - every episode, would think, 'What is our audience going to think about this? Is this going to be clear to them? Are they going to agree with the way we've decided to, um, to tell the story or this new - bring in this new character?' So I admired working with him. I really enjoyed Emily too. She's such a sweenie.* And, I don't know, I had a really good time. And also I really loved working with Manu, because he's a true artist, just a - like an old school artist. He would - he took it very seriously and very passionate. And, um, I loved getting to know the other sides of him, like he's a wonderful singer and musician. A lot of times he would be playing piano in between takes and singing and, uh - I thought that really cool, so, uh, it was a really good experience. I, um - I loved that they kept me around for so long, even though they kept killing me, they kept bringing me back. I would die for them again and again." (Everyone laughs, and mod mentioned LoT)

(* I wasn't sure if she said "sweetie" or "sweenie", but upon multiple hearings, it really sounded like "sweenie.")

-- Fave Role? SG: "River is like my family and that role changed my life. That was when I really started to become an actress. And I - I feel an attachment to that character and that time in my life and that crew and that cast and - and Joss, obviously. But, um, playing a Terminator is most fun." On working for Joss Whedon, SG: "As for Joss, he gave me such a safe place to make mistakes, and I made a lot of mistakes."

-- Arrow: Male Fan: "I'm a big fan of the TV show Arrow, so it was nice to see you on it. And it has one of the most photogenic casts of all time. I'm sad to see it - next year being the last year. And you're beautiful, so I know the photogenic doesn't cause you any distress, but did you have to up your physical fitness game - because I've seen Stephen Amell and some of these guys, they're just in, like, incredible shape - to do what you had to do on the show?"  SG: "I did visit the gym a time or two per day - no (Laughs) - uh, yeah, they're pretty hard-core. Luckily, they didn't make me do that one where you - you know, where he takes the bar and jumps to the next level and jumps to the next level. I was like, 'I don't want to make you look bad, Stephen.' (Everyone laughs) I'll just stay here on my little cast chair and read my book. Yeah, no, I - I did work hard. They have a great stunt team too that were really supportive, but, um, yeah, they have a great - they have a great gym there at the hotel where I stayed at, and I did spend a lot of time there." 

Edited by tv echo
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Next weekend's cons and events (updated, with schedules)...

Writers Guild Foundation Festival, March 30-31, 2019 (Los Angeles, CA)
Beth Schwartz 
-Sun. (3/31) at 10:00am - Writers on Genre: Action & Adventure (incl. Beth Schwartz)

Houston Latino Film Festival, March 28-31, 2019 (TX)
Joel Novoa
-Sat. (3/30) at 10:30am - The Art and Craft of Directing with Joel Novoa

WonderCon 2019, March 29-31, 2019 (Anaheim, CA)
Brian Ford Sullivan, Deric Hughes and Spiro Skentzos (also Julie & Shawna Benson, DC co-writers of Green Arrow comics)
Programming Schedule
-Sat. (3/30) at 1:00pm - Spotlight on Julie and Shawna Benson
-Sat. (3/30) at 5:30pm - Inside the Writers' Room: From Script to Screen: The Final Draft (incl. Brian Ford Sullivan and Deric Hughes)
-Sat. (3/30) at 6:30pm - Psychology of Cult TV Shows: An Annual Review (incl. Deric Hughes)
-Sat. (3/30) at 6:30pm - Writing for TV: From First Draft to Getting Staffed (mod is Spiro Skentzos)
-Sun. (3/31) at 10:30am - The Entrepreneurial Spirit in Comics (incl. Julie and Shawna Benson)

Planet Comicon, March 29-31, 2019 (Kansas City, MO)
(Danielle Panabaker, Dean Cain and John Wesley Shipp)
Panel Schedule
-Sat. (3/30) at 11:00am - DC's CW Verse (Danielle Panabaker, John Wesley Shipp)
-Sat. (3/30) at 4:00pm - Kinda Kryptonian with Tom Welling, Michael Rosenbaum and Dean Cain

Edited by tv echo
9 hours ago, tv echo said:

Summer Glau Spotlight | C2E2 2019 | SYFY WIRE
Published on Mar 24, 2019, by SYFY WIRE

-- Angel (1999-2004): SG explained how she auditioned for Joss Whedon, how she got that first acting role (even though she was only a dancer at that time), how Joss asked her to read with an accent and she just adopted a British accent (although she later asked to do a Russian accent for the ballerina role), and how she was so ignorant of acting things, like, she didn't know there was a makeup trailer and arrived on set with her makeup already done, and she didn't know actors would be brought to set from their trailers, so she would just wait by the set next to Joss. (Watch video clip of SG as the Russian ballerina on Angel.)

-- Firefly (2002-2003): SG gave a funny, heartfelt and pretty good explanation of what Firefly was all about, in response to a child fan who asked. Another fan asked about that show's cancellation and about her being on a lot of shows that got cancelled "too soon." SG said that. at one point she thought her acting career was over. She also said that she would love to get a role on "a show that lasted three or four years" because she likes the cast/crew camaraderie and going to the same set every day. Later in the panel, SG talked affectionately about the late, great Ron Glass. Later in the panel, SG said that she's "very torn" about bringing Firefly back: "I think part of the reason that we all love Firefly is because it's an underdog story. And also there's a sense of - there's also a magical element in the fact that it didn't last and it was misunderstood and it was mismanaged, and yet we refused to let it die. We keep coming back and celebrating it and connecting over it... and connecting with each other over it. And I'm concerned if we - if we try to recreate it at this point, would it mean the same thing, would it feel the same? ... In the end, if - if everybody was there, of course, I would have to be there. I would want to be there. I would just be crushed if I wasn't there. So I would - I would want to be involved in any reincarnation." Ultimately, she said that it's up to the fans and what they want, although she joked that she hoped fans wanted River to have a boyfriend. When asked for her fave River line, SG said it was a toss-up between "No power in the 'verse can stop me" and "also, I can kill you with my brain."

-- The Cape (2011) (a fan basically dissed Arrow and Felicity as copycats): Male Fan: "Believe it or not, I actually did a photoshoot based off of one of your characters, uh, Deathstroke's apprentice - what was her name? - uh, Ravager... Anyway, my question - two questions, actually, is from an old deep cut of yours, The Cape... Um, I always thought that The Cape was, uh, ahead of its time, given that it had all the tropes that are now in the modern day, specifically, the DC superhero shows. I even call Orwell proto-Felicity... because basically they're the same character: a tech genius who falls in love with the main superhero... It cancelled before it even finished out its season finale, and I was wondering, were there any notes on what would have happened if it was allowed the 13 episodes it was supposed to do, because it was cancelled at 10? And do you feel your role as Orwell or The Cape at all had a legacy that affected the DC shows? ... Specifically, Arrow, because there are so many tropes that go on from The Cape to Arrow. I kinda feel like Arrow is a spiritual sequel to The Cape." SG: "Well, thank you, that's so king. I - I appreciate you bringing up The Cape. I was very happy on that show. I loved the cast. I loved the story. Um, I don't know a lot about what was going to happen next. I just know that my character was going to have an alter ego as well, we were starting to develop, and I was really excited about that. Um, I do think the show was a little ahead of its time and it is kind of funny to me - this has happened to me a few times now where I've been on a show that, uh, people didn't really get or weren't expecting, and then a few years later you see a very similar storyline really take off and put down roots. So, um, it was really hard. I was really happy on that series. And, uh, I felt like it was a great place for me to start trying to develop some more, uh, mature qualities, a little more sophisticated, but still similar to what I've done before... I loved the idea of getting to play dual characters, which I sort of touched on in Terminator. That is so fun as an actor, I mean, to get to play two different characters on the same show. But I, uh - I've sort of made peace with it, I've made peace with it." Same fan then said: "If I may say something before I leave, uh, there's a scene where Ravager in full costume is beating the crap out of Diggle and she says she wants to know where Felicity is. I figured that was actually Orwell saying, like, Felicity stole her thunder." SG: "Yes, yes, I should come back again and reveal that I'm really Orwell. Wouldn't that be awesome?" Mod: "Yeah, super meta, super meta. That would be amazing." SG also related a story from a previous comic con where one fan came up and said he loved The Cape, but then another fan came up and said that The Cape was not very good. (Watch video clip of The Cape featurette including Orwell.)

-- Upcoming Projects? SG will be in Wu Assassins (she plays "a girl who can throw down").  (For more info, go here.)

-- Arrow: Male Fan: "I really liked your character on Arrow. Uh, I thought Isabel had a good arc and, uh, I was hoping she would stay long term, and I was sad to see her go. But I was just curious if you could talk about your time on Arrow and where - because you seem very happy and bubbly - where your inspiration comes to be kind of a B.A., dominating, uh, boss woman and putting Stephen Amell in his place at times."  SG: "Oh, thank you. I - I was surprised that they cast me in that role. I had never, you know - I think it was really good for me, because it pushed me and stretched me. I didn't - I couldn't hide behind any - any of the usual places that I feel expressing, the physicality, the vulnerability, the - the, uh, maybe the quirkiness. You know, she was an elegant woman, powerful, in charge, aggressive, and, um, she was more of a grownup. And so, I had to push myself and it did take me awhile to get my footing. And once I did, it got addicting. I loved, you know, finding those parts of myself and also playing someone on the spectrum - you know, the other side of the spectrum where I'm a dark force. That was interesting for me to explore. And I really enjoyed working with Stephen. I thought he was an inspiration, bringing so much energy every day to the set and, you know, being there super long hours. And what also struck me about him is that he really, uh - much like Nathan [Fillion] is - he sets the tone for the set and, uh, the way that the actors work together. And he knew the mythology inside and out. He remembers every episode very well. He remembers details. I really respected that and admired that about him, that he - all - every episode, would think, 'What is our audience going to think about this? Is this going to be clear to them? Are they going to agree with the way we've decided to, um, to tell the story or this new - bring in this new character?' So I admired working with him. I really enjoyed Emily too. She's such a sweenie.* And, I don't know, I had a really good time. And also I really loved working with Manu, because he's a true artist, just a - like an old school artist. He would - he took it very seriously and very passionate. And, um, I loved getting to know the other sides of him, like he's a wonderful singer and musician. A lot of times he would be playing piano in between takes and singing and, uh - I thought that really cool, so, uh, it was a really good experience. I, um - I loved that they kept me around for so long, even though they kept killing me, they kept bringing me back. I would die for them again and again." (Everyone laughs, and mod mentioned LoT)

(* I wasn't sure if she said "sweetie" or "sweenie", but upon multiple hearings, it really sounded like "sweenie.")

-- Fave Role? SG: "River is like my family and that role changed my life. That was when I really started to become an actress. And I - I feel an attachment to that character and that time in my life and that crew and that cast and - and Joss, obviously. But, um, playing a Terminator is most fun." On working for Joss Whedon, SG: "As for Joss, he gave me such a safe place to make mistakes, and I made a lot of mistakes."

-- Arrow: Male Fan: "I'm a big fan of the TV show Arrow, so it was nice to see you on it. And it has one of the most photogenic casts of all time. I'm sad to see it - next year being the last year. And you're beautiful, so I know the photogenic doesn't cause you any distress, but did you have to up your physical fitness game - because I've seen Stephen Amell and some of these guys, they're just in, like, incredible shape - to do what you had to do on the show?"  SG: "I did visit the gym a time or two per day - no (Laughs) - uh, yeah, they're pretty hard-core. Luckily, they didn't make me do that one where you - you know, where he takes the bar and jumps to the next level and jumps to the next level. I was like, 'I don't want to make you look bad, Stephen.' (Everyone laughs) I'll just stay here on my little cast chair and read my book. Yeah, no, I - I did work hard. They have a great stunt team too that were really supportive, but, um, yeah, they have a great - they have a great gym there at the hotel where I stayed at, and I did spend a lot of time there." 

The stuff that fan claimed about Summer's character on The Cape being a precursor to Felicity is absurd.  Apart from being a computer genius and female helping a superhero, they were nothing alike and frankly, The Cape was a lousy show that deserved to be canceled. 

I watched The Cape until it was over cause I loved SG and I'm a superhero show kind of gal but even as I was watching it, I was constantly rewriting it in my head, trying to find ways to to make it more interesting. It was SOOOO dull somehow.

And SG's Orwell was just flat.   Very serious.  No fun.  No real personality actually.  More like if Thea had been Felicity but not as compelling.  I'm not positive Orwell and the main character would have ended up anything more than work associates.  No spark.  No chemistry.  Not anti-chemitsy and it might have been a better choice then him longing for a wife that couldn't know he was alive (cause all that watching got creepy) but the characters even after many weeks still felt like complete strangers.  In their first scene Oliver and Felicity vastly surpassed the relationship in The Cape.  Not Summer's best work though she wasn't given much to work with.    

If anyone wanted to point to a Felicity precursor, I'd point to Marshall on Alias except there was never any romance between him and super spy Sidney Bristol.

Edited by BkWurm1
  • Love 1

Posting here because of the b-t-s info about her audition and the Mia reveal in KM's interview (if you're a KM fan, you may wish to read the entire interview)...

Being Mia Smoak and Saying Goodbye to Clary Fray: A Conversation with Katherine McNamara
The Fan Carpet   March 27, 2019


That’s wonderful, because obviously you’re a shining light with everything you’ve worked on. So you’re Mia Smoak AKA Black Star on Arrow, how was it for you joining such an established and popular show, having to craft a character you initially weren’t told too much about?
Terrifying and exhilarating at the same time if I’m honest because when I first auditioned for the role, the character sides where sort of masked underneath this sort guise of rookie cop.

So I’m going in there thinking “ok”…….. even after I booked the part I started doing research on, you know, the kind of training police officers go through and all these other things and thinking about it from the perspective of the side of justice, and then I get a call from Beth Schwartz who’s the showrunner of Arrow who says “Hey welcome to the show, we’re really excited to have you. By the way everything you know is a lie, you’re Oliver and Felicity’s daughter and you’re going to be this fighter, underground thief. Good luck.” (laughs) And I’m going “Wait wait. What?, you have to reexplain this to me.”

It’s very exciting because I know and I’ve seen with Shadowhunters with Malec this kind of ship that so many people respond to and through that I’ve seen, the Olicity fandom adjacent to that and how beloved this couple is and now, in watching the entire series of Arrow and seeing that relationship build, I see why people respond to it so much and I understand the responsibility of taking on the, for lack of a better term, the end result (laughs) of the relationship.

Absolutely, you’ve been great on the show. One of my favourite reveals in Arrow history was when you revealed your identity to William, I was personally convinced you the new Green Arrow, which fits with your badassery, but the reality is so much better. What was your reaction when you first read that in the script?
I thought it was the most Mia Smoak reveal that could have possibly been written. I was so excited, the writers had been teasing it to me for a long time and then telling me I’d be very excited about it and when I finally read it I knew why, because it’s just the most nonchalant and badass and unassuming bomb drop you could possibly have, just having the confidence to drop the knife and go “You have a gun to my head but you’re not going to shoot me” and I’m 100% confident in that and the fact that she is obviously reeling from figuring out that William is her brother which we though even prior to that, having her be able to steel herself and gain the power in that situation again is just so indicative of who she is and the survivor she’s become.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Has Mia been a thief on the show? I can’t remember anything. 

Yeah, in 708 she said she stole things for people for money and that's how she knew Felicity, she stole the documentary to watch it in 712, referred to herself as good at sneakily stealing things in 716 when William said he couldn't steal Dale's DNA.

  • Useful 2

From March 23, 2019...

Interview Katherine McNamara | Heroes Dutch Comic Con 2019
Published on Mar 27, 2019, by Entertainmenthoek

-- KM: "Actually, when I was finishing up Shadowhunters, I was so sad because I'd done so much training for it. Then I was going, 'oh, man, my next job, I'm not going to have to train as much for it or be, you know, as intense about it. Cut to, I'm now on Arrow where I'm playing Stephen Amell's daughter, where they're going, 'Hey, so we want you to have all the intellect of Felicity but the physical brutality and strength of Oliver. Okay. No pressure. So I went, 'So when do I have to do the salmon ladder, 'cause I need a heads up before I have to do that.' (Interviewer: "Can you do that")  No! Not yet. But I'm getting there. Thank goodness, they haven't asked me to do that yet. But it's been a lot of fun to continue my training and keep, you know, building my skill set in that way. But again, the Arrow family has just welcomed me with open arms, and I'm so grateful."

-- On whether she knew that she would be playing Olicity's daughter from the outset, KM: "Not when I auditioned. They were fake sides and all of that for a character that was a rookie cop who kinda resented vigilantes and had a dark past that she was trying to work through. That was basically the character description. And they had some scenes that they created. Um, and after I booked the part, I started doing research on, you know, what training rookie cops go through and things like this, to kinda get in that mindset. And then I get a call from Beth Schwartz, who's the showrunner, and she goes, 'Hey, congratulations, we're so happy to have you on the show,' um, 'By the way, everything you know is a lie, you're Oliver and Felicity's daughter, okay, have fun.' I'm going, 'Wai- wai- wait, hold on, I'm who now?' Because I knew immediately, you know, through all of the Malec press and things that have happened, how beloved that ship is and how much people care about Olicity and how much they've kind of built up that relationship over seven years. I'm going, 'I have to be the product of that?' So I knew what a responsibility it was. And then I proceeded to watch seven seasons of the show - or six at the time - seasons of the show, just to do as much research as I could, because I respect Stephen and Emily so much for what they built, and I just want to do justice by that."


-- On whether she's returning next season, KM: "I don't know about next season. I am in most of the rest of this season. Um, and it's really neat. You get to see a lot more of her back story. You saw it in episode 16 when we had the full flashforward, but you get to see, now that she's re-established with her family or is getting more so, you see the facade crack a little bit and you see a bit of her softer side. You see bits of - of who she actually is and her vulnerabilities coming through, which is a really nice facet to a character that's been so hard-ass for the first bit."

Edited by tv echo
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On 3/25/2019 at 10:35 AM, tv echo said:

Next weekend's cons and events (updated, with schedules)...

Writers Guild Foundation Festival, March 30-31, 2019 (Los Angeles, CA)
Beth Schwartz 
-Sun. (3/31) at 10:00am - Writers on Genre: Action & Adventure (incl. Beth Schwartz)

Houston Latino Film Festival, March 28-31, 2019 (TX)
Joel Novoa
-Sat. (3/30) at 10:30am - The Art and Craft of Directing with Joel Novoa

WonderCon 2019, March 29-31, 2019 (Anaheim, CA)
Brian Ford Sullivan, Deric Hughes and Spiro Skentzos (also Julie & Shawna Benson, DC co-writers of Green Arrow comics)
Programming Schedule
-Sat. (3/30) at 1:00pm - Spotlight on Julie and Shawna Benson
-Sat. (3/30) at 5:30pm - Inside the Writers' Room: From Script to Screen: The Final Draft (incl. Brian Ford Sullivan and Deric Hughes)
-Sat. (3/30) at 6:30pm - Psychology of Cult TV Shows: An Annual Review (incl. Deric Hughes)
-Sat. (3/30) at 6:30pm - Writing for TV: From First Draft to Getting Staffed (mod is Spiro Skentzos)
-Sun. (3/31) at 10:30am - The Entrepreneurial Spirit in Comics (incl. Julie and Shawna Benson)

Planet Comicon, March 29-31, 2019 (Kansas City, MO)
(Danielle Panabaker, Dean Cain and John Wesley Shipp)
Panel Schedule
-Sat. (3/30) at 11:00am - DC's CW Verse (Danielle Panabaker, John Wesley Shipp)
-Sat. (3/30) at 4:00pm - Kinda Kryptonian with Tom Welling, Michael Rosenbaum and Dean Cain

One more con for this weekend (however, the guest is a spoiler for an upcoming Arrow episode)...

New Jersey Horror Con and Film Festival, March 29-31, 2019 (Atlantic City, NJ)


Ernie Hudson


Edited by tv echo

The Arrow question isn't until near the end of this video...

Katherine McNamara Talks 'Kickass' New Role on 'Arrow' (Exclusive)
Published on Mar 28, 2019, by Entertainment Tonight


ET caught up with Katherine on the red carpet at the 2nd Annual Freeform Summit at Goya Studios in Los Angeles.

-- KM: "I'm so thankful that the Arrow cast and crew and fandom has been so welcoming. And, uh, I love this character. Mia's pretty kickass and it's fun to follow in the footsteps of people like Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards and all of those people who've made this world so great and - and left kind of a legacy for me to pick up."

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 3
Just now, KenyaJ said:


I'm not at all surprised that Felicity is trending worldwide. I'm trying to imagine any other DCTV character who could do that. I haven't come up with one yet.

Pretty sure Chloe/AMack trended big time when people found out she was leaving at the end of S9. In fact, I remember AMack's departure overshadowing the Final Season announcement from Upfronts (same day).

Hopefully that's where the similarities end because there are a lot between Chloe/Felicity and EBR/AMack....juat2 not that last/awful one I hope

  • LOL 1
36 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

I don’t know how to link on mobile but MG penned a nice message about Felicity/Emily.

I think the outpouring of love for Felicity and EBR from her castmates and everyone involved with the show is a testament to her impact.

Edited by lemotomato
  • Love 19
15 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

The billboard situation is going to be interesting. 

Everything that's going to charity is wonderful but the billboard seems kinda awkward now with no OTA in S8. Feels more like a slap than a celebration the billboard portion of it. 

I actually like the idea of the OTA billboard even more. It has always been a thank you to the characters we love, but now it's also a big fuck you to Season 8. At least that's how I'm taking it.

I'm super pissed about this whole thing. And like many others on this board, I'm done after this season. I stuck around this long (though not much this season) because of Felicity and Emily. With her gone, there's nothing tying me anymore to Arrow. 

  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

actually like the idea of the OTA billboard even more. It has always been a thank you to the characters we love, but now it's also a big fuck you to Season 8. At least that's how I'm taking it.

Oooh I didn't see it that way. I was so bummed about an OTA billboard and a Felicityless s8, I didn't think how it would look with a giant ass blown up pic of Felicity (who won't even be on the show) while the thirsty bird thinks she's leading lady. 

You've cheered me up😁

  • Love 2
41 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

The billboard situation is going to be interesting. 

Everything that's going to charity is wonderful but the billboard seems kinda awkward now with no OTA in S8. Feels more like a slap than a celebration the billboard portion of it. 

The billboard has always been about showing appreciation for what we’ve already gotten. It was meant to thank SA, EBR, and DR and the show for giving us OTA for the last 7 years. I love Felicity/Emily, and I’m not thrilled that we won’t see her in season 8, but I don’t see why 10 OTA-less episodes at the end of the show makes the celebration of the previous 100+ episodes a slap in the face.

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