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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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Oh I am not discounting who he is at all! His personality makes him more attractive. Away from Arrow he is definitely hotter. Oliver doesn't smile and Amell should be smiling all the time. He seems like the kind of guy who spending an afternoon with would be entertaining. 


If I had to pick a hot male lead, he might not crack top five. His body is something to appreciate, but Oliver Queen would get kicked out for eating crackers in bed. Amell probably not.  :)

  On 7/29/2014 at 3:48 AM, wingster55 said:

Tommy Merlyn lives (and Stephen seems overjoyed based on Facebook and twitter)


And he's done already

I landed in Vancouver at 10:50pm last night, couldn't sleep till 1:30am, woke up at 4:50am for fear of over-sleeping, ran 2 miles and got picked up at 6:00am to start work and now I'm back at the Vancouver Airport less than 24 hrs.

Here's a lil spoiler though; it was all worth it more than I can explain. All thanks to Stephen Amell, Willa, Colton, Emily and all the amazing crew that welcomed me back into the fold with such warm hearts and friendly smiles as if I'd never missed a beat.

So I may be a lil bleary eyed when I land at 6:30am tomorrow...but I'll be all smiles. Delirious smiles but smiles.

Umm. Someone wake me when we land please.


Odd that Colin doesn't mention KC, considering that she played his love interest when he was on the show.  Maybe she wasn't on set when he was shooting, but stuff like this just contributes to the rumors that KC didn't get along with the rest of the cast.

Edited by tv echo

She, in fact, was not on set Monday. (Is that the right comma usage? I'm so bad at those). He also didn't mention David Ramsey, Paul Blackthorne or his on-screen father Barrowman. 


As for them getting along..she and Stephen were the only two to see his show in NY (and met up afterwards). 

Edited by wingster55
  On 7/29/2014 at 8:03 PM, catrox14 said:

I don't hate KC.  I think she needs to work on her PR skills. I think she is a bad actress on Arrow and she should feel bad.

LOL why should she feel bad? Because people don't think she's the best actor. Catie Lotz, Colton Haynes and even Stephen Amell aren't the best actors but none of them are hated as much as KC is. I don't get it. 

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From now on, I'm going to try to be more careful not to let my dislike of the Laurel character bleed over into equal dislike for KC.  While I may think she is not doing a good job portraying Laurel or is miscast as Laurel or sometimes says things in interviews that are not the most politic (for reasons that have been discussed ad nausem in these various topic threads), I recognize that others may disagree.  However, I wish to clarify that, while I often hate Laurel, I don't hate KC.  I just don't like her acting or some of the things she says in interviews.


However, I think we're all guilty of doing something similar.  I've seen criticism of Felicity and/or EBR that I feel is unwarranted and, in my opinion, stems from a resentment of that character due to a preference for Laurel/KC.  But again, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and favorites.  Agree to disagree, as they say.



Edited by tv echo
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  On 7/29/2014 at 8:14 PM, ban1o said:

LOL why should she feel bad? Because people don't think she's the best actor. Catie Lotz, Colton Haynes and even Stephen Amell aren't the best actors but none of them are hated as much as KC is. I don't get it. 


I think many people in the Olicity camp have transferred their hate for Laurel onto Katie Cassidy and once that happens, it's very hard to shake. It reminds me a lot of what happened to Lori Holden in the Walking Dead fandom. She constantly received hate tweets as well as death threats because people couldn't separate between her and the character she was playing.

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  On 7/29/2014 at 8:19 PM, tv echo said:

From now on, I'm going to try to be more careful not to let my dislike of the Laurel character bleed over into dislike for KC.  While I may think she is not doing a good job portraying Laurel or is miscast as Laurel or sometimes says things in interviews that are not the most politic (for reasons that have been discussed ad nausem in these various topic threads), I recognize that others may disagree.


However, I think we're all guilty of doing something similar.  I've seen criticism of Felicity and/or EBR that I feel is unwarranted and, in my opinion, stems from a resentment of that character due to a preference for Laurel/KC.  But again, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and favorites.  Agree to disagree, as they say.

I hope you don't think I was targeting you specifically with my comment or trying to be bitchy. It's just I'm new to this board and decided to read through some of the threads and I am really alarmed by the hate on Katie Cassidy people critique every thing she says in interviews to her not taking pictures with a cast member, and so on. Probably a lot of is due to dislike of the Laurel character or love of Felicity's character/EBR. It just seems a little excessive. Your post was just the most recent one. :P 

  On 7/29/2014 at 8:24 PM, strikera0 said:

I think many people in the Olicity camp have transferred their hate for Laurel onto Katie Cassidy and once that happens, it's very hard to shake. It reminds me a lot of what happened to Lori Holden in the Walking Dead fandom. She constantly received hate tweets as well as death threats because people couldn't separate between her and the character she was playing.

I think "many people" may be overstating.  I can only speak for myself and my friends, who watch both Arrow and The Walking Dead.  We have no problem separating characters and actors.  We disliked Andrea, but liked Laurie Holden because we thought she did a great acting job portraying Andrea and also came off really nice in interviews.  We dislike Laurel. but am lukewarm about Katie Cassidy for reasons already stated.


I also feel that the comments in this thread are getting perilously close to the kind of posts not allowed by the Mods.

Edited by tv echo
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My dislike for KC is grounded more by the things she said about the other characters on the show. I didn't see such interviews by any other actor on this show. So she stands out very much. She also completely lacks any understanding of her character and then when she gets annoyed she answer to people they should read the comics. She is a pro in the business and she should know how to do these media appearances, but she actually handles them as if she just got to the show business. 

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I was making a Futurama joke about KC's acting :). 


I have nothing against the woman personally.  How could I? I don't know her and I don't follow her career other than what I see on Arrow and Supernatural.  I don't care about her fashion stuff which I only learned of through this forum.


My criticisms of her lie solely with her acting on this show and some of her comments in the media and the cons pertaining to her role on Arrow. I will gladly discuss her IMO poor acting in the Laurel thread :).  I'm sure she's a decent person IRL.

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  On 7/29/2014 at 8:39 PM, tv echo said:

I think "many people" may be overstating.  I can only speak for myself and my friends, who watch both Arrow and The Walking Dead.  We have no problem separating characters and actors.  We disliked Andrea, but liked Laurie Holden because we thought she did a great acting job portraying Andrea and also came off really nice in interviews.  We dislike Laurel. but am lukewarm about Katie Cassidy for reasons already stated.


I would certainly hope so but there is definitely a faction among the hardcore shipper fanbase that has blurred the lines between fiction and reality. For example, the berage of hate tweets (including death threats) towards Katie Cassidy on Twitter after some of her con appearances was shocking. I don't always agree with what actors say in interviews either, but you won't see me plant my ass in front of the computer and tell a celebrity to "kill themselves" over it. Anyways, moving on now...

Edited by strikera0

People on twitter get upset about everything, even smallest of things. I seen people lose their shit when an actor spoils something on twitter. Resorting to name calling of all sorts. And i think in every fandom there are crazy ass people, doesn't mean the majority is like that. 

Edited by Velocity23

I don't like some of the acting that I saw in the 2nd season. It takes me out of the show. Then she answers questions like she's put no thought into the character whatsoever. Hopefully, this season she can take me back to my beautiful season 1 indifference. Though hate-watching can be fun too. I can't defend all negative comments about her. But, I think that the awkwardness and oddness of things that people see surrounding her, cause them to wonder if something is going on behind the scenes. It doesn't mean there is, but it causes people to wonder. Knocking her down to build up Felicity/Olicity would be pointless. I don't associate her with them. I think if anything it would have more to do with losing Sara/CL for a character that doesn't work and a actor that doesn't appear engaged. But, it is hard to hate someone i don't know.

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  On 7/29/2014 at 8:54 PM, Velocity23 said:

People on twitter get upset about everything, even smallest of things. I seen people lose their shit when an actor spoils something on twitter. Resorting to name calling of all sorts. And i think in every fandom there are crazy ass people, doesn't mean the majority is like that. 


This is one of the reasons why I follow only a few famous people on Twitter - the only Arrow cast/crewmember I follow is Paul Blackthorne and replies to his tweets seem universally positive.  I don't get why people do the anonymous Internet hate thing.  It just seems so...empty.


I don't think KC's a good actor (or at least, she hasn't shown herself to be on this show which is the only place I've seen her - SPN S3 sits largely unwatched on the DVD shelf), and she doesn't seem to particularly help her case with her public appearances - she could certainly do with some PR lessons.  I don't hate her as a person, how could I? I don't know her.


Fandom will be fandom, and there are obsessives from all corners who don't exactly cover themselves with glory.  I'd like to excuse them because of youth, but I think anyone who's been to a convention will see poor behaviour from a variety of people of all ages.  I think actors just have to learn to deal with it, unfortunately - which doesn't excuse the behaviour at all, but it's just one of those things.

Edited by pootlus

Caity Lotz got a lot of hate when Sara hooked up with Oliver, so KC is not the only one there are plenty of others, Lori and Andrea from the Walking Dead, Lana from Smallville, etc... I hate Laurel and am not a fan of Katie Cassidy as an actress, but I would never tweet hate at her or any other actor I'm not a fan of. People who can't tell the difference between actor and character need to go see someone about that. 

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I think there's a difference between talking about a character and/or actor on a public forum like this one or in public comment sections or on your own personal blogs, and going onto Twitter or Facebook and basically screaming your hate right into the person's face. You wouldn't go up to them at a con and do that - why do it electronically? I don't get it at all - I'm glad I don't have Twitter. I've heard about it happening in a lot of fandoms though - Hawaii Five-0, NCIS, OUAT, Teen Wolf...Arrow is hardly unique in that. But I wish it didn't happen.

CL did get a lot of hate after Heir to the Demon aired. It was insane how quick people went from adoring her to despising her. That was when I left Tumblr, because you literally could not get away from the Sara hate. It calmed down quite a bit I think by the end of the season, but the initial reaction was...not good.

Edited by Starfish35
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That's why I always make a point to say only positive things if I get the opportunity to meet actors, writers, producers, etc. in person. Like Marc G at the con. I met him twice and each time made a point to tell him how much I love Sara as a way to drive home how I feel she's a better fit as the Canary. I could have said negative things about Laurel but I think he'll remember the positive more (and I like to think he relayed my enthusiasm to Caity so she knows there was at least one uber fan at the con) and the negative will just make him defensive and dismissive. And I wouldn't blame him. I also made a point to not say anything about any other character and keep my compliments centered on Sara. Everything I told him was true but I was careful about what I said all the same. I never want to give them any reason to discount what I'm saying (beyond the fangirling) and it's all about the right way to approach these people.

If Katie had been at the signing I would have said hello and asked about her day (like I did the con before the pilot came out), making a point to be polite while I waited my turn for the other actors. Sinking to the level of Tumblr is never a good idea (though it'd be hilarious to see these people in person as I'm convinced they're nothing but cowards who would barely be able to speak if they had the opportunity to meet any of the actors they love/hate).

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One of the reasons I like cons is because I get to listen to the actors and how they work on their characters. It helps me separate the actor from the character.

  On 7/29/2014 at 9:34 PM, Sakura12 said:

Caity Lotz got a lot of hate when Sara hooked up with Oliver, so KC is not the only one there are plenty of others,

I think someone who hates CL because Sara hooked up with Oliver, something many of us were expecting anyway, is too close to the show.


I've never sent a hate tweet but I'm ashamed to say I have sent critical ones but only to writers and EPs. The actors have very little power to change what is being written for them.


  On 7/29/2014 at 10:25 PM, scarynikki12 said:

That's why I always make a point to say only positive things if I get the opportunity to meet actors, writers, producers, etc. in person. Like Marc G at the con. I met him twice and each time made a point to tell him how much I love Sara as a way to drive home how I feel she's a better fit as the Canary. I could have said negative things about Laurel but I think he'll remember the positive more (and I like to think he relayed my enthusiasm to Caity so she knows there was at least one uber fan at the con) and the negative will just make him defensive and dismissive. And I wouldn't blame him. I also made a point to not say anything about any other character and keep my compliments centered on Sara. Everything I told him was true but I was careful about what I said all the same. I never want to give them any reason to discount what I'm saying (beyond the fangirling) and it's all about the right way to approach these people.

That's a very good strategy (and supported by the social psych research).  People are more likely to listen to something positive. And to consider a negative comment if you've said something positive first.  (That's why teachers say something good about your essay before they hit the bad points.)


I think if you had said something bad about Laurel/KC, he might have marked you down as a stan whereas now the love for Sara is reinforced.

I do think that fans can be overly vicious sometimes, which is a product of loving something a lot. I think we're really fortunate that the cast of Arrow seems to get along really well and love working on the show as much as we love watching and obsessing over it and the fact that they're so personable and open on social media is just an added bonus. Sometimes criticism is warranted if they say or do something bad, but hopefully people realize there is a line that needs to be drawn when it comes to vicious personal attacks on social media. They're pros in their field, and they probably are used to hearing it, but they're still humans. I just think back to that Simpsons episode where Lisa and Bart are jeering Darryl Strawberry and Lisa says it just rolls off their back, but instead we see poor Darryl's sad, single tear.

  On 7/28/2014 at 1:01 PM, Velocity23 said:

Apparently Stephen is responsible for thats my boob comment by Emily. 




I saw MG's tweet on this but I never read the context of the quote. Anybody know what it was? And something I just noticed in that GIF: Amell has dimples?!?! Never noticed them! Abs were too distracting ;)

  On 7/29/2014 at 11:50 PM, SmallScreenDiva said:

I saw MG's tweet on this but I never read the context of the quote. Anybody know what it was? And something I just noticed in that GIF: Amell has dimples?!?! Never noticed them! Abs were too distracting ;)


I think she kept accidentally getting boob groped when they were wrapping their arms around each other for pics.


And yeah, the dimples are nice. :)

Edited by apinknightmare
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  On 7/29/2014 at 9:00 PM, catrox14 said:

@wingster55, it happens to the best of us. There are pretty much two takeaways from Futurama that always seem to work. The "so-and-so is bad and so-and-so should feel bad, along with "Take my money!"

Good News Everybody...I use that one in RL a lot.

In the EBR/CL picture 1 page back, whose hand is on EBR's head?

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I just watched the 2014 ComicCon video on YT. I found it fascinating after watching some individual interviews Stephen did from CC14 and previous Cons he's participated in. He barely spoke. I don't think he offered anything. He spoke when addressed. The entire cast deferred to AK (?) a lot. At one point I believe the moderator steered it to the actors just so they'd speak up. Were they under a penalty of death if they leaked information? How much more could be leaked?


Barrowman is awesome. Either his personality lets him say what he wants or maybe since he hadn't read the scripts he didn't have a gag order. Either way the entire panel was a letdown except for the occasional entertainment brought by Barrowman. Although Blackthorne's accent is sexy. 

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  On 7/30/2014 at 2:01 AM, AnalyzeAndCritique said:

Were they under a penalty of death if they leaked information? How much more could be leaked?

I think it was part keeping some stuff under wraps to divulge in the big DC/WB panel from Saturday night, and part -- the WB party with big wigs present happened after the Arrow panel on Friday night. I'm making an educated guess that was when the EPs and Amell talked to the network/studio execs and the PR people, and decided what was okay to talk about. The avalanche of spoilers came from Saturday in the press room.

  On 7/31/2014 at 8:01 PM, wonderwall said:

"Unfortunately, Katie Cassidy will not be able to attend this year’s Boston Comic Con 2014 due to a conflict with her filming schedule." 


Wait. Who's going to BCC again? 


Well, at least they informed fans well in advance this time instead of a few hours before the event.  I get that shooting schedules are tight, but it sucks that they can't try to work around things like this.


I've been to plenty of cons where they don't tell you until at the con that an actor isn't going to be there. That's not a new thing.  SDCC is just the biggest one. I just think filming ran late or had to be reshot. Those are more important than making a con appearance. They are on a time limit to finish each episode. 

Edited by Sakura12
  On 7/31/2014 at 8:35 PM, writersblock51 said:

I suspect 'let fans know ahead of time' is a lesson that was learned recently. 


I don't know if filming for a show should rely heavily on con events - there seem to be a lot more cons now than there were a few years ago.


If you have to work, you have to work, I suppose.  I just think the shooting schedule could have been planned a little bit better considering some of these con appearances are confirmed months ahead of time.  Maybe KC features heavily in whatever episode they are shooting that week...I don't know.  If it keeps happening, I'll give it the side eye. 

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