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Is it Steve’s camera or what? His skin looks amazing. I’m super jealous. On the other hand, I had to stop watching the first video because I’m distracted by his thinning scruff right in the middle of his chin.

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I really recommend going to JH's Instagram post and clicking through it. It starts off with a video of people dancing at the reception, which features 1) William's shimmying (hands down my favorite moment that kid has had on the show thus far), and 2) Dig doing a shimmy walk in the background. I don't think that made it into the episode and OH MY GOD WHAT CRAZY PERSON WOULD PASS UP ON THAT?

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8 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

@Angel12d and @leopardprint shame on you for messing with my heart this way!

I have resigned myself to the fact that Olicitots are a big pipe dream of mine! I shall ALWAYS hope for it but do not expect anything! 

Aw, I'm sorry! I do hope you get Olicitots at the end of the series! Seeing Oliver cradling their baby would be nice to see eventually. ☺️

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5 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Aw, I'm sorry! I do hope you get Olicitots at the end of the series! Seeing Oliver cradling their baby would be nice to see eventually. ☺️

Oh, I am counting on a baby at the series end if it has a happy ending. And after all the years and suffering, it had better have a happy ending. Plus, I'm set on it being a girl. If for nothing else, then to parallel with Oliver and Thea.

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21 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Oh, I am counting on a baby at the series end if it has a happy ending. And after all the years and suffering, it had better have a happy ending. Plus, I'm set on it being a girl. If for nothing else, then to parallel with Oliver and Thea.

Same. If they let them have a happy ending, I'd love them to have a baby, but only at the end of the series. A little sister for William would be a great parallel with Oliver and Thea! Aw. Now you guys have me thinking about Olicitots, what's happening?! ?

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1 hour ago, Angel12d said:

Same. If they let them have a happy ending, I'd love them to have a baby, but only at the end of the series. A little sister for William would be a great parallel with Oliver and Thea! Aw. Now you guys have me thinking about Olicitots, what's happening?! ?

I do mean the baby as a sort of a bookend, no continued presence on the show. Like the show started with Oliver's rising from the dead, and now there is a new life.

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14 minutes ago, Chaser said:

The party was Friday night? I would have assumed it was tonight. 

They made another flight. They are in Van now.

Are they? Because it looked they didnt make it and went back to party with SAs wife.

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SA was live with Colton Haynes on Instagram. SA was at the Olicity bench in Vancouver, where he also gave a shout-out to EBR and promised to visit the bench again with her.
Edited by Soulfire
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You can say Olicity fans, SA. It won't kill you! ? ? ?

Love that he found the bench and seems to really appreciate it. I hope EBR goes there too, someday. Fingers crossed!

Edited by Guest
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6 hours ago, Chaser said:

The party was Friday night? I would have assumed it was tonight. 

I think it's tonight because on the Instagram live Colton mentioned that he was going to join them for pre-gaming. (I love that SA was worried he had ruined the surprise that Colton was in Van for EBR.) Should get lots of good pics coming! 

Also, Reddit is having a total meltdown over all of SA's bench posts. It's glorious! 

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2 hours ago, Angel12d said:

You can say Olicity fans, SA. It won't kill you! ? ? ?


I just love that he said "a group of fans" instead of just "Olicity fans"... To me, personally, it shows that we're just as real fans as someone who reads the comics...

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MG is at ACE Comic Con in Long Island this weekend and participated in two panels today (only nonspoilery comments posted below)...

Tune In: DCTV Panel | 2018 ACE Comic Con Long Island
December 9, 2017, by ACE Universe


-- When mod asked about learning from past missteps and taking corrective actions, MG said that he's been working in television for 18 years and that there's "not a single episode" where he hasn't wanted to change at least one thing. Then MG: "During the first season of Arrow, like when we were very first doing this, and the learning curve was so steep, we learned - we learned a few things. We learned, you know, don't, um - maybe this is too inside baseball an answer, but - we had all these characters and all these actors, and we made this point of, like, every single character has to be in every single episode, whether they belong there or not... Like a roll call... It was like, oh, got to name check Lance, got to get Laurel in there, got to get Tommy in there. And one of the things we realized was, it kind of did a disservice to the individual episodes because we were just servicing, you know, actor contracts, as opposed to really servicing the story. So one of the big things we did in Arrow, Season 2, and we sort of - this is applied to across all the shows - is, we're just telling the best story we can. And if a character appears, they appear. If they're in one scene, great. If they're in no scenes, fine... It's 23 -episode seasons, years. Make each episode its own special thing and tell the story that needs to be told. I think, as a result, we actually ended up not only just doing better episodes and avoiding character moments that, quite frankly, were forced or wedged in, it elevated the quality of the series overall. So that's one thing. We learned a lot of things production-wise in terms of, like, how do we pull this off? Like, you know, we learned what to do practically and what to do with CG." He then said that last year, for the Invasion crossover, they originally planned to do the aliens practically with prosthetics, but then changed to CG aliens. Mod followed up on MG's comment about realizing that they didn't have to use every actor in every episode after Season 1 of Arrow and noted that Seasons 2 & 3 of Arrow seemed "to have more air in it" and was "more actorly." 

-- When fan asked how the writing has changed with what the actors bring to their characters, MG: "Great question. Uh, I would say, when you first start out, you're writing - you're writing the characters. You're hearing a voice in our head that's really just the character. But then, over time, the voice you start to hear in your head is the voice of the actor. And you start writing - sometimes it's very conscious and sometimes it's very unconscious - but you start writing towards their strengths and away from their weaknesses. Um, but what's tricky, I will say, is - and it's a good challenge... like, let's take Arrow as an example. We've been doing this for six years. There are - you know, we've evolved as writers, but Stephen has also evolved as an actor. So there are things we write for him now that we never would've written for him in Season 1, um, you know, just because in Season 1 - like, humor. Stephen has developed a real, great gift for delivering, like, uh - his timing, his delivery, his deadpan-ness. And I think he would tell you, like, we weren't writing that stuff for him in Season 1. I don't think he would've been comfortable playing it in Season 1. So, like, it's a symbiotic relationship where every day we're getting dailies and we're seeing what they're doing, and that's influencing our writing, and our writing is pushing them in different directions. And you go back and forth and back and forth."

-- When fan asked how much the Arrow costume is worth, MG: "I would say, the Arrow costume, it costs us about $5,000 to make. So every time we need to do, like, a new costume - like, sometimes they get damaged doing stunts. Sometimes, you know, like, Season 4, you know, we created a brand new costume. It costs about $5,000. And, of course, Maya's going to see this and she's going to text me, you know, 'it's actually more than that.'  Um, but I think it's around 5 grand."

Walk the Line: The Anti-Heroes | 2018 ACE Comic Con Long Island
December 9, 2017, by ACE Universe


-- When asked about anti-heroes, MG said that he thought Oliver Queen was an anti-hero "for sure". MG: "He's obviously over the course of the show - he's had this, you know, very complex relationship with killing. You know, one year he's killing, the next year he's not killing. One year he has that moral code, the next year he doesn't. And, you know, hopefully, if we've done our job as writers - and twitter will probably disagree with me on this... we've tried to make those ups and downs motivated by what's going on with him in his overarching emotional journey." MG added: "I think Oliver is fundamentally a hero. He is always trying to do good... His heart is always in the right place... I always say, the franchise of the show is Oliver making mistakes... This year on Arrow, you know, because of the first five years, we've been trying to have his mistakes be from a more informed, self-aware, mature place. You know, he's making different kinds of mistakes. Yeah, he's a very flawed character. The moment Oliver gets all his stuff together, that's probably when the show ends." MG then said that other anti-heroes are Slade Wilson, Mick Rory, Helena Bertinelli, Sara Lance and Nyssa al Ghul.

-- When asked if he had any advice for budding artists and writers in terms of getting into the mindsets of these anti-hero characters, MG: "My big thing is, write from a place of truth and try very hard not to make that your own truth. Like, recognize that there are different points of view out there... There's a wide swath of humanity and there's a lot of different ways different people respond to situations. And, um, try to locate what those responses are and write from an honest place about them... I think there are some people who are legitimately terrible people. Like, who are legitimately bad... This is real life... And I think it's really important that, especially now, we call the out on it... Everyone has their demons, but, you know, there are some people who, you know, let those demons consume them and become their justification for doing terrible things. And then there's all the rest of us who are all getting over our demons and, uh, manage not to do terrible things. And I think we need to call out the people who do the terrible things."

Edited by tv echo
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1 hour ago, Trisha said:

I think it's tonight because on the Instagram live Colton mentioned that he was going to join them for pre-gaming. (I love that SA was worried he had ruined the surprise that Colton was in Van for EBR.) Should get lots of good pics coming! 

Also, Reddit is having a total meltdown over all of SA's bench posts. It's glorious! 

What do they expect? A group of fans who are so inspired by something that he's 50% of that they raise money for a park bench with a great quote on it and he's not going to say anything about it? To be fair if people wanted to do something similar to celebrate the GA/BC "pairing" he'd probably tweet about that as well, although they probably couldn't use many quotes from the actual show on it. 

And the "why has god abandoned us?" thing, SA has never been particularly enthusiastic about Lauriver in interviews or on screen and has yet to show much connection with Tinah, so it's not like this is a sudden turn around. 

Edited by Featherhat
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The best part of Stephen's video is where he mentions how "asinine" the whole fanbase competition is and how that shouldn't detract from appreciating what these fans did.  Raising $7K for charitable purposes should be celebrated, not mocked.  You can go back to hating whatever else you want about the show but don't crap over people doing something good.

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7 hours ago, Featherhat said:

What do they expect? A group of fans who are so inspired by something that he's 50% of that they raise money for a park bench with a great quote on it and he's not going to say anything about it? To be fair if people wanted to do something similar to celebrate the GA/BC "pairing" he'd probably tweet about that as well, although they probably couldn't use many quotes from the actual show on it. 

And the "why has god abandoned us?" thing, SA has never been particularly enthusiastic about Lauriver in interviews or on screen and has yet to show much connection with Tinah, so it's not like this is a sudden turn around. 

But that would require they actually acknowledge that Lauriver was dead before it got started. They don't read SA's nope face very well. LOL

I was watching a You Tube reviewer who is a dude and is a huge Olicity fan. He almost cried when they got married. He said "I don't know if Stephen Amell is married IRL but I would think that he was married to Felicity for real" LOL I legit LOL'd. Cause that is just the chemistry they have.

Edited by catrox14
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44 minutes ago, NumberCruncher said:

The best part of Stephen's video is where he mentions how "asinine" the whole fanbase competition is and how that shouldn't detract from appreciating what these fans did.  Raising $7K for charitable purposes should be celebrated, not mocked.  You can go back to hating whatever else you want about the show but don't crap over people doing something good.

It seems in recent weeks with elements of the so called "media" using anti-Olicity sentiment to get clicks from the worst elements of the internet or from opposing fandoms; particularly post crossover, it's welcome and appreciated that Stephen basically is telling people to go f_ _k themselves and highlighting the positives of the fandom. 

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I took a look at some of the responses on his post.  It is pretty sad that people take the engery to write some very  vile things.  It was for charity and these fans  can spend their money any which way they like.  These people should be more concerned with want is going on in their own lives instead of what is coming out of this fandom's wallet.  

Sorry I was pretty disgusted with some people's responses, and just confirmed why I am not on any social media-I can't stand negativity.

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If they want to do something, they should raise some money on their own and get a bench commemorating the comic book relationship of the Green Arrow and Black Canary.

But it's easier to complain about what other people do than do something yourself.

[Excuse me while I go into the corner and howl with laughter.]

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I think it's so cute how enthusiastic and supportive SA is about the bench project. I love that he's got bench posts everywhere on his social media accounts!

I hope EBR comes with him to visit the bench and we get cute photos. 

How lucky are we that our leads are the best of friends though! 

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6 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

I think it's so cute how enthusiastic and supportive SA is about the bench project. I love that he's got bench posts everywhere on his social media accounts!

I hope EBR comes with him to visit the bench and we get cute photos. 

How lucky are we that our leads are the best of friends though! 

I guess it's a pretty cool thing that fans are so passionate about something you are doing that they raised money to commemorate it, and that it's for charity and something that the public can enjoy is even better, so I'm not surprised he's enthusiastic. 


But it's easier to complain about what other people do than do something yourself.

It also takes away from the Reddit narrative that all Olicity fans are toxic and the worst people ever, just like the relationship etc. But seriously if they want to raise money for their own positive project they should go for it. 

Edited by Featherhat
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SA has always been involved in charity work so I’m not surprised either..I imagine he is proud fans felt inspired by something he is part of to give money to charity.

I feel like complaining about charity is a sign you’ve lost contact with reality and feel like your feelings about fiction are more important than doing something good in real life.

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8 hours ago, tv echo said:

MG is back on twitter for the first time since Nov. 12...

MG also commented on a Bleeding Cool article about the Olicity bench...

I'm getting the impression that SA and MG are truly impressed by the public and semi-permanent nature of the plaque. I guess it's seen as more lasting than the other charitable campaigns because of the tangible bench.  They seem more tickled by it than I would have guessed.  Just the image of SA using his run to go to the park and then to stop every four seconds checking every bench until he found the right one cracks me up.

Edited by BkWurm1
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29 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I'm getting the impression that SA and MG are truly impressed by the public and semi-permanent nature of the plaque. I guess it's seen as more lasting than the other charitable campaigns because of the tangible bench.  They seem more tickled by it than I would have guessed.  Just the image of SA using his run to go to the park and then to stop every four seconds checking every bench until he found the right one cracks me up.

i'm also amused by the fact that Stephen went out hunting for it on the first free day he had after he found out about the bench.  

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