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Seriously. Sara would not be proud. She would not want Laurel out there vigilanting.


The tone deafness in their promotions...Is hilarious.

ok ...did they just use the stunt double? Because its quite the difference to the first promo pic of Laurel in the BC suit.


I was just coming to ask this. I think they photshopped KC's head onto the stunt double's body.

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Pictures like that highlight the fact that Laurel looks like she's wearing leg braces.


Also why does it look someone drew KC's face on the stunt double? 

Edited by Sakura12
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Ugh, the Twitter and Facebook body shaming I'm seeing is not cute. So what if they put her head on a stunt double's body (or just digitally "enhanced" her) so they could have a better ~aesthetic? All promo pics we see are photoshopped to hell and back, and some of these people were getting angry about that nut job tweeting nasty things about EBR's body. Granted, laughing at a photoshop job is different than telling someone to kill themselves because they need to lose weight, but both are gross to me.

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The same Laurel that Nyssa has been training can't fight? And I'm pretty sure she could dance circles round Oliver too.

For what? Three weeks off screen. I'll believe it when I see it (and still be pretty skeptical).


And I'm sure serious lawyer Laurel Lance is a great disco dancer. I can just imagine her getting down to night fever right now. 

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Ugh, the Twitter and Facebook body shaming I'm seeing is not cute. So what if they put her head on a stunt double's body (or just digitally "enhanced" her) so they could have a better ~aesthetic? All promo pics we see are photoshopped to hell and back, and some of these people were getting angry about that nut job tweeting nasty things about EBR's body. Granted, laughing at a photoshop job is different than telling someone to kill themselves because they need to lose weight, but both are gross to me.


It's a problem IF they did what it looks like they did re KC's head on the stunt double's body. A better aesthetic using KC's own actual body is one thing. They can touch up some things, but to full on put her head on someone else's body is a problem for both the actor and the stunt double. It's just awful.

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It's a problem IF they did what it looks like they did re KC's head on the stunt double's body. A better aesthetic using KC's own actual body is one thing. They can touch up some things, but to full on put her head on someone else's body is a problem for both the actor and the stunt double. It's just awful.


Oh, I don't disagree with you there. I was just commenting about the fact that it seems like people are laughing about it/making fun of her for it. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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IMO, an example of fan service on Arrow would be something like Oliver using the boxing glove arrow.

I think the fans that got most excited about Oliver using the boxing glove arrow were Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisburg and Greg Berlanti.


Does that count as fanservice?


I think Stephen actually asked for less shirtless scenes because he didn't want to have to be on a crazy diet all the time.

David Ramsey also said that it takes work to stay looking like that so now they get two weeks notice before there's a shirtless scene.


While I have a lot of admiration for the physiques of Stephan Amell, David Ramsey and Colton Haynes, I wonder if that's a healthy benchline to be setting for viewers.  We know women mistreat their bodies so they can look like the stick figures of woman on television; I don't want that kinds of unhealthiness to affect men too.

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I think Stephen actually asked for less shirtless scenes because he didn't want to have to be on a crazy diet all the time.


IIRC, it also has to do with the amount of time he has to spend in the makeup chair having Oliver's scars applied. He talked about it quite a bit on Aisha Tyler's podcast - it was kind of an offshoot of a conversation about what it's like to be a lead on a show, and how much time it takes and how because he dedicates so much time to the show that he feels like he has the right to ask for certain things, like to be given first priority for filming so he can have more days off ahead of a break, or to ask that the shirtless scenes be toned down so he doesn't have to spend so much time in the makeup chair. 

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Putting KC's head on her stunt double's body is like lampshading the problem about her being to thin to be an effective fighter.    The only way I can believe that Katie Cassidy's Laurel is a kickass fighter is if the CW believes it too.

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I don't think KC being thin is the problem. I mean Maggie Q is whisper thin but she earned her cred as a fighter regardless of her size.  They made a huge mistake doing this because it draws more attention to the problem. I don't think they considered that people would notice. And maybe we are all wrong...but I don't think so.

Why would anyone think it wasn't KC, apart from people trying to belittle her?


I don't understand why noticing there is a difference = those that notice are body shaming her. I'm not doing that at all.

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I really really hate all of these posters because they are so photoshopped. I think the only one I didn't really mind was Barry's. At first I thought it wasn't her body... But I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. 


Skinny fighters who I totally believe are competent: 

  • Maggie Q
  • Lucy Liu
  • Summer Glau
  • Sarah Michelle Gellar
  • Rila Fukushima
  • Celina Jade


You get the gist...

Edited by wonderwall
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Apart from taking credibility away from the character, why would they bother to photoshop KC's head on to some else's body? Why not just take a picture of her when she's wearing the BC costume for the poster?  Or even calling her in to do a photoshoot some time when she's on set in Vancouver? There are competent professional photographers in Vancouver, you know.


It makes no sense to me.  I know we've talking about the poster, but we're not talking about it in a good way.

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She can be lean and thin and be a good fighter, but fighting ability is not why they changed her body for that poster. 

Do we even know that KC was at the photo shoot? I don't feel like watching the promo again. But I distinctly remember there being very little close-ups of BC and most of them looked like her stunt double when glimpses of her face were shown. So there might be a very logistical reason they had to photoshop her face onto the body.


As for her body size, I've gotta agree with Catrox14 Maggie Q is whisper thin and one could easily underestimate the damage it can do. Maggie Q proves that size is not always demonstrative of force & skill. I find the fighting style & technique they have chosen to give KC/BC do not match what I imagine her body style strengths would be.

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SMG's stunt double said in an interview that there was no way she could have done the stunts if she were as thin as SMG.  But I guess you could say that Buffy had special powers.


KC was at the Fight Club promo taping. Why not do the photo shoot then? Planning, people, planning.

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SMG's stunt double said in an interview that there was no way she could have done the stunts if she were as thin as SMG.  But I guess you could say that Buffy had special powers.


KC was at the Fight Club promo taping. Why not do the photo shoot then? Planning, people, planning.


I didn't know that! 


Also, didn't the shoot the promo and do the photo shoot on the same day? 

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Apart from taking credibility away from the character, why would they bother to photoshop KC's head on to some else's body? Why not just take a picture of her when she's wearing the BC costume for the poster? Or even calling her in to do a photoshoot some time when she's on set in Vancouver? There are competent professional photographers in Vancouver, you know.

It makes no sense to me. I know we've talking about the poster, but we're not talking about it in a good way.

I don't think they put her head on anyone else's body, but I do think they photoshopped her body, primarily because her ass is the focal point of the poster. Of course all the guys had frontal shots.

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It's the original Avengers/Black Widow poster all over again.  Show all the guys in fighting poses - oh but make sure the lone woman has her shapely ass to the camera!


I kind of hate that PR departments are still putting this crap out there. I had hoped the popularity of the Hawkeye Initiative would have, at the least, made TIIC think twice, but I am clearly wrong. Hope Laurel has a good chiropractor to help with those back problems this pose is going to cause.

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I didn't know that!

Also, didn't the shoot the promo and do the photo shoot on the same day?

I'd imagine that they did do the spot the same day. It was done in la in January I think, all the masks were there for the same two days.

I think the pic was probably altered in postproduction thing.

Edited by Delphi
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Not all the shirtless scenes are fanservice. To a certain degree the show does look to capitalize on the sexiness of shirtless scenes, so some shots are fanservice. The one that comes to mind the most is when he is banging the tire in the middle of the foundry. Seriously, everything about the work-out scene felt a little on the fanservicing side as pleasant as it was to watch. Other shirtless scenes are very organic to the plot, like revealing/healing of injuries, sex scenes, if he ever were to go to swimming etc. The mountaintop fight shirtless was kinda a hybrid between fanservice/show cheekiness/plot. We didn't really need to see the scene shirtless, but the skewering looked a whole lot more impressive shirtless both stunt & cinematography wise than if he had had a shirt on.


In the beginning, I could see how SA would want to show off his physique. Its not easy to get a body like that, so I can get his desire for some attention to be drawn to it. But I think the show has evolved and there are other priorities both on/off set. Totally get SA (or any of the actors) wanting some heads up on shooting shirtless scenes or minimizing them when not needed for plot. Time in the make-up chair can be long & costly, so it makes sense that the show does not always bank on that now.

Edited by kismet
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Hell, the show has us believe women find Oliver attractive, nothing else could be that much of a stretch. Unless of course you like monosyllabic and emotionally stunted.

Works for me!


If all the suits get individual pics, then it's time we get some beauty shots of Diggle and Felicity (and Thea but they will wait until she has her maks)  For some reason though, taking new cast photos seems to be incredibly hard to make happen.  Seriously, how hard or expensive could it be? I really don't understand why photo shoots are always so difficult for shows to produce.  They have the cast there on set.  There is tons of down time.  Hire a photographer, take an hour and take some pictures dammit!!!

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They have photographers on set as well. They have the time but it might be a matter that Arrow doesn't need it, as far as the CW is concerned. Cast pictures tend to be used mostly when there's a fledgling show trying to make itself noticed. Which Arrow already has. They don't need a bunch of promotion for it because the fandom handles that for them. They wouldn't care that cast pictures that people see are about two years out of date and two of the members...wait three (poor Colton) aren't on the show anymore. They have their viewers.

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Came here to post about jackets & got all distracted by shirtlessness.... the irony of Arrow.


Anyway... was looking at the recent spoiler stills from 321 & it brought up something been meaning to say about the wardrobe department choices. It might just be me, but I have not really like most of the jackets that have put on the ladies this season. Most have had a shortened length that cuts their bodies at all the wrong angles. I don't find them very flattering this season. My guess is it goes along with the fashion trends. But I just don't see them as jackets that I would choose for the characters esp for how they translate on film. The costume deptartment jacket game is usually really strong, so maybe this is just an off season for them for the ladies.

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To photoshop old pictures onto a poster seems unprofessional. You're a P.R. department, you have photographers on set, the cost would be minimal.  Show some pride.  It's really not funny when fans create better posters than the CW itself does.

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When you find a Twitter account dedicated to telling KC she's so fat and ugly she should kill herself, let me know. I'll report them myself. I'm sure other people on this board would too.


Oh she gets a ton of that stuff on twitter and on instagram she got a bunch of that stuff on here too, I haven't seen any death threats on here (thank god) but a lot of other ugly things. I think it's disgusting when people go after the actor instead of the character, and I've spent many a social media and message board defending many actresses from it. I don't know what kind of emptiness people have in their lives to say such disgusting things about women they don't know but it needs to be kept to the character. Period.



To photoshop old pictures onto a poster seems unprofessional. You're a P.R. department, you have photographers on set, the cost would be minimal.  Show some pride.  It's really not funny when fans create better posters than the CW itself does.


Yeah, the CW is getting lazy and I can honestly say that fanvids and fan-promo is uber-better than anything the CW and all their money are doling out. They really need to start doing fan contests and such.

Edited by slayer2
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Pictures like that highlight the fact that Laurel looks like she's wearing leg braces.


Also why does it look someone drew KC's face on the stunt double? 



Let's not even get started on the fact that of course the one female who gets a poster gets an ass shot. 


I could deal with leg braces.  The ATOM suit kinda does that, and there are similar examples in other supersoldier type suits/costumes, but I do believe that's a leather garter belt with, I'm sorry to say, some kind of condom pocket.   

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I don't really give two sh*ts about the posters apart from my resounding WHERE ARE DIGGLE AND FELICITY'S POSTERS, huh?!

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Let's not even get started on the fact that of course the one female who gets a poster gets an ass shot. 

That's exactly my problem. That pose is ridiculous and has been called out as ridiculous by the media many, many times. The Black Canary should not be posing with her ass to the camera and absurdly twisting her body to show us her face.

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I'm by no means an expert on photoshopping but I think the main reason it looks so weird is that they had to digitally twist her head around, essentially snapping her neck, in order to make both her ass and her face visible. Which has been done before and is so ridiculous.

Edited by KirkB
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