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I beg to differ.  If the person has a mouth sore or bleeding gums or any minute cut on their lip you can contract HIV if you also have some kind of abrasion on your mouth or gums.  Any source of blood in the mouth no matter how minute from an infected person runs the risk of infecting the person they are kissing.  Just because you have the disease doesn't mean you're an expert on it.  I get my fact from a person with HIV and that's how she got it.  I have no reason to disbelieve her.

It's not MY opinion, it's the CDC's opinion I think they are experts. HIV cases are repored to the CDC and the mode of transmission is tracked.  The CDC themselves reports that no one of 500,000 cases tracked came via kissing. 

  • Love 14

It's not MY opinion, it's the CDC's opinion I think they are experts. HIV cases are repored to the CDC and the mode of transmission is tracked.  The CDC themselves reports that no one of 500,000 cases tracked came via kissing. 


I'm not going to argue with you but I doubt the CDC knows every single person with HIV and how they got it.  How the hell do they know how a person got the disease anyway?  If you ask me, they're only guessing.  I don't care if the friend of my friend's doctor recorded that she got it from semen, I believe her because she was there.  She said they used a condom and it didn't break or anything.  I'm just going off what she says.  At any rate, I still don't want to kiss some random stranger

Edited by swankie

Definitely on B's side because it seems like they spoke last night about her making lunch because the other girls seemed to know about it. And she wasn't trying to force Ramona and Sonja to stay. I think it would have been understandable for her to be pissed that Ramona was trying to take all the women to the restaurant but it seemed like she was more upset about R & S trying to force the issue.


So I've been liking Carole a little more lately (maybe because she just hasn't been involved as much) but she's one to talk about Ramona calling her life a work in progress at 58. And while I do like B she was way harsh about the book titles.


I love B's "somehow I feel like you can get a word in whenever you want" to Heather because it's so true. I don't know how much they can hear of each other's mics or just because of how close they are in the house but yeah, if Heather didn't want to start something she shouldn't have been complaining to Carole. I think other than her personality, one of my issues with Heather is she likes to act all offended (all hey mama and nurturing and offended that she can't get a word in) and she likes to sneak into fights (with gossip and shit stirring of other people's squabbles) but we've seen the pitbull Heather who can bring it when she wants to. If you want to fight, be direct. Don't just snark in your talking heads.


The packaging for Kristen's polish kind of reminded me of Julep.


The party was fun. Even Ramona's rudeness made me laugh. And yeah, if Sonja wanted to make a case that all of the women know how to have fun their alcohol consumption that night would have helped her make it.


So yes, there were stray dogs roaming about but it's not like they all have rabies or are going to attack you just because they're strays. I kind of liked that Luann wasn't afraid to approach them, even though the crawling about in the sand made me question her sobriety at that moment.

I'm not going to argue with you but I doubt the CDC knows every single person with HIV and how they got it.  How the hell do they know how a person got the disease anyway?  If you ask me, they're only guessing.  I don't care if the friend of my friend's doctor recorded that she got it from semen, I believe her because she was there.  She said they used a condom and it didn't break or anything.  I'm just going off what she says.  At any rate, I still don't want to kiss some random stranger


Holy time vortex, Batman, we've gotten stuck in popular misconceptions of the early 1980s.    

  • Love 22

Ramona is ridiculous. And nowhere near as good at imitating the others as they are at imitating her.


I think B might be the only one who told Sonja the whole truth when confronted instead of backtracking. 


Dorinda, stop trying to start a widow's club with Carole. Carole is taking it all very well though. She gets points for that.


I wonder when they filmed that clip with the Countess teasing Heather for getting texts from B. It could be read a lot of ways is all.


It was weird that they all started piling on Heather for cursing. This time I'm totally on H's side. Those were a lot of attacks and it was natural for her to go on the defensive. Not sure about Luann but Dorinda was slurring a lot so I'm chalking it up to inebriation and lowered inhibitions again.

  • Love 3

One of the things that was a little lost in the know it all fight is that Heather thought that one of Ramona's possible book titles had already been used by another another author and Bethenny thought it was no big deal. I find that funny considering the the Pop/Pop of Color issue and the Switch the Bitch/Bitch Switch fight over on RHoMelbourne. I don't think Heather was saying don't use the title, but investigate in what capacity it has been used and how recently.

  • Love 15

I agree.  But I'll be honest and say I'm a little judge-y when people use it often in conversation.  This is a coinky dink but last night I met an acquaintance of my husband and his friends'. They've always called him "Effin Ed".  After a 5 minute conversation with him, I understand why.  He's an attractive man.  Til he opens his mouth.  Almost every.other.word.

This reminded me of seeing the Pacino movie Scarface.  He says the F-word about every other sentence so I call it the movie F-Face now lol

  • Love 2

It's interesting because I think that others feel this way as well. I don't agree, but then I love her.  But my love for her is not the reason. From watching these shows, I have gotten the impression that the one thing the other ladies on their respective shows cannot tolerate is when someone is being fake. It is always their downfall, or at least the thing that will piss the others off. They are supposed to be real and show the audience the good and the bad. If it looks like others are being honest in who they are and taking the criticism that comes with being real, they don't like it if someone else is not; trying to create a character that the audience might find acceptable. It happened with Alexis on the OC show, where everyone came to hate her because she was so fake. She was trying so hard to present one image on camera, when they knew that she was living a different life away from the camera. It was one of the reasons the gals on the BH show had an issue with Lisa V. The most famous example is Lu. Beth and Ramona never let up on the fact that she was being fake on camera and was a very different person away from the camera. I think that by this time, if Heather was someone different than who she presented, we would know about it. Ramona for one wouldn't let her get by with it. I remember when Heather first came on. One of Ramona's issues with her was that she said she was being fake with her (her smile made Ramona feel sure of this.  Very few people smile when talking to Ramona). Heather assured her she was anything but fake, and by the reunion, when Andy asked Ramona if she still thought that about Heather, Ramona said that she had come to know that she was very genuine. 

Funny about the whole fake stuff. Especially in Heathers case. This was an issue before anyone even knew her so how can someone determine if they are fake? Lu is a different story but I don't necessarily think she's fake but I do think Lu believes there's a time and a place for everything and in the beginning with the cameras all around she wasn't sure how to maneuver through without airing out dirty laundry. I get being on a reality show means opening up those closets but now that the Housewives are more familiar with how it goes down some of them are more comfortable with the shit that flies and just try their best to dress their skeletons "to die for".  I am one that has been accused of being fake by the most nastiest of women because I adapt to my surroundings. I'm the type that tries to deescalate, keep a smile on my face and even do the inward eyeroll but still try to keep the peace. I've also been able to read my surroundings and adjust to my audience and the people I grew up with say that I like to be a chameleon in order to get people to like me. Well, um yeah. I like meeting new people. I like trying to relate to them on their level. That's how you get people to feel confortable, trust that you're open to them, that you're interested. 


I think Heather's way of being overly interested and invested comes across as insincere and just having an agenda and in all honesty it is true. The agenda is to make friends. I, not for one minute, think that Heather lures you in with a fake persona and then chomps your head off for fun. I think she comes in with her cheerleader, sorority girl mentality of we are gonna be the best of friends and actually means it until well it doesn't work out that way but I think that's what she likes to start out with and then mold it from there. I'm the same way. My agenda was to get to know people, to put my best foot forward, to work towards a friendship and start out by showing how invested I plan on being. I mean of course as time goes by, and you learn more about each other that may change and you mold the relationship base on experiences but when I meet new people I'm all about making sure that my message is that "I go into this relationship believing it will be a success until something happens to change that". Not something minor, not something superficial but something more significant than that and Heather has proven that she can get passed superficial slights and issues but of course she's human and has her gripes about XYZ and I think that's why they like to claim she's fake because she can be a genuine friend because she can let shit go but she'll also have reactions that are not so nice, well because people are being dumb fucking assholes and there you go. It is possible to care about a persons well being and still think they are a pain in the fucking ass and smile at them the next day because life is short and you only live once. I just hate when people throw around the word fake as if we all don't know that in order to get through life sometimes you just have to smile and nod and let shit be what it is even if you have a different view or opinion about it.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 13

According to an interview Andy has up on Bravo, Lu came prepared and was on fire at the reunion.

In this article from Stoopid HW's, they say the following:

- Lu goes after Ramona in a big way - like she had been waiting to say the things she did for years.

- They also say that Lu claims to have located Carole's Ghostwriter. This is something I had thought she might have up her sleeve. When Lu was doing all of her loony tweeting at the beginning of the season Aviva started jumping in with things like "you guys will finally see the truth".

It is so hard to watch Lu now and understand where all this is coming from.


Is that why Carol can't get this book written? because she's trying to do it herself? Maybe she's turned her ghost writer into a lazy pothead.  I can just imagine their collaborations: they sit around and smoke to "get their creative juices flowing", giggle for a few hrs, have deep philosophical discussions about how long pigs-in-a-blanket can last in the freezer,  and forget to write anything down.


eta:  I liked Carol's original persona of the successful professional journalist, better than Carrie Bradshaw Carol. jmo.

Edited by AnitaKnight
  • Love 3

One of the things that was a little lost in the know it all fight is that Heather thought that one of Ramona's possible book titles had already been used by another another author and Bethenny thought it was no big deal. I find that funny considering the the Pop/Pop of Color issue and the Switch the Bitch/Bitch Switch fight over on RHoMelbourne. I don't think Heather was saying don't use the title, but investigate in what capacity it has been used and how recently.


Excellent point!!  Too bad Kristen was too busy perfecting her "O" face look to pick up on that!!!  

  • Love 5

According to an interview Andy has up on Bravo, Lu came prepared and was on fire at the reunion.

In this article from Stoopid HW's, they say the following:

- Lu goes after Ramona in a big way - like she had been waiting to say the things she did for years.

- They also say that Lu claims to have located Carole's Ghostwriter. This is something I had thought she might have up her sleeve. When Lu was doing all of her loony tweeting at the beginning of the season Aviva started jumping in with things like "you guys will finally see the truth".

It is so hard to watch Lu now and understand where all this is coming from.



I was kind of on Lu's side when it came to Carol dating her nieces ex, because I know I'd react the same way to a friend dating a family member's ex. But she clearly had no real problem with it during the season so I've come around to thinking she was using it as bs excuse to fight with Carol, reasons unknown. But going after her for having a ghostwriter now? What a bizarre thing to do. Is she really that petty?  Not gonna lie though, I'm kind of excited to hear her go after Ramona. 

  • Love 10
I could be wrong but I thought the "c-word" in London is used as "loser" not a misogynistic slur?



You're right, but it's still a harsh word, IMO, and I find it more offensive than Heather's swearing. And regardless of context, it still negates LuAnn's ridiculous point that no one swears in Europe. 


They also say that Lu claims to have located Carole's Ghostwriter.


Oh for God's sake - can we leave Aviva's S6 storyline behind?? I'll enjoy this only if Carole goes and rounds up all the short French men LuAnn is purportedly dominating and says "I found them!"

  • Love 9

I suspect it more likely that Ramona and Bethenny expect newbies or HWs they do not know, to be subservient and/or show them deference until they, Ramona/Bethenny, deem them worthy! LOL  JMO

AGREED! and that what always pisses me off! It's like, hey have whatever opinion you want but no one has the right to go on a rude attack just because they (Ramona, Bethenny) want to INTERPRET someone as negative when they haven't really proven themselves to be. Be on the alert when walking late at night alone and run at the slightest inkling of danger. That's where you should allow yourself to make snap judgments but what true harm is a new acquaintance going to do that isn't controllable that you need to take such an offensive stance upon first interactions? It's just silly.

  • Love 9

Funny about the whole fake stuff. Especially in Heathers case. This was an issue before anyone even knew her so how can someone determine if they are fake? Lu is a different story but I don't necessarily think she's fake but I do think Lu believes there's a time and a place for everything and in the beginning with the cameras all around she wasn't sure how to maneuver through without airing out dirty laundry. I get being on a reality show means opening up those closets but now that the Housewives are more familiar with how it goes down some of them are more comfortable with the shit that flies and just try their best to dress their skeletons "to die for".  I am one that has been accused of being fake by the most nastiest of women because I adapt to my surroundings. I'm the type that tries to deescalate, keep a smile on my face and even do the inward eyeroll but still try to keep the peace. I've also been able to read my surroundings and adjust to my audience and the people I grew up with say that I like to be a chameleon in order to get people to like me. Well, um yeah. I like meeting new people. I like trying to relate to them on their level. That's how you get people to feel confortable, trust that you're open to them, that you're interested. 


I think Heather's way of being overly interested and invested comes across as insincere and just having an agenda and in all honesty it is true. The agenda is to make friends. I, not for one minute, think that Heather lures you in with a fake persona and then chomps your head off for fun. I think she comes in with her cheerleader, sorority girl mentality of we are gonna be the best of friends and actually means it until well it doesn't work out that way but I think that's what she likes to start out with and then mold it from there. I'm the same way. My agenda was to get to know people, to put my best foot forward, to work towards a friendship and start out by showing how invested I plan on being. I mean of course as time goes by, and you learn more about each other that may change and you mold the relationship base on experiences but when I meet new people I'm all about making sure that my message is that "I go into this relationship believing it will be a success until something happens to change that". Not something minor, not something superficial but something more significant than that and Heather has proven that she can get passed superficial slights and issues but of course she's human and has her gripes about XYZ and I think that's why they like to claim she's fake because she can be a genuine friend because she can let shit go but she'll also have reactions that are not so nice, well because people are being dumb fucking assholes and there you go. It is possible to care about a persons well being and still think they are a pain in the fucking ass and smile at them the next day because life is short and you only live once. I just hate when people throw around the word fake as if we all don't know that in order to get through life sometimes you just have to smile and nod and let shit be what it is even if you have a different view or opinion about it.

I like Heather and have always found her to be genuine but I think the other HWs, especially Ramona looked at Heather wanting to get to know her by Ramona's own motives. Ramona ASSumed that Heather just wanted to get to know her for camera time because that is who/what Ramona is and that is what she wants and does to everyone all the time. When the cameras leave, Heather is the one that keeps in touch with all of the women, not Ramona, LuAnn or Sonja......Heather.

  • Love 3

I was kind of on Lu's side when it came to Carol dating her nieces ex, because I know I'd react the same way to a friend dating a family member's ex. But she clearly had no real problem with it during the season so I've come around to thinking she was using it as bs excuse to fight with Carol, reasons unknown. But going after her for having a ghostwriter now? What a bizarre thing to do. Is she really that petty?  Not gonna lie though, I'm kind of excited to hear her go after Ramona. 

LOL, What else does LuAnn have? She doesn't have much going on in her personal life, outside having sex with random guys and her clothing line, that we haven't seen already and she lost her apple last season. She is going to do/say anything to keep that  Apple firmly seated in her clenched  fists and friendships/relationships/integrity/the truth be dammed! LOL

I don't understand why Luanne was up in arms about the word "fuck" when evidence of her actually fucking random guys onn vacation has featured on the show. Not trying to slut shame Luanne, you do you, but it has to be absolutely mortifying for her kids, especially Noel. Teens can be assholes to their friends and Luanne provides plenty of ammo. Can't she at least be more discreet for their sakes?

Why was she upset about it when she says it as well? "Do as I say, not as I do", the Countess's rule #1 in her book! LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 1

I explained this above, it's a manipulation tactic. Now we've come full circle.

Okay so manipulation tactic confirmed.  Lu and Dorinda were wrong to go there. I don't get why the vehicle is so important to confirm anyway. What it boils down to is that two grown ass women were spending waaaayyy too much time trying to shame and humiliate a friend and at the very least a co-worker in public amongst other friends about something absolutely stupid and for absolutely no good reason other than to be fucked up and mean. Heather was the one being targeted, she was on the receiving end and the weapon of choice was waaaaaaayyyyy below the belt. Heather had every right to have the reaction she had and she handled it a whole lot better than most considering the fighting words that were thrown around that table. Bottom line, Lu and Dorinda as well as Ramona were fucked up bitches to Heather and Heather didn't deserve to be treated that way. Point blank.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 9

I'm not going to argue with you but I doubt the CDC knows every single person with HIV and how they got it.  How the hell do they know how a person got the disease anyway?  If you ask me, they're only guessing.  I don't care if the friend of my friend's doctor recorded that she got it from semen, I believe her because she was there.  She said they used a condom and it didn't break or anything.  I'm just going off what she says.  At any rate, I still don't want to kiss some random stranger

Just cause... But condoms are only like 97% effective.. People even get pregnant when using condoms. I'm shocked at the level of misinformation. This is stuff that's like taught in Elementary school right?.. That's all, spoke my piece. <slips into the background>

Holy time vortex, Batman, we've gotten stuck in popular misconceptions of the early 1980s.    

I know right!!! Wow.

I have to tell you, it completely freaks me out that in 2015 we are talking about getting HIV from kissing.  

Same here!

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 12

I was kind of on Lu's side when it came to Carol dating her nieces ex, because I know I'd react the same way to a friend dating a family member's ex. But she clearly had no real problem with it during the season so I've come around to thinking she was using it as bs excuse to fight with Carol, reasons unknown. But going after her for having a ghostwriter now? What a bizarre thing to do. Is she really that petty?  Not gonna lie though, I'm kind of excited to hear her go after Ramona. 

She could have still had a problem with it but still be able to make the best of her interactions with Carole. I can move on from something because there's nothing left to do about it but that doesn't mean that it's not a sore subject when it's brought up. I think that Lu wasn't going to beat a bitch down for it but at the same time I think Lu decided to leave well enough alone and move on however if the subject comes up then she's not about to pretend it doesn't hit a raw nerve. I think we see them getting along well enough because the topic of Carole and her new sperm wasn't a continuous topic of conversation throughout the whole season. When the subject comes up Lu has never pretended that it's all loddy dah, she's absolutely fine with it. For the most part she just seems to try and wave the issue away, she doesn't completely renege her feelings over the matter.  I also think Carole's aloof demeanor over it all rubbed Lu the wrong way which is why her claws come out here and there about the matter. I mean I get bent out of shape whenever I see Carole's behavior over chefgate so I definitely don't fault Lu's not so demur moments of what I can only guess is her trying not to jam her foot up Carole's "great ass".


Oh for God's sake - can we leave Aviva's S6 storyline behind?? I'll enjoy this only if Carole goes and rounds up all the short French men LuAnn is purportedly dominating and says "I found them!"

Hell no! I would love to see Carole get her "great ass" handed to her especially about this and especially since she has shit on her own attempt at presenting herself as such a dedicated and professional writer. Oh Countess Bring it on Please!!

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 6

Funny about the whole fake stuff. Especially in Heathers case. This was an issue before anyone even knew her so how can someone determine if they are fake? Lu is a different story but I don't necessarily think she's fake but I do think Lu believes there's a time and a place for everything and in the beginning with the cameras all around she wasn't sure how to maneuver through without airing out dirty laundry. I get being on a reality show means opening up those closets but now that the Housewives are more familiar with how it goes down some of them are more comfortable with the shit that flies and just try their best to dress their skeletons "to die for". I am one that has been accused of being fake by the most nastiest of women because I adapt to my surroundings. I'm the type that tries to deescalate, keep a smile on my face and even do the inward eyeroll but still try to keep the peace. I've also been able to read my surroundings and adjust to my audience and the people I grew up with say that I like to be a chameleon in order to get people to like me. Well, um yeah. I like meeting new people. I like trying to relate to them on their level. That's how you get people to feel confortable, trust that you're open to them, that you're interested.

I think Heather's way of being overly interested and invested comes across as insincere and just having an agenda and in all honesty it is true. The agenda is to make friends. I, not for one minute, think that Heather lures you in with a fake persona and then chomps your head off for fun. I think she comes in with her cheerleader, sorority girl mentality of we are gonna be the best of friends and actually means it until well it doesn't work out that way but I think that's what she likes to start out with and then mold it from there. I'm the same way. My agenda was to get to know people, to put my best foot forward, to work towards a friendship and start out by showing how invested I plan on being. I mean of course as time goes by, and you learn more about each other that may change and you mold the relationship base on experiences but when I meet new people I'm all about making sure that my message is that "I go into this relationship believing it will be a success until something happens to change that". Not something minor, not something superficial but something more significant than that and Heather has proven that she can get passed superficial slights and issues but of course she's human and has her gripes about XYZ and I think that's why they like to claim she's fake because she can be a genuine friend because she can let shit go but she'll also have reactions that are not so nice, well because people are being dumb fucking assholes and there you go. It is possible to care about a persons well being and still think they are a pain in the fucking ass and smile at them the next day because life is short and you only live once. I just hate when people throw around the word fake as if we all don't know that in order to get through life sometimes you just have to smile and nod and let shit be what it is even if you have a different view or opinion about it.


Hi gang! We're really not interested in getting into a knock down drag out over an issue that is only related to the show because someone here brought it up.


Let's table the discussion of how HIV is transmitted or at least take it to Small Talk. It's not particularly relevant to the show and it's starting to get ugly and feel a bit slut-shamy which isn't cool at all.


You can say you think it's gross to kiss a stranger without bringing any more baggage to it than that, and really? No one is making you kiss any strangers so move it along please. 

  • Love 8

Hi gang! We're really not interested in getting into a knock down drag out over an issue that is only related to the show because someone here brought it up.


Let's table the discussion of how HIV is transmitted or at least take it to Small Talk. It's not particularly relevant to the show and it's starting to get ugly and feel a bit slut-shamy which isn't cool at all.


You can say you think it's gross to kiss a stranger without bringing any more baggage to it than that, and really? No one is making you kiss any strangers so move it along please. 

Thanks.. And I'm sorry. I knew I was probably going off topic, but I just could not let things go unsaid. I actually felt kind of sick when I read the comment and  for me it's real life .Things like that make it more difficult for people like me to live my life...So I had to comment. I was so relieved to see  the other posts today,as I went to bed las night feeling bad. I'll take this to this to small talk, if there is more to be said. And yes, it's very slut shamey

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 16

I liked Heather's TH calling Beth out for acting like she's such a business guru. I agree with Heather that Beth acts like a know-it-all, but most definitely does not know it all.


According to the viewers who voted on WWHL last week, Heather is the biggest Know-It-All.  Heather:  43%.   Bethenny:  29%.  I wonder if that annoys Bethenny as much as it, likely, annoyed Heather.


Hell no! I would love to see Carole get her "great ass" handed to her especially about this and especially since she has shit on her own attempt at presenting herself as such a dedicated and professional writer. Oh Countess Bring it on Please!!


Agreed.  I've lost interest this season but if this is a topic at the reunion, I'll totally break out the popcorn.  Because I've always thought there was a kernel of truth there. 

  • Love 4

According to the viewers who voted on WWHL last week, Heather is the biggest Know-It-All. Heather: 43%. Bethenny: 29%. I wonder if that annoys Bethenny as much as it, likely, annoyed Heather.

Agreed. I've lost interest this season but if this is a topic at the reunion, I'll totally break out the popcorn. Because I've always thought there was a kernel of truth there.

Andy and his fake polls lol. One of those polls also said Beth had a better ass than John Legend, John freakin Legend! Yeah okay. I never really cared about the polls on WWHL till this season. I still don't care but I can see how hilarious they are and completely in favor of what ever agenda Andy wants.

Sorry for this mini rant lol, but in what world is Beth's ass better than John Legend's... Lol.

Can you tell I love John Legend?

  • Love 5

Andy and his fake polls lol. One of those polls also said Beth had a better ass than John Legend, John freakin Legend! Yeah okay. I never really cared about the polls on WWHL till this season. I still don't care but I can see how hilarious they are and completely in favor of what ever agenda Andy wants.

Sorry for this mini rant lol, but in what world is Beth's ass better than John Legend's... Lol.

Can you tell I love John Legend?

And his butt   lol

  • Love 2

According to the viewers who voted on WWHL last week, Heather is the biggest Know-It-All.  Heather:  43%.   Bethenny:  29%.  I wonder if that annoys Bethenny as much as it, likely, annoyed Heather.



Agreed.  I've lost interest this season but if this is a topic at the reunion, I'll totally break out the popcorn.  Because I've always thought there was a kernel of truth there. 

Paraphrasing Bethy, so Heather does know it all.  By popular vote.  :) 

  • Love 6

I always go into a season of the housewives rooting for someone as if it's a kind of sporting event. The winner looks good at the end (or at least better than the others, or better than their nemesis, or better than they do most seasons, or...). The reunions are like the superbowl to me. I think this is why I get so frustrated year after year at the reunions when Andy doesn't ask the tough questions of a housewife, or doesn't follow through when a housewife doesn't actually answer the question, and so on. In that same way I hate that Betheny has been favored all season. Not only has she gotten the vast majority of time on each episode, she sometimes is the only one to give her opinion in the TH (as many others have mentioned), and with the therapy sessions and visit with her step-father I think she has had special treatment to actually write most of the plot for the entire season.

As someone who likes Heather, I can see the cards are stacked against her! What hope do I have that Heather can come out on top? I mean some supporters might have thrown in the towel at that damned meatball fiasco! Yet in reading this forum and seeing (actually just hearing about) the polls from WWHL I'm heartened to see that even with the umpire against her she might have a chance to come back before the whistle blows. And then I find that Betheny (with her minions at Bravo's help) gets to change every thing up with some last minute THs* and editing help. I guess Heather will come out ahead at the end (which you might think is enough for someone who likes her), but I was also kind of hoping that Betheny would lose - or at least be called on all of her arrogant and rude ways. But apparently she just changes sides as if we haven't watched all season. Ugh!


*I know TH can be thrown in late, but I think this seasons don't feel like they've been added just to help the overall storyline but rather to help Betheny look good.

  • Love 10

Off to google John Legend's butt....


Paraphrasing Bethy, so Heather does know it all.  By popular vote.  :) 


I thought it was Heather that called Beth a KIA.


In any event, I think they're both Know It Alls.  Maybe the viewers thought being a KIA is a positive thing and that's why Heather ranked so high.  I know that's how Heather would spin it.  So would Beth if the percentages would have been reversed.

  • Love 7

Off to google John Legend's butt....



I thought it was Heather that called Beth a KIA.


In any event, I think they're both Know It Alls.  Maybe the viewers thought being a KIA is a positive thing and that's why Heather ranked so high.  I know that's how Heather would spin it.  So would Beth if the percentages would have been reversed.

Yes, Heather did call Bethy a KIA then Bethy said maybe she, Bethy,  is a KIA because maybe she  does  know it all. 

Hence, my response that, maybe Heather does know it all :)  By popular vote.


Hey, I think, in their own ways they are both KIA's.  Heather is a bit pushy, handsy.  I just prefer her to most of the others, in spite of her flaws.  Just like I prefer LisaV to some others, I would enjoy a lunch with some of the HW's and not with others.  Heather would get an invite from me.  Would I want to be friends with any of them?  Probably not.  I might enjoy a lunch, tho.  With some, not at all, like  Brandi, Con-ya, Ramoaner, KimR, KimWhatshername from RHOA, Nene, Tamra, Vicki and others.  IMO they suck the life out of any room they enter.


“The trick is finding a person whose flaws don't drive you crazy...you know...someone whose flaws you can live with...someone who can stand your flaws, too.”

― Marcia Lynn McClure


From what I see on the show, Heather's flaws don't drive me crazy.   Bethy is cool in a lot of ways, I just prefer someone who is not as ....not sure how to describe the feeling I get from her.... too high energy for me. High stress. 

All just my opinions.

Edited by Crikey
  • Love 7

I always go into a season of the housewives rooting for someone as if it's a kind of sporting event. The winner looks good at the end (or at least better than the others, or better than their nemesis, or better than they do most seasons, or...). The reunions are like the superbowl to me. I think this is why I get so frustrated year after year at the reunions when Andy doesn't ask the tough questions of a housewife, or doesn't follow through when a housewife doesn't actually answer the question, and so on. In that same way I hate that Betheny has been favored all season. Not only has she gotten the vast majority of time on each episode, she sometimes is the only one to give her opinion in the TH (as many others have mentioned), and with the therapy sessions and visit with her step-father I think she has had special treatment to actually write most of the plot for the entire season.

As someone who likes Heather, I can see the cards are stacked against her! What hope do I have that Heather can come out on top? I mean some supporters might have thrown in the towel at that damned meatball fiasco! Yet in reading this forum and seeing (actually just hearing about) the polls from WWHL I'm heartened to see that even with the umpire against her she might have a chance to come back before the whistle blows. And then I find that Betheny (with her minions at Bravo's help) gets to change every thing up with some last minute THs* and editing help. I guess Heather will come out ahead at the end (which you might think is enough for someone who likes her), but I was also kind of hoping that Betheny would lose - or at least be called on all of her arrogant and rude ways. But apparently she just changes sides as if we haven't watched all season. Ugh!


*I know TH can be thrown in late, but I think this seasons don't feel like they've been added just to help the overall storyline but rather to help Betheny look good.

There are actually several TH's where Bethenny talked about her shifting attitude towards Heather, where she is wearing the electric blue top, the pink/black top and a coral v neck top. Plus, she discusses this in T&C while getting a massage with Heather and they were very friendly on Bethenny's last night of the trip (and Heather even got a text!!). I don't think the idea that 'they' went back to change things so that Bethenny is friendlier to Heather holds any water, it seems that what actually happened is that Bethenny actually did warm to Heather during the season.

  • Love 9

Bethy is cool in a lot of ways, I just prefer someone who is not as ....not sure how to describe the feeling I get from her.... too high energy for me. High stress. 

All just my opinions.


If both of them could dial it down about 50% (Beth could even go as high as 70) I'd have lunch with either of them. Not together though. They're both non-stop talkers.  A good lunch date also needs to know how to listen.  If both of them were there, even dialed down, I suspect I'd fade into the background and have nothing to do but get drunk off my ass. 


Separately, though, I'd totally go.  I realize that maybe these bishes aren't really how Bravo is portraying them, for the good or the bad.  It'd be a hoot to lunch with either of them to see what I come away with.  Besides bags of Skinny and Yummie products. 


But in the meantime, I feel it is my duty to continue snarking on them relentlessly. ;-)

  • Love 7
They also say that Lu claims to have located Carole's Ghostwriter.


Wait, what?  What, what, what, what, what?  That means Veevs was right all along?  Does that mean Satan Andy is gonna bring her back?  Nooooooooooo!  Please, nooooooooooo.  Me likes writer Carole -- and most definitely NOT Carrie Bradshaw Carole or Samantha Jones Carole or Ariana Grande Carole.  Yeah, I'd rather see Carole lick donuts & say she hates America at the reunion than find out she had a ghostwriter.  Hey, Lu, fuck off -- seriously, fuck off.  Uh-oh, Kristen just made an O face.  What's up with those O faces anyway?  Is she exercising for those endless icky BJ's she has to give Joshie-poo the dickhead.  Ew.

  • Love 10

If both of them could dial it down about 50% (Beth could even go as high as 70) I'd have lunch with either of them. Not together though. They're both non-stop talkers.  A good lunch date also needs to know how to listen.  If both of them were there, even dialed down, I suspect I'd fade into the background and have nothing to do but get drunk off my ass. 


Separately, though, I'd totally go.  I realize that maybe these bishes aren't really how Bravo is portraying them, for the good or the bad.  It'd be a hoot to lunch with either of them to see what I come away with.  Besides bags of Skinny and Yummie products. 


But in the meantime, I feel it is my duty to continue snarking on them relentlessly. ;-)

I like Heather and I would love to "lunch" with her especially if she brought me a gift bag with YT items!!! LOL Bethenny, I would lunch with but I have no desire to try her SG anything even though I am on a diet (down 38 lbs so far! YEA!) and I rarely drink much alcohol. LOL

  • Love 14

That means Veevs was right all along?  Does that mean Satan Andy is gonna bring her back?


Now, Scoobs, don't get ahead of yourself.  As much as I would like to see Carole outted if it's true, I would hate to see Aviva brought back.  I think the damage she did to herself in addition to what the other....er....'ladies' piled on, is irreversible. 


Even if Carole's alleged ghostwriter shows up with the original manuscript, and it's proven that last season's pile up on Aviva was mostly caused by a steaming pile of lies by Radzi, Aviva will never get a redemption, imo. 


I wonder if it were proven that Carole lied if Heather would still be her champion.

  • Love 4

Now, Scoobs, don't get ahead of yourself.  As much as I would like to see Carole outted if it's true, I would hate to see Aviva brought back.  I think the damage she did to herself in addition to what the other....er....'ladies' piled on, is irreversible. 


Even if Carole's alleged ghostwriter shows up with the original manuscript, and it's proven that last season's pile up on Aviva was mostly caused by a steaming pile of lies by Radzi, Aviva will never get a redemption, imo. 


I wonder if it were proven that Carole lied if Heather would still be her champion.

I don't know that Heather would be as supportive of Carole if it were proven, I think Heather values a persons integrity and lying about that would put a big ? mark on Carole's integrity IMO. I think that is why she has struggled with Sonja since "toaster gate" , it showed Heather that Sonja has little to no integrity.

  • Love 3

I always go into a season of the housewives rooting for someone as if it's a kind of sporting event. The winner looks good at the end (or at least better than the others, or better than their nemesis, or better than they do most seasons, or...). The reunions are like the superbowl to me. I think this is why I get so frustrated year after year at the reunions when Andy doesn't ask the tough questions of a housewife, or doesn't follow through when a housewife doesn't actually answer the question, and so on. In that same way I hate that Betheny has been favored all season. Not only has she gotten the vast majority of time on each episode, she sometimes is the only one to give her opinion in the TH (as many others have mentioned), and with the therapy sessions and visit with her step-father I think she has had special treatment to actually write most of the plot for the entire season.

As someone who likes Heather, I can see the cards are stacked against her! What hope do I have that Heather can come out on top? I mean some supporters might have thrown in the towel at that damned meatball fiasco! Yet in reading this forum and seeing (actually just hearing about) the polls from WWHL I'm heartened to see that even with the umpire against her she might have a chance to come back before the whistle blows. And then I find that Betheny (with her minions at Bravo's help) gets to change every thing up with some last minute THs* and editing help. I guess Heather will come out ahead at the end (which you might think is enough for someone who likes her), but I was also kind of hoping that Betheny would lose - or at least be called on all of her arrogant and rude ways. But apparently she just changes sides as if we haven't watched all season. Ugh!


*I know TH can be thrown in late, but I think this seasons don't feel like they've been added just to help the overall storyline but rather to help Betheny look good.

I feel the same way! OMG I have not watched some reunions in the past (RHNJ few years ago) because I just couldn't deal with listening to some things said and questions not answered etc.  

RHBH reunion went my way (LOL) and I'm hoping the RHNY won't just be just alot of screaming harpies.  And I hope Ramoaner gets her ass handed to her.

  • Love 5

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