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S05.E26: Where in the World is Abby Lee Miller


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Hope I'm not doing wrong taking this on myself by posting this thread - but I was shocked to come here after watching the episode online this morning and not see a thread.


So much and yet so little to say that hasn't been said before. Totally happy Kalani came back and I loved her dance. I loved Nia's also and think she did well. Again not impressed with MacKenzie's - same old thing and Kendall's was horrible. I do agree that she had terrible choreography but even if she had better choreography - I just can't seem to get behind Kendall or Jill. To me - she's just nothing special.


I also thought it was so ironic that Maddie was "Golden Child". To me, Gianna's comment about that's what everyone says you are - was uncalled for as there wouldn't be so many bad feelings if the preferential treatment wasn't shoved down everyone's throats. Abby denied it for years but now admits it.


"This was suppose to be Kendall's week." ( At first I didn't know what Jill was talking about as I would have thought the song would have been released as they did the promotional gigs already. ) But this definitely wasn't Holly's fault - she should be mad at Abby - but then she'd have to admit how wrong she was having Abby. Nia's one video has over 3 million hits where the most Kendall's has is 1.2 million and that was the teaser. Regardless, I do feel bad that no one acknowledge that but I'm sure they probably thought Abby would do something for her.


And last but not least - Melissa - why do they insinuate that you're not telling the truth - because you usually don't and in this case you said you know friends of yours went out with Abby. I am sure that Melissa got the low down if not from Abby than from the friend. She may not always let on that she knows a story but she usually does.

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I keep pondering why so many weeks are "Kendall's week".  Her video "tease" was almost the whole thing and was available way before Nia's, and why was there so much time between that and the single's "availability" on iTunes?  That sounds like bad management to me.  Anyways, I'm sick and tired of Jill's whining.  Holly advocating for Nia does not take away from Kendall on iTunes, it's really that simple.


So we need to take bets about who will be "done" and walk out next week, lol.


Mackenzie and Kendall got the poop stick for choreography but now I can't un-see or un-hear Kendall's hunchy shoulder earrings.


Melissa, Melissa, Melissa.  If two or three people including your daughter that placed first overall anyways tell you that she faltered, accept it.  I know I missed things all the time watching my dancer live the first time that were bloody obvious when I got the video.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 4

It was nice to have a break from Abby and Gianna seemed somewhat more human this week.  But did you know that this was supposed to be Kendall's week?  No really, it was Kendall's week.  I didn't realize that this being Kendall's week meant that everyone else was supposed to roll over and not pursue their own endeavors.  If Jill was going to be mad, she should have been mad at Abby.  Or she could have thrown a little celebration for Kendall herself and asked the other moms to help.  Personally I think part of why Jill was so salty towards Nia/Holly had more to do with the fact that Nia beat Kendall last week.


I assume this was another staged competition since if ALDC sweeped they must not have had a lot of competition.  Kendall's solo was awful.  Mack's routines all look the same.


Also, Melissa.  Why was it such a big deal that people acknowledged Mack stubbing her toe and having a slight misstep on stage?  How was that throwing Mack under the bus when Mack admitted as much and felt bad about it?  It seemed more like people were commiserating with Mack and not throwing her under the bus.  That's better than blatantly sitting there and refusing to acknowledge said misstep happened even when your kid is telling you it did.  The things Melissa chooses to lie about are so weird.

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I watched the first 3/4 of this one last night, stopping after Kalani and Mack's solos.  It's the first one I've seen from Season 5, Part II.  I like the newfangled transition shots of the girls dancing.  Kendall has gotten noticeably bigger, the rest of the girls look the same to me.  I caught her saying something mean to JoJo (presumably, 99% certain), ie. "You are such an annoying, little girl".  Yeesh, there is no love between those two.  It was a poorly edited, standalone quote thrown in for no real reason; we didn't hear who/what Kendall was responding to.     


Did Abby ever show up?  It was SO nice without her.  I wonder if these shots took place when Abby was sick from her medication, or maybe she was getting a secret procedure done.  


Would anyone mind posting the results?  I wanted to watch through the end, but had other things to get done.  I thought Kalani was gorgeous, she has the whole package.  Great look and great talent.  Mack has better showmanship now, but she shouldn't be wearing those huge pigtails when she's flipping around.  There's a reason gymnasts never have loose hair when they're performing.  I actually thought her slip-up was a step-ball-change, she recovered well enough.


I'm also confused about why it was "Kendall's week" again?  I haven't seen the last 3-4 eps., but it seems whenever Maddie isn't around, it's automatically Kendall's week.  Granted, Nia has had more exposure this season than Kendall, but maybe it's not as evident because Holly doesn't go around saying it should be Nia's week all the time. 


Also, Melissa.  Why was it such a big deal that people acknowledged Mack stubbing her toe and having a slight misstep on stage?  How was that throwing Mack under the bus when Mack admitted as much and felt bad about it?  It seemed more like people were commiserating with Mack and not throwing her under the bus.  That's better than blatantly sitting there and refusing to acknowledge said misstep happened even when your kid is telling you it did.  The things Melissa chooses to lie about are so weird.


I didn't get it either. Seemed to me that Jill and the others were expressing concern that perhaps Mack had been injured, not ganging up on her for having a slight slip up. 



Kendall has gotten noticeably bigger, the rest of the girls look the same to me.  I caught her saying something mean to JoJo (presumably, 99% certain), ie. "You are such an annoying, little girl".  Yeesh, there is no love between those two.  It was a poorly edited, standalone quote thrown in for no real reason; we didn't hear who/what Kendall was responding to.


I heard that too, and it was definitely directed at JoJo, but I'm not sure what about. Also caught Mack's condescending little pat on the back and comment when JoJo brought up her Disney appearance that would possibly conflict with doing a solo at the competition. Didn't get that JoJo was bragging, just saying that she probably wouldn't be able to be there.


This whole LA storyline is just bizarre. And where in the world is Abby???

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Melissa is a pathological liar so why would anyone take anything that she says at face value.  Somebody, please get Jill off this show and put us out of our misery.  The woman has the intellectual fire power of a fire hydrant.  Sorry Jill but, while your kid is very pretty, she is not going to be a professional dancer, let alone a "star".  Please give it a rest already.  Loved Kalani's solo. She has wonderful control and grace when she dances.  Maddie's solo was somewhat of a departure from her usual stuff but it was dependent on the gold gimmick a bit too much.  I really loath Gianna's constant threats that "Abby is going to see all of the dances,. blah, blah"  How about just telling the girls to go out there and do their best.  It's like The Usual Suspects where Kevin Spacy says that Keyser Soze is a spook story that gangsters tell their kids, "Rat on your pop, and Keyser Soze will get you".  There you have it, Abby Lee Miller, the Keyser Soze of the dance world.   From the tease for next week, it looks that may it for Kira and Kalani (finally one hopes).  Abby removes Kalani from the group dance in what looks like her typical MO of getting back at the mom by punishing the kid.  One has to wonder if she would deny Kalani a solo at "nationals" as well.  Why hasn't a child protection or licensing agency shut her down already?

Edited by cali1981
I also dislike Shangela. I don't think that drag culture is all that great for little girls or that Shangela is a good role model. Isn't "LaQueefa" supposed to be a prostitute? Sorry Holly, but I was with the moms. Let Shangela play stupid games with Nia in a different room and not the rehearsal space. I find drag culture to be borderline-misogynistic in its denigration of women and there is a lot of appropriation of african american vernacular that rubs me the wrong way. I know I'm probably in the minority with this view. *shoulder shrug* Holly, there are plenty of strong, black women for Nia to have as role models. I don't think that Shangela is one of them.

That scene was very awkward and uncomfortable to watch and did show poor judgement on Holly's part.  At this rate, Holly will have her PhD stripped away, then her Masters Degree and then her BA. Her participation in this exercise in child abuse has not distinguished her at all.

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I cannot believe this episode wasn't called "But This is KENDALLS WEEK!"

Oh my god, Jill, just because Kendall's song was released doesn't mean everyone has to stop their own lives for a week. I love the fact Nia is getting outside help. Forging those connections could help her go far, imo. Jill needs to just stop. Stop everything. 

Although I cannot fathom why, I'm glad Kira and Kalani came back. Kalani really loves the team, I guess.

Mackenzie's bottoms reminded me of the time she wore basically same ones, but put them on backwards. Why on earth does she do the same solo every week. it's always cutesy with a bunch of tricks. She's been doing well with them, but like can she get a more difficult solo?

I think I liked Nia and Kalani's solo's the best, but what on earth was up with Nia's solo/costume? like I liked the solo but what was that costuming? 

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I think Maddie's "annoying little girl" comment was directed at Mackenzie who was putting her leg on her or something on the floor.


I agree with whoever said upthread that part of the reason Jill is mad at Holly is because Nia beat Kendall dancing last week.  And, in a way, she beat her this week too because Nia was 2nd in her division and Kendall was 3rd.  I doubt there was much competition - the gap between Nia and Kalani is huge in terms of their skills, yet they were 1st and 2nd... but still.  Jill didn't really let Holly have it till after the results were announced.  Her ego was bruised that Kendall did not do well... she is used to Kendall being solidly behind Maddie, and now with Kalani, and Mack and Nia placing better... Kendall is losing that spot.  Also, while I doubt either girl is going to be a pop-star, at least Nia is getting the cool experience of working with different professionals who are encouraging and positive, she's having fun with it... while Kendall is still stuck with good ol' Abby, who at this point, seems to not care one bit about Kendall and her "music career".  


Melissa is so weird... the way she reacts to things is so bizarre. 

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Also, the Voodoo thing is kinda racist (see Hollywood's depiction of Voodoo in film). But it's an Abby Lee Miller dance with a black child so surprise surprise. I don't see how Holly didn't pick up on that or why she wasn't bothered by it


Generally speaking, Holly gives the appearance of getting more foolish by the season.  But maybe she sees it as being sly as a fox, I sure wouldn't allow my child to be exposed to these shenanigans.  That said, the meeting with CoCo Jones looked like fun and a positive experience for  Nia.

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The Nia/Shangela thing probably should have been happening in another room, but I'm sure that was set up by production.  It also didn't really seem like any kids were sitting there waiting to rehearse.  But I still don't get why Jill expected everyone to roll over this week so Kendall could shine.  Sorry Jill.  That isn't happening.  I get supporting your child, but at some point you have to embrace your child's actual talents instead of what you think they are.  Or at least get mad at Gianna over the fact that the solo that your child was handed was complete garbage.  I also thought it was funny when Kendall said she rather come in 3rd over 2nd.  Okay, sure.


And yes, the biggest tell to me that there was no competition was Nia coming in 2nd to Kalani.  I love Nia.  I think she's great and I do think she has improved immensely, but as said, there is a whole world of difference between Kalani and Nia as dancers.  Though I'm enjoying seeing Nia place and  I do see improvement in her, even if said placements are fairly staged.  Plus it bugs the crap out of Jill when Nia does better than Kendall.

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... And yes, the biggest tell to me that there was no competition was Nia coming in 2nd to Kalani.  I love Nia.  I think she's great and I do think she has improved immensely, but as said, there is a whole world of difference between Kalani and Nia as dancers...

I don't think they were competing in the same category... Contemporary for Nia, Lyrical for Kalani, if I'm not mistaken.

Just read that the competition next week is on Kalani's home turf in Arizona and apparently Kira has tweeted something about Kalani doing something choreographed by one of her AZ teachers.  You have to wonder even more now, if the blowout with Abby shown in next week's preview is going to be it for Kira, depending on what kind of contract she has with Collins.

sorry Melissa, the only one putting your daughter under the bus is your other daughter.  Did anyone catch Maddie's comment to Mackenzie after she performed?  Mack was telling about her toe and Maddie said "yeah, it was funny" or something.

That made me laugh, just because it's such a sibling thing to say. Even if it was kind of mean. I also thought the "you are such an annoying little girl" comment was said be Maddie to Mackenzie.

I also laughed when Holly said whatshername was the first drag queen Nia ever met. Like Nia has met that many drag queens in her life?

And note to Jill: if Kendall is going to "shine," she would just shine on her own regardless of the week. You shouldn't need a week set aside for people to pay attention to her.

I heard that too, and it was definitely directed at JoJo, but I'm not sure what about. Also caught Mack's condescending little pat on the back and comment when JoJo brought up her Disney appearance that would possibly conflict with doing a solo at the competition. Didn't get that JoJo was bragging, just saying that she probably wouldn't be able to be there.


I also caught that phony pat on the back too. It came off as a "Okay, but nobody gives shit" attitude than a genuine "I'm happy for you, that awesome". Like you said she wasn't even bragging and just letting everyone know she wouldn't be at the competition doing a solo.

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Kendall has no neck when she dances.  She will never be a top winner unless she can create the illusion of a much longer neck.   Technically she's a weak dancer and certainly has not improved for being in Abby's "care".


Honestly I think most of these girls are seriously lacking in good technique.  I continue to see very poor releves -- who knew you could turn on flat feet and have <90 degree fouettes?  And someone please explain to me why every dance I see shows only right leg extension?  Can't they do the same thing with their left legs?

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I made a mental note last night to comment on "Kendall's week", and it made me laugh today to see so many of you felt the same way. I wonder what week this was in real time, because I don't recall having a "Kendall week break", so I may be owed some time off. I feel like she says that a lot, if I had the time/energy/or will I would go back to when Kendall started and count the number of times it was Kendall's week.

And wtf Melissa!? So *now* mackenzie is being thrown under the bus... And NOT when you went on national television and said that Maddie should have won!?

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Jill just looked like an idiot on this show.  Blame Abby for being a terrible manager or Gianna on crappy choreography.  Don't blame Holly for going outside the studio to help with Nia's singing career.  That was the smart thing to do.


Mellisa, of course, the mothers don't trust you and they did not throw MacKenzie under the bus.


Kira and Kalani do not need this show.  If Abby treats Kalani badly again, they are definitely done with her.  I wouldn't be surprised if they're done after this season.

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Kira and Kalani do not need this show.  If Abby treats Kalani badly again, they are definitely done with her.  I wouldn't be surprised if they're done after this season.



Exactly.  Since Kalani actually wants to be a working professional dancer -- and not a pop-singer or actress -- I think they are much less invested in Abby and the show.  I think Kalani likes it, its probably a lot of fun for her... but I honestly don't think Kira cares that much.  Abby has said so herself on the after buzz show.  Unlike Holly or Christy and Kelly etc. I actually believe Kira when she says she'll leave if Abby stoops that low again.  

Exactly.  Since Kalani actually wants to be a working professional dancer -- and not a pop-singer or actress -- I think they are much less invested in Abby and the show.  I think Kalani likes it, its probably a lot of fun for her... but I honestly don't think Kira cares that much.  Abby has said so herself on the after buzz show.  Unlike Holly or Christy and Kelly etc. I actually believe Kira when she says she'll leave if Abby stoops that low again.  

She would be better off leaving ASAP.  Kalani is the whole package: technique, control, grace and physical beauty  The time that she has spent on DM, while getting her national exposure, has probably cost her some real training and classes at home.  Time to get back to the things that will make you the professional dancer that you want to be and stand every chance of becoming. Leave the 15 minutes to the Zeiglers.  You'll be dancing professionally long after they are a faded memory.

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That made me laugh, just because it's such a sibling thing to say. Even if it was kind of mean. I also thought the "you are such an annoying little girl" comment was said be Maddie to Mackenzie.




I took Maddie's remarks to be typical sibling stuff and didn't mind it much. In other aspects she's had the spontaneity and joy that is characteristic of children absolutely crushed out of her by Abby. It's weird to see her act like a kid.


Really?  I guess it must be because they are so close in age then.  My sister and I were never like that at all, but we are 5 years apart, and much of the time she had to be a second Mom to me.  I don't have any children of my own to compare it to (and never plan on it) so I didn't really think sisters spoke to each other like that.  It just seemed to me that Maddie is scared Mackenzie is catching up to her and is trying to save face.

I suspect that Abby was either boycotting or was suspended after the mess with Kira.

I watched a clip of video somewhere-- maybe youtube?  And there was a clip from the show Entertainment tonight, and they were saying the producers "asked" Abby to leave after the fight with Kira.  Hold on let me see if I can find it.  Here ya go:


I'm not a dance mom and I have no insider TV knowledge, but I really get the impression that Abby's absence is a big F-U to the show, and she may hope to be fired.  I don't know when the show turned on her, but I know when it became obvious - back when she ran to her car, and sat in it shoving endless amounts of food in her mouth.  It was also obvious in the horrific bra scene.  The producer called for the camera not to film Abby, but the show runners chose to show that scene to embarrass Abby. 


I'm not sure if Abby's angry that there's no more AUDC, or that show where she saves a studio, but she is bucking their authority.  It's also possible that she's furious about how invested the show runners have been in Nia's music video,  how much money was spent, and how many industry insiders were brought on for it.  But Abby has been fighting against production for a while now. It was clear in the scene in which she dumps her purse contents on the floor.  The girls and mothers were there to film the pyramid.  The crew were there to film the pyramid.  The pyramid is a production invention.  Abby slowly and insultingly picked through all the garbage on the floor.  Meanwhile, Holly (whom I think is purely a producer's tool) pushed Abby to hurry up and get to pyramid.  I also think that's why she's cutting out of rehearsals, dressing room scenes, and performances.  Those scenes, along with pyramid, are the highlights of every episode.  I believe she's sabotaging her own show.


I'm sure the show gave Abby a hard time for driving out Christi/Chloe, and Kelly/Brooke/Paige.  They were my favorites as well as many other people's, and they're certainly the ones who most drove the drama of the show.  Abby's attitude and behavior have also brought a law suit against her and the show.  Something else I'm sure they reprimanded her for.


Instead of grasping the concept that she once had three shows, but now she has one.  Instead of accepting the fact that people watch the show for the girls, and in spite of Abby.  Instead of realizing that many people are really getting turned off by the golden child - Abby continues to alienate her audience, alienate production, alienate show runners, and alienate production's tool (Holly).  She'll never make it in LA.  She absolutely refuses to take corrections, suggestions, advice, words of wisdom, what have you.  Since Melissa is such an idiot about contracts, Abby will probably manage to hold on to Maddie, and continue to ride that fame (such that it is).

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Really?  I guess it must be because they are so close in age then.  My sister and I were never like that at all, but we are 5 years apart, and much of the time she had to be a second Mom to me.  I don't have any children of my own to compare it to (and never plan on it) so I didn't really think sisters spoke to each other like that.  It just seemed to me that Maddie is scared Mackenzie is catching up to her and is trying to save face.


You're lucky.  I have a brother, not a sister, but we're two years apart like Maddie/Mackenzie.  That kind of thing was pretty much the only way we communicated at that age.



I'm not a dance mom and I have no insider TV knowledge, but I really get the impression that Abby's absence is a big F-U to the show, and she may hope to be fired.  I don't know when the show turned on her, but I know when it became obvious - back when she ran to her car, and sat in it shoving endless amounts of food in her mouth.  It was also obvious in the horrific bra scene.  The producer called for the camera not to film Abby, but the show runners chose to show that scene to embarrass Abby. 


She's been trashing producers in interviews, so she's definitely totally over the show.  And the show seems to be over her.

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She's been trashing producers in interviews, so she's definitely totally over the show.  And the show seems to be over her.


I find this so funny... what is Abby going to do if, or when, the show is cancelled or she gets kicked off of it?  Does she not realize she will very quickly fade into total obscurity?  In a strange way I feel sorry for Abby because I think she is genuinely a mentally sick woman with many deep rooted issues, and absolutely no self awareness.  It'll be interesting to see if the Zieglers go down with the ship, or if they eventually break free when things start getting really bad.


RedheadZombie - I agree with your whole post.  Abby has also straight up said in an interview, when asked what viewers could expect this season, that she would be gone a lot and that she would look crazy.  


I also started noticing the change in attitude production had/has towards Abby in the reunion specials.  In the beginning they always showed Abby in a good light by giving her the last word, asking her nice questions, having positive reactions towards her from the audience, etc...  whereas the most recent ones, not so much.  

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I find this so funny... what is Abby going to do if, or when, the show is cancelled or she gets kicked off of it?  Does she not realize she will very quickly fade into total obscurity?  


I don't really think she does realize it.  She probably still thinks the show is successful because of her and only her, and that people will flock to her new studio because of her reputation.  I guess she doesn't realize people only wanted to join her current studio to get on TV.


I mean, I'm sure there are people who just went to her old studio in Pittsburgh cause they wanted regular dance lessons and had no ambition.  But the new people are all obviously there because of the show.

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Abby keeps telling the girls they need to win so people in LA will be impressed and want to come to her new studio. So how is a studio owner is being absent from competitions going to look to these potential clients?


Also, I thought all the solos were horrible. Maybe Kalani's was okay, and her dancing was good, but the dance itself? Meh. Kendall's was just a bunch of turns. Maddie's was boring and her gold skin made her Maddie faces even worse #CreepyDancer. Nia's lacked difficulty and it looked like they were trying to hid it behind the gimmicky makeup and hair. Mackenzie's had the usual problem of too many tricks that are too fast with very little dancing in between. I saw her stumble when it happened, but one of my kids didn't see it and the other thought she was supposed to do that.


All of this choreo just makes me think that Gianna or Abby or whoever is just phoning it in at this point.


PS, does anyone ever do a pirouette in passe anymore?

I continue to see very poor releves -- who knew you could turn on flat feet and have <90 degree fouettes?  And someone please explain to me why every dance I see shows only right leg extension?  Can't they do the same thing with their left legs?


Two things, they virtually never do anything to the left which means they aren't in ballet class enough where you are forced to do things on both sides even if you are right dominant which most dancers are.  Most dancers if they can do five pirouettes to the right cleanly, can do three or four to the left.


Second, Is this >90 degree a la secondé we see "a thing" or are they just not able to maintain them at 90 degrees?


PS, does anyone ever do a pirouette in passe anymore?


Or en dedans or to the left, lol.

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Just watched the episode.  I first want to say thank god for the lifetime app on my Apple tv.  I can go through this sh#t show without commercials.


I can't really add much more to what everyone has said here.  I did want to mention that every time someone bleated "it's Kendall's week" I said "A day.  Ya get a day."  a la Carrie from Sex and the City when Charlotte was getting married and kept saying it was her week.


Speaking of Kendall, I find it interesting that, while she lacks charisma when dancing, she has more charisma in her talking heads than all of the other girls put together.  She seems very comfortable on camera.


I just don't know what else to say anymore, Dance Moms, other than "I wish I could quit you!"



Due to loving to rehash the episodes on the boards with all of you - I will miss the show if it goes off the air - just like I miss Glee. I don't find many shows that hold my interest week to week like I did years ago. I quit watching The Bachelor / Bachelorette, American Idol and The Biggest Loser years ago. Survivor and Big Brother are getting stale for me and it doesn't look like The Apprentice will be coming back or if it does it won't be the same without Donald and his hair.

Two things, they virtually never do anything to the left which means they aren't in ballet class enough where you are forced to do things on both sides even if you are right dominant which most dancers are.  Most dancers if they can do five pirouettes to the right cleanly, can do three or four to the left.


Second, Is this >90 degree a la secondé we see "a thing" or are they just not able to maintain them at 90 degrees?


Or en dedans or to the left, lol.

I think good jazz classes should also force girls to do things on the right and left too.  I don't think >90 is a thing.  They probably don't have the strength to maintain it.

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I just wanted to add that I enjoyed the Abby-free episode. I also enjoyed seeing the flashback to the first time Nia met Shangela. She was so little! Now she's almost as tall as Shangela.

I also want to know why Jill was so insistent that it was Kendall's week. I doubt Abby agreed. I think she already had her week when her video premiered on the show. If Jill wanted more, she should have arranged another event herself. She's lucky Kendall had one week. We all know most weeks are Maddie's week anyway.

Jill's jealousy of Nia and Holly's never missing an opportunity to bring up Nia's success is so entertaining. I don't mind Holly's bragging. She waited a long time for Nia to get a chance to shine. I'm ok with her enjoying it for now, especially since it drives Jill nuts.

Edited by EVS
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Two things, they virtually never do anything to the left which means they aren't in ballet class enough where you are forced to do things on both sides even if you are right dominant which most dancers are.  Most dancers if they can do five pirouettes to the right cleanly, can do three or four to the left.


Second, Is this >90 degree a la secondé we see "a thing" or are they just not able to maintain them at 90 degrees?



Or en dedans or to the left, lol.


So wonderful to see real ballet french again.  Mine is beyond seriously degraded as you would have noted (I am old!).   And yeah, me too on "is it <a thing>" -- certainly these dancesportish events seem to have so little real dance in them that I wouldn't be surprised that the judges wouldn't know a correct technique if they fell over it.

Speaking of Kendall, I find it interesting that, while she lacks charisma when dancing, she has more charisma in her talking heads than all of the other girls put together.  She seems very comfortable on camera.


I know some find Kendall too sassy, but I appreciate that her spirit's not been broken, and she's not a fake little drone.  She's a beautiful little girl.  I think Jill should be investing in acting lessons - that is if she continues in the pursuit of making Kendall a star.  I think Kendall's a ringer for a young Elizabeth Taylor.



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I also noticed that of all the girls Kendall seems to have the most talking heads, and they seem genuine, she usually has a funny little remark. Also, those of you fast forwarding commercials may not see, they have been doing these little slumber party questions during the commercial breaks... While they are usually just a silly question and the girls have a white board and the answer questions like "who is the most boy crazy", while they don't really entertain me or hold my attention, I do enjoy seeing them interact with eachother which you never really get to see. Actually now that I think about it, it does seem they are making more effort to include the girls by showing them interacting in the dressing rooms, in the past I feel like there have been entire episodes that you don't see the girls talking to eachother, but maybe they are trying to show that more.

So wonderful to see real ballet french again.  Mine is beyond seriously degraded as you would have noted (I am old!).   And yeah, me too on "is it <a thing>" -- certainly these dancesportish events seem to have so little real dance in them that I wouldn't be surprised that the judges wouldn't know a correct technique if they fell over it.


I've no idea except for Rachel Rak, the quality of the judges at these fake invitationals we see on the show, but at most real competitions that we don't see on the show there usually are very good judges and diverse, generally one ballet, one musical theatre entertainment type and then a third general dance judge.  The dance genre that can go unappreciated because of lack of judge knowledge can be tap.

I think production would be smart to lose Abby and have the girls taught by actual teachers. That would drive any insane. Get rid of Maddie. She is a nasty child. The way she started telling MacKenzie she did fine then saying actually it was funny, was cruel. The look on MacKenzie'so face was so sad.

I loved seeing Nia treated nicely for a change. I personally love drag queens. I think they are fabulous and pretty wonderful. I do like Shanghai but agree that Laqueefa is not a good role model. I'd love to see RuPaul stop in.

Jill and Kendall can't leave soon enough.

I like Kilani, but she has really filled out moving into puberty. Nia remains lean and muscular but Kilani has gotten soft. Is it because of how little dance they are doing?

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I like Kilani, but she has really filled out moving into puberty. Nia remains lean and muscular but Kilani has gotten soft. Is it because of how little dance they are doing?


I don't think there is anything soft about Kalani, she just isn't and never was a stick.  You don't have to be a stick to be an excellent dancer, the only genre that requires extraordinary thinness is Ballet, and even then that is only on the professional level.  Kalani has gone through puberty and has the body of a grown woman, much like Nia and there is nothing wrong with that in a dancer.  Talk like that is what feeds into eating disorders which are already rampant amongst dancers.

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