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S09.E06: A Little Q&A

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In case you missed this in the Small Talk thread:



FYI - my trusty Uverse DVR is recording a "new" 3 hour episode tonight (Monday) called "Adoption Story".  The TLC website is also calling it a premiere.  I have no description available, and it may just be a compilation/clip show, but I wouldn't want anyone to miss it.  I'll post this reminder in tomorrow's episode thread, too for all my fellow fanatics.  :-)

  • Love 1

What I'm seeing right now is not a Q and A but the adoption special listed above. They are replaying the scene when they take 3-year-old Will to the park for the first time and there's a boy named Kai there.

He clearly says he's 7, but Jen hears "3 going on 7" and says in the talking head that she was glad Will could play with Kai there, because it's important for Will to play with kids his own age.

Kai was so obviously 7 and not 3. I like Jen but sometimes wonder how she's a PEDIATRICIAN.

  • Love 2

What I'm seeing right now is not a Q and A but the adoption special listed above. They are replaying the scene when they take 3-year-old Will to the park for the first time and there's a boy named Kai there.

He clearly says he's 7, but Jen hears "3 going on 7" and says in the talking head that she was glad Will could play with Kai there, because it's important for Will to play with kids his own age.

Kai was so obviously 7 and not 3. I like Jen but sometimes wonder how she's a PEDIATRICIAN.


Jen is a pediatrician not because of her empathy for children.  


Will falls and she comments as he is crying "oh I knew that was going to happen!"  It's a shame when she did see it coming she didn't catch him before his head hit the ground as evidenced by the sawdust on his forehead.  

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn

Oh I see.

I don't think either of them was attuned, for example, to Zoey for that matter,on her first few days with them. Kid is screeching in fear, and then settled into your arms quiet? Hey, let's hand her to the other parent, now! She starts screeching again and REACHING OUT TO OTHER PARENT? Just ignore that!

I kept yelling at the TV, "See how she's reaching for ___? Give her back! Pay attention to what she's telling you! Poor damn thing can't communicate but with her arms and lungs!!

What I'm seeing right now is not a Q and A but the adoption special listed above. They are replaying the scene when they take 3-year-old Will to the park for the first time and there's a boy named Kai there.

He clearly says he's 7, but Jen hears "3 going on 7" and says in the talking head that she was glad Will could play with Kai there, because it's important for Will to play with kids his own age.

Kai was so obviously 7 and not 3. I like Jen but sometimes wonder how she's a PEDIATRICIAN.

It's been a while since I saw that, but I'm giving her a little leeway. First she works in neonatal, not with school age, and her size perception of children may be off. 

  • Love 4

Regarding Jen’s bedside manner, I’m going to defer to a poster who worked with Jen during Jen’s residency in a Pittsburgh hospital pediatric unit, and commented in the “Human Beings Known As…” thread about how efficient and thoughtful Jen was as a colleague. The poster then added: “but most importantly, the children at the hospital all loved her”. That told me all I needed to know about how Jen relates to pediatric patients, who are even more frightened, vulnerable and impressionable than adult patients in the same circumstances.  And yes, the tiny newborns in the neonatal unit at Texas Children's Hospital could not have formulated or expressed their opinions about Jen’s professionalism and personality, but my understanding is that the parents of these at-risk babies fully appreciated Jen’s compassion as well as her skill and dedication as they were going through the stress of seeing their children struggling to survive. To me that speaks to Jen’s bedside manner with any age patient or concerned relative.

As for how attuned Jen and Bill are to Will and Zoey: This season, I've been continually amazed at how much progress these two children have made in such a relatively short time and how they seem to be thriving and above all, happy. I can't attribute this to anything other than how well attuned all four members of this family are to each other, Maybe even more so than in some other families where the children have been in the home since birth and where not every single member of the family has undergone some kind of challenge or trauma, as has been the case with Bill, Jen, Will and Zoey Arnold-Klein

  • Love 14

I prefer to form my opinions based on the show rather than one post. Very recently, I saw Jen throw a party for very sick children at the hospital and proceed to give most of them gifts that were not age appropriate. Then, to top it off, she gave a very sick, blind, pre-teen a coloring book and crayons. This is not a woman who I think understands or has empathy for kids.

That's why this forum is so great.  We can ignore 1 or more posts, and form our own opinions.

  • Love 6

Watching the season finale tonight left me with a few thoughts -


I like Jen. I like Bill. I like Jen and Bill together because I think that they are truly the Ying to one another's Yang. I like who they are as people and parents. I have truly enjoyed watching their journey and I feel glad and grateful that they have been willing to share themselves, and their family, with the public.


I will never get enough of Will and Zoey, heh, they are just little stars that beam so brightly and beautifully. Watching those two adorable little treasures growing and changing and blooming and blossoming and as their special personalities have emerged I have enjoyed every single second.


I think back to how Bill and Jen struggled to become parents, and yet they didn't know that their son and daughter were being born a world away, just waiting for them to come and find them and bring them home. I really do believe that Will and Zoey were meant to be Bill and Jen's from day one, they just fit with them and in just over two years they have become this...amazing family, imo, and it's been fantastic to watch. 


I can't say that I learned anything new tonight, not that I was expecting to, but I was reminded of just how much I appreciate this family being a true standout among the usual Reality TV fare of families with no morals, no dignity, no purpose or pride.


I just like these people, heh, so much so I don't mind setting aside my snarking hat just for them. 

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 24

I have to give major props to both Bill and Jen for answering a lot of the "How do you do ______ as a little person?" or "What's it like to ______ as a little person?" type of questions in a very straightforward and on target manner.  Even though, yes, they do not and cannot speak for every little person out there - just as I do not and cannot do the same when people ask me certain little people-related questions - I think they were very much on par with how I feel and what I would have said.


I read on Wikipedia how tall Jen is, but I thought it was a typo.  Apparently not.  I can't believe I'm about a half foot taller than her!  I am envious of her ability to shop for shoes with a lot more ease than I, though.  As I had mentioned in another thread for this show, she seems to have regular-width/narrow feet whereas my feet tend to run wider, so I have a much, much tougher time finding nice shoes that fit well and look stylish enough for an adult without the childish features (sneakers are much easier to get since they tend to run wider).  And just as I figured, she seems to shop for clothes in typical stores and just them tailored like I do, too (I think only the fancy dresses she has for special events have been custom made).


Bill, as always, makes me laugh out loud several times during each episode.  I love, love, love his sense of humor and overall personality.  I have to admit, though, every time I watch this show, I kick myself for never having the luck of meeting him.  He is not that much older than me and we grew up not too far from each other.  Damnit, I could be living Jen's life right now!  LOL


I truly do think Will and Zoey were absolutely meant to be Bill and Jen's children.  I cannot and probably never will get enough of them.  I hope this show returns soon.

  • Love 15

I read on Wikipedia how tall Jen is, but I thought it was a typo. Apparently not. I can't believe I'm about a half foot taller than her! I am envious of her ability to shop for shoes with a lot more ease than I, though. As I had mentioned in another thread for this show, she seems to have regular-width/narrow feet whereas my feet tend to run wider, so I have a much, much tougher time finding nice shoes that fit well and look stylish enough for an adult without the childish features (sneakers are much easier to get since they tend to run wider). And just as I figured, she seems to shop for clothes in typical stores and just them tailored like I do, too (I think only the fancy dresses she has for special events have been custom


I know! She is SO tiny, I think on tv it's hard to tell because you usually see her with Bill and the kids so she seems proportionate, but I've mentioned before in the small talk thread, long story short, my mom found out she had cancer in January, it was a particularly aggressive form, so dr Arrastia, Jens oncologist from the show, was my moms doctor. On the show obviously compared to Jenn she towered over her, so the first time I met dr Arrastia I expected her to be tall, but when I stood up to shake her hand I was actually taller than her, and I'm only 5'5".

  • Love 4

Gosh, I wish I could meet the family in person.  Not to gush over them but because I enjoy their banter and particularly Bill's sense of humor.I appreciated the fact that they seemed to be honest about their spats instead of saying they never disagree over anything.  


And on the side of those who sent questions, I thought the one from the girl asking about how they would prefer to be addressed by a tall person (standing or kneeling) was very thoughtful.  The answer was also well done because Bill and Jen made it clear they were speaking for themselves, not all little people.


And despite all of the problems they have had, from Blll's thoughts of suicide to Jen's cancer, they would do all over again.  They are mature enough and intelligent enough to know that they are the people that they are because of the trials they have faced.


On a frivolous note - loved the scenes of Zoey and the TLC employees.  What a little cutie!  I bet they all love those kids.

  • Love 7

I usually don't like the Q&A shows that TLC does, mostly because it's typically a bunch of dodging the truth with non-answers (looking at you, Duggars and Browns). But I thoroughly enjoyed hearing Bill and Jen's responses. I'm sad the season is over already, because no matter how crappy my day has been, this show puts a smile on my face. They come across as so genuine, and that's rare enough in life, but especially in reality TV. I'd also love to meet them.

I understand where she's coming from with the small shoe size thing! I wear a size 2-3 in "big girls", and I'm in my mid-30's, so I'm constantly on the prowl for shoes that aren't childish. I'm envious of how she always pulls her look together so well.

I also said a few "amens" when they were talking about how to raise a child who is different. I have paralysis from a birth defect, and as an adult I've come to really appreciate how independent my parents allowed me to be, how they let me try things and find my own ways of doing things without jumping in to do everything for me. Sounds like Bill and Jen's parents were similar to mine in that way. I've known a few people with my same condition whose parents didn't allow them to find their independence, and a few who blatantly made their kids feel inferior, and it's a very sad situation to see them as adults. Will and Zoey are going to grow up so awesome being raised by Bill and Jen with their outlook and perspective.

Also, Bill is a handsome devil.

  • Love 12

I will have to re-watch, but loved some of the behind the scenes stuff that we normally don't see.

- Will telling the camera guy to go away when he doesn't want them in his face

- Zoey disappearing and hanging with the TLC production staff

- The shots of Will and Zoey just playing together.


Bill is an awesome dude and I hope to find a husband one day with those same qualities.  They do seem like a well matched couple.

  • Love 4

Zoey getting made up for the photo shoot. A true girly girl. Bill is in for trouble.



Jen was so proud of her too, heh. When she pointed out that Zoey was going to have lips just like Mommy she seemed rather determined to slather on a good bit of that lip gloss, heh.


Zoey really does seem destined to be her parents' little princess, and she fits the role, imo, to a T.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 5

Bill, as always, makes me laugh out loud several times during each episode.  I love, love, love his sense of humor and overall personality.  I have to admit, though, every time I watch this show, I kick myself for never having the luck of meeting him.  He is not that much older than me and we grew up not too far from each other.  Damnit, I could be living Jen's life right now!  LOL


I truly do think Will and Zoey were absolutely meant to be Bill and Jen's children.  I cannot and probably never will get enough of them.  I hope this show returns soon.

You would have had to fight me off, too! Although I'm closer to his parents' generation, as another LI Girl I'm kicking myself for letting Bill get away! 

  • Love 4

What a lovely episode.  Once again, my jaws are aching from grinning ear to ear.  My eyes also get a little blurry at the sight of so much love, devotion and respect; this couple is giving their children such a good example of a healthy relationship.


Bill is such a peach, and Jen has such panache.

I can't wipe the smile from my face and my eyes still have tears ~~ what a wonderful family.

  • Love 2

Doesn't seem to bother the kids, though.  I thought it was a hoot when Will told the crew to get out of his way when they were making cookies.  That boy keeps his eye on the prize!


Will told them to get out of the way in the kitchen ( yes, he said excuse me) but he was also very clear they were in the way and too close.  Upstairs when he saw them coming up he said no repeatedly and waved them away so it does appear to bother him and Zoey just takes off.  At one point Jen asked where Zoey was! She got lost in the crowd and was found with someone in a film crew.  And walking in on someone who was seeking privacy and a quiet space in the bathroom shows zero privacy in the house when the bathroom is not even safe.  So normal.

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
And walking in on someone who was seeking privacy and a quiet space in the bathroom shows zero privacy in the house when the bathroom is not even safe.


The person seeking quiet space in the bathroom was not an actual member of the household and perhaps, as an adult, should have known to lock the bathroom door, presuming the doors have locks on them.  That being said, in my family growing up there were definitely 1 or more times someone was walked in upon in the bathroom when we didn't lock the door.  Yes, a shut bathroom door usually means someone is in there but when you have a little one in the house it may just mean they shut the door for no reason. (Which my nephew used to like to do at Z's age)   


At one point Jen asked where Zoey was! She got lost in the crowd


She didn't get lost in the crowd. She wandered off of her own volition. She didn't want to be in the room with Will, Bill and Jen working on that activity so she left. 

  • Love 6

Jen and Bill are very honest about how close the crew gets in these Q&As. In the previous Q&A they showed their first night with their long awaited precious boy. They showed that during their heartwarming first night, while they were all cuddled up in bed reading a book, a cameraman was standing against the bed with a light and camera glaring down on them. It didn't look like such a warm, beautiful, scene from that perspective.

On the other hand they forever have a wonderful video of the occasion.  How great that'll be to watch years and years from now.  I don't see that as such a bad trade.

  • Love 5

The person seeking quiet space in the bathroom was not an actual member of the household and perhaps, as an adult, should have known to lock the bathroom door, presuming the doors have locks on them.  That being said, in my family growing up there were definitely 1 or more times someone was walked in upon in the bathroom when we didn't lock the door.  Yes, a shut bathroom door usually means someone is in there but when you have a little one in the house it may just mean they shut the door for no reason. (Which my nephew used to like to do at Z's age)   


She didn't get lost in the crowd. She wandered off of her own volition. She didn't want to be in the room with Will, Bill and Jen working on that activity so she left. 


I do know it was a member of the film crew seeking privacy and quiet in the bathroom.  By crowd I meant the number of people that must have been in the house at the time, family, Kate and the abundant film crew and producers.  She appeared to be lost because Jen asked where she was then wondered if she was with Kate and they found her with a crew member.  No one appeared to be responsible for her and maybe she could have fallen up or down the stairs. 

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
I think the stairs are gated. There a lot of people 8n the house hut Will and Zoey know them, they aren't strangers. Zoey went because the crew was more interesting than what the family was doing


I agree.  These folks have been part of the landscape since Zoey and Will arrived. It's not like they are strangers.  Zoey apparently loves the technology and gravitates toward it.  I don't think Jen and Bill are not watching, they appear to be comfortable with the TLC crew and already know that they will not let any harm come to the kids. No Stranger Danger involved.

Edited by Kohola3
  • Love 5

Wasn't expecting too much since these types of episodes are usually clip shows, but this was my favorite of the season. Bill is just laugh out loud funny. The clips were well chosen and not redundant. I could have watched a whole episode of Jen showing us her closet. Cried like a baby at the end. Just a terrific show, such a pleasure to watch this lovely family. Where will I get my hour of smiling now that the season is over?

  • Love 8

- The shots of Will and Zoey just playing together.

Bill is an awesome dude and I hope to find a husband one day with those same qualities. They do seem like a well matched couple.

I would love to see more of Will and Zoey's interaction - be it playing together, talking to each other, being sweet to each other or even fighting over a toy or something. On second thought, the latter might not be a good idea since some may feast on bashing either the kids or the parents but most likely both.

As for Bill, I've been on a lookout, too. Where in the world can I find another Bill? ;-)

Edited by iamkarski
  • Love 4


And walking in on someone who was seeking privacy and a quiet space in the bathroom

I think that the person "hiding" in the bathroom was part of the production team. She was probably just trying to stay out of the shots. Easier to just remove oneself from the scene than be dodging the camera. 


Honestly, this show is my "guilty feel good pleasure" watch. We are permitted a view into the lives of two extraordinary people. They keep their private lives while still allowing us to share in some of the moments. They love each other and they love their children. I think I can count myself amongst those who have a little crush on Bill. Self aware, generous, thoughtful, sense of humour along with responsiblity


I can be happy with short seasons (that take a chunk of real time to film and edit) for as long as they are willing to share a peak into their lives with us.  

  • Love 7
Well, we learned just how "traumatized" the children are by having the crew around all the time. Not one bit. They seem to regard the crew members as playmates!


Yeah much like the Gosselin kids they seem to think the crew are there to play with them. Learning they are part of show hasn't seemed to changed  how the Gosselin's feel about the crew at least (Although in that particular example I wonder if part of the reason the kids are so attached is because some of those crew members are some of the stablest adults those kids have in their lives). One of the things you have to give TLC credit for is they seem to keep production crews on these show fairly consistent. Which when your working with kids, in someones home, would be important. For all the scrutiny and nastiness aimed at these shows I can't remembering seeing anything bad about the crew (I remember a fair amount of Kate is a nightmare to work for stories however).  It definitely an unusual way to grow up but I've never been convinced that any of the reality show kids are actually harmed by being on the shows. It different sure but only time will tell if it is truly harmful. If anything Will and Zoey get to learn things they both seem to enjoy they would gt without the show. For Will it being in front of the camera and Zoey behind it.

  • Love 5

I'm hoping the show continues for a few more seasons, at least. One of my favorite aspects of it is Jen and Bill's genuine desire to teach us about their lives, whether it's Jen's simulation center or how Bill's skeletal dysplasia affects his spine. It's educational in the way TLC shows used to be -- plus, it tugs the heartstrings. I'll genuinely miss the family when they decide to turn the cameras off.

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