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Meghan King Edmonds: Third Wife's a Charm

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I think the further Meghan goes in the season the worse she's going to look. Are we now an episode or two away from the finale? The reunion will probably be off the charts crazy just because Meghan will be there, probably with "evidence" and other assorted crap to prove her "right" and get Justice. Someone, I think on the Atlanta franchise, tried to bring forth "evidence" and it backfired. No matter what Meghan does now, to me she's the woman who simply went too far in digging into another person's medical situation and all her blogged apologies won't bring back her reputation. She's as bad as anyone she's trying to show up.  

  • Love 13

I am confused. In her blog, Meghan states the following

"A big part of my life has been exposed to you so that cancer can get the much-needed attention it deserves  (By the way, it worked. I have been honored to have been appointed as the official spokesperson for Fight Colorectal Cancer www.fightcrc.org). And with any cause that is worthy of a fight I will seek answers until there is a cure, justice, or truth is exposed. From now on, the audience can decide what their truth might be."


So she is not just a spokesperson? She has actually been appointed THE OFFICIAL SPOKESPERSON????

What organization would want this woman as their official spokesperson? ​


This girl/woman is confusing fighting for cancer as a whole and trying to get answers as to why there is no cure in 2015, with questioning cancer patients on whether they really have it or not. She also now would like us to believe she did this show to bring attention to cancer? 


What an idiot

  • Love 12

Okay, I want to find anything wrong with Meghan possible but I went to fightcolorectalcancer.org and the website is one of the jankiest, least legit, cheap ass websites I've ever seen. She is the perfect spokesperson for this half assed (no pun intended) barely functioning organization.


I'll admit that the spare blue homepage looks amateurish, but once you get into the website and check out its various internal content links, it's actually quite informative.


What I find interesting is the fact that nowhere on the site is their new official spokeperson mentioned, not by name, photo, or personal email or blog post. Perhaps she prevailed on Jim to donate a few hundred dollars to the organization and asked that they give her that title. Perhaps they let anyone who donates claim that honor (like being an official Mousketeer back in the old days). Or perhaps she just assigned herself the title.

  • Love 8

Okay, I want to find anything wrong with Meghan possible but I went to fightcolorectalcancer.org and the website is one of the jankiest, least legit, cheap ass websites I've ever seen. She is the perfect spokesperson for this half assed (no pun intended) barely functioning organization.


True.  I also don't see anything on the website announcing the appointment of their newest spokesperson.  

  • Love 4

I'll admit that the spare blue homepage looks amateurish, but once you get into the website and check out its various internal content links, it's actually quite informative.

What I find interesting is the fact that nowhere on the site is their new official spokeperson mentioned, not by name, photo, or personal email or blog post. Perhaps she prevailed on Jim to donate a few hundred dollars to the organization and asked that they give her that title. Perhaps they let anyone who donates claim that honor (like being an official Mousketeer back in the old days). Or perhaps she just assigned herself the title.

I did look around and there is some info. I couldn't find any events before March 2014. Web MD has all the same information. I'm just sayin. Google just colorectal cancer and the website is at the bottom of the page. I'm sure they care but appear to be the LEAST legit organization as far as doing anything about cancer except for talking about it. I just think it's perfect for Meghan.

Edited by freeradical
  • Love 5

I dunno, a cursory glance at the site reveals that it has a better charity rating (scroll until the bottom of the page) from charity navigator than many more better known charities.


I don't know how credible charity navigator is, though.

Edited by gimipizzauoldtroll
  • Love 2

I dunno, a cursory glance at the site reveals that it has a better charity rating (scroll until the bottom of the page) from charity navigator than many more better known charities.

I don't know how credible charity navigator is, though.

I don't know about charity navigator specifically but comparing the amount they receive with the amount they directly help people with is the best judge of an organization. Maybe that explains the bare bones site. It's better to spend less on that and give more to research for sure! Thanks for pointing that out! Maybe I had "judgey eyes" too quickly! Edited by freeradical
  • Love 4

I'm sure the response you receive will be some carefully crafted doublespeak without a clear "yes" or "no" answer. Fight Colorectal Cancer wants the money from Meghan's charity so I doubt they'll say anything that will damage the relationship. But at the same time, they're aware of her behavior and don't want to outright say "yes" in case things get worse.

Edited by gimipizzauoldtroll
  • Love 3

I'll admit that the spare blue homepage looks amateurish, but once you get into the website and check out its various internal content links, it's actually quite informative.


What I find interesting is the fact that nowhere on the site is their new official spokeperson mentioned, not by name, photo, or personal email or blog post. Perhaps she prevailed on Jim to donate a few hundred dollars to the organization and asked that they give her that title. Perhaps they let anyone who donates claim that honor (like being an official Mousketeer back in the old days). Or perhaps she just assigned herself the title.

Yeah, I'm going with the bolded option. 

  • Love 4

My father and maternal grandfather both passed away from colon cancer and one of my mom's sisters had colon cancer, but thankfully has been in remission for years without any recurrence (treated by doctor's at the City of Hope).  The idea that Meghan has anything to do as a spokesperson for a colorectal cancer charity makes me physically ill.

  • Love 7

My father and maternal grandfather both passed away from colon cancer and one of my mom's sisters had colon cancer, but thankfully has been in remission for years without any recurrence (treated by doctor's at the City of Hope).  The idea that Meghan has anything to do as a spokesperson for a colorectal cancer charity makes me physically ill.

I'm so sorry. And that is something that Fight Colorectal Cancer should be worried about in terms of her being a "spokesperson." They run the risk of alienating people, like you, whose lives have been affected by colon cancer. She might actually make people re-think their decision to donate to Fight Colorectal Cancer.

Edited by gimipizzauoldtroll
  • Love 9

Good luck...what kind of an organization would appoint Meghan as their official spokesperson? On national TV she gloated about faking cancer in order to prove another person doesn't have cancer. Take a look at the organizations funding policy & disclosure...she's already acted contrary to their policies?!?



To keep us ethical and focused, we developed the following funding policy and disclosure. All who sponsor and donate to Fight Colorectal Cancer must oblige by the following conditions:

Funding from corporations for projects and educational programs are charitable donations or unrestricted educational grants. While we welcome input from our corporate partners, Fight Colorectal Cancer has ultimate authority over program development, content and speaker selection.

The Fight Colorectal Cancer projects and programs will publicly disclose funding sources. Speakers representing the Fight Colorectal Cancer will clearly disclose funding sources.

All speakers at Fight Colorectal Cancer events will be required to disclose their relationship with the corporate partner.

Fight Colorectal Cancer does not endorse any medical product, treatment protocol or service, or provide medical advice to patients. Fight Colorectal Cancer’s Medical Advisory Board reviews and approves content within the Prevent It, Fight It & Patient Resources pages to ensure accurate and full reporting of treatment risks and benefits.

Fight Colorectal Cancer does not sell advertising on our website. However, corporate and individual donors may be thanked for their support of a program in the form of a link to their website from our website. A link to a supporter’s website from the Fight Colorectal Cancer site is not an endorsement of any product or service.

Fight Colorectal Cancer Research Updates will present information of interest to the patient community. Every effort will be made to ensure that information is presented accurately and completely. Updates may occasionally link to product-specific websites.

Every effort will be made to ensure that information presented in materials and at programs will be presented in fair balance.

Any corporate partner wishing to reference Fight Colorectal Cancer or any Fight Colorectal Cancer in any public relations, marketing or promotional materials or activities, must first seek the prior review and written approval of Fight Colorectal Cancer.

Fight Colorectal Cancer reserves the right to approve the participation of third parties that may be recommended for involvement in any program, project or event.

Fight Colorectal Cancer does not enter into exclusive partnerships.

Fight Colorectal Cancer does not sell or share its mailing list.

All materials and programs developed by Fight Colorectal Cancer are the property of Fight Colorectal Cancer, must carry Fight Colorectal Cancer copyright, and as such, cannot be changed, modified or duplicated without prior written permission from Fight Colorectal Cancer.

Edited by talula
  • Love 2

I'm so sorry. And that is something that Fight Colorectal Cancer should be worried about in terms of her being a "spokesperson." They run the risk of alienating people, like you, whose lives have been affected by colon cancer. She might actually make people re-think their decision to donate to Fight Colorectal Cancer.


Thank you.  I was about six when my grandfather passed, so my memories are pretty vague except for how his illness affected my mother. It's be over ten years since my father passed.  The passage of time helps, but still there are times when I feel the loss (tomorrow would have been his birthday).  My poor father went through so much fighting his cancer, which came back twice, but his was so strong and positive even through every set back.

  • Love 4

Meghan is an immature, shoot from the hip, the end justifies the means type of person. Her actions on TV have shown she's unstable, revengeful and is over her head as a RHOC. She doesn't have the experience or temperment to be any organization's official spokesperson, let alone a cancer charity. I thought her family history was breast cancer not colorectal cancer?

Edited by talula
  • Love 5

Meghan is an immature, shoot from the hip, the end justifies the means type of person. Her actions on TV have shown she's unstable, revengeful and is over her head as a RHOC. She doesn't have the experience or temperment to be any organization's official spokesperson, let alone a cancer charity. I thought her family history was breast cancer not colorectal cancer?


Leann had colorectal cancer!  How dare you say .. [sob] .. that Meghan's not an expert... [sob] ... in colorectal cancer... [sob] when she has vast, personal experience with it thanks to her deep love [sob] ... for all of her husband's ex-[sob] wives [sob]????!!!   Meghan cares just as much about Leeann's colorectal cancer as if it were her very own!  

Edited by OhGromit
  • Love 9

Here's my take. Fightcolorectalcancer.org does not have an official spokesperson nor was Meghan named as one. There are no press releases naming her a spokesperson, nor is she on the site aside from being tucked away in the fundraising section. Meghan started her trucker hat charity, promised to give money, and basically strong armed a CHARITY into giving her a title with her blog. She's a nasty piece of work.

  • Love 5

Ok I think Meghan would be a perfect spokesperson for rectal cancer.  1) she spends most of the time with her head up her a$$.  2) She loves to "dig deep" to get to the "bottom" of things.  3) she would seem to be able to speak from experience having been married for 4 months to a complete and total a$$hole. 

Sorry, couldn't help it  ;-)

  • Love 8

Ok I think Meghan would be a perfect spokesperson for rectal cancer. 1) she spends most of the time with her head up her a$$. 2) She loves to "dig deep" to get to the "bottom" of things. 3) she would seem to be able to speak from experience having been married for 4 months to a complete and total a$$hole.

Sorry, couldn't help it ;-)

Help...I need to come up for air...laughing uncontrollably here! Hubby heard me in the other room and I had to read him your post...he felt the urge to let out a big ha-hoooo! Meghan sure is good for a laugh, the next thing you know she'll be saying the Feds awarded her the Congressional Medal of Honor for stalking a cancer patient on TV, lol.

Thanks notnowimbusy you made my evening!

Edited by talula
  • Love 3
Here's my take. Fightcolorectalcancer.org does not have an official spokesperson nor was Meghan named as one. There are no press releases naming her a spokesperson, nor is she on the site aside from being tucked away in the fundraising section. Meghan started her trucker hat charity, promised to give money, and basically strong armed a CHARITY into giving her a title with her blog. She's a nasty piece of work.


So does this mean that she is actually lying in her Bravo Blog when she states that she "has just been appointed official spokes person"?

After all the crying about Brooks being a liar, now she is making false claims? I miss the days when you could comment on those blogs.

Please let this come up at the reunion!!

  • Love 3

Meghan, exactly how much money have you raised? Just curious about how much an "official spokesperson" title is worth. Please tweet or better yet, write an angry screed denouncing haters in which you include the number (those make me lol).

Meghan has moved on to bigger and better things-off to Cambodia to work with children who were victims of human trafficking.  Apparently Meghan is having a hard time finding a charity and sticking with it.  This is her third cause in less than a year.  First there was, Juvenile Diabetes, then her colorectal cancer spokespersonship and now she is leaving for Cambodia in six days.  Jim must be giddy with excitement.   I guess I question a couple who complains about spending time apart and then one volunteers to go half way around the world.

  • Love 8

Let me guess, she'll post a bunch of pictures of herself with poor brown kids used as props with trite platitudes as captions. If she were sincere, she'd work with the charity to determine their needs and give them the money it is going to cost to get her ass over there. I hate it when privileged people think they can just show up, take a few pictures and leave. unless Meghan is a social worker, she won't be able to help these kids. She's like those clueless college kids who sell t-shirts to "raise awareness" or people who show up in disaster zones without a clue and just make things harder for rescuers.

  • Love 11

I doubt that had Jim's ex-wife (Leanne) lived and never had cancer, would megan ever had liked her.

Megan's a despicable person, using others misfortunes to attempt to make herself look caring, kind and compassionate. OC housewives need to clean house. Give us some "real", however little that might be.

I'm sick of the totally fake. Bye Megan, bye tamra. Bye felicia

  • Love 7

Has any one emailed fight corectal cancer .org, yet? Curious to see if they back her up? Meghan has ruined reality tv, she brings the bad acting to a new low.

Totally. I usually don't obsess about any one reality star except Aviva drove me nuts. Meghan is a special case. They say the truly insane/sociopath doesn't recognize it in themselves so they don't try to hide it. They don't see what we see. I hate how much I hate her but I'm relieved other people see it too.

  • Love 9

Meghan has moved on to bigger and better things-off to Cambodia to work with children who were victims of human trafficking.  Apparently Meghan is having a hard time finding a charity and sticking with it.  This is her third cause in less than a year.  First there was, Juvenile Diabetes, then her colorectal cancer spokespersonship and now she is leaving for Cambodia in six days.  Jim must be giddy with excitement.   I guess I question a couple who complains about spending time apart and then one volunteers to go half way around the world.


Of course she's moved on. She got what she wanted from Juvenile Diabetes, that was her introduction into Orange County Society. Cancer gave her a story line for the show and allowed her to show the world that she is the best step-mom ever and gave her a very important title, spokesmodel. Now she's moved on. We'll just have to wait and see what she gets out of this one. 

  • Love 5

Of course she's moved on. She got what she wanted from Juvenile Diabetes, that was her introduction into Orange County Society. Cancer gave her a story line for the show and allowed her to show the world that she is the best step-mom ever and gave her a very important title, spokesmodel. Now she's moved on. We'll just have to wait and see what she gets out of this one. 

So I was wondering what Meghan does to support her oldest stepdaughter, Lauren.  Found this http://pages.lightthenight.org/calso/OrangeCo15/LEdmonds  Apparently, she is part of a team doing a nationwide fundraiser Light the Night for Leukemia and Lymphoma.  There is a list of donors-all people from her mother's side of the family.  (Leann's name was Leann Huntley Edmonds Horton).  Just where is the check from Meghan or Jim?  I think you are right she is looking for charities that will showcase her.  Shouldn't megs be in OC supporting Lauren?

  • Love 2

Let me guess, she'll post a bunch of pictures of herself with poor brown kids used as props with trite platitudes as captions. If she were sincere, she'd work with the charity to determine their needs and give them the money it is going to cost to get her ass over there. I hate it when privileged people think they can just show up, take a few pictures and leave. unless Meghan is a social worker, she won't be able to help these kids. She's like those clueless college kids who sell t-shirts to "raise awareness" or people who show up in disaster zones without a clue and just make things harder for rescuers.

Meghan must have studied philanthropy at the Duggar's dining room table.

  • Love 7

Megahn went from pink hair, to purple hair, to platinum and is now a brunette. Identity crisis.

I can't blame her for not wanting to be her or look like her. I wouldn't want to be her either. What a weirdly awkward, cold, manly-looking bitch.

It seems oddly appropriate that she married such an equally robotic, weirdly awkward bitch of a husband, yet even he seems totally over her weird self.

I did admittedly snort in glee when Vicki shouted at her husband at that sex party, "Talk to me when you're divorced in 5 years!"

Yes!!! Amen. Oh amen.

Edited by Sun-Bun
  • Love 3

At the JDF charity event at her house, Meghan mentioned friends in St. Louis who's son has Juvenile Diabetes.   When they told her about it, did she immediate start calling this kids dr's, questioning his treatment, and demanding justice until she got to the bottom of his case?    I really can't stand her, and when she does that face when she's feeling all self-righteous it makes me crazy.  I swear she's the Church Lady.

  • Love 7

At the JDF charity event at her house, Meghan mentioned friends in St. Louis who's son has Juvenile Diabetes. When they told her about it, did she immediate start calling this kids dr's, questioning his treatment, and demanding justice until she got to the bottom of his case? I really can't stand her, and when she does that face when she's feeling all self-righteous it makes me crazy. I swear she's the Church Lady.

Yep, I agree notnowimbusy. Meghan sure is the righteous Church Lady! Out for 100% justice.


Edited by talula
  • Love 4

This past September 11, was the 13th anniversary of my young daughters death, to a rare type of cancer. She had been mis-diagnosed for at least 18 months, was being treated for TMJ, a jaw disorder. Parents-ALWAYS get a second, third medical opinion when your child is sick. I live with such terrible guilt that I did not do that.

I don't like watching people on t.v. who think they know what cancer does, or what treatments are the best ones. Everyone is different, no 2 cancer patients are the same. Meghan should be careful with the way she talks about cancer and cancer treatments. I am pretty sure that if she had her own child that had cancer, she would speak differently about it.

Sorry for the rant:(

  • Love 13


Say hello to my little friend HIPAA.


"Family Members and Friends"

"The Privacy Rule does not require a health care provider or health plan to share information with your family or friends, unless they are your personal representatives."

The U.S. government needs to add a special Meghan King Edmonds section to HIPAA.

This past September 11, was the 13th anniversary of my young daughters death, to a rare type of cancer. She had been mis-diagnosed for at least 18 months, was being treated for TMJ, a jaw disorder. Parents-ALWAYS get a second, third medical opinion when your child is sick. I live with such terrible guilt that I did not do that.

I don't like watching people on t.v. who think they know what cancer does, or what treatments are the best ones. Everyone is different, no 2 cancer patients are the same. Meghan should be careful with the way she talks about cancer and cancer treatments. I am pretty sure that if she had her own child that had cancer, she would speak differently about it.

Sorry for the rant:(

PLEASE don't think that, it is a good thing to do but when one has faith in their doctors.....I can't imagine the pain you feel and on the date 9/11, I hope you can find some way to find peace and comfort on that date to ease pain just a little. I know it will never end in your life.

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