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S09.E05: An Open Book

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I think they missed the most interesting part of the NYPL, for a kid, at least: the lions at the entrance, "Patience" and "Fortitude." I don't think they went up the front steps, it looked like they went into a separate door.

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Zoey is a wicked mimic, much to our delight.

Her typing with downcast eyes, flat fingers and not doing the "hunt and peck" method showed the sophistication of her humor.

Declaring to her dad to not to touch "her work" is what she has heard from Bill/Jen countless times.

Delivering her zingers with a straight face and a subtle comedic flair is golden.

Bill must be delighted to have kids that are funnier than he is.

I would pay THEM to let me nanny those kids!
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How many libraries are there in NYC? I recall Carrie Bradshaw was planning to get married at the library in Sex In The City. I thought the lions at the entrance were in the front of that one too. This one Jen and Will were at did not seem as "grand" as that one did. Does anyone know? Thanks.

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Then if that's the case, I hope/assume they bought things for Zoey too. I just thought I wouldn't want Zoey to be upset or feel left out because her older brother (who also wasn't well, but apparently felt better than Zoey) got to go out with their Mommy & got a bunch of cool stuff that she didn't because she wasn't well enough to go with them.


I bet whatever books were brought home were for both of the kids, not just Will.  I cannot see Bill or Jen ever purposely leaving out one kid over the other.


Everytime I hear about the amount of bullying certain little people have gone through, I thank and count my lucky stars for never having endured the same.  It just blows me away how cruel people can be and I cannot imagine how I would have handled being physically bullied.  Sure, I got PLENTY of stares, snickers, and sometimes some verbal taunts from strangers, and I still do to this day, but to be actually physically assaulted?  God... just heartbreaking.  That said, even though I may not have gone through the physical bullying, I have to be honest and admit that I can still relate to Bill moments of "dark thoughts."  Although I'm so unbelievably grateful for my amazing family, friends, and personal accomplishments thus far in my life, it's still not easy living in our shoes.  Not easy at all.

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I don't think Will is too young for the library, but one should tailor the visit to the child and filming for an episode in a library I'm pretty sure would extend it beyond many a pre-schooler's tolerance level.  My kids all began going to the library by age one and loved it.  We did keep visits short at first. 


Viewership:  1.661 M viewers and a .4 rating.

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@ LIGirl--I know from our time on LWLA and LWNY threads that you're outside of NYC--is the overall atmosphere where you are more accepting than say, NYC?  Do you think Bill endured more hateful bullying because he was in the city or because he is male or maybe the times were different then--(he's probably a little older than you)?  I'm just curious what your opinion is on why Bill's experience was so profound.  In any case, he came out of his experiences a very strong and motivated person and I think he is the perfect Dad for Will and Zoey!

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I see nothing wrong with making money, hey will someone buy my unwritten book?

Writing a book about your extraordinary life so you can make a great deal of money -- you mean like virtually every President starting with Ike?

Edited by mbutterfly
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I see nothing wrong with the Kleins writing a book to make money. I bought the book and enjoyed it for the most part. It was a fair deal. I thought the book was worth the money and I did not regret buying it.

The thing that I found offensive was when their publisher implied that their motivation for writing it was for some higher, noble purpose other than financial gain.

Not to beat this to death, but I think they did have some higher purpose in mind. I work in communications, and I can tell you with certainty that writing is not as easy way to make a buck, even if you have ghostwriters and editors and publishers helping you along the way. There are faster and easier ways for the Arnold-Kleins to make money.

I really think their purpose with this whole enterprise has been to help people of average height understand that status as a little person doesn't somehow equal "less than." As someone posted elsewhere in this thread, when she looks at Bill, she no longer sees a man with dwarfism; she simply sees a person. Much more than any money that stands to be made, I think the goal on Jen and Bill's part was to foster that kind of awareness and understanding.

The book will likely do well, and more power to them; they're going to be putting two kids through college. But I really don't believe money was the primary motivator here.

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I always say that there are some things in life that are all good. Libraries are on that list. However, not for a five year old who is quite young for his age. I thought that Will was amazingly well behaved at the library, considering how bored he seemed to be. Poor Jen tries really hard, but I don't think that she understands kids at all.

I began taking my kids to the library when they were babies. As a introvert for whom libraries are magical places, I couldn't wait to share the library experience with my kids; I wanted them to see the colors of the books, touch the bindings as we walked by the shelves, and smell the wonderful smells we book lovers know so well ... I wanted them to be a part of that world, and although we kept our visits short at first, they both grew to love the library. I commend Jen for exposing Will to such a wonderful place!

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It is easy to get caught up on the children being away from the cameras when the season ends but that isn't the case.  I remember last year posters did not think the Kleins were filming when in fact we saw the trip to Washington about SNFK, the pirates ship, swimming lessons, starting school, Halloween, Christmas, Will's birthday in February and the trip to NY which appeared to be spring because of their clothing and interspersed into the shows were other events like karate and ballet and the space center.  Jen said they were going to have a busy summer, stay tuned to twitter to see what we will be seeing next season.

Obviously the Klein family tapes when the show isn't on.  If they didn't tape while the show wasn't on there wouldn't be future shows.   

My guess based on the episodes we have seen this season is that each episode tapes over about 3 days.   They met Will in China in episode 97 and will end this season on episode 138.   So that is 41 episodes that have aired since they met Will.   At approxomately 3 days per episode that is 123 days in the last two years that they filmed for stuff we've already seen.   That's about 17 percent of their days.  The other 83 percent of their days apparently includes all of their schooling, all but one each of ballet and or Karate lessons.  All time spent with Kate.    

That may well be more than you would allow if you were their parents.  It might well be more than I would allow if I was their parents.

However, the cameras are not there for the majority of their time.   

The cameras probably are there for a disproportionate amount of their travel/special occasions.   However, we also didn't see Christmas morning, or Will's family birthday party or Thanksgiving Dinner so some special occasions are clearly being left for private family time as well.    

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The thing that I found offensive was when their publisher implied that their motivation for writing it was for some higher, noble purpose other than financial gain



I don't believe that something being financially profitable disqualifies it from also being a good and just cause, that's way too black and white for me.


Making money is not, imho, in and of itself wrong. Plenty do good things, tremendous things in life and get paid for it, but that does not mean that is their main motivation or goal, many just consider it a bonus if anything and often a bonus that allows for further good to be done.


Only Jen and Bill know all the reasons, monetary or otherwise, that went into their desire to write the book. But considering all that they did put into it, a lot of personal details involving some of their deepest, darkest struggles and pain and also their many joys and triumphs, I believe that a main goal was to motivate.


A big part of the reason why they wrote this book, imo, seemed to be to give people hope and encouragement, and I don't think dollar signs were flashing in their heads when those words were being put to paper.



I knew about Bill contemplating suicide from the book thread but when I watched him talk about it actually made me cry, which kinda surprised me.



When he and Jen were walking past the building where he mentioned he contemplated jumping from the 3rd story window to just end it all, it was so...almost devastating to hear. And the way he said it, it was so matter of fact because he had been that close, that desperate and sad and defeated, it was just heartbreaking.


I think now I understand a bit more why Bill developed into such a loving husband and father. Not even that much weighted despair could extinguish the fire within him lit with love and light and he's carried that with him since, and I believe that's why he takes every chance that he can to enjoy his family and shower them with love and affection because at his core that's what drives him.

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Not even that much weighted despair could extinguish the fire within him lit with love and light and he's carried that with him since, and I believe that's why he takes every chance that he can to enjoy his family and shower them with love and affection because at his core that's what drives him.


Beautifully expressed, and I agree so much. When he and Jen were discussing the fact that a person never knows the opportunities life is going to bring, I couldn't help but wonder if Bill ever reflects on how much his life has changed from that dark day. In his wildest dreams, he probably could not have imagined all the joys that were in store for him, and how loved he would be.

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I began taking my kids to the library when they were babies. As a introvert for whom libraries are magical places, I couldn't wait to share the library experience with my kids; I wanted them to see the colors of the books, touch the bindings as we walked by the shelves, and smell the wonderful smells we book lovers know so well ... I wanted them to be a part of that world, and although we kept our visits short at first, they both grew to love the library. I commend Jen for exposing Will to such a wonderful place!

Of course, I thought everyone took preschoolers to the library (if you are the library sort). Libraries have books and videos and play areas and activities specifically designed for preschoolers. But even if you are not in these areas of the library, it is a lovely place for a preschooler. 

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Thank you for all of your work, I found it very interesting. Per the attached article, for an unstructured reality show, which I think The Little Couple is based on the author's description, they would need to film about 6 days for one 30 minute show. I think that using 3 days per episode is a little light.

Fair enough.   I guessed 3 days based on the number of event episodes we've had. IE one day to shoot invitations to party.  One day for Bill and Jen nattering on about Bill's party planning prowess one day for party.   Or for this episode.  One day hanging out with Bill's parents.  One day for the publisher.   One day hanging out in the hotel/going to the library.    However, reading that I'm perfectly willing to accept that they probably spend that many days just filming the kids playing/doing arts and crafts/strolling along the kitchen counters until they find something airworthy.    


I suspect it is somewhere in the middle and the NY trip filmed over fewer days and less structured episodes are more.   But I'm certainly not invested enough to stock twitter/instagram trying to figure out when various events happened.    So that makes the math pretty easy.   It is twice as much time as I estimated meaning they filmed 34% of the time and not 66% of the time.


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I don't think that it matters what the mother likes. A mother that understands her children would take her child's likes into consideration when she plans an outing.


My mom rarely did. I can't tell you how many antique shops, sewing stores and quilting get togethers I was dragged to. Trust me when I say I was bored.


Also doesn't this hurt the "Will is pandered to and always gets his way" narrative? I mean, he fussed and was bored and wasn't instantly removed to a more entertaining option...

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My mom rarely did. I can't tell you how many antique shops, sewing stores and quilting get togethers I was dragged to. Trust me when I say I was bored.


Good for her - and it was good for you as well, I bet.  The only way kids learn about the world is to be introduced to a bunch of different things.  While a mom shouldn't avoid things their child likes, there is no mandate that those activities are the only ones a child attends.  There were some family parties I was bored at and the first symphony concerts I attended were tough to get through but I learned to love music and my crazy relatives.  The key is to introduce things in small bites to make them palatable. Will may remember the goody bag and think libraries are just peachy.  I'm glad Jen made him stick it out.  

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Will was sick too with strep so his bored appearance was more likely because of that and he was exhausted.  He sat down every chance he got and then could barely look/thank the librarian for the bag and headed to the couch to collapse and suck his thumb.  Jen asked if he wanted to stay or go home and he said go home.  They had already made the arrangements with the library to film and didn't know the kids would be sick.  I hope no one they came in contact with ended up with strep!

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Will packing up food to take with him, would be embarrassing to me, seeing that he is a child. Neither parent is trying to discourage his obsession for food or his bad behavior. The boy has NO discipline at all and, its obvious that he doesn't by the way he continues to act out on the show.

Both kids didn't get an astronaut suit, only Will the Love of their lives got one!

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How many libraries are there in NYC? I recall Carrie Bradshaw was planning to get married at the library in Sex In The City. I thought the lions at the entrance were in the front of that one too. This one Jen and Will were at did not seem as "grand" as that one did. Does anyone know? Thanks.


No idea how many branches there are, but unless I'm mistaken, Jen and Will were at the main branch of the New York Public Library. It's a gorgeous building, inside and out, and would be a beautiful setting for a wedding. If they allow that.

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Bill specifically said Zoey wasn't interested in astronaut gear...he even made a stupid joke about her not trusting herself. Everytime I see How Bill looks at Zoey, and plays with Zoey, I have to think she's a daddy's girl.

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I hope Jen knows how to make peach cobbler. It's a southern thing, really. Random thought.

Mmm.. Peaches.  ;)


I like random thoughts.  Lol

I'm sorry, but I'm not from the South. What does this post mean?

Peach cobbler is a Southern dish.  It's like a pie, and it's delicious.

Edited by Honey
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Good for her - and it was good for you as well, I bet


Well, I still can't sew or cross stitch, or quilt.... but I can make snide remarks while watching Antiques Roadshow about people who think their Depression era green glass plate service is authentic! And most of my appreciation for classical music starts from being forced to play trombone in school.


Back on point - Will probably would have been fine in a library more geared to children. He's a lil young for a grown up library. And Zoey certainly is... but I must say, my parents definitely taught me the love of books by taking us all to the library every Saturday... after we went to the dump, of course ;) Libraries and kids are like peas and carrots.

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I don't think that it matters what the mother likes. A mother that understands her children would take her child's likes into consideration when she plans an outing. Zoey would have enjoyed the library, Will not so much. Jen always misses the mark with Will. He was obviously very bored on their outing.

Maybe she did that so she wouldn't be accused of letting the kids rule the house.  ;)

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Will packing up food to take with him, would be embarrassing to me, seeing that he is a child. Neither parent is trying to discourage his obsession for food or his bad behavior. The boy has NO discipline at all and, its obvious that he doesn't by the way he continues to act out on the show.

Both kids didn't get an astronaut suit, only Will the Love of their lives got one!

Lol.  Zoey was afraid of the astronaut suit.  "Here Zoey, here's your very own scary suit, it can sit in your room and stare at you"  You want to scar the kid for life?  ;)

Of course, I thought everyone took preschoolers to the library (if you are the library sort). Libraries have books and videos and play areas and activities specifically designed for preschoolers. But even if you are not in these areas of the library, it is a lovely place for a preschooler. 

Plus, libraries smell so good.  All those old books. I love that smell!

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I hope Jen knows how to make peach cobbler. It's a southern thing, really. Random thought.

Not just a southern thing. You can eat them in the UK too though they may be either sweet or savory. We eat a lot of apple cobbler in Indiana. Sorry for OT. 

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No idea how many branches there are, but unless I'm mistaken, Jen and Will were at the main branch of the New York Public Library. It's a gorgeous building, inside and out, and would be a beautiful setting for a wedding. If they allow that.

Both Sex and the City and the library Jen and Will were at is the same one. It is beautiful! But it is also large so there's less grand areas. Pooh and friends are housed in the children's area which would be less fancy.

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@ LIGirl--I know from our time on LWLA and LWNY threads that you're outside of NYC--is the overall atmosphere where you are more accepting than say, NYC?  Do you think Bill endured more hateful bullying because he was in the city or because he is male or maybe the times were different then--(he's probably a little older than you)?  I'm just curious what your opinion is on why Bill's experience was so profound.  In any case, he came out of his experiences a very strong and motivated person and I think he is the perfect Dad for Will and Zoey!


Yes, I live in the suburbs of Long Island.  I honestly don't know why Bill endured more hateful bullying than I.  Bill actually grew up on LI as well, not too far from me, and it sounded like he was bullied even before college.  I would think that because NYC is such a huge melting pot of races, ethnicities, and personalities, people would have been more accepting of him overall.  Apparently not?  Hell, surely there are a lot "freakier" people walking the streets of NYC than a nice looking guy who just happens to be a little person.  :P  I grew up in a town that was also a very big melting pot of people and I thought that may be one reason why I wasn't physically bullied.  But who knows?  I was also pretty outgoing, tended to make good friends easily with different groups of people, and did extremely well in school, but I thought Bill was the same way.  Bill isn't much older than me, so I also don't think "that's how it was back then" is a likely reason, either.


The more I think about it, though, the more I think that maybe my case was not the norm.  Not only do we have stories of Bill being viciously bullied, but we have heard several stories of bullying on "LW: LA" and "LW: NY."  Plus, I remember as a teenager, I was asked to speak to my aunt's friend's young daughter who also had dwarfism.  One of the things she asked me was how I handled all of the bullying and not having any friends.  I swear to you, I honestly didn't know how to answer that question.  I felt terrible and yet so lucky that I didn't truly know what that was like.  Sometimes I think I may also be blocking out some of the more scarring experiences for all I know, LOL, but overall, I just think I got really lucky.


I will tell you that if someone ever dares to get physical with me, I'll get all Dorinda from RHoNY and get in their face telling them, "You better cut that shit and back that shit up quick!"  ;)


That said, I was running errands today and it was one of those days where I wish I could have been invisible.  I wish more than anything that parents would teach their kids from an EARLY age that you do not make a spectacle of yourself when you see someone who looks "different."  I know kids are naturally curious, but kids need to learn how to be respectful and approach their parents quietly if they have a question about my "difference" and not to scream out, "Look at her!" with the pointing and laughing with the other kids.  Parents also need to shut down their kids if they start following me around everywhere to the point where the kid is out of their reach.  I cannot tell you how many times this happens to me.  Obviously, I would never flip out on a kid, but I'm still like, "Seriously?  I'm short, but I'm still a STRANGER!"  I'm sure parents wouldn't want their kids to follow around any other stranger to the point where they can't even see their kids.  Stranger danger much?

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How many libraries are there in NYC? I recall Carrie Bradshaw was planning to get married at the library in Sex In The City. I thought the lions at the entrance were in the front of that one too. This one Jen and Will were at did not seem as "grand" as that one did. Does anyone know? Thanks.

There are a lot of branches in Manhattan, but as others said this is the main building on 5th Avenue and 42 Street, formally known as the Schwarzman Building. There are a lot of steps going up to the main entrance - between the two lions - but I think Will and Jen might have gone to a door that can be accessed more easily. If I went there, I'd choose a less strenuous entrance, too. I'm not a big fan of so many steps.)

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Will packing up food to take with him, would be embarrassing to me, seeing that he is a child. Neither parent is trying to discourage his obsession for food or his bad behavior. The boy has NO discipline at all and, its obvious that he doesn't by the way he continues to act out on the show.

Both kids didn't get an astronaut suit, only Will the Love of their lives got one!

My very wise grandmother once advised me to say "yes" to my kids 10 times for every time I said "no." I followed her advice and raised happy, intellectually curious children. Discipline is not all about saying "no"; it's also about so many of the things Jen and Bill do so well, such as insisting on nutritious meals, having the kids participate in writing thank-you notes, and encouraging manners and respect.

Will is an energetic little boy, and he also clearly loves to eat. IMO, neither of those is a discipline-related issue. He's a high-energy child, but also sweet and loving. I think his parents are doing a fabulous job and will continue to meet any unique needs as they present themselves.

Also, anyone who feels Jen and Bill favor Will needs to go back and re-watch the episode(s) in question. Both parents are clearly enamored with both their children.

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I truly don't understand or see where some think Will is the highly favored, can-do-no-wrong, "golden child" in Bill and Jen's eyes.  If I didn't know better - and I do - I would have thought that some people would think Zoey was Jen's favorite simply because she's a girl.  I remember when they found out that they were going to be able to adopt Zoey and Jen was so excited because she was looking forward to being able to do all of the "girly" things with her like tea parties, dress up, shopping, mani/pedis, etc. (all of these things have been shown being done with Zoey already, by the way).  Jen clearly loves every bit of that.  If anything, I think Jen may relate more to Zoey because of these things.  However, I seriously doubt she favors Zoey over Will or vice versa.  Bill, on the other hand, loves being such "buddies" and having a close guy's bond over things like cars, trains, and tech gadgets with Will, but he clearly loves having Zoey as a "Daddy's Girl", too.  It's all totally equal in so many different ways with the kids and Bill and Jen in my eyes.

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I hope Jen knows how to make peach cobbler. It's a southern thing, really. Random thought.

Peach cobbler isn't difficult to make if you make sure you get rid of the rotten peaches.

On topic: this family is sweeter than Georgia peaches on a summer day!

Edited by Lnmop
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Y'all are making me want peach cobbler. (thank you grandma for the accent and mom for the recipe!)


I don't understand people thinking either kid is the favorite, either, but maybe I need to watch again? 

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I honestly don't see any favoritism either.  Those parents are gaga over both those kids.  Initially each child favored one parent (Will and Baba and anything with wheels, Joey shying away from Bill) but that was right after the adoptions.  Now it seems to me there there both kids are attached to both parents. 


Every kid in the world goes through phases where one parent is a favorite for a while. Part of life.

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When we took trips as a kid everybody got to pick an activity and everybody had to participate.   You didn't have to like everybody else's activity.   However, you did have to go and act however you were supposed to act at that type of venue.   Complaining was not an option!    And the thing is?   I've played miniature golf in every state I've ever been in because my brother loved, loved, loved miniature golf.  Me?  Eh.  Whatever.   My brother has toured historic houses in every state we've ever been in because for whatever reason?  As a kid?  I loved historic house tours.   He was cool with that mostly because he particularly likes those historical films at the beginning of many tours.   My mom and dad?  They picked a variety of activities that either they would enjoy or they thought we would enjoy that might broaden our list of things we'd like to try away from those two things.  Sometimes those things were great!  Sometimes they were so bad it was funny.   But we got a broader experience in travel.

I suspect, therefore, that the sailboats were picked for Will who loves all things motorized and the library was picked for Z who loves books.   Z was sick but they'd already made arrangements to film there and so they went ahead and went.   Also, I thought looking at the old records was all sorts of weird and I really don't know if Jen was told to play up that bit of the holdings or if she was looking for a record for her own genealogical research or if she was there secretly also filming an episode of Who Do You Think You Are?   Historic house geek that I am?  I also love old records.  But even I can't imagine trying to get my five year old into them.  So I wonder if Will was asked to sit quietly while Jen looked something up.  Could be wrong, though.  


Then they went to the kids section.  Will wasn't into it.  It doesn't seem like they stayed for a terribly long time.   So, it would have been a better activity for Z but it was fine for Will.  Not every activity has to be the best thing you ever did.

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I think initially Jen favored Zoe because Will didn't really want anything to do with her. I think things are a little more balanced now.

Jen REALLY wanted a little girl. IIR correctly, she had chosen the name "Zoey" even before they adopted Will.

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There are a lot of branches in Manhattan, but as others said this is the main building on 5th Avenue and 42 Street, formally known as the Schwarzman Building. There are a lot of steps going up to the main entrance - between the two lions - but I think Will and Jen might have gone to a door that can be accessed more easily. If I went there, I'd choose a less strenuous entrance, too. I'm not a big fan of so many steps.)

I've never been there, but I would assume that--given the stairs at the front entrance--there's some sort of alternate entrance for mobility-impaired patrons (I think there would have to be, under the Americans with Disabilities Act President Bush Sr. signed into law in 1990; as someone with a mobility-impairment, I would hope there is). Assuming an alternate entrance does exist, I'm fairly positive Jen & Will probably used it.

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I always say that there are some things in life that are all good. Libraries are on that list. However, not for a five year old who is quite young for his age. I thought that Will was amazingly well behaved at the library, considering how bored he seemed to be. Poor Jen tries really hard, but I don't think that she understands kids at all.

I think the general idea was to just give the kids a taste of the library. I think Jen understands that he wouldn't have much interest but she wants to start giving him the experiences to build on later.

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I'm sorry, but I'm not from the South. What does this post mean?

Well the Louisiana Peach Festival is going on right now.

It's a tradition to make peach cobbler, or ice cream in the South.

I also do not think Will has to enjoy every single activity he goes to. Life is not all fun and games.

Edited by Jellybeans
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Well the Louisiana Peach Festival is going on right now.

It's a tradition to make peach cobbler, or ice cream in the South.

I also do not think Will has to enjoy every single activity he goes to. Life is not all fun and games.


Absolutely right. Will has to learn to behave in public places when there's nothing of interest to him, no entertainment or activities. I think he did well in church at his christening, when Jen was speaking on Capitol Hill about child health legislation and on other occasions. Also reminds me of something Jacqueline Kennedy once wrote, something along the lines of "It never hurts a child to experience something that may be a little over his head at the time..."

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Yes, god forbid Will not get his way and be with his preferred parent. Again, haven't there been prior complaints that Jen is way too involved with Zoey and ignores Will? But when Jen does do something with Will, she's wrong because well, Will wants what Will wants and if he would have had more fun with Bill then he should have gotten his way...


Again... isn't there also a running complaint that Will needs to learn he's not in charge? Because this is actually an instance where Will wasn't allowed to rule the roost and have his way and I find it odd that people are actually complaining that he should have been spoiled and indulged instead.

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