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"The View": Week of 06/15/15


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Drives me nuts... because this person who helped the criminals escape is a woman.... the hosts wants to consider her a victim..... well she isnt.... she was involved in the planning... they decided to kill her husband and run off.... believe it or not.... women can be dirt bags too.... I hope she gets many years in prison for putting the public in danger like this.

  • Love 10

Some interesting push back by Nichole.


The subject was when a congressman was talking about Lindsey Graham with an open mic and said... "He is a bro without a ho"..... Raven said. How dare he call a woman a ho with her "indignant" attitude..... and Nichole said... isnt that a double standard.... they say it all the time in the music industry..... even though Raven celebrates the Rap industry often... she said she doesnt like that either.... I wonder why she never mentioned it before

  • Love 1

spo-KAYNE?  Really, Whoopi?  


Breaking News: Rachel Dolezal, whose story sparked a national conversation over racial identity, is stepping down as the president of the Spokane chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 

That is really a shame..... I hope she continues to do good things

Who's Bangs?  Rosie?

No... the Guest host (cant think of her name)..... today her bangs were all rolled up... looked kinda odd


Call me old-fashioned, but I always thought toys were to be played with and/or be learning tools for l'il ones.  They're certainly more age appropriate than a $600. iPad, especially for a 16 month old!  No toddler needs to learn to "swipe" at that age.  Fischer Price (and many other manufacturers) has that age level pretty much covered.


Just wait until Whoopi's great grandchild swipes a call to China and loses the phone in the sofa cushions...that'll be one call she won't want to pay for!

Edited by Tunia
  • Love 5

That is really a shame..... I hope she continues to do good things

My "reply" is wacky. That's RogerfromOhio's comment that I wanted to quote...and respond.

Roger, I think she might continue to simply lie about everything. Several newscasts have been commenting on the "stories" she has told for years...all found to be untrue. They use words like "habitual" and pathological" with "liar." I hope this looks better on your screens than it does on mine.

Although I usually like bangs--Michelle looks better without them.

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 3

That is really a shame..... I hope she continues to do good things

My "reply" is wacky. That's RogerfromOhio's comment that I wanted to quote...and respond.

Roger, I think she might continue to simply lie about everything. Several newscasts have been commenting on the "stories" she has told for years...all found to be untrue. They use words like "habitual" and pathological" with "liar." I hope this looks better on your screens than it does on mine.

Although I usually like bangs--Michelle looks better without them.

If you click on the quotes at the bottom of posts... then click the little black box at the bottom corner you can quote that pOST

Honestly I havent read many stories about this woman but I do know the press decides on what they believe the truth is then makes that "truth" all they report...... As Whoopi said she has been living this life for over 5 years.... and she was elected into her position.... what seems to be ignored in all the talk... why is it that her parents decided to stop talking to her the past 5 years..... and what prompted them to "out: her??

  • Love 2

Let me say first of all that I don't care for "The Talk" in general. I think it's a rip-off of The View and although I enjoy Sara Gilbert, I don't care for Sheryl Underwood playing the role she is - a stereotype (black, over-sexed, under-educated, victim) which I find offensive and I think Chen is just too aloof to be relatable. But having said that I did catch their discussion of Rachel Dolezal and they handled the subject so much better.  They did their research and knew the specifics and then they each in turn articulated their concerns thoughtfully. So unlike what went down on The View today. 

Edited by merriebreeze
  • Love 12

RogerfromOhio...I've been able to "quote" on this site since it started. There's just something wrong today. Also, no access to BOLD type or italics. Maybe it's a new change.


Boards have been slow today and many posters reported issues with typing and loading due to an issue with the ads. To follow this issue, see Bugs.


Back to enjoying your View.

  • Love 3

       I saw a little of this mess today with Whoopi talking over everybody about the Dolezal woman. I saw bits and pieces.  I agree with the poster who said that The Talk did a much better job of talking about this issue.  I have been following this story on Jezebel and Gawker which have covered it extensively. This is a multifaceted story that is still unfolding. I am still trying to figure the whole thing out. One of the first things I learned in Sociology is that race is a social construct.  On the other hand, how is what she (Dolezal) did not like wearing blackface? She is a privileged white woman who, no matter how she presents herself, cannot truly understand the marginalization that comes from the intersections of race, class, and gender. It is not that people who are not members of a group should not try to help people in that group, but historically, this often does not have a positive outcome. (See maternalism and indigenous child removal in 1900 America) It seems to me that Dolezal is guilty of appropriating African American culture and benefitting from the lie while not suffering the negative outcomes of truly living as an African American woman in America.

When Mindy Kaling's brother came out a while back with the story that he pretended to be black in order to get into medical school, I was sure how I felt about that. How is what Dolezal did different than what Kaling's brother did?  It is a complex issue that I will continue to explore and try to figure out what I think. One thing I do know for certain, there will not be any information or discussion on this subject on The View that will contribute to my quest to fully understand this or any other issue but saggy breasts and farts.

     I don't know how the fuck such a consistently crappy show can stay on the air. It is just SO bad. Whoever mentioned that Whoopi has changed the ending tagline on the show-"Take some time to enjoy whatever view you happen upon"I caught that today. What a fucking dumb thing to say. I would bet good money that hearing that tagline sets Bab's teeth on edge when she is watching from home...or maybe that is just me.

  • Love 11

Something rubs me wrong about this Donzenal woman. She sued Howard University because she felt she was being discriminated against because she was white. After college she decided she was black! When she lived in Idaho she claimed she was black and was the victim of hate mail, but the mail contained no postal markings. She outright lied to the public about who was her son and who was her father. She claims her parents " outed" her which makes her sound like a victim. Actually the parents just truthfully answered questions put to them by media that sought them out. Rachel may have done good things for social justice and race equality and feels affinity for the black race, but that doesn't negate the fact that she, to me, is not a person of integrity and has lied and been dishonest for several years. I taped the show today just to see what the panelists would say. Whoopi seemed yo give her a pass. Rosie correctly said the NAACP welcomes people of all color and the woman didn't have to lose as black to rise in the ranks there. I was kind of shocked that the ladies weren't more outraged at the woman's repeated lies, dishonesty and lack of authenticity and integrity. I hope she doesn't profit from her lying by getting a book tour and speaking engagements.

  • Love 13

Usually Whoopi's insolence drives me nuts, but this time I kinda appreciated it during the Fiorina interview. Somebody behind the scenes did not want Whoopi to get her question out re: Carly's view on women's reproductive rights/abortion. Her extreme views need to be exposed and challenged. I'm glad Whoopi cut the director(s) off. 

Edited by merriebreeze
  • Love 4

Usually Whoopi's insolence drives me nuts, but this time I kinda appreciated it during the Fiorina interview. Somebody behind the scenes did not want Whoopi to get her question out re: Carly's view on women's reproductive rights/abortion. Her extreme views need to be exposed and challenged. I'm glad Whoopi cut the director's off. 


I detest Fiorina with a passion, so DEETS! DEETS!

  • Love 4

I'm also glad Whoopi got the question in -- as mangled as it was. Nobody can seem to ask a point-blank question without fumbling.


I also think the polling that determines which candidates can participate in  the debates is pretty stupid. From what little I heard from Fiorina today, there's not much more she can say of interest anyway. I understand her questioning Hillary but that's an easy target and a cop-out IMO. CF should be concerned more about how to fix her own political party.


I do like Michelle's bangless hairdo better. Raven's hair makes me want to adjust the color on my TV.



  • Love 4

I had it on, but phone rang, muted show…..how was the Carly Fiorina interview?  My knowledge of her is limited.  I'm sure Nicole was just gross.  Yeah, we get it, you're a REPUBLICAN.  Just shut it.  And I see Donald Trump just announced he was running for POTUS.  And his speech was so dignified and humble :)  I don't think calling people losers, rapists and scum is a good public-speaking/announcement call.  

  • Love 5


And I see Donald Trump just announced he was running for POTUS.  And his speech was so dignified and humble :)  I don't think calling people losers, rapists and scum is a good public-speaking/announcement call.

I wonder if The View is going to invite him to come on the show since he is a "friend" of the show.  Remember when Nicolle called him a clown?  He's a bully.  He holds a grudge and loves a fight.  Although I hear that he is on Fox and Friends every Monday.  Didn't he call Elisabeth the dumbest woman on television.

  • Love 5

And, if looks could kill--the look that Rosie Perez had when Raven was trying to make her point about Trans-racial-/trans-gender.  I think there's no love lost between the two of them and I think Rosie thinks Raven is not so smart.  Rosie, IMO, considers herself an intellectual.  But you'd never know it by listening to her try to make a point.  


I think Michelle might be the next co-host.  I say that because Whoopi seems to like her and laughs at her jokes (which Whoopi almost never does).  And I believe that whoever they hire has to have Whoopi's approval.

  • Love 2

I wonder if The View is going to invite him to come on the show since he is a "friend" of the show.  Remember when Nicolle called him a clown?  He's a bully.  He holds a grudge and loves a fight.  Although I hear that he is on Fox and Friends every Monday.  Didn't he call Elisabeth the dumbest woman on television.

Of course he will.  He will attend the opening of an envelope to campaign.  Yes, he did refer to Hasselbeck as that.  Trump, as successful and wealthy as he is, really has very thin skin.  If anyone dares to make fun, satirize or give their opinion of him, he launches into a junk-yard-dog level of insults and name calling.  They become "garbage" and "losers."  He has twitter wars with Rosie O'Donnell, Seth Myers, Jon Stewart etc.  He cannot be trusted with the atomic/nuclear codes.  

  • Love 5

I'm also glad Whoopi got the question in -- as mangled as it was. Nobody can seem to ask a point-blank question without fumbling.



After her comment (was it only) yesterday that her vote will be based on a candidate's stance on weed, I thought, for sure, that was where she was heading with her "Wait...Wait...I have to get this question in".  So I figured it would be a quick question, with a quick response in return, and was surprised as she rambled on about women's rights and abortion.  TPTB must have been peeing their pants as she went way overtime in that segment!


Regarding Trump:  Guess he'll have to stop his weekly call-in to "Foxy Friends :-)"  so as not to violate his free on air candidate privilege time.  I know that here in RI former mayor and then gubernatorial candidate Buddy Cianci had to suspend his "World According to Buddy" segment on the noon news for that reason. 


ETA:  HEY - We need a Raven-Symone thread now.  Hmmm...I'm thinking it might be something related to Poe, such as Raven-Symone:  Poe's Nightmare!

Edited by Tunia
  • Love 3

Whoopi re: the weed/DirectTV firing: the way she presents it is so annoying. Even if someone agrees with her, her indignant behavior is so off putting in some ways. Raven almost raised an opposing view but it was quickly shut down.


And real rich Whoopi chastising the panel again: "And that's how you feel. This is how I feel. That's how YOU feel." Bizarro Whoopi.

  • Love 7

Something rubs me wrong about this Donzenal woman. She sued Howard University because she felt she was being discriminated against because she was white. After college she decided she was black! When she lived in Idaho she claimed she was black and was the victim of hate mail, but the mail contained no postal markings. She outright lied to the public about who was her son and who was her father. She claims her parents " outed" her which makes her sound like a victim. Actually the parents just truthfully answered questions put to them by media that sought them out. Rachel may have done good things for social justice and race equality and feels affinity for the black race, but that doesn't negate the fact that she, to me, is not a person of integrity and has lied and been dishonest for several years. I taped the show today just to see what the panelists would say. Whoopi seemed yo give her a pass. Rosie correctly said the NAACP welcomes people of all color and the woman didn't have to lose as black to rise in the ranks there. I was kind of shocked that the ladies weren't more outraged at the woman's repeated lies, dishonesty and lack of authenticity and integrity. I hope she doesn't profit from her lying by getting a book tour and speaking engagements.

I havent watched the show the past 2 days.. but I will.... I saw a discussion on MSNBC and they said the issue at Howard University was a gender issue.... but her lawyer said it would be easier to win based on race.... so that was why they went that way with it.

Also... the NAACP position was a volunteer position so there was no monetary gain for her position.

Personally, I dont see what the big deal is..... I know there have been black people "passing' as white... She was raised with 2 or 3 black brothers..... She has done good things based on race.... If people can change genders based on how they feel and are comfortable.... why not race??

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Personally, I dont see what the big deal is..... I know there have been black people "passing' as white... She was raised with 2 or 3 black brothers..... She has done good things based on race.... If people can change genders based on how they feel and are comfortable.... why not race??


Because white people, no matter how compassionate they may be about the problems of black people, can ever possibly know the innate consciousness of walking down the street and being looked down upon simply because of the color of their skin, of people moving to the other side of the street because they fear you, of being shadowed in a store because it's assumed you are going to steal something, of being afraid of the police because in your history they are there to hurt you not help you, of not being able to move into the house of your dreams not because of something you've done but because of how you look, of your qualifications for a job not being good enough because of the color of your skin...I could go on and on and on.


White people cannot possibly know what it's like to be the victim of discrimination however blatant or subtle that discrimination might be. Black people pass as white because they are trying to take advantage of the opportunities available to white people that would never ever be possible for them as black. I'm sure this woman has, through her closeness and affinity for her brothers, experienced what discrimination can be like but she hasn't lived it. I'm not saying all white people are racists and awful but I'm saying that they just can't know what it's like to grow up black in America and this woman's attempt to be part of that world, while perhaps highly intentioned, is dishonest and deceitful.


People change genders to correct the physical manifestations of what genitalia they were born with to become the people they are but you can't change the color of your skin by surgical intervention and hormones.

  • Love 12


Personally, I dont see what the big deal is..... I know there have been black people "passing' as white... She was raised with 2 or 3 black brothers..... She has done good things based on race.... If people can change genders based on how they feel and are comfortable.... why not race??

Lots more to her story- She definitely has some issues

She took possession of one of her brothers and pretends that he is her biological child.

(I am a few days behind but I know there were issues at Howard, her biological brother was accused of molestation of a minor (did she report it?) and the parents keep talking)

Here is the latest:



Her parents need to stop talking as Rachel's statements, outrageous stories and behavior speaks for itself!

Edited by springtime
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You know what's also pretty embarrassingly cheap? Raven's "Intro" during the main credits. It's so awkwardly placed (like this entire show).


I mean I'm sure they spent a TON on the very intricate Smiling Hosts with Large Name Behind Them scenes but couldn't they at least slapped Raven in front of a green screen or something? Tacky.

Edited by geekburger
  • Love 3

She was living her live as a black woman for the past 5-10 years..... so she would have felt the victimization of bigotry... this wasnt just a lark.... this was how she was living her life..... and as far as I know.... will continue to live that way


Bit she cant live her life as a black woman. She didn't grow up in a black culture and she didn't acquire the conscious and subconscious feelings and attitudes and views of the challenges a black person faces every day because of the colour of her skin. I think her heart was in the right place and she honestly wanted to help black people in their struggles to get fair and equal treatment in a racist world but she could have done that as a compassionate white person. From the stories that have come out about her childhood, I think she's a very troubled woman with a lot of unresolved problems but she has to deal with them as the person she was born and raised as, not with an assumed false identity.

  • Love 7

Bit she cant live her life as a black woman. She didn't grow up in a black culture and she didn't acquire the conscious and subconscious feelings and attitudes and views of the challenges a black person faces every day because of the colour of her skin. I think her heart was in the right place and she honestly wanted to help black people in their struggles to get fair and equal treatment in a racist world but she could have done that as a compassionate white person. From the stories that have come out about her childhood, I think she's a very troubled woman with a lot of unresolved problems but she has to deal with them as the person she was born and raised as, not with an assumed false identity.

On some level she did grow up in a black culture.... because she was raised with black brothers.....

Yes Im sure she is a troubled woman...... that happens when what you feel you are is different than your outside appearance....... in her case.... not only does she have to deal with her internal struggles..... but now she has to deal with strangers judging her based on their own bias.


I think it is kinda impressive when I have heard talking heads questioning why this is a national story..... she hasnt broken any laws.... she hasnt been seeking monetary gains .... she was just living her life and trying to do good things..... and for some reason people got offended over who she is and who she claims to be

  • Love 4


think it is kinda impressive when I have heard talking heads questioning why this is a national story..... she hasnt broken any laws.... she hasnt been seeking monetary gains .... she was just living her life and trying to do good things..... and for some reason people got offended over who she is and who she claims to be




Let's not forget this woman lied.  She wasn't "just living her life".  She was lying about who she was and going so far as to lie about who her own father was.  Let's not put this woman up on a pedestal.  I'm sure there is a lot more to this story.

  • Love 11




Let's not forget this woman lied.  She wasn't "just living her life".  She was lying about who she was and going so far as to lie about who her own father was.  Let's not put this woman up on a pedestal.  I'm sure there is a lot more to this story.

I dont think anyone is putting her on a pedestal.... just the opposite actually......... Sure she told lies... that is what people do when they feel differently than their outer appearance..... How many times have we heard of a gay person who is married to hide who they feel they really are.

Honestly... I dont understand why this is such a national story..... what did she do that was so horrible that she needs to be demonized publicly..... I saw a video from a NAACP member.... calling this a reality TV moment..... just more distraction in the media

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