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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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These people with their Vanessa goggles on will likely boot Vanessa instead of thinking about Liz and her two guaranteed jury votes.


Even if Vanessa is next to go, she provided the moment of the season for me finally getting rid of Austin.

Edited by kellog010
  • Love 9

Yes! Austin's out! I didn't get to watch the episode, so I'm impatiently waiting for someone to post it online. I MUST see Austin's bewildered face.


So I guess it becomes a question of who's out tomorrow night? I'm going to guess Vanessa, since Steve wants that to happen. I'd rather it be Liz; get rid of the girl with two secured votes, people! Or John, who doesn't do a damn thing useful. And I truly love the guy personally.

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Well Vanessa did it. Wow. Now I'm worried about Steve taking her out. Maybe Austin's outburst may make people rethink keeping Liz who has 2 automatic jury votes if she makes F2.

Steve really doesn't have any power, though, other than assuring he's final 3. It all comes down to veto. I think Liz would boot John, and I think John would boot.....whoever he felt like in that moment. I do think the nominations will be Liz/Vanessa, although I've been wrong many, many times before.

So when the feeds come back on, will the veto have been played? Did it happen today? I always get completely confused about the schedule at the end - I just don't pay as much attention.

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I don't care who wins veto, I like all four of them! Also I like this show! And Johnny Mac! I really thought he was going to vote out Steve the last 2 days. But he didn't! And Austin looked like the asshole we know him to be! I'll use all the exclamation points!

Edited by AndreaK1041
  • Love 20

So, once the feeds back, the veto will have been played and we'll see final noms. Hopefully final noms are Vanessa/Liz, just for the sheer hilarity of not knowing who Johnny Mac would boot. It would probably be Liz, though. We know Vanessa would boot Liz, and Liz would boot....actually....would she boot John? 


Actually....if Liz boots John, then I could be ok with a Liz/Steve/Vanessa F3. Also, I like all four remaining houesguests and wouldn't hate if any of them won. Yes, I like even Liz....well, kind of. But Austin was the one I did not want to see win, but I think what could come out of Liz winning is her giving the boot to Austin and he would be blindsided twice in a week! 

  • Love 7

I wouldn't count redemption island out on Survivor. Jeff loves it and will probably bring it back. Biggest Loser allows booted contestants to return. American Idol has the save. Big Brother has done this regularly. They all know it is part of the game and prepare for it. John's return was known and part of the game.

Project Runway has the Tim Gunn save. I also think Masterchef has a cook off to get back into the game, occasionally.

Many reality television "game" type shows do this.

So, once the feeds back, the veto will have been played and we'll see final noms. Hopefully final noms are Vanessa/Liz, just for the sheer hilarity of not knowing who Johnny Mac would boot. It would probably be Liz, though. We know Vanessa would boot Liz, and Liz would boot....actually....would she boot John? 


Liz would boot Vanessa after this. One hundred percent.

I'm still hoping for Van to win veto (I need her safe) but I am so, so happy Austin is out. I'd love Van to win, but John or Steve wouldn't be the worst. And Liz w/o Austin might have been OK during the season, but I can't think of her w/o him, so I want her gone next. Sorry Liz.


Oh, and is Veto tonight? I admit I've somewhat checked out lately because being a Van fan is stressful :)

Edited by CrazyDog
  • Love 8

Steve really doesn't have any power, though, other than assuring he's final 3. It all comes down to veto. I think Liz would boot John, and I think John would boot.....whoever he felt like in that moment. I do think the nominations will be Liz/Vanessa, although I've been wrong many, many times before.


Like you, once Liz cools off, I think if she has the power at the end tomorrow she would boot John over Vanessa thinking Vanessa would be easier to beat at F2 and thinking Vanessa would take her over Steve to F2.  Time will tell.....


Regardless, I love this season as we still don't know how it will all work out!  Even when we could figure out who was going each week, the route to get there was like taking back roads you don't know, getting lost a couple of times, and finally ending up where you were headed, a little frazzled after the journey, as opposed to taking the interstate direct route.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 9

So, what if Austin's little shitfit about no one voting for Vanessa ends up carrying her to final two as a perceived goat?


And then she wins. Thanks to Austin.


Now that really would be icing on the cake.


I would love to see Austin whine about that but - Liz is wants her out for revenge, and Steve wants her out for glory. The only one that might keep her is John, but I think he'd love to be the one to vote her out after all she was responsible for regarding him.


Unfortunately, we're going to have to see Austin's satisfied "I told you so" smirk when she walks into jury house.*

*Assuming she didn't win Veto.

Like you, once Liz cools off, I think if she has the power at the end tomorrow she would boot John over Vanessa thinking Vanessa would be easier to beat at F2 and thinking Vanessa would take her over Steve to F2.  Time will tell.....


I feel like Liz doesn't have anyone to talk her down or through strategy anymore, so she's just going to take the knife out and plunge it right in.

  • Love 3

Liz would boot Vanessa after this. One hundred percent.

Here's where I disagree. John also screwed her over. I do think she's speaking the truth where she thinks the jury would vote for a guy over a woman, so she might not want to boot the only other woman. I think she does buy into the fact that Steve/John are super tight (certainly after this week). And, she might actually believe Austin where he says Vanessa would have no jury votes. It will be interesting to see HER thought process for a change. And see what 'magic' Vanessa can do.

  • Love 5

It will be interesting to see HER thought process for a change. And see what 'magic' Vanessa can do.


I agree. I hope she wins the Final 3 HOH competition and can choose her running mate. I think she deserves to win over Steve and John, but I see her losing to either one. A last HOH competition might remind the jury that she wasn't just Austin's puppet all season.

  • Love 1

Austin being booted was best for Liz. She has a better record than him but he always over-shadowed her game. He was seen as the spokesperson of the Austwins and if he was in F2 with her she was going to lose. Now her fate is in her own hands. I hope she can see past her emotions to the game.

  • Love 5

If Vanessa gets voted out at Final 4 who will she vote for?


I'd guess Liz/Steve/John in that order.


Come to think of it, I wonder what was going on with that Veto competition. I think peachmangosteen had mentioned some controversy among the HGs. We obviously saw Vanessa's meltdown, but I'm assuming it was because of that and not solely from John winning like BB tried to edit it as.

Edited by mooses

Hahahahah, an EW interview with Austin already posted, some highlights:



Then, I thought about Liz. I felt so bad that she would have to stay in that environment. Her heart is too good to play with people like this, and I can’t be there to protect her. That’s the hardest part for me.



As far as Judas goes, he’s not some evil manipulator; he’s the manifestation of Austin’s personality who has watched Austin get disappointed and heartbroken by life. He’s there to keep Austin in line, but Austin fell in love and there’s nothing Judas could have done to stop that.



I’m hoping our love is strong enough to overcome anything associated with Big Brother.


oh, just go read the whole thing:)

  • Love 12

I think Liz is a lock for final 3.

-Vanessa wins veto, she evicts JMac

-JMac wins veto, he evicts Vanessa

-Liz wins veto, she evicts JMac


I don't think that would be a smart idea. I mean, Liz has two guaranteed votes. Logically, she should be going to ensure she can't make final 2 and get votes. Not that I think she'd win, because I don't think her chances are high. I see why Vanessa and J-Mac have to go too, but Liz also has to go. Personally, John and Steve are the least likely to win so it's better to not get out J-Mac, but Liz.

  • Love 1

LOL his bitterness at Vanessa betraying him is delicious.


summing up, 'she pinky swore to me, she violated a pinky swear, there will be CONSEQUENCES!"  Heehee.  As to his cheating on his girlfriend, 'there was no pinky swear involved, and I did us both a favor'.  Blerg.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 10

summing up, 'she pinky swore to me, she violated a pinky swear, there will be CONSEQUENCES!"  Heehee.  As to his cheating on his girlfriend, 'there was no pinky swear involved, and I did us both a favor'.  Blerg.

I know, right?  And that bitch betrayed him, and he would've taken her out sooner but couldn't because she 'positioned herself in a way it was impossible'...  plus, what about your final 2 with her - no betrayal when you take Liz?  Gah, shut up tool.  Yay...he's gone!!


ETA - don't even mind so much who wins now...anyone but Austin was my hope.

Edited by lyric
  • Love 9

After Austin's outburst about Vanessa and them knowing for sure Liz already has 2 guaranteed votes for her whomever wins Veto out of Steve or John I think they would be more inclined to keep Vanessa.

I kinda want John to win and he boots Liz. Cuz I want a Steve/Van/John F3. Cuz you know Vanessa is booting John if she wins Veto. But I want Van in F3 so I'm all confused haha

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 3

I agree with the people that think that Austin leaving is what is best for Liz. Im rooting for Liz! I used to think her winning F3 and taking Steve was her best chance at the 500k...but if Steve is seen as the reason Van gets evicted...he might be unbeatable now. I guess she would have to take her chances with JMac.

I know this is going to sound kinda silly...but the both times they have shown the jury seeing a clip of Liz winning an HOH, the jury have this look of disgust on their faces. Its like they are biting their tongues and trying hard to keep themselves from saying what they are thinking. There is just this part of me that thinks that they are not going to give it to her no matter what the hell she does. And even though Im a Liz fan, I know that she is largely to blame if the jury does not like her...she should have spent more time with those people. Her best chance might be with getting Meg and James vote if she is up against Steve.

So now I think I have just confused myself. I cant decide if she is better off picking JMac or Steve if she wins F3. Im guessing she has zero chance against Van so Im not even bringing that one up.

Anyways she has to get there first and then win it. Also second place would not suck too much.

One thing I don't get is Steve's DRs. We know he wants to cut Vanessa ASAP and it wouldn't be 3-against-1 (Liz) without Austin.  


His DRs always make my dislike of him so much more intense. I don't know what it is. I'll forget about him, and then during the shows I'm like, "Oh yeah, he's super annoying!" 

Edited by mooses
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plus, what about your final 2 with her - no betrayal when you take Liz?

His whole reason for being mad at Vanessa is she'd never win ergo he would be taking her to final 2 OVER Liz, and he already betrayed Liz when he didn't throw Veto to Julia, and wore the Veto for hours afterwards, just to rub it in. Such an asshole. I hope Liz wins 50K to Vanessa's 500K and dumps him five minutes later. 

  • Love 9

Y'all, I really, really wish we could've seen the aftermath of this on the feeds. But I do have to say, it was actually a huge rush and absolutely amazing to be holding my breath not only over John's vote, but over Vanessa's tie-breaker vote. Every once in a great while, it's good to not be spoiled. Tonight was one of those nights!

  • Love 20

I'd guess Liz/Steve/John in that order.


Come to think of it, I wonder what was going on with that Veto competition. I think peachmangosteen had mentioned some controversy among the HGs. We obviously saw Vanessa's meltdown, but I'm assuming it was because of that and not solely from John winning like BB tried to edit it as.


Apparently there were multiple glitches with the timers. Someone mentioned that Steve and JMac got more time. But watching the comp I'm not sure exactly what happened and if it influenced the outcome.


Vanessa was upset, to the point where she didn't even put the veto around his neck and just handed it to him. It's hard to really know for sure though because she's been a terrible sport all season when things don't go her way.

  • Love 4

Apparently there were multiple glitches with the timers. Someone mentioned that Steve and JMac got more time. But watching the comp I'm not sure exactly what happened and if it influenced the outcome.


Vanessa was upset, to the point where she didn't even put the veto around his neck and just handed it to him. It's hard to really know for sure though because she's been a terrible sport all season when things don't go her way.

It may be because both steve and john didn't stay on the bar but were never penalized.

Y'all, I really, really wish we could've seen the aftermath of this on the feeds. But I do have to say, it was actually a huge rush and absolutely amazing to be holding my breath not only over John's vote, but over Vanessa's tie-breaker vote. Every once in a great while, it's good to not be spoiled. Tonight was one of those nights!

I was feeling the same way! I haven't waited for a moment like this in BB for years. It was so freaking glorious!

Was it just me or did I hear the audience react with shock/joy when John voted to evict Austin, then even louder when Vanessa voted to evict him?

I can't wait to see who won Veto!

  • Love 4

I remember hearing that your board gets demagnetized and you lose your 20 seconds, if you fall off the beam. Since John was only running over to reset his timer to 20 seconds, he could fall off going to hit the button, but would have to make sure to walk on it on the way back. I saw him do this a couple of times.

  • Love 3

Yeah, I didn't know what the rule was for returning to hit the buzzard. Johnny Mac was running on the grass and Austin was walking back on the beam. Was there a rule established which was the correct way?

It was because John was not putting his pieces on the board at first. If you fall off or run out of time the pieces all fall down, and he was running on the ground whenever he ran out of time. It was pretty good strategy I thought.

ETA: right, what Arya said :)

Edited by nightowl1989
  • Love 2

For what it is worth, I just rewatched Austin's eviction and there were no tears from Liz, surprise but from the time he was evicted through the look in with Vanessa crying in Liz's arms (honestly, crazy), no tears.   Just a few more minutes (or hours based on reliability of feeds coming on) until we figure this out.

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