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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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Ooh...no, but I'm curious! I know this is the wrong forum, so could you provide the Season or year this happened?  Googled it, but not finding the deets.


Season 2 - the fallout and resulting loss of viewership ended up killing Season 3 mid-stream, and there was a two-year hiatus before TPTB worked up the nerve to take a chance on a Season 4.  Which is why I don't think BB's producers would take a chance on screwing up their good thing, which is not off-topic at all.  :D


yeah I get that JOHN has Reasons for wanting Julia out (though I think there are better ones for wanting Liz out, namely, she could beat him much more easily in comps than Julia could), but why would VANESSA be pushing this scenario? Not rocking the boat if it's a lost cause is one thing, but she only has to sway/mist one person: John. And if Steve had a backbone and named a preference that would make a huge difference too. He wants to waste his HOH on JULIA? 


It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Lady MacV (a) voted to evict Liz, then (b) used the 2-1 to try throwing shade Austin's way - or JMac's way - or both, depending upon who she's talking to.


I am pretty sure she's told folks she plays poker for a living.  I remember awhile ago Austin telling the twins that that would mean she's rich. I also remember a conversation she had with Austin/Steve about how unfulfilling it was day to day.  I assume she hasn't told them how successful she has been, but the other night John mentioned that poker is sometimes played on tv.  As someone else noted above, that may have been his way of saying he knows about her.


If I recall correctly, V told the other HGs she used to play some poker (with no indication as to her actual scale of success), but found it personally unfulfilling - so she switched to her "current occupation" of DJ'ing.

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Vanessa is sort of stuck here. As of right this second, no one is mad at her. If she goes back on her promise to vote out the twin that the two twins decided on, then they she will have definitely Austin mad at her and presumably Julia, too (although that would be kind of weird, right? "How dare you vote to keep me in the house!"). 


It was just an odd piece of overplaying. It probably won't come back on her, but it was still not a good idea. She didn't want either of them to be able to be mad at her, but really, would either Liz or Julia seriously hold a grudge if she picked one of them to evict? She has to evict one of them!! I don't think Liz would have begrudged her at all. If she voted Liz out over, like, John, then sure, but not over Julia. 

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I think Julia and Liz are the only people Vanessa can beat in the final 2. Most of the jury is full of recruits who won't appreciate good gameplay. I think Vanessa vs Steve would be close, but the fact his HOH resulted in Julia leaving will hurt his chances.

Edited by choclatechip45
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Steve is HOH, why is Vanessa giving choices?


Because it's Vanessa's fucking VOTE, and as it happens she DID give Steve first dibs, but Steve can't make a decision to save his life (and is also runnning scared from the Austwins IRE), which is also fucking dumb and I hate it, the question is why are they giving the the g-d nominees the choice, they're gonna be mad? SO FUCKING WHAT.


I can not believe we are stuck with Liztin for the rest of the season essentially. UGH goddamn it Vanessa, this is the first time I've actually been irate with her strategic decision because it fucks up MY enjoyment as a viewer, JHC you have the votes lady, evict Liz!

Edited by blixie
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And I get that John wants to be number one goat - but he has a higher chance of winning competitions against Julia which would allow him to make decisions instead of being the patsy. 


But John has spent 3 months playing nothing but a patsy game, so I think he figures might as well keep it going now.


This is going to be amazing when Liz wins HOH tomorrow and puts up Vanessa and John. I would laugh for days.


Me too! I would live for this. But if Liz gets HOH she'll put up John and Steve. And if Vanessa is on the block after veto there's no way Austin will want to be the person who takes her out, so he'll vote for John/Steve. Although really if Austin were to get Vanessa out he would 100% win the game if he got to F2.


Thanks for the feedback, Brian...and, yeah, I've seen the comments that she's not the main target, but I have a sneaking suspicion if Austin or Liz win HOH, she'll be gone unless she wins veto.  I think those 2 will find a REASON to boot her if they have the chance.


They already have a reason, she's the biggest threat to win left. Add on top of that the personal reasons and I don't see how Vanessa could cry about them going after her. She certainly would though.


If Austwins are final 3, it will be a sad sad day.  Thanks Vanessa and Steve -bad play.


Austwins can't be F3 because one of them is going home tonight. Although I guess they could pull out a reset or something, anything's possible with this show, but there's really not time left for that. But yea Liz/Austin as F2 is a very strong possibility since at this point it basically comes down to comps and they have proven to be capable at those. But besides John everyone left is pretty even comp wise I think. Which does make the endgame more exciting really.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I think Julia and Liz are the only people Vanessa can beat in the final 2. Most of the jury is full of recruits who won't appreciate good gameplay. I think Vanessa vs Steve would be close, but the fact his HOH resulted in Julia leaving will hurt his chances.

I disagree. I think the Jury knows that Vanessa has played a great game. Shelli had front row seats watching her, Becky wanted her out because of that (and said that she would vote Vanessa if she ended up in F2), Jackie also wanted Vanessa out and I'm sure also knows she's playing a great game. As for Meg & James, James if explained what the dynamics are would probably vote Vanessa. Meg is clueless and will probably be as stubborn as she was in the house.

Steve, Austin & John all know what kind of game Vanessa has played and have commented on how great it has been.

The Twins are clueless, but if Van is in the F2 against anyone but Austin she will get their vote.

I think she can beat anyone left. Some might be a harder sell. But I think she can for sure do it.

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Pre-juror Buyback, I was convinced that Vanessa had no chance of winning if she's in the F2, because of a bitter jury. But, then I watched James' exit interview with Jeff, and he explained that he'd like to see either Johnny Mac (because he had to fight against adversity) or Vanessa (because she's playing the best game) win, it sort of changed my way of thinking. Plus all the commentary this week from both Steve and Austin about how legit amazing Vanessa is. If either of them are on the jury, I think they'll do a pretty good job convincing the others (except Meg and maybe Jackie) that Vanessa deserves the money.


However, that's all assuming Vanessa is in the F2. I have serious doubts about her ability to get there, barring a major comp run. Because Steve and Austin are so scared of her, no way are either of them taking her to F2. Liz would take Austin. John might take her just because he seems to give zero fucks about anything. But, Vanessa's only sure path to the F2 is to win that last HOH comp.


I still get the feeling that Austin is going to win this thing, though. Which kind of sucks because, for me, he's the least likable out of the F5. Although he has played a good solid game (still not as good as Vanessa, though I realize the best players don't usually win this game).

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I think Vanessa wins against everybody but Steve. And outside of a series of comp wins by him and his floater buddy Johnny Whack, he's basically drawing dead to get to F2. 


Vanessa keeping Liz could be a fatal mistake though. Assuming Steve goes next, we're at F4 with Liz/Austin and Vanessa/JMac. The only scenario where this ends well for Vanessa is if her and John win both HOH and veto. Austin and Liz aren't cutting each other there, so barring the perfect comp results at F4, she's in F3 with Liztin and has to win to get to F2. Or put more bluntly, she has to win the second and third parts of the final HOH because she's not beating Austin and Liz in part 1. 

Edited by Cutty
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I still can't believe they're seriously going to vote out Julia, especially John. Sure he wants to be the dead weight that's carried to F2, but if Liz/Austin win HOH and Steve wins veto, he's leaving. At this point in the game, it's all about comp wins and you get rid of the comp threat.

Edited by Arya
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I still can't believe they're seriously going to vote out Julia, especially John. Sure he wants to be the dead weight that's carried to F2, but if Liz/Austin win HOH and Steve wins veto, he's leaving. At this point in the game, it's all about comp wins and you get rid of the com threat.

If Austin/Liz wins HOH and Steve wins Veto, Vanessa is gone. They want John in the F4. At least, that was the plan last time I checked. Liz and Austin's primary target this week is Steve. Their backup is Vanessa.

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If Austin/Liz wins HOH and Steve wins Veto, Vanessa is gone. They want John in the F4. At least, that was the plan last time I checked. Liz and Austin's primary target this week is Steve. Their backup is Vanessa.


That's what they say now but I wouldn't bet against Vanessa being able to manipulate them to keep her. Her play would be that Steve and JMac are a tight duo who would both take each other to F2 and need to be split up.

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That's what they say now but I wouldn't bet against Vanessa being able to manipulate them to keep her. Her play would be that Steve and JMac are a tight duo who would both take each other to F2 and need to be split up.

Correct. And Austliz are an even tighter duo who would both take each other to F2 and need to be split up. And in an F3 pick where she's not HoH, V would have a helluva lot better chance convincing John to take her to F2 over Steve - or vice versa - than she would if the other two happened to be named Austin and Liz.

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The person that takes out Vanessa is pretty much guaranteed the 500k. A few weeks ago Jmac said: "Whoever Gets Her Eviction Is A God." To max the amount of street cred you'd get, you have to do it at F5 or F4. Of course, this is all a hell of a lot easier said than done ... not only would you have to win HOH and then get her up and get her out, but then you would HAVE to win your way to F2 since nobody is going to want to take the person who holds the ultimate Drop The Mic moment in their back pocket.

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I disagree. I think the Jury knows that Vanessa has played a great game. Shelli had front row seats watching her, Becky wanted her out because of that (and said that she would vote Vanessa if she ended up in F2), Jackie also wanted Vanessa out and I'm sure also knows she's playing a great game. As for Meg & James, James if explained what the dynamics are would probably vote Vanessa. Meg is clueless and will probably be as stubborn as she was in the house.

Steve, Austin & John all know what kind of game Vanessa has played and have commented on how great it has been.

The Twins are clueless, but if Van is in the F2 against anyone but Austin she will get their vote.

I think she can beat anyone left. Some might be a harder sell. But I think she can for sure do it.

Yes, I agree with that. Even in the brief clip we've seen from the Jury house, no one seemed all that bitter. Avidly interested in targeting Vanessa if they got back in the house, yes, but ruefully admiring her gameplay at the same time.

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I actually think whoever is evicted from F5 onward might not stay at the jury house. I remember hearing from Shelly in BB13 that she only stayed in the jury house for like a week, and then she was in a hotel the rest of the time. And she was evicted at F6.

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Vanessa is sort of stuck here. As of right this second, no one is mad at her. 


The Austrians are more than mad at her. They strongly dislike her even after she agreed to honor their decision to keep Liz. After agreeing to Vanessa's ridiculous condition of keeping her, Liz told Julia she's not going to abide by them, that they are just that, ridiculous. 


She played her hand whether or not she keeps her word to the twins. She shouldn't have made it their decision in the first place.

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She played her hand whether or not she keeps her word to the twins. She shouldn't have made it their decision in the first place.

I'm not completely sure that Vanessa 100% wants Liz gone anyway. Tuesday (or maybe it was yesterday?) she and Steve had a conversation about the pros and cons of keeping each one. Vanessa seemed to realize that keeping Julia could potentially result in Vanessa's early eviction, because if Vanessa is on the block against Julia, no one is going to keep Vanessa. While if Vanessa is on the block with Liz, then she has a legit shot at surviving the eviction, especially if Austin is still in the house, since the voter and/or HOH will want to break up Austin and Liz.


I can understand as a game move why Vanessa would want to keep Liz over Julia. While keeping Julia will increase Vanessa's odds of winning comps, keeping Liz will increase Vanessa's odds of surviving being put on the block.

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Wouldn't it be fun to watch a season when there's no Grodner/producer interference.   Or would it?


I'm actually surprised by their restraint this season. Besides the twins and the HG return (of course), there hasn't been too much blatant interference.

I think I'm one of the few who understood where Chima was coming from, although her reaction was OTT, even though I like Jeff that season. And the return of the Duo in Season 13 was ridiculous. I guess I remember the Jeff season twists the most because he was so obviously AG's crush.

It's refreshing to get a season where we are all proven wrong when we predict a future rigging. 


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Thank y'all; I was afraid I was losing what's left of my memory.

In that case, I'd say the optimum time to boot V would be F3. Think about it:

  • Every other Juror would have had at least a week or more to ponder, discuss, and realize (if they didn't already) the key role V played in their own eviction.
  • Many/most will have already made up their minds to give V their vote to win, if she's sitting in one of the F2 chairs - and they probably expect to see her there.
  • So, then: imagine the reaction of the Jurors if they walk into Finale Night and are immediately - and without opportunity for consultation with each other OR spinning by V - presented with the news that the chief nemesis of virtually EVERYONE in Jury was kicked out the door at the last minute by, say, Steve?
It's at this point I think JMac's "Whoever evicts Vanessa is a GOD!" comment might come to full and instant fruition. I'd fully expect everybody who (a) already had their minds in a "Vote V!" mode and (b) suddenly has but minutes to come up with a new pick before the live vote, to give their vote to the finalist who evicted V as a purely kneejerk reaction.

Evict Vanessa before F3, and you lose the element of reactive surprise in your favor; plus, there's a risk of a PO'ed Lady MacV making it to the JH and lobbying effectively for HER favorite - who is quite possibly NOT the HoH who just evicted her.

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Looks like tonight is athletic gear. LEGGOOO JOHNNY MAC! (Or Vanessa, but I'm guessing she has no shot. I just don't want a damn Austin HOH)


Usually, though, when I say I don't want something to happen, that's exactly what does happen. So, be prepared for that Austin HOH.

Edited by Ceeg
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Looks like tonight is athletic gear. LEGGOOO JOHNNY MAC! (Or Vanessa, but I'm guessing she has no shot. I just don't want a damn Austin HOH)


Uh oh. That doesn't bode well for the chance of me losing an Austin. John versus Liz/Austin, basically. 

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Johnny Mac will probably throw HOH.....IMO!!! I think that he thinks he can make it through the game without being HOH. He was the pawn of choice all season & survived. Somehow, I think he believes that he's better off not being HOH & possibly being dragged to the Final 2. That said, he still cracks me up & looks like he could use the $500 ,000 or $50,0000 or $25,000 for Fan Favorite. Although, Fan Favorite is a toss up. It could be Johhny Mac, James, Clay or one of the twins for goodness sakes.

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JohnnyMac may be a junior employee dentist in a large clinic (I really have no idea) which, while certainly not poverty level wages, may not pay as well as you might think.  But it probably pays better than marketing coordinator, unemployed wrestler, college student or marketing intern gets...


I'll bet he's got some crushing student debt, though.

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Maybe it's the chicken wire/egg competition.  Austin would be terrible at that with his big monkey paws.

I would think John or Vanessa would be the favorites in that comp. John because he's used to moving his fingers around in small spaces (don't be dirty, I'm talking about him being a dentist), and Vanessa has some dexterity with the way she can play around with poker chips.

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He still lives with his parents? I thought I heard him once say he lived with a roommate. I do know he mentioned he has about 250k in student loan debt and his payments are about 40k a year. If he's able to pay that much a year he must be making at least 80k right now if not more.

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John because he's used to moving his fingers around in small spaces (don't be dirty, I'm talking about him being a dentist)


I cackled!


I suspect it is the egg comp. It's been a mainstay for awhile and they haven't done it yet. Plus it allows them to have a comp to air for Sunday, which they seem obsessed with this season considering I don't think there's been a single HOH after BOB that was completed on the live show.


They don't have that 'endurance comp' message on the feeds though. But I'm fairly sure the past 2 seasons we didn't even get to see the egg comp on the feeds anyway so that may be why.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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He still lives with his parents? I thought I heard him once say he lived with a roommate. I do know he mentioned he has about 250k in student loan debt and his payments are about 40k a year. If he's able to pay that much a year he must be making at least 80k right now if not more.

He used to live with roommates but lives with his parents now. Making 80k with 40k loan payments leaves only 40k to live on. I'm not saying the guy is poor, but he's definitely not swimming in money either.
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I want one - just one - eviction to be an upset, a surprise. I know it's already been said a million times but the way the house decides who's leaving has been so annoying and not fun to watch AT ALL. This is my first season with BB and I may not be back next year.

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I just read that Vanessa asked Julia to campaign for her in jury. LMAO!


I can't stop laughing!  That is just fantastic!  What is it they say, if you don't ask, the answer is always no?  Sometimes, the answer is always no regardless! 

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I just want Austin out, I'm happy with any of the remaining players winning except for him. Can you even imagine how insufferable he will be if he wins??? [shudder]


The closer to the end we get, the worse he gets - his fame-whoring ways are really starting to show (especially after the Judas act during the VETO). It's really made me question his feelings for Liz more than her feelings for him. I think he just really wants to be the next Brenchel or Jorff or whatever, and is playing the part of the smitten.


Or the merry prankster, James.


I'd rather see James win because he brought something different to the feeds. He was basically the comic relief this season.

Edited by mooses
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His exit interviews would downright depressing.

That's the main reason I don't see him winning. Julie Chen and her gang at The Talk do a segment with the winner and I can't imagine she or some of the others would want to deal with Austin's shtick.

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Julie Chen and her gang at The Talk do a segment with the winner and I can't imagine she or some of the others would want to deal with Austin's shtick.

They would have to scrub and disinfect him first.  Call the Hazmat Team.

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