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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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Steve is a dumbass. Tells the cameras he doesn't trust Vanessa but he still wants F2 with her because she will have all the blood and no one will vote for her in the end. Delusional. Vanessa wins 9-0 against Steve. No one in that house respects him.

See, I'm just not sure that's true. Steve, for all his flaws, has a decent social game. Vanessa's social game is terrible. Add that to the fact that Steve is currently beating Vanessa is comp wins (he's tied if you don't count BoB) and suddenly the playing field becomes a lot more even. Get the right jury and he could possibly pull out a win. It's unlikely, but his final 2 options are pretty limited. I guess he could try to go with Meg?

Edited by bobthefrog
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Steve said hes going to take Vanessa F2, because he wants all the blood on her hands and banking on a bitter jury.

Oh Steve...

Ian vs Dan happened 3 years ago. This jury wont be as bitter because most are gamers themselves. Most of the hgs will have no one but themselves to blame if they couldn't get out Vanessa and she saved most of these people. The Austwins, Shelli and of course Steve.

Vanessa could beat Steve 9-0 because let's be real the jury will say "Steve got carried by her when everyone wanted him out because he's Ian 2.0"

Not to mentioned Becky and JMac said if Vanessa is there at the end she getting their votes.

Please let this happen so I can have my first woman beat a man.

Edited by BlackMamba
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See, I'm just not sure that's true. Steve, for all his flaws, has a decent social game. Vanessa's social game is terrible. Add that to the fact that Steve is currently beating Vanessa is comp wins (he's tied if you don't count BoB) and suddenly the playing field becomes a lot more even. Get the right jury and he could possibly pull out a win. It's unlikely, but his final 2 options are pretty limited. I guess he could try to go with Meg?

I think Steve's social game has been abysmal. Not entirely his fault (he is by nature a very socially awkward person, so it's not as if he hasn't TRIED, but...) For the first half of the game literally no one but Vanessa and Julia (when she was "playing Liz" and therefore only in the house a few days a week) spoke to him. Now JMac talks to him because he needs an alliance, and Vanessa's alliance has warmed to him for the same reason (numbers) but does anyone ever talk non-game with him or get to know him as a person? I'm not sure how much that matters, but it'd be hard for a juror, I think, to vote for someone they literally don't know at all despite spending 60-90+ days locked in a house with them. Also, most of them find him creepy. Add to that the fact that I'm pretty sure NO ONE knew what he was going to do when he accidentally(?) won HOH in the DE (and this is past the halfway point of the game), so even game-wise, no one knows what he's doing, and he ADMITS he has no clue what he's doing quite frequently. Could that be a ruse, sure, but all I see is him wandering around and telling people what they want to hear. 


I think if he's F2 with Vanessa she beats him, despite how hated she is. I mean, a bitter jury is ALWAYS a possibility but most of the hatred directed towards Vanessa seems to be from people who are pissed that she outplayed them, or people giving her some kind of credit as a mastermind that she doesn't even actually deserve.   If people are voting on gameplay (or at least if the majority of them are) I think Steve loses to anyone not named Meg or Johnny Mac. And even Johnny MIGHT beat Steve if he comes on strong after this week. I can't see Steve making any huge moves, despite his ability to win comps. He's way too scared. I think he'll continue to throw everything unless he's on the block.


I still think Meg should be EVERYONE'S F2 goat, and fear she will be. A Meg/Austin or Meg/JMac F2 would be the absolute worst ending (assuming Becky's toast this week) to what has been a considerably better than average season.  The only way Meg doesn't make F2 IMO is if she's F4 with 2/3 or all 3 of the Austwins.


I will laugh and laugh if F4 is Austwins/Meg, Meg leaves in 4th, and then Liz wins final HOH and of course, boots Austin. I don't think he'd admit it but I'm sure he believes (at least to some degree) that Liz would sacrifice Julia for him. 

AAAAND, I'm no longer following BigBrotherLeak on Twitter.


Edited by yankee1151
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I think Steve's social game has been abysmal. Not entirely his fault (he is by nature a very socially awkward person, so it's not as if he hasn't TRIED, but...) For the first half of the game literally no one but Vanessa and Julia (when she was "playing Liz" and therefore only in the house a few days a week) spoke to him. Now JMac talks to him because he needs an alliance, and Vanessa's alliance has warmed to him for the same reason (numbers) but does anyone ever talk non-game with him or get to know him as a person? I'm not sure how much that matters, but it'd be hard for a juror, I think, to vote for someone they literally don't know at all despite spending 60-90+ days locked in a house with them. Also, most of them find him creepy. Add to that the fact that I'm pretty sure NO ONE knew what he was going to do when he accidentally(?) won HOH in the DE (and this is past the halfway point of the game), so even game-wise, no one knows what he's doing, and he ADMITS he has no clue what he's doing quite frequently. Could that be a ruse, sure, but all I see is him wandering around and telling people what they want to hear.

I think if he's F2 with Vanessa she beats him, despite how hated she is. I mean, a bitter jury is ALWAYS a possibility but most of the hatred directed towards Vanessa seems to be from people who are pissed that she outplayed them, or people giving her some kind of credit as a mastermind that she doesn't even actually deserve. If people are voting on gameplay (or at least if the majority of them are) I think Steve loses to anyone not named Meg or Johnny Mac. And even Johnny MIGHT beat Steve if he comes on strong after this week. I can't see Steve making any huge moves, despite his ability to win comps. He's way too scared. I think he'll continue to throw everything unless he's on the block.

I still think Meg should be EVERYONE'S F2 goat, and fear she will be. A Meg/Austin or Meg/JMac F2 would be the absolute worst ending (assuming Becky's toast this week) to what has been a considerably better than average season. The only way Meg doesn't make F2 IMO is if she's F4 with 2/3 or all 3 of the Austwins.

I will laugh and laugh if F4 is Austwins/Meg, Meg leaves in 4th, and then Liz wins final HOH and of course, boots Austin. I don't think he'd admit it but I'm sure he believes (at least to some degree) that Liz would sacrifice Julia for him.

AAAAND, I'm no longer following BigBrotherLeak on Twitter.


Yeah, I didn't phrase that very well. Essentially my main point was while people are off-put by Steve's awkwardness, they don't seem to actively hate him. He's kind of everyone's annoying little brother (Liz/Julia call him their little brother all the time).

I think that "bitter" juries are the exception not the rule. And I don't see this jury being bitter enough to vote for Steve over Vanessa. It's very very likely this plan would not work out in Steve's favor. If Steve wants to win the game he's probably better off planning to go to the end with Meg. I guess my point was just that it's not impossible for Steve to beat Vanessa, just unlikely. At least he's not planning to go with an Austwin. And it's certainly a better plan than Meg wanting to go to final two with James.

EDIT: John just told Becky that if Vanessa keeps acting like she is, she might be a great person to take to the end. Becky disagreed. Becky also said that she thought that Austin and Steve were playing two of the best games in the house.

Edited by bobthefrog
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I don't really believe in bitter juries. Appealing to the voters is the most important component of Big Brother, and if you aren't able to do that then you're an incomplete player. Dan wasn't the victim of a bitter jury -- he needlessly humiliated almost every evictee. That's poor gameplay. Similarly, Danielle didn't lose because of her diary room commentary -- she lost because, unlike Will the year before, she became apologetic and ashamed about her behavior. Basically, if you played correctly, you get the votes in the end. If you didn't, you don't.

Edited by JediDVguy
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Everyone is going after each other and Vanessa is undetected.

I don't think so. From Jokers:




Sun 1:31 AM BBT While Van, JMac, and Steve sleep in the HN room, up in HOH Austin, Liz, Julia, James, and Meg plot Vanessa's eviction next week. 

Austin says he'd do it if he won HOH, but all agree it would be wonderful if Johnny Mac won HOH and evicted her. 

I'm not sure if Meg and James are just blowing smoke up the Austwins' asses, but for some reason, I think they really would target Vanessa next week. They're practically handing the $500k to one of the threesome.

  • Love 1

I don't think so. From Jokers:

I'm not sure if Meg and James are just blowing smoke up the Austwins' asses, but for some reason, I think they really would target Vanessa next week. They're practically handing the $500k to one of the threesome.

The only people who would target Vanessa is Austin and Sleeping Stupid Meg. Vanessa still hasn't had her talk with James yet ans you know damn well he would absolutely love to target the Austwins. Vanessa is looking for anyone to target them, the less blood for her the better. JMac and James would hands down. Edited by BlackMamba

The only people who would target Vanessa is Austin and Sleeping Stupid Meg. Vanessa still hasn't had her talk with James yet ans you know damn well he would absolutely love to target the Austwins. Vanessa is looking for anyone to target them, the less blood for her the better. JMac and James would hands down.

You think JMac and James would put up 2 of the threesome, and not Vanessa at all? I'm not so sure, but maybe I'm underestimating them.

It's kind of weird how obsessed with Vanessa Austin is. It feels like 90% of what he talks about is Vanessa. LOL at least Vanessa spreads her crazy to include all the HGs. Austin has zeroed in on Vanessa and won't stfu about her.

I also saw that Liz wants Julia to throw the next HOH, and Austin is thinking about throwing it too. I think they want Vanessa gone, but don't want to be the ones to directly do it.

  • Love 1

You think JMac and James would put up 2 of the threesome, and not Vanessa at all? I'm not so sure, but maybe I'm underestimating them.

It's kind of weird how obsessed with Vanessa Austin is. It feels like 90% of what he talks about is Vanessa. LOL at least Vanessa spreads her crazy to include all the HGs. Austin has zeroed in on Vanessa and won't stfu about her.

I also saw that Liz wants Julia to throw the next HOH, and Austin is thinking about throwing it too. I think they want Vanessa gone, but don't want to be the ones to directly do it.

One thing about James: He doesnt give a shit. He would put up the showmance and if one comes down Julia would go up. Liz winning both hoh and pov this week (plus a previous hoh and a bob) has made her a huge target next week. If these idiots ignore her, particularly, then they deserve to be evicted because shes a competition threat.

Jmac last nite told Becky he might target James and Meg, which I dont get, maybe because they are entertaining being aligned to Austwins (mostly Meg

Edited by BlackMamba

Ew at Vanessa saying, "It's gonna be one hell of a cat fight between Shelli, Jackie, and Becky." Ugh will someone please evict her already!

Here's where I'm a bit confused. I thought Julie said FOUR people will return to the game to fight their way back in. So far, we have two (Shelli and Jackie). This Thursday we'll add another (probably Becky) which will make three. WHY are many of the houseguests waiting until next week (August 20th) to try to evict Vanessa? She would be the fourth member of the jury and able to fight her way back in. Why wait?



You think JMac and James would put up 2 of the threesome, and not Vanessa at all? I'm not so sure, but maybe I'm underestimating them.

It's kind of weird how obsessed with Vanessa Austin is. It feels like 90% of what he talks about is Vanessa. LOL at least Vanessa spreads her crazy to include all the HGs. Austin has zeroed in on Vanessa and won't stfu about her.

I also saw that Liz wants Julia to throw the next HOH, and Austin is thinking about throwing it too. I think they want Vanessa gone, but don't want to be the ones to directly do it.

I think everybody, but Steve, wants Vanessa out of the house. Nobody else would hold it against any of them if they directly put her up.

Edited by tinderbox
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I think everybody, but Steve, wants Vanessa out of the house. Nobody else would hold it against any of them if they directly put her up.

I think so too. Which is why everyone is essentially handing the money over to one of the threesome. From a game perspective, focusing on Vanessa is so stupid right now. She has no true alliance anymore (even Steve doesn't trust her). She hasn't won a comp in weeks. And no one buys her bullshit, so she's lost her ability to control or manipulate. She is a threat to no one, unless she makes the Final 2, which seems very unlikely. I just don't understand these people. And, if Jackie or Becky come back into the house and Vanessa survives until then, I wouldn't be surprised if they, too, want to go after Vanessa because they hate her. It's all just mind boggling. I'm not sure I've ever watched a season of HGs so unwilling to break up such a strong alliance.

  • Love 1

I'm not sure I've ever watched a season of HGs so unwilling to break up such a strong alliance.


BB8. But I guess 'America' is really to blame for that.


I think Liz/Austin/Julia have actually played a great game. I don't find it hard to understand why up until this point they were completely overlooked. But now that Liz has won so many comps, and since Vanessa hasn't won anything in weeks and has completely flopped game wise lately, I'll have a harder time understanding it if no one targets them soon.


But, that being said, I could see people wanting Vanessa out for the sheer fact that she is exhausting and annoying to be around.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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There are still 40 something days left. Once Vanessa is gone the Austwins are the next obvious target. 

It's going to be harder to get them out the smaller the house grows. Meg won't win HOH. James can only win physical comps. John hasn't won an HOH yet (and has also told Becky he's going after James and Meg). Steve only won HOH by accident, and I really don't think he'd put up the twins over James and Meg anyway. So, what we'll be left with is alternating Austwins HOHs, unless the returning HG can win and put them up.

I know it's all hypothetical, but the longer the Austwins stay in this game together, the stronger they become. If they can survive two more weeks, as long as one of the three win veto, they hold majority vote and it would be impossible to evict one of them.

If two are on the block they don't have the majority vote. They have 1 vote.


And I think it's a bit foolish predicting who is going to win comps. I'm always of the belief that anyone can luck into these. This isn't like Survivor where someone can go on a run and just dominate.

Edited by Cutty
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And I think it's a bit foolish predicting who is going to win comps. I'm always of the belief that anyone can luck into these. This isn't like Survivor where someone can go on a run and just dominate.

Maybe, but people have to sort of structure their game around assumptions based on pattern of behavior. It's why "comp threats" tend to get evicted easily, because pattern of behavior suggests they will win more comps in the future. But, I also don't think it's some kind of crazy thing to think Meg will never win HOH. Aside from her having lost literally every challenge she's been in, with the exception of the BotB where she had to match clothing patterns, she's also talked about how she gets so nervous at the live shows, that her brain goes blank. So, I don't think it's out of the question that she could win a veto comp in the future, especially if others throw it, or it's a random chance one. But during the live HOHs, she just can't compete.

Also, as far as I can tell, literally no one has talked to anyone about putting up the Austwins. I can't recall a single person left in the house talking about targeting them in the future. 



If two are on the block they don't have the majority vote. They have 1 vote.

Right, but I meant that if all 3 play in veto and they throw it to the one not on the block, then it will be impossible to evict them, because then they will hold majority vote. 

So, with John, Steve, and Julia all throwing the next HOH, it's basically down to Vanessa vs. James vs. Meg vs. Austin, right? And even Austin has toyed with the idea of throwing it because they want Vanessa out without having to put her up.

Edited by Ceeg
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I heard Becky say last night she would put up the Austwins and leave Vanessa in the house. But that could just be bitterness because she knows they are sending her to jury. I also don't buy JMac would target Meg/James. They'd go up as pawns but he wants Vanessa's head on a stick. 


I don't mean to imply that Austin and the twins aren't in a good spot because they are -- I would be shocked if at least one of them didn't make F2 at this point. That being said this game flips really quickly. 


Strangely enough I get the sense that the person most likely to take out Austin right now is.... Vanessa. She told Steve last night he would be surprised at who her next target is. She definitely wants to split those three up so she has the twins to herself. 

  • Love 4

I heard Becky say last night she would put up the Austwins and leave Vanessa in the house. But that could just be bitterness because she knows they are sending her to jury. I also don't buy JMac would target Meg/James. They'd go up as pawns but he wants Vanessa's head on a stick. 

I meant once Vanessa is gone, if you assume she's out the door next week after Becky, since Vanessa is still everyone's #1 target, it seems.


Strangely enough I get the sense that the person most likely to take out Austin right now is.... Vanessa. She told Steve last night he would be surprised at who her next target is. She definitely wants to split those three up so she has the twins to herself.

Me too. She wouldn't tell Steve who her targets were, which IMO indicates they're someone that Steve is close to and she's scared he would tell them. That's kind of why I want Vanessa to win HOH this week, just because she's probably the only one who would consider putting them up. I want Austin up, because he hasn't even had to sweat yet. There was like one day where he thought he might be going up, but he didn't, and has never even been on the block. I want to see what kind of BS he would spew at trying to save his ass. For some reason, I can't see him going out like Clay, even though he claims that he'd sacrifice his game for Liz's. 

I also think it would be interesting to see Julia reacting to Austin on the block.

Edited by Ceeg
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Yeah, I was rooting for Vanessa at the beginning, but quickly lost respect for her style of emotional, and somewhat manic game play.  However I think she's got to have gotten off her protect 6S at all costs tact and realizes the Austwins MUST get broken up, and that she cannot go to F2 with any of the three that remain in the game.  I want the Austwins OUT.  I can't believe that I have to root for Vanessa now because I think she's the only one left that can do it.   Watch her win HOH and put up anyone but them, cause that's how this season has gone for me -  she'll want to go to F2 with one of them, to reward them for their loyalty or because she doesn't need the money. ::groans::

But I have to say that I really have enjoyed this season over the last few; now if Production would just get rid of BOTB for good and cast as well or better in the future, I think we will all be happy campers.


ETA:  Imagine how different the game would have been if when the twin thing was discovered, 6S decided to get one out so the other wouldn't get a chance to come in...  they could have scooped up someone else easily at that point of the game.

Edited by LuvizBlind
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I meant once Vanessa is gone, if you assume she's out the door next week after Becky, since Vanessa is still everyone's #1 target, it seems.


I agree with you there, then. JMac is snowed by Austin. If Vanessa goes next week he will definitely try to get in tight with Austin's group. James would be his next target. He's still butthurt about James taking out his hero Clay.


Austin and twins position in the game reminds me of Clelli before they imploded. They are in good with literally everyone. That's a dangerous place to be because they're gonna have to screw someone over at some point.


A scenario I'd love to see play out next week - everyone throws HOH, James wins by default. He puts up Steve/JMac as pawns for a Vanessa backdoor, but she wins veto and keeps noms the same. They send out JMac's hapless ass.

  • Love 1

I must admit I enjoyed Becky's detailed account last night of her face being struck by a street tram in Germany. I was particularly fascinated by the apparent disagreement over a few doctors as to whether or not they should drill into her brain. Saner heads (pardon my pun) prevailed and the procedure was abandoned. I hope the CBS broadcast shows this along with James' amusing one-upmanship about getting swallowed by a great white shark whole and cutting himself out of it. Maybe it will be on the "not seen on CBS" episode. Austin also mentioned a friend of his broke his nose in a club and the bouncer there was Eddie, the one legged winner from Big Brother 1.

  • Love 2

Ugh! I can't stand to listen to Becky's cackle anymore! She thinks she's soo worldly and soo sophisticated for having traveled a bit. Has all these anecdotes about different cities/countries. It's not interesting, it's annoying, because she's just trying to pretend to be special and spit out names of places she's visited. I'm sure while in Europe/Central America she had this snobby attitude of "I'm a sophisticated, worldly American".


I found this page with more detailed info about the accident. I found this response from Becky's cousin interesting:




Becky is my cousin, and while I had meant to visit her during her almost two-year stint in Munich, I didn't make it. Her sister Ashley did, however, and they took a jaunt down to Italy while they were there.
Becky lived between the Marienplatz and the Sendlinger Tor. I heard about the tram accident a few days after it happened -- as I understand it, the Germans faulted her for putting her head in the tram's way and she still owes a fine. She came home as soon as she was healthy enough. I'm still baffled by how the accident happened, why the driver went into shock, and how it could have caused EUR 1000 in damage. But regardless, Becky is back, okay, and kicking ass.
Edited by Nutella
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There are still 40 something days left. Once Vanessa is gone the Austwins are the next obvious target. 

Actually, I would flip that; once Austwins is broken up, Vanessa is the next obvious target. Vanessa is a gadfly at present - annoying and occasionally loud, but no real power.

  • V represents a voting bloc of one, and zero if she's OTB. Add one to each if she can throw enough of a scare into Steve.
  • Contrariwise, Austwins comprise 1/3 of the remaining House, and a 50% voting bloc when none of them are OTB.
Frankly, I'm wondering if the time window to break up the Austwins hasn't already passed; a three-person alliance should never have been allowed to make it to Jury en masse. They almost certainly own the vote this week; one person voting with Austin and Julia makes 50% , and Liz breaks any tie.

I'm thinking if one of Austwins doesn't go to JH NEXT WEEK, this season is done. They'll run every vote if they're not OTB, and everybody will be scared to put them OTB for fear of reprisal either in the Game or in Jury.

  • Love 3

Tbh, if I was driving a vehicle that hit a woman, and I saw her face and body broken, I'd probably go into shock too. Some people can't deal with that kind of stuff.

I'd be freaked out too if I were the tram driver. 


This picture was taken 12 days after the accident:


  • Love 1

Actually, I would flip that; once Austwins is broken up, Vanessa is the next obvious target. Vanessa is a gadfly at present - annoying and occasionally loud, but no real power.

  • V represents a voting bloc of one, and zero if she's OTB. Add one to each if she can throw enough of a scare into Steve.
  • Contrariwise, Austwins comprise 1/3 of the remaining House, and a 50% voting bloc when none of them are OTB.
Frankly, I'm wondering if the time window to break up the Austwins hasn't already passed; a three-person alliance should never have been allowed to make it to Jury en masse. They almost certainly own the vote this week; one person voting with Austin and Julia makes 50% , and Liz breaks any tie.

I'm thinking if one of Austwins doesn't go to JH NEXT WEEK, this season is done. They'll run every vote if they're not OTB, and everybody will be scared to put them OTB for fear of reprisal either in the Game or in Jury.



If only the HG's could have heard all of us screaming this at them several WEEKS ago!  I couldn't for the life of me understand wth they were doing trying to ensure the other twin came into the game, that was hella stupid.  There's the immediate close twin bond, and already hints of a showmance making it even crazier to bring her into the game rather than just boot Liz ASAP.   And then all the finagling constantly to keep the numbers kept them intact, smh.  Yes, you want to keep the numbers, but you certainly don't want half of your numbers to be their own voting block.  All three of them needed to be out or in jury.  It would have been so much more efficient to get just get rid of Liz from the jump. 

  • Love 10

I'm thinking if one of Austwins doesn't go to JH NEXT WEEK, this season is done. They'll run every vote if they're not OTB, and everybody will be scared to put them OTB for fear of reprisal either in the Game or in Jury.

I think everyone's thinking that even if they get rid of one, the other two will be upset and come after them. Or if the one not on the block wins Veto, half the house will be after you the next week. But the numbers are getting to the point where the aren't many other choices, so they're coming after you no matter what.

I bet if anyone but Vanessa wins HOH or Veto, she's a goner because the rest of the HGs will figure that no one will be mad at them for getting rid of her since she really is solo now. But it'll be much more difficult the longer they wait to break up the Austwins.

  • Love 3

If only the HG's could have heard all of us screaming this at them several WEEKS ago!  I couldn't for the life of me understand wth they were doing trying to ensure the other twin came into the game, that was hella stupid.  There's the immediate close twin bond, and already hints of a showmance making it even crazier to bring her into the game rather than just boot Liz ASAP.   And then all the finagling constantly to keep the numbers kept them intact, smh.  Yes, you want to keep the numbers, but you certainly don't want half of your numbers to be their own voting block.  All three of them needed to be out or in jury.  It would have been so much more efficient to get just get rid of Liz from the jump.

THIS. It's so funny that we on the outside looking in can see things so clearly. People like Steve and Jason who supposedly saw most or all of the past BB shows should have been way more aware of the dangers of allowing this block of 3 to continue. Maybe when you are "all up in it" you can't see the forest for the trees.

  • Love 4

LOL the Austwins are going to throw their way to an eviction. If everyone is throwing it except Vanessa, then guess who's gonna win HOH.


That would be really funny. But only if Vanessa actually went after Austin, which I think she would, but it's Vanessa and she's nuts so who knows. I figure she'd nom some combo of James/Meg/John and bd Austin. That could be a fun week.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

That would be really funny. But only if Vanessa actually went after Austin, which I think she would, but it's Vanessa and she's nuts so who knows. I figure she'd nom some combo of James/Meg/John and bd Austin. That could be a fun week.


Possibly. But then we would have to sit through another long week of In Search Of... The Reason. I don't know if I could take that again. 

  • Love 8

That would be really funny. But only if Vanessa actually went after Austin, which I think she would, but it's Vanessa and she's nuts so who knows. I figure she'd nom some combo of James/Meg/John and bd Austin. That could be a fun week.


Possibly. But then we would have to sit through another long week of In Search Of... The Reason. I don't know if I could take that again. 

All James/Meg would have to do is tell Vanessa that the Austwins were plotting her eviction all week with Meg and James. Easy. 

  • Love 4

I don't have to be psychic to see that either Liz or Julia will win this whole thing. Even Austin is stupid for not getting rid of one of them because they will choose to go to final two together. 


Can you imagine a finale night with the vore being between Julia and Liz? 


In Big Brother, you get a final 2 you deserve. 

  • Love 2

Possibly. But then we would have to sit through another long week of In Search Of... The Reason. I don't know if I could take that again. 


It would be great to see all the HGs scrambling. It would be a just a garbage dump of information. I think she is the only one I don't really know what she would end up doing because ADC has ammo to use against her allies.

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