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S07.E09: Birthday In The Berks

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I think an important difference between this and Scary Island though was that Jill wasn't welcomed to come.  Don't quote the raggedy memories, but weren't they all beefing or annoyed with Jill at the time?  or did she have a legitimate reason she couldn't attend, something about the store?  In any case, they'd made it clear she wasn't missed.   Dorinda, Ramona and the Countess were (or at least said they were) pleasantly surprised to see Beth.



I'm tickled by this. Lol!

Jill was invited to "Scary Island" but could not go, she and Bobby already had plans, which she rearranged. She showed up unannounced just like Bethenny did tonight and everyone, including Heather, were fine with that, unlike how they treated Jill. That said, the atmosphere did change when Bethenny arrived last night and, IMO, it was not a good/happy change. Bethenny's arrival was like pouring ice water on everyone in the room.  JMO

  • Love 7

I was floored by the way she took Bethenny's hand, turned on her heel and just expected Type A Bethenny to follow. Didn't look at Beth when she was doing it, just aggressively took her hand, turned on a heel and started to walk. I had to watch it again just to make sure I was seeing it right.  Just one more way Heather reminds me of a mean teacher.  "Talk in MY class?  I'll show you who's boss, Billy."  Grabs Wild Bill's hand and escorts him to the corner, all aggro and Maleficent-like.


That might have worked on a weeping Kristen or Carole but Bethenny?  Fuggetaboutit. 


I don't agree with "mean teacher" or "Maleficent-like," because I don't see Heather's intentions as you do, but I completely agree with your core point and to me this is the root problem, and you hit both parts of it.


Bethenny is melting down in public, Heather wants to save her, but Heather, at this point it's not a hint, it's an anvil or a bus driving over you, ​Bethenny does not want to be saved by you or anyone.  Heather usually seems like she's got pretty good social skills, but for some reason, she simply cannot read Bethenny at all.  AT. ALL.  Like, when it comes to Bethenny, she has Kelly Bensimmon-level social skills (i.e., none).  


And my God.  Taking her by the hand to lead her away?  In what world did you think that would work with Bethenny Frankel?  Again, I see this as Heather wanting to be empathetic and wanting to help, but doing every. single. thing. wrong.  And I think it's just, Heather is so determined to create her own narrative - Heather tames Bethenny! - that she can't look around to see what is actually happening.


I also think it's not a coincidence, building on your point, that Carole is friends with both of them.  Carole is a laid back, totally noncompetitive stoner.  Seems like a great match for a controlling alpha female, and it is, for both of the controlling alpha females on the show. :)


CrinkleCutCat said:



As an aside, the need to control can often manifest in those who are raised in situations where there are difficulties that they cannot control. So the need to control something becomes a personality trait. No idea of Heathers upbringing so I can't correlate anything here.


I think this is very true with Heather, vis-a-vis Jax.  She even said, last year, in a scene that was played back a lot (back when we were allowed to see other sides of Heather, sigh), referring to Jax's hearing problems,  "I can't fix anything else, but I want to be able to fix this!"  I think she has spent so much of the last ten years seeing her beloved son suffering, and not being able to fix it, she now has a compulsion to fix any pain point she sees.  It's kind.  But it's not working here.  I wonder if she will be able to see what is going on, and understand it, and learn from it.  


(I also think it's VERY telling that when giving a list of problems they all had to deal with, she did not choose the most obvious "problem" she had - namely, her son's serious health problems - but instead talked about the nanny.  I think Heather is very careful about talking about Jax's illnesses on camera because he watches the show, and she doesn't want him to feel bad, or to think she worries about him.  It's a good Mom thing to do.  I don't think we should penalize her for it.)

Edited by ottergirl
  • Love 17

Can't stand Heather.  Haven't like her since her first season on the show.  She was a total bitch to Ramona the first season she was on and that was excused by a lot of people because Ramona herself is so polarizing.  She was lucky the same way going against Sonja and Aviva because one was a ditz and the other was so disliked, but still she was overly aggressive with them too.  I'm not a huge fan of Bethenny either, but I'm glad she is there as someone who will stand their ground against Heather's nonsense.   I'm glad that editing is starting to show more of the negative this season, like the face Heather made when Bethenny walked in. It doesn't look like she'll be getting the lucky edit this year.   Also, is it just me or is there a little less of Heather and Carole beingjustthisclose this season?


I'm guessing Josh didn't like the way he was portrayed last season because it seems like he is being careful not to give production anything to use that is going to make him look bad again this season.  There is a fine line between trying to look cocky or self-assured and just being a plan old jerk.  He seems to be playing it bland this time around.  Smart! 


I swear I remember reading that Kristen had a second boob job not all that long ago (last 1 or 2 years maybe?).   She must have gone for a really natural look... 


Taking this to the Heather thread. 

I don't see how Bethenny's success with Skinnygirl because of RH is a negative.  You gotta do what you gotta do, and everyone finds success with help from other people along the way.  It's not like Skinnygirl used capitol from ISIS to launch.  If Heather didn't envy Bethenny a little bit she wouldn't be trying so damn hard to be her friend.

  • Love 9

Mr. Islandgal walked in while Dorinda was on screen and asked if she was the daughter of Carol Channing. I LOL'ed because I can kinda see it now. There is also something about her voice (slight lisping maybe?) and speech pattern that reminds me of Channing also.


Carol, Sex in the City was a show, it should not be a lifestyle choice or aspiration. The only resemblance between Peter & Chris Noth is probably on the soles of his feet because I sure can't see it. Also, was I the only one distracted by his overly dark hair and brows. It is like he used shoe polish to color it. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 7


Heather also did get up off the couch to greet Bethenny, contrary to what another poster said.  She even said upon learning that Bryn was staying at the hotel with Bethenny that she'd wished she'd known that Bryn and Bethenny were at the Red Lion Inn because her own kids were there and maybe they could have played together.  She has made so many efforts to befriend Bethenny and has been pushed away nearly every single time.

Bethenny pushes her away because she does not want to be her friend. I really think it's as simple as that. For whatever her reason, Bethenny does not wish to connect with Heather and that is her right. Heather is old enough to accept what is being said to her and back off, but the more Bethenny pulls away, the more Heather latches on. It's really weird to watch.

  • Love 19

Jill was invited to "Scary Island" but could not go, she and Bobby already had plans, which she rearranged. She showed up unannounced just like Bethenny did tonight and everyone, including Heather, were fine with that, unlike how they treated Jill. That said, the atmosphere did change when Bethenny arrived last night and, IMO, it was not a good/happy change. Bethenny's arrival was like pouring ice water on everyone in the room.  JMO


Sorry, yeah, I remember she was invited, what I meant by not welcomed was I got the impression they were more than cool with her not being there.  By contrast, it seemed that half the women were or acted as though they were pleased B showed up.

  • Love 6

Winner!!! Hey Jez, I mean, I can shorten your handle to Jez because we post on the same forum, right? We're besties now because I quoted your post, right? NO? Wow, what's wrong with you????


Anyway, yes! Heather sees Carole, Princess of Coleslawvania (love that name someone coined on another thread) slipping out of her claws.  I think Bethenny incites jealousy in Heather, and the Skinny Girl success has got to be part of it, whether it is unconscious or not on Heather's part.  Heather works hard, has worked hard, but Bethhenny did not invest the same amount of time into Skinny Girl before she cashed in.  So Hanes hasn't bought out YummieTummie yet despite two seasons of Bravo exposure? Yes, it's probably not happening.  Not to knock Heather for that, those are real human emotions, but I for one don't think Heahter is always coming from a good place. She is coming from a place where she is seeking to soother her needs, it's just that Heather gets off helping people, but it's still uncomfortable for the "helpee."


Jonathon's "hey, let's drink more sake" response to his wife was classic. I noticed that too. He sure has finely honed "I am on camera now" reflexes. 

lol TheF why sure! only if you get off my jock ;P

  • Love 4

From Bethenny's blog


"I booked a limo with blankets and pillows and princess movies and came to the dinner after bedtime. I came from "a place of yes," and it worked out. That said, I was, as Carole puts it, “wound tight” having tried to pull it all together."


Seriously, she was "wound tight" from having to pull what together?  Guessing the Nanny packed for her daughter, took care of the princess movies, the blankets and pillows and an assistant called for the limo.


Poor Bethenny, having to put all that together.


I don't understand why all of this makes Bethenny so tightly wound and emotional all the time.  I feel like we are seeing her completely unraveling at times.  This is someone who has always claimed to be as tough as nails and can pull herself up out of anything to get through life, yet, appearing on this show, which was her choice, seems to be just too much for her, emotionally and logistically.  She knew what was involved when she signed up for this, so why does she look like she never wants to be anywhere with the other housewives, have anything to do with them, or moan about everything that she has to do, contractually?  This is no longer the "funny" Bethenny we saw in Seasons One and Two.  Now, she just sounds bitter and nasty a lot of the time.


Why do I think that the Bethenny we are seeing is a person who is constantly at odds with herself?  She keeps mentioning this "wall" that she has.  This is a wall that she, herself, has built.  On one hand, I think, at times, Bethenny wants to open up, but she is unable to, whether because of gag orders, etc., or just because of this wall she has built up because she doesn't trust anyone at all, it seems, and cannot/will not let anyone in. 


I get that the divorce and associated problems with that is very difficult.  Jason, apparently, was not the nice guy Bethenny and everyone else thought he was (or, was being married to Bethenny what changed him from a nice guy to a bitter, vindictive person?).  I understand her childhood was horrible for her.  


But, I think the real problem with Bethenny is that she is now so enmeshed in the public persona that she has created (quick witted, snarky, outspoken tough girl) that she honestly doesn't know who the "real" Bethenny is, and she is actually afraid to find that out.  She is afraid to be perceived any way other than the personality she has created for herself, and when someone hits too close to breaking down that wall and trying to reach out to the real person behind it, as Heather tries to do (in a not so great way), Bethenny strikes out like a viper.  

  • Love 10

Heather was like a cop at that dinner party. B said "I don't eat fish that isn't shellfish" and the hostess responded, the issue was settled, but H took it upon herself to inform the entire table of this "allergy," whispering to Carole, etc. Then, she decided to catechize R's friend about his business, dominating the conversation and embarassing him and R; then she has to police B and S; then, she's trying to remove B from the table! Putting the capital O in obnoxious. B was kinder than I would have been.

  • Love 22


On another note -  Why is Kristen on this show?  She adds nothing.  And her tagline drives me up the wall.  I'm sorry, but I do not think she's pretty.  A couple of episodes ago, they were all sitting around a table (I forget where it was), and I thought every single one of them looked far prettier than she did.  She's socially awkward, not too bright, and her life is not the slightest bit interesting.  I don't get it.  Why was this girl asked back?


No hate on Kristen -- but I have to agree...she adds nothing and does nothing. At least heather is "friends" with Carole, and trying to engage with Bethenney. Does Kristen ever initiate a conversation? Is she ever asked to lunch? Even if/when she does. What's the outcome of point of said scene?


Even when she and Ramona where talking about R and Lu's dustup at Petrossian...did K ask "so what happened at dinner the other night" or was it R who said "let me ask you about something, you weren't there.....and R explained it? I THINK it was K that initiated that..don't remember, but .if so it's one of THE only times she's central or even really INVOLVED in anything pertinent.


I don't know WHY she was kept on the show....Think about it. She could miss every event -- lunch, dinner, workout, spa, whatever -- and who would care? Most telling is -- it wouldn't make a difference or effect the event at all. IF that's the case that's the evidence she brings nothing to the show and isn't needed.


They should have cut KRISTEN -- not Aviva. I liked Aviva. I know certain viewers had it in for her. But at least she evoked SOME reaction out of people. K who care? EVen if this is a one season stop for Bethenney, before she gets another show...I'd still drop K. Hell bring back JILL Z! But Andy doesn't have the ball to do that.

Edited by selhars
  • Love 5

And I loved Kristin's shocked-young-matron explanation, which boiled down to "Dorinda, how dare you! I was fine humping John & grinding my pubus into his ass! But when he turned around and I presented my lady buttocks -- which I thrust back and forth in his crotch, like a Bonobo ape in heat -- and John took this as a sign I was willing to have his hand on my hip? WELL I NEVER!" 


film noire, you are wrong for this! I just let out an ear-piercing giggle when I read your post. My boss actually came over to discuss something, and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing.

  • Love 4

I might have stalked the HW as they filmed this.

Stalking is such a bold term. I'll just say I was in the area.

And my fiancée is a Time Warner guy in Southern Berkshire County...who has been to Dorinda's. He got a kick out of that.

I lived in the Berkshires for many years, although we called it the Beserk-shires back then.     I guess I don't like these women polluting up the area.  I am shocked the Red Lion let them in.

         Mya,   you are probably much younger than I am, but ask anyone in their late 50's and over about Mundy's Bar in Glendale.   Wild and crazy times.


         I think Bethenny's assessment of Luann's get up was spot on. She looked like a bad imitation of Sue Ellen Ewing.   I was laughing out loud.

           The home lack landscaping and I thought the inside was incredibly tacky. Compared to the real mansions and estates in that area, well it would not be on any list of homes, historic or not.

          All the women seem flighty this season, like they are trying on different personalities. Cant figure it out, except for desperate idea's from desperate producers.

I don't agree with "mean teacher" or "Maleficent-like," because I don't see Heather's intentions as you do, but I completely agree with your core point and to me this is the root problem, and you hit both parts of it.


Bethenny is melting down in public, Heather wants to save her, but Heather, at this point it's not a hint, it's an anvil or a bus driving over you, ​Bethenny does not want to be saved by you or anyone.  Heather usually seems like she's got pretty good social skills, but for some reason, she simply cannot read Bethenny at all.  AT. ALL.  Like, when it comes to Bethenny, she has Kelly Bensimmon-level social skills (i.e., none).  


And my God.  Taking her by the hand to lead her away?  In what world did you think that would work with Bethenny Frankel?  Again, I see this as Heather wanting to be empathetic and wanting to help, but doing every. single. thing. wrong.  And I think it's just, Heather is so determined to create her own narrative - Heather tames Bethenny! - that she can't look around to see what is actually happening.


I also think it's not a coincidence, building on your point, that Carole is friends with both of them.  Carole is a laid back, totally noncompetitive stoner.  Seems like a great match for a controlling alpha female, and it is, for both of the controlling alpha females on the show. :)


CrinkleCutCat said:



I think this is very true with Heather, vis-a-vis Jax.  She even said, last year, in a scene that was played back a lot (back when we were allowed to see other sides of Heather, sigh), referring to Jax's hearing problems,  "I can't fix anything else, but I want to be able to fix this!"  I think she has spent so much of the last ten years seeing her beloved son suffering, and not being able to fix it, she now has a compulsion to fix any pain point she sees.  It's kind.  But it's not working here.  I wonder if she will be able to see what is going on, and understand it, and learn from it.  


(I also think it's VERY telling that when giving a list of problems they all had to deal with, she did not choose the most obvious "problem" she had - namely, her son's serious health problems - but instead talked about the nanny.  I think Heather is very careful about talking about Jax's illnesses on camera because he watches the show, and she doesn't want him to feel bad, or to think she worries about him.  It's a good Mom thing to do.  I don't think we should penalize her for it.)

I don't think Bethenny would be compassionate towards Heather if Heather used Jax's illness as an excuse to act like Bethenny does, she would call Heather out on it. JMO

I don't see how Bethenny's success with Skinnygirl because of RH is a negative.  You gotta do what you gotta do, and everyone finds success with help from other people along the way.  It's not like Skinnygirl used capitol from ISIS to launch.  If Heather didn't envy Bethenny a little bit she wouldn't be trying so damn hard to be her friend.

I don't think her SG success because of the show is a negative but I defiantly do not see Heather as jealous of Bethenny's SG success either. Heather was successful before joining the show, I think Heather is frustrated that Bethenny will not give the newer cast members the time of day for their events.

  • Love 9

Also, two other things I noted.


One, I think other posters were, like me, looking forward to seeing Carole's take on the situation - both in real time at the dinner table and on twitter last night.  What did we get?  Radio silence, total and complete.  She hasn't been on twitter since yesterday, and on the show, we saw Heather complain to Carole about Bethenny ("she's being so mean!"), but Carole's response was completely edited out, leaving the impression that Carole just stonewalled Heather.  Which I don't believe at all.  The ONE talking head Carole had was slightly pro-Heather, when she said Bethenny had two settings, tightly wound or crying.  Bethenny complained about even this mild Carole quote in her own blog this morning.  Do we think Andy has a literal muzzle on Carole right now, or is it just a contractual one?


Two, Bethenny is VERY savvy about the show and how viewers will respond, and it's been pretty clear to me that she is saving up her real wrath for Kristen.  With Heather she tends to be pretty measured in her blogs and in recent publicity runs - she has said a number of times that Heather is "over friendly" and "too touchy feely" which is hardly a condemnation; and even in this week's blog, I think, she said that she and Heather just have different ways of getting to know people.  But she went after Kristen viciously ("pretty is pretty dumb") over that parenting quote a few weeks ago, and she trashed Kristen again this week.  I think Bethenny realizes that there's a lot of pro-Heather sentiment out there, and that Bethenny herself might become the villain in this conflict, so she's keeping the road to conciliation open with Heather. But look out Kristen.  I think that is where this is going to get really ugly, maybe starting next week.

Edited by ottergirl
  • Love 12

I don't understand why all of this makes Bethenny so tightly wound and emotional all the time.  I feel like we are seeing her completely unraveling at times.  This is someone who has always claimed to be as tough as nails and can pull herself up out of anything to get through life, yet, appearing on this show, which was her choice, seems to be just too much for her, emotionally and logistically.  She knew what was involved when she signed up for this, so why does she look like she never wants to be anywhere with the other housewives, have anything to do with them, or moan about everything that she has to do, contractually?  This is no longer the "funny" Bethenny we saw in Seasons One and Two.  Now, she just sounds bitter and nasty a lot of the time.


Why do I think that the Bethenny we are seeing is a person who is constantly at odds with herself?  She keeps mentioning this "wall" that she has.  This is a wall that she, herself, has built.  On one hand, I think, at times, Bethenny wants to open up, but she is unable to, whether because of gag orders, etc., or just because of this wall she has built up because she doesn't trust anyone at all, it seems, and cannot/will not let anyone in. 


I get that the divorce and associated problems with that is very difficult.  Jason, apparently, was not the nice guy Bethenny and everyone else thought he was (or, was being married to Bethenny what changed him from a nice guy to a bitter, vindictive person?).  I understand her childhood was horrible for her.  


But, I think the real problem with Bethenny is that she is now so enmeshed in the public persona that she has created (quick witted, snarky, outspoken tough girl) that she honestly doesn't know who the "real" Bethenny is, and she is actually afraid to find that out.  She is afraid to be perceived any way other than the personality she has created for herself, and when someone hits too close to breaking down that wall and trying to reach out to the real person behind it, as Heather tries to do (in a not so great way), Bethenny strikes out like a viper.  

I really think Bethenny, Andy and the producers are trying to use the "poor, poor" Bethenny storyline to soften her edges, redeem her. It doesn't work because she is normally all hard edges (except with Bryn) and a caustic person, not a sympathetic one. JMO



No hate on Kristen -- but I have to agree...she adds nothing and does nothing. At least heather is "friends" with Carole, and trying to engage with Bethenney. Does Kristen ever initiate a conversation? Is she ever asked to lunch? Even if/when she does. What's the outcome of point of said scene?


Even when she and Ramona where talking about R and Lu's dustup at Petrossian...did K ask "so what happened at dinner the other night" or was it R who said "let me ask you about something, you weren't there.....and R explained it? I THINK it was K that initiated that..don't remember, but .if so it's one of THE only times she's central or even really INVOLVED in anything pertinent.


I don't know WHY she was kept on the show....Think about it. She could miss every event -- lunch, dinner, workout, spa, whatever -- and who would care? Most telling is -- it wouldn't make a difference or effect the event at all. IF that's the case that's the evidence she brings nothing to the show and isn't needed.


They should have cut KRISTEN -- not Aviva. I liked Aviva. I know certain viewers had it in for her. But at least she evoked SOME reaction out of people. K who care? EVen if this is a one season stop for Bethenney, before she gets another show...I'd still drop K. Hell bring back JILL Z! But Andy doesn't have the ball to do that.

Ramona started that conversation about John, not Kristen, by asking if Kristen heard what happened at the caviar BD party.

  • Love 5

New to the board and first time posting here.  Some of my favorite comments and expressions-- "clutching her pearls"  never heard that and damn! it's such a fab perfect visual.  Skinny girl tissues!!  Gawd that was perfect. I roared!  


I secretly agree with Jaync (sorry if I spelled that wrong.. too long to go back and check) about hoping Heather continues to poke Bethanny.  It's cruel, but yeah.. it's funny.  Just wish Heather would own up to it and enjoy it more. 


Bethanny sucks the air out of the room.  Heather knows it.. and so does Bethanny. I think that's why Bethanny (to her slight credit) doesn't want to be engaged.  I think Heather pokes her to get Bethanny going because she wants to spotlight how self-absorbed and self-pitying she is. I think it's a fairly sub-conscious, and only a part of the agenda but it's there. 


Let's face it.. Beth shows zero interest in anyone else ..except for Sonja.  Sonja is equally self-absorbed so their personal solar systems won't intertwine so she's safe there.  Delusional people can be scary (kelly, her mom and sonja of course) so Beth had to explore it before she decided if it was safe to enter it.  Her dose of reality talk to Sonja was useless.. and Sonja is no threat as she is just a very sad pathetic joke now. Her role is sad and exploitive.


If Sonja ever had to face reality head-on I think she would be on suicide watch. Not joking. That's why they are starting to leave her alone.. 


Can Bethanny ever get even a modicum of gratitude and happiness?? What the HELL is SOOO BAD?? She should know that you'll easily spend more than you'll ever save by fighting thru a protracted divorce and should have offered up a hefty sum and let it go.  Her need to be negative and self-pitying as a means to always have some cross to bear is costing her a fortune.  She's a black hole. 

Thanks for the laughs.  Enjoying the board.


.   . 


  • Love 19
And the fact is she will need to give John the heave ho so she can be open to finding someone better. Was it me, or was John lying to her about the time he left NYC when he came in the door?


Okay, glad I'm not the only one who picked up on that. Apparently he had first told Dorinda noon. But then when he was in front of the girls he said two. Now maybe he was just embarrassed. But really, who gets lost going somewhere they've supposedly been plenty of times before? He claims he missed his exit? That takes a few minutes, at most, to get turned back around. No, I immediately thought something shady was going on. 


Carol, Sex in the City was a show, it should not be a lifestyle choice or aspiration. The only resemblance between Peter & Chris Noth is probably on the soles of his feet because I sure can't see it. Also, was I the only one distracted by his overly dark hair and brows. It is like he used shoe polish to color it.


Oh my gosh, there was NO resemblance there! None. And was I the only one annoyed that she said he resembled "Mr. Big" and not "Chris Noth"? It's like she thinks SATC is real. 

  • Love 3

Because you can still have a good reality show without staged dinner parties and bullshit fights about invitations.

True but perhaps they wouldn't be ones produced by Andy Cohen.  Reality shows are purported to be a glimpse at a day in the real life of the person.  Beth is keeping a core part of her real life --- the boyfriend of over a year --- off screen.  Andy told Ramona she couldn't ignore her marriage issues with Mario on camera, he also publicly told Vickie from OC that she needed to show Brooks (yuck) on camera if she wanted to maintain her orange.  Why is B different?  I'm ok with no kids because they are kids (and in this case, there's a court decision about it).  But I can see the other HWs getting ticked off that B gets to showcase an amped up sob story version of her life and her business only.

  • Love 8

Also, two other things I noted.


One, I think other posters were, like me, looking forward to seeing Carole's take on the situation - both in real time at the dinner table and on twitter last night.  What did we get?  Radio silence, total and complete.  She hasn't been on twitter since yesterday, and on the show, we saw Heather complain to Carole about Bethenny ("she's being so mean!"), but Carole's response was completely edited out, leaving the impression that Carole just stonewalled Heather.  Which I don't believe at all.  The ONE talking head Carole had was slightly pro-Heather, when she said Bethenny had two settings, tightly wound or crying.  Bethenny complained about even this mild Carole quote in her own blog this morning.  Do we think Andy has a literal muzzle on Carole right now, or is it just a contractual one?


Two, Bethenny is VERY savvy about the show and how viewers will respond, and it's been pretty clear to me that she is saving up her real wrath for Kristen.  With Heather she tends to be pretty measured in her blogs and in recent publicity runs - she has said a number of times that Heather is "over friendly" and "too touchy feely" which is hardly a condemnation; and even in this week's blog, I think, she said that she and Heather just have different ways of getting to know people.  But she went after Kristen viciously ("pretty is pretty dumb") over that parenting quote a few weeks ago, and she trashed Kristen again this week.  I think Bethenny realizes that there's a lot of pro-Heather sentiment out there, and that Bethenny herself might become the villain in this conflict, so she's keeping the road to conciliation open with Heather. But look out Kristen.  I think that is where this is going to get really ugly, maybe starting next week.

I have to wonder if Bethenny set her sights on Kristen because of Kyle/Brandi. Bethenny has known Kyle for decades and Kristen is friends with Kyle's tormenter. LOL Cross country HW battles!

  • Love 11

Why would Heather be happy to see Beth arrive in the Berkshires? On one occasion Beth basically told her to stop talking and on another pretended to fall asleep when she was. None of that makes for a relaxing weekend. Regardless of her feelings, she did greet Beth warmly, telling her how nice it was for her to surprise Dorinda. Again, she attempts to forge a relationship by saying that her kids were there as well and they could have gotten them together. She seems to be trying, but as others have said she is not taking Beth's temperature. I don't think she understands why Beth is getting along well with everyone but her and it drives her nuts. She said on Twitter that she gets it. I hope she means it. Watching her try to force something that is not going to happen is painful.

  • Love 7

Okay, glad I'm not the only one who picked up on that. Apparently he had first told Dorinda noon. But then when he was in front of the girls he said two. Now maybe he was just embarrassed. But really, who gets lost going somewhere they've supposedly been plenty of times before? He claims he missed his exit? That takes a few minutes, at most, to get turned back around. No, I immediately thought something shady was going on. 





Oh my gosh, there was NO resemblance there! None. And was I the only one annoyed that she said he resembled "Mr. Big" and not "Chris Noth"? It's like she thinks SATC is real. 


Maybe?  Just because somebody likes and watches a show doesn't mean that they necessarily know the actor's names.  My boyfriend loved Breaking Bad and saw every episode (along with me) but I know for a FACT he could not name a single one of the actor's names on the show, even Bryan Cranston! 

  • Love 3

True but perhaps they wouldn't be ones produced by Andy Cohen.  Reality shows are purported to be a glimpse at a day in the real life of the person.  Beth is keeping a core part of her real life --- the boyfriend of over a year --- off screen.  Andy told Ramona she couldn't ignore her marriage issues with Mario on camera, he also publicly told Vickie from OC that she needed to show Brooks (yuck) on camera if she wanted to maintain her orange.  Why is B different?  I'm ok with no kids because they are kids (and in this case, there's a court decision about it).  But I can see the other HWs getting ticked off that B gets to showcase an amped up sob story version of her life and her business only.

Heck, according to Andy, himself, Porsha (Atl) was demoted because she would not share her personal life on the show yet he allowed Kenya to do that. Andy seems to pick and chose which HW's have to share their personal lives and which do not, Bethenny seems to be in the Kenya league where the rules he sets for the rest do not apply. I can understand if Bethenny's then BF did not want to film but all she had to say was that she had a bf, that they wanted to keep things private for now. This denying she even has a bf is ridiculous IMO, and is only being used to soften/explain her caustic behavior.  JMO

  • Love 4

Why would Heather be happy to see Beth arrive in the Berkshires? On one occasion Beth basically told her to stop talking and on another pretended to fall asleep when she was. None of that makes for a relaxing weekend. Regardless of her feelings, she did greet Beth warmly, telling her how nice it was for her to surprise Dorinda. Again, she attempts to forge a relationship by saying that her kids were there as well and they could have gotten them together. She seems to be trying, but as others have said she is not taking Beth's temperature. I don't think she understands why Beth is getting along well with everyone but her and it drives her nuts. She said on Twitter that she gets it. I hope she means it. Watching her try to force something that is not going to happen is painful.

When Heather said that they could have gotten their kids together if she had know Bethenny/Bryn was staying at the same hotel, Bethenny's reacted as if Heather was suggesting something mean, she basically said "No" to that idea.

  • Love 10

Good grief why all the hate on John. I would say people should "get off his jock" --  but no doubt some would use that and say "he's the one who wants people ON his jock" or make some comment about him supposedly being touchy-feely.  I think he's good natured. And even if he IS flirty, it's never even remotely been over the top.  Even if he was flirty -- you mean to tell me these woman don't know how to handle that, roll it off with a joke and keep moving on. Give me a break.


My dad was a big HARMLESS flirt...was my mom REALLY supposed to be upset because he called the grocery store cashier sweetie. I LOVE it when people call me cutie -- hell it makes my day! Give me a break. True these women are Dorinda's co workers or friends...But I still don't think John deserves the knocks he gets. Even IF he WOULD sleep with one of them. I dont' think THEY would...so again....move on, nothing to see here. Dorinda loves, and KNOWS him...so "be cool. Don't be,  uncool."


Ramona started that conversation about John, not Kristen, by asking if Kristen heard what happened at the caviar BD party.


Thanks. Supports my opinion that K can go.

Edited by selhars
  • Love 2

 I really didn't like Dorita after the "check my coat" caper, but she ha emerged a my favorite this season.  She's direct and puts up with no bullshit, but she's also kind. And she called out Kristin instead of going behind her back, which I liked.  Kristin was definitely grinding on John, despie what she says.  film don't lie.


I'm also dying of envy over her home.  Simply drooling.

  • Love 1

Good grief why all the hate on John. I would say people should "get off his jock" 00 but now doubt some would use that and say "he' the one who wants people ON his jock or make some comment about him supposedly being touchy-feely.  I think he's good natured. And even if he IS flirty, it's never even remotely been over the top.  Even if he was flirty -- you mean to tell me these woman don't know how to handle that, roll it off with a joke and keep moving on. Give me a break.


My dad was a big HARMLESS flirt...was my mom REALLY supposed to be upset because he called the gorvery store cashier -- sweetie. Give me a break. True these women are Dorinda's co workers or friends...But I still don't think John deserves the knocks he gets. Even IF he WOULD sleep with one of them. I dont' think THEY would...so again....move on, nothing to see here. Dorinda loves, and KNOWS him...so "be cool. Don't be,  uncool."

Really the main person stirring up the discord about John is Ramona. The others have been pretty quiet about him on camera unless Ramona leads the charge against him, then they see/look at him differently based on her perception. Kristen let the dance thing go until Ramona brought it up to her at Dorinda's house on last nights episode. Her bad luck that Dorinda walked in when she was talking to Ramona but even then, she did not throw Ramona under the bus by telling Dorinda that Ramona started that whole conversation about/against John. Dornida is smart enough that she should be able to see that Ramona is always front and center when the conversation about John goes negative.  JMO

  • Love 6


Ha- this describes my best friends, too, whom I actually refer to as "sisters" because we've all known each other for a ridiculously long time.  They're all very TAKE CHARGE and, admittedly, YES it can feel like too much sometimes.  But they are 100% coming from a good place and would literally give you the shirt off their backs if you needed it


All that attention coming from your best friends is expected and also understandable.


Heather has not known Bethenny for that long and they have yet to share any meaningful exchange but Heather surely is pushing the issue time and time again.


IMO Heather is poking and prodding, almost waiting for a big blow out so she can say she tried to be nice and she is hurt by Bethenny. The fact that Bethenny has spotted her game since the get go and is just giving her snark but no OTT reaction must be driving Heather mad and completely out of her comfort zone.  

  • Love 12

Heck, according to Andy, himself, Porsha (Atl) was demoted because she would not share her personal life on the show yet he allowed Kenya to do that. Andy seems to pick and chose which HW's have to share their personal lives and which do not, Bethenny seems to be in the Kenya league where the rules he sets for the rest do not apply. I can understand if Bethenny's then BF did not want to film but all she had to say was that she had a bf, that they wanted to keep things private for now. This denying she even has a bf is ridiculous IMO, and is only being used to soften/explain her caustic behavior.  JMO


Yeah the disparity of this can't be denied but I can't be mad at the guy's logic.  Love or hate em (and in the examples noted I vacillate between both all the time) the takeaway is that the women who are excused from portraying all of their real lives make compelling tv, despite what they're allowed to omit.  Mileage and all but Porsha and Vickie {{kanyeshrug}}.  I'm watching Kenya and B because good, bad or ugly, they're gonna bring it.  Outside of the reunion, it would surprise me if he stepped to Ramona with his random ass rule.  I'm watching that nutball just to see if she finally makes it all the way off the rails.

  • Love 3

Dorinda's eyes look dark hazel or brown on the show. In her TH's they're almost crystal blue.  I couldn't figure out why she looked so different in her THs and that's the reason. Maybe it's just different lighting or is she wearing colored contacts? 


I'm missing the food porn.  Did anyone notice that one of the vegetable/salad courses was served under individual ice igloos.  And I'm sure the sushi, which can be an art form, was beautiful.  Yet not a glimpse. Phooey.

  • Love 10

But I still don't think John deserves the knocks he gets. Even IF he WOULD sleep with one of them. I dont' think THEY would...so again....move on, nothing to see here. Dorinda loves, and KNOWS him...so "be cool. Don't be,  uncool."



At Ramona's birthday luncheon, Dorinda talked about how she could never be a swinger at a swinger's party because she'd be all up in John's face like, "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What're you doing with her?! You don't do that with me! Stop!" So, that John would sleep with another woman if given the chance is not so harmless a scenario or hypothetical. It doesn't speak well to the kind of relationship that Dorinda is in. 

  • Love 2

I'm missing the food porn.  Did anyone notice that one of the vegetable/salad courses was served under individual ice igloos.  And I'm sure the sushi, which can be an art form, was beautiful.  Yet not a glimpse. Phooey.


OOOOH!! ryebread!!  This!  I was like Er. Mah. Gerd. is that salmon?/tuna? tartare under an individualized mini dome of dry ice?  worrrrd?  Next level type shit.

  • Love 5

I have to wonder if Bethenny set her sights on Kristen because of Kyle/Brandi. Bethenny has known Kyle for decades and Kristen is friends with Kyle's tormenter. LOL Cross country HW battles!


SUCH a good point!  I was prepared to hate Kristen this season for JUST THAT REASON, no other one needed.   If Bethenny is taking down Kristen as a proxy for Kyle v.  Brandi, then for that battle only, Team Bethenny!  

  • Love 5

I don't really like that Ramona was able to ease herself out of the conversation with Kristen once Dorinda was in the room. Kristen had to single-handedly take the brunt of what Dorinda had to say and that wasn't fair. Ramona did the same with the situation with Luann. How is she able to slither herself out of trouble even though she's had a lot to say about John? Kristen did do the wrong thing though by making John out to be a creep. I think she was trying to defend herself and she really ended up saying something offensive. I feel like John has gotten a shitty edit - I do not think he's a philandering creep who preys on his girlfriend's friends.


Good grief why all the hate on John. I would say people should "get off his jock" --  but no doubt some would use that and say "he's the one who wants people ON his jock" or make some comment about him supposedly being touchy-feely.  I think he's good natured. And even if he IS flirty, it's never even remotely been over the top.  Even if he was flirty -- you mean to tell me these woman don't know how to handle that, roll it off with a joke and keep moving on. Give me a break.


I don't think John is bad at all and it really touched me when Dorinda said that the times she's cried about her deceased husband, John has cried with her.  I notice every time he's around her that he wants to kiss her. I think he genuinely loves her and tries to treat her well.

  • Love 14

At Ramona's birthday luncheon, Dorinda talked about how she could never be a swinger at a swinger's party because she'd be all up in John's face like, "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What're you doing with her?! You don't do that with me! Stop!" So, that John would sleep with another woman if given the chance is not so harmless a scenario or hypothetical. It doesn't speak well to the kind of relationship that Dorinda is in. 

I still don't understand how or why Dorinda was fine with Sonja walking into her bedroom with her bathrobe almost completely open, in front of John and the fact that Sonja made no attempt to close it until she was looking at the dress with Dorinda! I swear, Sonja wants John. JMO

  • Love 4

She also wore that old blue Pucci sleeveless dress for a Christmas dinner party.   Red and white plates with yellow flowers on the table.    All of it was yuck.


I could handle the Pucci dress better than Heather's poufed out, 1800's school-marm dress....WTF was that?  Sometimes, I really have a hard time with some of the fashion choices these women make.  


They all looked very disjointed and like they had all come from different parties.  Dorinda looked like she just came from a South Beach inspired party, Luann was channeling Rita Hayworth and a 40's look, Kristen looked like Mrs. Santa Claus, Heather, as I said above, looked like Miss Beadle from Little House on the Prairie, Carole was spot on with her "Morticia-look" comment, and to be honest, I can't even remember what Ramona and Sonja were wearing - was Sonja wearing some kind of feathery or fur shrug?   Bethenny - I liked her sweater/jacket, but I wish she would wear something besides black and white almost all the time.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 3

SUCH a good point!  I was prepared to hate Kristen this season for JUST THAT REASON, no other one needed.   If Bethenny is taking down Kristen as a proxy for Kyle v.  Brandi, then for that battle only, Team Bethenny!  

The sad part is, I don't think Kristen is anything like Brandi personality wise but she is paying a big price because of their friendship.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 7

I still don't understand how or why Dorinda was fine with Sonja walking into her bedroom with her bathrobe almost completely open, in front of John and the fact that Sonja made no attempt to close it until she was looking at the dress with Dorinda! I swear, Sonja wants John. JMO


or wants John to want her.  When she told him: you can touch me.  I was like Sahn, don't mess around and get the sexy J smacked out of you. Dorinda don't play that.

  • Love 12

or wants John to want her.  When she told him: you can touch me.  I was like Sahn, don't mess around and get the sexy J smacked out of you. Dorinda don't play that.

It is like she needs the others husbands/bfs to want her as much if not more than they want their wife/gf. She really needs to be the focus of all male attention/desire in the room and it comes off as desperate IMO.

  • Love 12

The difference between Heather and Beth - Heather does mean well and is trying (not so successfully) to be nice and Beth doesn't feel she owes anyone anything because Beth had a horrible childhood and she is the first person to have to deal with joint custody. Beth is doing you a favor by being there.

I think this sums up this season so far perfectly. Heather is trying way to hard and I can see where others may get annoyed but I can see where Bethenny's attitude are amped up way more than usual. She is acting as if this show was on its way out before she came along. Someone should break it to her that it sucks more now that she's back than it sucked before.

  • Love 10

Also, two other things I noted.


One, I think other posters were, like me, looking forward to seeing Carole's take on the situation - both in real time at the dinner table and on twitter last night.  What did we get?  Radio silence, total and complete.  She hasn't been on twitter since yesterday, and on the show, we saw Heather complain to Carole about Bethenny ("she's being so mean!"), but Carole's response was completely edited out, leaving the impression that Carole just stonewalled Heather.  Which I don't believe at all.  The ONE talking head Carole had was slightly pro-Heather, when she said Bethenny had two settings, tightly wound or crying.  Bethenny complained about even this mild Carole quote in her own blog this morning.  Do we think Andy has a literal muzzle on Carole right now, or is it just a contractual one?


Two, Bethenny is VERY savvy about the show and how viewers will respond, and it's been pretty clear to me that she is saving up her real wrath for Kristen.  With Heather she tends to be pretty measured in her blogs and in recent publicity runs - she has said a number of times that Heather is "over friendly" and "too touchy feely" which is hardly a condemnation; and even in this week's blog, I think, she said that she and Heather just have different ways of getting to know people.  But she went after Kristen viciously ("pretty is pretty dumb") over that parenting quote a few weeks ago, and she trashed Kristen again this week.  I think Bethenny realizes that there's a lot of pro-Heather sentiment out there, and that Bethenny herself might become the villain in this conflict, so she's keeping the road to conciliation open with Heather. But look out Kristen.  I think that is where this is going to get really ugly, maybe starting next week.


If this is the case, Kristen needs to just back the hell out of there....as smart as she may think she it, Kristen, on her best day is no match for Bethenny, even on her worst day.  Bethenny will rip her to shreds and then toss the remains out the window.

  • Love 7

I still don't understand how or why Dorinda was fine with Sonja walking into her bedroom with her bathrobe almost completely open, in front of John and the fact that Sonja made no attempt to close it until she was looking at the dress with Dorinda! I swear, Sonja wants John. JMO

Sonja wants anyone that has a healthy bank account and a penis (and, I think in that order)....but, she will just settle for a penis, as long as it is attached to a pretty boy who will compliment her.

  • Love 9

If this is the case, Kristen needs to just back the hell out of there....as smart as she may think she it, Kristen, on her best day is no match for Bethenny, even on her worst day.  Bethenny will rip her to shreds and then toss the remains out the window.

And Bethenny will take pleasure in doing it without giving Kristen a chance or getting to know her beforehand. JMO

Sonja wants anyone that has a healthy bank account and a penis (and, I think in that order)....but, she will just settle for a penis, as long as it is attached to a pretty boy who will compliment her.

Even a "pretty boy" that has a boyfriend! LOL

  • Love 3
True but perhaps they wouldn't be ones produced by Andy Cohen.  Reality shows are purported to be a glimpse at a day in the real life of the person.  Beth is keeping a core part of her real life --- the boyfriend of over a year --- off screen.  Andy told Ramona she couldn't ignore her marriage issues with Mario on camera, he also publicly told Vickie from OC that she needed to show Brooks (yuck) on camera if she wanted to maintain her orange.  Why is B different?  I'm ok with no kids because they are kids (and in this case, there's a court decision about it).  But I can see the other HWs getting ticked off that B gets to showcase an amped up sob story version of her life and her business only.


I had no idea she even had a boyfriend.  Weird.

I don't see how Bethenny's success with Skinnygirl because of RH is a negative.  You gotta do what you gotta do, and everyone finds success with help from other people along the way.  It's not like Skinnygirl used capitol from ISIS to launch.  If Heather didn't envy Bethenny a little bit she wouldn't be trying so damn hard to be her friend.

Not sure if this was in response to my comment about not seeing any reason for Heather to be jealous of Bethenny.  If it is, I never stated that Bethenny's SG success because of RHONY was negative.  I simply said that I didn't see why Heather would be jealous of Bethenny's SG success because how they each came about their success is vastly different.  Much of Bethenny's success was because of RHONY (and there's nothing wrong with that!), whereas Heather's success was earned without the benefit of a reality tv audience.

She also wore that old blue Pucci sleeveless dress for a Christmas dinner party.   Red and white plates with yellow flowers on the table.    All of it was yuck.

But it wasn't a Christmas dinner party.  It was her BIRTHDAY dinner party.  It just happens that her house was already decorated for Christmas.  This is often the case with December babies...I know as I am one.


Personally I loved Dorinda's home and all the decorations, tacky or not.  And I'll chime in that both my Nana and my step-mother have that ceramic Christmas tree.  It's one of our favorite things to take out each year.

  • Love 8

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