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S02.E12: Reunion

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She is her mother. Of course she is financially responsible for her.


I believe "Not Kathryn" was used to mean "Thomas is financially responsible for Kensie; Thomas is not financially responsible for Kathryn."


Re:  45-50 being considered old -- It's middle age so it's not young which, in this youth-obsessed society, is basically old.  Though I feel we've made some progress since the days when Fran Drescher's "The Nanny" character would celebrate her 29th birthday six years in a row.

Edited by link417
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Thomas can't even get his daughter's name right. After all the talk about "scion", "lineage", "heritage", and "family name"-- he called his daughter, Cassidy.

Tom lost any sparkle of charm right there. I don't care if that baby's Momma is stoned out of her gourd. Her father can't manage to stand on his feet without falling into shallow water so.....

Leave the court out of it. Court is not therapy. Thomas can buy a condo and a Honda for Kathryn, pay a full time nanny to stay with KENSIE, wherever, and the two of them can break up and get back together all they want on camera/twitter/Instagram/whatever.

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Thomas can't even get his daughter's name right. After all the talk about "scion", "lineage", "heritage", and "family name"-- he called his daughter, Cassidy.

Tom lost any sparkle of charm right there. I don't care if that baby's Momma is stoned out of her gourd. Her father can't manage to stand on his feet without falling into shallow water so.....

Leave the court out of it. Court is not therapy. Thomas can buy a condo and a Honda for Kathryn, pay a full time nanny to stay with KENSIE, wherever, and the two of them can break up and get back together all they want on camera/twitter/Instagram/whatever.

I must've missed that - he called the baby Cassidy?!
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I must've missed that - he called the baby Cassidy?!

Yes he definitely did. It was somewhere in the middle of the reunion show when the conversation heated up between Kathryn and Thomas and the money discussions.


Not making excuses form him at all...but I thought maybe he had a pre-show drink or two in him as his speech sounded "thick".

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I know TRav is an idiot but could he really have called his own child by the wrong name?? That just seems unbelievable. We have seen how in love with Kensie he seems. Sure he's not always with her but that is the generation he grew up in. He certainly seems to dote on her when he is with her. it honestly makes no sense that he would call her Cassidy. I think it must be his drunk-slur w/thick accent.


NOT defending Shep-he is a total jerk to Craig. However, I have known friends like Craig. The ones that always "forget" their money and make you pay for everything. After awhile you will really resent the hell out of that person and I see that in Shep. That is why he made "Craig's List", to bust him. Can't fully blame him even though it's juvenile.


Why all the Craig love from everyone now? Yes, Shep is a dick but Craig is no damn prize. He is shallower than a puddle, he has underlying issues with women, he's a cheapskate obviously, he parties above and beyond and got fired over it...what is so great about the guy? Just his family pretty much.


All these rumors about Kathryn being pregnant again....if that is true, lock both her and TRav in an institution and throw away the key.

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He called her Cassidy. Like an Uncle that shows up at a family dinner/holiday and gets his niece's name close, but wrong. All while he proclaims how much he adores that niece.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think Thomas is bad. I just don't think he's a dad. Or a parent. Anyone can love and hug a baby. I wonder if that baby was a boy, if things would be different. I got the vibe he would have wifed-up Kathryn if she had had a boy. Like she screwed up and didn't get it right. I highly doubt he would have called a son the wrong name or told it's mother she would be "destroyed" in court.

But a girl? At least she exists. Like "hey, I made a kid finally. Not my fault it's a girl and can't carry on the name. But we got the bloodline still going. You're welcome".


*Wait! I'm editing to add a new phrase I haven't had a use for yet but, it applies perfectly here. Skip dickweed and insert "pecker gnat". Thanks Ryan from Teen Mom!*

Edited by MissMel
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Ok, I hadnt rewatched to check it.

Maybe he has another love child?!? ;-)

That was my first thought when everybody started saying he said Cassidy (I didn't notice/remember that). Maybe there is a Cassidy out there, haha! I mean, my Dad used to accidentally (still does, actually) call my sister and I by the wrong name all the time. =) It seems so weird that Thomas would just randomly call her that out of the blue... 

  • Love 1

That's what I'm thinking, Woven. T-Rav gets a pass from me on this one. In my family if there is any other relative or pet that you could possibly be associated with, chances are you'll be called that. My dad always used my and my mom's names interchangeably, and since I had a daughter (who is almost 19), any of the three of us will be called any name--now my 7 year old is in the mix, too. This is better than my red-headed sister who was always called our golden retriever's name because they had the same shade of hair/fur. I'm guilty of this too--not keeping track of which of my 3 kids I'm trying to talk to. Or, on the rare occasion I get angry with my husband I might call him my ex-husband's name because the "angry at husband neurons" will fire toward the guy I haven't been married to in 13 years.

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Why do you guys think that Thomas promised Kathryn all of these things in exchange for getting pregnant? That seems too tacky and low class even for him. Once she was pregnant, however, I can see them coming to such an agreement

I, too, think Kathryn needs to think about getting a job and/or finishing her degree as Thomas is obligated to financially support his child but not the baby mama who is not his wife. Right now she lives with her parents, so $2500 is likely more than enough as it is also likely that Thomas has provided health care and as she gets older will also pay for her education and other growing needs. If she got a job but could only afford to rent a dump, he probably also would provide an upgrade but he may not want her to think he's going to throw money at her for the next 18 years while she sits on her ass.

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Thomas can buy a condo and a Honda for Kathryn...

A Honda! LOL! As if she'd settle for that sort of perfectly good but not luxury car. Isn't She driving a Mercedes now? He probably leased it for her.

I'd love for him to offer her a used Honda. And my friend has an old condo in a "lesser" section of Charleston that he'd sell Thomas for a bargain price.

  • Love 2

Yes he definitely did. It was somewhere in the middle of the reunion show when the conversation heated up between Kathryn and Thomas and the money discussions.


Not making excuses form him at all...but I thought maybe he had a pre-show drink or two in him as his speech sounded "thick".


I just re-watched the episode, and right around minute 46/47 Thomas says something that sounds very much like "Cassidy" but in fact, after rewatching and following the context & conversation, he actually said custody with his heavy accent/slurred speech.


Andy had said "Is Thomas supporting you?" to which Kathryn replied no, "not in any way...emotional...nothing..." and then trails off.

Thomas then says "I wanna split custody and, and give her an amount of money which would exceed any amount..." Kathryn then says "he wants to give me basically nothing" and then they start talking about the South Carolina limit, $2,500, etc.


Is this where everyone is thinking he said Cassidy? I didn't hear it anywhere else, and I re-watched specifically listening & looking out for this.

I think Thomas is a complete jackass, but to be fair, I don't think he forgot his child's name

  • Love 5

I'm sure T-Rav would give Kathryn the $2500 a month, AND pay for a nanny, as well as pay for all of her educational expenses.  1/2 the time she'd live with Thomas, enjoying the luxe life, he'd buy her clothes, pay for her trips and vacations, and I'm sure he'd make sure KENSINGTON wants for nothing.  Kathryn needs to get herself to work, or marry a rich guy.  Kathryn's just trying to take Thomas for all he's worth. 

  • Love 2

I'm sure T-Rav would give Kathryn the $2500 a month, AND pay for a nanny, as well as pay for all of her educational expenses. 1/2 the time she'd live with Thomas, enjoying the luxe life, he'd buy her clothes, pay for her trips and vacations, and I'm sure he'd make sure KENSINGTON wants for nothing. Kathryn needs to get herself to work, or marry a rich guy. Kathryn's just trying to take Thomas for all he's worth.

Agreed---her lazy ass needs to find a good job already. I think half the reason she's so damned unhappy and constantly warring with Thomas is because she's so damned bored with just being a stay-at-home mom who can't be a hot bar-star anymore. She failed as playing a happy housewife with Thomas, so now it's time to at least garner some sliver of respect from the man and go find a stable long-term career option for herself.

And it's not like she doesn't have help and people to look after Kensie while she worked and got a real career to keep herself busy and fulfilled.

She doesn't seem driven or smart enough to be a realtor...I'll bet she'd make a killing as a cocktail waitress, or go be a hostess. Hell, maybe convince T-Rav to put up some money so she could run her own cute clothing boutique, or maybe even go to beauty school so she can be a hair/makeup stylist, since fashion & hair/makeup seems to be an interest of hers.

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I feel like Whitney set Kathryn up in Seasom 1 and it set the tone for her storyline. Kathryn met Thomas a long time before season 1 even started shooting, but that piece of infoation was somehow left out. I feel like Whitney made Kathryn lie about hooking up him and then he used that lie against her to make her look bad. He was so adamant that Kathryn better make things right between Thomas and Whitney and not say a thing about hooking up; however, when the time came to tell the truth (which is when Whitney realized that Thomas and Kathryn were serious), Whitney let the cat out of the bag and the only one who came away looking like a liar was Kathryn.

Kathryn was hurt this season. I believe that Thomas did cheat on her when she was pregnant and even after she had Kensie. I also believe that she was hurt that Thomas ran for Senate so soon after having Kensie and leaving her to take care of the home and child by herself. He basically missed out on a lot of bonding time during the hardest time of child rearing. Thomas was obviously embarrassed by his family and that was sad.

In the reunion, I could see that Kathryn loved Thomas. I do t think the relationship was about money. This season really weighed on her and wore her down. People she trusted basically threw her under the bus saying she got pregnant to get on the show, but not a sing me person threw shade at Thomas for getting Kathryn pregnant. Thomas has blamed every single person except himself for the loss of his campaign. He never once took responsibility for his loss on the reunion show.

I just feel like this is a sad situation and there is more to the story.

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