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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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Glad The Wall doesn't fall down in the final episode of the season. I think it would be way too early to fall with 13 episodes left

Also I just finished listening to the soundtrack to Season 6, and based upon the track The Winds of Winter, I must admit I am disappointed that it sounds like the episode ends with Dany's plot. I was kinda hoping based on the title it would be a northern ending for the season. But I guess having Dany head to Westeros is giving the watchers something they have been waiting 6 years to finally happen


13 hours ago, nksarmi said:

Actually I think it's far more likely that Bran far out lives all of the characters in the books. He is the new three-eyed crow and the one who just died on the show was very, very old. The story started with Bran and I'd bet it ends with him.

I agree. Bran is going to become some manner of immortal, perhaps the last one as magic fades from the world. It could end up being much more heartbreaking then death, if he's left alive to watch his family go on without him.

Very bittersweet, which is what GRRM has been promising.

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, Hecate7 said:

I have NO idea if the show is any indicator for what's to come in the books, but I think Sansa and Tyrion will both survive the series. I know there are some people who view Book Tyrion in a very dark light and I've been increasingly convinced that GRRM could go the route of Sansa and Jon. But IF that doesn't happen, I could see a very changed Sansa and a somewhat changed Tyrion back together at the end of the series - not as queen and king, but important in some manor - and both able to appreciate each other in a different way. I'd say the way the show is portraying those characters - it seems like it could easily happen.

I think Jamie is toast by the end of the series - it's just a matter of how. I think Davos probably dies as well, because he is of the older generation and could provide us one last "wise old mentor" death. I'm up in the air about Ayra and Dany. For the first time in a long time, I saw a Dany that I believe could rule the 7 kingdoms in episode 9 so I don't know what to think anymore.

Yeah, unless something changes I'm not seeing "Dany the Villain" on the horizon and if that's the case I definitely see Sansa and Tyrion surviving. That the only death theories for Sansa are "well, she could betray Jon" (never mind that spoilers in this very thread indicate she'll be backing him as King in the North... and even if she did, do we really see Jon being any harsher with Sansa than Robb was with Cat?) and "she could be another shocking death" which I read as there's nothing in the narrative that supports her dying but some people really want it to happen anyway whether it makes sense or not.

I get the sense that Sansa's end is that of Elizabeth of York... Not the player of the game, but one who survived a very bleak time of political upheaval, including the loss of her brothers, but went on to lead a quiet and happy life as the beloved queen and mother to future kings and queens. I do not think its a coincidence that in the books Sansa's happy ending and Jon's happy ending are basically the same thing (and that both of them would be quite happy with a "and they lived a quiet and uneventful life for the rest of their days" ending at this point).

The only argument against Tyrion's survival comes down to what Dany's endgame is. The Dany who could rule well in Westeros is the one who listens to Tyrion. Remove Tyrion and her gut instincts to burn it all could reassert themselves. So if she's meant to be a good queen or die a hero's death I'd expect Tyrion to survive as her advisor (and he'd probably make her a better husband than Daario or Jon in the long run). If she's meant to be the all consuming fire and a villain in the final act then I'd expect Tyrion's death to precede that turn.

I'm still 50/50 on Dany dying though... If nothing changes her death would definitely be of the heroic sacrifice type if it were to occur and there is the promise that she will see Drogo again, but her more benevolent side does present the prospect that she could rule wisely and well... allowing the Seven Kingdoms to largely govern themselves with the Starks of Winterfell as a free but allied kingdom to the north. So its a toss-up, but if I had to pick with a gun to my head, I'd bet on heroic death after saving the realms from the White Walkers and having set the wheels in motion for significant reforms in the Seven Kingdoms (akin to the Magna Carta for Britain).

I think Arya could go either way on live or die as well (she's the lone wolf and there is some foreshadowing for it, but its not iron-clad... more a warning of 'this is your fate unless you take a different path), but if she lives I don't see her marrying and having a family. Its just not her happy ending and it never has been. If she survives I see her in more of a "Master of Whispers" type role for the Starks (not understanding the lay of the land in the south was a big part of what did in Ned) or perhaps "The King's Justice" who hunts down and metes out punishment to those who abuse the law.

I don't see Bran dying at all... it was not HIS mistake that created the White Walkers, but as the new Three-Eyed Crow it becomes his task to FIX the mistakes of those who came before him. I think he'll follow a spiritual path and abandon any claim he has to Winterfell in favor of Jon and Sansa when its all over and, as a result, probably be the one to deliver some sort of 'distant finale' type epilogue to the story a hundred years on where he relays to the readers what happened to the others and their descendants before closing the book on the tale.

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Three tidbits concerning 6x10:

1. Recapped.com, the 100% accurate nudity spoiler website, reports prostitute nudity in 6x10. This probably ties into KL, since the actress who plays Marei, a KL prostitute, said that she would be in 6x09 (which seems to have been bumped to 6x10). I'm kind of curious how a KL brothel figures into the finale, though.

2. Michele Clapton did a recent interview about the jewelry of GOT and discussed crowns. She said that one of her favourite crowns ever is "for someone in episode ten," whom she declined to identify.

3. The person who writes the spoiler column at EW.com stated that pretty much every major character makes an appearance in 6x10.


If she survives I see her in more of a "Master of Whispers" type role for the Starks

Arya has her own arc, as well as her own dreams and aspirations, none of which involved serving her family. I think any endgame that would place her as nothing more than the humble, selfless servant to someone else's agenda, even "the Starks'," would do her and her arc a disservice.


I definitely see Sansa and Tyrion surviving

I'm pretty certain Sansa is doomed. The show seems to be doubling down on the idea of Sansa as an UnStark who is neither "clean" nor "pure," and even though she means well in the show and her reasons for having trust issues are well-founded, it's made very clear that she doesn't trust Jon, that Littlefinger still exerts a lot of influence over her, and that she is no longer a "clean, pure Stark" and has abandoned the "Stark way" of being. All of that seems to add up to circling back to Outline Sansa's main character point--that she is a traitor to the Starks--and if so, it's reasonable to suppose that she'll end up exactly where Outline Sansa appeared to end up: dead. I'm reminded that GRRM has suggested in conversations with fans more than once that Sansa is no longer truly a Stark (from a post on Westeros.org):



We've had these debates before about whether Sansa's actions truly resulted in her losing her wolf and father. And whether losing Lady symbolized her ceasing to be a true Stark. In fact, we've had this debate in front of GRRM twice.The first time was in St Louis in 2001 while at dinner. GRRM let us debate, smiling and nodding here and there. He also told us why he created Sansa in the first place, because there is always someone in a family that the others don't get along with. He was a bit coy in answering our questions but in the end he did indicate that Sansa did have responsibility for Lady's and Ned's deaths. I reported this to the board and I recall it being dismissed by some. I distinctly recall someone saying, "Well what I think he really meant to say was..."

The second time we had this discussion was in Indy in 2007. There was a boarder there that didn't believe that Sansa's losing Lady symbolized her not being a Stark anymore. The person said so in front of GRRM and GRRM smiled and said, "Doesn't it?"


And also this:


In regards to the conversation about the dire wolves and the Starks the point was made (I forget by whom) that Lady was dead and Sansa still alive

to which I replied that Sansa wasn't really much of a Stark anymore. IIRC (this is a little hazy), at this point GRRM kind of leaned back in his chair, smiled and said something to the effect of "A very astute observation."

GRRM also refused to exonerate Sansa for her role in Ned's death:


No single person is to blame for Ned's downfall. Sansa played a role, certainly, but it would be unfair to put all the blame on her. But it would also be unfair to exonerate her. She was not privy to all of Ned's plans regarding Stannis, the gold cloaks, etc... but she knew more than just that her father planned to spirit her and Arya away from King's Landing. She knew when they were to leave, on what ship, how many men would be in their escort, who would have the command, where Arya was that morning, etc... all of which was useful to Cersei in planning and timing her move.

None of that screams "endgame queen" to me. Quite the opposite, actually. GRRM's not going to reward Sansa with status as endgame queen when in his estimation Sansa's actions (fuelled by her desire to be Joffrey's queen) contributed to her father's death or position her as the linchpin of the Stark family's renewal when he doesn't see her as a "true Stark" (which is of a piece with her depiction in the outline). If the show is doubling down on how "unStarklike" Sansa is now and drumming up conflict between Jon and Sansa, given the consequences of Sansa's betrayal of her family in the outline, I'm guessing that will be the end of her character.


Sansa may support Jon for KITN or at least decline to oppose him in 6x10, but that doesn't mean she'll be happy about it. Indeed, this might further embitter her. DMT, spoiler source who worked on Season 6, seems to think LF will stick around to pit Jon and Sansa against each other, and that seems in line with what we've seen in Season 6.  It might also explain why D&D were so adamant that LF knew nothing about Ramsay's true nature: Sansa needed to give LF an in after what happened with Ramsay so that LF could continue to influence her and pit her against Jon. Jon urges Sansa in the finale that they need to trust each other, which is hardly something he would say if he believed that she did.

Tyrion may not survive the series, either, but I expect he'll outlive Sansa. As for Sansa and Tyrion winding up together, in the show at least Tyrion's saintliness seems a poor match for Sansa's emerging ruthlessness and the hints that she's been corrupted by Littlefinger and Ramsay. Littlefinger seems more her speed as a match. I wouldn't be surprised to see them get together in either the books or the show.

Edited by Eyes High
35 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

2. Michele Clapton did a recent interview about the jewelry of GOT and discussed crowns. She said that one of her favourite crowns ever is "for someone in episode ten," whom she declined to identify.

Hmmm, I think maybe it's a new crown for Tommen that incorporates the Baratheon stag and the Seven. But if not, then the only other 2 candidates would be

Daenarys or Jon. I can imagine Dany finally donning a crown as she sets off for Westeros. While I'd love for Jon to wear a crown, I don't think it would make sense for him to wear one when Robb didn't wear one in the show.

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As for Sansa and Tyrion winding up together, in the show at least Tyrion's saintliness seems a poor match for Sansa's emerging ruthlessness and the hints that she's been corrupted by Littlefinger and Ramsay.

Well that and Tyrion really has nothing to offer at the moment. I'm not sure that wife of the hand of the king is a very prestigious position.


I assume next week will be kings landing heavy otherwise:


Why even bother showing Margery playing the game since she's dead next week.

I assume that Arya and Bran will arrive at Winterfell early next season.  So the only big question left is: Does Dany and company get detoured on their way to King's landing forcing them to align with Jon and crew and fight the white walkers while Little finger somehow slithers his way to the Iron throne?

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10 hours ago, Eyes High said:

2. Michele Clapton did a recent interview about the jewelry of GOT and discussed crowns. She said that one of her favourite crowns ever is "for someone in episode ten," whom she declined to identify.

This is only a minor detail, but since I'm a costume enthusiast and so much of the rest of the episode has already been spoiled, it's suddenly become one of my most anticipated reveals. I hope it's not just Tommen throwing away his old crown and putting on a Faith-themed one, but a nice shot of a Northern crown being forged or Dany wearing a crown for the first time as she sets sail to Westeros. I'd prefer the North, since Dany getting a crown could be a big event when she finally reaches King's Landing and more appropriate than her starting to wear one when she leaves Meereen; I'd guess Dany is more likely, though, since she's had time to plan her departure and what she wants to pack.

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16 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Three tidbits concerning 6x10:

1. Recapped.com, the 100% accurate nudity spoiler website, reports prostitute nudity in 6x10. This probably ties into KL, since the actress who plays Marei, a KL prostitute, said that she would be in 6x09 (which seems to have been bumped to 6x10). I'm kind of curious how a KL brothel figures into the finale, though.


It's the only building that survives the wildfire? One of Cersei's targets was there instead of at the trial?

1 hour ago, Funzlerks said:

Maybe she has a scene with the High Septon?  It would be kind of trite but something the show would do to get more prostitutes on it - like when Yara became a lesbian so she could extol the virtues of prostitutes.

I've been afraid the show would go that route with that character ever since he was introduced, because it's just about the laziest thing they could do with him.

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9 hours ago, paigow said:

It seems to be an adequate consolation prize for the Tully girls... 

Wasn't that only because Lysa was "ruined"?

So Dany leaving for Westeros as the last scene? I doubt it's the wall falling down and it's probably not the septon blowing up since


Tommen dies after that.

and there's nothing else I can think of that would work. O maybe it's Jon being crowned king of the North.

Major major major spoilers for finale. Grain of salt. Read at your own risk. From /TV/ via /r/freefolk:


">Jon is crowned King in the North at the same time Dany is crowned Queen of Dragons in mereen

Sansa has a nice conversation with Jon at the weirdwood lake Ned used to go

Sansa will have to marry Robin Arryn

Jon secretly follows Sansa and Littlefinger in the woods

He interrupts them and Littlefinger gives him a letter (we dont see it for the rest of the episode)

The Northern Lords apologize to the Starks and Jon warns them of the White Walkers

We see a new blonde wildlings that take a liking to Jon

Davos makes Jon choose between him and Melisandre, Jon chooses Melly and Davos sets off riding a horse to nowhere

Dany is crowned as the queen of Dragons by Kinvara

Dany and co finally sails to Westeros, leaving targaryen banners on Mereen

Varys meets up with Ellaria Sand and Olenna Tyrell and discusses Dany's looming conquest

Cersei tells High Sparrow a story Tywin used to tell them as kids, about the Targaryens and their Dragons

it ends with Sparrow saying "But you do not have Dragons" (something along those lines)

Cersei says "You burn regardless"

Qyburn sets off the wildifre under the sept and detonates everyone inside it (Margery, Loras, the Sparrows)



Tommen sees the burning sept and commits suicide

Vary's littlebirds murder Pycelle

Qyburn sees their corpses and finds Varys waiting for him (??? teleport)

Varys shoots Qyburn

Jon and Sansa has a little conversation in the crypts

Jon wanders deeper unto the crypt and finds tombs prepared for every Stark children and who their parents were

Benjen drops Bran off the Wall and departs

Bran sees the rest of TOJ

we see Lyanna having fetal distress and Ned had to cut the baby off of her

she whispers something to Ned before she dies that we dont hear

Bran whispers "Jon"

Ned seems to hear him once again

Jon sees a pile of rubble in the crypts and decide to go further

He sees his tomb and who his parents are

Arya poisons the freys and Walder blames Jaime and the Lannister causing the Army to decimate the Freys

Arya flees and sees men in horseback going somewhere (I assume were the brotherhood)

sam arrives at a library and tells Gilly they have to go back to the wall

"farewell lads!"


29 minutes ago, Audreythe2nd said:

I'm sorry, those spoilers couldn't obviously be more BS if they tried.

Yeah, it's like they were written by a tenth grader. Total incoherent nonsense.

I don't know why people keep imagining that there's going to be some new, silly way for Jon to learn about his parentage when we've already seen that this revelation will be revealed via Bran's visions. They haven't been setting up Bran's role in the story for years and years so it can be rendered completely superfluous by Jon's ability to read words someone carved into a rock in defiance of the most basic story and character logic. Total Occam's Razor fail.

Edited by Dev F
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5 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

I refuse to believe that it's possible for Varys to go from Dorne to Kings Landing in one episode

Of all the things about those spoilers that are fake, that's not one of them.  People have traveled enormous distances within an episode before, e.g., Mel going from Winterfell to the Wall in 510.

As to the spoilers:


The most obviously fake thing, for me:  the sudden appearance of Val.  Like, give it up, Jon/Val people, it's not happening.

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1 hour ago, Audreythe2nd said:

I'm sorry, those spoilers couldn't obviously be more BS if they tried.


1 hour ago, Dev F said:

Yeah, it's like they were written by a tenth grader. Total incoherent nonsense.


1 hour ago, ElizaD said:

That reads like someone used the spoilers from reliable sources to come up with a fake summary.

Pretty much all of this. I LOL'd at the silliness of Ned performing a medieval C-section and Jon's parents' names on his tomb. WTF?? Straight outta the worst fanfiction out there.

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10 minutes ago, bunnyblue said:



Pretty much all of this. I LOL'd at the silliness of Ned performing a medieval C-section and Jon's parents' names on his tomb. WTF?? Straight outta the worst fanfiction out there.

Also the just straight up freaking morbidity of preparing your children's tombs. What fucked in the head parent would do that?

3 hours ago, SimoneS said:

If those spoilers are true, then transporters are new inventions for Game of Thrones.

Littlefinger's had once since at least Season 2.

Perhaps he's licensing out the software

1 hour ago, Maximum Taco said:

Also the just straight up freaking morbidity of preparing your children's tombs. What fucked in the head parent would do that?

I think that's kind of a modern, individual way of looking at death.

Your mother's dead. Before long I'll be dead. And you and your brother and your sister and all of her children. All of us dead; all of us rotting in the ground. It's the family name that lives on. It's all that lives on. Not your personal glory, not your honor, but family - Tywin Lannister

49 minutes ago, Constantinople said:

I think that's kind of a modern, individual way of looking at death.

Your mother's dead. Before long I'll be dead. And you and your brother and your sister and all of her children. All of us dead; all of us rotting in the ground. It's the family name that lives on. It's all that lives on. Not your personal glory, not your honor, but family - Tywin Lannister

Talking about it is not the same as preparing their tombs.

When Ned dies they haven't carved his likeness in stone already in preparation of his death, they need to find a stonemason who knew his likeness well.

It's especially morbid in the case of the Starks who carve their dead in the likeness of stones. Imagine tiny child statues sitting down in the crypts. I can't imagine Ned or Cat wanting to do commission those. 

Edited by Maximum Taco
11 minutes ago, Maximum Taco said:

It's especially morbid in the case of the Starks who carve their dead in the likeness of stones. Imagine tiny child statues sitting down in the crypts. I can't imagine Ned or Cat wanting to do commission those. 

And, what, do they commission new statues every few years as their children age, and throw away the old ones? Now that's a morbid tradition -- tossing out expired statues of your kids in celebration of them not having died yet, and immediately replacing them with new sculptures in case they die in the near future. Is it, like, a government works project to keep the craftsmen of Wintertown from going out of business?

Or is the idea that they wait to carve the statues but carve the names ahead of time? Because when you're creating elaborate life-size statues of deceased nobility, you don't have time to also carve a few words! Better get that part done forty years in advance!

So, so silly.

Edited by Dev F
16 hours ago, Oscirus said:

Well that and Tyrion really has nothing to offer at the moment. I'm not sure that wife of the hand of the king is a very prestigious position.


Short of Queen Regent, "wife of the King" (Queen Consort) and "wife of the heir apparent" I don't see how there could be a more prestigious one, for a girl. It certainly beats Lady of the Vale or wife of some random knight all over the tennis court.

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1 hour ago, WearyTraveler said:

Ok, I have to ask as I've seen this reference before, where is it coming from? Is there anything in the text that suggests this or is it some crazy theory that people make fun of?

If you're bored one night, search the mermaid theories. There are folks out there who cite specific references in the books that could be interpreted that he's a merman. 

Truede finale spoilers (cobbled together from truede's previous Reddit posts). Truede is a legit leaker who has spoiled many plot points for Season 6 in advance:



1. Benjen will accompany Bran and Meera to the Wall before departing. Bran will have one more "flashback" and we will see what's in the Tower. Lyanna whispers something to Ned before she dies, and in the next scene we see Jon.

2. Davos will confront Melisandre and she will admit to having Shireen burned.

3. Dorne appears.

4. The Mountain gets to have his way with Septa Unella.

5. Jon does become the KITN. This is after the teen girl who is the head of some house (with like 60 soldiers) speaks up about how she trusts the Starks and was one of the only ones to follow them into battle. Then the other houses speak up and apologize about not following them and they don't care that he is a bastard. Don't think Sansa legitimizes Jon but she is in agreement that he should be King.

6. Lots of major characters die, mostly in the finale. Tommen does die. He jumps out the window.

7. Arya serves Frey pie at the Twins. She kills Walder Frey.


Finale spoilers from DMT, who worked on Season 6 and provided legit information about the BOTB months in advance:



Loras, Margaery and Tommen 100% guaranteed to die in the finale. DMT is less sure about Mace and the HS.


I know that the spoiler about Jon choosing Melisandre over Davos is suspect and I can't see how that could be true.  Jon has already asked Mel not to bring him back if he died in the battle so why would he suddenly embrace immortality and choose to keep her around?  Davos has been rock solid for Jon.  

I can envision that perhaps Jon doesn't address the issue in a manner that is acceptable to Davos and he leaves because of that.  I very much hope Jon and Davos are still best buds.  

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12 minutes ago, Clawdette said:

I know that the spoiler about Jon choosing Melisandre over Davos is suspect and I can't see how that could be true.  Jon has already asked Mel not to bring him back if he died in the battle so why would he suddenly embrace immortality and choose to keep her around?  Davos has been rock solid for Jon.  

I can envision that perhaps Jon doesn't address the issue in a manner that is acceptable to Davos and he leaves because of that.  I very much hope Jon and Davos are still best buds.  

If the spoiler is correct, I can see Jon not being able to make a decision or not wanting to make a decision -- and Davos just doesn't want to wait/deal with it and leaves. 

2 hours ago, Hecate7 said:

Short of Queen Regent, "wife of the King" (Queen Consort) and "wife of the heir apparent" I don't see how there could be a more prestigious one, for a girl. It certainly beats Lady of the Vale or wife of some random knight all over the tennis court.

Prestigious definitely. There are very few positions in court as high up as Hand of the King, and his wife would hold a considerable amount of prestige and influence as well.

However, it should be pointed out that Hand of the King is not a hereditary position, at any point her husband could be stripped of that authority, title and prestige and cast out of court because he does not serve for life (like the Kingsguard) but instead at the pleasure of the Queen (or King). This is unlike something like Lady of the Vale, as she would know that she would always be Lady of the Vale while her husband lived, and even afterwards her son (assuming she has one) would be the next Lord of the Eyrie.

Edited by Maximum Taco
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9 hours ago, SeanC said:

Regarding the finale:

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Unless there's a deleted scene somewhere, I would assume the casting call for Lyanna must have been deliberately misleading, since it indicated she'd have multiple scenes with a twist at the end, but it seems like she's just going to have one.

The S6 scene when Arya digs up 'Needle' was actually filmed during S5. They could be have shot additional scenes with this actress to be used next season in another flashback or dream sequence. 

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Regarding Tommen tonight:

I am really confused about what happens here. First, how does Cersei arrange for him to be kept behind? Won't he immediately be suspicious about what's going on?  And how is his failure to appear not a big deal to the High Sparrow? Maybe Tommen is forcibly kept back but a message claiming to be from Tommen is delivered to the High Sparrow saying that the king doesn't want to be there to see his mother put through her trial?

I initially thought that he would jump to escape the flames but now it sounds like he might jump after witnessing the explosion from the Red Keep. My question is why would he immediately assume that Margaery and the others had been killed? Wouldn't he want to wait to know for sure? Maybe Cersei tells him what she's done and is upfront with him about what he is and who his father really is? That could be a pretty awesome scene. Have Cersei and Tommen's scene be a more twisted version of the Jaime/Myrcella scene from last season. Cersei tells Tommen that he's a fool to want to support the High Sparrow since the fact of the matter is that Tommen is an incestuous bastard. Unlike Myrcella, maybe Tommen never believed the rumors and is genuinely shocked and gut punched from feeling betrayed. Maybe Cersei gets to watch as her words literally push her son over the edge. That would certainly bring about the full blown madness many of us have been waiting for. If she and Jaime meet again, I expect that he'll find her even more changed than she was post Walk.

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I just can't see from a story point of view the point of Davos leaving. What plot would he be inserted into that would prevent him getting Gendry'd?

The same could be said of Melisandre, though. Maybe Jon orders them to forge an uneasy truce because he needs them both? I really don't want him to throw in with Melisandre's Red God wackadoo shit.

1 hour ago, Avaleigh said:

Regarding Tommen tonight:


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I am really confused about what happens here. First, how does Cersei arrange for him to be kept behind? Won't he immediately be suspicious about what's going on?  And how is his failure to appear not a big deal to the High Sparrow? Maybe Tommen is forcibly kept back but a message claiming to be from Tommen is delivered to the High Sparrow saying that the king doesn't want to be there to see his mother put through her trial?


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I initially thought that he would jump to escape the flames but now it sounds like he might jump after witnessing the explosion from the Red Keep. My question is why would he immediately assume that Margaery and the others had been killed? Wouldn't he want to wait to know for sure? Maybe Cersei tells him what she's done and is upfront with him about what he is and who his father really is? That could be a pretty awesome scene. Have Cersei and Tommen's scene be a more twisted version of the Jaime/Myrcella scene from last season. Cersei tells Tommen that he's a fool to want to support the High Sparrow since the fact of the matter is that Tommen is an incestuous bastard. Unlike Myrcella, maybe Tommen never believed the rumors and is genuinely shocked and gut punched from feeling betrayed. Maybe Cersei gets to watch as her words literally push her son over the edge. That would certainly bring about the full blown madness many of us have been waiting for. If she and Jaime meet again, I expect that he'll find her even more changed than she was post Walk.


Yeah, I figure Cersei brings him the news.  The potential parallel to the Jaime/Myrcella scene would also be really great, if they did that.

This may be a completely random and unimportant thought however, after the last episode many people commented about the intro to the finale changing to add the Stark sigil over Winterfell again, I couldn't help but wonder. If the spoilers are true at leas with Tommen dying and the part of Kings Landing being set ablaze will the intro to begin next year be completely different? Technically Tommen is the last of the Baratheons so will the stag be gone especially the one with the crown? Will King's Landing be like Winterfell was for a while with smoke coming from it and no sigil? If Cersei somehow is in charge will the Lion now be wearing the crown?

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OhmyGod, ohmygod, ohmygod!! Just saw this spoilerly-as-hell gif on /r/freefolk in regards to what will happen in the North tonight (don't click if you don't want to be spoiled):

Spoilerly goodness

Edit: beaten to the punch by CofCinci, LOL. Davos is sitting on the table to Sansa's left. Next to what I believe is Manderly.

Edited by bunnyblue

I don't see Lyanna anywhere in that scene. According to Truede she was supposed to be there, and I don't see any reason why she wouldn't be.

Depending on the timing of this episode's events, I'm wondering if Jon gives Melisandre the heave ho by the time this meeting rolls around, since Davos is there and she doesn't appear to be.

3 minutes ago, Eyes High said:
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I don't see Lyanna anywhere in that scene. According to Truede she was supposed to be there, and I don't see any reason why she wouldn't be.

Depending on the timing of this episode's events, I'm wondering if Jon gives Melisandre the heave ho by the time this meeting rolls around, since Davos is there and she doesn't appear to be.

I think Lyanna is the one kneeling.

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