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20 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I actually watched a special on the Rebecca Zahau murder/suicide issue over the weekend.  There are a couple currently running.  This one was REALLY informative.  Once AGAIN, I learned more about this case.  It focused a lot of what the private experts the PLaintiff's team found when they prepared the case for Civil court in the case of wrongful death against the deceased child's uncle, who was staying in the guest house the night of the death.  It really showcased all the evidence that law enforcement, ignored or misinterpreted in the so called criminal investigation.  (Which is a joke.)  

I still wonder who killed the young boy and why, though. 


To me, the two main factors that they gave almost no weight to, are 1) No way on earth would Rebecca have committed suicide NAKED, to be found and humiliated that way.  2) Although the re-enactment showed some woman self-tying the same knots that were tied around Rebecca's hands, they didn't at all delve into how after she was tied up, she then somehow stuck her head in a noose and threw herself over the balcony?  Or did she supposedly tie the knots while her head was already in the noose and then throw herself over the balcony?  And if either of those are supposedly correct, then there was a naked woman on a balcony, for the sh*tload of time that it would take to tie that complex knot arrangement, who may or may not have already had a noose around her neck the whole time, and no one saw it that whole time?  Yeah, right.

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16 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

To me, the two main factors that they gave almost no weight to, are 1) No way on earth would Rebecca have committed suicide NAKED, to be found and humiliated that way.  2) Although the re-enactment showed some woman self-tying the same knots that were tied around Rebecca's hands, they didn't at all delve into how after she was tied up, she then somehow stuck her head in a noose and threw herself over the balcony?  Or did she supposedly tie the knots while her head was already in the noose and then throw herself over the balcony?  And if either of those are supposedly correct, then there was a naked woman on a balcony, for the sh*tload of time that it would take to tie that complex knot arrangement, who may or may not have already had a noose around her neck the whole time, and no one saw it that whole time?  Yeah, right.

They are good points, but, I tried to look at other issues too.    For example, the bloody knives that had her fingerprints on them, but, not on the handle.  They were on the blade.  Why?  The Plaintiff argued that she was trying to cut herself free. But, regardless, why not on the handle? There were other places that they say her prints were and some places that they were not that made no sense. Like NOT on the door handle. It's obvious someone wiped down their prints and put hers on some in some places. 

Also, what about the message written on the wall?  "She saved him, Can you save her?"  It was written up high and not at a level a short person would write.  Why?  And, it's not something that she would have written anyway.  She KNEW that she had not saved the boy and that he was going to die.  So, that message would not be accurate coming from her.  

They keep saying that someone murdered Rebecca and staged it like a suicide, but, I don't agree. I think they murdered her and staged it like a murder.  Only, the bizarre and clueless law enforcement somehow got this crazy idea that it was a suicide.  I bet the killer thought, WHAT?  

Rebecca's family did win in court and it was proven by the greater weight of the evidence that the deceased boy's uncle did commit this murder. I don't disagree with that, but, I wonder if there was more behind it.  BECAUSE, I do believe that the boy was murdered.  I think that he was killed either by Rebecca or someone else and Rebecca suspected who it was. That's why her description of how it happened was sketchy from the getgo. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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1 hour ago, LuvMyShows said:

To me, the two main factors that they gave almost no weight to, are 1) No way on earth would Rebecca have committed suicide NAKED, to be found and humiliated that way.

This. It's like a show I saw recently on "Dateline" where there was a theory that a guy might've shot himself in the back of the head instead of being murdered. Sure, the way they showed it, it's not outright impossible for somebody to shoot themselves in the back of the head...but it's also very unlikely that somebody will do that, because it's still such an awkward as hell way to shoot yourself. 

Same thing with Rebecca. Of course, there's always examples of unusual suicide methods out there and all that, but yeah, it's exceedingly unlikely for anyone to stage such an elaborate, bizarre suicide of this particular sort, and a woman especially at that. From what I've heard, most women don't tend to be that flashy with their suicides. Again, of course, always exceptions and whatnot, but yeah, this supposed suicide just doesn't make any logical sense. 

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Nothing about the boy's death make sense either and it wasn't even properly investigated.  His mother still insist that he was murdered and I think it's highly likely.  Too bad they can't get proper investigation in that county. 

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2 hours ago, Annber03 said:

Same thing with Rebecca. Of course, there's always examples of unusual suicide methods out there and all that, but yeah, it's exceedingly unlikely for anyone to stage such an elaborate, bizarre suicide of this particular sort, and a woman especially at that. From what I've heard, most women don't tend to be that flashy with their suicides. Again, of course, always exceptions and whatnot, but yeah, this supposed suicide just doesn't make any logical sense. 

And IIRC from either this ep or seeing it on another franchise, her family was of a nationality such that being naked like that would have brought such shame, that she just wouldn't have done that.  Also, I can't believe that none of the insensitive idiots at the scene had the decency to cover her up, since I remember something about the news coverage view from the helicopter showing that she was naked.

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Add in the fact that Rebecca Zahau was menstruating, naked, and hanging in the front yard!?  Words fail.  NO woman would do that!  She was murdered.  The right guy is being punished for it.

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1 hour ago, LuvMyShows said:

And IIRC from either this ep or seeing it on another franchise, her family was of a nationality such that being naked like that would have brought such shame, that she just wouldn't have done that. 

Exactly. Didn't the guy who was eventually suspected (or maybe it was somebody else who said it, I can't recall right now) even try to claim that her death was some kind of Asian suicide deal or something at first? Dude, no. 


Also, I can't believe that none of the insensitive idiots at the scene had the decency to cover her up, since I remember something about the news coverage view from the helicopter showing that she was naked.

Yes! I think her sister saw the story on the news at one point and had to see Rebecca lying there like that, too. Just awful work happening all around there. 

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18 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Nothing about the boy's death make sense either and it wasn't even properly investigated.  His mother still insist that he was murdered and I think it's highly likely.  Too bad they can't get proper investigation in that county. 

I agree, especially since they found paint from the railing on the bottom of the scooter and it was determined that the boy was too small to either achieve the height or momentum required to go flying over top of the banister. I think something happened with Rebecca or the sister, whether it be a game that went horribly wrong or an attempt to discipline where the anger went too far, and they panicked given Rebecca's newfound total financial dependence on the boyfriend. Regardless of whether or not Rebecca was actually involved in any act or the cover-up, I think the boyfriend's brother suspected her or accused her and given that he already seemed like a deviant sex pervert, it was the perfect cocktail of circumstance and opportunity. After all, even if you're willing to hand wave or justify every other weird circumstance around her so-called suicide, who shoves a knife up their own vagina immediately before killing themselves? 

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31 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

I agree, especially since they found paint from the railing on the bottom of the scooter and it was determined that the boy was too small to either achieve the height or momentum required to go flying over top of the banister. I think something happened with Rebecca or the sister, whether it be a game that went horribly wrong or an attempt to discipline where the anger went too far, and they panicked given Rebecca's newfound total financial dependence on the boyfriend. Regardless of whether or not Rebecca was actually involved in any act or the cover-up, I think the boyfriend's brother suspected her or accused her and given that he already seemed like a deviant sex pervert, it was the perfect cocktail of circumstance and opportunity. After all, even if you're willing to hand wave or justify every other weird circumstance around her so-called suicide, who shoves a knife up their own vagina immediately before killing themselves? 

There are a number of things regarding the evidence that does not add up regarding the alleged bike accident.  However, what really adds to the mystery are the financial/political issues that the father was involved with.  I can't recall the details, but, some of the specials have reported that there is concern that someone/business org/?  was involved due to business/money issue involving billions of dollars and the child was targeted to hurt his father.  So, is that true?  Did they kill the son and then kill Rebecca too? This means that they framed the uncle for Rebecca's death. I am NOT a conspiracy theorist at all, but, I really wish someone would explore that a little more.  This explanation also explains why law enforcement is afraid to delve into it too much.  

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On 6/4/2019 at 2:01 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

They keep saying that someone murdered Rebecca and staged it like a suicide, but, I don't agree. I think they murdered her and staged it like a murder.  


I'm glad to find discussion of this case - I was somehow unaware of it until the recent ID & Oxygen promos.  I've been reading lots of sites & forums, and my biggest question is:  how did she do all that binding and securing and noosing with the rope and know that, when she went over the balcony, she'd end up at the right height (i.e. not in the trees, not too close to the balcony, not too close to the ground, etc.)?  It had to be pretty precise - like within a foot or two, right?  Could you eyeball that from the bedroom & figure out how much rope you need for the hanging and how much is left for binding your hands & feet?  Could you "measure" first by running the rope over the ledge, without disturbing the dust or leaving footprints?  Could you be sure how far the furniture might move from the weight?  It seems pretty risky, if you're intent on hanging yourself.  Maybe it just takes simple math skills (which I obviously lack).

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Good points GeorgiaRai.   I'm trying to recall if that point was raised in any of the specials that I have seen.  I've seen quite a few.  In order for the suicide theory to work, there are SOOOO many things that Rebecca would have had to done so well, on the spur of the moment.  It defies logic.  But, after seeing the special on how the Plaintiff (Rebecca's family/estate) proved their case in court with evidence, I think that the only people who NOW contend it was suicide is the the Medical Examiner and the Sheriff's department.  They have the nerve to say it with a straight face, too.  IT would be comical if it wasn't so damned insulting to the family and the general public they are supposed to protect.  

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Anyone else watching "Hell In The Heartland" on HLN?  I'd seen stuff on Ashley and Lauria before, but just in the first episode, they brought up stuff I'd never heard before (but admittedly, after the first show or two about them, I turned the channel or zoned out, because there was no new developments until last year).

I knew the cops and investigators big-time botched the crime scene, declaring the job done after 8 hours, and assuming that Danny Freeman killed his wife and took the girls.  I never knew it was the Bible family that found Danny, and not police.  Sad that the Bible family found way more stuff than the police did.  Also sad that police never searched for the girls, put out an Amber Alert....nothing.  The Bible family paid to have the missing person flyers done, and distributed them themselves.

I always heard that Danny and Cathy Freeman were drug dealers, but never heard that they had a son who was killed the year before by a sheriff (the kid was stealing a car) and that they had reported that they'd been threatened by local law enforcement after starting to put together a law suit against them.  While I don't believe that cops had anything to do with their death, I do believe it made them apathetic, and feel like it wasn't worth their time to bother with them.  They likely assumed this was drug related, and just didn't care.

Mrs. Bible broke my heart when she showed Lauria's cheerleading uniform, and said that she was told to keep it, so that if they ever found her, she could be buried in it.

Looking forward to part 2.

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I'm not familiar with the Bible/ Freeman case.  I'll have to check it out.  It sounds shocking! I took a look at this link. 


This one is even better.  But, warning.  It could have spoilers from the show Hell In The Heartland.  


Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Saw an old episode of some show about the BTK killer.  I had not realized the specifics of how he was caught, and it's pretty crazy.  He had apparently been communicating with the police by sending letters and packages to them, but they didn't know who he was or how to reach him.  Then he asked whether they would be able to trace it if he communicated with them via floppy disk, and they replied via an ad placed in the newspaper saying it would be safe to do that.  But the police found metadata on the diskette, that identified the author as Dennis and the company as a local church, and easily searched the Internet to find his name, since he was on the church council. 

But the icing on the cake is that when they interviewed him in jail, he expressed genuine shock and disbelief that the police had lied to him about not being able to trace him via the diskette, and they were like "Uh yeah, we were trying to catch you."

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16 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I'm not familiar with the Bible/ Freeman case.  I'll have to check it out.  It sounds shocking! I took a look at this link. 


This one is even better.  But, warning.  It could have spoilers from the show Hell In The Heartland.  


I'd heard about the Polaroids when they came out with the new information last year, so it's all good and I'll check the article out.  This is a 4 parter, so they're getting deeper than any 30 or 60 minute show that's been put out about it, and it just makes me sad that cops just didn't seem to care about these girls.

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Sometimes I really wonder about how some detectives' heads aren't in the game.  I saw an episode in the past few days (don't remember what, but it doesn't matter) and they had been trying to get this guy's DNA for weeks, but were unsuccessful.  Then he was arrested for something else, and they would be able to interrogate him.  They put Kleenex, cups, cigarettes, etc.. all over the interrogation room, but he didn't touch anything.  Only then did they realize, oh yeah, he was in the holding cell beforehand and there are used cups in there...maybe we could test those.  Duh, and yes DNA testing showed that one of the cups was the perp's, and I think that they then were able to get the warrant to get the DNA sample, and he matched.

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I have a new hero!  It's Detective Rasco from the new show Lone Star Justice.  He was investigating the cold case murder/rape of Catheryn Powell on the Cold As Ice episode, and tried to find her rape kit to get the DNA tested, but was told it was gone.  So he decided to track it down.  Turns out all the old evidence for all the crimes was stored away in the basement of a hotel, in 30 rooms filled with unmarked, un-inventoried boxes.  So he just went through them, for 2 years IIRC.  One day he saw a bag sitting in the corner of one of the rooms and it was the evidence for his case, and he was able to get a conviction.  That's determination!  

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27 minutes ago, Fable said:

I've been enjoying Lone Star Justice as well.  The sheriff and his detectives seem like a decent and hard-working bunch.  

I liked them, and enjoyed listening to them, which just makes me more fascinated by what specifically makes someone compelling to listen to, since I found all three of them to be compelling, even though they weren't necessarily super animated or charismatic, yet I can barely pay attention to Pat Postiglione of Deadly Recall.

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50 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

I liked them, and enjoyed listening to them, which just makes me more fascinated by what specifically makes someone compelling to listen to, since I found all three of them to be compelling, even though they weren't necessarily super animated or charismatic, yet I can barely pay attention to Pat Postiglione of Deadly Recall.

I love listening to Texans, too.  Impossible to ignore.

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Part 2 of Hell In The Heartland was on last night.  The cops still didn't care - thankfully the townspeople got together and voted the sheriff out, and the new one at least cared.  Lots of dead ends - I can't imagine how difficult that was.  And the Bible family was present every time they dug up a yard, or drained a pond.  Heartbreaking.

Of course there's the obligatory "My brother told me if anything happened to him, blame the sheriff", but I never believed that, and it's since come to light that I was correct in that, but I absolutely believe the cops harassed the Freemans.  I do believe that they followed Ashley, and made comments to others.  And I absolutely believe they just didn't care because of who it was.  Again, my heart broke for Lorena Bible, when she says that the cops may have felt a certain way about the Freemans and didn't care, but her daughter wasn't a Freeman - she was a Bible.  So true. 

I also never knew just how much meth there was going down in Oklahoma.  Yeesh.

Edited by funky-rat
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I don't have Netflix so I'm not watching When They See Us - but I thought you all on this board would appreciate this article about the other victims of Matias Reyes - the actual rapist of the Central Park jogger, Trisha Meili.  This article made me so angry - not just that the cops didn't follow up on some leads that might have prevented five rapes (!?!) but that these women are never, NEVER mentioned in the coverage of this case.


Edited by ratgirlagogo
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11 hours ago, ratgirlagogo said:

I don't have Netflix so I'm not watching When They See Us - but I thought you all on this board would appreciate this article about the other victims of Matias Reyes - the actual rapist of the Central Park jogger, Trisha Meili.  This article made me so angry - not just that the cops didn't follow up on some leads that might have prevented five rapes (!?!) but that these women are never, NEVER mentioned in the coverage of this case.


As more incidents like this came to light,  I switched from "Why bring in an attorney immediately if innocent?" to "Have an attorney on hand even if questioned about parking violations." 

Edited by MissAlmond
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I just watched the Buried in the Backyard episode "Fatal Fall".  And some things just don't add up.  The mom mentioned that the girl was sent home from school after she was suspended, and this was before school let out.  So the mom kept looking out the window for the girl, and as the hours ticked by, the girl didn't come home.  But then we find out there was this 'bad kids' party with kids skipping school right next door, and the girl apparently went to that, I guess on her way home from school.  And in the re-enactment showing the guy who killed her at the party, he's shown burying her in the backyard of that house (not his house), at night.  So...why didn't the mom and others check at the party next door to see if she was there?  How on earth did the killer manage, at the party, to drag her outside, dig the shallow grave, put her in, and cover the spot back up, all un-noticed?  Did this party really last all day and into the night, and still no one checked for her there?  How did the home-owners not notice a spot in their back yard for all those years that had been dug up/disturbed, that they didn't dig up themselves?

Edited by LuvMyShows
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More dumb detectives.  I was watching an old Cold Case Files episode, and two brothers had been the last ones seen with the victim, but they said they dropped her off at her house that night.  And they said something like, "Yeah, from the car we could see her dog running around on the porch and the TV was on inside."  The detectives drove to her house and checked, and golly gee, you really could see those things from a car outside.  So the brothers were cleared because of that....WTAF!  No surprise, the brothers ended up being the perps.

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I’m watching Death in the Bayou: The Jennings 8 and holy smokes...the lackadaisical attitude of the few investigators on this case for the past 12 years is troubling. The Chief actually called the killer a “serial dumper” rather than a serial murderer, which makes it sound like he was just cleaning up the trash. It’s a two-parter, and I don’t think there will be a resolution at the end, but clearly the victims’ families need a better spotlight on these crimes than the local law enforcement can provide, as they are out of their depth here. An ID show can do this. I’d rather have a dozen of this type of show than 100 “Wives With Knives” type of crap, or the same old story that’s been covered over and over.

Plus I’m enjoying the Cajun accents on the people involved.

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33 minutes ago, Supagirl said:

I’m watching Death in the Bayou: The Jennings 8 and holy smokes...the lackadaisical attitude of the few investigators on this case for the past 12 years is troubling.

I googled and it looked like it hasn't been solved yet.  Please post if they do, because I've got a zillion murders on my DVR (got busy with things), and I don't want to invest time in an open case, other than the Zodiac one.
I love Cajun accents, and think Rhodie Sanchez should be a narrator on lots of shows.

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Has anyone been watching  Breaking Homicide this season? I was done with those 2 chucklefucks when they proclaimed that indeed Rebecca Zahau had committed suicide. Have not watched it since.

Edited by hoosiermom
Put wrong title of show
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36 minutes ago, hoosiermom said:

Has anyone been watching Hunting Homicide this season? I was done with those 2 chucklefucks when they proclaimed that indeed Rebecca Zahau had committed suicide. Have not watched it since.

I really don't care for the detective. He always seems like he is posing not a fan. I haven't watched either.

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8 hours ago, badhaggis said:

I really don't care for the detective. He always seems like he is posing not a fan. I haven't watched either.

I think so, too.  I think he wants to be a STAR!  And his porcine face scares me.

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10 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

Has anyone been watching  Breaking Homicide this season? I was done with those 2 chucklefucks when they proclaimed that indeed Rebecca Zahau had committed suicide. Have not watched it since.

I recall seeing it some time back and while I disagreed with their final conclusion, their analysis was pretty interesting and it caused me to come to a different conclusion than they did and that it was murder.  And, this was later confirmed when additional experts examined evidence and gave their opinion. And, the civil jury verdict.   After much of that was confirmed, I think they all (not the medical examine or police) changed their minds, but, we'll see.  They could likely win a criminal prosecution against the defendant in the civil trial.  They just are choosing not to go that way.  Maybe, down the road a different administration will explore it. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Anyone watching Murder in The Heartland, about the murders of young women in LA? OMG!!!  That story is wild.  How in the world could such a story be kept so low key for so long?  It boggles the mind.  To me, all it would take is a TOP NOTCH team of professional investigators and forensic experts to figure it out.  The family suspects law enforcement, but, I'm not so sure. They sure don't seem like they have much motivation to solve these cases.  If the police are killing people to keep them quiet, why is just young women?  Why no older women or males?  It could just as easy be a person in the community who is trusted and known to these victims, such as priest, pastor, social worker, nurse,  probation officer, It seems like whoever it is supplies them with lots of drugs before they are killed. 

Also, there is a man in prison for the murder of one of the girls, last name Richard.  Wasn't he incarcerated when some of the other women went missing?  So, does that rule him out of some or all of the murders?  It seems like the killer has a deep seated hatred for women who live like these did.  Mr. Richard's daughter seemed to know quite a few of the victims and was even present right before they went missing.  I question coincidences. 

To me, the city needs to invest in some security surveillance cameras and put them at undisclosed locations around the city and county.  Checking them regularly, they might pick up on some odd behavior or even an abduction.  

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10 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

Has anyone been watching  Breaking Homicide this season? I was done with those 2 chucklefucks when they proclaimed that indeed Rebecca Zahau had committed suicide. Have not watched it since.

Was that not bizarre? I didn't care much for the show anyway, but that episode sealed the deal for me; they are just too dumb to watch. 

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15 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

Has anyone been watching  Breaking Homicide this season? I was done with those 2 chucklefucks when they proclaimed that indeed Rebecca Zahau had committed suicide. Have not watched it since.

If that's the one with Derrick Levasseur who won a season of Big Brother I can see why it would be a turn off. I'm still baffled as to how he got a whole house of people under his thumb. I couldn't stand his attitude or demeanor then and haven't watched any of the ID series he's been in. I think it's two so far.

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7 hours ago, Brattinella said:

I think so, too.  I think he wants to be a STAR!  And his porcine face scares me.

I watched his season of Big Brother, he totally does.  This season he seems to have dropped the partner.

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On 6/16/2019 at 5:14 PM, Supagirl said:

I’m watching Death in the Bayou: The Jennings 8 and holy smokes...the lackadaisical attitude of the few investigators on this case for the past 12 years is troubling. The Chief actually called the killer a “serial dumper” rather than a serial murderer, which makes it sound like he was just cleaning up the trash. It’s a two-parter, and I don’t think there will be a resolution at the end, but clearly the victims’ families need a better spotlight on these crimes than the local law enforcement can provide, as they are out of their depth here. An ID show can do this. I’d rather have a dozen of this type of show than 100 “Wives With Knives” type of crap, or the same old story that’s been covered over and over.

Plus I’m enjoying the Cajun accents on the people involved.

I think one problem is that many of the witnesses and/or suspects are so drug-addled they cannot provide a reliable narrative or alibi.  Then you have the rampant rumors and innuendo prevalent in a small town setting.  It is one big mess, for sure.

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1 hour ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Anyone watch People Magazine Cults: Heaven's Gate?

I remember that. What a nut bar that guy was.

I'll never forget that.  My mom almost was seduced into going with them.  (She loved to try out new religions.  *facepalm* )

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1 hour ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Anyone watch People Magazine Cults: Heaven's Gate?

I remember that. What a nut bar that guy was.

13 minutes ago, Brattinella said:

I'll never forget that.  My mom almost was seduced into going with them.  (She loved to try out new religions.  *facepalm* )

I watched something on them (cults fascinate me), and it said that at one time, followers were made up of largely disenfranchised Scientologists.  I recall thinking just how effed up someone has to be to join Scientology to begin with, then leave, and sign up for the Heaven's Gate stuff and think "Yeah, this is better!".  Yeesh....

Are these new eps?  I had this set up to record when the first set of eps came out, but it's not recording now (it's only set up to record new eps).

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Anyone see tonights episode of Snapped - Dee Dee Moore?

People like her scare the ever loving fuck out of me.  They believe every lying ass word that comes out of their own mouths.

She just loved being interviewed and contradicted every word anyone else said.  Sure, we'll believe you over the other 10 people telling the exact same story, and that matches the evidence perfectly.  He was murdered in your office and buried in your yard, but "a gang of drug dealers did it."  Well that was nice of the drug dealers to clean your office carpet for you, and take the time to bury him in your yard so as not to upset you by finding a dead body in your home.

Absolute psychopath.

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I'm relieved that Lauria Bible and Ashley Freeman have been vindicated, even with the sad resolution, because among many theories was that THEY had murdered the parents and then run away.

I watched a new one on Oxygen last night called "Lies To Die For". The first story was of Lori and Mark Hacking--he murdered her after she learned that he'd been lying through his teeth about being accepted into medical school--he hadn't even graduated from college because he'd dropped/flunked out.

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That Hacking case was horrible.  I remember back when it happened. I fell asleep on the show last night though.  I missed a little.  Did they ever say what about this guy made him capable of murdering his wife that way? I know about him trying to hide his lies of going to medical school, but, still.....lying and murdering is a big jump.  He seemed normal growing up, early marriage, etc.  It's just hard to process that he would see murdering his pregnant wife the best option over telling her the truth.  I mean, he could have faked being sick and just said he was too sick to go to medical school.  

Okay.  I recently saw one of the MOST bizarre murder stories that I just CANNOT figure out.  IT just seems too unlikely.  If you saw it, please chime in.  This nice, young college student murders his wealthy parents and brother (Taiwanese) in their VA home, AFTER they try to prevent him from relationship with an American woman that he is very in love with. They want him to agree to arranged marriage with girl from their country.  Four months later, he takes GF to their house and shows her the bodies and says he killed them.  She secretly reports to crime stoppers, but, no one checks it out.  Fast forward 3 years!  He tells his male friend who assists him in removing the bodies! They have laid on the floor for 3 years and no one has noticed they have vanished!  Son and GF part ways and he tells his new girlfriend enough to peak her interest! A total of four years later,  new GF reports to police, who investigate and determine what happened. Son admits that he killed them.  So, what happened to their mail? Their investment and bank accounts? Taxes?  Utility bills?    Maybe, I missed it if they explained.  I think that son told some people that there was a suicide and death, but, no one questioned it.  Why didn't neighbors notice the place was deserted for 4 years?   

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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