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One other thing, I tend to not follow the crimes and would rather be presented with the whole story complete with an ending.

Ditto! I don't usually watch "Disappeared" for that very reason. And after watching many different shows I go to Google for a, Where are they now? fix, usually hoping to read: Appeal denied.

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Ditto! I don't usually watch "Disappeared" for that very reason. And after watching many different shows I go to Google for a, Where are they now? fix, usually hoping to read: Appeal denied.


That's the same reason I didn't watch Disappeared.  It's a well-done show, and I feel guilty about not being able to get into it, but I need closure, even if it's a terrible/depressing sort.

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Did anyone see Tabloid last night? I felt so sorry for the teacher falsely accused of sleeping with her student. I think the student should have been been charged with making false accusations.

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False accusations are so wrong and this was a teacher. It is her livelihood.  Also think that if a spouse accuses another spouse of molestation.  The accuser should lose custody.  That is so low. I'll have to look  up this episode of Tabloid.  


It is Jerry Springer that I have a hard time getting passed.

Edited by applecrisp
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False accusations are so wrong and this was a teacher. It is her livelihood. Also think that if a spouse accuses another spouse of molestation. The accuser should lose custody. That is so low. I'll have to look up this episode of Tabloid.

It is Jerry Springer that I have a hard time getting passed.

This is absolutely horrific to go through.

My husband and my ex-BIL were accused by my nephew (Ex-BIL's step son) and my sister. The shame my husband went through at work when he was pulled into his main boss's office, and the anger I felt...just no words.

My ex-BIL gave the nephew a home aft his mother abandoned both her kids. And we would take them one weekend a month and do things with them.

The jig was up when my sister admitted that she believed nephew lied abt my husband. And when sister got custody of her son back. Luckily custody of daughter hadn't been transferred & EX-BIL was allowed to retain custody.

The reason behind the accusations? Nephew was angry w/my husband for disciplining him and he wanted to go live w/his mother instead of step-father. Because Mommy let him do whatever he wanted.

But it can ruin lives & careers. Ask the "honorable" Al Sharpton & Twana Brawley abt that.

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Hi - I'm new here, but love ID channel. Mostly, that is. I'm not a fan of the soft-core porn direction the channel has been going in. I just watched The Perfect Murder episode called Kosher Killer or something, and there was a weird, made up, speculative sex scene where, at the end, the guy lifted himself up and you could see his pubic hair. Seriously? What next, filming actual sex. Turns out sex didn't even have anything to do with the poor girl's murder. 

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Hi there, KellsBells.  I could swear I recognize your name from somewhere!  I totally agree with the gratuitous sex and titillation - unnecessary.  I prefer to keep sex and violence segregated.  :-)

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Hi - I'm new here, but love ID channel. Mostly, that is. I'm not a fan of the soft-core porn direction the channel has been going in. I just watched The Perfect Murder episode called Kosher Killer or something, and there was a weird, made up, speculative sex scene where, at the end, the guy lifted himself up and you could see his pubic hair. Seriously? What next, filming actual sex. Turns out sex didn't even have anything to do with the poor girl's murder. 

I also hate all the speculative stuff. With that they can go anywhere. And they do......

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Is anyone else seeing overlap between the ID network and Snapped? I've seen ID programs featuring Teresa Imel Nanette Johnston and Alice Trappler all who were previously on Snapped. And for some reason the networks adore Jodi Arias and Dee Dee Moore.

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Glad to have another ID fan.  I just started The Perfect Murder so have not seen all of the most recent.  I don't like the speculation either it seems forced and it gives way too much attention to a person who is innocent.  Seems wrong.


I often wonder how I would feel if they kept bringing up my name when I had done nothing.  Quite a few years ago a guys aunt had died and she was rich. The one nephew was thought to be guilty by his own family.  A girl stepped forward and cleared him.  Does this ring a bell to anyone, it happened in Florida(just thought it would narrow things down).  Anyhow he was free but he had lost his family.


I found that incredibly sad and still do.

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I hate the 'what if it happened like this?' reenactments on some of the shows, including Perfect Murder.  And on that show, the cops tell their theories in verrrrrrrry sloooooooow manners that make me want to throw something at the TV. It's beyond annoying. The show otherwise is fine. Except....


This week's show set in Gulfport Florida:  It was 1984.  Yet somehow folks had no problem at all using small cell phones wherever they went. I'm impressed at how technologically advanced Gulfport must have been in 1984.  In Los Angeles we didn't have any cell phones at all in 1984, much less small one that fit in the palm of your hand like that.  I am amaaaaazed.  /sarcasm


Seriously, the people who do the reenactments for these shows need to step the hell up and pay attention to what the hell they are doing. Stuff like this makes me nuts. I saw one show a couple years ago set in the mid-seventies where the victim had a flat screen computer monitor on her desk at work.  Again, Los Angeles must have been way behind the times, we didn't have any computers at work at all in 1973.


ETA:  Ha! Continuing to watch Perfect Murder -- flat screen computer monitors on all the police desks.  1984.  Stupid. 

Edited by Andyourlittledog2
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I hate the 'what if it happened like this?' reenactments on some of the shows, including Perfect Murder.  And on that show, the cops tell their theories in verrrrrrrry sloooooooow manners that make me want to throw something at the TV. It's beyond annoying. The show otherwise is fine. Except....


This week's show set in Gulfport Florida:  It was 1984.  Yet somehow folks had no problem at all using small cell phones wherever they went. I'm impressed at how technologically advanced Gulfport must have been in 1984.  In Los Angeles we didn't have any cell phones at all in 1984, much less small one that fit in the palm of your hand like that.  I am amaaaaazed.  /sarcasm


Seriously, the people who do the reenactments for these shows need to step the hell up and pay attention to what the hell they are doing. Stuff like this makes me nuts. I saw one show a couple years ago set in the mid-seventies where the victim had a flat screen computer monitor on her desk at work.  Again, Los Angeles must have been way behind the times, we didn't have any computers at work at all in 1973.


ETA:  Ha! Continuing to watch Perfect Murder -- flat screen computer monitors on all the police desks.  1984.  Stupid. 

Almost cutesy.


I did not notice the cell phones at all.  I can be clueless but when you notice it can take you out of the show so fast.

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Hi there, KellsBells.  I could swear I recognize your name from somewhere!  I totally agree with the gratuitous sex and titillation - unnecessary.  I prefer to keep sex and violence segregated.  :-)

I was on the previous forum (TWoP) just very briefly before it disappeared, so that may be why. 

Glad to have another ID fan.  I just started The Perfect Murder so have not seen all of the most recent.  I don't like the speculation either it seems forced and it gives way too much attention to a person who is innocent.  Seems wrong.


I often wonder how I would feel if they kept bringing up my name when I had done nothing. 


I completely agree. I always think: I'd sue the hell out of them if they made up some story about how I did this or did that with no evidence that it every happened. How can they even do that?


And those reenactments are just handled extremely poorly. I mean, c'mon, I could come up with something better than that. 

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Sometimes on those shows, they flash a little announcement that some names have been changed. I wonder if they use pseudonyms on Perfect Murder for the people who are speculated about as suspects but never charged. Does anyone know?


I can't believe that creating detailed guilt scenarios for people who in fact did no such things, would get past the show's legal review, unless they used false names.


It's one thing to just say, "During the investigation, we considered whether the victim's friend Mark Smith [real name] could have committed the crime or have been involved in it, but eventually we cleared him and arrested someone else." Although in an abundance of caution I bet many shows don't even use real names for that kind of comment.


It's another thing to spend several vivid minutes on a "dramatization" that's nothing more than an imagined scenario, in which someone identified as Mark Smith [real name] commits one or more crimes. It seems to me that in the latter case they'd be going out pretty far on a legal limb unless they obscured the identity of that person.


I completely agree. I would love to know the legality of that. 

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I have another question: Was anyone else disappointed when last week's premiere of the show "Nightmare Next Door," Daylight Abduction was about a very old case that's been covered numerous times on other ID shows? I would have liked to see something new. 

I have another question: Was anyone else disappointed when last week's premiere of the show "Nightmare Next Door," Daylight Abduction was about a very old case that's been covered numerous times on other ID shows? I would have liked to see something new. 

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KellsBells , you are preachin to the choir.  Sometimes it will happen in the same week.  There are so many cases out there.  Cover those.  I would like to see some of the Dateline or 48 hour cases selected.  The Aspen murder is one.


I will say at times and with different shows, Fatal Vows for example will give you a different perspective.  They may tell a different side of the story.  So there are new facts.  

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Fear Thy Neighbor covered well-trodden ground recently with a visit to the Carmel, CA Grimes "I have to drive over 2 feet of your property to get up my driveway" murders. And they did, I think, add info the previous coverage had not. Another one of those where-were-the-authorities (rhetorical question...) cases. Each party got a restraining order against the other, the judge decreed they hand over their guns and one party did not. I don't remember Dateline telling us that.

Sad, and once again over a few freakin' square feet of property. I don't know if I should be surprised or not that pre-purchase title searches and surveys do not reveal these issues.

Dateline: Trouble on the Hill

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Jacofa - It could've been American Justice because I've seen just about every one of those episodes -- I loved that show! Thank you.

I haven't seen every episode of American Justice, but the many that I've seen I like. I think Bill Kurtis is one of the best narrators in the true crime genre along with Sharon Martin and Lynnanne Zager.

The American Justice episode was the Kidnapped episode where they did 3 different stories and Sidney Reso story was the middle one.

I checked Bonnie's Blog of Crime and saw that the Reso case was also done by FBI: Criminal Pursuit. I have never watched that show so that's why I didn't know that they did this story.


Edited by jacofa
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I don't care for Redrum, because it's too disjointed. If I could cut & paste it into chronological order, it wouldn't be bad.

Some episodes are worse than others.

It's like they're taking the backwards episode from Seinfeld and turning it into a true crime series. That's not exactly what I want to see in a true crime show.
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Me three about the dramatizations.


I'll cut these shows some slack on the details - they don't have big Hollywood movie type budgets, and for events more than 20 or so years ago they can't afford to make, for example, every vehicle or room interior in a shot totally period-appropriate . But. Obvious crap like cell phone and computer technology? Please. That's not so hard. 


I mean, Remember the Crime does a pretty good job with the historical details given the budget constraints they have.


The opening episode of Obsession: Dark Desires where Sarah Pisan gets stalked by Stephen Moran was also pretty good at setting the 1980 time period given the budget.

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Did anyone else really like the Women in Prison series? I thought it was fascinating, it was a shame they made only three episodes. Of course, they allow the women to tell their own stories, and you know they're probably minimizing their involvement, but it was still interesting. 

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Last night I watched The Perfect Murder

Re: the wrongful conviction of Kevin Green for the beating of his 9 mo. pregnant wife & subsequent death of the baby).

I fast-forwarded through most of it because I'd seen it in slightly different format on some other I.D. show -- don't ask me which one 'cuz they all run together, don't they?  


Anyhow, I came away with the same feeling I had when I saw it the first time.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't her her husband beat her at least several times during the marriage?  I think he did, so even though it certainly was unjust, it was somewhat understandable with that knowledge (by the police) in addition to the time-frame when it occurred.  

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Anyhow, I came away with the same feeling I had when I saw it the first time.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't her her husband beat her at least several times during the marriage?  I think he did, so even though it certainly was unjust, it was somewhat understandable with that knowledge (by the police) in addition to the time-frame when it occurred.  


I ended up not watching it at all when I realized it had been done by several other shows (Paula Zahn and Forensic Files, I'm pretty sure). I can't stand that odd, rewind thing they do when the detectives are wildly speculating about what happened. 


And yes, I think on Paula Zahn the husband admitted that he had hit his wife on previous occasions and just been a very bad husband in general, which he felt really worked against him. 

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Did anyone else really like the Women in Prison series? I thought it was fascinating, it was a shame they made only three episodes. Of course, they allow the women to tell their own stories, and you know they're probably minimizing their involvement, but it was still interesting.

I thought it was okay, but I there was a similar show that did this better (blanking on the name). I had to laugh when Women In Prison started going all Orange Is the New Black, with that idiot pill shopper and her jail girlfriend, wtf?

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I thought it was okay, but I there was a similar show that did this better (blanking on the name). I had to laugh when Women In Prison started going all Orange Is the New Black, with that idiot pill shopper and her jail girlfriend, wtf?


I've never seen Orange is the New Black. But that was funny with that woman and her girlfriend. It seemed sort of random. 

I really and truly hate everything about Cry Wolfe.    How did this terrible show get renewed?


I completely agree! What an awful show! I can't even get past the first five minutes. 

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I watched Facing Evil (or some such) last night.  Seems similar to Women in Prison.  It's with Candace DeLong.  It profiled two women last night.  Maybe they do men's stories sometimes too?  This is the first time I've watched it.  Is it just me, or has Candace had some work done?  And better styling?  She always seemed so frumpy to me, but she looked much younger and put together in last night's episode.

Edited by tobeannounced
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I watched Facing Evil (or some such) last night.  Seems similar to Women in Prison.  It's with Candace DeLong.  It profiled two women last night.  Maybe they do men's stories sometimes too?  This is the first time I've watched it.  Is it just me, or has Candace had some work done?  And better styling?  She always seemed so frumpy to me, but she looked much younger and put together in last night's episode.


Candace has many different hairstyles.   Sometimes she looks like a Romulan.

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Watched a new-to-me Fear Thy Neighbor called Kill-de-Sac. This is the one with renters w/skateboarding kids moving into a quiet neighborhood in Leesburg VA.

It was really unsettling on a few levels.

The neighbor upset (Lorenz)with the kids was a Federal govt. worker and was able to get cops out for simple complaints on what seemed to be a moment's notice! What a change from so many where-were-the-authorities shows we have seen.

I wouldn't have been crazy about some of the childrens' behaviors and it was unsettling to see Lorenz's requests for them to stay off his property ignored. But these "Neighbors" shows sometimes get me feeling like I'm skating too close to a blame-the-victim thing.

Then the kids' dad got kinda' tanked up and went to confront Lorenz (with words) and was shot dead. Lorenz was acquitted using a stand-your-ground law. And those laws, to me, can also be unsettling. Sometimes the only witness is the one holding the gun.

And it appears that Lorenz stayed an unrepentant asshole going so far as to even perhaps removing yellow memorial ribbons from homes and calling the cops when a daughter revisited the neighborhood on the anniversary of her dad's murder. And of course the cops showed up.

Wore me out! Oof.

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Watched a new-to-me Fear Thy Neighbor called Kill-de-Sac. This is the one with renters w/skateboarding kids moving into a quiet neighborhood in Leesburg VA.

It was really unsettling on a few levels.

The neighbor upset (Lorenz)with the kids was a Federal govt. worker and was able to get cops out for simple complaints on what seemed to be a moment's notice! What a change from so many where-were-the-authorities shows we have seen.

I wouldn't have been crazy about some of the childrens' behaviors and it was unsettling to see Lorenz's requests for them to stay off his property ignored. But these "Neighbors" shows sometimes get me feeling like I'm skating too close to a blame-the-victim thing.

Then the kids' dad got kinda' tanked up and went to confront Lorenz (with words) and was shot dead. Lorenz was acquitted using a stand-your-ground law. And those laws, to me, can also be unsettling. Sometimes the only witness is the one holding the gun.

And it appears that Lorenz stayed an unrepentant asshole going so far as to even perhaps removing yellow memorial ribbons from homes and calling the cops when a daughter revisited the neighborhood on the anniversary of her dad's murder. And of course the cops showed up.

Wore me out! Oof.



Well, I don't need to watch  it now, since the entire plot and ending is detailed here. 

Candace has many different hairstyles.   Sometimes she looks like a Romulan.


Haha! She does. It's those pointed eyebrows. 

Edited by KellsBells
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I did not think that I needed to spoiler tag an episode that first aired June 1, 2015.

Useless for me to tag now as it's been quoted.


Where do I find the Spoiler policy for this topic?

Edited by NewDigs
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Saw the ep. New Digs.  That one made me mad.  Did anyone see the last episode of Fear Thy Neighbor where two mothers got into it.  What made me mad was both mothers would only believe their kid.  Oh my son would never do that, type stuff. I really could not say which neighbor  I thought was worse.  Of course it ended in tragedy.

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Saw the ep. New Digs.  That one made me mad.  Did anyone see the last episode of Fear Thy Neighbor where two mothers got into it.  What made me mad was both mothers would only believe their kid.  Oh my son would never do that, type stuff. I really could not say which neighbor  I thought was worse.  Of course it ended in tragedy.


Typical Moms get into it with their families backing them up spat - except somebody brought a knife.  And used it.  WTF?

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I'm glad I found this thread. I've looked for a show thread on Forensic Files, but couldn't find one. I've only recently discovered this show on HLN, and it's addictive! The advancement of forensic technology is truly astounding, and I'm enthralled by how cases can be solved using this science.

I thought I was the only one watching this!!

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Saw the ep. New Digs.  That one made me mad.  Did anyone see the last episode of Fear Thy Neighbor where two mothers got into it.  What made me mad was both mothers would only believe their kid.  Oh my son would never do that, type stuff. I really could not say which neighbor  I thought was worse.  Of course it ended in tragedy.

I have not seen this episode but the clueless parents thing is so distressing! OT but isn't this kinda' why we have Columbine type situations happening?

I think I find this show more distressing than other true crime shows because we pretty much know how it ends. It's not like the Datelines and the 20/20s, et al, that offer alternate killers. Instead we meet the victims and the murderers right off the bat and things ramp up.

Plus, as noted by millenium, we all have or have had bad neighbors. And frequently with similar complaints.

Though Kill-de-Sac is one of the first times I have seen someone not convicted. A gov't. employee! With connections.

The Byron Smith travesty is on now. So sad. "A good clean finishing shot." I forgot about that part.

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Yes, I like Forensic File a lot, too.
Now, I'm waiting for HLN to dredge up a new batch to recycle.
It's on CNN some, when it isn't pre-empted by news, and now I'm seeing a new episodes on some of our local broadcast stations on the weekend.
If you're a really big fan, you just do a search on your DVR.
New Detectives: Case Studies... is similar, and also of the same vintage.


This reminds me to ask, is Main Street Murders a relabeling of this, or something similar?


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There wouldn't be a show called Fear Thy Neighbor if people weren't so selfish and ignorant.


Many years ago a neighbor of mine asked if I could redirect my floodlight as it was illuminating his bedroom and disrupting his sleep.


I apologized, redirected my floodlight, and even made a point to shut that floodlight off after 9 pm.    I hadn't realized it was affecting him.


But, if I were on Fear Thy Neighbor, I would have swapped out the floodlight for a sodium lamp like they use for highway night repairs, then added a booming stereo loop of Wagner's Valkyries and marched up and down the property line with a carbine strapped over my shoulder.


Whenever one party on Fear Thy Neighbor asks the other party to quit an obnoxious behavior, the other party always digs in and then amps up whatever annoying practice caused the trouble in the first place.


This show has led me to believe that municipalities ought to create a special office whose sole purpose is to mediate escalating neighbor disputes, if not for public safety then for the welfare of the children who are often involved.    The world is getting crazier by the week and the law is failing to keep up.    For every case that makes Fear Thy Neighbor, there are probably dozens that don't, and countless others of lesser intensity but which are still stressful and psychologically damaging to all involved.   Some kind of mediation ought to be available for those who need it.


Nightmare Next Door is another show featuring similar situations.   I saw one a few weeks ago with a Vietnamese woman who inherited a lot of money, enough to allow her to pursue her self-professed hobby of making life so miserable for neighbors that they commit suicide.

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I watched Facing Evil (or some such) last night.  Seems similar to Women in Prison.  It's with Candace DeLong.  It profiled two women last night.  Maybe they do men's stories sometimes too?  This is the first time I've watched it.  Is it just me, or has Candace had some work done?  And better styling?  She always seemed so frumpy to me, but she looked much younger and put together in last night's episode.

I like Facing Evil, maybe that's the show I was thinking of. Re: Candace's new look, maybe she's gotten a better wig stylist ;)



I did not think that I needed to spoiler tag an episode that first aired June 1, 2015.

You don't.

Edited by BigBlueMastiff
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I can't watch Fear Thy Neighbor anymore.  It just makes me too anxious.  It seems like a lot of times these disputes arise because you've got a very "by the book" person on one side and a very "loosey-goosey" person on the other.  I'm a rule follower by nature, so I can understand that perspective, but it seems like most times on this show, they're the ones that go over the top with their reactions.

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I agree with very much of your post.  There should be a governing body to help solve disputes.  One person can make another's life hell with no impunity.  So, so wrong.  Our neighbor had a tree by a chain link fence that was bulging in our yard,


One day some guys descended on our backyard and tore down the fence. I really wanted to call the police but called my husband.  I did not have a lot of precious plants but some ground cover.  They angled the fence so the tree is now in our yard.  2 years later there are so many weeds and brush outside of their fence that they never bother about.


We rarely see them, they are not loud so you just live with it.  They are assholes and we have other good neighbors and I think we are good neighbors.  So there you go.  Do you raise a ruckus?  I don't have the energy.


The Vietnamese woman was on Fear Thy Neighbor as well,  Her name was Thuy.  She was a piece of work.  She had money so she didn't have to work.  Could you imagine working with someone like that?  She moved from Vegas to the south and is now doing it to her new neighbors.

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I agree with very much of your post.  There should be a governing body to help solve disputes.  One person can make another's life hell with no impunity.  So, so wrong.  Our neighbor had a tree by a chain link fence that was bulging in our yard,


One day some guys descended on our backyard and tore down the fence. I really wanted to call the police but called my husband.  I did not have a lot of precious plants but some ground cover.  They angled the fence so the tree is now in our yard.  2 years later there are so many weeds and brush outside of their fence that they never bother about.


We rarely see them, they are not loud so you just live with it.  They are assholes and we have other good neighbors and I think we are good neighbors.  So there you go.  Do you raise a ruckus?  I don't have the energy.


The Vietnamese woman was on Fear Thy Neighbor as well,  Her name was Thuy.  She was a piece of work.  She had money so she didn't have to work.  Could you imagine working with someone like that?  She moved from Vegas to the south and is now doing it to her new neighbors.

Ohmigosh! So much for fences make good neighbors! How awful. But you're right, whaddya' gonna do? But, wow.

I think Thuy was finally sent to a mental institution but some of her former neighbors (spoiler alert! lol) are in hiding because they consider her to be not just crazy but to be crazy like a fox and fear she might convince professionals that she's "cured" and be released.

And tobeannounced, I have limited reserves for Fear Thy Neighbor too. I don't usually like the reenactments shows (especially the sexed up and bloodied up ones) but for some reason get caught up in the Neighbors' lives. But can only handle one at a time. Datelines, 20/20s, et al, I can pretty much leave on for extended periods but Neighbors? Not so much.

And though millennium's sodium lamp/Valkyries scenario made me laugh I had to think, Gee, haven't I seen that?

Sorry to hear about Ann Rule. So many good books. Hard to name a favorite but Small Sacrifices is right up there.


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I just saw Ann on an ID show a couple of nights ago and was so sad to see how frail she had started to look.  My favorite true crime writer of all time (especially Small Sacrifices & And Never Let Her Go), may she rest in peace.


In other news, the creepy promo for Swamp Murders is the stuff nightmares are made out of.  That shit is terrifying.  I hate it.

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Anybody watch Evil Kin last night?  I think if I were a descendant i would not be proud of that fact.  There had to be so much lawlessness in the expanding country.  To think there were pirates in Illinois.  I really like these old stories, have never heard of these people.

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I watched Evil Kin last night too. I wouldn't be proud of law breaking ancestors and especially not on TV. I looked up the Harpe brothers on Wikipedia and there was a statement about some descendants changing their last name to disassociate themselves from the brothers.

I like seeing these types of stories from an earlier time as opposed to the seemingly endless current event occurrences (and sometimes being subjected to the same story over and over)

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