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BiP Season 2 Spoilers: I've Got Sand in Low Places

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Reality Steve posted a tentative cast list:



Megan Bell (Chris’ season)
Mackenzie Dionigi (Chris)
Jillian Anderson (Chris)
Carly Waddell (Chris)
Samantha Steffen (Chris)
Jade Roper (Chris)
Ashley Iaconetti (Chris)
Ashley Salter (Chris)
Tenley Molzahn (Jake’s season, Bachelor Pad 1)
Cassandra Ferguson (Juan Pablo’s season)
Chelsie Webster (Juan Pablo)



Joe Bailey (Kaitlyn’s season)
Tanner Tolbert (Kaitlyn)
Joshua Albers (Kaitlyn)
Tony Harris (Kaitlyn)
Brian Osborne (Andi’s season)
Michael Garofola (Desiree’s season)
Mikey Tenerelli (Desiree)
Kirk DeWindt (Ali’s season, Bachelor Pad 2)



Obvious question: What the hell is Tenley doing here?? She's a Bachelor A-lister*, and she's slumming it with people who were eliminated from their seasons 5 minutes ago! Did she even watch season 1?


* The A-list being the major players from the franchise's peak years of 2009 and 2010, plus Michelle Money (2011).

Edited by Bugs Meany
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Yay Bugs!


I re-followed this show last night after listening to RS's Spreecast and hoped somebody would reactivate it for season 2 spoilers!


We may need to add a fun title.  BIP2 - 50% more skank than last season! 

                                                   BIP2 - I've Got Sand in Low Places! (Don't know why I went Garth Brooks on that one)

                                                   BIP2 - You're Not as Famous as You Think You Are

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I love the thread title! Also love that both Ashleys from Chris's season are going to be there.


Obvious question: What the hell is Tenley doing here?? She's a Bachelor A-lister*, and she's slumming it with people who were eliminated from their seasons 5 minutes ago! Did she even watch season 1?


* The A-list being the major players from the franchise's peak years of 2009 and 2010, plus Michelle Money (2011).


This doesn't seem so unexpected to me, for the following reasons:


- Michelle Money was on BIP last season, so if Michelle's "A-list" and it was good enough for her, then it's good enough for Tenley;

- Tenley was on the first season of Bachelor Pad, and lasted quite a while, so she's not above gameplay and "wrong reasons";

- She recently broke up with Kiptyn, and like many Bachelor/ette alums, is relying on the "Bachelor Family" for her next relationship.


I also read on RS's site that this year BIP is being filmed in a much nicer location, so maybe that also enticed her to participate.


ETA: I just noticed that this season's Welder Guy (Joshua) is on the list. I've really liked him so far and hope his stint on BIP doesn't change that.

Edited by chocolatine
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I really hope they add some new element of competition this season.  It doesn't have to be full-up Bachelor Pad style competing, but just party games or contests of some sort.  Anything to augment the conversations, drinking and dates. I imagine a lot of it will have to do with their location, but I hope they at least try to jazz it up a bit.  

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RS posted an updated cast list.


Jade Roper (Chris’ season)
Ashley Iaconetti (Chris)
Megan Bell (Chris)
Carly Waddell (Chris)
Ashley Salter (Chris)
Jillian Anderson (Chris)
Tenley Molzahn (Jake’s season, Bachelor Pad)
Cassandra Ferguson (Juan Pablo’s season)
Chelsie Webster (Juan Pablo)
Jaclyn Swartz (Ben’s season, Bachelor Pad 3)

Jonathan Holloway (Kaitlyn’s season)
Joe Bailey (Kaitlyn)
Tanner Tolbert (Kaitlyn)
Joshua Albers (Kaitlyn)
Jared Haibon (Kaitlyn)
Justin Reich (Kaitlyn)
Kirk DeWindt (Ali’s season, Bachelor Pad 2)
Mikey Tenerelli (Des’ season)
Michael Garofola (Des)
Brian Osborne (Andi’s season)



Basically a few more of Kaitlyn's guys plus the hatchet-faced Jaclyn Swartz. Her personality is odious, so I'm OK with that insult.


Not to sound like Grandpa Meany, but I don't really approve of the mothers of toddlers (Mackenzie and Cassandra) going on BiP. At least with TB they could say they were looking for a husband and stepfather to their children. This show is just an unabashed hookup-fest.


I still don't get why people, especially Chris Harrison, think Ashley Salter ("onion girl") would be so great on BiP. Her schtick was talking crazy and wandering off the reservation. What does that have to do with hooking up in Mexico?


Clearly 90 percent of episode 1 will be ITMs of the guys saying they came here to meet Jade; 5 percent Jade saying she wasn't expecting all this attention; and 5 percent the other women resenting her.


Carly and Tanner are the safest bets for early exits.

  • Love 5

Not to sound like Grandpa Meany, but I don't really approve of the mothers of toddlers (Mackenzie and Cassandra) going on BiP. At least with TB they could say they were looking for a husband and stepfather to their children. This show is just an unabashed hookup-fest.


I also thought they both got back together with their respective baby daddies; Cassandra even got engaged to hers. But hey, if you're summoned by the "family" ...



Carly and Tanner are the safest bets for early exits.


I don't know, I actually see Carly as someone who'll become friends with a lot of the guys (like a snarkier, less sexual Michelle Money) and they'll keep her around over roided-up Jillian and Kale's mom, who don't seem like they know how to interact with men at all.

Edited by chocolatine
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There will be some drop-ins from the current season, I imagine.  They just can't talk about them now, since we're only a few episodes in.  They've got a revolving door down there and I'm thinking several of the current crop will appear.


My BIG question is: Who's going to do the ladies hair, since Michelle Money isn't going to make her 47,318th appearance on a Bachelor show? 

  • Love 4

There will be some drop-ins from the current season, I imagine.  They just can't talk about them now, since we're only a few episodes in.  They've got a revolving door down there and I'm thinking several of the current crop will appear.

In the past though, didn't RS still have the names who will be there, even if they haven't been eliminated from the current season? I know to the general public, they've left those top secret as not to spoil, but I thought RS released those names.

Regardless, I'm sure they're not done casting yet.

In the past though, didn't RS still have the names who will be there, even if they haven't been eliminated from the current season? I know to the general public, they've left those top secret as not to spoil, but I thought RS released those names.


That's right. Last season RS knew the cast and the reserves. Much to my disappointment, Mikey T. spent a week in the dugout (i.e., a nearby hotel) waiting to get into the game, but the call never came.


I still can't believe Tenley is doing this show. Last season abc had such a hard time casting former All-Stars that they dipped all the way down to first-night reject Lacy Faddoul. I don't know if they even bothered this time around. Is Tenley strung out on horse? Did they lie to her about who else they'd cast?


I can already see her walking up the beach to the sound of this commentary:

Person 1: "Who is that?"

Person 2, fed by a producer: "I think she was on Jake's season."


I'm pre-embarrassed for her.


  • Love 2

I'm also pre-embarrassed for Tenley. 


After she and Kip finally broke up, she was seen around with one of Des guys, Casey the hashtag guy   That didn't really go anywhere so I guess she wanted to make sure she got a good shot at Kaitlyn's guys so here she is in "paradise".  


Reality Steve is going to release everyone tomorrow and said on twitter that one non contestant is on, a sibling of a cast member that also went to Paradise.  Will be interesting to see who they are. 

  • Love 1

Ashley Onion is supposed to be a hairdresser. Though I don't know how many of the women would her anywhere near their hair.


Is she really?? Wow!  I would not have guessed that, based on her own look.  Curious to see her on BiP though.


I knew that Clare was a hairdresser, and she's from my hometown so I almost even went to her but she wasn't at that salon anymore by the time I tried to schedule an appointment. I always wondered if she and the raccoon wandered off together. (but I thought she did a good job on hair - Ashley not so much!)

  • Love 1

Is she really?? Wow!  I would not have guessed that, based on her own look.  Curious to see her on BiP though.


I knew that Clare was a hairdresser, and she's from my hometown so I almost even went to her but she wasn't at that salon anymore by the time I tried to schedule an appointment. I always wondered if she and the raccoon wandered off together. (but I thought she did a good job on hair - Ashley not so much!)


This article says she went to beauty school and worked at a salon in NYC prior to her Bachelor stint.


She did a side-updo type thingie either at one of the rose ceremonies or at the WTA, can't remember now, but I thought that looked pretty good. And really, I don't think her hair ever looked bad, it just wasn't always "done". And it looked like her real hair, and she didn't touch/flip it all the time, so bonus points from me.


Still, until I see an all-clear psych eval, I wouldn't let her near my own hair.

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Or Chris Bukowski, that delicious douchebag.

This! Chris Buk is a prime example of Bachelor sleaze & I appreciate his commitment to playing his trashy role of continually searching for true love.

I'm still not able to identify most of Kaitlyn's guys so I'm a bit lost on the spoilers, but add me to those surprised by Tenley's tenure. Although if one of the date prizes is her taking some dude to a hastily thrown together dance studio to watch her twirl & toss her hair I'll hold my stuffed raccoon & laugh inappropriately at her the entire time.

Edited by ramble
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No list from Steve today.   Going to wait till tomorrow to release.   Did say there are 27 contestants--starts with 9 girls, 7 guys and the rest will be rotated in like last season.   16 of the 27 are from the last two seasons so they are pretty much going with just new folks plus one sibling set of a past contestant and there never before on the show sibling.

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Kiptyn knocked up a girl shortly after breaking up with Tenley and seemed pretty resentful of the drama about it on Instagram, so I imagine she's had a pretty rough year. She might see this as something fun to do (and to keep her weird healthy living coach program in the spotlight).

I'm surprised there are so many girls from Chris' season, although they were probably the closest and craziest in recent times.

The boys seem like weak sauce to me so far.


Sorry, can't figure out quotes on my phone but -

"one non contestant is on, a sibling of a cast member that also went to Paradise. Will be interesting to see who they are."

Please be true and PLEASE be Kovacs' hot brother.

Speaking of which, it's jus not BIP without Jesse Kovacs. Or Chris Bukowski, that delicious douchebag.

Didn't Michelle Money have a brother that she tried to set up with someone from the show? Edited by Saylii

On my phone so can't link but people magazine has the first list of contestants out. Only 3 guys named as the rest are Kaitlyn guys. Only unknown is some guy from Des season I've never heard of.

First 8 girls include Clare and Tenley. The 9th girl is the unknown sibling. Will have to wait on reality Steve to see who that is.

Edited by CindyBee

How can anyone come back after all of that YOPO toasting last year?! You only paradise ONCE, people!


Just kidding. I can't wait to have these loons back on my TV! I'm still holding out hope that Bukowski will come back again and convince another three or so girls to fall for him--or even better, they finally catch on to his Lothario act and make a fool of him! Speaking of which...make Ryan Putz a contestant, too!

  • Love 5

Kiptyn knocked up a girl shortly after breaking up with Tenley and seemed pretty resentful of the drama about it on Instagram, so I imagine she's had a pretty rough year. She might see this as something fun to do (and to keep her weird healthy living coach program in the spotlight).


I'm not a fan of Tenley's, but damn, that's got to hurt. I'll forgive her for joining BIP as long as she generates some drama.


The boys seem like weak sauce to me so far.



I kinda have a soft spot for Kirk, and Tanner is also growing on me. And Mikey will surely have to answer for "tall rich girls on boats", so that could be fun.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 3

I still can't believe Tenley is doing this show. Last season abc had such a hard time casting former All-Stars that they dipped all the way down to first-night reject Lacy Faddoul. I don't know if they even bothered this time around. Is Tenley strung out on horse? Did they lie to her about who else they'd cast?


Kiptyn knocked up a girl shortly after breaking up with Tenley and seemed pretty resentful of the drama about it on Instagram, so I imagine she's had a pretty rough year. She might see this as something fun to do (and to keep her weird healthy living coach program in the spotlight).


It is a little shocking to see Tenley on this, as her participation on the first Bachelor Pad was 5 years ago, which is an eternity to be on the sidelines for this franchise. 


But as stated in the quotes, she did have a rather hard breakup with Kiptyn, who has apparently moved on rather quickly, and she does have her lifestyle brand to promote. So why not go back to the place that put her on the map (in a manner of speaking) in the first place.


I know a lot of people cannot stand her, either for what they perceive as her phony Disney Princess persona, or simply for her speaking voice, which was the most ridiculed until Whitney Bischoff showed up. But I for one have loved her from the start, and to me she is so beautiful she could lure me to a watery grave. Or to put in a way those who have watched more recent seasons of this franchise can understand, she is my Britt. Except she doesn't smell.

Edited by reggiejax
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Maybe they escaped, as opposed to not making the cut.


Wouldn't it be great if that were true? Then one of them could do a tell-all interview with Diane Sawyer - "How I Escaped the Bachelor Cult." Joking aside though, I think both Bens are on the long list for the Bachelor spot, hence no "paradise" for them.

  • Love 4

Too funny that Crazy Clare is back.  I hope they flew in the Raccoon from last year so she can have somebody to listen to her!




Just want to note that on Clare's twitter feed, the only guy from this season of Paradise she is following is JJ.


So there's a chance that she ditched the raccoon for JJ.    Sigh.

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Reality Steve has a new blog up and he's starting to leak some of the Bachelor in Paradise spoilers.


--Additional girl contestant is Amber from Chris' season;  she comes on with Megan & Samantha in the second wave.  Like last season, all new people have date cards to try to get someone interested in them

-Carly missed her brother's Zak wedding for filming

-Chris B is back for his 5th time on the show but like Kalon last season, only lasts a day

-Jared is not over Kaitlyn and its the main focus of his story in Paradise

-Ashley I and Lauren were suppose to stay together and be one rose receiver and one rose giver but that went out the window as Lauren is home already and Ashley isn't


Said the season is a major trainwreck so that should be lots of fun to watch come August.  He'll be back later with all the info on hook ups, break ups, etc.

  • Love 4

Is she for real?!? Damn!


I guess she can be photo-shopped into all the photos but yeah that's pretty bad to miss a family wedding for your next 15 seconds of fame.


RS did say that one of the girls was working hard pre-filming, talking to multiple guys to shore up her alliances and it all blew up in her face.  Will be interesting to see if that turns out to be Carly. 

  • Love 3

Chris B is back for his 5th time on the show but like Kalon last season, only lasts a day

Woo-Hoo! This makes me ridiculously happy! I wish he'd made it more than one day though. Still, at least he makes an appearance. Chris-B-still-my-heart is the one I'd give my final rose to for his perseverance on his Bachelor journey. I feel such a connection to the way he embraces the process & milks his 15 minutes as long as he can. Go you grown ass man, go!

ETA: Wrong reasons, wrong reasons, I watch this show for all the wrong reasons.

Wrong reasons, wrong reasons, I'd watch this junk any time or any season.

Edited by ramble
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I hope Bukowski and/or Nick show up on every season of this franchise for all eternity.


But never together. It would be like two stars with competing gravitational pulls ripping a black hole in the Bachelor Vortex (next generation Bachelor Nation/Bachelor Family). Though perhaps we could get Neil Degrasse-Tyson or Stephen Hawking on the case--maybe a Bukowski/Vial pairing is the missing key to breaking the space-time continuum! Now THAT would be The Most Dramatic Episode in Bachelor History!

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