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S32: Spoilers

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I knew. At that point, she wouldn’t have had the numbers. She would have been crazy to go against the girls, because she would’ve been the next one voted out.


So reading between the lines here is Debbie spoiling that Julia is safe next week?

Maybe more that Julia thought or knew she was on the bottom?

So it's quite possible Julia will be voted out next.


I was mulling this over, in the speculation thread.   She is the logical pick that would fit Probst's words "just when you think you are safe, oops another blind side."    She may feel safe with 2 alliances. Who else, other than Joe, would feel safe?   I say Joe only because he is not paying attention.  


My guess is a Cydney boot. 


The 5 split their vote knowing they have to sacrifice one of their own.  Julia tips off the men to vote Cydney because she is viewed as a threat by all and they agree.   Or they just all vote for her.  

Either they are really careless or really don't are about this season.  I think it was spoiled (allegedly) that the final 5 consisted of Julia, Michele, Scot, and Jason.  Neal was originally part of that five, but speculation is it is actually Aubry as the last brain standing.  If the reddit posts have any ground to stand on, Julia will not make the final 3, but one of Scot/Jason does, and Julia goes off on the finalists (probably because she played both sides and got blindsided).


BTW, I loved this line from that article:


if Jason or Scot are medevaced because of their obvious infection of Juvenileous Asshaterous



I guess I see why TPTB and Probst are down on this season.

Edited by LadyChatts

Reality Blurred posted a possible spoiler for the finale:





I lost a really long post earlier working through all the possibilities this spoiler presents.  There isn't enough information to lock it down.


Missyae spoiled Joe goes at F5, it that is accurate Aubry is the remaining brain. 

Either they are really careless or really don't are about this season.  I think it was spoiled (allegedly) that the final 5 consisted of Julia, Michele, Scot, and Jason.  Neal was originally part of that five, but speculation is it is actually Aubry as the last brain standing.  If the reddit posts have any ground to stand on, Julia will not make the final 3, but one of Scot/Jason does, and Julia goes off on the finalists (probably because she played both sides and got blindsided).



How can it be "spoiled" when it is wrong? And just who is saying that Neal was really Aubry? Last time I checked, they look nothing alike.

How can it be "spoiled" when it is wrong? And just who is saying that Neal was really Aubry? Last time I checked, they look nothing alike.


Because they were off by one?  They may have got the rest of the final 4 right.  Good enough for me.  And I never said Aubry and Neal looked alike.  Simply that they may have gotten which brain tribe member made the final 5 wrong.


Missyae spoiled a while back that the final 3 are Tai, michele and Aubrey. Makes a lot of sense. I jsut dont see how Michele wins over Tai and Aubry. Tai is loved by the cast, Aubry is a great player; what can Michele's possible upside be over the 2 of them?



After this past week, I'm skeptical if Tai can win, especially if his edit keeps going in the direction that the gruesome twosome is going.  I think Aubry is going to overanalyze and overthink her moves and end up causing some blindsides that could cost her in the end.  Good game play isn't always rewarded.  I think Michele could take it if she keeps her hands clean, and the betrayals are severe enough to cost Aubry and Tai.

Edited by LadyChatts

Because they were off by one?  They may have got the rest of the final 4 right.  Good enough for me.  And I never said Aubry and Neal looked alike.  Simply that they may have gotten which brain tribe member made the final 5 wrong.




How can it be off by one when NONE of it has been proven correct? It may be off by 5 for all we know. Speculation that has already been proven wrong is not spoilers.

Doesn't joe get madavaced at Final 5?


Missyae spoiled a while back that the final 3 are Tai, michele and Aubrey. Makes a lot of sense. I jsut dont see how Michele wins over Tai and Aubry. Tai is loved by the cast, Aubry is a great player; what can Michele's possible upside be over the 2 of them?


Yes, apparently Joe is the 3rd medivac.  There is time left for more to become displeased with Tai.  If the jury is voting for best player Tai will not fall into that category.   Lovable, quirky, man but no strategist.  This is my guess if he is there and Michele wins.  I find it hard to believe he wouldn't win. 




If there is an F2 I can definitely see the winner of the last challenge NOT taking him.  Too much of a threat to win.  

Edited by wings707
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Yes, apparently Joe is the 3rd medivac.  There is time left for more to become displeased with Tai.  If the jury is voting for best player Tai will not fall into that category.   Lovable, quirky, man but no strategist.  This is my guess if he is there and Michele wins.  I find it hard to believe he wouldn't win. 




If there is an F2 I can definitely see the winner of the last challenge NOT taking him.  Too much of a threat to win.  

Missyae hasn't been right about anything in years. Why trust anything he says?

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Last season, a spoiler boot list was published, and with the exception of two players (and that list said they might have been switched), it was dead on. So I would not be shocked if what we have heard so far is accurate.


But there hasn't been a boot list this year so I'm not sure how last year's boot list is relevant. And "what we have heard so far" is  nothing more than several conflicting reddit posts and questionable so-called spoilers from the likes of unreliable people such as missyae. The only real spoilers this season are the old-school kind - press pics, booted contestant interviews and tweets, social media friendships, etc. 

The most revealing spoiler as far as I know is still the pics of what appears to be the jury with Aubrey, Michele and possibly Tai missing. And now we also have the finale episode description as revealed by Reality Blurred. So basically, we'd have nothing much at all if not for CBS not giving a fuck about this season like LadyChatts said, lol.

I have a fear that the thing that will have people screaming is that Jason wins immunity (we know that), and the Super Idol is used to keep Scot, and Tai goes home.  In other words, the Brotherhood of the Ugly Tattoos uses Tai and his idol for their own good, and sacrifice him in the process, as we have long suspected they will.


I don't know how that would happen, but that would be pretty outrageous.

So Jason has allegedly been banned from tweeting about Survivor.




Jason's #1 fangurl, Corine Kaplan, expanded upon on it in her podcast: she says that Survivor is pissed that he spoiled that Tai gave the idol back to him next ep. Then she ranted some more bc Jason deserves a lot of followers on SM so that he can make money according to her.

So Jason has allegedly been banned from tweeting about Survivor.




Ha!  I think I mentioned I saw people complaining to Jeff about Jason spoiling the season.  Jeff rightfully suggested that if someone is spoiling, don't follow them, but I wonder if Jason will have them put a SM ban back in place going forward.  In many ways, he's just a bad casting choice.  I wonder how it feels to have Jeff give a teaser that the audience will be screaming, and probably not in a good way, when you know it is about you (assuming, of course, it does involve Jason winning immunity or the super idol coming into play with his arrogance seeping through as he plays it).  I won't be surprised for Jeff to say after the fact "the audience would have loved the super idol had someone else found it."  It's what he said about the Tyler Perry idol, and it's not even like Tony was as hated as Jason is.

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Reality Blurred posted a possible spoiler for the finale:



Extremely interesting. As mentioned, Aubry would be the brain. Given the way Kyle runs his mouth on Twitter, the Reddit post has to be his. That means he is the member of Brawn at the end. Only Beauty is up in the air. I really hope it's Michele or Julia, because I would hate to see Tai rewarded for doing nothing but joining up with other assholes and finding a ridiculously overpowering idol.

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The finale generally has the final four, although IMDB says that there are 5-6 on several seasons.The number in the final episode has been especially skewed in redemption island seasons. More often than not, the first person goes out part way through the first half-hour, the final 3 go back and prepare for FTC, then they have FTC. Who knows how they'll do it this season.

Edited by azshadowwalker

Jeff's preview for this episode is the usual "Just when you think you're safe: #blindside."  Of course that could just be the standard clip (didn't he say the very same thing at last week's TC?), but to me that says either Julia or Tai is going home.  I don't think Bounty or Bench will go, and I'm sure none of the others feel "safe."  Unless it's Joe, who (as someone said upthread) hasn't been paying attention.

Although, using the words "Just when you think you're safe...#blindside" is interesting - because who thinks they're safe?  Bounty, Lurch, and Tai.  I don't think anyone else thinks they are remotely safe with the Super Duper Idol being waved in their faces.


And Jeff said we'd be "screaming," not "cheering," so I'm thinking the Gruesome Twosome will remain, but I REALLY hope it's at the expense of the idol being flushed.


Once the pieces to the SII are gone, do they re-hide more, or is it once and done?

At this point I think anyone could be considered a blindside.  Sadly, I don't believe Jason/Scot/Tai are going tonight, based on Jeff's teaser, and the fact that they have the super idol (unless Tai refuses to combine his idol).  But if Jason wins immunity, and Scot would be the one going home, I think Jason may use the idol to save Scot.  


Aubry/Cydney/Joe/Michele may think they have Julia on their side, but Julia may end up siding with the gruesomes, and perhaps Michele or Aubry flip with her, sending Cydney or Joe home.  I'm still betting on one of those two going home.

My hunch is that the Terrible trio are going to waste their superidol. which will make us scream. some in delight and some in frustration.


I hope so.  That could also be where the blindside comes from.  Someone is sacrificed to flush the super idol.  At the very least, they wouldn't have it to hold over everyone's heads and won't get to use it in some brilliant move that they came up with.

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Right.  For the SI to get flushed, the other folks will have to sacrifice one of their own.  They really should have thought that through when they were ready to vote Debbie out last week.  They could have, theoretically, "sacrificed" her and burned the SI at the same time.  I guess this is why some are speculating that the Women+Joe don't really know how the SI works.

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