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S10.E23: Brother's Keeper

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I've got a Shmirnoff (sp?) Ice I might break out.


Do we need a drinking game for the finale? There must be multiple choices, but something simple like taking a shot at every "Sam!" or "Dean!" might kill us.

Drinking game?  I'm in.  I don't have to go to work tomorrow, so....!  Please bear in mind that though that I only bought one bottle of margaritas (about 5-6 drinks depending on how generously you pour).

How about a shot for everyone who dies...

Jeeze!  Talk about possibly killing us ;D

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Guys, I've had such a crap day at work, I think I'm gonna burst into tears as soon as Carry On Wayward Son starts up!  And it'll be downhill from there.

No alcohol for me, that could get ugly fast, but I plan on having a large bowl of ice cream to cry into.  I'm West Coast, so I got time to pull myself together.

Edited to add: umm... the Fan Fiction version of Carry On Wayward Son started playing on my ipod... and I got teary already.  Crap.

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So as the time approaches, I'm planning on having a burger, fries and beer and some pie to cope. I have my shock blanket and whiskey as backup.


What will you all be doing?


As I've said before, we ordered pizza! In honor of Death of course, but really, I'll use any excuse to have pizza.


We're drinking beer, like the boys. Had a few already.


Being retired rocks!


catrox14, your drinking game would kill us! All we have is Jim Beam. But it's for the boys...right?!

Edited by Mick Lady
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I only started watching the show a year ago, watching all the reruns on TNT, and not finishing season 9 until right before this season started. So this was the first season finale I've gone into not knowing what was going to happen. It's much more fun that way.

I was sure we were going to have a "Buffy" season 2 situation here, with Rowena finishing the spell but Sam having to kill Dean for some reason. Then I thought Sam might sacrifice himself to keep Dean alive. I definitely didn't expect what we got instead.

RIP, Death. I'll think of you whenever I eat Mexican food.

I thought Lucifer might show up. Is that too much to ask?

Edited by JennB
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I'm really tired, so I fell asleep during the talking part. Dean talked. Sam talked. Death watched. Then Dean killed Death. Then Auntie Rowena killed the immortal short order cook. Rowena removed the mark, then got away. Castiel's going to kill Crowley, and the new big bad is a giant dust storm.


Did I miss anything?


Oh, and the Fan Fiction "Carry on My Wayward Son" intro was great.


I'll decide if I like this episode or not when I can watch it again when I'm more awake, and if I like the resolution of the cliffhangers next season. I'm done with journeys in books and television. I'm all about the destination.

Edited by mustbekarma
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Wow. That was unexpected and everything ended on a cliffhanger. Death can't be dead-dead, not possible, right?

Ugh Rowena lived, I don't think I can put up with another season of Rowena annoying presence. Maybe in small doses but not as much as she got this season.

I'm glad Dean didn't kill Sam but for a minute there I thought he would. I actually thought it might end with Dean killing Sam, Sam going to heaven with Jessica/Mary/John cameo. At the same time Death would send Dean to purgatory que Benny cameo.

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Utter crap. 


Dean has to kill Sam because it`s not like Sam could simply promise to let it go? Death has become so bloody stupid it was a foregone conclusion Dean would kill him here. Apparently that`s super-easy and has no consequences at all.


Then Rowena does her spell, the Mark is gone ans the Darkness is released into the world. Hey, did anyone think about maybe calling and telling them to stop the spell once it was revealed that the MOC is the seal to all evil? Sam? Bueller? I`m not sure Dean knew but Death?


And "the darkness" is a literal cloud of smoke. Oy.  

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Bring Bobby and Rufus back and I'll throw a party, with confetti. And Texas Sheet Cake.

And Kevin and Charlie and Ash and Jo and Ellen and Jess and Benny and... well, we could play this game for a VERY long time.


I thought too Dean was going to kill Sam because the two places the show doesn't go are the brothers REALLY hurting each other to death and one of them becoming a demon, which is how LAST season ended. 


I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it.  It fell like Once Upon a Time.

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On the plus side, Sam didn't get the Mark! So yeah for that.


I'm not thrilled with the resolution that Rowena removed the Mark though...and I guess we'll never see demon!Dean again. That was a fucking waste. I was really hoping when Dean was calling women skanks (which FUCK YOU CARVER FOR THAT BULLSHIT) I thought maybe demon!Dean was back.

Hmmmm, Dean killed Death, does this mean Dean might have to take Death's place?


I don't see how he doesn't become Death. 

What the flip flap was any of that?!


Why kill Death? Why?


Why did we only just now learn this interesting stuff about the Mark being a key and about the chaos and the universe?


Why any of this?


I assume it's because they got the 11th season so he changed the ending, which would have probably been Sam and Dean dying together. 

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Hmmmm, Dean killed Death, does this mean Dean might have to take Death's place?

I vote no, but I always thought Death was lame. At least I thought the Mark of Cain was interesting enough. I'll willing to bet someone has to take the Mark of Cain again to banish the Darkness again, particularly since Death said God created the Mark of Cain to contain the Darkness in the first place. That's why I said I'll reserve judgement on this episode until I see the resolution. The Mark of Cain is gone, and I need it to stay gone.

So the star on Jared's arm was for nothing at all?

Maybe they'll have to get Lucifer and Michael out of the pit to fight the darkness.

No, Sam wasn't innocent in Lester's death, but I thought it was a bit much for the guy who a actually killed him to put all the blame on someone else.


I don't think he was putting all the blame on Sam for that at all. He knows he killed him when he was demon!Dean

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did anyone think about maybe calling and telling them to stop the spell once it was revealed that the MOC is the seal to all evil?


I couldn't believe Sam didn't call Cas and tell him to stop. The only excuse I can think of is he was too emotionally overwhelmed. Still extremely stupid though.  So I guess the darkness will be Sam's and Cas's fault and Death being dead (and whatever the fall out of that) is Dean's fault. Plenty of blame to go around.

Last time, it took God and all the archangels to defeat the darkness but this time, I`m sure Dean and Sam will do just fine on their own.


Pretty much. Of course they'll just ignore it for long stretches of time.


Exactly why did Dean kill Death? Just to save Sam (again?). He would have been left with the mark on his arm and no way out, getting more and more evil. So what did he hope to accomplish by killing Death?

Edited by Ria
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