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S02.E10: Election Day

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Cameran closing her eyes and letting that truth speak through her that no, Thomas, you're not up!



I found that totally obnoxious and just so rude to Thomas. Of course he's feeling bad and twice she has to SCREAM that he LOST. Ugh. I never really liked her much and that clip does nothing to change my mind. I don't party with people who get drunk and scream and fall all over the place -- at least not since I was 22.


Moving on to Kathryn, I'm still laughing at the final shot of her walking down the street carrying her hiiigh heels that undoubtedly hurt her feet. She gained nothing by showing up at Thomas's party. Or wait, it was HER party as well, according to what she yelled at Landon. Not that she had anything to do with the campaign, and I'm thinking Thomas was right to keep her far, far away.

Edited by RedHawk
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When Kathryn was at the crab shack fund-raiser (I have trouble typing that with a straight face), Kathryn got drunk and started up with Whitney. At Cooper's party, she was insolent and looked like she wished she was anywhere else. Instead of walking around, introducing herself, shaking hands and saying "Thomas would really appreciate your vote and support."

She's clueless. This episode secured it. She did nothing to help in the campaign during the few times she had free reign to do so. She could have walked into JD's and thanked each and every person there for supporting Thomas. Instead, she made an ass of herself.

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  On 5/21/2015 at 6:36 PM, imjagain said:

I guess I'm the only one who thinks drunk Cameron was obnoxious. 


Honestly, Drunk Cameran is the only Cameran I like.  It's nice to see the "Greek chorus" off her pedestal for a change!  And for me, it's one of those situations where it was hilarious to watch on television but would have been SO ANNOYING to actually deal with in real life.  

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I found that totally obnoxious and just so rude to Thomas. Of course he's feeling bad and twice she has to SCREAM that he LOST. Ugh. I never really liked her much and that clip does nothing to change my mind. I don't party with people who get drunk and scream and fall all over the place -- at least not since I was 22.

Can you imagine if Craig behaved this way?  They would have had an impromptu intervention right then and there.   He was right; there is a double standard.  Is it because she has a job?  I would be surprised if she actually is a realtor outside of filming.     

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  On 5/21/2015 at 11:21 PM, Teddybear said:

Can you imagine if Craig behaved this way?  They would have had an impromptu intervention right then and there.   He was right; there is a double standard.  Is it because she has a job?  I would be surprised if she actually is a realtor outside of filming.

I think by everyone's reactions (and how she is the usually one of the first to leave the party) it is clearly not a regular thing for Cameran unlike Craig and his lifestyle.

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  On 5/21/2015 at 11:04 PM, chewycandy said:

I'm torn. I did find her drunken behavior a bit obnoxious but can't NOT love the part where she and Shep fall to the floor and bring a chair down with them. lol

A friend and I did this once at a company Christmas party.  Neither of us were drunk but we were wrestling over something (maybe a camera?), and we both went spilling backwards, right into a room divider.... which was blocking a view of the glassware for the next event.  Yup.  Bang, crash, shatter.  Classy.  We were 20-24.  We laugh now at it.  Most people there did. 


So one time drunk Cameran didn't bother me.  Constantly drunk and inappropriate would.  Looking at you Kathryn and Craig!

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New poster here.  


Gotta say I like Kathryn, don't think she is white trash at all.  She tried to step up & be grown up, but doesn't seem like T-Rav is mature enough for her.  Douchey, but I like him too.  He just got caught up in the sex thang.


Whitney is a total puke, greasy, and I like to refer to him as "WHIP-LEY".  Never looks like he ever washes that nasty hair, has the side stink eye going on all the time, and can't form a cohesive thought.  Wishes he had T-Rav all to himself.


Mother Patricia, that fake Southern Belle, who acts as if she is something special needs to beg to be on "BOTCHED" what a horrible bunch of face work she has had done!  What's up with the droopy eye Patty-kins?


If I were that butler, I would give her a swift kick along with those stupid dogs of hers.

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We just witnessed peak SC.  Nothing can, nor ever will, top an altered Kathryn making a Miss Piggy entrance ("Move over!") followed by walking right in front of Thomas as he was making his concession speech.  Landon gasping, "Jesus Christ" perfectly captured that unreal alignment of the planets.  There's nowhere else. really, for this show to go.  It's played out fully, now.


We got a quick glimpse of what Pat adds.  Her adult remarks to Thomas as to how he fought an honorable fight and spoke truths which the people of South Carolina  needed to hear was a perfect mixture of heartfelt feeling and proper social etiquette.  Then she bid a quick and discreet exit.  Every last one of them could take a note.


I got the feeling that Thomas wasn't truly after that Senate seat.  He was about becoming respected again - getting back his good public name.  Had he garnered 15%, he could have rightly claimed he was on the road back.  Getting shellacked as he did extinguished a flame which had burned within him a very long time.  What is his raison d'ệtre now?   And then came Kathryn spitting out words of treacherous support.  


Thomas is a cad.  No argument.  However, K is the one who wants him.  Therefore, she is the one who must give up certain things she may like to support her man.  never once was this relationship "even."  Thomas was always the prize.   So, he says he needs her back home immediately for an obvious crisis, in which you played a part?  Any sane and caring person in that situation would set landspeed records going to him.  K?  She acts aggrieved.  Unconscionable.


Then, regardless the method, it was made entirely clear he wanted no more to do with her, except in the context of Kensie.  K was not welcome to HIS final public appearance.  Again, Bravo monkeys or no, her crass entrance was also unconscionable.  She'll have every opportunity to get what's hers in court.  She'd likely have multiple opportunity to let him know what she thinks of him when they exchange Kensie.  His concession had not a thing in the world to do with her.  How dare she attempt to horn in on it.  


Cameran is your basic fame whore.  She certainly has a ton of common sense.   She has a decent sense of how to make good TV.  She seems to be a fairly decent person.  But, we saw the bottom line of what and who she chooses to be at this time in her life.  At what point does one separate professionally from a Whitney, else one lose the ability to protest one is not really a Whitney?  She has a fantastic husband and the foundation of a good career.  For what, does she lack?  Parenthetically, if the show is resented as widely and deeply by the fair denizens of Charleston as has been widely reported, how does being associated with it help her vital quest to attain listings from those folks?


I see the Shep/Craig dynamic as Shep using Craig as his "bottom-check."   So long as he is functioning/behaving better than Craig, his own debauchery is limited and Shep can claim to be aight and a better.  The Shep's of the world need examples to whom they can point as lower than themselves.  Then, when Craig outlives his usefulness, he is to be discarded.  We're there now.


I am most interested now in seeing just how delusional K's dad, Mr. Dennis, is.  She didn't just all of a sudden become the nut case we have come to know.  I have little doubt she was a special snowflake.  Now, she is just a meltdown.

  • Love 14
  On 5/23/2015 at 2:20 AM, Lonesome Rhodes said:

We just witnessed peak SC.  Nothing can, nor ever will, top an altered Kathryn making a Miss Piggy entrance ("Move over!") followed by walking right in front of Thomas as he was making his concession speech.  Landon gasping, "Jesus Christ" perfectly captured that unreal alignment of the planets.  There's nowhere else. really, for this show to go.  It's played out fully, now.


We got a quick glimpse of what Pat adds.  Her adult remarks to Thomas as to how he fought an honorable fight and spoke truths which the people of South Carolina  needed to hear was a perfect mixture of heartfelt feeling and proper social etiquette.  Then she bid a quick and discreet exit.  Every last one of them could take a note.


I got the feeling that Thomas wasn't truly after that Senate seat.  He was about becoming respected again - getting back his good public name.  Had he garnered 15%, he could have rightly claimed he was on the road back.  Getting shellacked as he did extinguished a flame which had burned within him a very long time.  What is his raison d'ệtre now?   And then came Kathryn spitting out words of treacherous support.  


Thomas is a cad.  No argument.  However, K is the one who wants him.  Therefore, she is the one who must give up certain things she may like to support her man.  never once was this relationship "even."  Thomas was always the prize.   So, he says he needs her back home immediately for an obvious crisis, in which you played a part?  Any sane and caring person in that situation would set landspeed records going to him.  K?  She acts aggrieved.  Unconscionable.


Then, regardless the method, it was made entirely clear he wanted no more to do with her, except in the context of Kensie.  K was not welcome to HIS final public appearance.  Again, Bravo monkeys or no, her crass entrance was also unconscionable.  She'll have every opportunity to get what's hers in court.  She'd likely have multiple opportunity to let him know what she thinks of him when they exchange Kensie.  His concession had not a thing in the world to do with her.  How dare she attempt to horn in on it.  


Cameran is your basic fame whore.  She certainly has a ton of common sense.   She has a decent sense of how to make good TV.  She seems to be a fairly decent person.  But, we saw the bottom line of what and who she chooses to be at this time in her life.  At what point does one separate professionally from a Whitney, else one lose the ability to protest one is not really a Whitney?  She has a fantastic husband and the foundation of a good career.  For what, does she lack?  Parenthetically, if the show is resented as widely and deeply by the fair denizens of Charleston as has been widely reported, how does being associated with it help her vital quest to attain listings from those folks?


I see the Shep/Craig dynamic as Shep using Craig as his "bottom-check."   So long as he is functioning/behaving better than Craig, his own debauchery is limited and Shep can claim to be aight and a better.  The Shep's of the world need examples to whom they can point as lower than themselves.  Then, when Craig outlives his usefulness, he is to be discarded.  We're there now.


I am most interested now in seeing just how delusional K's dad, Mr. Dennis, is.  She didn't just all of a sudden become the nut case we have come to know.  I have little doubt she was a special snowflake.  Now, she is just a meltdown.

Whitney, is that you?!

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I need to know. I finally figured out during this episode who Landon's speaking and giggle remind me of! The little boy from Pet Sematary. Gage. The way she talks with that annoying giggle after everything is just like that reanimated zombie kid!!!! The way she spoke to Kathryn at the election "party" was dead on. I could just see her with a knife, uttering "Now I wanna play with youuu.." *giggle*


Anyone else getting that?

  On 5/19/2015 at 8:57 PM, Elizabeth said:

I could barely watch the scene with Thomas and Kathryn when Kathryn was trying to talk to him in the corner at the restaurant. It was just so awkward. He was treating her so coldly -- like a stranger. But I understand that he probably didn't want to talk about "them" at that particular time. I honestly felt bad for both of them at that moment.


His embarrassing loss is the only time she seemed truly happy.  She's been super glum the entire season and she's all smiling and giggly when he just lost a race in a very embarrassing fashion.  So I'm quite sure he didn't think she was coming to give her support and concern.  And I'm sure she thought if she came he would think she's just the most classy person ever to show up after being publicly dumped!  

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  On 5/19/2015 at 11:59 PM, gimipizzauoldtroll said:

Don't meant to stereotype drug users, but she's waaaay too mean for it to just be pot. She's always on edge. I was thinking of an upper.

  On 5/19/2015 at 11:59 PM, gimipizzauoldtroll said:

Don't meant to stereotype drug users, but she's waaaay too mean for it to just be pot. She's always on edge. I was thinking of an upper.

I agree! I was given Adderall and had to stop taking it because it made me moody and mean.

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