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Flash Crossover Wish List

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First pairing that pops into my head is Felicity and Martin Stein.  I can just see those two being comedic gold, with Felicity's blabbering, and Stein just looking at her with that annoyed look that Victor Garber has mastered.  But there is also a lot of stuff they could bond over too.


Since Cisco lost his mind over Laurel, I'm curious to see how he'd interact with Sara.


Since I really got a kick out of the Diggle/Deadshot relationship, I think Diggle and Captain Cold could be just as hilarious, if they were ever forced to work together.


Pure fantasy, but I want my former Prison Break actors vs. former Spartacus actors.  In other words, an excuse to have Cold, Heatwave, Clock King, and Vertigo 2.0., take on Weather Wizard, Nyssa, Slade, Boomerang, and Amanda Waller, in a cage match or something.

Edited by thuganomics85
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Although Gotham isn't part of this group (it's being produced by an entirely separate company), I've come up with a bare-bones idea for a crossover between it and Arrow:  (Note: some of this is made problematic by the state of affairs at the end of Arrow Season 3):


Part I: On Gotham, Jim and Bullock are faced with a particularly nasty series of murders.  Unbeknownst to them, the killer is arrested on unrelated charges and winds up getting sentenced to a term of 15-25 years.


Part II: On Arrow, that killer, having served his time, gets paroled and surfaces in Starling City.  The Arrow team picks up on the similarities to the old case in Gotham, and goes there to try to get additional info.  We have some typical banter among the team where Oliver insists that he isn't afraid of an urban legend, that there is no such thing as a giant Bat-Man haunting the skyscrapers, and that the GCPD feeds the legend itself to intimidate the nigh-uncontrollable criminals.  The cast actually go to New York, and (through a deal that would probably be a contractual and logistical nightmare if they were to try to make it happen in RL) get to use some of the Gotham sets and, perhaps more importantly, their CGI and post-production coloring; the scenes set in Gotham actually look like Gotham the show.  Ben McKenzie plays Commissioner Gordon in older-man makeup.  We progress to a point where the Arrow has, perhaps, gone into Gordon's office to get threatening with him to try to get information.  After that, we see him on a rooftop (complete with gargoyle), preparing to shoot one of his zipline arrows, when his bowstring is severed by something like a throwing star....


A bat-shaped throwing star.


A gritty voice says, "Oliver Queen."  Oliver turns, and from a ground level POV we see his astonishment as a black boot and cape with an inverted scalloped edge step into the frame.  The voice says, "We need to talk."  Go to commercial.


Oh, and just for the sake of the fan service, the voice actor is Kevin Conroy.

  • Love 9

It sure would appeal to me.

I'd really love a episode or two with Felicity and Sara doing their own missions like in the early Birds of Prey comics, like Sara has to go to a tropical island and Felicity comes with but runs things behind the scenes at their hotel room. Maybe things escalate really badly and Felicity calls in Hawkgirl or some other heroine as a back up plan.

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I know I'm stuck with Oliver making appearances but otherwise I'd like as little of the Arrow cast ruining Legends of Tomorrow for me as possible. Please, no Felicity. It's enough that she's taken over one show and she's been foisted on The Flash, too.


Given the success of previous crossovers, and more importantly, the fact that two of the eight characters on this show are from Arrow, I think you are out of luck.  

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Gotham is awful and doesn't really fit the tone of Flarrow. I'll pass.

Counter viewpoint, Gotham  is great and not that different in tone from Flarrow. I'd say it is a combo of Flash and Arrow actually since Gotham is darker and more gritty like Arrow wants to be but also embraces bad guys with big personalities like Flash leans toward. 


I think the idea of connected episodes could work.  Nora Roberts a suspense writer did a book that they first half was a present time mystery which then finished in the second half of the book which used her characters from a futuristic cop series she writes.  In that case she used an object to connect the stories but if both shows go on for a number of years, I could see the show runners talking to drum up some new excitement. 


They could even do an episode that includes Team Arrow in the present and our guys from Gotham in the flashbacks.  BUT if it ever happened it would be way in the future, probably right around the same time as our much anticipated Music Meister Sing along extravaganza.  :)


I'm all for Arrow cast except Laurel, actually. Well, I could live without Oliver there, but he doesn't bother me and I know he'll be there anyway. Now, for The Flash, the only one I wouldn't mind is Cisco.

I'm certainly not Laurel's biggest fan, but I'm willing to give her a chance in a different environment as I think it's inevitable since how can they resist a Black Canary/White Canary team up? 



Is anyone else into maybe some or all of the characters kissing?


On that note, I think I need Felicity on one more double date in the Flash Universe, this time with Oliver.  I need something to scrub her and Ray from the minds of the Flash viewers.  The bonus for the Flash viewers is Oliver can tell Barry that sometimes the hero does get the girl. 


The other thing I really would like, even though I know it would be INCREDIBLEY hard to pull off, I want EVERYONE from ALL three shows to have some kind of crossover.  Maybe skip the crossover thing and go for an all out no holds barred two hour mini movie.  Oh!  My ambitions just got bigger. Now I want a real movie.  Why not?  The X-Files got one during the series.  They could film it over the hiatus.  Now that would be great publicity for Berlanti and Company!! 

  • Love 4
On that note, I think I need Felicity on one more double date in the Flash Universe, this time with Oliver.  I need something to scrub her and Ray from the minds of the Flash viewers.  The bonus for the Flash viewers is Oliver can tell Barry that sometimes the hero does get the girl. 

Oliver still doesn't believe that though. He got the girl...but he quit being the Arrow. Still no balance..one or the other according to him.

I'd like Sara to hit on Felicity for real, just for the fun of it.


They should've done that earlier. Felicity would have no idea, then when Sara walks away it would dawn on her that Sara was flirting with her. It also would've given a small hint that Sara liked women too before Nyssa showed up. 


LoT probably has the best way to crossover with Gotham with the Time Travel element. They could back in time to stop Savage from doing something in Gotham. Although I had a story in my head of young troublemaker Sara ditching school and taking a bus to Gotham, running into young Selina they run around causing trouble, get arrested and Police Officer Quentin has to show up to at the Gotham Police station to take Sara home. 

  • Love 2

Oliver still doesn't believe that though. He got the girl...but he quit being the Arrow. Still no balance..one or the other according to him.

Well that old guy he was when he was the Arrow didn't believe he could be with the girl, but he quit being that guy and is off exploring the new guy in his place.


Time will tell about Arrow 2.0  ;D


Which opens another interesting option for a LoT crossover.  How about a visit to the past that does something major to the future, letting the show explore alternate futures ( that the Legends ultimately undue or reset so the future remains unwritten for the cast on Flash or Arrow).  It could do things they never could do in the actual Flash or Arrow universe, the roads not taken type thing or a Barry goes evil or Oliver dies and Roy returns as the Green Arrow or more likely, they bump into the GA only to unmask him as Connor. 


It really opens up limitless possibilities if the shows go on for a long time (time being the needed push to explore the more esoteric what if type episodes )  I probably should scale back my wish lists to stuff that might actually happen in the next season.  :)

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Now that they've established on The Flash that Cisco does have his Vibe powers, I hope that at some point in the future when/if they can get CBS to allow crossovers  with Supergirl that that's how they do it. Make it an alternate dimension that he can visit. Maybe with guests so Supergirl and Flash can race. Or do karaoke. Whichever.

  • Love 4

Now that they've established on The Flash that Cisco does have his Vibe powers, I hope that at some point in the future when/if they can get CBS to allow crossovers  with Supergirl that that's how they do it. Make it an alternate dimension that he can visit. Maybe with guests so Supergirl and Flash can race. Or do karaoke. Whichever.


Since DC has a long history of alternate universes and we saw a certain


make an appearance on The Flash last night, I think a Crisis of TV Universes would make a great crossover in a season or two with anyone who wants to play (Gotham, various animated series, Smallville, Batman '66).

  • Love 1

Screw continuity! Network had no problem messing with the timeline/continuity this season. We deserve & need a musical episode. It's just wrong to have that many talented musicians & not have a music themed crossover. It doesn't have to be all music all the time, just a few numbers. Im with u @trini & others. I too am having trouble letting go of this idea. :)

Edited by kismet
  • Love 5

From the interview posted in the Supergirl forum -- more evidence that a musical crossover NEEDS to happen:

Coming from Glee, we know you[Melissa Benoist] have a voice. So have the producers talked about having an episode where Supergirl sings?

They haven’t, but it’s kind of a running joke though because I’m not the only one on the show that does. Jeremy Jordan is an amazing singer. Mehcad Brooks is a rapper. Chyler Leigh is a singer. I think David Harewood sings as well. We’ve all joked that it would be funny. I don’t know if the producers have seriously thought about it.


I swear, we should start a campaign. We can get the actors to convince the producers!

  • Love 2

I feel like if Vixen is going to show up in person, it will be on Arrow. I think it will work better with what they have been talking about in terms of Damien Darhk & themes of possible




But isn't there a live movie version of VIxen that has been rumored to be cast & in early stages of production? I swear I saw an article on it but can no longer find it.


It would be insulting if they think we are too dumb to differentiate between the two separate mediums.


It already is insulting. We can't have Arrow Deadshot because there's a movie using Deadshot too? The public will get

Will Smith

and Michael Rowe mixed up? wev.


Back to topic:


Vixen!  I agree that having her show in Arrow makes more sense, plus there could be a wonderfully epic fight between Vixen and Bronze Tiger. (Anything to see Michael Jai White on my TV, really.)  If we could get her, Lyndie Greenwood ( Jenny, Sleepy Hollow) would be a cool gal to take on the role. She can do the physical , exudes smarts, and can carry off the model background, imo.


Maybe we can also get the second Wildcat, a lady of color as well. Ted didn't seem well-received, so getting Yolanda Montez shouldn't be too hard. On the Infinity, Inc. tip,maybe lady Doctor Midnight and an appearance of  Mr. Bones?


edited to cover the movie version's actor. Some folks prefer to be surprised and I apologize if I spoiled anyone before I corrected.

Edited by Actionmage
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Thanks Sakura! I couldn't place it and I knew I was having a bad reaction to her but I couldn't place from what. That said, actors can get better and that was a pretty eerie unnerving part to start with - though her dead eyes freaked me out ( part of that was purposeful).

It seems like the EPs have some live-action designs on this character and I'm marginally rooting for it. I agree this actress would likely portray any live-action version. But I tend to like all the crossing over and character drops from the DC universe, and this would be a kick-ass female POC, which would be a very welcome change.

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