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Grey's Anatomy in the Media: Incident Reporting

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Grey's is the definition of stability these days, with a 2.2 for both hours.  The show has been fluctuating between a 2.1 and 2.2 for the last 9 weeks (basically since it returned from hiatus).  


It was #1 for the night, but there were a lot of repeats and new crappy filler reality shows on last night.

Edited by Greysaddict
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Grey's is tied with Modern Family this week as ABCs top-rated program, and it's also the 2nd highest-rated drama on any broadcast network behind only Empire. It's insanely steady, especially considering the drops that basically every other series are taking (including Modern Family & Empire) 

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"Meanwhile, Giacomo and Martin teased that their characters’ love lives could also be heating up before the show wraps up season 12. Martin revealed Nathan will finally get some action, locking lips with one lucky lady in the coming episodes. "Things are getting juicy,” he teased, while Giacomo hinted at new liaisons for Andrew. "

“They’re throwing me into different people’s story lines now that DeLuca and [Dr.] Maggie Pierce (Kelly McCreary) have gone their separate ways,” he disclosed."





The actor added that Nathan will go out on a date with a woman, and the two of them will lock lips.


I think they might pair Nathan and Maggie or Amelia. Hard to say who is there for Deluca.

Edited by NathanRiggsfan
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If they don't pair Henderson with Meredith then that makes me more convinced that Merlex is coming.


I still haven't 100% ruled that out, but I think they would have been working on writing out Jo if that was the case. I don't think they would have bothered to have the Mer / Jo confrontation and apology, and I think they'd have probably broken Alex and Jo up by now. There's been plenty of opportunity to get those two apart. I'm not totally opposed to Meredith and Alex dating, but I'd much rather they not go there. I love them as friends and I really don't want that dynamic ruined. 

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but I think they would have been working on writing out Jo if that was the case. I don't think they would have bothered to have the Mer / Jo confrontation and apology,

They haven't written for Jo at all this season though. There's been a complete lack of interest in her by the writers. The apology seemed more like a way to clear Meredith looking like a bitch then it was about making Jo feel more accepted.

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They haven't written for Jo at all this season though. There's been a complete lack of interest in her by the writers. The apology seemed more like a way to clear Meredith looking like a bitch then it was about making Jo feel more accepted.


They didn't write for her at all last season, either. That's what I mean... they totally could have just written her off. I thought she was going to be gone at the end of last year when she wanted to go do the military doctor thing. Plus at that time I thought they were hinting at an Alex / Maggie hook-up. Instead it seems like they're just content having Alex and Jo be 'happy' but not moving at all. The treatment of Jo the last two seasons has been pretty baffling to me considering that she was pretty prominent in S9 & 10. 

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If they don't pair Henderson with Meredith then that makes me more convinced that Merlex is coming.


I've just said that in another thread!


Writing Jo out would be the easiest thing in the world. She got a better offer somewhere else after taking the boards and that's it. 

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I wish that both actors were leaving, but I don't think that will be the case.  If they do write Camilla out, they won't give her an exit story.  They will just have someone who isn't Alex explain that she left because of blah, blah, blah in the season premiere.  They didn't give Teddy, Lexie or Hahn any pre-exit story and they won't do it for Jo.


I guess this entire season has been practice for Alex's "storyline" if he does get with Meredith, because I guaranty that what he does now (ie nothing but service the women on the show) is exactly what he will do should the two of them get together.  And since they have made him so boring and so much of a fuddy-duddy it doesn't really even matter much.  If they keep Camilla then they should  pair her up with DeLuca because they have no intention of writing her with Alex.


I still really enjoy Alex's character, despite wanting better for him - so I don't want Justin Chambers going anywhere and I don't think he will. Camilla is actually a question mark for me, but I agree that she wouldn't get any grand exit. Hahn was an exception as Shonda was essentially told to write her out by ABC with only one episode of notice, and obviously with Lexi they were planning to kill her off in the crash so there wasn't much they could do as build-up (although she definitely could have been given more to do in the back-half of S8 considering that they knew she was leaving.) I thought Teddy's exit was strange and rushed, but I didn't care much for her so I wasn't bothered at all. 


I hope if Camilla sticks around then the writers decide ASAP what the hell they want to do with them, because I agree that she'd be better utilized with just about any other character since they clearly don't want to write for the two of them. The problem is that she's been so under-utilized for so long that, for me, I don't care much about her outside of her relationship with Alex. Especially if Jerrika / Steph leave this year, Jo has literally no ties to anyone except Alex. I thought they'd at least maybe develop the Callie / Jo work dynamic this year but even that got glossed over. At least for Justin he has other scenes and other relationships, but Camilla gets literally nothing to do aside from occasional spotlights in random episodes here and there. I don't think this state of arrested development that they're in is fun for anyone to watch or any fun for the actors to play. 


I'm rooting for a Meredith / Riggs pairing by the end of the year and hoping that Alex and Jo get engaged and get some actual focus next year as a couple, but that's what we were promised this year and it never came, so I won't hold my breath. 

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I still really enjoy Alex's character, despite wanting better for him - so I don't want Justin Chambers going anywhere and I don't think he will. Camilla is actually a question mark for me, but I agree that she wouldn't get any grand exit. Hahn was an exception as Shonda was essentially told to write her out by ABC with only one episode of notice, and obviously with Lexi they were planning to kill her off in the crash so there wasn't much they could do as build-up (although she definitely could have been given more to do in the back-half of S8 considering that they knew she was leaving.) I thought Teddy's exit was strange and rushed, but I didn't care much for her so I wasn't bothered at all.


 Alex has been my favorite since day 1, but I haven't enjoyed him much this season or last, so unless they majorly change how they are writing him, then I am fine with his character shuffling off to the parking lot.  If Camilla doesn't stay, then Alex paired with any of the women currently on the show will be worse for me then him leaving.  And I have no interest in watching him get no personal storyline and only professional/support stuff like he has been getting in the last two seasons.  Given the choice of him leaving and his exit being offscreen and just referred to next season or him staying but having a season like the last two, I would prefer that Alex just disappear in search of greener pastures.


This is an incredible gig for Justin Chambers and I can see why he wouldn't want to leave, but selfishly I would like to see him do other things because he is completely wasted on this show.


(Sorry I keep jumping back and forth in the threads, I am just as disjointed and all over the place as the writing on Grey's! *rimshot*)

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This is an incredible gig for Justin Chambers and I can see why he wouldn't want to leave, but selfishly I would like to see him do other things because he is completely wasted on this show.


Same for me. I can definitely understand why JC would stick it out until the end at this point. He gets paid well and has lots of family time. Its frustrating for me to watch because he's my favorite but I have no problem seeing how it works out great for him. I really would love to see him in some Netflix/cable drama. When he actually gets some material he's so good.

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 Alex has been my favorite since day 1, but I haven't enjoyed him much this season or last, so unless they majorly change how they are writing him, then I am fine with his character shuffling off to the parking lot.  If Camilla doesn't stay, then Alex paired with any of the women currently on the show will be worse for me then him leaving.  And I have no interest in watching him get no personal storyline and only professional/support stuff like he has been getting in the last two seasons.  Given the choice of him leaving and his exit being offscreen and just referred to next season or him staying but having a season like the last two, I would prefer that Alex just disappear in search of greener pastures.


This is an incredible gig for Justin Chambers and I can see why he wouldn't want to leave, but selfishly I would like to see him do other things because he is completely wasted on this show.


(Sorry I keep jumping back and forth in the threads, I am just as disjointed and all over the place as the writing on Grey's! *rimshot*)


I'd just love for him to stick it out until the series ends. He and Meredith have always been my favourite characters along with Cristina, so I'd hope to see them make it to the series finale. I used to really love Bailey, but her character has been ruined for me over time more so than Alex has (I still like her, but I find myself less connected to her and often annoyed by how she's written.) With Alex, it's just frustrating to me that we see so little of him outside of being a pal to Meredith. I do love his scenes with her and I enjoy their friendship, which I know is where I differ with some people here, but I still want more for him outside of that.


Sadly I can't see things changing anytime soon, especially if we get more new characters next year, but I selfishly still want Alex around. I love seeing him interact with patients and I love how much we've seen him grow - I just think he needs a real meaty storyline to start showing the other sides of him again. 


I think for JC it comes down to knowing that he has it good - before Grey's he wasn't exactly getting great roles (The Wedding Planner, anyone?) and there's no assurance that he will after this. Now he has 10+ years of friendship with this cast and crew, a great paycheque, and considerable time off to spend with family. At 45 years old, I can see why he'd be incredibly content with that. Plus, outside of these message boards, a lot of people still really, really, really loves Grey's - they connect with it, it helps them through tough times, and they're very vocal about that with the cast. So I still think it's a fulfilling job in many ways which is extremely hard to come by. 

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I feel like they may be adding out Jo like they did with George. We saw very little of George in his last season.


Also the fact the only info we are getting about the Jolex relationship is that they are having great sex. Crowen was having great sex too, but in the end that was all their relationship was about.


The other thing we have to consider is do we want Jo as the new Ortho Specialist if Callie leaves?


I have rewatched most of the episodes in season 12 and I have a feeling that merlex is on a slow simmer that will boil in season 13 or even 14. As much as some people do not want it to happen, it will lead to some great storylines. If Merlex does happen, they will both fight it, because they will be afraid of loosing each other at the Mercy Death Hospital.

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I feel like they may be adding out Jo like they did with George. We saw very little of George in his last season.


Also the fact the only info we are getting about the Jolex relationship is that they are having great sex. Crowen was having great sex too, but in the end that was all their relationship was about.


The other thing we have to consider is do we want Jo as the new Ortho Specialist if Callie leaves?


I have rewatched most of the episodes in season 12 and I have a feeling that merlex is on a slow simmer that will boil in season 13 or even 14. As much as some people do not want it to happen, it will lead to some great storylines. If Merlex does happen, they will both fight it, because they will be afraid of loosing each other at the Mercy Death Hospital.


It will lead to some great storylines...for Meredith.  Maybe at first for Alex, but then it will be allllll about Meredith and I am just not interested in that.


I think that Jo in Ortho has been stalled until they figure out if SaRa is staying.  If Callie leaves but Jo stays, then I think that Jo will choose a specialty that someone else already has.  Jo did mention that she has been working on Cardio as well as Ortho.  


I think that the writers are retconning Alex and Jo a little bit here, and that may be because they are writing Camilla out.  But Jo and Alex have always enjoyed each others company, gotten each others' point of view, had similar interests and been sexual.  Cristina and Owen always had the angst and the sex, but I, for one, never saw what they had in common or really why they liked each other.

Edited by Deanie87
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I agree that they're retconning them. They just seemed to stop interacting at all this season. At least Japril Calzona we got to see how the relationship hit rock bottom whereas Jolex will probably all happen via a throwaway scene in the finale.

And the thing that gets me is that while I know a lot of the online fandom have had issues with Jo I don't think she's Penny levels of hated. Camilla herself is very positive about the show and interacts with the fandom a lot on Twitter. She's a great spokesperson for the show.

What the writers have against integrating her I'll never understand.

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Taking a break from her cat poop commercials, Katherine Heigl tells Howard Stern she's still sorry


Why Heigl did not let the Emmy voters decide that one for themselves is one of life's great question marks, but Heigl now says that her comments were never really about Grey's. They were about Heigl herself! "I wasn't feeling good about my work that season," she told Stern. "I didn't feel good about my performance."




It actually is a really interesting conversation that we've been having a bit - Katherine mentions how season 4 had so many series regulars and she felt like they couldn't possibly write 'dramatic, juicy stories' for all of those characters. Imagine how she'd feel now with a group of 16+ actors all vying for screen time. 

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US Magazine article: 

Katherine Heigl Opens Up About 'Grey's Anatomy,' Emmys Withdrawal Drama: 'I Was Really Embarrassed'

Its great that she's talking about it now. Good for her, using people not letting it go for publicity as she's partnering with Cat's Pride (and likely others at some point) to raise more money for her foundation to help animals. She's awesome, keep those cat poop commercials coming to raise more/help save more.


E! has a whole article as well: http://www.eonline.com/news/758371/katherine-heigl-says-criticizing-knocked-up-was-dumb-and-talks-emmys-controversy-and-reputation

Edited by windsprints
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I just can't take her seriously.  I get the spin she is going for, but there have always been reports about  her being very difficult and entitled even going back to her Roswell days.  To be fair, a lot of it is attributed to her nightmare of a Momager.  But she needs to be careful about painting herself as some poor David to Shonda/Judd's Goliath because all the those "industry insiders" who tell stories about her can resurrect their own stories.  From what I remember people just didn't want to work with her.  And because she wasn't pulling in the box office, the decision not to work with her was easy.


It sounds like she has hired a new PR team and they are trying to shovel her out from under her own shit.  Eh, good for her I guess.  I still think her "apology" sounds very passive aggressive.  And the thrown in therapy bit just sounds really.... calculated. 


Yeah my biases are showing.  I just can't stand her.

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Rejoice. Ellen Pompeo says Meredith and Alex are not romantically linked: they're "too much like brother and sister." 


In an interview with TVLine, the actress says she believes Alex and Meredith make better siblings than sweethearts. “I think they’re too close… too much like brother and sister. I have super-close friends who I’m not romantically attracted to at all. So I think just because you’re so in love with someone in one way doesn’t mean it’s a romantic love. But they certainly do understand each other a lot.”
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This week was a season low 2.0 for Grey's (season low), down from the 2.1-2.2 from the last weeks, so not a huge drop.  I'm somewhat surprised by the drop off but the weather has been really nice on the east coast (and I think throughout the country) so that sometimes effects the 8pm shows.  Last year's episode was Derek's death, so not even going to bother with the year to year comparisons.  


Scandal was down to a series low ( I think) 1.5 and The Catch fell below a 1.0 with a 0.9 (ouch).  


Grey's is ABC's #1 show for the week, but it looks like they had a lot of repeats.  Also tied with Survivor for the #3 show overall.

Edited by Greysaddict
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Grey's did a 2.0 last night, making it again the second-highest rated drama on broadcast behind only Empire. It was also ABCs top-rated series this week (Modern Family was a repeat.) Again, it's super impressive especially considering many shows slid to series lows this week (NCIS fell below a 2.0 to a 1.8 for the first time in its 13 year run) and Empire has been down every week since its return. 


Scandal hit a series low in the demo last night at 1.5 and The Catch did an 0.9. 


Hah, whoops.... Greysaddict beat me to the punch. 

Edited by BaseOps
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No, The Catch's 0.9 was below Rush Hour's 1.0. 

The first chart I saw had The Catch above Rush Hour. The link above has them tied so not sure what the real is since its different in different places.  It was #1 (going by the linked chart) in 18-34 if ABC cares about that demo.

Edited by windsprints
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The first chart I saw had The Catch above Rush Hour. The link above has them tied so not sure what the real is since its different in different places.  It was #1 (going by the linked chart) in 18-34 if ABC cares about that demo.


I saw two different accounts of The Catch's early numbers, too. I typically trust SpoilerTV. 

For the finals, Grey's stayed at a 2.0, Scandal 1.5, and The Catch 0.9. That put The Catch 0.1 behind Rush Hour for 10PM. 

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"It's amazing how much you can get done without a penis."

Wow... what a crude, classless thing to say.


Imagine if one of the guys on the show had referred to SO's departure as the loss of "a vagina?"


EP must make MH and the other male actors around her feel really valued.


I am done with her.

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Wow... what a crude, classless thing to say.


Imagine if one of the guys on the show had referred to SO's departure as the loss of "a vagina?"


EP must make MH and the other male actors around her feel really valued.


I am done with her.


I haven't watched the clip, so I may not have the right context, but I'm wondering if this code for "Patrick Dempsey was kind of a dick (penis) and now things are easier."   Let me be clear - I'm not saying that, but PD/EP apparently had some kind of falling out, so maybe that is her way of saying that without actually saying that.

Edited by Deanie87
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I haven't watched the clip, so I may not have the right context, but I'm wondering if this code for "Patrick Dempsey was kind of a dick (penis) and now things are easier."   Let me be clear - I'm not saying that, but PD/EP apparently had some kind of falling out, so maybe that is her way of saying that without actually saying that.


She's very complimentary of PD in the clip. Ellen Degeneres says people thought the show would end when Patrick left and noted how well it's doing, and Pompeo said "it's amazing how much you get done without a penis." 



I haven't watch it but apparently she said Shonda wrote the finale!



She didn't say that in this clip but it wasn't the full segment, so maybe she said it on-air. 

EDITED: Here's the full interview: 




She says it will probably be 2.5 weeks of filming for the finale and says "Shonda is writing" but she could mean revisions as I believe Shonda does a final draft of every script. 

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I don't care for the quip, and if Justin Chambers had said something similar after Sandra's exit, there would have been pearl clutching and angry Tweets directed toward him.

There is a Land called Passive Aggressiva, and there is a new queen, it seems.

To tell the truth, since Dempsey's "removal," I find the character of Meredith, bitchy, abrasive and rude. I'm concentrating on the other storylines. She made me actually side with AMELIA when it came to their showdown regarding Meredith not calling any of Derek's family. She blindly accepts anything that Owen says about Riggs, despite seeing with her own eyes that he's a competent Doctor, and that Owen is acting like raving lunatic.

I do realize that Ellen can't exactly side with Dempsey, falling out or no. We know what happens when an actor crosses the Queen. There's a death toll. Shot, thrown under and dragged by a bus, killed in a plane crash and eaten by wildlife. John Oliver even used Grey's as a punch line this week, showing a picture of all the dead docs and wondering WHY?! YOU WORK IN A HOSPITAL!

Why, indeed, Shonda.

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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I do realize that Ellen can't exactly side with Dempsey, falling out or no


JMO, but its not even about siding with him. A few of the cast made some canned statements. Its been a year and she could have done the same long ago. I have no idea what could have happened but I am convinced something did. Something more than "he wants to race". He's been practically shunned by the majority of the cast. Shonda may be a bitch (I have no idea what she's really like) but I really can't imagine Ellen being at risk with Shonda had she made some canned/written by a publicist statement during the year.

Edited by windsprints
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I think Ellen has been really complementary of PD, noting that many fans were very upset when he left, which she said is "super understandable", and she said the cast / crew all "miss him dearly." She even said it has been a real challenge to now work without him. I'm not directing this to anyone in this thread, but in general I think people have been way too quick to jump on Ellen for her statements since his exit. Feelings for Meredith as a character aside, what is Ellen really supposed to do? Revolt? She's not going to say "I'm devastated, the show is shit without him, etc." She has said that she and the cast miss him, she values his part in the series, but she's excited about the new stories. If you watch any of EPs interviews she's always very sarcastic and silly, and her original comment here was clearly a joke. She's addressed before that it got a bit annoying to hear that the show was doomed when he left, because there wasn't such an outcry when Sandra Oh - a much more pivotal character - left. Patrick is one of a long line of actors who have exited the show over 12 seasons. I really don't think any of the Shonda / Patrick drama was as big of a deal as the press and some fans made it out to be. He was clearly ready to move on and she made it happen in the only way that made sense. 

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I think Ellen has been really complementary of PD, noting that many fans were very upset when he left, which she said is "super understandable", and she said the cast / crew all "miss him dearly." She even said it has been a real challenge to now work without him. I'm not directing this to anyone in this thread, but in general I think people have been way too quick to jump on Ellen for her statements since his exit.

I've never thought that she needed to be devastated or gush about him publicly. I think the expectation that she should talk about nothing but him or wish to leave the show because he did is ridiculous (I've mainly seen it on twitter; not speaking of anyone here). I do think the backlash would have been eased with a simple statement issued right after PD left but JMO.  I also don't care that PD left the show or that Shonda choose to kill off the character of Derek. I do think the exit was written badly just as I think Izzie's exit was written badly.

Edited by windsprints
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I don't think that Sandra Oh's departure can be compared to Patrick Dempsey's, as far as fan anger and resentment is concerned. There was no outrage because we the viewers were prepared for Sandra to leave. It was announced at the beginning of the season, that Season 10 (?) would be her last. There was no "whispers and rumors" about her departure. She simply decided to move on, gave notice, and fulfilled her contract. The character even moved on. She got a kick ass job somewhere else. Cristina wasn't brutally murdered. She wasn't shot, squished by an airplane fuselage, t-boned by a semi while dialing up her cell, or (literally) thrown under a bus. It seems to be a pattern that when Shonda's favorites leave (Isaiah Washington, Sandra Oh) they get a "normal" departure. A cool job at a better hospital. Why didn't the others? I'm convinced that if Katherine Heigl had shown up in Shondaland one more time, Izzy would be dead. Graphically dead, as befitting someone who had really ticked Shonda off. That's probably one of Shonda's biggest regrets. She didn't get a chance to dismember Izzy Stevens with a soundtrack playing in background, She didn't get to waste a gallon of fake blood and make her DEADER than DEAD. The show's regular character death toll is getting to be a joke (and John Oliver and his writers evidently agree). Why couldn't Mark Sloan have moved on to LA, plastic surgery capital of the world? Why did he have to die? Why couldn't George have gone into the military as he planned? Why couldn't Lexipedia have accepted a position at Mayo or Johns Hopkins?  Yeah, death scenes are great drama, and killing off someone like George was the ultimate in emotional manipulation....it was like watching a puppy get hit by a bus. But, it's getting out of control. It's Overkill. 

Fans were blind sided by Dempsey's departure. There was little warning. There was no full season build up, like Sandra got. It was a hastily thrown together, shittily written, confusing block of shows, with bad green screen images, no members of the cast besides Meredith trying to make sure that Derek didn't die, and scenes that time hopped around and fast forwarded by a YEAR. It seemed "off." It seemed disrespectful to the guy who was the face of the show since day one. It was Dempsey on the cover of People and other magazines when Grey's took off in the beginning. He deserved better. Fans were (and still are) pissed. Sandra was written off with dignity and respect. There was nothing to get angry about.  Patrick was basically shoved out the door, with it hitting him in the ass as he left. 

Ellen's comment. Was it snark? Or did she just call him a dick? It was one of those things that is way too open to interpretation and now getting way too much attention, because no one really knows what she meant. No one is watching the whole interview (I did), they're just focusing on that one line.  I've seen half the fans on the internet thinking it's funny and that she was joking, the other half calling her a bitch for it. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
to, too, and two.
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On April 26, 2016 at 6:48 AM, windsprints said:
I think Ellen has been really complementary of PD, noting that many fans were very upset when he left, which she said is "super understandable", and she said the cast / crew all "miss him dearly." She even said it has been a real challenge to now work without him. I'm not directing this to anyone in this thread, but in general I think people have been way too quick to jump on Ellen for her statements since his exit.

I've never thought that she needed to be devastated or gush about him publicly. I think the expectation that she should talk about nothing but him or wish to leave the show because he did is ridiculous (I've mainly seen it on twitter; not speaking of anyone here). I do think the backlash would have been eased with a simple statement issued right after PD left but JMO.  I also don't care that PD left the show or that Shonda choose to kill off the character of Derek. I do think the exit was written badly just as I think Izzie's exit was written badly.


I agree to an extent, but I don't think that any statement would have lessened the blowback from angry fans. She has been complimentary in several interviews and I think she did the best she could. But, yea, I guess a concrete statement would have been nice. I agree that the way he was written off was kind of crappy, I think he had to die but I hated the follow-up (especially the 2-hour episode after he died.) Izzie was a different story because Katherine Heigl was scheduled to return to set and she never did, so it was out of the writers' hands in a sense. 

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I don't care for the quip, and if Justin Chambers had said something similar after Sandra's exit, there would have been pearl clutching and angry Tweets directed toward him.


I disagree about this, and I love the quote. I don't think it's referring to Dempsey at all -- I think first and foremost, it's referring to Shonda. The show is run by women, for women, and it's about women getting stuff done. It sounds like she's referring to Shonda and her control of the show (where women get stuff done).

Secondarily, it may also be referring to Grey's as a show itself. Grey's does show how much gets done when women rule the world (or at least the hospital). It's one of the reasons I love it: it's this fantasy where women occupy nearly all the positions of power, where the Chief of Surgery, and heads of Cardiology, Neurology, Pediatrics (Arizona is Alex's boss) and Orthopedics are all women. I don't remember about General Surgery (if that's Richard or Meredith), but otherwise only Jackson in Plastics and Owen in the ER (I think?) is a male head of a department. Otherwise, it's all women.

I suppose I see the remark as the distant cousin bookend to Tina Fey and Amy Poehler's "Bitches get stuff done."

Edited by Eolivet
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I didn't care for MerDer by the end of S3 but I did like Derek and I like PD. I thought the exit was terribly written and that the character and actor deserved a decently written exit episode. I fully understand that there are fans who still are upset, miss the character, the couple and seeing their favorite actor on tv each week.  That being said, I don't have any problem with them writing Derek out via death. I don't buy for a second that fans would have been accepting of Derek leaving Meredith & their 3 kids to live in DC. The backlash would have been huge with comment after comment about character assassination and how McDreamy would never do that. It also would have left Meredith stuck if the show continues on for multi seasons (seems that it will at this point).

I honestly do not understand the comparison to Sandra Oh exiting and Patrick Dempsey exiting. Sandra fulfilled her contract and did not renew. She didn't seek to be let out of it early. The producers and writers had probably a year or more (I'm guessing she at least hinted at not returning before it was official) to plan Cristina's exit.  Clearly there was zero bad blood between Sandra and the cast/crew and she left on very good terms.

IMO, the only exit really comparable to Patrick's is Katherine's. Both of them signed on for two years then wanted out. The reasons or way they went about it may have differed but what they wanted was the same. PD has said in 2 (probably more, I don't read them all) interviews that he was not fired and that he wanted to move on. I believe him over people on twitter who don't know him saying he was fired and shoved out. Its not rumor or hearsay its him saying it and being directly quoted.  

Shonda absolutely had the opportunity to kill off Izzie if she wanted to. Izzie returned in an episode where she tried to reconcile with Alex then left; an underwhelming exit to say the least.  My guess is that she never cared all that much about Alex & Alex/Izzie so she couldn't even bother writing an emotional exit.  As an Alex/Izzie fan I can say I absolutely would have preferred Izzie exiting via death over the lackluster exit.  The death would have at least given Alex more material - oh wait, maybe that is it, they don't write for Alex.

There have been a lot of deaths (ER had a lot of deaths too) but IMO its more because its an easy way to give an emotional exit than anything else.  Addison left without dying. So did Hahn,Teddy, Smash & Leah. Mark died but I thought he had probably the best written exit of all. YMMV.

ETA: Grey's Anatomy Cast Hints at 'Potential Disaster' in Season Finale

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1 hour ago, windsprints said:

Shonda absolutely had the opportunity to kill off Izzie if she wanted to. Izzie returned in an episode where she tried to reconcile with Alex then left; an underwhelming exit to say the least.  My guess is that she never cared all that much about Alex & Alex/Izzie so she couldn't even bother writing an emotional exit.  As an Alex/Izzie fan I can say I absolutely would have preferred Izzie exiting via death over the lackluster exit.  The death would have at least given Alex more material - oh wait, maybe that is it, they don't write for Alex.

When she made her final appearance, I thought Katherine Heigl was still scheduled to return at the end of Season 6 after she had her maternity leave? Then she didn't, giving the media some BS excuse about not being informed of her return date, which led to the writers scrambling with the confusing Lexie/Alex relationship.

I didn't think Derek's exit disrespected either him or Patrick...he got to go out a unquestionable hero, in an hour where his was the only storyline, and his wife went off the reservation for a year from grief, with a bonus baby thrown in for fans (it's not like Ellis was an integral part of the story, she may as well not exist now). I'm not sure how much more respectfully his exit could have been written, given that as a family man he had to die.

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Yeah, I was also under the impression that Heigl was supposed to return, and did not. You KNOW that Shonda was pissed. Between that, and the comments that KH made regarding the Emmy's (which she now seems to be backtracking all over the place in an attempt to get work, perhaps?), Izzy would have been a greasy spot under a helicopter on the roof top landing pad. (RIP, Dr. Romano)

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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I think Izzie would have survived the cancer and then been killed off in the shooting at the end of the year. 

2 hours ago, windsprints said:

Shonda absolutely had the opportunity to kill off Izzie if she wanted to. Izzie returned in an episode where she tried to reconcile with Alex then left; an underwhelming exit to say the least.  My guess is that she never cared all that much about Alex & Alex/Izzie so she couldn't even bother writing an emotional exit.  As an Alex/Izzie fan I can say I absolutely would have preferred Izzie exiting via death over the lackluster exit.  The death would have at least given Alex more material - oh wait, maybe that is it, they don't write for Alex.

Katherine didn't return for her next scheduled appearance. That was never supposed to be her exit. 

2 hours ago, windsprints said:

There have been a lot of deaths (ER had a lot of deaths too) but IMO its more because its an easy way to give an emotional exit than anything else.  Addison left without dying. So did Hahn,Teddy, Smash & Leah. Mark died but I thought he had probably the best written exit of all. YMMV.

Addison couldn't have been killed off, though, as she left for a spin-off. Teddy, Smash (heh, now I can't remember the actual character name...) and Leah would have all made little impacts with their deaths. Also, Hanh's exit was written with basically 0 notice. ABC had Shonda write her out with one episodes notice, hence her exit being basically explained on-screen in the next episode. 

4 hours ago, ChicksDigScars said:

The show's regular character death toll is getting to be a joke (and John Oliver and his writers evidently agree). Why couldn't Mark Sloan have moved on to LA, plastic surgery capital of the world? Why did he have to die? Why couldn't George have gone into the military as he planned? Why couldn't Lexipedia have accepted a position at Mayo or Johns Hopkins?  Yeah, death scenes are great drama, and killing off someone like George was the ultimate in emotional manipulation....it was like watching a puppy get hit by a bus. But, it's getting out of control. It's Overkill. 

It's always been a soap, though. Of course after 12 seasons there's going to be an unbelievable amount of death... as there's been an unbelievable amount of near-death-experiences, disasters, accidental pregnancies, out-of-control doctors keeping their jobs, etc. It's a drama series, so yea, sometimes the drama is just for drama's sake. I agree that Lexi didn't have to be killed off, but I think Mark did. Shonda said herself that she couldn't write him as just leaving his child behind - ditto for Derek. And I agree on both counts. But Lexi's death was a big shock and provided a great moment. By S8 I knew to expect that from the show. I do agree that the death count of main characters is of course implausible and quite high, but it's nothing new. People have been saying the disasters were over-kill by S3, but they bring in viewers. I do hope we can finish out this season without any more disasters or major deaths, though. 

46 minutes ago, ChicksDigScars said:

Okay, I'd like to make a small exception to my earlier opinion. If they plan on adding to the Grey's Death Toll by killing off Penny....I'm okay with that! 

This we can all 100% agree on lol

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When she made her final appearance, I thought Katherine Heigl was still scheduled to return at the end of Season 6 after she had her maternity leave?

Thanks, I had forgotten about that. I remembered her leaving then returning to try to reunite with Alex & he declined.  I just searched to refresh my memory after reading your post and found this (for anyone else who didn't recall):



During the course of the fifth season, Izzie was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma (Stage IV) which spread to her liver, skin and brain. Following the show's one-hundredth episode wrap party, Heigl revealed she did not know if Izzie would survive, as no one on the production team would disclose her character's fate to her.[38] It was confirmed in June 2009 that Heigl would return as Izzie for the show's sixth season.[39] Heigl's appearances in the season were sporadic, seeing Izzie depart and return twice.[40] Although she was scheduled to appear in the final five episodes of the season, Heigl requested that she be released from her contract 18 months early, and made her final appearance on January 21, 2010.[41] Heigl explained that she wanted to spend more time with her family, and did not think it would be respectful to Grey's Anatomy viewers to have Izzie return and depart yet again.[40]

In August 2010, Rhimes stated that she did not feel Izzie's character arc—specifically her relationship with Alex—had fully concluded, and hoped to give proper closure to their relationship in the seventh season.[42] She later confirmed that she had intended to kill off Izzie off-screen, but opted against this a day later as she felt that it would destroy Alex, rather than give him closure.


Grey's Anatomy's Jerrika Hinton Teases 'Excruciating' Steph/Kyle Development

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