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S02.E08: Adjusting To Married Life

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I've never agreed with folks who say RyanD and Jaclyn should have been paired (or who wonder if they were meant to be paired) and after seeing the challenges Jaclyn and her Ryan faced at the check out counter in the grocery store tonight, I know there's no way in hell they would have been a good pair. First, RyanD wouldn't have handled Jaclyn wanting to pay as well as Ryan did (and even Ryan was irritated). Second, as soon as RyanD had attitude with Jaclyn (and he would have), she would have went off. She wouldn't be as passive as Jessica and wouldn't let it simmer either. I think *that* would have been a trainwreck pairing. 

Edited by I-Kare
  • Love 7

One of Davina and Sean's biggest problems is lack of time together, right? Yet, on one of his rare days in the city, he has lunch with his cousin? I guess maybe Davina had a hair appt or something. Sean is always ON!! Acting a part for the onsite crew. Phony.

Jaclyn, God bless her, gets on my nerves. But for this couple to work long term, she will need to move to LI, which might also mean a big career shakeup too. Not sure if Ryan is truly worth that upheaval. His dedication to mom and niece is commendable, but it should never be an either/or conundrum.

Please God, let Jessica and Ryan split NOW! Terrible, damaging, hurtful, hateful, shitty match. End the madness before it gets physical. Ryan is extremely immature, and he doth protest too much about the wedding money fiasco. I think Jessica put her Monroe back in, too, just to piss him off. Man. Go home, guys! Seriously, the show should have stepped in to end their experiment, imo, before really bad stuff could happen.

Did Ryan drop off his laundry for fluff and fold, while Jessica stayed behind to wash her own stuff? Yikes.

None of season 2's people has the true spirit of this experiment. It's very odd to me. I guess they signed up just for the thrill of doing reality.

  • Love 11

I hope this Jaclyn and Ryan R. drama is manufactured as all hell. If not, these experts should have never paired him with a woman that lives so far away from his niece. His mother is nearly 70 taking care of a pre-teen? Oh boy.


Ryan D. and Jessica continue to crumble. What's new. How can they come back from this? He's an abusive ass. Telling her to go read a book. He can't think of a nice thing to say to her. Smirking while she cries. He is terrible.

  • Love 18

Please God, let Jessica and Ryan split NOW! Terrible, damaging, hurtful, hateful, shitty match. End the madness before it gets physical. Ryan is extremely immature, and he doth protest too much about the wedding money fiasco. I think Jessica put her Monroe back in, too, just to piss him off. Man. Go home, guys! Seriously, the show should have stepped in to end their experiment, imo, before really bad stuff could happen.


Seriously! And if the two of them aren't usually this way, then the two of them are making each other worse. If they're having these kinds of issues 3 weeks in? Good god, cut bait now. If they were just dating, there's no way they'd be together at this point. 

  • Love 6

Ryan D  was so hurtful and degrading during his argument with Jessica.  His 'read a book' comment, and then his refusal to think of 1 nice thing she had done for him their entire marriage, after she had already done it, and was obviously offering him a white flag?!?!?1   DOUCHE LORD!


Sean and Davina were ok this week, but they seem all surface, and no depth.


Ryan R. got on my nerves this week, and I felt bad that he started to shut down just when Jac opened up.

  • Love 16

Dr. Pepper is the worst. By saying Ryan and Jessica would be "sexy", did that mean they were paired based on looks?

That fight made me cringe.

I was just going to comment on that! A sexy pair isn't necessarily a compatible pair, Pepper. Gosh. (Sidenote: your username rules, Janet.)

I didn't watch season one in full, but I've been committed to this season. All I've gotten out of it is, "Ryan R. seems like a nice guy."

But back to Jess and Ryan D. The silent treatment? Seriously? I tried that with my husband for like, ten minutes before totally caving. I know they're strangers, but for the sake of the experiment/their marriage/television, you'd think they'd try just a little bit harder.

  • Love 5

•• Ryan D. is the biggest douche bag- and Jessica has nothing to do with it. Maybe Jess does need to communicate better. But when she does try to talk to him, he runs away. Ryan said some awful things to her this episode and there was no reason for it. When he talks about his Grandparents- he's delusional! He wasn't with them 24/7... It's a guarantee that they had problems that they had to work through. Their marriage wasn't all smooth sailing- no marriage is. Especially when you're together for as long as he said they were. Someone needs to tell him that. I don't think his Grandfather treated his Grandmother the way he treats Jess. I don't know them- so I could be wrong.

•• Jaclyn (spelling?) and other Ryan were my favorite couple- the couple that I thought would make it. But Ryan was getting on my nerves crying about how homesick he is. His niece and mother and brother aren't gonna die without him. He's an hour away- and he can call them. I felt bad for Jess- but I really felt bad for Jaclyn. She opened up to him and he seemed to open up to her. He's not really giving them much of a chance. I don't understand what he expected from this experiment. He got married!! Maybe he doesn't take that as serious as a lot of people do. I don't know.

Sean and Davina (spelling again??)

Does anyone else think they're really boring?

I definitely see why they're matched.

  • Love 11

Sean and Davina were ok this week, but they seem all surface, and no depth.



You know, for some reason I got the impression that the times we saw Sean and Davina together were the only times they were actually together. As in, there wasn't anything edited out, those were literally the only times they saw each other. Could be wrong, just a feeling.

  • Love 10
One of Davina and Sean's biggest problems is lack of time together, right? Yet, on one of his rare days in the city, he has lunch with his cousin? I guess maybe Davina had a hair appt or something.

I wondered about that, but then thought it was likely a weekday and Davina was at work. Since Sean works 12 hour shifts I assume he only works 3 to 4 days a week, some of them weekends.


Dr. Pepper is the worst. By saying Ryan and Jessica would be "sexy", did that mean they were paired based on looks?

I feel like the 'experts' got a little cavalier in their matches this season because of their relative success last season when 2 couples stayed together. It's like they thought Monet & Vaughn's failed relationship was a fluke and they were oh so confident in their ability to match people they didn't take as much care this time. Maybe they were rushed by the production schedule.


As much as I am not really liking any of the couples this season, the experts are just pissing me off. Their continued commentary in the episodes of how the couples aren't doing the right things, but none of them actually showing up to counsel them (in person, Skype doesn't count), is just annoying. It's like they're the peanut gallery heckling the couples from the balcony.


This probably sounds horribly sexist, but isn't it usually a woman who says "I shouldn't have to tell you what I'm thinking, you should just KNOW".  Ryan douchebag just amazed me with that.

The most amazing part is that they've only known each other about 2 1/2 weeks. That might be something you can say when you've been together several years, but Jessica was right when she said they were still strangers.

Edited by absolutelyido
  • Love 13

Ryan D. is no prize but I found myself sympathizing for him because I too feel like Jessica is a brick wall.  The way she talks over him and never lets him speak is unbelievable and so frustrating that if anyone did that with me I'd storm out too.  I think he is getting a bad image because she's pushed him to the edge.  He's not THAT bad a guy for the right woman, but her issues are like flaming red flags to me.  I'm usually one to side with a woman in these things but not so with these two.  Everything he said about how she makes him feel is how she has been making ME feel for weeks on end, so I tend to think he's more OK than she is.  He's still douchy and not evolved enough for me, but then again Jessica makes my blood boil.  She really needs to grow the fuck up, seriously, and stop bringing her baggage into this relationship.  He is looking far worse because he can't even talk to her without her closing down and not listening to him.  She puts him on the defensive and when he tries to explain himself she makes that impossible.  I have been saying for weeks that she does nothing but make him the bad guy and vilify him and then HE says it on camera himself!  I don't see him as being so bad to her if she would just stop being a brick wall.  When someone acts that way there's really nothing you can do and it's so frustrating that you end up acting just like Ryan.  Anyone would.  Mother Theresa would, seriously.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 9

Ryan R. is another one that needs to grow up.  I think Ryan is a great guy but he needs to realize that when you get into a serious relationship you have to put that FIRST.  He is acting like a married or divorced guy who needs to be close to his kids, which is admirable but I don't think Jaclyn bargained for playing second fiddle to a pre-existing family.  Jaclyn is spot on in her assessment of him.  She is a very mature and perceptive person for her age, IMO.  She is right that Ryan is not emotionally invested enough in their relationship to be able to put her first before his mother and niece.  I don't think he should have to feel guilty for having his own life that might take him away from his mother and niece.  He should be ready by now to cut the apron strings with his mom.  He is acting like it's because he thinks it's important to be around them from an obligation point of view, but I think he can fulfill that obligation and not be there 24/7.  I think it's that he is not emotionally ready to let go even just a little bit.  I don't care how old the niece or the mother is, he is acting way too paternalistic like they'll just fall apart without him.  He can go visit them weekly and I'm sure they'll be just fine.  The problem is that he is acting like a kid who isn't ready to leave the nest, and he should be by now.  He should have known that this was likely to happen before getting involved in this marriage.


I think Jaclyn is such an extrovert that she overwhelms Ryan and wears him out.  She needs to dial it back a bit and go with the flow a little.  She would also drive Mother Theresa bat shit insane.  I thought Ryan was being (again) way too paternalistic and old fashioned in not letting Jaclyn pay for the food.  I work and I pay for the food in my marriage.  I'm 56 and if my husband wouldn't even let me pay for something ONCE I'd tell him to stop acting like my father.  This is where Ryan reminds me of men older than his generation because most guys his age that I know would definitely back down the ONE time a woman volunteered to pay.  Then again, Jaclyn was way too in his face about it.  I might have said, "OK, have it your way" but know I'd find a way to pay next time when he's not around.  If he still protested that much I'd not feel comfortable with that.  Today couples have to have a little give and take and this old fashioned "I'm the man and I pay" attitude is outdated.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 5

Jessica and Ryan were too upsetting for me so I fast-forwarded some but still got the gist. I think Ryan's a jerk from the jerk store, but I honestly feel awful for both of them. Bad matching. Bad!


The show should drop these useless experts and bring in the psychic matchmaker lady. At least she is empathetic and caring. I've only seen two episodes but she had a 50% success rate.


The grocery payment argument -- if Jaclyn had been matched with Ryan D, I don't think she would have challenged him in the first place. She's deliberately pushing Ryan R to test his limits. Ryan R may be a sweet guy but Jaclyn does not bring out the best in him. She realizes he's not fully into her but seems to be incapable of easing off her hard-charging style.

Edited by lordonia
  • Love 2

The show should drop these useless experts and bring in the psychic matchmaker lady. At least she is empathetic and caring. I've only seen two episodes but she had a 50% success rate.


Ha! I totally agree! She was doing MUCH better and seemed to at least think about who she was matching up!

The producers should have never matched people who lived this far apart. Nor should they have expected Ryan to go from living on site with his orphaned Neice to a hour away. He considers that girl his child. In a choice between my child and a stranger - child wins every time.

I kept waiting for Jaclyn to say, "That little girl is your family, so she's my family, too. That's how it works. So let's figure something out so we can all be together." Yes, the niece IS like his daughter, and I don't think Jaclyn would expect Ryan to live away from an actual daughter. This is no different.

  • Love 10
I kept waiting for Jaclyn to say, "That little girl is your family, so she's my family, too. That's how it works. So let's figure something out so we can all be together." Yes, the niece IS like his daughter, and I don't think Jaclyn would expect Ryan to live away from an actual daughter. This is no different.


I still think that's an awful lot of baggage to expect Jaclyn to have to accommodate especially since she didn't sign on for it.  I could see her agreeing that he should be involved with his niece, but just how involved does he have to be if he has his own life to consider?  I agree with Jaclyn that he shouldn't feel like it's a choice between them and her, but he is not willing to compromise on the family so he can't see it any other way.  I feel sorry for Jaclyn because IMHO she deserves better than that.  I think the experts should have known this up front before matching them.  I remember when I was doing the dating sites, if a guy said he had custody of 5 kids and was not willing to let anything stand in the way of them (including not even being able to take a phone call without the kids butting in all through it) I knew right away that he was not ready for a full time commitment to a woman.  You have to be willing to compromise on that if you are going to have a relationship.  If you can't see it as anything but either/or, you're just not ready, IMHO.

  • Love 5

The payment argument seemed... Off. And by off, I mean forced. So did Ryan telling Jaclyn's family he's homesick. That's weird to go on about to these people you don't know. I could see Sean doing that but it doesn't seem to fit with Ryan R. I think he has more social skills than that. At one point it seemed like that they tried to make one of Ryan's interview comments seem like he said it to Jaclyn in the apartment and that really bugs me.

I was all "where did that come from?" When Jessica started in on Ryan about he drives a Benz and lives in Staten Island since I never got the impression that he mentioned stuff like that in way, but then his "I'm not explaining it read a book!" Really makes me wonder what isn't being shown. I would have been out the door when he made the laundry comment. Why is Ryan bothering to stay if he can't think of ONE nice thing about her?! Seriously? Not one. I think Jessica staying shows that she does seem to have it in her head in some way that she's not entirely worth better treatment, and not too strong willed so an easy target for the "Experts" to manipulate into staying this out. The "Experts" sicken me most in this relationship. Jessica mentioned she's told them she has communication problems. Dr. Pepper (even her name is a joke!) basically said it all in the "they'd be sexy together" comment. They were good looking for the show which matters most.

I'm so confused about the wedding money fight. Too bad that wasn't on camera.

  • Love 10

Why did Ryan R even go on this show if he had no intention of compromising his living situation? Did he really expect to marry someone who would be willing to make all the compromises and move by his mother and niece?


As far as Ryan D and Jessica, ugh, just split already.  He has zero respect for her and nothing will change that. She's also a sad-sack who has too much baggage. He needs someone with fire and confidence to put him in his place and she just doesn't have that.  If they are this miserable at the beginning of their relationship and don't like each other at all what's the point?

  • Love 3

Why did Ryan R even go on this show if he had no intention of compromising his living situation? Did he really expect to marry someone who would be willing to make all the compromises and move by his mother and niece?


The more I see of Ryan R. the more he reminds me of older men complete with that paternalistic attitude that made him argue with Jaclyn over her buying one freaking bag of groceries.  I wouldn't be surprised if he came into this half expecting that Jaclyn would just cave in and move to Long Island and take on his niece and mom as family like a dutiful old fashioned family oriented wife.  I'll bet even the so-called "experts" expected that.  They mistook Jaclyn's professed importance on family to mean that she'd make huge sacrifices in her career to accommodate it.  That was where they were wrong.  Perhaps they are getting a lesson in this new generation of women.  Good for Jaclyn.

  • Love 6

Is it me or is it becoming harder and harder to find good parts in this season?! One thing that I did like was when Jaclyn realized Ryan's pulling away a bit. She seemed to stay reasonably calm, reminded him that they're in it together for the time being and both were smiling. That little thing puts them light years ahead of the other couples. It's unfortunate she chose to grind him into the ground about paying for groceries. Hope they're able to work out something regarding the old mama and the young niece...

Jessica and Ryan le Douche. Still feel the same about them. Run, Jessica, run.

Regarding my favorite weirdos, whose idea of great fun and exciting, bonding times (and coming out of their comfort zones, of course) are snow angels and pillow fights, I was really disappointed to learn that the blonde he was at the restaurant with was not some side piece. D reminded him that she agreed to move to Jersey after two years. She also said twice that she would never live in Jersey so never wins. She seems to want this a little more than he does yet Joe C. blamed her earlier on for bringing her mountain of relationship related baggage on the honeymoon, and he seems to defend creepy Sean. I can't for the life of me understand why the experts liked him so much. I have to admit, I'm curious as to how big and badly this pairing will blow up. This isn't juvenile jerkiness like Jessica and RD; there seems to be some epic ugliness with both bossy Davina and seemingly "sensitive" Sean. His constant analysis of his feelings makes me nuts. I didn't think human beings could possibly use clichés more than Vaughn and Monet but I was wrong.

  • Love 3

I was all "where did that come from?" When Jessica started in on Ryan about he drives a Benz and lives in Staten Island since I never got the impression that he mentioned stuff like that in way, but then his "I'm not explaining it read a book!"


When he said, "I'm not explaining it, read a book", I took it to mean that he feels she is so much lower than him on the scale of self and other awareness that he couldn't possibly explain himself to her.  Actually, from what we have seen on the show, I don't see anything to prove the opposite is true.  She is so closed off to him that nothing he says or does is going to help.  I personally think she is making him out in her mind to be much worse than he actually is.  He's no prize in my opinion but she is acting WAY out of proportion to the reality, IMHO.  Again, it's her baggage coming in and warping everything she sees him do to be motivated in the worst possible way.  And he's just not THAT bad, IMO.  Just because he is a douche doesn't mean he's the villain she's made him into in her mind.

  • Love 2

Hi everyone,


First post here -- I've been lurking for a while, but after tonight's show I just had to join the site and get some stuff off my chest (since nobody else in the family watches this show).


I've been rooting for Ryan R. and Jaclyn, and I still hope that they'll make it, but Ryan R. is starting to frustrate me and, though at first sight he seems like a nice guy, there are some things that bother me about him:

- I don't like how he keeps talking about Jaclyn's libido. Why does the whole world have to know about that?

- I didn't like how rigid he was about when they might have a baby. Yes, it's too early to talk about it, but he wasn't even trying to consider Jaclyn's points about her biological clock.

- In tonight's episode, he actually seemed to get angry when Jaclyn wanted to pay for the groceries. I think she said that she would pay for this now, and later he would pay for something else. They were both stubborn about it (though in the end it was Jaclyn who gave in), but he was the one who got bent out of shape about the whole thing. Why not let her pay if she wants to? He totally disregarded her wishes.

- I appreciate the fact that he feels responsible for the well-being of his family, but I wish he stopped talking about it. This "experiment" is only 6 weeks long; can't he concentrate on developing his relationship with his new wife during this time?


And lastly, one other thing I noticed is that Jaclyn is always willing to re-evaluate her behavior, admit to her mistakes, and try to do better. I don't think I've heard Ryan R. say anything like that so far. I still think he's basically a nice guy, but it seems to me that he's only thinking of what he needs and not really considering the needs of his wife.


I hope he'll come around and start to care for Jaclyn as much as she seems to care for him. Maybe he'll miss her while she's in Florida? I couldn't quite catch what he was saying about that in the preview...

  • Love 11

I've never known anyone to brag about being from SI. In fact, people tend to do the opposite...

Yes, I felt sad for Jessica that she seemed to feel inferior because RyanD lived on Staten Island and drove a Benz. How pathetic is that? She truly has self-esteem issues that need serious work. But Ryan is not the man for her.

Re the wedding money ongoing fight: Somebody correct me, please, if I'm misunderstanding:

Last episode, we found out that Jessica and Ryan had received a relatively significant amount of money in wedding gifts. During one of their few reasonable convos (eating out v. shopping/home cooking) Ryan brought up the wedding cash and said Jessica could have it all for herself. Jessica objected, said the money belonged to them as a couple and suggested they use the cash to do something special for both of them. Ryan seemed to agree.

Later in that episode, during their blowup, Jessica complained Ryan had pocketed $100 cash because he was running low. He countered that she herself had taken $30. The discussion infuriated Ryan, and he interviewed that she made him sound like a thief and scumbag, and he's neither. He told she had "crossed a line," and if she wasnt careful, he'd do the same to her.

Then, during tonight's fight, the subject of the wedding money came up again. This time, Ryan put a different, self-serving spin on why he took the money. He told Jessica that the checks written out to him were HIS to bank, and she could take the checks written to her. (No mention of cash, though.)

Did I understand that right?

Because if thats right, no wonder Jessica was upset. By differentiating between "his" versus "hers," he's showing his lack of commitment to the marriage/experiment, as well as his obvious mindset that the union would not last beyond the contracted six weeks.

I do believe Jess entered this baloney in good faith, and realizing Ryan wants out after three weeks makes her sad, mad, disappointed, furious and betrayed.

I absolutely agree that we arent seeing half of whats going on between J and R. Must be terrible.

  • Love 8

Welcome, Bunny!

I think your assessment of Ryan is spot on - he's going with the flow for the time being, but really hasn't contemplated what will happen at the end of the experiment. As others mentioned, he might not be in a place to start a new relationship. Jaclyn, bless. She seems like she's really willing to put in the effort - I wonder if she'll be able (or willing) to adjust her energy level to fit Ryan's.

Sean has such a creepy sense of humor, but he and Davina seem to amuse each other so more power to them, I guess. He was really trying to convince himself that Teh Sex was imminent in some of those talking heads, huh? They were pretty bearable this week in an odd duck kind of way.

Ryan and Jessica are excruciating to watch. If you see someone screaming their head off at a brick wall, it's not the brick wall that looks foolish. He is a small, small man.

  • Love 10

I am a new “Married at First Sight” fan!!! … Until tonight.  This episode was very sickening and sad to watch.  Were these individuals interviewed at all?  Did they not know what marriage consists of?!!!!  I see why some of these participants were single!!!  Why are they not getting more assistance?  I hope things get better….quick!
Ryan and Jaclyn – At first, I felt sorry for Ryan.  He was totally into Jaclyn but she did not like his accent or the way he looked.  He did not like being a buddy and wanted to be more intimate.  Well now, Jaclyn has fallen for him… and he wants his mommy!!!  That is crazy!!!  He can call or visit them!!!  And to bring up his “HOMESICKNESS” in front of her family was horrible and immature!!!  Grow up!!!  Jaclyn just needs to tone down the public arguments/fight over power and attempt to let Ryan be the man!  The supermarket scene and restaurant scene was unnecessary and foolish on her behalf.

Ryan and Jessica  -  I really sensed that Ryan did not like Jessica from the beginning.  He is hateful, immature and disrespectful towards her.  He is a bully.  I cringe for Jessica because I don’t like to argue either.  Even when she tries to talk to him, he gets aggressive.  He is scary and I can see him getting physically abusive.  If he doesn’t “like what he see”, let him go on instead of hurting Jessica further.  If Jessica wanted to make him look like a bad person, she could have told both families about everything that he has done.  Instead, she covered from him.  Ryan has a memory problem.  He does not remember anything that he does or says.  Yes, he is a scumbag!  He needs to read a book on how to talk to people!!!  God forbid if Grandma took all of that from Grandpa!!!  He needs to realize no relationship is as perfect as he is making their union to be.  Jessica needs love and comfort.  How in the world did they see that in Ryan?!!!  He is a butthole and nobody deserves him.  Was he not eyeing and slobbering behind Jessica’s female company on New Years!!!  How many times did he compare Jessica to her??  Jessica is too beautiful of a person for him.

Sean and Davina  -  How did Sean get to be so super sensitive?  Did they not consider that Davina did not want to leave New York?!!  Not much to say about them.

  • Love 4

I don't like how he keeps talking about Jaclyn's libido. Why does the whole world have to know about that?

Given that we saw Jacyln point out that her lipstick was on the crotch of his pants in the middle of a store, I think she mentions it a lot more. His seemed to be a talking head that they have repeated more than once. Also, what was up with the place they were shopping and all the mismatched towels! I have been to several cheap ass stores looking for odds and ends but they managed to have matching towel sets. It was a funny contrast to the well merchandised store in Manhattan that D/S went to with its $85 towels.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 2

If Ryan R is that homesick, that soon into this, he should have just formally applied for a mail order bride with the condition that she'd live with him in the basement. Jaclyn should stop "testing" his boundaries of manhood--that is why he wouldn't back down on letting her pay for the groceries. Otherwise I commend Jaclyn for being open to see him as the nice guy he is, however, now that they are intimate, I think he's back-lashing a bit because she made him feel bad about not being attracted to him, not to mention, she's not as demure as he would have liked. Get a mail order bride Ryan! And miss out on having a real women who can hold her own yet grow with you thru it all.

Ryan D is still getting the douche of the year award, but Jessica was bound to screw this up too. I agree, it's her baggage that has her so dillusional to think that she waltzed right into some "dream come true" crap. Wake up girl. I feel for you, but this ain't going no where but divorce land. Sadly, had she not given him any yet, he'd still be treating her like she was a mistake he'd have to put up with for a matter of some weeks. Sigh...

Dear Dr Pepper, they don't need to shower compliments on each other at this point. They need "real" counseling on how to give enough respect for each other for once let each other finish a sentence and at least act like they're listening. They have no respect for each other and I think respect went out of the window on they're wedding night....Sigh....

  • Love 8

If Ryan R is that homesick, that soon into this, he should have just formally applied for a mail order bride with the condition that she'd live with him in the basement. Jaclyn should stop "testing" his boundaries of manhood--that is why he wouldn't back down on letting her pay for the groceries. Otherwise I commend Jaclyn for being open to see him as the nice guy he is, however, now that they are intimate, I think he's back-lashing a bit because she made him feel bad about not being attracted to him, not to mention, she's not as demure as he would have liked. Get a mail order bride Ryan! And miss out on having a real women who can hold her own yet grow with you thru it all.



I have no idea what Ryan R was doing applying to show where the outcome is marriage as he seems really not ready.   I guess he had this utopia in mind where his "bride" would move right on in to his mom's basement.   I feel bad for Jaclyn as she is now putting herself out there and he won't shut up about being homesick.   When he was yakking away to her family I literally was cringing and it looked like Jaclyn was too.   As good of a guy he seems to be, there does seem to be something off about him.  

  • Love 10

I think in Ryan and Jacklyn's relationship, Ryan didn't think he would be paired up with someone with such a strong personality, and hoped he perhaps could convince her to move into his home?  I know he feels responsible for his family, and I understand his commitment, however, is he going to give up a marriage, or choose to live in a downstairs basement for the rest of his life?  He should have thought this through.


Dr. Pepper, you are useless.  I think Dr. P. looks defeated already and realizes her mistake in pairing this couple; so much for experts.  These 'experts' bombed this year in pairing couples, as I can't imagine that these were the final three who would be the ones perfectly paired for the show.

  • Love 4


Yes, I felt sad for Jessica that she seemed to feel inferior because RyanD lived on Staten Island and drove a Benz. How pathetic is that? She truly has self-esteem issues that need serious work. But Ryan is not the man for her.


I have been trying not to put it in quite this way for weeks, but everything about Jessica screams "ghetto mentality" to me, and her obvious feeling of inferiority to anyone who has the trappings of making it like a Benz and perhaps a nice apartment or house (even on Staten Island, which probably looks better to her than to others) is probably making her feel too insecure and inferior to be in the relationship.  I think a lot of her difficult behavior with him is motivated by self-sabotage.  The experts probably didn't realize that Ryan was going to seem too "out of her league" for her based on his income level, or her perceived image of him based on the trappings of his success.  She seems so threatened by it.  During the conversation about paying the rent she was very concerned about how much the rent was even though Ryan told her it was not out of his reach.  She insisted on being able to pay a certain percentage.  And then the bit about being shocked over how much he spent on food - That was not a crazy amount for someone who can afford it.  I definitely think she would not feel so threatened if they had found her someone closer to her own income level.  They may have had things in common growing up but judging from what I've seen online, both Ryan and his family have risen above Canarsie and gone on to better things financially.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 4

The only "expert" statement I heard last night that rang true was Dr. Logan's comment about couples needing to know how to fight and how that's key to the relationship. I think someone else said that their maximum silent treatment has been about 10 minutes, which is the same with me and DH. If a couple can argue well, they can move on and not hold onto hurt that cracks the foundation of their relationship. Ryan Douche and Jessica needed an intervention with real people in the room. I would have chosen professional movers as the real people, but they needed something.


A lot of the repetition from Ryan Relatives and Jaclyn seemed to be producer induced. Also, she's exhausting. Did the "experts" pair an introvert and an extrovert in order to see what happened? Did they even consider introversion and extroversion? Does Jaclyn know what an introvert is, and has she considered that Ryan might be one? Also, I see their problems as being so very, very manageable in the short term, with solutions available in the long term as well. I really hope that after the 6 weeks they decide to part company and date like normal people. (That would be an interesting First Year show; YMMV.)


Maybe the previous weeks of Davina and Sean frustrated the producers as much as they did the viewers. Whatever reason, thanks for the sanity break with that pair, TPTB! They were truly boring this week, which was a huge step up from the other episodes.

  • Love 5
The only "expert" statement I heard last night that rang true was Dr. Logan's comment about couples needing to know how to fight and how that's key to the relationship.


I liked this comment as well, and believe it.  But the way Jessica and Ryan are fighting, at 3 weeks in, is really sad.  I don't believe we've seen much laughter from them throughout the show, which is why I think maybe the editing is off. 

I also liked that Dr. Pepper said something about how during the fight and silent treatment they didn't pack up and go home, and they still slept in the same bed.  Seems like signs of something of commitment there. (Or they decided to hang on for the 6 weeks.)


I don't know, my hope is that we (the audience) are being played a bit by the producers so that guessing who is still together at the end of the 'experiment' is harder to do.  But I thought that last year with poor Monet and Vaughn.  And nope, they were done after 10 days, nothing could get Monet to work to save her marriage.

Edited by cardigirl
  • Love 1

I don't know, my hope is that we (the audience) is being played a bit by the producers so that guessing who is still together at the end of the 'experiment' is harder to do.  But I thought that last year with poor Monet and Vaughn.  And nope, they were done after 10 days, nothing could get Monet to work to save her marriage.


You could very well be right about the viewers being played. The producers need to show some drama in order to have a story arc, so if Jaclyn and Ryan R dis each other for a whopping 10 minutes a week, they'll show us that 10 minutes, or create it with leading questions. Especially his comments about his family in front of her family - I don't believe he's that stupid. On the flip side, if Jessica and Ryan Douche get along for 10 minutes a week, they'll show us enough of that to keep us guessing.


Where this approach goes wrong IMHO is that they've done this on The Bachelor and Bachelorette, to the extent of hiding the Final 1 and making it look like the second-place girl/guy is the one that the lead has fallen for. But online, I see repeated comments and complaints that viewers want to see the romance. They don't watch for a mystery, in other words. They watch to see something develop. Again, there has to be some question, because if Joe loves Sue at first sight and everyone knows it, why should we watch? So Angie, who Joe might date in the absence of Sue, is shown as a strong contender.


The point of bringing up that show is to note that there needs to be a balance between creating a compelling story line and showing the viewers what they want. I have never, never, ever read a comment that a viewer wants to NOT see the primary relationship develop, however. Never. I could be wrong, but that's my experience.


Also, ditch these "experts" and play spin-the-bottle or something next season. 

  • Love 8

Ryan and Jaclyn: He needed to put down the deal breaker from the beginning just like Davina did. Not going to move away from Stoneybrook, he needs to be close to his family, this is who he is, so they better match him with someone who was willing to move for him or lived near his hometown. Too late now. He really turned me off when he was at her family's house endlessly whining about missing his family. Not the place, not the time. 


Ryan and Jessica: I don't think he could be a good match for anybody. He has a lot to learn. What an immature bitch he is. The bottom line is that I think he was humiliated and embarrassed that Jessica brought up the $100 topic in front of the camera's. That is what seemed to send him into his hateful rage and he's not ever going to let her forget it. He's the type that can hold a grudge forever. It's exhausting to live with someone like that. 


Sean and Davina: I liked that they were jogging together in the park. I don't think they are going to make it, though. She is joyless.  

  • Love 7

The point of bringing up that show is to note that there needs to be a balance between creating a compelling story line and showing the viewers what they want. I have never, never, ever read a comment that a viewer wants to NOT see the primary relationship develop, however. Never. I could be wrong, but that's my experience.


Also, ditch these "experts" and play spin-the-bottle or something next season. 

If there's going to be any more new seasons of this 'experiment' then the three experts need be fired and replaced with experts that can do a better job of vetting the applications before they match people up. Seriously, they've lost all credibility as experts since they have mismatched these three couples so egregiously.


I'll just focus on one of the couples, Ryan and Jacyln. Now that she's attracted to Ryan she acts like a cat holding onto a set of curtains with claws dug in. Jacyln is too boisterous for Ryan. His personality is low-key and he needs a woman that's softer. Jacyln has sharp edges, she laughs too hard and too long over things that aren't that funny. I have seen him look at her like she had 3 heads when she starts bellowing out laughter at something that's not funny at all. There is no balance at all with any of these couples. It's nearly impossible for any of these couples to fall in love and proceed with a successful marriage. They don't even like each other but the experts thought they might be able to work out the logistics problems? The problems with logistics are often the cause of the failure of a relationship between two people who are actually in love with each other, and these couples aren't even 'in like' with each other. I watched the scene when Ryan wanted to hug Jacyln and she jumped into his crotch like a koala bear on a tree. I don't think he expected that much overkill but made the best of it. Ew, that was so awkward.



IF they're casting for the next season of Married At First Sight the experts should take away some lessons about the way they've miscasted this season. None of the couples are suited in any way, none. The experts seem to think that the 'opposites attract' rule actually applies to anyone because it really does not. They've set up these 3 couples up for failure by putting insurmountable obstacles in their paths. It's sad what they've done to these 3 couples even though they willingly signed up for this.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 12

Welcome, Bunny!

I think your assessment of Ryan is spot on - he's going with the flow for the time being, but really hasn't contemplated what will happen at the end of the experiment. As others mentioned, he might not be in a place to start a new relationship. Jaclyn, bless. She seems like she's really willing to put in the effort - I wonder if she'll be able (or willing) to adjust her energy level to fit Ryan's.

Sean has such a creepy sense of humor, but he and Davina seem to amuse each other so more power to them, I guess. He was really trying to convince himself that Teh Sex was imminent in some of those talking heads, huh? They were pretty bearable this week in an odd duck kind of way.


Thanks, girlplease! :)


I do hope that Jaclyn will tone down her energy level a bit, but I'm actually a little concerned about her having to change her personality so much just to make Ryan more comfortable. I know people like her can be exhausting, especially for introverts, but I do like her, and I'd hate to see her become a shadow of herself because she wants to please her husband. I personally prefer people like her, who are honest and tell you exactly what they think about a situation, as opposed to people who play nice but then stab you in the back. I think she's fun and has a good heart, and I hope she'll hold on to those qualities. But I do think that she can be grating and aggressive, too, and she does need to change that.


I laughed at Sean "trying to convince himself that Teh Sex was imminent." :D And I agree about Jessica and Ryan. It's painful to watch them pout and fight.


Ryan and Jessica  -  I really sensed that Ryan did not like Jessica from the beginning.  He is hateful, immature and disrespectful towards her.  He is a bully.  I cringe for Jessica because I don’t like to argue either.  Even when she tries to talk to him, he gets aggressive.  He is scary and I can see him getting physically abusive.


I agree. He is a bully, and I have wondered myself if he could become physically abusive in the future (when the cameras are not there anymore) - thought I doubt they are going to make it after 6 weeks.


Given that we saw Jacyln point out that her lipstick was on the crotch of his pants in the middle of a store, I think she mentions it a lot more. His seemed to be a talking head that they have repeated more than once.


Yes, Jaclyn pointing that out in the store was a bit too much. At least she lowered her voice then a bit. ;)


Yes, Ryan saying that Jaclyn's libido was through the roof was a talking head that they have repeated several times, but in last night's episode he brought it up again. He said something like Jaclyn wants to have sex several times a day, while he's good with just one romp a day. Didn't he say before that he's always ready for sex? With a big smile? That was before Jaclyn agreed to have sex with him. I guess he didn't expect her to have this much sexual energy in her.


If Ryan R is that homesick, that soon into this, he should have just formally applied for a mail order bride with the condition that she'd live with him in the basement. Jaclyn should stop "testing" his boundaries of manhood--that is why he wouldn't back down on letting her pay for the groceries. Otherwise I commend Jaclyn for being open to see him as the nice guy he is, however, now that they are intimate, I think he's back-lashing a bit because she made him feel bad about not being attracted to him, not to mention, she's not as demure as he would have liked. Get a mail order bride Ryan! And miss out on having a real women who can hold her own yet grow with you thru it all.


LOL, you're right; he should have gotten a mail order bride instead of going on this show.


Yes, I get that Ryan wants to show that he IS a man, and you're right, Jaclyn should stop testing his boundaries. I think she did say something like that last night. But if Ryan is doing this as payback for Jaclyn not being attracted to him from the beginning, then that's a huge red flag. That would mean that he's a petty score keeper, and that would make for a terrible marriage.


About the other couples, watching Sean and Davina makes my skin crawl, and watching Jessica and Ryan D makes me very uncomfortable. I think Ryan D thinks that he's above Jessica, and Jessica absolutely feels that. It's just not a good match.


Dr. Pepper counseling them through Skype was pitiful. She just talked at them, not with them (at least, that's what we saw; who knows what the editors cut out) and I don't like how she just cheerily signed off when both Jess and Ryan were still obviously upset with each other. I was actually surprised that Jess stayed. I would have left  already. And, though Jess can be pretty immature, she was the one who tried to break the ice and tried to find something nice to say about Ryan. Ryan, on the other hand, had nothing good to say about her. That must have been extremely painful.


Well, from the preview of the next episode it seems like they will actually have some better moments, so we'll see.

  • Love 5

For this to work. Jessica would need to change her communication style. Ryan D would need to change his entire personality. His comment about not being able to thing of ONE SINGLE nice thing to say to his wife was mean and hurtful, intentionally so. Why on earth would someone want to live with a spouse that is intentionally hurtful and cruel? That, right there, is the definition of abuse. Red flags wouldn't just be going up, they would be waving around with fireworks and sirens. These experts are worthless. This thing is a powder keg, and they need to step in before it turns violent. 


Why the experts are worthless Part 2...why on earth would they choose someone for an experiment who has such strong emotional obligations for his family (Ryan R) that they can't fully commit to a spouse? It is one thing to make the decision to cut the apron strings for a wife he has known for some time and has strong feelings for, but another to ask him to cut the ties for someone he doesn't know. I'm sympathetic, but I don't know is his attachment, while commendable, is entirely healthy.  And where are Ryan's other sibs? Can't they pick up some of the slack with mom and niece?  


This show used to be delicious, but now it is just sad. 

  • Love 11


There is a lot about Jessica that makes me roll my eyes. I can't believe she was a casting holdover from last season when there are so many things about her that make it clear that she is neither marriage-ready nor camera-ready (I say that because of her career aspirations). I cringe when she opens her mouth and I'm a native New Yorker. She seems like a kind person, albeit not the brightest. .

I can't say anything about Ryan D. that hasn't been said, but I thought th picture of the grandparents on the nightstand was an odd choice. If I were Jessica, I would not want to look at that picture while in bed for obvious reasons.

I didn't realize that adults still pulled "the silent treatment." How childish. I think that if I were dating someone, a stunt like that would be a deal breaker.

Hate to say it, but the silent treatment was my MO with my husband. Probably because I saw my mom do it to my dad. But that was what was surprising to me...usually dudes don't do that. It's us women that pull that one. So when Ryan not only did it, but continued to do it for what seemed like a long time (but could have been maybe an hour or so) was unsettling. I have liked him and them and have defended them regularly in posts, but last night's episode was disturbing. I really felt the producers should have pulled back a little on them and not shown as much. It was just too private. And while I think Ryan did/said some really crummy things last night, I felt throughout the episode that she must have said something that REALLY ticked him off. He's a real macho guy and puts a lot of emphasis on being the man and the breadwinner, and I think it hurt him that she implied that he was stealing money from their stash. And you knew she knew she went too far, because she began to backpedal. But to say she should know what he was upset about...well, that's not a good argument. He wants her to spit it out...but then he won't do it? Well...you'll all be shocked when I say this but I still feel they have a chance. No, I'm not saying it because I can't admit defeat. I still see something between them. We've seen a lot of crap between them, and it seems like it's been non-stop. But if it was this bad all the time like it's been shown, I seriously believe one of them would have moved out already. Yeah, this was a disturbing episode, that's for sure.

  • Love 2


Ryan D. is no prize but I found myself sympathizing for him because I too feel like Jessica is a brick wall.  The way she talks over him and never lets him speak is unbelievable and so frustrating that if anyone did that with me I'd storm out too.  I think he is getting a bad image because she's pushed him to the edge.  He's not THAT bad a guy for the right woman, but her issues are like flaming red flags to me.  I'm usually one to side with a woman in these things but not so with these two.  Everything he said about how she makes him feel is how she has been making ME feel for weeks on end, so I tend to think he's more OK than she is.  He's still douchy and not evolved enough for me, but then again Jessica makes my blood boil.  She really needs to grow the fuck up, seriously, and stop bringing her baggage into this relationship.  He is looking far worse because he can't even talk to her without her closing down and not listening to him.  She puts him on the defensive and when he tries to explain himself she makes that impossible.  I have been saying for weeks that she does nothing but make him the bad guy and vilify him and then HE says it on camera himself!  I don't see him as being so bad to her if she would just stop being a brick wall.  When someone acts that way there's really nothing you can do and it's so frustrating that you end up acting just like Ryan.  Anyone would.  Mother Theresa would, seriously.

Neither of them were listening to the other in their arguments last night, but I did notice something. Jessica in anger said he thought she was beneath him because he had a BMW and made a lot of money. Now where did that come from? I just don't remember him ever acting uppity towards her in that respect.


A lot of the repetition from Ryan Relatives and Jaclyn seemed to be producer induced. Also, she's exhausting. Did the "experts" pair an introvert and an extrovert in order to see what happened? Did they even consider introversion and extroversion? Does Jaclyn know what an introvert is, and has she considered that Ryan might be one? Also, I see their problems as being so very, very manageable in the short term, with solutions available in the long term as well. I really hope that after the 6 weeks they decide to part company and date like normal people. (That would be an interesting First Year show; YMMV.)


I've wondered myself whether Ryan is an introvert, which might be only making Jaclyn act even more extroverted trying to get a rise out of him.  Then again, she might be so extroverted naturally that she'd make another extrovert look like an introvert!  I think the problems they're facing now are evidence that relationships need to take a step back and follow a certain evolution in order to succeed.  Jaclyn is right that Ryan is thinking too far ahead.  If they just lived apart and dated for a while they'd find a way to solve the problem eventually if they did fall in love and become that committed to each other.

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